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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 16, April 15, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Steve Pellegrini of Portland, OR. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 371. THE STUFF I LOVE New subscriber Steve Pellegrini writes: "A collector buddy has forwarded me the last 2 E-Sylums. I've found it totally absorbing. Every time I've put my toe in the waters of numismatic e-groups I've found myself immediately buried in an avalanche of commercial spam -- links to EBay, offers to buy by the bushel basket, more links to more auctions. You know the drill. But your zine contains the stuff I love. I'd like to sign up in my own name to get future issues." ANS GROVES FORUM: DAN FREIDUS Reminder: The American Numismatic Society will present The Groves Forum in American Numismatics on Saturday, April 28, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. at the society headquarters in New York. The speaker is NBS member and E-Sylum subscriber Daniel J. Freidus, specialist in Early American Numismatics. From the ANS Press Release: "For information, please contact Anne Reidy at (212) 234-3130 ext. 231 or reidy@amnumsoc.org Daniel J. Freidus, Research Specialist in Early American Numismatics, will give the following lecture: "What Did They Know and When Did They Know It? Contemporary References to Early American Coins and Paper Money" Daniel J. Freidus is a collector and researcher specializing in early American coins and currency. He has written a column for Coin World since 1995. He is a vice-president of The Colonial Coin Collectors Club and former editor of their "C4 Newsletter." He presented his research on Higley coppers at the 1994 COAC." HALFPENNIES AND FARTHINGS OF EDWARD I AND II E-Sylum subscriber Paul Withers announces his new book: "SMALL CHANGE - I The Halfpennies and Farthings of Edward I and II A new illustrated classification guide. Paul and Bente R Withers. A5 Card covers 60pp. Illustrated throughout with 4 : 1 illustrations £10 or in the USA, 19$ (Including postage). In the summer of 1278 much of the 'long cross' coinage, which had been in circulation for 30 years, was clipped and worn. As a result, a year later a new coinage and a recoinage occurred together. It was a watershed in British numismatics and economics. There were changes of manufacturing technique and artistic changes too, and the people were presented with a handsome new coinage with a realistic portrait and although it in no way resembles Edward himself, it is in strict contrast to the stylised and rather ugly visage of the earlier coin which is an example of the 'this is the best I can do with a few simple punches' school. Until that time, in order to make small change for minor transactions, the penny had been cut into halves, or quarters to make halfpennies and farthings. To prevent the necessity of such cutting, which gave the opportunity for fraud, two round coins, the farthing and the halfpenny were introduced, the first-mentioned introduced immediately the reforms began and the second a short while later. Large hoards of the pence have provided sufficient quantities of material to permit extensive study. However, the halfpennies and farthings, never hoarded, were rare until the the advent of the metal detector, and even now remain scarce. Frustrated by the lack of a book that catalogued these tiny coins without causing confusion we asked several people to write a guide that would explain to people like ourselves with only a little knowledge of the series exactly what was going on and why were we finding so many pieces that did not fit into the system. No one wrote anything for us, so we were forced to do the job ourselves. Once our study had begun it became obvious that the coins could not be classified using the same system as that used for the pence. Whilst the pence are quite obviously 'related' to the halfpence and the farthings and broad similarities are evident, the fine details are not the same. When isolated examples are seen, things may initially seem to match, but when hundreds of specimens are seen the coins develop their own pattern and any system of classification must reflect that natural pattern and not the system developed for the pence. The new classification is based principally on the David Rogers collection, but others, including those of the British Museum, the Fox collection, now in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, the Ashmolean Museum collection and several small private collections were examined." Web site: http://www.galata.co.uk/ JOHN HULL AND THE MASSACHUSETTS MINT According to an announcement by Paul Hybert, "The April 11 meeting of the Chicago Coin Club featured Louis E. Jordan speaking about "Recent Discoveries on John Hull and the Massachusetts Mint." In May of 1652 Massachusetts Bay passed legislating authorizing the coining of silver three pence, six pence and shilling coins and appointed John Hull as mint master. In some hitherto unpublished ledgers John Hull made several entries concerning the mint. This new information provides insight on the location of the mint, gives information on various aspects of coin production including the "turn around time" to produce coins from silver, the actual weight of newly minted coins and how mint charges were calculated." NUMISMATICS INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Previous E-Sylum issues have mentioned the book "Tempus in Nummis" by James Sweeny and Robert Turfboer. The book is available from the publisher, Numismatics International. A list of all of their numismatic publications for sale is available on their web site at this address: http://www.numis.org/pubs.htm VOTE THE LAND FREE Dave Bowers submitted the following excerpt from his research notes relating to the "Vote the Land Free" counterstamp discussed last week. He links this and another counterstamp ("Land Limitation") to the National Reform Association. The phrase “Vote yourself a farm,” is said to have originated with the association in 1844. For more information on the National Reform Association (not to be confused with the modern National Reform Party of Ross Perot and Gov. Jesse Ventura), see this web page: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/6460/dir/844nra.html LAND LIMITATION • 1844 cent • Counterstamped by: National Reform Association advocates. • Location: NY, New York City • Category: Political statement. • Stamped: LAND and LIMITATION, each in a curved logotype punch. • F-15 Land Limitation {Commentary} Issued by advocates of the National Reform Association (NRA), formed by George Henry Evans from the membership of the Locofocos, National Trades Union, and the Workingmen’s Party. On March 13, 1844, a meeting of working people, under the name of National Reform Party, was held in New York City at Chatham and Mulberry streets. A committee was appointed to investigate “a depression of labor, and a social degradation of the laborer.” The committee filed a report which was accepted at the next meeting. The National Reform Association resolved to use the “land question” as the prime element in its political statements, and laid out three objectives: 1. Homestead legislation by the federal government to allow workers and others to acquire public lands free of charge. 2. Legislation to be enacted by various states to exempt land such as farms from seizure in debt collection. 3. Land limitation (precise wording) to restrict the ownership of large amounts of land by wealthy individuals and other entities, so that land would become more easily available to the general population. In the following year, 1845, the NRG joined with advocates of the Fourierist movement to schedule the first of a series on annual National Industrial Congresses. • It is likely that the National Reform Association was also involved in 1844 with the issuance of the VOTE THE LAND / FREE counterstamps (see listing, which reiterates much of the present commentary and adds more). Similar to the LAND LIMITATION counterstamp, it is known on at least one cent (listed below) and on Spanish-American silver two-reales coins (1797 and 1812 in the present instance). VOTE THE LAND FREE {Commentary} Per conventional wisdom as reiterated in many numismatic texts, the VOTE THE LAND FREE stamp was applied in 1848 by advocates of the Free Soil Party, which advocated free soil; that is, the admission of new states to the Union under the proviso that all should be free, and no slavery would be allowed. However, in long-term research relating to the Free Soil Party I have never been able to match the VOTE THE LAND FREE slogan with any slogan used by that group, although the sentiment is correct. Also, in studying the availability of coins with this counterstamp, I have never personally seen any piece dated after 1844. Russ Rulau and Gregory Brunk list several stray pieces dated 1845- 1848, but upon queries to them, March 2001, each replied that he had neither seen an actual example with a post-1844 date nor a photograph of one. After noticing in my own collection the large cluster of cents dated 1843 and earlier, and a solitary 1844, I thought it worthwhile to investigate if an issuer could be found for early in the year 1844, by which time 1844 cents would not have been widely distributed, but 1843 and earlier cents would be in great abundance. As these words are being written, the National Reform Party, discussed earlier under the Land Limitation heading and repeated below, seems to be a strong possibility. My own cluster of 1843 and earlier coins (see inventory below) is reinforced by the latest listing supplied by Dr. Brunk (including the “stray” post-1845 pieces which, as noted, he has not personally verified): Cents: 1812 (2 examples), 1816, 1817 (2), 1818 (2), 1819, 1824, 1825, 1827, 1829 (2), 1833, 1834, 1835 (2), 1836 (3), 1837 (4), 1838 (2), 1839, 1840 (2), 1841 (8), 1842 (3), 1843 (8), 1844 (3), 1845, 1846, 1848, and 5 of unknown dates (presumably, worn smooth); 1843 quarter dollar; 1826 English halfpenny; Spanish-American two-reales: 1811, 1813, 1819. The National Reform Association (NRA), formed by George Henry Evans from the membership of the Locofocos, National Trades Union, and the Workingmen’s Party. On March 13, 1844, a meeting of working people, under the name of National Reform Party, was held in New York City at Chatham and Mulberry streets. A committee was appointed to investigate “a depression of labor, and a social degradation of the laborer.” The committee filed a report which was accepted at the next meeting. The National Reform Association resolved to use the “land question” as the prime element in its political statements, and laid out three objectives (quoted under “Land Limitation” above). The NRA newspaper, the Working Man’s Advocate, July 6, 1844, included this (a sample from a much larger amount of material in print): “In this Republic, all that the Creator designed for man’s use is ours—belongs, not to the aristocracy, but to the people. The deep and interminable forest, the fertile and boundless prairie, the rich and inexhaustible mine.? We regard the public lands as a capital stock, which belongs not to us only, but to posterity.? The first great object, then, is to assert and establish the right of the people to the soil; to be used by them in their own day, and transmitted — an inalienable heritage — to their posterity.? This fundamental principle shall be established as the paramount law, with the least possible delay.?” The slogan, “Vote yourself a farm,” is said to have originated with Evans in 1844, after which it caught on and was used by