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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 27, June 30, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Kavan Ratnatunga Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 472. ANA NUMISMATIC THEATRE SCHEDULE ANA Education Director Gail Baker has published the speaker schedule for the upcoming convention in New York City. The speaker list is heavily weighted with your fellow E-Sylum subscribers. For more information see the ANA's web site: http://www.money.org/numtheatrenyc.html Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11 AM K. Visweswaren, "Punch Marked Coins of Ancient India (500 BC - 150 BC)" 12 PM Craig Krueger "A New Slant on U.S. Coinage of the 1850's" 1 PM Alan Herbert, "The ABC's of PDS" 2 PM Mark Sportack, "Somers' Isles Hogge Money" 3 PM Francine Farr, "Metal Monies of Traditional Africa in the John B. Henry Collection" Thursday, August 1, 2002 10 AM Gary Lewis, "State Quarter Committees" 11 AM John Lorenzo, "The Mott Token-The Final Chapter" 12 PM Nicholas M. Graver, "Photographic Numismatics" 1 PM Dick Johnson, "What I Learned From 3,000 Coin and Medal Artists" 2 PM W. David Perkins, "Early Silver Dollars 1794-1803: Major Types, Interesting Varieties, Famous Collections and Collectors" 3 PM P. Scott Rubin, "New York City, for over one hundred years the American coin auction capital of the United States" 4 PM Christopher Connell, "Counterfeit Notes in Early New York City" Friday, August 2, 2002 10 AM Gerald Kochel, "The George Hatie Collection of Coins on Postcards" 11 AM Scott A. Travers, "Building a Valuable Coin Collection from Pocket Change" 12 PM Ed Reiter, "My Years with the New York Times" 1-3PM Chester L. Krause and Clifford Mishler, "How Publishing Communications Has Enriched the Numismatic Pursuit" 3 PM Graham Dyer, "Irish Copper Coins of the 18th Century Produced by the Royal Mint During the Reigns of George II and George III" 4 PM Robert D. Leonard Jr., "New Discoveries in California Pioneer Fractional Gold" Saturday, August 3, 2002 9 AM Jon Warshawsky, "Back to Numismatics: An Introduction to Early Cents" 10 AM Michael E. Marotta, "Alexander as Herakles" 11 AM David Hendin, "Biblical and Jewish Coins Current Topics" 12 PM Anthony J. Swiatek, "Is There Hidden Wealth In Your Coin Collection Without You Being Aware?" 1 PM John W. Adams, "The Forgotten Medals of John Law" 2 PM Jon P. Amato, "Toward a Rarity Analysis and Numismatic History of 1796-97 Draped Bust Half Dollars" 3 PM Kenneth Bressett, "Consumer Alert- The Best and Worst Deals of 2002" 4 PM Maurice Rosen, "How to Get Your Money's Worth and Maximize Your Returns" LATIN LINGO FOLLOW-UP John Adams sends this update: "In the course of working on "AMAT AUREA CONDERE SAECLA", I came across a reference to a book so rare that it is not in Clain-Stefanelli. The fabulous A.N.S. Library came to the rescue and, last weekend, I was able to peruse a copy of C. F. Fleurimont's "Les Medailles de la Regne de Louis XV ", written in 1749 or perhaps a year or two later. The medal in question was struck to celebrate "le Bonheur de la France" - i.e. the happiness of the country under the new king. The motto is translated as "c'est elle qui fait les siecles d"Or" - it is she, referring to the goddess Astree depicted on the reverse, who brings the golden centuries/ages/generations. With the help of Frank Campbell, I was able to find confirmation of the purpose of the medal as well as its translation in a listing of dies published by the French Mint in 1892. I am truly blessed in my researches to have the A.N.S. library, the friendship of Frank Campbell (librarian plus extraordinaire) and the support of readers of the E-Sylum. I am monumentally grateful for all the assistance." WITHERS PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Paul Withers writes: "This is to announce the birth of our two latest books: 'Halfpennies and Farthings - Edward III and Richard II' P & B R Withers 56pp PB Fully illustrated. Price 10 GBP An easy to use guide - a new classification based on the latest research; Legends quoted in full for each type and sub-type; Previously unpublished types and varieties included; Concordance with Fox, North and Spink; Historical introduction. Also: 'COINS OF NORTHUMBRIA. An Illustrated Guide'. E J E Pirie. PB A5 80 pp. Historical outline, a detailed survey of the coins with hundreds of photographs, chapters on the Celtic connection, modern forgeries, photography and display. 