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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 19, May 5, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 469. Your Editor met a number of E-Sylum subscribers at this weekend's coin show sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists. KOULTZ' ALLOY UNMASKED? David Cassel has written a follow up article to an interesting subject addressed in his ?United States Pattern Postage Currency Coins,? published in 2000, a survey of U.S. pattern Postage Currency 10 cent coins of 1863 and the related issues dated 1868 and 1869. His research involved searches through many documents both numismatic and scientific. A German chemist named Koulz was said to be the inspiration for both the reverse design, ?SIL.9? over ?NIC.1? pieces. An effort to garner some additional information on Koulz, proved fruitless. Despite help of numismatists in Germany and the United States using the facilities of libraries, encyclopedias, and the Internet, Cassel could come up with not a single reference to Koulz, not even his first name. Cassel found the name Koulz may have been a simple typographical error that originated in 1869 with the publication of ?Suggestions to Congress of the Finances of the United States? submitted to the Chamber of Commerce of New York, by H. E. Moring. So who was the mystery chemist? Look for Cassel's complete article in an issue of our print journal, The Asylum, later this year. [I hate to be a tease, but The Asylum staff won't let me publish EVERYTHING here - we have to save SOME goodies for members... -Editor] MINT PUBLICITY FOR 1933 DOUBLE EAGLE SALE Eagle-eyed subscriber Andy Lustig sends this link to the U.S. Mint's publicity for the soon-to-be-auctioned 1933 Double Eagle. Of special interest to researchers is the Timeline section, listing major known events in the life of the coin from its striking in 1933 to today. http://usmint.gov/auction/ NUMISMATIC PRINT RUNS -- PART II Dick Johnson writes: "Your item in last week's E-Sylum was timely. My publisher and I are agonizing over this very subject. What print run for my book, "American Artists of Coins and Medals"? Attached is page 7 from my proposal that I prepared for my publisher, Peter Falk, to take with him to Lyons, France, to meet with his parent company, artprice.com. They will make the decision this week when to publish and how many copies to print. Since they are savvy with international sales, library sales, bookstore sales, I had to furnish only the estimate for the numismatic field. Here is what I wrote: How Big a Numismatic Market For This Book? 3,000.000 -- Coin savers. The U.S. Mint uses this number of U.S. citizens who save coins out of change. 500,000 -- Size of U.S. Mint mailing list (estimated); to which they sell coin and medal products. 153,200 -- Unduplicated number of collectors who subscribe to the four largest numismatic publications. 88,100 -- Subscribers to Coin World, largest coin publication in America. Author was founding editor of this weekly. 27,800 -- Membership in American Numismatic Association, largest numismatic collector organization. 5,000 -- Estimated number of serious numismatists in America, the core segment of numismatics. 2,500 -- One numismatic book dealer's estimate of total different customers he has sold books on internet; his eBay rating is 1,600. 1,250 -- Unduplicated number of book buyers of four largest book auction houses (estimate). 468 -- Subscribers to Numismatic Bibliomania Society electronic newsletter of book buyers. The number of American coin and medal collectors -- while down from previous high numbers in the 1980s -- is still quite large. The new Statehood Quarter program of U.S. Mint has begun to increase the number of collectors again. As collectors develop more sophistication in the field they tend to move into new categories (not in above list). They join specialized organizations, recognizing the need to learn more in the new specialties, they find this in the literature by adding new books to their library. Reference books are the most purchased according to one numismatic book dealer: "buyers today want a book to use and read and refer to again and again in their specific interest." Note: That last quote was from Charlie Davis, whose statement summed up the American numismatic book market more succinctly than I could. Thanks Charlie! I felt the readers of this Newsletter are so important that I included the exact up-to-the-minute number in this proposal. You're counted! NBS EMAIL ROSTER Denis Loring wrote to suggest a directory of NBS E-Sylum subscribers, similar to the EAC Region 8 directory (the Early American Coppers Internet Group). Great guy that he is, he offered to compile such a list of any members willing to participate. His offer now makes such a directory practical - your Editor would not have had the time to do it. While we have always published member names, we have also guarded email addresses carefully, never publishing them without permission. Any subscriber who is ALSO AN NBS MEMBER and would like to participate, please email the following information to Denis at this address: DWLoring@aol.com. Name Email address State of residence Collecting interest (if desired) He will compile them, and periodically