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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 14, March 31, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have twelve new subscribers this week: Sr. Marcos Silvera of Montevideo, Uruguay, referred to us by Jose Luis Rubio, Karl Shea, Jeff Shelton, Stan Radino, Jeff Gresser, and seven new members of NBS who provided their email addresses to our Secretary-Treasurer, David Sklow: Hedley Betts, Jane Colvard, Chris Connell, Barbara Gregory, Len Harsel, Dr. Ira Rezak, David Sundman. What an all-star team of subscribers! Welcome aboard, everyone. Our subscriber count is now 455. While on the subject of subscribers, can anyone help us find some lost sheep? The following folks subscribed at one time, but we no longer have a working email address for them: Jack Dempsey, Mark Ferguson, Gordon Frost, Neil Rothschild, and Harold Thomas. KOLBE SALE 87 RESULTS Excerpted from the post-sale press release: "The March 22, 2002 auction sale of "Important Numismatic Books" conducted by George Frederick Kolbe/Fine Numismatic Books brought a total of nearly $248,000. Over 350 bidders combined to purchase nearly 90% of the lots offered in the sale... a few highlights follow (prices quoted include the 10% buyers' premium): The rare 1855 edition of John S. Dye's Bank Note Plate Delineator brought $2,640; a unique notebook on Vermont coppers, compiled by Edward Barnsley, was actively pursued, selling for $6,600 on a $2,500 estimate; a complete set of the Numismatic Chronicle, 158 volumes from 1836 to 1996, realized $13,750; Antiquarian works on coins and medals were in great demand, and a 1636 numismatically-illustrated work on the lives of the Caesars brought $4,950 on a $1,500 estimate; a set of Koehler's 729-1765 Münz-Belustigung (Historical Coin Amusement), an early numismatic periodical, garnered a winning bid of $3,575; the magnificent 1694-1727 ten volume catalogue of ancient Roman coins in the Farnese Museum by Father Pedrusi was estimated to bring $2,500 but sold for $4,400; One of the highlights of the sale, Adolfo Herrera's 56 volume 1899-1910 Medallas Españolas, comprising over 2,900 rubbings of medals in a edition limited to only twelve sets, brought $12,650 on a $7,500 estimate; a very rare sample book, circa 1911, of medals available from the Lauer manufacturing firm of Germany realized $687 in heavy bidding; the John Davenport numismatic archives, offered in two lots, realized $4,950; the extensive collection of coin rubbings of British and British colonial coins prepared by W. W. Woodside was avidly pursued and finally sold for $2,640 on a $1,000; a special interleaved copy of John Ford's re-issue of Browning's famous 1925 work on U. S. quarter dollars brought $715; Edward Maris' famous 1869 work on 1794 large cents went for $1,100. Those who wish to learn more about the sale may view the catalogue for the next few weeks at the firm's web site: www.numislit.com and can also review a complete prices realized list there. A limited number of copies of the illustrated catalogue with a printed prices realized list may be obtained by sending $20.00 to George Frederick Kolbe/Fine Numismatic Books, P. O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325. Part two of the John Bergman library and important American numismatic works from the library of Jeff Hosford will be featured in the firm's June 14, 2002 sale." NUMISMATIC EPHEMERA MARKET NOTES David Gladfelter writes: "The market for numismatic ephemera is truly strange. Fred Lake and Charlie Davis recently sold sets of Barney Bluestone's Grinnell sales catalogs with PRLs. The former realized $300 & juice, the latter $130 & same. The only appreciable difference was that the former set, also included the original mailing envelopes. Don't look for dust jacket ephemera on Sanford Durst publications. On the printer's imprint and copyright page he stated: "This book has been produced with an attractive, quality, durable cover. It is the opinion of the publisher that paper dust jackets are ecologically wasteful and for that reason are not provided." ONE-VOLUME WORK ON U.S. COIN COPIES? Speaking of... One Durst product sits at the ready on my desk - the "Standard Catalog of Counterfeit and Altered United States Coins" by Virgil Hancock and Larry Spanbauer, 1979. The local museum sometimes refers to me callers with questions about numismatic items, and these people inevitably have a "rare" coin that quickly turns out to be a copy. The Hancock/Spanbauer book is very valuable for identifying the characteristics of reproductions. Has this title ever been updated? I know of books and courses on counterfeits, but don't know of another single-volume reference on copies. OPERATION BERNHARD REPORTS SOUGHT Herb Friedman writes: "My good friend Murray Teigh Bloom (The Man Who Stole Portugal, etc.) has asked me to inquire about two reports on the Operation Bernhard WWII forgeries. They are the Reeves Report and the