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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 18, April 28, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Dick McLennand. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 469. ASTARTE NUMISMATIC LITERATURE MAIL BID SALE Astarte S.A. of Lugano, Switzerland deals in classical, medieval, modern and contemporary coins, medals and books on numismatics. Their Mail Bid Sale X, closing on May 15, 2002, "features a large Numismatic Library including more than 1400 titles from XV to XVII century." The sale is available on line at the firm's web site: http://www.astartesa.com. Lots are grouped by the following subject areas: Celtic-Greek Coinage Roman Coinage Byzantine Coinage Medieval and Modern Coinage Catalogues-Reviews Medals and Plaquets Archaeology-Art-History-Literature The web site also features an extensive selection of numismatic literature at fixed prices. ESTIMATE, SCHMESTIMATE From the Astarte terms of sale: "The opening bids will be the estimate, unless there are higher offers. Bids below estimate will not be accepted" Perhaps something was lost in the translation to English, but that sounds more like a minimum bid than an estimate. Is this practice common in European auctions? KOLBE 88TH SALE SCHEDULED From the press release: "The June 14, 2002 88th auction sale by George Frederick Kolbe / Fine Numismatic Books will feature Part Two of the John F. Bergman library, comprising 873 lots of notable works on ancient, foreign and American numismatic topics. Rare works on American numismatics from the Jeff Hosford library are also featured, as well as an important consignment of classic sale catalogues and works on ancient coins, and works on American paper money from the library of J. Roy Pennell, Jr. Many standard works on a wide range of numismatic subjects will be found in the 1242 lot sale catalogue, which ... is accessible at the firm's web site: www.numislit.com or illustrated catalogues may be obtained by sending $20.00 to Kolbe. Sale highlights include a handsome set of the first 103 volumes of The Numismatist, 1888-1990, uniformly hardbound throughout (volumes 1-6 are in reprint); two handsomely illustrated sixteenth century works on coins (Panvinio's 1557 Fasti et triumphi Romanorum and Strada's 1553 Epitome); 1849 and 1850 Eckfeldt & Du Bois works featuring actual samples of California '49er gold; a very fine five volume set of Mazzini's Monete Imperiale Romane; a superb set of George Hill's 1930 Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance; a handsome set of the preferred 1832-1737 French edition of Van Loon's Medallic History of the Netherlands; a handsome, inscribed set of the classic 1892 catalogue of the collection of Manual Vidal Quadras y Ramón; John Bergman's numismatic literature research files...." NO APRIL FOOLS The recent E-Sylum April Fools joke was oddly prescient -- the item in the March 31st issue hinted at the discovery of the long-lost personal diaries of 19th-century Philadelphia numismatist Joseph Mickley. Readers of the May 2002 issue of The Numismatist will find that NBS Board member and long-running Asylum columnist Joel Orosz has indeed unearthed one of these celebrated volumes. See the following item for details. DISCOVERY OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY'S 1852 DIARY Joel Orosz writes: "In 1980, George Frederick Kolbe excited numismatic bibliophiles by announcing he had found Joseph Mickley's diary, covering a span from August 1866 to June 1869. William Dubois had written in 1871 that Mickley kept a journal for most of his adult life. Clearly there had been other volumes of the Mickley diary, but had they survived? During the 2000 ANA Anniversary Convention in Philadelphia, I spent a couple of days at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in search of numismatic source material. I had last been there in 1983, doing research for my dissertation; during that visit, I found materials on Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere that I used for my first numismatic book, The Eagle That Is Forgotten. A few hours spent with the Society's old-fashioned card catalogue yielded some interesting tidbits, but I hit the jackpot when I looked up Joseph J. Mickley, and discovered that, under catalogue # AM1039, the Society owned the great collector's diary for 1852. The diary contains nothing that will change the course of numismatic history, but it does add a couple of names to the list of people who owned silver center cents (James Hall and Jacob Giles Morris), asserts that Christian Gobrecht, not James Kneass, designed the obverse of the 1838 pattern half (Pollock 77), and it sheds some light on Mickley's collecting habits and compatriots. I used some information from the diary in the article I wrote for the current issue of The Numismatist, "Jacob Giles Morris, Patrician Pioneer of Coin Collecting," and I will be sharing an annotated version of the diary with fellow numismatists in the future. The next number of The American Journal of Numismatics will contain an article I have written containing a transcription of every numismatic reference from the diary and an explanatory annotation for most of the entries. This experience makes me wonder -- how many other volumes of Mickley's diaries may be safely tucked away in archives and historical societies just waiting to be found? " [Joel's article is a must-read for all students of American