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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 03, January 21, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have four new subscribers this week: Bill Bischoff, numismatic bookseller Orville J. Grady of Omaha, NE, bookseller and bibliographer Harold Thomas, and Hadrien Rambac, "a collector of antiquarian (1514-1750) numismatic books" See his Subscriber Profile below for more information. Welcome aboard, all! Our subscriber count is now 364. SPMC ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Fred Reed of the Society of Paper Money Collectors reports that the "numbered limited edition of hard-bound copies of SPMC's 164-page 40th Anniversary Commemorative Issue are available for $50 postpaid and insured. The issues will be impressed with the Society's corporate seal and numbered -- a real collectors' and bibliophile's heirloom! Additional regular softbound copies are also available for $15. All issues include a commemorative souvenir card by BEP Plate Printer Michael Bean. The issue includes articles by 56 authors and nearly 400 photographs of society members and activities, award-winners and officers. A special feature is the honoring of all SPMC members with 9+ years seniority with the Society. All current and new members receive the commemorative issue (which commenced mailing January 19th), including the souvenir card, and five more issues of our award-winning magazine this year. Membership is $24 annually. Address all inquiries to Paper Money Editor Fred Reed, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, Texas 75379-3941 or by e-mail at: freed3@airmail.net RESEARCHER WALCUTT DIES AT SHOW From an article on p36 of the January 29th COIN World: "National Bank Note researcher and author Doug Walcutt, 65, died Jan 3, after suffering a heart attack while attending the Florida United Numismatists convention in Orlando." "Mr. Walcutt might be best known for his long-running series based on his research of large-size national bank notes. The 26th installment of Mr. Walcutt's research into national bank notes was published in the April-June 2000 issue of The Rag Picker, the Paper Money Collectors of Michigan's Journal. The first installment was published in the January-March 1995 issue." BOOK: HISTORY OF THE POUND A new 302-page book by David Sinclair, published by Random House UK, covers the long history of the British pound. The book is titled "Pound - a Biography: The Story of the Currency That Ruled the World and Lasted a 1000 Years" A review by Paul Podolsky in the January 15th Wall Street Journal noted "the first portion of the book is limited to examining 500 years of the quarter-penny farthing, the groat, the noble and other such monetary experiments concurrent with the reign of King Eric Blood-Axe." From the Publisher: "Packed with detail and colour, this fascinating book charts the Pound's development from its origins in the Dark Ages to its role today in cyberspace when, single European currency or not, it may be coming to the end of its life. The Pound is also the revealing story of Britain and her people on the world stage. Britain's currency was the first great international exchange currency, laying the foundations for world trade. The Pound illuminates the kings and queens, merchants and bankers, politicians and fraudsters who have all played their parts in the rise and decline of the British Nation." SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: HADRIAN RAMBACH New subscriber Hadrien Rambach of France is a 19 year old business student and collector of antiquarian numismatic books (1514-1750). "I intend to work either in a bank or in the art market (big gallery, auctioneer ... I already have work experience with an auctioneer in France, and Spink & Son in London. I am also a collector of the denars of Publius Aelius Hadrianus (76-117-138) and his family. I already knew about the NBS from a paper which had been put in a Kolbe catalogue. Yesterday I found your website, and discovered that you had a mailing-list." SPECIFIC GRAVITY Dan Demeo writes: "With regard to Rafael Delgado's inquiry about metals having specific gravity around 7 (6.9-7.3), there are lots of choices, some of which could be eliminated easily: chromium--7.20, but too hard to strike coins cast iron--7.2--but brittle, and it rusts tin--7.28--a good possibility zinc--7.14--another good one There are quite a number of metals and alloys which fit the range specified. One way to determine the composition is to put the object in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and analyze the surface using energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX). PCGS has had this done, so Mr. Delgado should be able to have his object (coin?) analyzed or authenticated through them. Or, he could look up local laboratories offering SEM/EDX services or x-ray fluorescence services. On the bad side, it might cost several hundred dollars for the analysis, but he will have an answer, which is always better than all the guesses in the world." FLATT'S COINS OF INDEPENDENT PERU Ralf W. Boepple of Stuttgart, Germany writes: "At this occasion, I would like to inquire about a series of booklets I have, the volumes I-V of Horace P. Flatt's 'The Coins of Independent Peru" (bought in 1997). I was wondering whether there have been more volumes published subsequently, and if so, how I could obtain them. The publisher is Haja Enterprises in Terrell, TX, but I don't have an address or phone number. Can anyone help?" WANTED: ALL THINGS ITALIAN Our Turinese associate Ferdinando Bassoli writes: "Out of curiosity, please ask your associates in the next E-Sylum, at their convenience, whether they know of any book or coin in their reach of Italian interest. Thank you." [Mr. Bassoli's email address is albergian@tiscalinet.it. Our web site bibliography, edited by Larry Mitchell, lists six references for the Modern Coinages of Italy, the Papal States, and Monaco. http://www.coinbooks.org/club_nbs_biblio_mo_italy.html -Editor] NOTES ON DYE'S PUBLICATIONS In response to the earlier question about Dye's Encyclopedia, Dave Bowers has submitted a large number of notes from his file on John S. Dye, in hope that they may stimulate some discussion. While a bit lengthy for The E-Sylum, in the interest of furthering research, here they are. [Editor's note: Wow!] . • Imprints in Cincinnati, OH; New York City, NY. • 1847: Commenced publication of Dye’s Wall