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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 13, March 24, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Jose Luis Rubio of Montevideo, Uruguay, courtesy of Howard Daniel III. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 444. RUSS LOGAN, 1941-2002 Longtime NBS member Russ Logan passed away unexpectedly on March 19th. His son Rob sent the following: "Russ will also be missed by the John Reich Collectors Society, a research/education organization for students and collectors of American coinage of the Federal period that he co-founded. Russ has won the Jules Reiver Literary Award three times for articles published by the organization's journal. Russ also co-authored the book "Early United States Dimes 1796-1837", (1984) and "Federal Half Dimes 1792-1837", (1998) which won the Numismatic Literary Guild Award 2000" THE COLOR OF MONEY An article in the March 18th, 2002 issue of USA Today reports: "Starting next year, green may not be the only color on the bills in your wallet. The government plans to roll out new currency in mid- to late- 2003 as part of a stepped-up effort to combat counterfeiters in an age when computers have made copying money much easier. Among other changes, the most noticeable will be color. Though now all bills feature green and black print on neutral-colored paper, the new money is likely to have ''subtle color'' in the neutral areas, though the government isn't saying what the colors will be. Changes won't be radical. ''They'll be traditional in their appearance,'' Bureau of Engraving and Printing spokesman Jim Hagedorn says, noting that size won't change and the same faces will appear on the same bills. The new bills likely will be unveiled later this year before going into circulation. As in 1996, the $1 and $2 bills likely won't be changed because they're rarely faked. Old currency will continue to be accepted when the new money is released. The government plans to redesign U.S. currency every seven to 10 years to stay ahead of the currency copycats. That's necessary in part because computers and laser printers have made counterfeiting much easier." http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20020318/3948247s.htm KOLBE SALE PRELIMINARY RESULTS George Kolbe reports: "I'd like to share with E-sylum readers a few preliminary results of our March 22 auction sale. Prices realized should be posted on our web site by Tuesday of this week. http://www.numislit.com/ A few highlights follow (prices do not reflect the 10% buyers' premium): Lot 6: Ned Barnsley's Notebook on Vermont coppers @ $6,000 Lot 11: full set of Numismatic Chronicle @$12,500 Lot 389: set of Koehler's Muenz-Belustigung @ $3,250 Lot 401: Pedrusi's 1694-1727 ten volume "I Cesari" @ $4,000 Lot 614: Herrera's "Medallas Espanolas" @ $11,500 Lot 765: "The Lives of All the Roman Emperors," a numismatically-illustrated 1636 work in English @$4,500 Lot 962: Lange's Sammlung Schleswig-Holsteinischer Muenzen @ $1,000 Lot 1310: W. W. Woodside's Rubbings of British & British Colonial Coins @ $2,400 Excepting perhaps the Harry Bass Library sales, I think it is safe to say that this was the most active, hotly-contested sale we have held in many years." BASS SYLLOGE PUBLISHED Stephen Pradier writes: "I received my copy of Dave Bowers' Bass Museum Sylloge today. As usual for Dave Bowers, it is full of useful and insightful information. The write-ups on Mr. Bass by those in numismatic circles was very interesting. It was particularly interesting to see comments from people that I have come to know in a way through my interest in numismatic literature. In a word, the book is "Beautiful". I highly recommend it." Your editor reports: My copy arrived the other day. As usual, it's a class act all the way. I especially enjoyed the sections on "Personalities in the Field of Patterns" and the "Series of 1896 Currency." With color photos throughout, it is indeed a beautiful work. Back in April, at Dave's request I wrote the following reminiscence on Harry Bass for the book (p29) : "One day several years ago, an email message arrived at my office. It was from a "fan" who had read some of my internet postings on numismatics, and was signed "Harry Bass". Before responding to the message I hurriedly emailed Harry's fellow Texan and bibliophile, Bob Metzger, asking, "Is this THE Harry Bass???" Well, it was indeed THE Harry Bass, and his note turned out to be the first of a series of email exchanges about various topics relating to numismatics or numismatic literature. To my great regret I never had the opportunity to meet him in person, or visit his library. But he will always be THE Harry Bass, for few collectors could ever match his rare combination of knowledge and youthful zest for