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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 29, July 14, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have three new subscribers this week: C4 member Brian Danforth, NBS member Amanda Rondot and Jim Barry of Aiken, South Carolina, courtesy of Gar Travis. Welcome aboard! We've also lost a few subscribers due to email address changes. Our subscriber count is now 475. Among the lot subscribers are: Jack Wadlington, Douglas Bennett, David Peter, and Larry Gentile. ASYLUM BALLOT DUE JULY 19TH Tom Sheehan writes to "remind the Asylum subscribers to mail in their ballots to vote for their favorite article of 2001. I need to have the ballots by 7-19-02. My address is: Tom Sheehan, P. O. Box 1477, Edmonds, WA 98020-1477." [Ballots were included with the Spring 2002 issue of our print journal, The Asylum. Be sure to mark BOTH sides of the ballot - on the other side is a motion to amend our constitution relating to Honorary membership. -Editor] NBS EVENTS AT THE ANA CONVENTION Just a short reminder of the NBS events at the upcoming ANA convention in New York City: Thursday, August 1, 2002 Numismatic Bibliomania Society Symposium Ziegfeld Room Friday, August 2, 2002 Numismatic Bibliomania Society General Meeting Ziegfeld Room Your Editor will be at the show this year, and I hope to see many of you there. 1993 ANA KOLBE BOOK AUCTION PHOTOS Past NBS President Michael Sullivan writes: "The ANA Convention is just around the corner, but a little trivia from the past may be in order. How many of you attended G. Kolbe's "First ANA Numismatic Book Auction" in Baltimore, July 1993? As usual, George did an outstanding job cataloguing, catalogue layout, etc. One of the most intriguing parts of the sale was the last eight lots consisting of "Antique Coin Cabinets." The catalogue states "Color Photographs Available on Request (please include $1.00 for each." I recall having seen the photos in 1993 being unsuccessful in my quest to secure one of the cabinets. Fortuitously the photographs reappeared in my library while cleaning through some correspondence files recently. The photographs are 3.5 x 5 inches with each lot number neatly written in red ink on the back. While its true I've thinned out 25% of my library in the last few years, but I still cannot find things! As one recent visitor put it, "Michael - at least the boxes running along the walls are now gone." Mystery solved. Modern rarity rediscovered." JORDAN BOSTON MINT BOOK AT PRINTER Ray Williams writes: "I just wanted to let everyone know that I've had posted at the C4 website, the Table of Contents for Lou Jordan's book about the Boston Mint. This will give anyone interested in colonial numismatics an idea of what to expect. It is at the printers and should be at the distributor at the end of July. Sample copies should be at Tony Terranova's Table at the ANA convention in New York. Here's the site to "click" on: http://www.colonialcoins.org/lou_jordan_table_of_contents.htm LAKE SALE #64 PRICES REALIZED Fred Lake writes: "The Prices Realized List for our sale #64 has been posted to our web site at: http://www.lakebooks.com/archive.html MEMPHIS REPORT Bob Cochran sends this report on the recent Memphis paper money show: "The Memphis Show was a lot of fun, as usual. I shared a table with Tim Kyzivat from Chicago; He was selling paper and I was selling selections from Don Fisher's library. A few observations about the Memphis Show: Most of the dealers who had tables were complaining about the lack of good material to buy. Some of them had many of the same notes I'd seen in their cases a year ago. Many dealers attended the auction sessions and were active bidders; I don't know if they were bidding on the notes for inventory or for customers - probably a bit of both. The general consensus is that the HUGE auctions now dominate every show - certainly no surprise there! Quite a few people who stopped by our table said they were waiting to see if they were successful in the auction before they would try to find something to purchase on the bourse floor. In the "book arena," the standard references did really well. I sold most of the SPMC and privately-published references for Obsolete notes, and a long run of the Muscalus booklets. Also sold quite a variety of catalogs of Confederate notes by Criswell, Slabaugh and others. Don had several early copies of Robert Friedberg's "Paper Money of the United States" in nice condition, and they sold quickly. So did a few copies of "The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money" by Gene Hessler, which, in my opinion, is