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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 30, July 23, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Catherine Audval of France, Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 302. Question: if Catherine is our latest E-Sylum subscriber, who was the first? Answer below. LAKE BOOK WEB SITE OPENS Numismatic literature dealer Fred Lake reports that he "has officially opened a web site for Lake Books. The web address is http://www.lakebooks.com/. The site has a listing for their current sale which has a closing date of Tuesday, July 25, 2000, and also contains information on past sales, a "history" of the company, a spot for future fixed-price lists plus many other features." Fred can be contacted at fredlake@aol.com. SHIH'S MODERN COINS OF CHINA This note arrived Thursday: "I am Sharon Shih, daughter of Kalgan Shih, author of the book: Kalgan, Shih. MODERN COINS OF CHINA. 2nd English Edition. Shanghai: 1951. We, his offspring, donated his entire coin collection to the Shanghai museum in order to keep the collection complete as a reference of his book. Recently, I went back to China to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition on his coins. The exhibition runs from July 15 to Aug. 15. It was a great opportunity for me to learn something more about my father and the basics on Chinese and foreign coins. I also brought back a new book on his coins published by the Shanghai museum. It is a beautiful and higher quality book compared to my father's book although the latter has its historical importance, i.e., it is the first book in China on Chinese modern coins with pictures! I would like to find out whereabouts of my father's book overseas so that I can ask Shanghai museum to send the new book to those places. The new book will then be side by side with my father's book. Therefore, I appreciate very much if you may provide any information or advice on this matter." [Editor's note: Sharon Shah may be reached at this address: shshih@nortelnetworks.com. It's not clear from her request if she'd like to donate copies of the new book to libraries, or sell copies to collectors and dealers. Perhaps both. If any of your obtain a copy of the new book, please send us a review for The E-Sylum] EDITIONS OF STEWART'S MINT HISTORY NBS Board member Pete Smith has this question for our E-Sylum readers: "Jesse Watson's 1926 book on "The Bureau of the Mint: Its History, Activities and Organization" has an extensive bibliography. He lists the 1924 edition of Stewart's "History of the First United States Mint, its People and its Operation" published by the author in Camden, NJ. He also lists a 1925 edition published by William J. Campbell in Philadelphia. I can't recall seeing a previous reference to a 1925 edition. It is not in Clain-Stefanelli, Davis or Sigler. Can any of our astute E-Sylum readers confirm the existence of the 1925 edition or explain Watson's error in listing it?" NUMISMATIC CATALOG CDS David Cassel writes: "In answer to your question concerning the CDs: I received the first of two CDs from UBS, the Basel auction firm, in December 1999. "Gold and Silver Coins Auction 48, 25 - 27, January 2000" was featured on their first CD. A very fine paper catalog also accompanied the CD. Several weeks later the same firm came out with a fixed price list on CD with also an accompanying paper catalog. The quality of the CDs are excellent." Andy Lustig notes: "I'm probably the 82nd person to point this out, but UBS (formerly Swiss Bank) started issuing catalogs on CD about two years ago." Well, just the second. But it looks like Heritage's CD is not the first numismatic catalog CD after all. Can anyone pinpoint the date of the first UBS CD, or tell us about an earlier CD? Karl Moulton writes: "Perhaps some clarification is due in regards to the heading of "The very first auction catalogue CD" that is found on the cover of my July 2000 list. Since the list has to do with American numismatic literature, it can stand as being a correct title. However, in a technical sense, no, the Heritage CSNS 2000 sale was not the very first auction CD ever issued. While I'm no expert in worldwide numismatic literature, I can cite two different examples that were issued earlier than the Heritage CD. The first, (there's that word again) was for the UBS auction David Cassel mentioned. The second is for the February 29, 2000 Munauktion Tkalec AG sale (thanks to Dan Demeo). There may be others, but if any were actually released prior to 2000, I'm not aware of them. I am definitely NOT trying to hype the catalogue CD. My primary desire is to make people aware of its significance and the changes it will bring. Since the auction CD enjoys worldwide usage, we, as dedicated bibliophiles need to grapple with the new concept of "electronic literature". Only through discussions can we eventually agree on proper terminology, classification, and so forth. The CD is here and being used now. Even if the technology changes in the future and the CD becomes obsolete, (I don't think it will become as useless as an 8 track tape), that's fine. It will make them even more collectible, as it is extremely doubtful they would ever be "reprinted" in a newer format by the original issuers. The auction houses will push for quick acceptance due to the cost factor being only a small percentage when compared to the extravagant printed catalogues that have been produced lately. It all boils down to a case of simple economics - that being more profit!" NUMISMATIC TERMS: MEDAL, TOKEN, JETON Bob Knepper of Anaheim, Calif, writes: "Mr. Daniel's suggestion in E-Sylum v3#29 of including some definitions is excellent. I'm having trouble, despite the preliminary definitions given, of distinguishing among "medal", "token", and "jeton". I'm very slowly working on a listing of the possibilities in my theme collection. Unless / until I can find some way to separate