numismatics and anyone with an interest in history. One word: Wow! -Editor] MORGAN DOLLAR MODEL MYSTERY Another possible numismatic revelation was highlighted on the cover of the May 6th, 2002 issue of Coin World. The article article is about one of the lots in the George T. Morgan consignment mentioned last week. "... the long-held belief that [Anna] Williams was Morgan's inspiration for the silver dollar is questioned by the content of an undated letter in Whitford's upcoming auction. The letter is from one of Morgan's two daughters..." The letter states, "Father always said no matter how many models posed for him, that he never bid any & that he just made up the obverse himself..." The letter is lot 1130 in the May 10-11 Craig A. Whitford Numismatic Auctions sale. IN DEFENSE OF DUST JACKETS Alan Luedeking writes: "In defense of dust jackets (and slip cases), besides protecting the book, they often contain a short bio of the author, synopsis of the work, photograph of the author, catalog of the author's other works, or even more important, superb enlarged color photographs of coins not to be found in the book. See Alberto Gomes' monumental work on Portuguese coins, Adolfo Modesti's "Numismata in Libris", R.I.C. Vol. X, or Dr. Alan K. Craig's series of books on the Spanish colonial coins in the State of Florida collection. In these cases, the dust jacket is an integral part of the book, and its absence would be a detraction almost as bad as having the title page torn out. As such, a price difference for its presence or absence is justified, although what that difference should be is of course a personal matter that can only be determined on a case-by-case basis." DEACIDIFICATION PRODUCTS NBS Board member Joel Orosz writes: "Regarding Chet Dera's mention of "Archival Mist", I cannot vouch for this specific product, having never used it or even seen it, but the basic chemistry described has been used in archives and by conservators for more than three decades. I have personally used two such products, Wei To and Bookkeeper, with excellent results. It is true that the paper does not buckle, and if you apply the spray carefully, no excess precipitate appears on the paper. In fact, it is visually impossible to determine whether or not the paper has been deacidified. The only way to tell is by feel -- paper deacidified by this method is noticeably dry to the touch. As veteran bibliophiles know, the woodpulp paper that began to be used about 1860 is highly acidic, and unless sealed in an airtight environment, turns yellow and brittle over time. The wrappers on pamphlets and journals are particularly a problem. Deacidification with Bookkeeper (which is available from University Products) will not reverse damage that has already been done, will not restore the flexibility of the original paper, nor will it completely protect against further damage from acidic reactions, but its buffering action does slow such reactions to a crawl. I highly recommend it to preserve brittle acidic paper. U.S. MINT EMPLOYEES IN SHADOW GOVERNMENT. Dick Johnson writes: "Your item on Mint Director Henrietta Fore working with her staff on how to protect Mint facilities following September 11th in last week's E-Sylum triggered a memory. I read an account that mentioned two employees from the U.S. Mint and two employees from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing were among the 400 selected employees from all government agencies in President Bush's Shadow Government. They cannot tell anyone, not even a spouse, where they went or what they were doing So if you live in the Washington area and your spouse disappears for a couple days at a time they are either having an affair or in the Shadow Government. Did someone open the bunker in the basement of the Greenbrier again?" SCOTT'S COIN COLLECTOR'S JOURNAL QUESTION In response to Bob Leonard's question about the publication date of the August 1881 issue of Scott's Coin Collector's Journal, Asylum Editor-in-Chief David Fanning writes: "There are a few references in that issue (August 1881) of the CCJ to events of June 1881 and one reference to July 1881. The CCJ being a monthly, I suspect that the August 1881 issue would have been published very near August 1881 if not in that exact month." PLYMOUTH TERCENTENARY MEDALS Jan Monroe writes: "In response to John Merz's question concerning the "Official Souvenir Medal' dated 1921 from the Plymouth (Mass.) Tercentenary Committee, commemorating the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims, I provide the following, (in addition to Dick Johnson's information): The medalet was struck by Whitehead & Hoag and has an integral loop at the top. This medal is 31mm in diameter and was issued with a red, white and blue ribbon on a a buff card that states "Official Souvenir Medal / Plymouth Tercentenary / Committee". The medal weighs 8.8 grams and was struck in bronze. Some of the medals were silver plated. This medal was catalogued as Storer number 1561 and Heath number MA239 9a & 9b. I do not have any mintage figures for the medal but it was apparently still available from one of the historical agencies in Plymouth a few years ago on the original cards. Obv. Mayflower sailing to the right entering harbor at Plymouth. Below is the town seal with laurel branches to either side. Rev. Wreath, torch and ribbon with 1620 and 1920 to either side. below are the works PILGRIM / TERCENTENARY / PLYMOUTH / 1921." NUMISMATIC