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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 15, April 8, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 370. APRIL FOOL One collector of Greek numismatic literature wrote: "The address for Acropolis of Athens directed me to an April Fools joke page -- that was funny, but I guess I hope there is a real address, also!" [Sorry - April Fools! -Editor] 1943 STEEL CENT CHEMIST DIES From a New York Times obituary reprinted in a local paper Sunday, April 8th: "Henry Brown, a chemist who helped make the American Dream a gleaming reality by finding new ways of keeping chromium plate bright and shiny, died March 15th at his home in Palo Alto, Calif. He was 93. In the years just after World War II, Mr. Brown's discoveries made bathroom fixtures and kitchen utensils silvery and put the gloss on the bumpers of the finny automotive monsters Detroit turned out in the 1950's and early '60's. But there had been other earlier and less obvious beneficiaries of his skill at making dull metals shiny. In the austere war years, he showed the U.S. Treasury how to make steel pennies gleam and invented a high- speed process for brass-plating shell cases so they did not stick in artillery guns. .... He was one of the authors of "Modern Electroplating", (Wiley Interscience, 1974) a standard work on the subject." Perhaps Mr. Brown succeeded too well in making the cents shiny. From David Lange's "The Complete Guide to Lincoln Cents", "By the middle of 1943 it was already evident that this experiment was an unqualified failure. So many complaints were received from persons who mistook these cents for dimes that the Mint was already preparing to return to the copper and zinc alloy used for most of 1942." LAKE BOOKS SALE #57 CLOSING Fred Lake writes: "This is a reminder that Lake Books sale #57 closes on Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 5:00 PM (EDT). Also, we have a new new email address: Old address: fredlake@aol.com New address: fredlake@tampabay.rr.com We will keep the AOL address for another month until we are sure that our customers have had the opportunity to make the switch." COBS OF COLUMBIA AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH William L. Bischoff reports: "The authoritative volume published in 1998 by J.E. Restrepo and J.R. Lasser, Macuquinas de Colombia, is now available in a thoroughly reworked, hardcover English version: The Cob Coinage of Colombia, 1622-1756. The English edition features a more practical numbering scheme, new types and varieties, enhanced graphic aids, and two essays by Joe Lasser on the historical background of production at both the Bogota and Cartagena mints. The catalogue lists the coins (1) in traditional chronological order by monarchs and (2) by denominations, with specimens of types for each assayer and mint. With more than 465 coin photos and diagrams, the authors "have done a splendid job of bringing together as much as we are ever likely to know about the coinage of two of the most enigmatic mints of colonial Latin America....Fully recommended." (R.G. Doty) At $50 for U.S. customers, including postage and handling ($55 for Priority Mail outside North America) this is a major value compared to the original paperback edition in Spanish, which retailed for $35 before P &H. To order directly from the publisher, send check or money order ($50) made out to William L. Bischoff at: PERTINAX PRESS; 20 East 35th Street 10H; New York, NY 10016. Or email me at wbischoff@nyc.rr.com for an attachment with more details and an ordering coupon. P.S. Orders with payment received by April 14 will be sent out immediately. Subsequent orders will be processed as soon as I return to the U.S. on May 4." CHARLES TOWN SOCIAL CLUB Pete Smith writes: "In recent days I have been fascinated by the Charles Town Social Club medal. My first reaction is that "Charles Town Social Club" is a description rather than a name. The legend on the medal reads "SOCIAL CLUB / INSTITUTED / CHARLES TOWN / SOUTH CAROLINA / VI OCTOBER / MDCCLXIII." In a town with at least a dozen other social clubs, the "Social Club" name is pretty generic and an unusual choice for a name. Last night I went to the University of Minnesota Library to attempt some research. They have "South Carolina Gazette 1732-1775" by Honnig Cohen. It is a review of materials from the paper and includes several pages of first announcements of club meetings. There is no listing near October of 1763, no reference to "Social Club" and no club without a longer and more specific name. One would think that a club with enough ambition and resources to order a small run of medals from England would leave a better paper trail. What other explanation is there? The library is supposed to have the South Carolina Gazette on microfilm. It was not housed where the computer said it should be. Then I discovered that the roll indexed for 1763 did not have the 1763 papers. It was a frustrating search. I also looked at the South Carolina Gazette from 1783. I hoped I might find a related article like: "The Charlestown Social Club met on Thursday last at Mr. Backhouse's Pub. Visiting from London was Mr. Thomas Brand-Hollis who presented each member with a small token in commemoration of the club's founding 20 years previous." However, no such notice was found. The medal is an unusual shape and has an artistic style uncharacteristic for the period. The lack of documentation adds to the intrigue. I would be happy to see another E-Sylum reader provide