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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 22, May 27, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 468. This newsletter was sent a day late, partly due to the Memorial Day holiday. "Sorry, I have to work on my newsletter" isn't the correct response to the question "Do you want to play baseball with me, Daddy?" KUDOS TO ANS LIBRARIAN FRANK CAMPBELL Dick Johnson writes: "On May 22nd I spent a day researching at the American Numismatic Society and must compliment Librarian Francis Campbell. He couldn't do enough for me. I called ahead, then emailed what I wanted to look at. Tough Assignment: all F.I.D.E.M. exhibition catalogs back to 1949, everything on A.M.S.A., a couple articles on diesinkers and some Franklin Mint catalogs to start with. I was tying down a lot of loose ends for my directory on American Artists of Coins and Medals. When I arrived the books were on a work table waiting for us (I had brought along my wife to operate the photocopy machine). I also had a handful of printouts on individual references from the library's on-line catalog to search if we had time. So while Frank pulled books off the shelves, I searched the content of each and stuck in bookmarks -- start here, stop here -- my wife did the photocopying. The early F.I.D.E.M. exhibition data proved a problem, it was buried in other works. Frank found them! At the end of the day there was a five-foot stack of books, catalogs, periodicals, and Shirley had 800 pages of photocopies! If you do any research in numismatics -- or you want to read any subject within the broadest connection of our field -- you have got to get on a first name basis with Frank Campbell and visit the ANS library. Frank has an encyclopedic mind, knows his domain intimately, and can pull out of his computer (miraculously at times, it seems!), any numismatic reference whatsoever. Thanks Frank!" BOWERS' CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH HISTORY For the past two weeks I've had the pleasure of reviewing a copy of Q. David Bowers' new book, "A California Gold Rush History." The subtitle is quite appropriate: "featuring the Treasure from the S.S. Central America -- A source book for the Gold Rush historian and numismatist." From a physical standpoint alone, the book is stunning. Weighing in at eleven pounds, the full-color 1,051 page book is not to be taken lightly - literally or figuratively. In heft it is comparable to Jacques Loubat's 1878 classic, "The Medallic History of the United States 1776-1876." One can only hope that the spine of Bowers' massive book will stand up over the years better than Loubat's. Loubat's publication was bound in two volumes, and a multivolume treatment may have been a better choice here. The color illustrations are impressive. Today we are blessed with technologies that allow such illustrations to be printed cheaply. How different classic American numismatic literature would look had color printing been half as advanced a hundred years ago. If you'd ever wondered what an already prolific scholar like Q. David Bowers could produce given a healthy budget of time and money, this is the answer. Dwight Manley and the California Gold Marketing Group are to be commended for funding the effort to the tune of $500,000. Only someone who hadn't seen the book could dismiss it as a simple marketing tool. With the first printing under 5,000 copies, the subsidy works out to over $100 a copy. Given the harsh realities of numismatic publishing today, it is obvious that such a feat could never have been accomplished without deep pockets. Numismatists, historians and scholars everywhere owe the project's backers a hearty thank-you. As discussed earlier in The E-Sylum, mainstream historians, for numerous reasons, tend to give numismatics short shrift. Likewise, many American numismatic authors tend to give primary historical sources short shrift. Bowers' next book is an example of authorship which sacrifices neither. Perhaps mainstream historians will now take note of the rich vein of material to be found in numismatic sources. If that occurs, Bowers' book could have a legacy far beyond the study of the Gold Rush. As a bibliophile, my secret vice is reading books topsy-turvy. First, I look to the back of the book hoping to find a comprehensive index. Next, I search for a bibliography, and then, for detailed footnotes. With those chores behind me, I'll review the table of contents and begin reading the chapters of interest. The index was a disappointment. At just five pages, it doesn't seem to do the book justice -- it has the feel of a computer- generated index rather than one compiled by human editors. A thousand-page book deserves a more comprehensive index. How could a reader ever locate a topic if it doesn't appear in the index? The index listings appear heavily weighted toward person and place names, although to be fair many other topics are found - the infamous Committee of Vigilance, for example. The seventeen-page bibliography