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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 21, May 19, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have three new subscribers this week: Trevor Munson, Eric Holcomb, courtesy of John & Nancy Wilson, and Thomas Kostek, courtesy of Brad Karoleff. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 468. BOLEN BOOK PUBLISHED Charlie Davis writes: "Neil Musante's "The Medallic Work of John Adams Bolen" is now in stock and copies ordered by E-Sylum readers will be in Monday's mail. For those who have not yet ordered, the book is 326 pages, with hundreds of halftones of tokens and ephemera throughout the text, 8 color plates, hardbound in blue cloth with a dust jacket, available at $69 postpaid. An edition of 25 is being bound by Alan Grace in half calf and is available at $205.00 postpaid. For more information, write to me at Numislit@aol.com NUMISMATIC PUBLICATION INFO SOUGHT Dan Freidus writes: "I've been asked to write the bibliographical essay on the US and Canada for the next International Congress of Numismatics (Madrid, Spain, next summer). It covers 1996-2001. While I do read outside my own special interest areas, I know it's hard to cover it all. So I invite E-Sylum readers (or others) to email me with info about important books or periodical articles (or new periodicals that have been started for that matter) published during this time period. I'll also consider web sites, though I still haven't resolved how to deal with them even though I'll be finishing up in about a month. So please let me know about what's been published in your field of North American numismatics. Thank you. My email address is freidus@wwnet.com ANS WEB SITE UPDATE Sebastian Heath of the American Numismatic Society announced: "I have put together a page that lists the Society's current work on building a system for on-line publication of numismatic catalogs, exhibitions, articles, and other materials. You can access it at: http://www.numismatics.org/publications/. It currently points to the on-line version of Numismatic Literature edited by Oliver Hoover, to a preliminary catalog of the Roman provincial coins for which there are digital photographs available, and to an on-line version of the pamphlet that was sent out with the Roman slide set. The last two are very much "under construction." I am also working on getting the Greek slide set pamphlet on-line as well as a document entitled "Introduction to Numismatic Terms and Methods" that has been given to students at the summer seminar. These should be available soon. I hope these materials prove useful and welcome your comments." David F. Fanning, Editor-in-Chief of our print journal, The Asylum, adds "I just wanted to let people know that I spoke to Sebastian Heath the other day--he runs the ANS Web site--and the ANS site now has a link to the NBS home page. It's under their "Numsimatic Web Sites" section and we're listed under "Numismatic Books." We already link to the ANS." VIETNAMESE NUMISMATIC BOOK Howard A. Daniel III writes: "I am on a trip at this time to Singapore and Viet Nam, and am in Ho Chi Minh City now until May 22. I am visiting friends and relatives over here but I am also doing some numismatic and philatelic research. In Singapore, I attended the Numismatic Society (Asia) monthly meeting. Of the about fifteen people there all but two collect Singapore and the issues of closely surrounding countries. The other two collect cash-style coins of East Asia, and one of them gave me a draft copy of his book describing and illustrating 100 coins of King Canh Hung of 1740-1787. He asked me to bring it to Viet Nam and work with a couple of collectors here to identify all of the Chinese-style Vietnamese characters in the current Vietnamese language. I just finished this work and I will mail it to him from the post office in the Changi International Airport in Singapore. King Canh Hung issued more different coins that any other ruler of Viet Nam. This book shows only about half of them, but it is an excellent start and will definitely be a valuable addition to the library of a collector of Vietnamese and/or East Asian cash-style coins. It should be published within the next six months and I will order many copies of them for myself and to donate to several numismatic libraries in the U.S., France and Viet Nam. I can be reached here in Viet Nam at my regular email address of Howard@SEAsianTreasury.com, if you want to contact me." JAMES CONDER Harold Welch, Editor of the Conder Token Collector's Club Journal writes: "I am working on a biography of James Conder, the author of 'An Arrangement of Provincial Coins, Tokens, and Medalets, Issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies, Within the Last Twenty Years: From the Farthing, to the Penny Size', Ipswich, 1798. In the field of British Tradesmen's Tokens, Conder was something of a triple threat. He was an issuer of tokens and a collector who formed a very fine cabinet. Most importantly, he was a contemporary author whose work was the standard reference for the series until superseded by James Atkins' work nearly 100 years later. It's not surprising that these tokens would be identified with this man and at some point along the way they came to be known as "Conder" tokens (especially in the USA). But who hung this name on the series and when? I see In the Numismatic Index of Periodicals that an article called Study of Conder Tokens by Chas. E. Fraser appeared in the Numismatist Vol. 9 \ 1896 \ pg. 14 (although I haven't seen the actual article). I suspect that that was far from the first use of the term. Can anyone cite an earlier usage? Also, is anyone aware of any portraits of Conder other than the pen and ink sketch from the Wm. Norman collection which has occasionally appeared?" BOOK CATALOGUE SOFTWARE SOUGHT Marc Melcher of Houston, TX writes: "I'd like to know what software other readers use to catalogue their collections