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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 22, May 28, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Paul Schultz. Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 302. WEBTV TRANSMISSION TROUBLE Some subscribers with email addresses at webtv.net may have stopped receiving The E-Sylum. Apparently we've been marked as "spam". Perhaps this is a side effect of the growing size of our mailing list, and NBS should be flattered. But I'm not amused, and will investigate to see what can be done. Luckily this only affects four subscribers, but I hate to see even one delivery miss its mark. Whatever happened to "Neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night..."? POSTAGE CURRENCY PATTERN BOOK PUBLISHED David Cassel writes: "May 31, 2000, marks the six-year anniversary of my research into Postage Currency pattern coins and the beginning of my Postage Currency research collection. The book I have just completed, entitled: "United States Pattern Postage Currency Coins", a survey of U. S. pattern Postage Currency 10 cent coins of 1863 and the related issues dated 1868 and 1869, is complete and at the book binders right now being assembled and bound. The anticipated delivery date to me is June 12th. My research has led to many discoveries that I have revealed for the first time regarding these historic coins and the method in which they were manufactured. I have disproved many Judd classifications and have added some new classifications. The book has 234 pages with more than 100 enlarged, mostly color photographs of Postage Currency coins. Due to the very high cost of printing, I will be producing only 110 perfect-bound numbered copies of my book. Forty-four of the 110 have already been spoken for. The remaining sixty-six copies are available on a first come, first served basis. My published price is $145 per copy, but, for E-Sylum readers I will offer the remaining copies for $125 ppd.for a limited time only." For more information, contact Mr. Cassel at this address: DavCassel@aol.com. MORE CELEBRITY NUMISMATISTS Ken Barr writes: "I'm surprised that no one mentioned Michelle Johnson (15 minutes of topless fame for "Blame It on Rio") who bought an 1894-S Barber dime for $50,600 in the Jerry Buss sale (Superior, 1985). Her current claim to fame is being married to Arizona Diamondbacks third baseman Matt Williams." Bill Rosenblum writes: "A few "CELEBRITY" numismatists that I know of: Angie Dickenson, the actress, whom I met at a show in the LA area in the early 1980's; James Earl Jones was a customer of a number of LA firms and thus was persuaded to narrate the video that David Lisot produced, the ANA and PNG sponsored a number of years ago that was seen on PBS ... (And I can't remember the name of it). Also, the ex-mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, was an avid numismatist and two other collectors (or more likely investors) were Randy Gradishar, ex-linebacker for Ohio State and the Denver Broncos, who helped us with some free advertising work for coins shows we ran in Denver in the early 1980's and Julius (Dr. J) Erving. I also know a few other comparatively famous people who collect (and are serious numismatists) but since I value my clients' privacy I can't reveal their names at the moment. I'm sure there are plenty of similar people out there." THE CHAINED LIBRARY Over the past few weeks your editor has been squeezing in time to read "The Book on the Bookshelf" by Henry Petrosky, first profiled in The E-Sylum on October 25, 1999. The book is a fascinating account of the evolution of the bookshelf, something we bibliophiles take for granted today. One step in the evolution was the chained library. In the era preceding the modern printing press, books were laboriously hand-made and thus all were quite rare and valuable. "To assure that books were not moved from their rightful lectern, they were chained to it. This constraint led to other developments, for A chained book cannot be read unless there is some kind of desk or table on which to rest it within the length of the chain; that fact conditioned the structure of the bookcase. Again, since a chained book cannot be moved to the window, the window must be near the book; that determined the plan of the building... Among the first implications of chaining was to obviate the need for the constant availability of keys to unlock rooms, chests, or armaria. The books were openly available but secured by chains that ended in rings strung on a long rod, as shower curtain rings are on a shower rod." p60. About a week after reading this passage I was struck with a realization that the evolution continues today, and in one sense has come full circle. Today's scholars sit not just in front of books, but computer screens as well. While becoming less expensive each year, computers are still a valuable item that the owners don't want to "walk away". At my office I use a laptop computer, and when I'm not carrying it with me, it remains fastened to the desk by the means of a long, low-tech chain. Someday technology will further reduce the cost of the device such that the chains will once again disappear from desks, no doubt to return again to secure the next generation's newfangled devices. WASHINGTONIANA Another nomenclature debate around the hobby surrounds the proper term for medals, tokens, and other numismatic items depicting or relating to George Washington. In the May 15, 2000 issue of The Coin Collector, Q. David Bowers writes: "The preference of "Washingtonia" (this being the modern term for Washington collectibles) over the traditional "Washingtoniana" (used in the 19th century by the likes of W. Elliot Woodward, Joel Munsell, Franklin B. Hough, et. al.) seems to be fading, perhaps at least in part due to the comments made at the "Washingtonia" conference held by the American Numismatic Society in New York last November." Citing comments by David T. Alexander and George Fuld, Bowers states that "for the meantime it will be "Washingtoniana" in our catalogues." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is "Dawn's Virtual Currency Collection", a nicely done site containing images of U.S. currency. Site owner Dawn Banks writes: "The site started off as a hobby, to try to make a currency site that'd cover US currency in a fairly complete way. It kind of grew." Be sure to check out the page on currency myths. http://www.drbanks.com/currency/ http://www.drbanks.com/currency/myths.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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