PRINT RUNS Stephen Pradier writes: "Perhaps a month or so ago I and others commented on the limited run of numismatic literature publications. Statistics and numbers are a funny thing and most times leave one to wonder. We know that there are 400 plus NBS members thanks to Wayne's weekly updates on Sunday's release of the E-Sylum. [Actually, since NBS membership isn't required for subscribing to The E-Sylum, the number of members is different; over 300 I believe, but less than 469. So what are you guys waiting for? We'd love to have you all as members. -Editor] We also know that 500 is a generally accepted number for a limited run on a book covering some specialized area of numismatics. This would leave the publisher with perhaps 150 plus copies after the book goes on sale. Perhaps later on down the road someone else will need a copy. Then again, there is eBay. To cause a book to become antiquarian overnight a printing of less than 50 copies seems to be a good number. George F. Kolbe's press release of his March 22, 2002 Auction 87 mentions that there were 350 plus auction participants. Not 400 or 500, but 350 plus. I wonder if that was just the number of winning bidders, or did it include the losers, too? [See George's explanation below. -Editor] Realizing that there are sometime three or four Numismatic Literature auctions going on at the same time, some of those same 350 plus bidders surely participated in those other auctions as well. We may or never know their numbers. George seems to be the only one at present to provide the numbers at the end, along with a PRL. Then you have as an example this writer, who owns three copies of a limited run of 500, two copies of a run of 1000 and so on. I tend to get a working copy of a book that is in my area of interest . It is not that I am hard on a book by any means. It's just that "Book Thing". The other reasons for the multiple copies is, winning bids on books I already own, since I lack a convenient way to check what I have versus what I bid on in an upcoming auction. What's more, I don't have Alzheimer's -- yet. I can only imagine how many others of the 300-400 have the same problem. Another fact of worth is that some of the same 350 plus bidders in GFK's last auction are selling and buying the same books that they just won or lost from each other. It might be said that those of us with this strange interest are incestuous to say the least when it comes to acquiring the book of their dreams. Are there other auctions going on that I don't know about? Out of all of the billions of people in the world, the professed 10,000,000 to 100,000,000 coin collectors in the world, are there only 350 to 400 plus individuals who have an intense interest in numismatic literature? It boggles the mind to come to grips with realization that there are seemingly so few who know that the book is much rarer than the coin. Show me the numbers!" KOLBE SALE BIDDER SUMMARY About his recent sale #87, George Kolbe writes: "We ended up with 374 invoices (unsuccessful bidders are sent an invoice with a note to that effect, and a prices realized list). Probably about 300-325 of the bidders were successful. The sale comprised some 250 linear feet of books and it took 20 days from the sale date to complete shipping and invoicing. Parcels were shipped to most states in the U. S., including Hawaii, and to the following countries: Israel, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Germany, United Arab Emirates, England, Italy, Russia, Morocco, Greece, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Ireland, Japan, Sweden, Australia, France, Lebanon, Venezuela, Haiti and Taiwan (I've probably missed a few). Postage and UPS costs were in the $8000-$10,000 area. Whew!" FEUCHTWANGER RESEARCH The NBS web site has had a hand in fulfilling a number of research requests. Curtis P. Schuh of Tucson, Arizona wrote: "Browsing the web, I came across an entry from one Dave Bowers who is building a database on Lewis Feuchtwanger. I currently am preparing an article on Feuchtwanger's mineralogical and gemological contributions. Could you perhaps forward this message to Mr. Bowers so that perhaps we can share information?" Dave Bowers replied: "I have created a rather lengthy essay on Dr. F., which goes into his gem books (the first state of the first printing has his name spelled FEUCHTWANGRR, as you may know) but more concentrates on his tokens. This will be published this summer in a book, MORE ADVENTURES WITH RARE COINS. Perhaps if you could bring me up to speed on what you have, etc., and what your publishing plans are, I would then take it from there. Feuchtwanger, German born, was a man of many talents. In mineralogy he published a treatise in 1838 that was well written, followed by later works on gems and minerals (of which I have copies). He also compounded "Feuchtwanger's Composition," a variation of packfong or argentan, popularly called "German silver," but at first called by him "American silver." He also had a drugstore and display ("museum") with preserved reptiles and natural curiosities on display. Numismatically, he is remembered for a series of tokens circa 1834-1837, in particular his 1837-dated Feuchtwanger's Composition one-cent (as it was denominated on the reverse). When MORE ADVENTURES WITH RARE COINS is published among its illustrations will be a little leaflet L.F. distributed to congressmen in 1837 urging them to adopt his Composition for regular cent