by far and away the BEST general reference book ever published about U.S. Federal issues. All of the non-U.S. titles sold, but I must say that I priced them to "move." My personal observation is that many paper money collectors continue to have VERY narrow collecting interests. As such, they usually invest in ONE "general" reference, such as the Hessler, Friedberg or Krause-Lemke book about U.S. Federal issues, and individual state books (if they exist) for obsolete notes. Probably the most popular book out right now is the "Standard Guide To Small-Size U.S. Paper Money," by my fellow SPMC members Dean Oakes and John Schwartz. The small-size notes issued 1928 to date are WHITE HOT, and this book is now in its 3rd or 4th edition!" PIONEER GOLD AUCTION INDEX In response to Karl Moulton's item last week, Bob Leonard writes: "You have probably heard this from others, but there is indeed such an index--and it has gone through two editions: (J. Kimmell), Kimmell's Analysis of Pioneer Gold, n.p., n. d., spiral bound. Despite its unprepossessing appearance, this is apparently the source for the rarity ratings in Kagin. Kimmell, Jerry Jr., Jerry Kimmell Sr., Jerry Kimmell Pioneer Gold Auction Analysis 1991, Avon Lake, OH, 1990, spiral bound. A pretty exhaustive list--covers auctions from 1878 through December 1990. About 75-80% have prices realized. I have noticed only a single mistake, but have obviously not attempted to verify this massive effort. Essential." [Karl missed this one, and so did I - I didn't stop to think while I was editing the item that I have a copy of Kimmell in my own library. But I believe Karl was using Pioneer Gold as one example of the larger problem of the lack of a general index of all topics. Kimmell's work is a great illustration of what could be done on a broader basis. -Editor] YOU CAN GET AN AUCTION INDEX. Dick Johnson writes; "There is a one-word answer to Karl Moulton's discussion (and previously by John J. Ford Jr.) of an auction index mentioned in last week's E-Sylum. That one word is: "Grants". If you want something done in the way of numismatic research, writing or indexing, establish a grant for this and fund it. There are a handful of us researchers in the numismatic field who have received grants for such numismatic drudge work. I won't reveal who -- or how -- we get these grants. But I will say most of the others are academics with lots of university degrees (and letters after their name from the fields of history and such). I am one of the few who are more commercial (my degree was in business). I like numismatic projects whose end result is a book which will have the greatest benefit to the largest segment of our field. Case in point is my current project, nearing publication, a list of all the coin and medal artists in America (the designers, diesinkers, engravers, medalists and sculptors who create our beloved coins and medals). There are costs involved in numismatic research (travel takes the biggest chunk). Sure, you can write sitting in your personal library, and you can even gather a lot of information on the internet. But for most research, I have found, you have to travel. The desired data is always located at a distance. I will be eternally grateful to the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists for bestowing on me two of their grants. Their officers recognized this, and even called it a Research Travel Grant." NUMISMATIC SPELLING Regarding last week's items about the numismatic spelling bee, Martin Purdy writes: "We need to tell your spell-checker that "Brachteate" is mis-spelt (no "h")! One thing that I'm curious about: how would the spelling bee deal with the sort of acceptable alternative spellings found on coinage, such as "kreutzer"? " Well, on the first point, you're absolutely right - "Brachteate" was one of the four I missed in the written portion of the bee, and I obviously didn't learn anything from the exercise. I also wrote down four different spellings of "Aureus" before finally deciding on one, only to discover at the end that none of the four were correct. No points were awarded for creativity, unfortunately. As for the final word on spelling, our moderator, Sam Deep, used Richard Doty's "Macmillan Encyclopedic Dictionary of Numismatics" as a reference. Sam adds: "I also perused Breen's glossary in his Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins as well as Chamberlain and Reinfeld's 'Coin Dictionary and Guide' and Mort Reed's (of numistamp fame) 'Cowles Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. Coins', but settled on Doty as the best reference for the bee. I suppose a more