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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 32, August 6, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have 23 new subscribers this week, 20 of whom signed up while renewing their NBS dues. Welcome aboard! Our new subscribers hail from Alabama, California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. They are: Michael Agenta, Dave Bowers, Michael Bourne, Tony Carlotto, Greg Charlesworth, Ralph Cole, Jr., Arthur Crawmer, Rick Day, Ron Gammill, Robert Johnson, Jr., Bob Korver, Douglas Logan, Gilbert Malone, Marc McDonald, Scott Miller, Charles Moore, Eric Newman, Jon Schmeyer, Terry Stahursky, James Stofel, William Stone, David Vroom, and one NBS member who did not want their name published. This brings our subscriber count to a whopping 327! ANA ISSUE It's that time of year again - the American Numismatic Association holds its annual convention this coming week in Philadelphia. The ANA convention is often the only time of the year when our members get to meet in person. The annual meeting of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society will take place at 11:30 AM in Room 201C of the Convention Center. At the meeting W. David Perkins will speak on "The Ostheimers of Philadelphia and their Extraordinary Collection of Silver Dollars". NBS will also host a Numismatic Literature Symposium. Moderated by NBS Board member Dr. Joel Orosz, the symposium will be held on Friday, August 11, from 2 pm to 3:30 (in the same room as the general meeting earlier that day). Participants include NBS Board member Pete Smith, who will be speaking on the books published about the Philadelphia Mint, and Eric Newman, who will be discussing one of the earliest authors on a numismatic topic in the United States, Beale Bordley. I'll look forward to seeing many NBS members and E-Sylum subscribers there. As you go about the convention, please keep NBS in mind and help recruit new members and subscribers. Spread the word! [By the way, due to convention travel your Editor may be a bit late with the next issue. Meanwhile, feel free to send me your thoughts on the convention for the next E-Sylum.] DONATION AUCTION PLANNED It has been suggested that we hold a short auction of donated items at our annual meeting, to help beef up our treasury. If you're coming to the convention and would like to donate an interesting item of numismatic literature, please bring it along to the meeting. If possible, let me know by email by Wednesday August 8th. Write to me at: whomren@coinlibrary.com The auction is a good opportunity to help the organization and free up some shelf space. Manuscripts, inscribed or advance copies, "first off the press" copies - all make for interesting auction lots. Also, we're not above auctioning gag items for fun, so put on your thinking caps. ARD W. BROWNING ANA PILGRIMAGE PLANNED Carl Herkowitz of Detroit has been researching the life of Ard W. Browning, author of the classic 1925 work, "The Early Quarter Dollars of the United States". On Thursday, August 10th, about 9-9:30am, Mr. Herkowitz will lead a group of interested bibliophiles and collectors on a trip to a churchyard about 45 miles from the Philadelphia convention center. The group will pay their respects at the final resting place of Browning, and hear an advance reading of Herkowitz' forthcoming article detailing his research. Browning was a long-running numismatic mystery. In his 1992 book "American Numismatic Literature". Charles Davis wrote: "The author is one of the most invisible personages of American numismatics, leaving no personal trace of the history of this work, which some feel was completed long before its 1925 publication by Wayte Raymond." Mr. Herkowitz can be reached at the convention by paging him to the Message Center, or keeping an eye out for him at Charles Davis' table. The trip is open to all interested parties. STOCKLEY INVENTORY ONLINE Numismatic literature dealer Richard Stockley of Quebec, Canada announces that his inventory is now available online at this address: http://www.abebooks.com/home/stockleysbooks/ LET'S SEE THEM TRY TO SLAB THAT! Dick Johnson writes: "Please! No more of those awful definitions of coin, medal, token, jeton. Namely: MEDAL: CoinNews (UK) define the term in their 2000 Yearbook as "A piece of metal bearing devices or given as an award. This is atrocious! Half the objects made in the last 150 years by hundreds of metalworkers worldwide, like Scovill (brass manufacturer, Waterbury) -- including nail-heads, lady's compact covers to manhole covers -- would fit this definition." I THOUGHT I COLLECTED OBSCURE STUFF The August 2000 issue of the TAMS Journal, official publication of the Token and Medal Society, contains an ad by Denis Loring seeking tokens or medals depicting a manatee. Now that's specialization! I've seen dolphins on coins, but can't recall a manatee appearing anywhere. Several years ago, your editor developed a code phrase for obscure numismatic specialties. Whenever I had trouble making someone understand why I like numismatic ephemera, I'd explain that "it's sort of like collecting die varieties of Lithuanian subway tokens." "Oh, OK," they'd say, thinking to themselves, "I get it - this guy's a nut". You got it. CONFEDERATE PAPER WORKS ON LINE NBS Board member Larry Mitchell reports: "The following scarce works on the paper money of the Confederacy recently were digitized as part of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) project, "Documenting the American South": "Cato" on Constitutional "Money" and Legal Tender. In Twelve Numbers from the Charleston Mercury" (1862): http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/witherst/witherst.html "Facts and Suggestions Relative to Finance & Currency Addressed to the President of the Confederate States" (1864): http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/greend/green.html "Remarks on the Manufacture of Bank Notes, and Other Promises to Pay. Addressed to the Bankers of the Southern Confederacy" (1864): http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/banknote/banknote.html "[Open Letter to the Banks