of books. I have spoken with George Kolbe and several other collectors, and nobody seems to be able to recommend a good reference. I'd love to find something that could pull info from the ANS database to fill in information, such as number of pages, plates, etc. Do any of the E-Sylum readers have a recommendation?" ON SINGLE-COIN CATALOGUES In response to the question about single-coin auction catalogs such as the upcoming 1933 Double Eagle sale, Marc Melcher adds: "I think there was a catalogue of a single Cimon Dekadrachm some time back." [There was a single catalog for one of the King of Siam set sales, but that's a set and not a single coin. Can anyone come up with another single-coin auction? -Editor] NEW WEB SITE FOR PROTO MONEY RESEARCH. Dick Johnson writes: "What did early man use for money before coins were invented? A new web site announced this week may reveal answers in the earliest written documents, cuneiform tablets. A California professor of Near Eastern languages and culture is building a library of cuneiform images and placing these on the internet for researchers to study. Cuneiform clay tablets were created by scribes in ancient Mesopotamia recorded in the first written language, Sumerian, four to five thousand years ago. While it was still moist they poked the clay to make wedge-shaped indentations, then baked it. Today it is estimated about 120,000 of these clay tablets have been preserved, housed in museums on three continents. The clay can easily crumble, so handling must be a minimum. Their scattered locations and fragile condition are why Robert Englund at the University of California, Angeles, created a file of their digital images, gathering these from seven museums around the world. "They are so incredibly dispersed," he said, announcing that he had recorded about half the total population, about 60,000 and placed their images on the internet. He established the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative and received one of the largest grants of the National Science Foundation, $650,000, for this purpose. Text of the cuneiform tablets record ledgers, deeds, recipes, inventories, much of the mundane life of the period. A web-based dictionary of Sumerian, complied by Steve Tinney of the University of Pennsylvania, aids the study. "Historians hope the library will prove a boon for economic historians," said Tinney. This may answer the first money question. Several science news services carried the announcement this week. One of the best was by Associated Press science writer Andrew Bridges at http.//digitalmass.boston.com/news/2002/05/17/web_library.html, with additional data from: http://www.today.ucla.edu/html/001023internet.html PONTIUS PILATE BOOK PUBLISHED In a press release Jean-Philippe Fontanille writes: "I am French citizen living in Canada. I am a numismatist specialized on collecting and studying Pontius Pilate coins. Very recently, I published a book which is the first in-depth study ever published on this subject touching a very large potential audience If you would like to have more information on this fascinating subject, please visit my website! [http://www.pilatecoins.com/ -Editor] THE COINS OF PONTIUS PILATE Preface by David Hendin. Authors: Fontanille - Gosline Editor; Shangri-La Publications (Non profit association) Warren Center PA 176 pages, 147 photographs including 4 color plates, paperback edition or cloth bound edition." E-SYLUM EXHIBIT At the suggestion of John Eshbach and Tom Fort, your Editor placed an exhibit highlighting The E-Sylum at the recent P.A.N. Show in Monroeville, PA. The exhibit consisted of an introductory page describing the E-Sylum, followed by a nine-page printout of the April 28, 2002 issue. As a result we signed up a couple of new subscribers. It's an easy task to set up such an exhibit, and if anyone is willing to set one up at another show, let me know and I'll send you a copy of the material. THIAN ALBUM DISCOVERY ACCOUNT The May/June 2002 issue of Paper Money, The Official Journal of the Society of Paper Money Collectors features articles on Confederate currency. An article by the late Brent Hughes, "The Night We Found Treasure" chronicles his discovery and purchase of a Thian Confederate note album containing a complete type set of Confederate currency. The album belonged to the descendants of a man who had worked in the U.S. Treasury Department during and after the Civil War. The family had once owned TWO such albums, but one had been stolen by a maid. Hughes ultimately purchased the other album. "I opened the cover and read the first page: "Confederate Note Album for a Complete Collection of the Various Designs for Face and Back Selected by the Confederate Treasury Authorities for the Currency of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865." I could hardly believe it. Could this be a complete set of Confederate notes contained in this small book? I turned the page and saw the copyright notice: "Entered, According to an Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by Raphael P. Thian, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C." Then I flipped through pages 6 through 45 which had detailed descriptions of the design types. Finally I came to the pages reserved for the notes, each of which held a note suspended by two vertical loops of sewing thread. An ornate printed frame surrounded each note. The light in the attic was not bright, but it was good enough that note number one, the beautiful $1000 Montgomery Note fairly jumped off the page. The green ink was vivid; the engraving exquisite. It was the first Montgomery Note I had seen and I felt my stomach tighten. The next page held a $500 Montgomery Note followed by a $500 "Stonewall Jackson" note of the February 17, 1864 issue. Thian had chosen to arrange the notes by denomination rather than date." AUCTION ESTIMATES: THE TOKEN EV SCALE Duane H. Feisel writes: "I read with interest each issue of the E-Sylum, and