Amstein Report. Apparently they were in the U.S. Archives and the Bank of England collection at one time, but no longer can be found. Might any of our members have one or both of these reports so that Murray can do a bit of research? I gave Murray the ANA and ANS librarian email addresses already. I do not believe he will find the reports there, and that is why I thought our readers might be a better choice. I have been working on propaganda notes and forgeries myself. I have two small articles in the current IBNS Journal, have another coming up in the next one, and am working on one for two issues away. After a long drought, the government has once again taken to using propaganda in the form of currency." [Mr. Friedman's email address is BertF@webtv.net. I've been a fan of Mr. Bloom's writings on counterfeiters for many years. I've read them all cover to cover, and especially enjoyed The Man Who Stole Portugal. It's an unbelievable true story which I always hoped would be made into a film someday. -Editor] BORN THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 31 Born this day were composer Franz Joseph Haydn (1732) and labor advocate César Chávez (1927). There are a number of medallic works featuring Haydn. Is anyone aware of numismatic tributes to Chávez? SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: KARL SHEA New subscriber Karl Shea writes: "My interests lie towards early (pre 1900) references to Australian/New Zealand Numismatics and I came to hear about the Numismatic Bibliomania Society when doing a search of the web looking for such references." REEDED CENTS In response to the question about reeded-edge cents made by dealer Ira Reed, David Lange writes: "These coins were reportedly given away or sold in matching sets of cent and nickel, but I've never actually seen a reeded cent." Andy Lustig writes: "Yes, the coins were issued in two piece sets, including a cent and nickel. I've handled three or four of the sets, which are more commonly encountered than individual cents or nickels. This information was confirmed by Tom DeLorey, P. Scott Rubin, and Ken Bressett, who writes: "Yes, these were sold as a set with both the nickel and cent. They were supposed to be just a novelty, but were so well done that some people thought they were an official issue. They were written up in Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine in November 1953, page 1153. I don't have a copy of that handy, so can not give more details, but I believe that the material you have published is accurate and complete." MERKIN SALE RESULTS SOUGHT Alan Luedeking writes: "Can anyone tell me the price realized for lots 8, 103 and 104 in Lester Merkin's sale of December 7-8, 1973? Thanks very much!" [Send me the information and I'll forward it. -Editor] PSEUDONYM OF DR. WILHELM HOETTL While searching the web for more information on Operation Bernhard, the following tidbit about earlier books on the subject turned up. The information is recorded as part of testimony by Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl at the trial of Nazi official Adolf Eichmann in 1961. He wrote The Secret Front and Operation Bernhard (not to be confused with the Anthony Pirie book titled Operation Bernhard): "The book was originally published under my pseudonym, Walter Hagen, but later in my own name, Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, particularly for the English and American editions. In reply to the question as to whether I wrote the book primarily as an historian or more as literature, I would state the following: As a responsible historian, I maintain to this day that Die Geheime Front (The Secret Front) is historically sound as far as all the essentials are concerned; it was of course necessary to add minor literary embellishments, since that is the only way to sell enough copies, purely historical works not being known as commercial successes. Just at the time when this book was published I had to depend on it for my income. Asked in this connection about the nature of the book, Unternehmen Bernhard (Operation Bernhard), my reply is as follows: Unlike my first book, The Secret Front, Operation Bernhard is to a large extent a piece of journalism, which can best be compared with the so-called documentary reports which are common today. Although the background to this book - the counterfeiting of Sterling during the Second World War - is historically genuine, and some details I give in the report are based on actual events, the literary make-up is far stronger than in The Secret Front." Wilhelm_Hoettl-08.html WILLIAMS COLLECTION INFO SOUGHT Gregg Silvis writes: I am seeking information from the catalog of the Charles M. Williams collection that appeared in the November 14, 1950 Numismatic Gallery (Abe Kosoff and Abner Kreisberg) catalog. In particular, I am very interested in lot 678, which should be a 1794 Gilbert 6 U.S. half cent. What I am really looking for are any annotations as to the purchaser