medals from tokens from jetons, I'll lump them together. If the "experts" will tell me how to divide them, great." COUNTERSTAMP VS COUNTERMARK Alan Luedeking sent the following note for our terminology discussion: "Here's a quick question for our E-Sylum readership: In a discussion the other day with a friend the question of the distinction between the terms "countermark" and "counterstamp" came up. I know this topic has been written about before, but do not recall when/where. My personal interpretation is as follows, and I'd like to know if most numismatists find this acceptable, or if there is any kind of consensus on this issue: "A countermark is an unofficial struck mark or stamp applied to a coin, token or medal for commercial reasons such as a revalidation, or for advertisement purposes. A counterstamp is an official struck mark or stamp applied by a governmental entity to a coin or token to revalue, validate or grant legal tender status in the issuing authority's area of influence." In both instances this would exclude engraved marks, and marks for purely decorative purposes, and I also exclude full-flan overstrikes in any case. Judging from the very few references in my library, 'countermark' appears to be the term most commonly used for both categories (witness Brunk's several works), however Richard Doty's "The Macmillan Encyclopedic Dictionary of Numismatics" does not list "countermark" at all but presents an interesting discourse under "counterstamp", with much historical background and defining it as an 'official' mark. 'Countermark' is nowhere mentioned until the very end in the closing statement "a synonym for counterstamp is countermark." For what it's worth, in Spanish the term counterstamp does not exist at all, and the only term, used indiscriminately, is "contramarca". NUMISMATIC DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS Dick Johnson writes: "Your request for numismatic definitions in the July E-Sylum deserves comment. This need has existed since 1811. The first numismatic dictionary was published in Germany that year by author Carl Christian Schmieder. (Clain-Stefanelli: 286) Since then 45 numismatic dictionaries and encyclopedias have been published worldwide: 18 in German, 12 in English, 3 in Italian, 2 in Spanish, 2 in Japanese, 2 in Ukrainian, 1 each in Danish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Polish, Dutch and Latin. Why is it you are still asking for "authoritative" definitions? Could it be you are not satisfied with any existing definitions? I have made a study of these 45 books (and Glossaries in other numismatic works). Perhaps this could be the subject for an Asylum article. The three definitions you cited are "quickie" definitions not necessarily intended for the serious numismatist. Coin World omits the concept of denomination each coin must have, for example. The answer to the origin of these definitions goes back to an ANA committee in the sixties whose membership changed often (I served on it the year Joseph Segel was lobbying for an acceptable definition of "medal"). I believe the final chairperson was Virginia Culver and the report was published 1968 (C-S 255). It was abstracted by Howard Linecar in the Spink reprint of Albert R. Frey's 1917 dictionary in 1973 (and appended in blue pages). Like every committee effort, however, it's a horse with multiple humps." NUMISMATIC TERMS STANDARDIZATION COMMITTEE COIN WORLD Editor Beth Deisher writes; "The introduction to the "Numismatic Terms and Abbreviations" chapter in the 1976 Coin World Almanac (first edition copyright 1975) notes: "To standardize the definitions of the most important, and most controversial, numismatic terms, the American Numismatic Association in 1966 appointed a 21-member blue-ribbon panel of experts to serve on the Numismatic Terms Standardization Committee. The committee was reappointed in late 1967 with several personnel changes and is still in existence. A second revised edition of the terms is due shortly. "Those definitions which follow here are given exactly as described in ' The Dictionary of Numismatic Terms' published by the ANA terms committee, and published here by special permission from the ANA. Several definitions have been expanded for reader benefit into the working definitions used by Coin World, World Coins and Numismatic Scrapbook." Editors responsible for each successive edition of the Coin World Almanac have reviewed the terms and added or refined as necessary to reflect the working definitions used by Coin World. I have been working at Coin World 19 years and covering the ANA Board of Governors for the last 16 years. I do not recall that a "terms committee" has met or been active in the last 19 years. It's an interesting area and I'll check with Ed Rochette at ANA. Perhaps it's time for another committee of experts to review and/or discuss adding new definitions." COIN WORLD News Editor William T. Gibbs adds: "The Almanac chapter has been updated with each new edition, including the seventh edition, which is now at the printer. It should soon be available. The latest edition will include several terms that did not exist when the original edition was published in 1975. Many Coin World staff members have contributed to the "Numismatic Terms" chapter since the first edition was published. The new Almanac also will contain an updated chapter on numismatic literature, including the addition of a number of works published since the sixth edition was published in 1990." Finally, Beth Deisher reports that the new Almanac edition "is at the printers and we hope to have copies at the ANA in Philadelphia." [Editor's note: a trip to my library unearthed a pamphlet titled "The Dictionary of Numismatic Terms", published by the ANA. It is marked as the "Third Edition - 1975" No mention of the committee is given, but foreword by John Jay Pittman notes: "The association welcomes and solicits suggestions, additions, and criticisms