professional version of the bee would have to be armed with information about acceptable variant spellings, which I was not." George Kolbe adds: "Brachteates ?????? For what it's worth, a perusal of my everyday dictionary defines "brach" - in polite terms - as a "female hound." Combined with the second half of the word??? Hmm." COINING "SYNGRAPHICS" Web site visitor Marina Andreeva writes: "I was wondering is there a term for paper money collecting like numismatics for coin collecting?" My response was "syngraphics", although I didn't have time to elaborate. Her reply: "I need to know if this term "syngraphics" a widely used and well-known term. Would it be easily recognized among collectors in the English-speaking world? I'm editing a book translated from Belarusian into English and it's important for me to pick the right term for paper money collecting. Or should I stick with simply "paper money collecting"? I've found the word syngraphics only in two other places on the Internet but nowhere in dictionaries or encyclopedias and the word doesn't seem to be familiar to most people. Thank you. I really appreciate your assistance in this matter." Gene Hessler had a hand in coining the term. In response to my query he writes: "In 1974 I went to Reverend Richard Doyle, Chairman of the Department of Classical Languages at Fordham University in New York and made the request for a word. His creation was syngraphics. The Greek syn, means with or together (as in synagogue -- a place where people come together), and graphikos, which means to write. In Latin, syngrapha means a written agreement to pay, a promissory note, a bond. The Oxford Dictionary defines paper money as "a written promise to pay." In the same source syngraph is defined "as a written contract or bond signed by both or all parties, an obligation or bond between two or more." The first paper money in the western world was a handwritten goldsmith receipt. The art of engraving, etching and other methods by which copies of an original design are printed from a plate, block or the like is referred to as graphic art. Modern bank notes are no longer handwritten but are made from engraved plates. Therefore, syngraphics is interpreted as the collecting of paper money, and since a serious collector studies what is collected, he or she is a syngraphist. Syngraphics is a legitimate word with Latin and Greek roots. Since our community is small, the term is seldom used outside journals including Paper Money, the International Bank Note Society Journal, the Bank Note Reporter and The Numismatist. After the word syngraphics was introduced I did not lobby to have it included in encyclopedias and dictionaries. Before the last edition of the Oxford Dictionary was released I submitted it and received a favorable response. However, I'm uncertain if it was included." So, readers... Do you know if the word has made it to any non-numismatic dictionaries or encyclopedias? SEABY - SPINK IMPRESSIONS Allan Davisson writes: "A question stemming from an exchange with Douglas Saville, head of books at Spink: During the 60's and 70's the Seaby firm seems to have been far better known to North American collectors than Spink. I suggested that part of the reason was their issue of standard catalogs for British and ancient coins. Another part of the reason was the frequent trips some of their staff would take to various American cities to see collectors. Anecdotally, I know that I am able to buy old Seaby Bulletins far more often than Spink Circulars from American collectors who sell their libraries. Both Douglas and I are intrigued by the question of American perceptions of these two venerable firms. I would appreciate comments on the issue. Were you among those visited by Seaby staff in the '60s and '70s? I know that Lincoln, Nebraska was a frequent stop. Did you have more contact with one than the other in that period? Did the break-up of Seaby (books went one way, coins another and antiquities a third) serve as a catalyst to do more with Spink? This may all result in a brief article in the Circular sometime." [Allan may be reached at: coins@cloudnet.com. -Editor] STILL MORE SHERLOCKIANA Dick Johnson writes: "Bob Fritsch could have added two very fine art medals to his exhibit of Sherlock Holmes numismatic items. In 1987 two California artists created Sherlock Holmes Art Medals: Alex Shagin and Marika Somogyi. Both medals have a portrait of the famed investigator. Shagin mentions Baker Street on the reverse (remember the number?) Somogyi employs an openwork keyhole for the portrait eye; it has been exhibited four times by AMSA, American Medallic