Concerning the Act of Congress to Reduce the Currency]" (1864): http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/treasury/treasury.html Quoting from "Remarks", p5: "It was in the midst of our grand struggle for independence that Franklin found time, from his lightning-catching, mail-carrying, diplomatizing and printing, to engrave, en amateur, a set, or several sets, of plates for the Continental money; and his work, much of which is still in existence, shows nothing more than the coarse, ill-drawn practice of the time, easily and frequently counterfeited, lessening in such proportion the value of what was legally issued." ASYLUM ISSUES SOUGHT NBS member R. S. Thompson wishes to trade Vol I, Nos 3 & 4 of The Asylum for a Vol I, No 1. He can be reached at this address: P.O. Box 1332, Summit, NJ 07901. MORE ON "FIRST" CDS John F. Bergman writes: "I don't know if it is the first CD, but I have one for the Muenzen & Medaillenhandlung Stuttgart, Stefan Sonntag sale of 23 Feb. 1999: Gold aus Baden- Wuerttemberg; 1000 Muenzen und Medaillen aus der Sammlung Hermann. The CD features all the text plus illustrations in b/w and color, as does the hardbound catalog." BLAKE & AGNELL GOLD BAR Robert D. Leonard writes: "Regarding the comment of John W. Adams on the "Blake & Agnell" gold bar that "there are rebuttals to all the points he makes," there are several other things wrong with this bar as well. In Coin World for August 7, 2000, p. 153, Bob Evans, curator of the SS Central America treasure, reports "regardless of the size or shape of the bars, each [including the Blake & Co. bars made in 1857 or 1856] is stamped with the same five pieces of information, albeit not in the same location: the name and/or identifying stamps of the manufacturer, the serial number, the weight in fine troy ounces, the purity in parts per thousand, and the dollar value based at $20.67 per ounce of fine gold." The $23.30 "Blake & Agnell" bar dated 1855 (1) lacks a serial number; (2) gives purity in carats, not parts per thousand; (3) has a dollar value based on only $20.33 per ounce of fine gold; and (4) adds a superfluous date (not one bar in the entire cargo of the Central America is dated). Furthermore, Evans reports that all the Central America bars have one or two assay chips; the "Blake & Agnell" $23.30 bar has no assay chip. Really, it is time to stop making excuses for this bar. In view of Mr. Adams' reference to the libel suit filed by Stack's and John Ford, it must be emphasized that, at the time Mr. Ford acquired this bar, the technology necessary to perform the fineness testing carried out by Michael Hodder did not exist, the "Agnell" spelling error was unrecognized, and the Central America bars were under 8,500 feet of water. Condemning this bar based on later knowledge is not intended to reflect badly on Mr. Ford's or Stack's actions at the time. That said, I hope that study of the authenticity of this or any other individual numismatic object can be carried out free of fear that publication of an adverse finding will make the author the target of a lawsuit." FIRST PUBLISHED STUDY OF LARGE CENTS E-Sylum subscriber Jim Neiswinter published an article of interest to U.S. bibliophiles in the July 15, 2000 issue of Penny Wise, the official publication of Early American Coppers, Inc: "The First Published Study of Large Cents, by "A.S." (1859)". "I now believe that the first study of U.S. cents appeared in the March 1, 1859 edition of the Boston Evening Transcript. The article, titled "About Cents," provided the first classification for the large cent series with particular attention paid to 1793." Copies of the article, along with copies of subsequent articles on the subject, are included. ANS COLONIAL EXHIBIT CATALOGUE REPRINTED The August, 2000 issue of The Colonial Newsletter, published by The American Numismatic Society, includes a reprint of the 44-page colonial coinage section of the fabled "Exhibition of United States and Colonial Coins" held at the ANS January 17 to February 18, 1914. "The list of notable exhibitors who contributed their collections reads like a numismatic Who's Who... Never before, or since, have so many pristine specimens been on public display all in one place." AN IGNOMINIOUS END FOR RUBLES A front-page article in the July 26, 2000 issue of The Wall Street Journal reported on the disposition of obsolete ruble notes in Russia. "When Russia's financial markets buckled in August 1998, and the ruble collapsed, Mr. Nikiforov [of the Ulyanovsk Roofing Material Factory] had a brainchild. Already wrestling with severe shortages of old cloth and wastepaper, his basic raw materials, he proposed an unorthodox way to mop up Russia's excess money supply. We'd already tried wood chips and even straw, but to no avail, " say Mr. Nikiforov. "We found that bank notes worked much better." A ton of rubles costs less than $15, not even a third as much as scrap paper. Not only do rubles help plug leaky roofs, he says they also eventually could revolutionize personal hygiene. He shows off certificates from the health ministry and epidemiological control department certifying that bank notes pose no health hazard as toilet paper. Toilet tissue made of rubles - known in the trade as MBS, a Russian acronym for "Special Waste Paper" - would be "a bit rough" and not particularly absorbent, he says, but it would be cheap. "Marx and Lenin predicted we wouldn't need gold and would one day make toilets out of it," says Valery Perfilov, director of a dusty complex of museums in the center of town dedicated to Lenin. "We don't have golden toilets yet, but we have roofs covered with money. Who knows what might happen next?"" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is produced by Cameron Kiefer, and up-and-coming young numismatist from the San Joaquin Valley in California. http://members.mindinfo.com/mst3000/kieferscoins/ Featured on the site are links to Kiefer's essays, including "American Coinage During the Reign of Norton I of California: The Only Emperor of the United States". Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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