to this edition of the American Numismatic Association's "The Numismatic Terms Dictionary." There is a definite and pressing need for a term which will adequately describe a "coin dealer." We would appreciate your ideas." I'm sure some rather colorful terms for "coin dealer" were submitted, which brings me to a final, non-numismatic question: What ever became of Walter Breen's manuscript for "The Cynic's Dictionary?" Something he'd been compiling for years, the Cynic's Dictionary was comprised of satirical definitions for various words.] BLAKE & AGRELL BAR DISPUTED Bob Leonard writes: "I would not be too quick to accept Hodder's suggestion that "the question of the Western bars should now be settled in their favor"--especially in view of Hodder's finding that a "Blake & Agnell" $23.30 bar, declared to be "22 Carat," is only .857 fine. While Hodder calls 22 Carat ".916" fine, of course it is really 916-2/3, and the bar is undervalued by more than 6.5% When Augustus Humbert performed the assays of private California gold coins for James King of William in March 1851, the very worst of them were deficient by only 3%, but that was enough to drive them out of circulation. A shortfall more than twice this large is not to be expected. This bar was doubted long before Buttrey gave his paper; when sold as part of the Clifford collection in March 1982, it realized less than half its low estimate. The "Agnell" name seems anachronistic and derived from a typographical error in Adams, as the assayer's name was actually Agrell. The discovery of authentic Blake and Co. bars from the Central America, which are of a completely different appearance though issued at nearly the same time as this bar purports to be, increases suspicions. Though Hodder contents himself by remarking "Its difference is the largest measured," it is difficult to see how this bar, at least, can possibly be authentic." A NOTE FROM PETER GASPAR Peter Gaspar of St. Louis, MO, writes: "Today's E-Sylum was one of your best, but they are all enjoyable. I'm writing because I'd like that Bank of England web-site from last week if it isn't too much trouble. I can't find last week's E-Sylum. I'm looking forward to face-to-face meetings with Biblio-Maniacs at Philadelphia in August. Hope to see you then. Keep up the good work! -Peter (the first E-Sylum subscriber)" On the morning of Friday, September 4, 1998, The E-Sylum was born, although it didn't have a name yet. The initial mailing went to NBS officers and Board members, current and former members, and other interested parties, for a total of 49 names. Announcements were also sent to the COINS and BIBLIONUMIS mailing lists, as well the the Early American Coppers "Region 8" mailing list. The first subscriber to respond was Peter, who has been with us ever since. Here's the address for the Bank of England site: http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/museum/funny.htm EVER SERVE DINNER ON A PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATE? A press release for new web site (ehobbies.com) described their "Find A Hobby" feature, where your answers to a series of preference questions leads to a recommended hobby, such as Astronomy, Birding, Comic Books & Action Figures, etc. (conveniently, the "Shopping" feature of the site caters to all of these hobbies). So what questions would you ask to determine if someone is inclined to bibliophilia? (Besides, "Are you plain nuts?") Here are a couple candidates: 1. Do you ever give or throw books away? a. What is a book? b. Once in a while. c. Why would anyone ever want to give up a book? 2. You're on vacation with your family, walking to an ice cream stand, and you pass a curious-looking used book store. Do you: a. Keep walking. b. Hand your spouse some money, and say "I'll catch up in a few minutes." c. Hand your spouse the car keys, and say "I'll hitchhike back to the hotel." COLLECTING AS AN ILLNESS On a related note, a column by Michael Batz in the July 19th edition of "In Pittsburgh", a local arts and entertainment weekly, asks the question, "What worthless piece of crap human being collects these damned multiple TV Guide 'collector's covers?'" "People collect all sorts of stuff - coins, stamps, baseball cards, dolls, urine - but whatever it is, there's usually a legitimate reason that boils down to love, money, or mental illness. Surely the folks over at TV Guide aren't depending on the mentally ill to fill their coffers.... Instead of buying all six TV Guides this week, you would be better off just giving me the $10.74, and when you turn 65, I'll just slap you upside the head and call you an idiot. You'll be spared the embarrassment of realizing it yourself, and meanwhile, you'll have space for other collections..." QUOTE OF THE WEEK: BIBLIOMANIAC NBS Board member Bill Murray writes: "I picked this out of the local paper. "A bibliomaniac is one to whom books are like bottles of whiskey to the inebriate, to whom anything that is between covers has an intoxicating savor." -- Sir Hugh Walpole The paper credited the quotation to: "The Delights of Reading, Quotes, Notes and Anecdotes, "Merrian Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature." I never heard of the Encyclopedia, but it sounds like it might be fun, doesn't it?" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the July, 2000 issue of The Tasmanian Numismatist. "The ‘Tasmanian Numismatist’ is published and distributed FREE, on a monthly basis, to members of the Tasmanian Numismatic Society Inc. and selected associates and institutions. This publication is the only official newsletter of the ‘Tasmanian Numismatic Society Inc.’ and its aim is to promote the hobby of numismatics in an entertaining and enjoyable way, under the guidelines suggested by the executive committee of the T.N.S." http://www.vision.net.au/~pwood/July2000.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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