the subject." Actually, I probably had several opportunities to meet Harry and didn't realize it. On the same page of the Bass Sylloge is a report on John Ford's address to the NBS at the 1980 ANA convention in Cincinnati, OH. Bass was in attendance at this memorable talk, and so was I. At that point in my numismatic career I probably hadn't yet heard of Harry Bass, let alone known what he looked like. I could have been sitting next to him for all I know. Life is full of chance encounters. Anyway, having someone like Harry for an email pen-pal was a marvelous experience. He would have enjoyed the E-Sylum and I know he would have been an active participant in some of our discussions. He passed away exactly five months before our first issue (which appeared September 4, 1998). THE GOLD SOVEREIGN Stephen Pradier adds: "For those with an interest in British Numismatics, I thought I would mention that I received the 2002 Jubilee edition of "The Gold Sovereign", M. A. Marsh, 2nd ed. 18pp. Illustrated throughout, much in colour. Hand bound half leather binding, limited to 100 copies. £30. I have to mention that the smell of leather was deliciously overwhelming." ANA MEMBERSHIP LIST EXHIBIT David Sklow's 1st-place exhibit from last summer's ANA convention has been added to the NBS web site. Thanks to Dave for providing the text and Eric Holcomb for the photos (and Bruce Perdue for some quick touch-up work)! The exhibit is titled: "ANA Membership: The Printed Record." Go to our home page and click on "Exhibits" http://www.coinbooks.org/ It's not too soon to be thinking about placing an exhibit for this year's convention in New York. The ANA's exhibit rules are on their web site at this address: http://www.money.org/exhibitrules2002nyc.html IRRADIATED NOTES AS SOUVENIRS Martin Gengerke writes: "At the R.M. Smythe Show this weekend in Lancaster PA someone showed me a Fractional Currency note he ordered and was mailed to him at his Washington, D.C. office. The note was in a standard mylar (or maybe acetate?) currency holder in an envelope, but was irradiated by the Post Office. The holder had turned an almost opaque half melted dark brown - you could still see the note (Fr.1297) inside the holder, but it was obviously worthless numismatically. The Post Office paid off on the insured value and let the recipient keep the note. Funny part is he's been getting offers for the irradiated package that far exceed the value of the note! Maybe I should send him some cheap fourth issue notes (the $8 kind) just to get them irradiated. I could make a mint!" REED'S REEDED NICKELS In response to Rich Crosby's question, Dave Lange writes: "An example of Reed's reeded nickel is illustrated on page 56 of my book, "The Complete Guide to Buffalo Nickels", Second Edition. The edge is clearly visible. I've seen a number of these coins, and I've noticed that the reeding is not always the same. A few have much finer reeding than on the example illustrated. This suggests to me that additional pieces have been made to sell as novelties. For that reason, I don't advocate paying a significant premium for any example that isn't traceable back to the 1941 ANA Convention. Even then, its value is based on its memorabilia interest. Such coins have no numismatic value. The piece illustrated in my book is, I believe, one of the 1941 originals and has rather broad reeding. In case anyone didn't get it, Reed had these coins REEDed as a play on his name." NBS Board member and past President P. Scott Rubin adds: "I bought a set of these many years ago (1971 I think) from Sydney Smith and Son in Miami. ANACS found out about this set which was believed to be one bought from Ira Reed in 1941. They asked to examine the set and issue me a certificate of authenticity for the it. They returned the set with a statement that the reeding did not appear to be a mint product. Yet a few years later they did issue certificates for these coins for a short period of time. I sold the set some years ago. They seem to be collectible as a novelty item." [When I mentioned the Ira Reed coins to John Burns, he seemed to recall reading somewhere that there were also 1937 cents with similar edge reeding - does this ring a bell with anyone? -Editor] . ENRICO CARUSO, COLLECTOR In response to Carl Honore's note about musicians and numismatics, Steve Pellegrini writes: "I wonder if Carl noticed Lot #7 in the upcoming Kolbe auction. It offers the Henry Chapman catalogue for the 1923 NYC sale of Enrico Caruso's extensive collection of gold coins. The great singer's knowledge and acumen of ancient numismatics was well known and respected during his ifetime. When a courtier informed Italian King Victor Emmanuel that Caruso had just acquired a particularly fine specimen of rare Roman gold, he remarked with a