we'll send the list to everyone who is on it, after confirming their NBS membership. The following rule applies: "It is understood and agreed that the information in the NBS E-Sylum Email Address Directory is for the personal and private use of the participants and is not for public distribution or commercial use." ANA CONVENTION EXHIBIT APPLICATION DEADLINE Attention bibliophiles! If you plan to attend this summer's American Numismatic Association convention on New York City, please consider setting up an exhibit in Class 22, Numismatic literature, which is for "Printed and manuscript (published or unpublished) literature dealing with any numismatic subject." The Aaron Feldman Memorial award for class 22 was funded by the Numismatic Bibliomania Society in 1991. Only one month to go! The deadline for the receipt of exhibit applications is June 3, 2002. For more information, see the ANA web site: http://www.money.org/exhibitrules2002nyc.html NUMISMATIC THEATRE AMERICAN ARTISTS TALK Speaking of the ANA Convention, Dick Johnson adds: "I just learned my Numismatic Theatre application has been approved. I will deliver a one-hour speech on American Artists of Coins & Medals -- needless to say, my book will be prominently mentioned. This is scheduled for Thursday, August 1st, 1 PM at the New York Marriott Marquis during the convention of the American Numismatic Association. Title of the speech: "What I Have Learned From 3,000 Coin & Medal Artists." MARK HOFMANN FORGERY FOUND? From an April 30, 2002 article in the Salt Lake Tribune comes the news that another forgery may be attributed to Mark Hofmann, the expert forger who counterfeited Mormon-related artifacts including letters and paper money. Several of the Mormen notes illustrated in the Alvin Rust book on Mormon paper money later turned out to be Hofmann forgeries. "A document blaming Brigham Young for the Mountain Meadows Massacre is a fake, according to a forensic expert. The authenticity of an inscribed lead sheet dated 1872 has been questioned ever since it was found by a Park Service volunteer inside Lee's Fort on the Colorado River in January. The inscription is allegedly signed by John D. Lee, who was executed for the 1857 massacre of 120 Arkansas emigrants in a mountain valley near Cedar City. Young disavowed prior knowledge of the incident, but Lee went to his grave saying he was a scapegoat. Historians have debated the issue ever since. "Clearly, and I mean positively, in my opinion the handwriting is not that of J.D. Lee," forensics expert William Flynn of Phoenix told KSL television in a story that aired Monday night. Flynn went on to say that the lead inscription could be the work of murderer and con man Mark Hofmann. Flynn and George Throckmorton, manager of the Salt Lake Police Department's Crime Lab, were hired by the National Park Service earlier this month to determine the authenticity of the lead sheet. Throckmorton, contacted Monday night, said he is still examining the document and was surprised Flynn had proclaimed it a fake. The two experts attended a conference of forensic investigators in San Diego over the weekend where they discussed the lead sheet with colleagues. "I'm not through with it," Throckmorton said. "And I don't think [Flynn] is through with it. I am not going to say anything until I am done." Throckmorton said he expects to be finished with his examination in a matter of days. Throckmorton and Flynn are credited with cracking the Hofmann murder-forgery case in 1986. Throckmorton was a special agent for the Utah Attorney General's Office when he enlisted Flynn's help to investigate Hofmann, who eventually admitted murdering two people with bombs to divert attention from his lucrative business of forging documents he claimed were part of LDS Church history. The experts exposed Hofmann as a forger by proving the ink on his documents didn't match legitimate papers from the same period. Flynn now says it is possible Hofmann is responsible for the lead scroll. "It is rather Hofmannesque," Flynn told the television station. "I found out just recently that among the items seized from Mark Hofmann's home were several sheets of lead." Hofmann is serving a life sentence at Utah State Prison" http://www.sltrib.com/04302002/utah/732728.htm MORE ON NEW ENGLAND MEDALS Bob Fritsch writes: "I sent last week's E-Sylum to my good friend Bob Heath since he was mentioned in it, and got this response. Bob probably knows more about New England medals as a whole than any other person alive. His catalogs are currently being updated with many new and corrected entries." Bob Heath writes: "Thanks for sending me the E-Sylum article. I would like to make a few comments which you can pass along if you want: -Storer 1559, listed as 60mm, also exists in 28mm -Storer 1563, listed as 17mm but actually 19mm, was made by Schwaab Stamp and Seal Co. It was hung from an eagle stick pin common to many of these Schwaab Lord's Prayer pieces. (The piece in the MHS collection does not have the stick pin.) -The "one more" that I added to my catalog is Storer 201, the BNS sixtieth anniversary piece issued in 1920. -Finally, I think the piece that John Merz asked about is Storer 1561 which Dick Johnson has identified as by Julio Kileny, (See MA239-9) Hope this