Sculpture Association, and once at an international F.I.D.E.M. exhibit. I cataloged both Holmes medals for a Collectors' Auction Ltd auction of May 14, 1989, lots 334 and 354. Both were illustrated there." Bob Van Ryzin writes: "In reference to Bob Fritsch's comment in V.5 No. 28 July 7, 2002, The E-Sylum, concerning detailed references to Holmes and numismatics, I can offer the following: I know of at least one extensive study of numismatics in the Canon. It appears in Simpson's Sherlockian Studies by A. Carson Simpson, privately printed between 1953 and 1961 in nine volumes. In 1982, these volumes were compiled into book form by Magico Magazine, with an introduction by Isaac Asimov. If memory serves me, original sets of the Simpson volumes were scarce even back in the 1980s. The book I purchased was issued in an edition of 100 hardcover copies signed by Asimov and a trade version. Volumes 5, 6, and 7 feature a three-part series on the coins, paper money, medals and orders in the Canon. Each of these "parts" runs in the range of 40 pages, with detailed descriptions of the various numismatic items that may have been encountered as well as Conical references. There's also a volume titled "Conical Philately." ORIGINAL ACTS OF PARLIAMENT AND THE UNKNOWN BIBLIOGRAPHER In their inventory listings, Broadfoot's Rare & Out-of-Print Books of Wilmington, NC includes the following description of original acts of the British parliament: "Original Acts of Parliament have long been valued and collected, appearing frequently in auction records and dealers catalogs. After an Act was passed by Parliament, it was printed by the Crown printers in London. Only a few Acts, perhaps the Acts for the week, were printed at one time, loosely sewn together at the inner margin. For this first printing, each Act had its own individual cover page. At the end of each year, all of the Acts were reprinted and issued in book form; in this annual compilation the Acts did not have individual title pages. It's not inappropriate to call the first printing of each account the first edition, first issue and the yearly printing in book form the first edition, second issue, explaining why some Acts have separate printed cover sheets and others do not. Thus Acts we describe as being "removed" have been taken out of a bound volume and as such may have small holes, notches or bits of glue in the inner margin where formerly sewn and glued. The Unknown English Bibliographer: Most of these Acts are from the library of Harvard University as attested by the small and faint blue exchanger stamp dated January 1, 1944 verso the title pages. Many of the Acts are in protective cream wrappers with the Act noted on the wrapper in black ink in a fine and elegant hand, as handsome a penmanship as I have ever seen. Furthermore, in many cases, the unknown English bibliographer penned succinct comments, which place the Acts in historical perspective and evaluated their importance. I'm indebted to this person and thus let us raise a toast in thanks to him, "the unknown English bibliographer." I doubt this person was head of the library and perhaps this may be the greatest recognition he received for a job well done. I can well envision someone during the war years deep in the catacombs of London, sitting on the high stool a la Bob Cratchitt, writing up endless stacks of Acts of Parliament by a dim light. If any of you can perhaps determine who this person might have been and if he still breathes, I should like to send him best wishes and a bottle of the South's finest." [There are several compilations of U.S. laws relating to numismatics - Dunbar 1891, 1897, a House of Representatives document of 1904, a compilation of laws on commemorative coinage by Lewis, GPO 1936, David Ganz' compilation and Pete Smith's 1998 "Laws of the U.S. Congress Authorizing Medals". Is anyone aware of an index or compilation of British Acts of Parliament related to numismatics? Or the identity of the "Unknown Bibliographer?" -Editor] BINGLES REVISITED Hal V. Dunn writes: "I had never heard of Rev. Bingle until receiving the most recent issue of The E-Sylum. I have always assumed that the word "bingle" simply referred to tokens and was not the surname of a real person. In Ronald J. Benice's Alaska Tokens, there are three bi-metal pieces listed as Chatanika 1.A, B, C, issued by Bingle Fritz. He is identified as Thomas Frederick (Fritz) Welch, operating there between 1914 and 1923. In the Winter 1966 issue of Nevada Highways and Parks, there appears an article entitled "Bingles, Slugs & Tokens," by Samuel Clover, describing Nevada merchant tokens and the