the whole story but hope that doesn't spoil the fun." SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM In regard to the question of die manufacture in the middle ages, Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. writes: "The gentlemen should contact The Society for Creative Anachronism. Their web site is http://www.sca.org I have corresponded with one of their members for years and have in my possession several coins that they struck following the identical methods used during the middle ages. A very active and interesting group and they take their hobby very seriously. " Chet Dera writes: "In response to Ira Medcalf's request for information on DIE MANUFACTURE IN THE MIDDLE AGES in the E-Sylum v4#14, April 1, 2001 I sent the following reply. Looks like there are some interesting books here: I read your request for information concerning DIE MANUFACTURE IN THE MIDDLE AGES in the latest issue of The E-Sylum. The following book titles and their authors are from a bibliography on page 21 of Wayne Sayles' "Classical Deception", a book on counterfeiting of ancient coins. Published 2001 by Krause Publications (715-445-2214), the book is in the $20 range and deals mostly with forgeries of ancient coins. There is, however, an interesting writeup on page 10 about the tools of the ancient Celators which should also apply to the time period you're interested in. Balog, P. "Notes on Ancient and Medieval Minting Techniques", Numismatic Chronicle, London, 1955, pp 195-202 and Plate 14. Cooper, Dennis R. The Art and Craft of Coin Making: A history of Minting Technology, London, 1988. Forbes, Robert J. Metallurgy in Antiquity: A notebook for Archaeologists and Technologists. Leiden, 1950. Grierson, Philip "Note on stamping of coins and other objects." History of Technology. C. Singer ed., London, 1956. Hill, G. F. "Ancient Methods of Coining" , Numismatic Chronicle, 1922 (Reprinted by Attic Books, New York, 1977). You can have your local library do an interlibrary loan of all these books and articles including that of Mr. Sayles. Some may be harder to find, but I'm sure there will be something here to help you. Good luck, and let me know how you make out. " Ira Medcalf writes: "I would like to say thank-you to you and your group for the overwhelming response to my request. I have received in 2 days more useful references than I had been able to find on my own in 3 years (but only 6 months on the net). This is not to say I would not accept additional info! It will take me a while but I am keeping all the e-addresses and will submit back whatever results I may have. Again my deepest thanks, Ira" YUGOSLAV TOKEN BOOK PUBLISHED Jørgen Sømod of Denmark writes: "A new fully illustrated catalog in the English language has just been published. Ranko Mandic, "Tokens of the Yugoslav Lands", 154 pages. Only 300 copies are printed. The price is US $ 20,-, € 18,-, DEM 36,-. + postage. Orders can be sent to me. Depending on postage rates, the book will be sent from Copenhagen or Belgrade." Mr. Sømod's email address is numis@vip.cybercity.dk MOVEMENT HEATS UP FOR AUCTION HOUSE CODES. Mark Borckardt's note in last week's E-Sylum that he had used three-letter codes to identify auction houses and specific auction lots set off a spate of emails among participants this week. Mark had set three-letter codes for his own use in his research among American auction sales for a wide variety of numismatic items including patterns, medals, Hawaiian, and other items. This issue started when Dick Johnson called for someone to establish uniform symbols -- much like those on the New York Stock Exchange -- and had suggested Karl Moulton do this because he has taken up the mantle of publishing a directory of all American numismatic auction sales. Karl is updating the directory first published by Martin Gengerke in 1984. Here's part of what they said in their emails: Karl Moulton wrote: "Mark's list may become a valuable tool for all of us interested in numismatic auctions. I know Dick will be among the first to utilize it. However my compilation covers only forty different cataloguers, while Mark's list would cover them all [Gengerke's listings] from the 1850s to the present. I would like to see some feedback from others as to its usability and acceptance. If readily used and understood ... it needs to be presented." Dick Johnson wrote: "Mark has accomplished what I had hoped someone would do, as I tried to get Karl Moulton to do when I learned Martin Gengerke was no longer interested in continuing his directory of auction catalogs, and Karl had taken up the mantel. I longed for a list of three-letter auction house codes. Mark, here you have performed the feat. It seems you are always a step ahead of me." Further, Dick wrote: This is an unabashed appeal for a response from E-Sylum readers. If you have ever done research in more than one auction catalog, or if you have done price history research in American auction catalogs, please send an email to Karl. Tell him listing these codes would be a desirable feature in his directory and a service to all numismatists. It would help establish an industry-wide standard we could all use. Write to him today at Numiscats@aol.com" NUMISMATIC JOURNAL FROM RUSSIA Alexander Bykov, Ph.D., chief editor of “The Coin” reports: "The interests of our publishing house lay in the sphere of numismatics. From 1995 we publish International Numismatic Almanac “The Coin”. By this moment 8 issues of the almanac have already appeared in Russia. On its pages we publish