sigh, "If I were Caruso then I too could afford to buy such a coin". -- If you've ever read the catalogues of Hans Schulman's marathon 1967 sale of the King's collection then you'll know that no crocodile tears need be shed for Old Vic Savoy or his coin collection." ASYLUM AUTHORS NEEDED E. Tomlinson Fort, the editor of our print journal, The Asylum, would like to repeat his request for articles. The Winter 2002 issue of The Asylum is on its way to the printer, but the in-box is still a bit bare. Tom may be reached at etfort@aol.com. BOXES, DUST JACKETS, AND NUMISMATIC EPHEMERA An article about a recent sale on eBay brings relates in a roundabout way to numismatic ephemera. There are a lot of interesting items out there which have a close connection to numismatic items or numismatic literature, but which escape the attention of all but the most ardent collectors. From the March 2002 Wired News article: "A lot of seemingly worthless items are auctioned on eBay every day. But perhaps taking the phenomenon to new heights, an empty cardboard box has just been auctioned for more than $500. The box dates from 1984 and contained one of the first Macintosh computers. The box was sold without the computer. "My Mac is long gone," explained the seller in the auction's listing, "but the box has been sitting in my attic for the last 18 years." The box was slightly yellowed and discolored on the top and sides, but did include all of the original packaging materials: the Styrofoam inserts, plastic sleeves and boxes for the keyboard and mouse." http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,51208,00.html How many 19th century purchasers of U.S. Mint proof coins saved them in the original packaging? How many of these envelopes and packages have been thrown away over the years? Do any of our E-Sylum readers have any? Similarly, the packaging and marketing material for U.S. commemorative coins is also an interesting sideline. Over time we may find that these ephemeral items have a good bit of collector value on their own, much like in the book world where the lack of a dust jacket can slice hundreds of dollars off the value of an otherwise fine book. Has anyone seen this phenomenon in the numismatic literature market? I know the late Ken Lowe told me that when cataloging books for The Money Tree sales, he deliberately left out any mention of a dust jacket, preferring not to have to go into that level of detail to satisfy the few collectors who were concerned about them. This practice also prevented nitpickers from using an imperfection in the dust jacket as a strike against the book, or casual catalog readers to mistake a dust jacket problem for one with the book itself. If the winning bidder's book arrived with a dust jacket, it would be a happy bonus. While I never get too excited over a dust jacket, in in my own library I have continually upgraded the condition of my books, and always kept the nicest dust jackets. I was surprised to discover that some jackets are indeed very hard to come by. Some of my books are wearing the only examples of original dust jackets I've ever seen. Thoughts, anyone? HONEY, THE COW ATE MY WALLET, HONEST The USA Today web site has an interesting story about damaged currency redemption at the Bureau of Engraving and printing. From the June 6, 2001 issue: "The cow story has become a legend around the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. It seems a farmer lost his wallet while he was plowing his field. The farmer suspected his cow ate the wallet so he had the beast slaughtered and sent the stomach to Washington with a request that the bureau retrieve the wallet and replace the damaged cash. The story has a happy ending for the farmer, if not the cow. Bureau examiners searched the cow's stomach, found the wallet and mailed the man a check for $600. It's all in a day's work for the folks who not only print the nation's money but also are called upon to replace millions of dollars in damaged greenbacks each year. "We always tell people to send their currency in the original container, but that's not what we had in mind," says Lorraine Robinson, division manager at the bureau's office of currency standards, of the cow incident that happened in the 1970s." http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/06/2001-06-03-money.htm NUMISMATIC PRINT RUNS Stephen Pradier adds: "Have you noticed that most times when a new numismatic book of worth comes out they only publish 500 copies? Is it my imagination, or are they just publishing for those of us in NBS (smile) ? FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is about Canadian Paper Money Errors. http://www.geocities.com/bnknotes/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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