was much more satisfying. But the real treasure of the book is its footnotes. Virtually every page carries a section of notes highlighted in red ink. This is where many real gems may be found. One such set of notes are found on p664, describing improprieties of Mint Superintendent L.A. Birdsall. Numismatically, the most obvious contribution of the book is the cataloging and illustration of hundreds of gold assay ingots, organized by maker and mold. Never before has such a quantity of ingots been illustrated in one place. Other details of numismatic history are found throughout the book -- while a number are gleaned from previously published sources, many others are the result of original research. Any review of Bowers' book could go on and on with information about its contents, but I'll stop here. Suffice it to say that my recommendation is to Buy This Book, although I recognize that by preference or necessity, many may prefer to borrow it from a library instead. Yes, it's expensive, but like any good book its purchase price is the merest fraction of the value of the research that went into making its publication a reality. If you have any interest whatsoever in California gold coinage, Gold Rush history, or American history in general, make room for this book on your shelf. THE ENGRAVER'S LINE: 100 COPY SPECIAL EDITION Gene Hessler sends this note about a new special edition of his book, The Engraver's Line: "One hundred numbered copies of The Engraver's Line have been prepared by the author. This original version of the NLG award-winning book, and a supplement, includes five insertions, four signed by the engravers. The engravers represented differ from those who signed their work in the sold-out special edition when this book was first published. In addition, and while supply lasts, those who purchase any edition, regular or special, will receive an additional sheet of engravings created at American Bank Note Company. These will be mailed separately and can be sent only to an address in the U.S. The author will be at the BNR Press table at the Memphis International Paper Money Show to sign books. As line engraving is being replaced by mechanical and computer-imaging methods, The Engraver's Line pays homage to artists from an era that has all but disappeared. This encyclopedia of paper money and postage stamp art and biographies was first released in 1993, including a special edition with signed engravings. Recently, different engravers suggested that the author prepare a second special edition. The result, 100 copies of the original edition with signed engravings for those who appreciate the art of security engraving. Special edition with engravings $145; regular edition $85. For each book, add $5 for postage and insurance. Send check or money order to: Gene Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231. For a copy of the supplement only, send $5. Outside the U.S. add $15 (check on a U.S. bank or instrument payable in U.S. funds) for postage and registration. Requests for a specific numbered copy will be honored, if possible, but cannot be guaranteed. Specify if you wish the book to be signed by the author and to whom." EUROPEAN MEDALS RELATING TO AMERICA George Fuld writes: "For those interested, there are currently two copies of Medina's "European Medals Relating to America" available for sale, both in Buenos Aires -- one at $200 (a bargain) and one at $320. No telling what one finds when looking for "old" books." [NOTE: Although we don't typically publish individual items for sale in The E-Sylum, as a public service we'll occasionally pass on notices of important literature that comes on the market. -Editor] FLEETWOOD 1707 INFORMATION SOUGHT Ron Haller-Williams writes: "A friend has a book which Clain-Stefanelli does not appear to list. The author is Anonymous, but it has a pencil note which reads "by William Fleetwood / 1st ed. / (1707)" and an ex-libris plate of somebody named F. B. Brook Preface + some 180 pages + index. Title page reads: Chronicon Preciosum: or, an Account of English Money, the price of Corn, and Other Commodities, For the last 600 Years. In a Letter to a Student in the University of Oxford. LONDON, Printed for Charles Harper, at the Flower-de-luce, over-against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleetstreet. M DCC VII. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. If anybody is interested, the rather lengthy "letter" is a discourse on the validity of claiming to comply with a College statute established centuries earlier, when possessing an inheritance worth £6 per year, and wanting to be admitted as a Fellow of the College, even though the statute specified an upper limit of £5 per year." LIBRARY INSURANCE Bob Schreiner writes: "I am the new librarian for the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC). Fred Reed suggested your readers might be a resource for a question I have. I will be housing the library in my house, and I want to insure it for theft and fire -- usual household goods risks. My homeowners company won't cover it. Does anyone have any specific suggestions for companies that might insure a small library?" THIAN ALBUM RESEARCH UPDATE As a follow-on to last week's item about an article in the recent issue of SPMC's journal Paper Money, Editor Fred Reed writes: "If you and your readers enjoyed the Brent Hughes article on the Thian album in the May/June issue of Paper Money, you will be delighted by George Tremmel's fine article on Thian albums to be published in the upcoming Nov/Dec issue. George, as you may know, has a book on Confederate Currency coming out soon (to be published by McFarland) and has done extensive research on this series. George's article on the Thian albums was originally scheduled to appear in the special Confederate issue, but was one that had to be held when the issue over-filled with excellent, original material." [Your Editor was unfamiliar with Tremmel's forthcoming book. We'll be looking forward to the book as well as the Thian article.] ONE-COIN CATALOGUES P. Scott Rubin writes: "Could you let me know who had a single catalogue for the King of Siam Set?" [Your Editor was thinking of the October 1987 Bowers King of Siam sale, but having only now checked the catalog, I see that item was NOT the only lot in the sale.] Stephen Searle writes: "What about the Bowers and Merena catalog of Hawaiian Commemorative Half Dollars. One coin --but several hundred lots of it. :)" [Great choice - I hadn't thought of that one!] P. Scott Rubin provided a another example that hadn't been mentioned before: "Sheridan Downey had a single lot auction of the Alfred E. Burke 1817/4 Half Dollar on April 1, 1997 (and I do not think this was an April Fools joke)." Scott Seamens writes: "I don't have the details - it was perhaps ten years ago, and it was a Swiss auction firm. The coin was India, Mughal Empire, Emp. Shah Jahan gold 200 Rupees. An illustration of a cast of this coin, said to be the largest gold coin ever minted, was carried in the Friedberg GOLD COINS OF THE WORLD book for many years. Reportedly, the coin did not sell in this auction." Andy Lustig provided the details, noting that it was actually a two-coin auction. "I found the following description of the catalog at: http://www.mindspring.com/~kroh/Empirecoins/Part2.html I remember the sale as being reasonably well promoted in the numismatic press. Unfortunately, the coins had big reserves and neither lot sold. I always wondered what happened to the coins. Can any E-Sylum reader tell us if the coins ever found a home, or if they were offered elsewhere at a later date?" 208. (HABSBURG, FELDMAN S.A.): Sale of two Giant Gold Mohur Coins, the largest Gold Coins in the World. Auction at the Hotel Noga Hilton, Monday, November 9, 1987 (rescheduled from Nov 8th). Remarkable catalog of a sale with only two lots: a 1000 mohur of Shah Jahangir, minted in Agra in 1613 (210 mm, 11,935.8 grams) and a 100 mohur of Shah Jahan, minted in Lahore in 1639 (95-97mm, 1094.5 grams). Each coin is illustrated actual-size and in spectacular full-color, with the legends of each painstakingly drawn and translated on facing pages. Each coin is painstakingly researched and described in 16 pages, including a two-page introduction by ANS curator Michael Bates. Card-covers, a most unusual catalog with separate special-invitation." E-SYLUM PUBLICITY OFFER Terry Trantow writes: "While there may not be a lot of token collectors who are bibliophiles as Duane Feisel and I, your mention of an E-Sylum page is something I would like to display at my table for the Northwest Token & Medal Society (NWTAMS) annual show to be held in Vancouver, Washington on July 13-14th of this year. I can print out a copy of the latest newsletter before the show. One of our past members (who created NWTAMS) whom would certainly have enjoyed NBS was the late Byron Johnson, a TAMS past president, a U.S. Assay Commission Member and a tireless promoter of education within the ANA. I would like to think a few of our current members or visitors would be interested." [Many thanks to Terry for offering to promote The E-Sylum and NBS. Can anyone share memories of Byron Johnson with us? -Editor] VAN LOON REVISITED Ron Haller-Williams writes: "In E-Sylum v5n19, Bob Knepper is quoted: "A recent E-Sylum mentioned a 1969 Leipzig reprint of van Loon's "Histoire metallique des XVII provinces des Pays-Bas". Has anyone ever seen this reprint for sale? I have not. A nice original of Van Loon is about $1000. Although I'm an NBS member, I'm interested in information, not rare books for themselves. I would buy the reprint if available at some "reasonable" price and if the quality is OK." Since I'm the one who mentioned it, in the previous issue (v5#18), quoting from Clain-Stefanelli, I should point out that it's not clear to me whether this reprint is of the French or Dutch version." AUCTION LOT ESTIMATES Steve Pellegrini writes: "On the question of estimates, opening bids, reserves, etc., I have always thought Paul Bosco's 'advice' in the Terms of Sale section of his