articles of home and foreign numismatists. The articles are in Russian with a summary in English for each one. The readers of our almanac are specialists and amateurs from Russia, countries of the former USSA and some foreign countries." Dr. Bykov can be reached at this address: musdip@vologda.ru One article of interest to bibliophiles in the latest issue was written by Dr. Bykov himself. It is titled: "Russian Numismatic Literature of the Second Half of the 18th Century and Its Russian Prototype" INDIAN NUMISMATIC PUBLICATIONS The Books & Periodicals Agency of New Delhi, India offers a selection of titles on Indian numismatics on their web site: http://www.bpagency.com/pages/Numismatics.htm VOTE THE LAND FREE Dave Bowers has a question about a well-known counterstamp: "VOTE THE LAND FREE. This counterstamp is found on large copper cents (in particular) and a few other coins. I have been collecting these since I was a kid, have a few dozen, and collect them by date sequence. The latest-dated piece in my collection is 1844, then I have a quite a few of 1843, and many down to the mid-1830s, thinning out before then. The question is this: Conventional wisdom dating back many years, including in the Duffield study of counterstamps in The Numismatist 1919-1921 and in J. Doyle DeWitt's book on political tokens, as well as some of my own writing on counterstamps, attributes these to the Free Soil Party presidential election campaign entry of 1848. However, although I have been collecting Free Soil Party books, notices, etc., for a long time (since about 1955) I have never found this same wording used in any of their slogans. There are a very few scattered listings of cents stamped 1845- 1848, but I have never seen one. Recently, Russ Rulau, busy at work on a new edition of his book on HARD TIMES TOKENS (we all know that Russ works 48 hours every DAY), when queried on post-1844 coins with this stamp, stated that he had never seen one in the flesh or a picture of one. I suggested that sometimes well-worn coins are given assumptive dates. Statistical analysis would seem to suggest that these counterstamps were made early in 1844 (as I have seen just one with this date and, in fact, own it), using coins currently in circulation, most being dated from the preceding 10 years. There is such a "clump" of 1843 cents with this mark that this would seem to strengthen the idea. Question: Can anyone furnish a VOTE THE LAND FREE counterstamp on a coin dated after 1844 -- and send it to Russ Rulau or me (round trip postage and insurance I will pay)? If one is furnished, then the Free Soil Party rides again. If the post-1844 items are will-o-the-wisps, then a new theory is needed. In 1844 there were, indeed, some land disputes in politics--mainly involving Texas, separately the Northwest Territory, and still separately, the expansion of slavery (the slavery question is what the Free Soil Party of 1848 was all about, but with lots of overtones --- beyond the scope or interest of the present remarks)." [Editor's note: a web search turned up a handful of references to "Vote the Land Free", but nothing to assist Mr. Bowers' quest. This page, about the The Anti-Slavery Movement 1792-1863, pictures, among many other artifacts, a "VOTE THE LAND FREE" counterstamp on an 1825 cent: http://home.early.com/~amistad/images.htm ] DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER Dave Bowers has a second question for us: "I am gathering a data base on Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger, and have been for a long time. I have all of the things in regular numismatic publications over the years but would dearly love to buy or borrow any ephemera -- such as broadsides or advertisements for his patent medicines, products made from his "composition," personal correspondence, etc. He also wrote a delightful book, TREATISE ON GEMS, published in 1838, then in at least two later editions (with expansions including color plates), all of which I have -- but thought mention of them might be of interest here." [Editor's note: Dave's note led me to pull some Feuchtwanger items from my own library; I have two. First, is an 1838 First Edition of "A Treatise on Gems". The second item is another book of Feuchtwanger's, "Fermented Liquors: A Treatise on Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying, and Manufacturing of Sugars, Wines, Spirits, and All Known Liquors, Including Cider and Vinegar. Also, Hundreds of Valuable Directions in Medicine, Metallurgy, Pyrotechny, and The Arts in General" (Published by the author, New York, 1858). Feuchtwanger must have been a colorful character. The mention of Pyrotechny caught my eye. Part III, Chapter VII is titled "On Colored Fires of Pyrotechnics - The best prescriptions for producing fine colored fireworks, from the author's own experience." Incidentally, one numismatic reference popped up unexpectedly which searching the web for Feuchtwanger information. It concerns Clarence S. Bement, whose collection was sold by Henry Chapman in two sales (1916, 1918). The following text is taken from the web site of New York Mineralogist Lawrence H. Conklin, reprinting an article on Charles W. Herrmann, Mineralogist and Mineral Dealer, which originally appeared in The Mineralogical Record, Volume 25, May - June, 1994) http://www.lhconklin.com/bio/publications/herrmann.htm "In 1891 Herrmann sent to Clarence S. Bement a copy of a book written by Lewis Feuchtwanger (1807-1876) which the author had presented to him. Since he mentions in the