others, including in the 1860 presidential campaign. However, I have not come across the specific slogan, “Vote the land free,” in this or any other context of the era save for the counterstamped cents. In the 1844 election, both political parties included the disposition and proceeds of public land in their platforms. The Whigs, who met in convention in Baltimore on May 1, 1844, nominated Henry Clay as their candidate. The Democratic Party met in Baltimore on May 27, and after three days of tumult and in-fighting the delegates named James Knox Polk, a “dark horse,” after better-known contenders, including Martin Van Buren (who was the odds-on favorite early in the convention), Lewis Cass, James Buchanan, John C. Calhoun, Levi Woodbury, and two others had been considered. In 1845, the National Reform Association joined with advocates of the Fourierist movement to schedule the first of a series on annual National Industrial Congresses. By 1848, the member of the NRA had been absorbed into other political movements, especially those broadly advocating abolition, including the Free Soil Party and Free Democratic Party. Counterstamp theory: I suggest that VOTE THE LAND / FREE counterstamp was applied by members the National Reform Association in spring 1844, soon after its March meeting, thus accounting for the date distribution of the cents involved. By the end of May 1844, other parties had come to the fore in the public eye, with the November presidential election in the offing. A fertile area for study might be New York City newspapers of the March-May 1844 period. If any later coins can be found with this stamp, I suggest that these are stray pieces either produced casually or in 1848 when someone sensed that the Free Soil Party had what seemed to be similar sentiments (actually, a study of the two groups reveals many differences). However, one might think that if the Free Soil Party had engendered these counterstamps they would not have changed key words, and instead of VOTE THE LAND / FREE the stamp would have read VOTE THE SOIL / FREE. Moreover, the LAND / LIMITATION counterstamp (described earlier) has the exact wording of a resolution of the National Reform Association, uses the word land, and indicates that counterstamping coins was practiced by the NRA in 1844, providing a reasonable segue to the issuance of VOTE THE LAND / FREE pieces at the same time." A HAPPILY MARRIED BIBLIOPHILE Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort writes: "While researching the reign of King David I of Scotland (AD 1124-1153) I was reading the life of his mother St. Margaret written by a Scottish monk living at Durham named Turgot. The work was written between AD 1100 and 1107 for Margaret's daughter, Queen Matilda - the wife of King Henry I of England (AD 1099-1135). In a passage where the author discusses Margaret's marriage to King Malcolm III of Scotland (AD 1058-1093) there is the following: "Although ignorant of letters, [King Malcolm] used to often handle and gaze on the books in which [Queen Margaret] had been accustomed either to pray or read; and when he had heard from her which of them was most dearest to her, to hold it dear too, to kiss it and fondle it often. Sometimes he called in a goldsmith and gave orders that the book should be adorned with gold and jewels; and the king himself used to bring it back, decorated, to the queen, as a mark of his devotion." Later in the same work Turgot relates an incident about what happened to one of Queen Margaret's favourite books: "[Queen Margaret] had had a book of gospels, adorned with jewels and gold; and in it the figures of the four evangelists were decorated with painting, interspersed with gold; and also every capital letter glowed all in gold. This volume she had always cherished very clearly, beyond the others in which she had been accustomed to read and study. This volume she was carrying, when she chanced to be crossing over a ford; and the book, not being carefully wrapped up in cloths, fell into the middle of the water. The carrier, not knowing this concluded unconcernedly the journey that he had begun; and he first learned what he had lost when he later wanted to produce the book. It was long sought without being found. At last it was found lying open at the bottom of the river, its leaves being constantly kept in motion by the current of the water; and the little sheets of silk that had covered the golden letters to prevent their being dimmed by contact with the leaves, had been torn out by the rapidity of the river. Who would have thought the book worth anything any longer? Who would have believed that even one letter in it would have remained visible? But indeed it was drawn out of the middle of the river whole, undecayed, unhurt, so that it appeared not to have been touched by water at all. The whiteness of the leaves and the unimpared beauty of the letters throughout remained as they had been before it had fallen into the river; except that in parts of the last leaves some marks of moisture could be seen. The book was brought back and the miracle related to the queen; and she returned thanks to Christ, and cherished the volume much more dearly than before." BOOK QUOTES "If there is one thing that a book collector loves more than acquiring books, it is talking about them. Indeed, there are scribes of good repute who maintain that bibliophiles prate so incessantly of their books that they have no time to read." [Harry B. Smith, The Sentimental Library (1914)] FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is an undated photo (circa 1880) of the United States Mint building in New Orleans, LA, from the New Orleans Historic Photo Library. http://www.icorp.net/la/no-img/usmint.jpg Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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