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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 28, July 7, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have four new subscribers this week: Leonard Augsburger, James S. Dehling, Jim & Helen Kirchner, and John Lorenzo. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 476. KRAUSE PUBLICATIONS ACQUIRED Dick Johnson, John and Nancy Wilson, and Dave Bowers all sent links to newspaper articles discussing last week's sale of Krause Publications. "Cincinnati's F&W Publications will buy employee-owned Krause Publications, the Wisconsin-based company said this week. Krause will become a subsidiary of F&W Publications, which publishes Writer's Digest and other how-to magazines and books. The pairing will complement Krause's focus on collectibles and hobbies, the company said. Roger Case, president of Krause Publications, said Wednesday the sale will result in few changes, and he expects Krause's employment will increase over time due to growth opportunities. The transaction will create a publishing firm with about $200 million in annual revenues, about double the size of the individual companies, he said." http://enquirer.com/editions/2002/06/28/fin_f_w_to_purchase.html http://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/stories/2002/06/24/daily45.html http://www.jsonline.com/bym/News/jun02/55118.asp Dick Johnson adds: "I once visited the editorial offices of Writer's Digest in the 1950s. It was in a big loft building in Cincinnati. I had written ahead for an appointment but hadn't received an answer. I got in to see the editor and asked if he had received my letter. "No" he said, "we only open our mail one day a week!" NEW ORLEANS PAMPHLET SOUGHT ANA Museum Curator Larry Lee writes: "Greg Lambousy, the curator of the New Orleans Mint collection, is looking for a copy of a small pamphlet entitled "History of the Mint." The pamphlet is mentioned in an article by Farran Zerbe in the June, 1905 issue of the Numismatist as being published in 1895. Anyone who could provide the Mint Museum with a copy of this article should contact Mr. Lambousy at glambousy@crt.state.la.us CURRENCY MOTTO UNDER FIRE AGAIN A June 27th article in the New York Times discussed the next moves of Mike Newdow, the iconoclast who argued that the phrase "one nation, under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the separation of church and state ? and won, at least with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in San Francisco. "Despite the outpouring of outrage from politicians and pundits over the pledge ruling ? not to mention the death threats on his answering machine ? Mr. Newdow still plans to challenge the use of "In God We Trust" on currency." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/01/national/01PLED.html LAKE BOOKS SALE 65 CLOSING Fred Lake writes: "This is a reminder that our mail-bid sale of numismatic literature #65 closes Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 5:00 PM EDT. The sale features selections from the libraries of Bill Weber and David Lange and can be viewed on our web site at: http://www.lakebooks.com/current.html Please note that lots A 53 and C 41 have been withdrawn at the request of the consignor." WWI GERMAN MEDALS BOOK PUBLISHED Steve Pellegrini writes: "Most of us have wished that some obscure portion of our collection were better documented in the existing literature. For me the hope has been that some talented and well organized author would take on the great task of documenting the hundreds of German medals & Gedankentalers produced during the First World War and post war Revolutionary years of 1919-1933. That wish is answered (at least in part) with a new book by German numismatic author Georg Zetzmann, 'German Silver Medals of WW.1, 1914-1919'. The book is very well laid out, easily accessible and useful to those of us who don't read German. The medals are photo illustrated throughout the 350pp, and very importantly, each medal has a rarity assessment and is priced with a current market value derived from 2000-2002 auction prices realized; which in my opinion is the only pricing method of any veracity or use. I got my copy through Harald Moeller's Hamburg auction firm Munzenhandlung Harald Moller GmbH for 35 Euros plus shipping. Try emailing moeller@muenzen-moeller.de 1849 $16 MOFFAT INGOT FOLLOW-UP Karl Moulton writes: Here is a brief follow-up to Denis Loring's inquiry. The 1849 Moffat $16.00 ingot, which was offered as lot #355 in the Farouk sale, most likely came from the Russell Renz collection which was sold by Max Mehl on March 23, 1948. In the Royal Sale catalogue, lot #3932 offered a similar bar in the identical grade of Extremely Fine. Interestingly, King Farouk was a consignor to this sale and may have arranged to purchase other items. He most likely paid for any new purchases through the sale of items already consigned. Denis Loring writes: "Thanks to E-Sylum subscribers who have helped me with researching my Moffat $16 ingot. I just found it in the Zabriskie catalog, lot 345, 'ex Humbert collection.' The plate is a perfect match. So, the questions continue: 1. Does anyone have a named Zabriskie? If so, who bought lot 345? 2. Does anyone have a Chapman catalog from May, 1902, which Gergerke says contains a consignment from Augustus Humbert? If so, please look through the catalog: is there a $16 Moffat ingot? Lot number? Price? Buyer?" "Thanks! My email address is:" dwloring@aol.com AUCTION INDEX WANTED Karl Moulton adds: "As far as I'm aware, there is no topical listing or index of Territorial Gold pieces that have appeared at public auction. Presently, there are no topical index lists for anything else regarding American numismatics, either by denomination, date, major variety, or series. This is something I have long felt would be beneficial to all numismatists, however the time and resources needed for accurate compilation, without realistic financial compensation, have prevented this, and many other worthy numismatic research projects from ever seeing fruition. John Ford, Jr. once addressed this idea at an NBS meeting in 1980 (Asylum Vol 1, No 4, p.55). "It's unfortunate that we can't have some kind of a surtax in the industry on all of this wheeling, dealing, these million dollar deals, these hundred-thousand dollar coins that would draw off some of this money, and use it for basic research." Will there ever be such a concept implemented by some group or organization to create financial support (either from the commercial or private sector) for a multi-purpose, computer friendly "topical index list" of American coinage, or will this forever remain