of lot 678. If anyone has any information on this lot, would you please contact me at gregg@udel.edu? Thanks for your assistance." HARMSTEAD 1870-S $3 GOLD LETTER SOUGHT Rich Kelly and Nancy Oliver write: "We are searching for information concerning the letter that accompanied the 1870-S $3.00 gold piece that was supposedly written by coiner J.B. Harmstead. We have contacted the Harry Bass Foundation, Bowers and Merena and the curator at the ANA Museum for any information they might have concerning this letter. The curator didn't even know of the letter's existence, whereas Bowers and the Bass Foundation knew of the letter but knew nothing of its present location. We feel, with our present knowledge of coiner J.B. Harmstead, we would be able to authenticate the signature of Mr. Harmstead and we are very anxious to do so. It would answer many questions we have concerning the mysterious coiner and the rare coins created during his tenure. Does anyone out there know if the letter still exists and if so, where it is? Also, if the letter no longer exists, does anyone know why it was destroyed or discarded? We would appreciate any input, no matter how insignificant you might think it to be, concerning this matter." [Write to: NOliver146@aol.com -Editor] NUMISMATIC PRINT RUNS In response to Stephen Pradier's comment about the small print runs of most numismatic books, longtime NBS member Morten Eske Mortensen writes: "Being a philanthropic [that means: each time I PAY THE LOSS for the specific book published] numismatic book publisher for more than 20 years, this subject has my special interest. This narrows down to the essential key factor: Coin collectors do not want to buy LITERATURE on coins if they at all cost can avoid it. The collectors prefer to just buy COINS ! Thus book publishers ought to only print 10% fewer copies than can be sold in one year, meaning the title goes out of print in one year. Some collectors then want to buy the book when it is no longer available, and these people have to go to the antiquarian market where the price (hopefully) now is HIGHER than when the book was available at the publisher, and then (as some sort of punishment) have to pay a price-PENALTY for not supporting the publisher by buying in due time. I have practised this PRINT RUN policy for all 20 years. The last title of mine, "Bibliography of Danish/Norwegian auction catalogues 1684-1998", where printed in just those 194 copies ordered BEFORE the publication date. Thus this book went antiquarian counting from day one! Now the antiquarian price is DKK 500 [the various pre- orderers got it from me at individually levels DKK 150- 350]. I have published a Danish language article in this matter printed 1999 in a Swedish magazine: oplagspolitik.htm You can see print run information 1881-1999 as well as information on HOW MANY YEARS (or 10s of years) went by before the titles were sold out from the publishers finally by putting the titles on sale or outright giving them away!!!" CELEBRITY COLLECTORS In response to the item about Enrico Caruso's coin collection, Carl Honore writes: "I am aware of the great tenor's collection and also of King Victor Immanuel. Both of these figures in history and numismatics show up in my soon to be published book, " The Life and Times of the Liberty Nickel". Hoagy Carmichael was another collector whose catalog was extensive. It was too bad that Kern's collection was handled by Max Mehl. Mehl's catalogs tended to come out like shopping lists and NOT like catalogs as we know them today. I would have liked to have seen coins in today's auctions pedigreed to Kern or Carmichael or some of the other famous people you wouldn't expect to find in the hobby of kings." MICKLEY MYSTERY A visitor to our web site asks, "A web search turned up several references to a Joseph Mickley on your site, which I read with interest. I'm an amateur historian and collector of original 19th century American source material such as old photographs, letters, ledgers, and diaries. I was on the web researching three volumes I picked up a few weeks ago. The seller said they came from an estate in Texas. They appear to be handwritten diaries of a gentleman named J. Mickley. Some of the entries relate to coin collecting and visits to the Philadelphia Mint, which led me to your web site. I'd like to learn if this "Joseph Mickley" is the same person who kept these diaries. Where can I locate a copy of the "26-page biography of Joseph Mickley written by his close friend, J. Bunting.", which was mentioned in the vol 4, number 21 issue of your newsletter? Anthony. J. Esterman, Cleveland, OH (ajesterman@earthlink.net) FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Randy Holder's 1892 - 1915 Barber Half Collection. The "Grading Midgrade (F to VF) Barber Halves" page is very nicely done. http://members.tripod.com/~RPHolder/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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