helps complete the picture. Note: MHS=Massachusetts Historical Society BNS=Boston Numismatic Society." TRANSLATING GERMAN NUMISMATIC LITERATURE Steve Pellegrini writes: "As a collector interested in Historic, Commemorative & Art medals I have necessarily accumulated almost as many books about medals as I have actual medals. Most of the texts for these series' are European - and much of the most interesting and useful material is written in German - a language I can't read. My question to my brother and sister Numismaniacs is this: is anyone aware of a 'Mechanical Translation' software program which is OCR capable? My thought being to scan pages from German books into an OCR capable 'MT' program. The OCR technology will turn the plain German text into coded text which can then be 'read' by the MT software. The MT will then translate the German into 'gisted' English. -- Any enlightenment on this subject you can provide me will be sincerely appreciated. Subscribers can email me at ginocatt@Portland1.com. EUROPEAN AUCTION BIDDING CONVENTIONS In response to the question about minimum bids in European auction sales, Bob Knepper writes: "Having a minimum bid is common in auctions. Sometimes the minimum is 80% of the estimate and sometimes it is the estimate. A European coin auction in my hand says "No bids will be considered below the printed estimates stated in the catalog. The estimates will be the opening bids." Thus the "auction" is, in part, just a sales catalog. A significant number of offerings do not sell. eBay on the Internet is even more confusing. The seller can (many do not) specify a non-disclosed "reserve" which is above the specified minimum bid. Thus you can make a bid which goes into the system with you and your bid listed as "high bidder" but the system also responds with "Reserve not yet met". One seller had the nerve to say "No minimum bid" - but he/she had a high reserve. ASIMOV'S COIN FACTS A friend forwarded the following item from Microsoft's Encarta encyclopedia. http://encarta.msn.com/column/howtomake67billion.asp Isaac Asimov, the scientist and science fiction writer, was also a great collector of facts. He gathered some very interesting ones about money. You might think, for example, that coins were the first kind of money humans used. But you'd be wrong. We actually wrote checks first. According to Asimov, ancient Babylonians inscribed checks on clay tablets and used them as their currency. And that's not all: · The first United States silver coins came from Martha Washington's silver service. · No banks existed in the colonies before the American Revolution. You had to borrow from an individual. · In 1895, J. P. Morgan and the Rothschilds saved the gold reserve of the U.S. Treasury with a $65-million loan -- in gold, no less. · The town of Tenino, Washington, issued wooden money in 1932. Made of Sitka spruce, the wooden coins were worth 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. They didn't make any wooden nickels, though." [Most E-Sylum readers will be familiar with some of these, and undoubtably some of you will some of dispute them. But it's always interesting to see what the outsides pick up on in our hobby. -Editor] VAN LOON REPRINT Bob Knepper writes: "A recent E-Sylum mentioned a 1969 Leipzig reprint of van Loon's "Histoire metallique des XVII provinces des Pays-Bas". Has anyone ever seen this reprint for sale? I have not. A nice original of Van Loon is about $1000. Although I'm an NBS member, I'm interested in information, not rare books for themselves. I would buy the reprint if available at some "reasonable" price and if the quality is OK." E-SYLUM, BUT NO ASYLUM Bruce Perdue writes: "In response to the query you placed in v05n18 (April 28th issue) regarding the readers of the E-Sylum who were not members of the NBS, "So what are you guys waiting for?" I'd liked to furnish this reply: I for one am not an active collector of numismatic literature, and given the sad state of my finances I probably am not destined to be one anytime soon; but I enjoy reading the E-Sylum and a lot of that is due to your writing style. By reading the E-Sylum weekly and several other numismatic publications I am able to remain a part of the numismatic world. Further by assisting with the website for NBS and acting as the webmaster for the CSNS I am able to contribute to the hobby." [NBS certainly understands the situation Bruce and many other non-members subscribers are in. It's one reason we decided early on that subscriptions would be open to all. The E-Sylum is our service to the hobby at large and it does serve to help promote numismatic literature and the NBS to a broader audience. We've added a number of new members who first came on board as E-Sylum subscribers. We're glad to have you all on board with us, with or without a membership! -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by Tom Sheehan: "Here is a web page you may want to include in an upcoming issue of the E-Sylum. AMSA is the American Medallic Sculupture Society. It has had a presence at the ANA in the recent past as well as hosting FIDEM in Colorado Springs about 15 years ago." http://www.amsamedals.org/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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