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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 31, July 30, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have two new subscribers this week: Peter Mosiondz, Jr., and Serge Pelletier of Silver Spring, MD. Serge writes: "Doug Andrews forwarded to me E-Sylum Vol. 3, No. 30, great info, please sign me up!" Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 304. Next week we'll have a burst of new subscribers as a result of the sign-up section on the new NBS dues envelopes. Secretary Dave Hirt forwarded a hefty stack which will take some time to process. BEST ASYLUM ARTICLE VOTING The 2000 No. 2 issue of The Asylum was mailed last week to all current NBS members, and has begun appearing in mailboxes. Included with each issue is a ballot for voting on the Best Asylum Article of 1999. John Bergman will tally the votes; ballots should be postmarked by August 2, 2000. The winner will be announced at the annual meeting at the ANA Convention in Philadelphia August 11, 2000. We recognize that the vagaries of the postal system coupled with the late mailing of the issue may make this a very tight deadline for some members. As a result, we will also accept emailed votes received by midnight August 2nd, PDT. (Pacific Daylight Time). Vote for no more than three articles. Send your votes to me at this address: whomren@coinlibrary.com. Please include "Asylum Vote" in the subject line, and include your NBS mailing address in the body of the message. I will confirm your NBS membership status and forward your votes to John Bergman. Remember - email your vote ONLY if you don''t receive your ballot by August 2nd. BREEN'S CYNIC'S DICTIONARY In response to my question about Walter Breen's "Cynic's Dictionary, David Fanning writes: "I don't know the answer to this question, though I've wondered about the Dictionary fairly often. I was a good friend of Walter's and stayed with him for three weeks ten years ago, during which time I read much of the manuscript/typescript. I have copies of a number of entries, mostly included by him in letters to me. I got out of the coin business in 1990 and so don't know if he published any of the definitions in numismatic publications around that time (except in the Legacy interview). In a letter to me written on Sept. 28, 1989, he wrote "I have been working on this project since 1982; it is complete but in process of updating. My agent is enthusiastically showing it to various NY publishers, almost certain that one or another will buy it. The latest news is that Oxford Univ. Press wanted it but that someone upstairs (outranking their editor in chief) was scared off by its extremely controversial political positions and its use of four-letter words. It exposes every sacred cow I can find as baloney in drag." One of the definitions I have is for "Coin Dealer," which reads as follows: coin dealers n. phr. Apt to believe themselves prey of cherrypickers. Nevertheless, many brag to their peers about the rarities they just cherrypicked from some walk-in yokel. Prov. 20:14; Isaiah 24:16. Even some of the least educated display the title "Professional Numismatis," like Eeyore's tail pinned to his rump. Their pitfalls are greed, dishonesty, and stupidity. God bless the rare exceptions. I lost touch with his family after he died and so don't know what became of this book. I'd very much like to read it." BLAKE & AGNELL GOLD BAR John W. Adams writes: "In the last issue, Mr. Leonard expresses his doubts about a specific Blake & Agnell gold bar. Be it said that there are rebuttals to all the points he makes - i.e. other Western gold bars contain misspellings (e.g. Parsons, e.g.Schultz), other gold bars/coins of the period are 6% or more light (see Eckfeldt & Dubois) and other known bars presumed to be good do not look like some of those found in the wreck of the Central America (e.g. Moffat). These points made, Mr. Leonard could still be right in his contention. What we learned from this extended controversy is that the most reliable means of testing any given piece is a non-destructive assay; there is a fingerprint to the composition of these items that appears to be definitive. Blake & Agnell aside, I would like to urge E-Sylum readers to take a few hours to decipher the whole argument. All that is required (other than the time) is the last two issues of the AJN (obtainable from the A.N.S.) and the tape of the Great Debate (obtainable from the A.N.A.). The points to be learned from Mr.Buttrey's and Mr. Hodder's presentations, along with comparisons thereof, are so many as to amount to a graduate course in numismatics. Note that there may be one more chapter to be written: Mr.Buttrey is being sued for libel by Stack's and John Ford; Mr. B's most obvious defense will be to prove that his various allegations are the truth." OH, YOU MEANT REAL DOLLARS NBS Board member Larry Mitchell sends this interesting note: "In 1999, James Weber of Calgary, Alberta, paid his tax bill (equivalent to about $75,000 U.S.) dollar-for-dollar with Colombian pesos (worth about $50 U.S.), arguing that the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency failed to print its dollar signs with two bars through the "S." A dollar sign with only one bar through the S, he said, is used only by several South American