collection of Jack Barry, the dean of Nevada token collectors. To quote from the article: "What are they? They're substitutes for money -- tokens we call them now -- issued by businessmen and merchants when minted coins are in short supply. The Civil War years and the depression of the 1930s prompted a large issue of tokens in years past. Today, when silver dollars have virtually disappeared from circulation, tokens -- or bingles, if you date from before the depression, or slugs, if you are older than that -- are back again in a big way." I first met the late Jack Barry in the early 1960s shortly after I "discovered" Nevada trade tokens. Over the years I made many visits to his law office in Reno. We spent many hours looking at tokens, discussing them and making frequent trades. I also had the opportunity to see some wonderful Nevada currency, assay bars, CC coins, and other rare Nevada material not frequently encountered. Jack never mentioned the source of the word "bingle" and I do not recall him ever associating it with a minister. He was cataloging all Nevada exonumia and numismatic material for a future book, which unfortunately was never published. He had a wealth of knowledge that has been lost forever to the collecting community. So, does anyone have a well documented story of the source of the word "bingle" and its connection to the Rev. Bingle?" [So far, I've seen nothing to confirm a connection to Rev. Bingle. Readers? -Editor] ANTEBELLUM FEDERAL REVENUES Nolan Mims writes; "This may not be an appropriate question for the E-Sylum, but I don't know the answer and I figured that some of our readers would know. Other than customs duties, what were the main sources of revenue for the federal government from its inception until the war between the States? How, for example, did we pay for the Louisiana Purchase? Any help would be appreciated." QUEEN LOVISA ULRIKA'S NUMISMATIC LIBRARY Found while surfing the net: Queen Lovisa Ulrika's Collection of Numismatic Literature at the Library of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden. See http://www.raa.se/kvhaab/engspec.htm#rub02 "The Queen's numismatic library, which consists of about 10 metres of books from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, was transferred from Drottningholm Castle in the1790s. The volumes are in mint condition. A considerable number of the books have been bound by the Royal bookbinder Christopher Schneidler, and are decorated on the front cover with the Queen's coat of arms in gold... A printed catalog is in preparation." "Queen Lovisa Ulrika (1720-1782) ... acquired many coins and coin books. The collection is named after her but the greatest part of the books were in fact collected by Carl Gustaf Tessin (1695-1770). "The aim of the project is to complete a manuscript and to produce a printed catalog of the collection in English. The catalog will be richly illustrated with photographs. Time for publication will be announced..." "The library collects numismatic literature from all over the world as well as Swedish bank history and Swedish economic history. The collection totals c. 600 meters of books and journals. Queen Lovisa Ulrika's Collection of Numismatic Literature is the cornerstone with the oldest books printed in the 16th century, whereas the majority of the books are from the 20th century. The library holds subscriptions for about 70 numismatic journals." The web site is a bit out of date - the book has already been published. In fact, George Kolbe has copies for sale. He describes it as follows: "A beautifully printed volume carefully recording 16th, 17th & 18th century numismatic works in the Library of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, the largest holding of its kind in Sweden. It is written entirely in English. Every title-page is illustrated, and key bibliographical data is also included, often accompanied by important, little-known information about the work itself and a biography of its author. Underwritten by the Royal Academy, this scholarly, profusely illustrated volume would sell for considerably more if published commercially. Simply indispensable to anyone interested in early numismatic books, and a joy to read." For more information see George's web site: http://www.numislit.com/Lovisa%20Ulrika.htm FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is John Stafford-Langan's Irish Hammered Coinage (~995 to ~1660). Be sure to drill down on the links for more information and images. http://www.irishcoinage.com/HAMMERED.HTM Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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