accompanying letter that "many minerals are painted [colored]" the book in question must have been A Popular Treatise On Gems, of the third or fourth edition. He told Bement that "Dr. Feuchtwanger came every Sunday afternoon to me even when ice was on the street, talking minerals." Herrmann further informed Bement that after Feuchtwanger died, when both of his daughters were in Paris, his mineral collection was stolen. It would seem that Feuchtwanger had a lot of bad luck with his collection. Canfield, in his Final Disposition (see vol. 21, no. 1,p. 41-46, 39) states that Feuchtwanger's . . . . . . daughters presented his collection to the Society of Ethical Culture of New York City, about 1900. It was a general collection. Many years ago, while this collection was exhibited in the Old Arsenal in Central Park, some of the specimens were stolen. Perhaps they were both referring to the same event. The Arsenal was the first (and temporary) home of the American Museum of Natural History and was occupied by the museum from 1870 to 1879 while the great complex of buildings on Central Park West was under construction. It is still standing today." ONIOMANIA Doug Andrews writes: "I always enjoy reading E-Sylum, especially this issue where you introduced me to the term "Oniomania." It perfectly describes my wife - including the shoe thing - although she's not as compulsive as Imelda Marcos. Quite." You see, my wife is also from the Philippines. She has a favourite saying about the former First Lady. She says Imelda was in the "mining business." When someone asks my wife what she means by that, she explains: "Whenever Imelda went into stores (which was often), she simply would walk through pointing at merchandise she wanted saying "Mine, mine, mine!" And that made it hers. As a final note, when my wife goes on a shopping spree (fortunately not TOO often) she earns her nickname. You guessed it: "Imelda." If the shoe fits..." NO COINS? DIAL A COKE Another technological nail in the coffin of circulating coins? This article from Reuters describes an experimental service by Coca-Cola: "In the first trial of its kind in Australia, Telstra Corp. Ltd., Australia's largest telecoms carrier and global drinks giant Coca-Cola Co are testing a new service called Dial a Coke. It lets Telstra mobile customers grab a drink from a vending machine and have the 97-cent cost billed to their phones. "How many times have you stood in front of a machine and not had the right change?'' said Coca-Cola spokeswoman Michelle Allen. "This eliminates the need to be carrying cash,'' said Telstra OnAir spokeswoman Lisa Johnston. All you have to do if you want a drink is call a telephone number on the drinks machine, then choose the drink you want. The cost of the drink will show up on your next mobile phone bill with no extra fees charged for the phone call." http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010404/tc/telstra_coke_dc_1.html EARLIEST AMERICAN ILLUSTRATION? Eric P. Newman writes: "In my library there may be the earliest piece of American numismatic literature containing an illustration. The woodcut illustration is not of a coin or paper money but of the 1756 hanging of the notorious "Owen Sullivan" for counterfeiting in New York. It is illustrated on a plate in Kenneth Scott's, "Counterfeiting in Colonial America." My pamphlet is entitled "A Short Account of the Life of John ____, Owen Syllavan, etc.", published in Boston in 1756. Only one other copy is known according to published bibliographical research. There are many earlier American publications on money which have no illustrations. The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts have illustrations of paper money but they are not numismatic and include a range of subjects. Naturally there are many earlier European numismatic publications with illustrations. Can any of our bibliomaniacs confirm, refute or throw further light on this situation? I would be appreciative." DON'T WORRY HONEY, ALL HOUSES DO THAT Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. writes: "I have had for years in my attic the Numismatics International Library, which I have thought was about the third largest lending library on books on foreign coins in the U.S. About ten years ago my late wife called me into the living room - pointed at the ceiling and asked me if I noticed anything wrong. Many years before a wall had been taken out to increase the size of the living room area, and there was a long beam stretching from the front of the house well toward the back to support the second floor after the supporting wall had been removed. After peering at it intently for several moments I noticed that the beam had developed a very noticeable bow. The weight of the books in the third floor attic was affecting the whole shape of our fifteen room house and the pressure on the top of the second floor had put all doors out of shape, and was in the process of working its way down. To prevent the house from falling in on itself I had to place a twelve inch square beam starting from the basement and working up to that cross beam - jacking it up to straighten everything out. The moral of the story is that if you buy a 130 year old house - put your library somewhere other than the top floor." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Bob Johnson's COINSHEET Numismatic Directory, now located at this new address: http://www.coinsheetlinks.com Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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