really appreciate your efforts. I commend you for your even-handed approach in dealing with matters that may have some controversy. The latest E-Sylum has a section concerned with bidding estimates. You probably have not seen the catalogs for the auctions I manage -- one per year each for the National Token Collectors Association (NATCA) and for the Western States Token Society (WESTS). These catalogs are published in "Talkin' Tokens," the official monthly publication of NATCA. For each lot there is an Estimated Value code or, less frequently, a Minimum Bid provided. I require consignors to assign those EVs although on occasions I might make suggestions. However, the final listed EV is that of the consignor. In each auction there are surprises both on the high side and low of the Estimated Value. The Estimated Value uses a code that I developed. This EV table is "official" for NATCA and is used by the membership. The valuations were derived from "powers of 2" up to a certain point, but rounded off after that for simplicity. And the Estimated Value is a range as follows: EV1 = up to $2 EV2 = $2 to $4 EV3 = $4 to $8 EV4 = $8 to $16 EV5 = $16 to $32 EV6 = $32 to $64 EV7 = $64 to $125 EV8 = $125 to $250 EV9 = $250 to $500 EV10 = $500 to $1000 EV11 = $1000 to $2000 EV12 = $2000 to $4000 (As a reminder for anyone who has forgotten their high school math, 2 to the first power is 2, 2 to the second power is 4, 2 to the third power is 8, two to the fourth power is 16, two to the fifth power is 32, etc.) and so on. The concept for this Estimated Value Scale was derived from the idea behind the Universal Rarity Scale (URS) conceived by Q. David Bowers several years ago that is based on "powers of 2." I think it is unfortunate that Bowers' URS is not used more widely or more universally. I believe the inclusion of EV in my token auctions helps the less knowledgeable collector develop a bidding strategy." HOW MANY "SERIOUS" AMERICAN COLLECTORS? Granvyl Hulse writes: "In response to Dick Johnson's discussion of the market for new numismatic books, Denis Loring writes: "153,200 -- Unduplicated number of collectors who subscribe to the four largest numismatic publications. 5,000 -- Estimated number of serious numismatists in America, the core segment of numismatics. I find this disparity hard to believe. I don't know the definition of 'serious' being used here, but I'll bet that with any reasonable definition of the word this number would be much higher." Just to help everyone: In Colebrook, New Hampshire, 5 miles from the Canadian border, with a population of 2,500 there are ten very serious collectors, so the rest of the United States only has 4,990." OOPS! THE BIG TYPO THAT GOT AWAY Last week I asked for stories about misplaced numismatic manuscripts. Here's a story from Fred Schwan of BNR Press, about the 1993 Fifth Edition of Grover Criswell's "Confederate and Southern States Currency", taken from the foreword of Criswell's "Comprehensive Catalog of Confederate Paper Money", 1996, describing their final push to complete the book in time for release at the 1992 American Numismatic Association convention in Orlando, FL: "As the final day approached the intensitry increased. We pulled out all of the stops. I worked the last 36 hours straight, but we had the pages ready at precisely the time necessary to go to the manufacturer. I assembled the pages and drove to the printing plant. It was the very last and simplest thing that I bungled. In assembling the final copies I took the wrong copies of the formatter. There were two piles on my desk. One pile was a clean copy of the pages that had been corrected. The other pile was of bad pages from which the corrections had been posted. In my desperation and fatigue, I simply picked up the bad pages and left the good ones on my desk! To make it worse, when I got home of course I went to bed, then cleaned my office by throwing out the piles of accumulated paper including the correct copies of the formatter. The most tragic of the errors was the misspelling of Confederate on the spine of the book. Ironically, this dreadful mistake was not noticed by many readers who saw what they expected to find on the cover. The mistakes caused Grover and me substantial embarrassment, as certainly they should have. However, I must say that Grover was quite the gentleman about the whole thing and so were most readers." [The spine read "Confererate". Can anyone provide examples of other such typos on numismatic books? - Editor] HONEY, AT LEAST IT'S NOT LIGHT BULBS Every now and then we run a feature some OTHER goofy collecting specialty so bibliophiles can tell their spouses to be thankful the house isn't filled with something worse... A May 15, 2002 obituary in The New York Times describes Baltimore resident "Dr. Hugh Francis Hicks, a dentist whose fascination with light bulbs led to his owning 60,000 bulbs.." "Dr. Hicks showed off his collection in a museum in the basement under his periodontics office. He named it the Mount Vernon Museum of Incandescent Lighting, charged no admission and gave visitors, about 6,000 a year, cookies. Not infrequently, patients had to wait as he welcomed people interested in seeing what he identified as the biggest and smallest light bulbs in the world ? to say nothing of the floodlights used in an Elvis Presley movie or the headlamps from Hitler's Mercedes-Benz. "Sometimes he left a patient sitting in the chair with the peroxide bubbling up in his mouth," his daughter said." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/15/obituaries/15HICK.html FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Beyond Face Value, an online exhibit of depictions of slavery in Confederate Currency, produced by the United States Civil War Center at Louisiana State University. http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/BeyondFaceValue/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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