Street Broker. • 1850: Cincinnati, OH. Imprint appeared on Dye’s Counterfeit Detector and Universal Bank Note Gazetteer. (Essentially, this same publication was also issued under the imprint of Joseph Arnold, Philadelphia, 1850). • 1852: In Cincinnati he published Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector. • 1852: Title of his publication changed to Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector. • 1853: Dye’s Book of Bank Note Plates, an Accompaniment to His Illustrated Bank Mirror for 1853, published in Cincinnati. • 1854: Moved to New York City by this time; 172 Broadway at the corner of Maiden Lane. Published the semi-monthly Dye’s Bank Mirror. • 1854, circa: Published Dye’s Gold and Silver Chart Manual with New York City and Cincinnati imprints. • 1855: Began publication of Dye’s Bank Bulletin. In the same decade he published Dye’s Bank Mirror. • 1855: Published first “complete edition” of his manual, Dye’s Bank Note Plate Delineator. 288 pages; lists about 1,200 banks. Apparently, this manual was also issued in regional or partial editions. • 1855: Published Bank Bulletin on a daily basis. • 1856: In 1856, Hodges & Co., New York, introduced Hodges’ New Bank Note Delineator; A Complete Spurious and Altered Bill Detector, Giving Correct Printed Descriptions of all The Genuine Notes of Every Denomination, of All Banks Doing Business Throughout the United States and Canada. This contained identical wording and some errors found in an 1855 Dye work and was either pirated from or a successor to Dye’s work. • 1856, August. The Merchants’ Magazine this date carried a report of a lecture by Dye in which he told of bank note frauds, the making of fake plates for fake banks, the alternation of plates and notes, etc. • 1858: The Litchfield (CT) Bank was insolvent. Court testimony indicated that the bank had paid nearly $1,000 in various transactions to Monroe, Dye, and Taylor, being three New York City publishers of bank note detectors; this was done “not to blow the bank.” • 1870s and 1880s: Published Dye’s Government Counterfeit Detector. • 1879: 1338 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, opposite the U.S. Mint. • 1883: Listed as author of Dye's Coin Encyclopaedia, but he had died by the publication date. The book was a “potboiler” issued with a pretentious “encyclopedia” title, but consisting more of a scrapbook of miscellany. However, careful perusal of its contents reveals much useful information including the processing of gold, discoveries in California, E.L. Mason, Jr.’s recitation of the re-discovery of the 1861 Confederate States of America half dollar, etc., etc. All told, it is a useful addition to any 19th century American numismatic library, but it is hardly the source for all you want to know about coins. Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector. • 1852: New title of the previous Dye’s Counterfeit Detector and Universal Bank Note Gazetteer. Cincinnati, OH. • 1854: By this time, John S. Dye had changed the title to Dye’s Bank Mirror. Dye was in New York City. Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector. • 1852: Published by John S. Dye in Cincinnati, OH. Dye’s Bank Mirror. • 1854: John S. Dye, 172 Broadway at the corner of Maiden Lane. Renamed from Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector, which Dye had founded in Cincinnati, OH. Dye’s Bank Note Plate Delineator. • 1855: Published in New York City by John S. Dye. Dye’s Book of Bank Note Plates, an Accompaniment to His Illustrated Bank Mirror for 1853. • 1853: John S. Dye, Cincinnati, OH. Dye’s Counterfeit Detector and Universal Bank Note Gazetteer. • 1850: John S. Dye, Cincinnati, OH. (Essentially, this same publication was also issued under the imprint of Joseph Arnold, Philadelphia, 1850). • 1852: Title of publication changed to Dye’s Bank Mirror and Illustrated Counterfeit Detector. Dye’s Government Counterfeit Detector. • 1870s and 1880s: Published by William S. Dye in New York City, later Philadelphia. Dye’s Wall Street Broker. • 1847, circa: Published by John S. Dye. 2001 COINAGE OF THE AMERICAS CONFERENCE A number of E-Sylum subscribers will be featured at the 2001 Coinage of the Americas Conference, sponsored by the American Numismatic Society. The conference is being organized by NBS Past President P. Scott Rubin, and the topic is "Error Coins." From an ANS press release: Conference Topic: Error Coins Date: March 17, 2001 Location: Baltimore Convention Center, One West Pratt Street, Room 302, Baltimore, MD 21201 Registration Fee: $25 Sign-in and registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Lectures will begin at 9:30 a.m. For more information or to register, please contact: Tarnisha Smart Tel:(212)234-3130 ext. 217 Fax: (212)234-3381 Email: smart@amnumsoc.org Speakers are listed below with their topics: P. Scott Rubin, Conference Chairman "A History of Error Collecting in the U.S." Dr. Philip Mossman "Colonial Coinage Errors" Tom DeLorey "1943 Copper Cents" J.T. Stanton "Pocket Change Varieties" Allen Herbert "Are Errors Really Minting Varieties?" A paper by members of the Gallery Mint Museum on investigating if a coin was an error or an intentional mint necessity coinage will be included with proceedings." GENEOLOGY QUOTES "One man told his friend - "I looked up my family tree and discovered I was the sap." [April 1977 Reader's Digest] "I come from a stupid family. During the civil war my great uncle fought for the West!" [Rodney Dangerfield] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's Featured Web Site is a news article from The Independent: "A perfectly preserved hoard of gold coins, which were hidden under the floorboards of a palatial Roman villa 1,800 years ago, have been discovered by archaeologists. The treasure, consisting of 43 Roman gold aurei dating from AD60 to AD174, would have been worth the equivalent of £60,000 when it was interred by wealthy Romano-Britons. The 22-carat gold coins are one of just four comparable hoards found in Britain and the first such treasure to be unearthed in London. Archaeologists from the Museum of London discovered the gold in a small subterranean chamber under the long- decayed floorboards of a once well-appointed Roman town house, off what is now Fenchurch Street in the city centre." http://www.independent.co.uk/news/UK/This_Britain/2001-01/coin100101.shtml Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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