15 GBP For more information, contact me at my new e-mail address: Paul@galata.co.uk ALASKA TOKEN BOOK Ron Benice writes: "In the item regarding TAMS publications, the writer speculates that there may be a third edition of my book "Alaska Tokens". Alas, it's still the second (1994) edition. I guess TAMS advertises it as "new" to distinguish it from the first (1979) edition. I am continuing data collection for a future third edition but there is no schedule or commitment for its publication." ALASKAN BINGLE TOKENS Coincidentally, on my desk there happens to be a copy of a 1955 pamphlet published by the Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Corporation (ARRC). Titled "20 Years of Progress in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska," it includes an article about the ARRC "Bingle" tokens. It pictures eight different denominations of the tokens, but doesn't shed much light on their origins. "The 'Bingles' were only in use about six months in the winter of 1935-36 when they were called in... No one seems certain where the name came from... Perhaps it was more than a coincidence that one of the foremost and best loved preachers in the valley at that time was also named Bingle." After asking Ron about it, he replied: "I've seen the pamphlet but don't own one. The Alaskans use the term bingle for all the tokens, not just the ARRC tokens. And the term appears to predate the 1935 ARRC issue." CHAMBLISS MPC POSTER SOUGHT Gar Travis writes: "Does anyone know how to contact Carlson R. Chambliss? I understand he has produced a poster of Military Payment Certificates. I am mounting an exhibit on July 1st in the Harriotte B. Smith Library on board Marine Corps Base Camp LeJeune and heard from currency dealer Daryl C. Spekbring of Virginia Beach, Virginia that such a poster exists. I would like to obtain one to use to accompany the exhibit either from Chambliss or another available source. My email address is oldmoney@coastalnet.com. Thanks." HOLMES IN NUMISMATICS Bob Fritsch writes: "There are several more references to money and coins in the Sherlockian Canon besides those mentioned by Mr. DeLorey. First and foremost, "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs" actually features a coin collector, Mr. Nathan Garrideb. Holmes and Watson first met him polishing a Syracusan coin with a chamois (shudder). One of our colleagues has taken Nathan Garrideb as his Sherlockian name: Ed Rochette. In "The Red-Headed League", Holmes deduces that Jabez Wilson was in China because of a tattoo on his arm and "I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain ...." Watson described it as "a square pierced bit of metal". In "The Valley of Fear", Birdie Edwards, a Pinkerton agent, penetrates the secret society of the Scowrers in Pennsylvania coal country. These dastards coin (counterfeit) their own money in addition to other nefarious deeds. "The Man with the Twisted Lip" is a middle-class gent who poses as beggar Hugh Boone for his income. He is found with pockets full of pennies and half-pennies. In "The Musgrave Ritual", Holmes recovers the ancient crown of Charles I in addition to several of his coins. As England was at the height of empire during Holmes' time, rupees are mentioned in two stories: "The Sign of Four" and "The Crooked Man". Finally, there is Holmes' unofficial police force, The Baker Street Irregulars. They are paid a shilling a day for their services. The official Holmes Society in the US takes its name from this band of street urchins, and new members are given a shilling upon investiture. There are many more monetary references to money in the Canon, but these are the ones where coins and money have a direct plot connection." Alan Luedeking writes: "On the subject of numismatics in Holmes, I'd like to turn this around and ask about Holmes in numismatics. Are there any detailed references? My favorite medal is one by Marika Somogyi issued 15 years ago, on the occasion of his centennial. A gold example is supposedly in the Smithsonian. According to a New York Times article of December 27th, 1987, "mintage limits" were set at 35 in gold, and 300 in silver, all signed and individually serial numbered. I couldn't afford one at the time, but contacted Ms. Marika years later and seem to recall she mentioned that they had only been made to order. I don't believe they ever sold in great numbers. I had her make me a couple, one in silver with a hanger and one in copper without, both artificially "aged". The former is crudely numbered 145/310. The latter is unnumbered. Needless to say, I paid much more than I would have originally!" WYATT PROVENANCE STILL UNKNOWN Karl Moulton writes: "In response to Joel Orosz's inquiry concerning his find of the 1848 Wyatt publication, after checking both of the catalogues in question, there was no such item to be found. Both of the sales were held at the Collector's Club and offered very little in the way of literature of any kind. Perhaps this scarce publication was offered in a regular book auction, rather than a numismatic offering; or maybe it will show up in one of the other numismatic sales mentioned by Joel." NBS Board Member Dave Hirt writes: "I was trying to find some info on