catalogue of the Kallir Sale of German Airship Medals was instructive. Bosco used a high - low estimate system. His admonition..... "Lot estimates tend to show a possible wholesale price as the low estimate and the TOP retail as the high. If you bid over the high estimate, either you should know something or you should be rich ... If you are consistently using the Minimum Bids as a bidding guide, you are either ignorant, which is curable, or a horrible customer, which usually is not..." JAMES CONDER'S TOKENS In response to Harold Welch's inquiry, Gar Travis writes: "according to the book "The Young Collector ENGLISH COINS AND TOKENS" by L.L. Jewitt, F.S.A. and Barclay V. Head, M.R.A.S.; Fourth Edition 1892, in a section referring to tokens (pages 64-93 on page 73 - quoted below- )...they are called: "Traders' Tokens".... So, perhaps we can assume that the term Conder was not in use in 1892, though the section primarily covers 17th century tokens, later issues are mentioned and are likewise designated "Traders' Tokens." "In that year the Copper Companies and others again resorted to the issue of batches of tokens, and these continued to increase and to be issued in large numbers until 1817, when, by Act of Parliament passed on the 27th of July, their manufacture was prohibited, and their issuers ordered, under penalties for disobedience, to take up all they had issued before 1st of January, 1818. This came entirely to an end the issue of Traders' Tokens in this country." LA COTE DES MONNAIES ET MEDAILLES UPDATED Bruno Colin writes: "Our new edition (the 3rd) of "LA COTE DES MONNAIES ET MEDAILLES" is now available in 2 volumes : 1st : The Antique worlds (400 pages) and 2nd From middle ages to today (450 pages). You will find in the auction prices realized by coins, medals, tokens and numismatic books in french auctions during 2 years. Available at 45 Euro each (port free). Order to B.COLLIN 1 rue d'Alençon 75015 PARIS - FRANCE (E.mail : bruno.collin1@voila.fr). Some samples of my thesis "L'atelier monétaire royal de Montpellier et la circulation monétaire en Languedoc de Louis XIII à la Révolution" Editions de balancier, 1986 are yet available. Price is 50 Euro (port free)." SERIOUS COLLECTORS Mike Billings writes: "I found the estimate of the number of serious coin collectors in America to be a bit conservative to say the least. One only has to visit the Heritage website to see that they have over 50,000 registered bidders. I feel that using circulation numbers for numismatic periodicals to be akin to using general newspaper circulations to determine how many people pay attention to or know about current events in the news. My thinking is that the circulation numbers of numismatic periodicals should be a starting place to project up from not down." NUMISMATIC TYPOES Eric Newman writes: "You asked in your May 19, 2002 E-Sylum for major mistakes in publications and my favorite is Sanford J. Durst, COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO AMERICAN COLONIAL COINAGE, IT'S ORIGINS, HISTORY AND VALUE (New York 1976). Errors on a cover as in this case are rare but this "itsy bitsy" insertion of an apostrophe is a gem." John Kraljevich writes: "I'm sure others will submit the rare edition of Penny Whimsy which the noted mathematician Blaise _Pascal_ worked on. Dorothy _Paschal_ apparently did not assist with the Durst reprint. Another favorite [also noted by Mark Borchardt -Editor]: The 2002 Early American Coppers sale, where principal Chris McCawley's name was spelled incorrectly on the front cover. And Chris doesn't even have a silent J in his last name! (Chris -- if you read this, remind me to buy you a beer for the embarrassment)" Christopher Eimer writes: "Your request for typos, in the 19 May issue of the Asylum, reminds me of one such error at a particularly crucial place. The excellent 1984 reprint by the Italian publishers S.P.E.S.of G.F. Hill's Italian Medals of the Renaissance, which was first published in 1930, invites readers, in the penultimate paragraph of the Foreword, 'to reflect on what a remarkable achievement of scholaspih' Hill's work represents. If there is one word above all else that one would not wish to see with a typo, it must surely be 'scholarship', particularly in the context in which it here finds itself being used. But as an author myself, I am the first to confess the shortcomings of my own work, and the various errors that can slip into published work." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Mike Grogan's Early British tokens web site. "Early British tokens are a fascinating corner of numismatics. Issued at four distinct times over three centuries, they answered a desperate need for small change among the working classes and rural population as the Industrial Revolution developed. The tokens illustrate life in these times, as lived by the vast majority of people in Great Britian. http://grogansite.homestead.com/tokens.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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