currencies, and thus he is now paid in full. (In March 2000, an appeals court ruled against him, despite his having produced several favorable historical banking documents from as far back as 1910.)" MORE ON CATALOG CD'S David Cassel writes: "I have been getting every consecutively numbered catalog of Swiss Bank (UBS) since 1996, Catalog number 41. No CD was included in any mailings to me before the catalog #48, December 1999. Unless I somehow missed a prior CD, I would assume that #48 was the first for UBS. If you would like to contact UBS, their e-Mail address is sh-numismatics@ubs.com." Michael Marotta writes: "On the subject of CD Catalogs, as international editor at Coin World, I received a CD of Product Photography from the Perth Mint. This was Volume 5 in a series. It came across my desk on June 28, 1999. (The disk was quickly declared "in error" and was superseded by a replacement.) The Perth Mint is a commercial enterprise and this disk included images of their work for other nations. I consider it a catalog. Perhaps my predecessor, Richard Giedroyc, can shed some light." NUMISMATIC TERMS: MEDAL, TOKEN, JETON Our topic of numismatic terms has generated quite a bit of interest. Serge Pelletier writes: "Doug forwarded your e-mail because he knows I am working on a "Canadian Dictionary of Numismatics" and that the question from Bob Knepper would definitely interest me. Here is the light I can shed on the subject: MEDAL: CoinNews (UK) define the term in their 2000 Yearbook as "A piece of metal bearing devices or given as an award. Military medals date generally from the 16th and 17th centuries, but were not generally awarded to all ranks until the 19th century. Commemorative medals can trace their origin back to Roman times, but in their present form they date from the Italian Renaissance when there was a fashion for large-diameter cast portrait medals." They further state that a "medalet" is a small medal of 25mm or less and a "medallion" is a large medal of 50mm or more. I must add some caveats in that "Military medals" are commonly referred to in North America as "decorations" to avoid confusion. Furthermore, even though "medal" is the more generic term, the tendancy in North America is to use "medallion" as the generic with "medal" being the larger size one. JETON: CoinNews "Alternative term for "counter", and used originally on the chequerboard employed by medieval accountants. Nuremberg was the most important centre for the production of medieval jetons, often issued in lengthy portrait series. Carlton in his "International Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Numismatics" simply states that it is the French translation of "token". Carlton is quite right to say so, particularly in North America. However, Gallléazzi in his "Lexique numismatique" clarifies that for the French there are three types of jetons: jetons de compte (usually refered to as jetons or counters in English), jetons de circonstance ou à thème (would more appropriately be translated as a medal) and jetons-valeurs (appropriately translated tokens). TOKEN: CoinNews "Any piece of money whose nominal value is greater than its intrinsic value is, strictly speaking, a token or promise. Thus most of the coins issued since 1964 can be regarded in this light, but numismatist reserve the term for a piece of limited validity and circulation, produced by tradesmen, chambers of commerce and other organisations during times of a shortage of government coinage. (...) Tokens with a nominal value may be produced for security reasons to lessen the possibility of theft from milk bottles, vending machines, telephones, parking meters... My simplified and simplistic approach to it is as follows: I only use "jeton" in English to describe medieval counters; any piece with a denomination or a "good for" value on it is a "token", and everything else that is not a coin is a "medal"! So, I hope this will help Mr. Knepper. I don't know what he collects but he should definitely consider Municipal Trade Tokens for his thematic collection." Bill Malkmus writes: "In the microtrivia category: You may have gotten other responses, but will comment since I just happened to be reading a Spanish paper about a countermark on a jeton. The (Spanish) author distinguishes between the two terms as in your comment, and uses "contramarca" for countermark as you defined, but uses "resello" for your definition of "counterstamp." The paper I'm referring to was published by Juan Jose Moreno y Casanova, "Contramarca privada sobre un jeton frances," Gaceta numismatica 126, 49-56 (1997). (I'm not touching the "jeton" part of the definitions!