just wishful thinking and a complete waste of time?" METALLURGICAL REFERENCES In writing to John Lorenzo after reprinting his list of metallurgical reference works, I said: "I hope you didn't mind my picking up your item from the C4 list. A little cross-pollenation can help both sides sometimes." John replied: "We are going to need a lot of flowers among the current weeds to try to introduce metallurgical analysis in the field of US Colonials." NUMISMATIC SPELLING BEE Your editor participated in an interesting program hosted by Sam Deep at the June meeting of the Pittsburgh Numismatic Society - a numismatic spelling bee. A tough list of 25 words (including Antoninianus, Brachteate, Disme, Exergue and Scyphate) whittled down the field. I managed to come in tied for first place with 21 of 25. A tense spell-off followed, and I held on to win by correctly spelling kreuzer, fleur de lis, and spielmarke. Whew! Stu Strickland was the 2nd place finisher. But if anything is misspelled in The E-Sylum, I'll blame it on the spell-check program... MORE SHERLOCKIANA Dave Bowers notes: "Quite a few years ago I owned the original manuscript. for "The Three Garridebs," in the hand of A. Conan Doyle. I would visit it occasionally in my safe deposit vault room at the bank. Later I sold it." Bob Fritsch writes: "I know of no detailed references about Holmes and Numismatics, although Ed Rochette has had a project on this subject pending for several years. In 1999, I won Second Place for my exhibit "Numismatica Sherlockiana". It contained items I had discovered over the years. Here is what was shown: -- The 1994 8-coin set from Gibraltar, KM285-KM292. 1 Crown, CuNi. Also issued in sterling -- One Baker Street Shilling in wood, issued by "Porlock" (yours truly) of the Hounds of the Internet, dated 1995. -- Seven Elongated Coins, four of them by Frank Brazzell (cent, nickel, dime, quarter) with the caption THE GAMES' AFOOT. Two Elongateds featuring Holmes with a pipe, and one without the pipe. Roller unknown. -- Three Mardi Gras Doubloons with Holmes worked into a complicated design, by Blaine Kern Artists. The Krewes issuing the doubloons were Endymion (1982), Alla (1983), and Caesar (1993). -- An commemorative struck on a cent-sized planchet celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first Holmes story, 'A Study in Scarlet'. I know nothing about this piece except that I have one, but who did it and where is a mystery." Christopher Eimer writes: "The ongoing correspondence in The E-Sylum relating to Sherlock Holmes, and in particular Alan Luedeking's request for numismatic references in today's issue, reminds me of a medal that I purchased many years ago, which is said to illustrate a scene from a SH mystery. The medal is silver, uniface, and measures 95 mm. (3.75 inches) in diameter, and can be dated to c.1890-1900. It shows a landscape in which a policeman, accompanied by two other men (detectives?) run towards a lake, in the foreground, in which can be seen two men. The manner of dress and the atmosphere conjured by the scene is certainly redolent of a Sherlock Holmes mystery, and I have never had reason to doubt the attribution. I had hoped that after all these years, I would by chance come across a print or book illustration relating to this medallic image, but that has not been the case. However, the current correspondence in The Asylum raises the chance that this image may well come to be identified. I will e-mail an image of the medal to any subscriber who is interested in seeing it." [Those wishing a copy of the image can reach Mr. Eimer at art@christophereimer.co.uk. -Editor] BINGLES David Gladfelter writes: "In 1980 the Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, then still in existence, published a collection of photographs of the Matanuska Valley colony of 1935, taken by the official A.R.R.C. photographer, Willis T. Geisman. I obtained this book at a visit to Palmer on a family vacation in 1982, when we actually saw the legendary 18-pound turnips and 70-pound cabbages grown there. Included is a photo of Arville Schaleben, a Milwaukee Journal reporter, on assignment. Schaleben, whom I knew, was sent to Palmer for several months to report on the activities of the Wisconsin colonists and was respected for the accuracy and thoroughness of his coverage. He later became an editor of the Journal. The stories told by Geisman'sphotographs bring to life my otherwise plain-jane set of A.R.R.C. bingles. (Reverend Bingle, incidentally, is mentioned in the book as a civic leader who started the 4-H club and led fishing expeditions during the salmon season, both for recreation and for home canning of winter provisions. Nothing is said about connecting Rev. Bingle to the tokens.)" PNG DAY INVITATIONS Julian M. Leidman and the Professional Numismatists Guild invite E-Sylum subscribers attend PNG DAY July 30, 2002, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM, Marriott Marquis Hotel, NYC just prior to the annual convention of the American Numismatic Association 7/31-8/4, 2002. For an invitation, email Julian at julian@juliancoin.com NBS BOAR OF TRUSTEES NBS publications are not immune from typos. The latest appears on the voting ballot inserted in the latest issue of our print journal, The Asylum, regarding a proposal for a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees to name an Honorary member. Dick Johnson writes: "I received today the latest Asylum and the ballot. Who is the Boar of Trustees? Who gets named to this piscine position? The picture that came to mind immediately was the trustees sitting around a dinner table with a fully cooked boar ready to be carved into thirds and they had to eat two-thirds of it." [It's not the "Boar of Trustees". The actual word is, of course, "Boor". The Boor of Trustees, chosen by acclamation, is a sweaty, rude, insensitive, loud-talking bibliophile of questionable personal hygiene who invariably sits next to YOU for the duration of the NBS general meeting at the ANA convention each summer. -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada. "The National Currency Collection contains some 100,000 items consisting of coins, tokens and paper money in the custody of, or owned by, the Bank of Canada. It includes a relatively complete collection of the coins, tokens and of paper money that have been used or are now being used in Canada. The purpose of the collection is to portray the development of money through the ages with particular emphasis on the history of Canada's currency. " http://collections.ic.gc.ca/bank/english/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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