coinage. In 1864 he issued a three-cent piece in limited numbers; these pieces are fairly elusive today, are usually seen in Mint State, and exist the extent of perhaps fewer than 30 specimens." GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO FEUCHTWANGER As coincidence would have it, your Editor just so happens to have on his desk a printed copy of a January 4, 1838 letter about Dr. Feuchtwanger's coinage proposal written by Robert Patterson, Director of the U.S.Mint. The letter was addressed to Senator Thomas H. Benton, who had forwarded a copy of Feuchtwanger's proposal to replace the copper coinage of the United States. The letter lays out seven points of objection. "On the whole, it is my decided opinion that it would not be proper to abandon our copper coinage in favor of the proposed substitute; and you will observe that, in presenting this opinion, I have not thought it necessary to bring to your view the many advantages belonging to the copper coinage; its profit to the Government, ... the hold which it has on the habits of the people; and the loss that would be sustained by its suppression, or the confusion which would arise from a double circulation of the same class." VAN LOON'S "CONTEMPORARY NUMISMATICS" In response to last week's question, Bob Merchant writes: Robert Turfboer's translation of Van Loon's 'Contemporary Numismatics' is one of the best numismatic books I've ever read. And I've read it at least three times. I once corresponded with Mr. Turfboer, as I was hoping that Van Loon's magnum opus was also going to be translated into English, but no such luck. This is a book that every numismatist should read." [Historian Van Loon also wrote multi-volume works on Netherlands medals and obsidional coinage (the coinage of sieges). An entry for 'Contemporary Numismatics' in the American Numismatic Association's library catalog is as follows: AA45.L6 Loon, Gerard Van, 1683-1758. Hedendaagsche penningkunde = Contemporary numismatics. Leiden, Brill, 1995 303p. Line drawings. 34cm. Originally written in Dutch, first published in Amsterdam in 1717. The translation is from the 1732 printing. 2c. Hard cover. The entry doesn't mention Turfboer, whose translation was published in the U.S. in 1993. So who published this 1995 version in Leiden? -Editor] About Van Loon's other works, Ron Haller-Williams writes: "Clain-Steffanelli says this: 14855* Loon, Gerard van. "Histoire métallique des XVII provinces des Pays-Bas depuis l?abdication de Charles-Quint jusq?à la paix de Bade en MDCCXVI". 5vols. The Hague, 1732-1737. Dutch version: 4 vols. The Hague, 1723-1731. Reprint: Leipzig, Hamburg: Humanitas, 1969. 2044 pp., ill." I would add: Dutch title (vols publ 1723 / 1726 / ???? / 1731) is: "Beschryving der Nederlandsche Historipenningen: Of beknopt Verhaal van ?t gene sedert de Overdracht der Heerschappye Keyzer Karel den Vyfden op Koning Philips Zynen Zoon, tot het sluyten van den Uytrechtschen Vreede, in de zeventien Nederlandsche Gewesten is voorgevallen". The volumes are big - some 18.5" x 12" x 2.4" If I had to, I'd settle for the 1969 reprint ..." DEAR SIR: I FOUND YOUR CONSIGNMENT MOVING In response to last week's note about the book with the "perfectly preserved Spider", David Lange writes: "Several thoughts come to mind: Was this book printed on the BEP's famous spider press? Was it ever featured on the author's website? Is this why so many of us get stuck on books? Actually, I suspect the spider remains were not of the spider itself but of its shed exoskeleton. The only way spiders can grow is by casting off their old armor. Of course, that could mean that there's an even larger spider lurking somewhere else in the book. When Cal Wilson was doing numismatic literature auctions in the '80s he told me of one particularly disturbing encounter with nature. He took a consignment from the Southwest that included about fifteen years' worth of Coin World newspapers. When he opened one of the cartons he was assailed by a legion of tiny black widow spiders, there evidently being a nursery inside that box. What followed was the first staged production of the musical "Stomp," sans the music. Needless to say, that consignment never made it to auction. I believe Cal just refunded the consignor's postage cost and gave him some nominal amount over that to conclude the deal. In the meantime, his rented space (you couldn't really call it an office) had to be fumigated and carefully swept. I seem to recall that he was not alone when it happened. He had a fellow bibliophile with him at the time of the assault, perhaps Ken Barr or the late John Bergman." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Money Museum of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, VA. Sections include: Primitive Money Coins of Early Origin Barter in Colonial America Yap Stone Colonial Coin and Currency Continental Currency The New Nation The First United States Mint The First Bank of the US Early Banking Systems, 1811-1860 19th Century Coinage US Currency, 1861-1865 Postwar Problems and Progress, 1865-1912 The Federal Reserve System Small-sized Currency 20th Century Coinage Grains Balance The Making of Currency and Coin Paper Money of Virginia Currency of the Confederacy US Commemorative Coins Large-Denomination Currency Gold Bar Precious Metals http://www.rich.frb.org/research/econed/museum/index.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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