}" Robert A. Levinson writes: "I will take a stab at the differences between medals, tokens and jetons. Medals are items which commemorate things, events and people. Tokens are items used for exchange or goods. Jetons are counting tokens used originally to calculate mathematics and later, with the advent of modern math spreading throughout Europe by the early 1600s, found other purposes as presentation pieces, propaganda devices and small medals." Jørgen Sømod writes: "A jeton is a little medal. A token can be used for some kind of payment. An advertising piece is a jeton and a communion token is still a token, even the admission is free." COUNTERMARK VS COUNTERSTAMP Jørgen Sømod continues on the subject of countermark and counterstamp: "Both terms should be used on official pieces, but to a goldsmith's or engraver's test, I would use the term counterstamp." Ralf W. Bopple of Stuttgart, Germany writes: "I am on the E-Sylum mailing list for almost a year now, and will finally be able to contribute to your fine journal! As a coin collector with much interest in counterstamped coins, I have come in touch with the 'counterstamp vs. countermark' discussion quite often. Yes, it is true that the words are mostly used interchangeably by cataloguers. I go along with Alan Luedeking's definition, that is, defining a counterstamp as having an 'official' background. This is also backed by Burzio's 'Diccionario de la Moneda Hispanoamericana', in which a clear distinction is made between a 'resello' (indeed the Spanish equivalent to counterstamp) applied by a governmental entity and containing some official coat of arms or state symbol, and a 'contramarca', which is more generally defined as any kind of number, symbol, letter, or monogram, applied by individuals or political factions for various reasons. Given the colorful history behind most counterstamps and countermarks, one can easily imagine that it is not always possible to make a clear distinction there. The definite work on counterstamps in German (Ehrend/Schreier: Gegenstempel auf Muenzen, Speyer, 1975) does not differentiate between counterstamps and countermarks. In German, the word is 'Gegenstempel' (old-fashioned: Kontermarke), where 'Stempel' signifies both 'stamp' and 'die'. Ehrend/Schreier explicitly exclude 'Punzungen' (punch marks) from the vast field of counterstamps, that is, they don't count test or validation marks, like the Chinese chops, or assay marks like the ones found on Japanese obans or Brasilean 'Sampex' bars. Thus, the countermark vs. counterstamp discussion does not exist in Germany, simply because there is only one term! I hope this has been helpful, and I am looking forward to the replies by other readers." THE GOLDEN CENTS On July 19, 1832, The Boston Weekly Messenger published the following article, which in turn was copied from the Hampshire Gazette: "NEW SPECULATION! -- Within a few days there have been runners in most of the towns in this vicinity, gathering up cents coined in 1814. They find but few and buy them as they can, giving 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 or 17 cents each; and we have heard of 75 cents being given for a single cent. 12 1-2 cents have been offered in this town. The story is that in 1814 some gold was accidentally mixed with the copper at the United States Mint, and that the cents of that year contain gold. We verily believe that the whole affair is a humbug, and that the cents of 1814 are of no more intrinsic value than those of any other year. It has been suggested that the speculation originated in the following manner. Copper was very scarce in 1814, on account of the war, and but few cents were coined at the mint during that year. Some virtuosi, who were desirous of laying up in their cabinets specimens of the coinage of every year, could not find any cents coined in 1814, and offered certain toll-gatherers a dollar or two to collect for them a few cents of that year. This offer led others to suppose that the cents of 1814 contained gold. -- We know not whether this be a true explanation of the mystery. " The March 27, 1997 issue of The Coin Collector, published by Bowers and Merena Galleries printed this interesting follow-up: "During the last century there was a persistent rumor to the effect that at the Mint in 1814 a pot of molten gold was emptied by mistake into a pot of copper from which planchets for cents were made. Thus, cents of this date were of great value for their gold content. Every so often someone would offer a cent of 1814 to the Mint, seeking a strong premium for it. Unfortunately for the possessors of such cents, the rumor was baseless. However, it is likely that 1814 cents did contain at least a little bit of gold, as did other large copper cents of that era. William Ewing Dubois, assistant assayer at the Philadelphia Mint, presented a paper, "On the Natural Dissemination of Gold," to the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, in June 1861. He noted that a cent of 1822, made on a planchet imported from England, proved to have gold to the extent of 1 part in 14,500, which, because of the value of the gold, meant that every 20 cents of that date contained, in the aggregate, one cent's worth of gold. An 1843 cent, made of copper obtained from a New England source, was found to have a higher content; 14 of those cents contained one cent of the precious metal. Gold was found to exist as an "impurity" in most batches of copper." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web page is a very useful reference listing serial numbers of known reproductions of U.S. banknotes. Anyone who answers numismatic questions from the general public should bookmark this page. http://www.ronscurrency.com/rcbogus.htm Amaze people with your psychic ability, like the time I told a caller that the serial number of the $1,000 Bank of the U.S. note he was describing to me over the phone was "8894". Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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