Joel's question on auction sales at Bangs in November 1902. In this case the book by Lorraine Durst is useful because it lists the sales by auction house. The Low sale he mentions was not held at Bangs. The Manhattan Coin Co. sale is not listed at Bangs, but I am not sure she cataloged this company at all. However, Bangs had ten different book sales in November 1902. The dates and institutions that have copies of the catalogues are listed in the McKay American book auction book. Hope that this is of some help." Joel replied: "I'll consult my copy of McKay. Many thanks to Karl and to David -- and to you as my information intermediary (the E-Sylum comes through again)!" [Dave cites two very useful books: Lorraine's Durst's "United States Numismatic Auction Catalogs: A Bibliography" (1981) is useful as Joel states because of its unusual organization -- sales are listed by auction house rather than cataloguer. "American Book Auction Catalogues 1713-1934 A Union List" by George L. McKay (1937, reprinted 1967) is useful not only for its lists of book sales but also for its histories of major auction houses, many of which hosted coin sales as well as book sales. -Editor] MINING REFERENCES John Lorenzo posted the following list of references relating to mining on the Colonial Coin Collectors Club mailing list earlier this week: "Peter M. Molloy. The History of Metal Mining and Metallurgy. An Annotated Bibliography. Garland Publishing, Inc. 1986. In terms of American Mining only try these reference sources: 1. Ira B. Joraleman. Copper :The Encompassing Story of Mankind's First Metal. Berkely, Calif.: Howell-North Books, 1973. 407 pages. 2. Richard H. Phelps. Newgate of Connecticut: Its Origins and Early History. Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Co., 1876. The Simbury copper mine which was also used as a prison during the American Revolution as already indicated by D.F.. 3. Thomas A. Rickard. A History of American Mining. New York: McGraw Hill, 1932. 4. Alfred L. Rowse. The Cousin Jacks: The Cornish in America. New York: Schribner, 1969. 451 pages. JPL: Social History of the Cornish Miners by a noted English historian. Cornwall copper and tin miners bringing their expertise to America. 5. Harry & Grace Weiss. Old Copper Mines of New Jersey. Trenton, N.J.: Past Times Press. 1963. 94 pages. JPL: Colonial Copper Mining- The standard. Silberman's ace for his CNL write-up G.T mentioned in the CNL. 6. Josiah B.Whitney. The Metallic Wealth of the U.S., Described and compared with other countries. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1854. 510 pages. Reprint. Amos Press, 1970. Best book on American mining to 1854 as per Otis Young." BYRON JOHNSON PHOTO Joe Boling writes: "Regarding David Lange's recollection of Byron Johnson at the 1977 ANA convention -- he said that perhaps he recognized Byron from the Bowers and Merena catalog of his collection. That was a posthumous sale. Perhaps he remembered Byron from his portrait on the TAMS president's medal in 1974." NICE TRY From "News of the Weird": "Police in Norfolk, Neb., are still trying to find Curtis Boyd, 23, after he skipped out on bail after allegedly trying to pass a check for $22 million at the Bank of Norfolk drive-through in May. Boyd had purchased a computer software check-writing program and apparently figured all he had to do to get the bank to give him money was to present a realistic-looking check with certain Federal Reserve code numbers. When the bank declined to take it, Boyd took the check back, decided apparently that the one imperfection in the check was the lack of an "issuing bank," and thus returned to the Bank of Norfolk after hand-writing the name "Reality Perspective Bank" at the top of the check. This time, the bank employees called the police. Under the "News That Sounds Like a Joke" category, the same column includes this tidbit from London: "A 39-year-old man with a bad stuttering problem claimed unlawful discrimination when he was turned down in his quest to become a licensed driving instructor; his trainer found that the man could not utter the word "stop" fast enough." http://www.newsoftheweird.com/archive/nw020623.html FEATURED WEB PAGES This week's featured web pages relate to Operation Bernhard, the German effort to counterfeit British and U.S. currency during W.W.II. The first is an illustration of one of the counterfeit British Five Pound notes. For those who read French, the second reference is to a french language page about the operation, illustrated with one of the notes and a portrait of project leader Reinhard Heydrich. http://www.reptiles1.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/britishmilitary/335.jpg http://www.confidentiel-defense.com/anciens/numero%201/bernhard.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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