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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 25, June 20, 2004: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. EDITOR'S NOTE Due to travel, next week's E-Sylum will be published a day late: Monday, June 28. So remain calm - don't panic. Your issue will be on its way. JOIN NBS - IT'S CHEAP! Nicholas M. Graver writes: "I read the latest E-Sylum, and note that you hope people will join NBS. Please add "Only $15" to your plug at the bottom of each issue. It is my experience that many people do not go check all the web sites mentioned in things they read. I put it off, for well over a year, due to inertia, my concern about another unread periodical coming here, and the (incorrectly) supposed high cost of subscription. Once I learned that it is so cheap, I joined at once. I'll bet you get more members if you include this mention." [Thanks for the suggestion - the membership section of The E-Sylum has been duly updated. Now let's see some more of our readers become members - we'd love to have you on board. If you need a further incentive to join, see the next item. -Editor] NBS 25TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE E. Tomlinson Fort, Editor of out print journal, The Asylum writes: "The preliminary edit and layout of our special issue of The Asylum for the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society has been completed. It is 264 pages long. This makes it the equivalent of more that two years of The Asylum (at our usual size) combined. It is, by far, the largest (and best) collection of essays on numismatic literature ever published in one volume in the United States. The works run from the popular to the scholarly, from Europe to America, from autobiography to bibliography and from tongue in cheek to an eye for detail. There is something for everyone. An NBS membership costs only $15 ($20 outside the US). If you miss this opportunity and find yourself paying lots of money for a copy on the secondary market, you only have yourself to blame. New memberships and renewal payments MUST be received by the Secretary-Treasurer by July 1, 2004. No exceptions. A membership application can be found on the NBS web site at www.coinbooks.org. It is time for the readers of this e-newsletter to put their money where their mouths are and support the organization which brings us this fine work." [The table of contents follows, but see last week's issue for more details. -Editor ?Jean Foy-Vaillant: The King?s Antiquary (1632 ? 1706),? by Christian E. Dekesel. ?William Frederick Mayers: A Flashing Star,? by Pete Smith. ?An Annotated Bibliography of the Published Numismatic Writings of Walter H. Breen by David F. Fanning. ?Blunders, Hoaxes, and Lost Masterpieces from the Numismatic Literature of the Renaissance,? by John Cunnally. ?Some Reminiscences,? by Q. David Bowers. ?Creating The E-Sylum, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society's Weekly Electronic Newsletter,? by Wayne K. Homren. ?American Numismatic Pioneers: An Index to Sources,? by Pete Smith. ?Recollections of 34 Years at Spink, 1969?2003,? by Douglas Saville." NEW NBS MAILING ADDRESS [So where do you send your dues? Our Secretary-Treasurer W. David Perkins writes: "I am moving back to Colorado. I now have the new P.O. Box number and address for NBS. My e-mail address remains the same (wdperki at attglobal.net): W. David Perkins, Sec. / Treas. Numismatic Bibliomania Society P.O. Box 3888 Littleton, CO 80161-3888 [David's contact information has been changed at the bottom of The E-Sylum, and will soon be updated on the NBS web site and Asylum masthead. He's looking forward to hearing from many new and lapsed NBS members. -Editor] JOHN BURNS SHOW SCHEDULE Numismatic literature dealer John Burns writes: "I will be doing these two shows: Mid America Rosemont Convention Center (Site of the 1991&1999 ANA's) Rosemont IL (Close to O'Hare Airport) June 25-27, 2004 American Numismatic Association David L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh PA August 18-22" ANS LIBRARY SALE CONSIGNMENTS SOUGHT John W. Adams writes: "The Ford Library Sale pauperized many of us. The book auction for the benefit of the Francis D. Campbell Chair promises to finish off the job. Among the many salivating items are the photo archives of Presidential Coin 1984-1995, Beistle's copy of the Haseltine Type Table, a receipt signed by Abel Buell, a framed autograph (with portrait) of David Rittenhouse, a letter from Elias Boudenot discussing the removal of the U.S. Mint to Washington, D.C., a plated presentation Parmelee Sale (1890), 17-18th century classics, a set of Dutch van Loon's, two sets of 8" x 11" photographs of Washington's set of Comitia Americana medals, Wurtzbach on Massachusetts silver, etc., etc. Despite the quality of the material we have already, we can use more. Send items you wish to donate to George Kolbe TO ARRIVE BY JUNE 30TH. [So please, drop what you're doing and rummage thru your library for a few better items to add to the sale. If you just can't part with anything, be sure to bid in the sale. The dinner and auction should be both fun and memorable. Come in person or get a catalogue from George Kolbe and bid by mail. Place: Tambellini's Restaurant (easy walking distance from the ANA Convention) cocktails: 5:15 p.m. followed by dinner & Auction Tickets: $50.00 each, reservations to: John Adams 60 State Street, 12th floor Boston, MA 02109 jadams at ahh.com Books: Send to George Kolbe P.O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325." -Editor] KOLBE FORD SALE REPORT John Kraljevich sends us the following report from the recent sale of the first part of the John J. Ford Jr. numismatic library: "George Kolbe and his staff are to be commended on what an amazing event the Ford Library sale turned out to be. I visited Crestline before the sale to see some lots and was thrilled to see that his lower-floor office was filled to the gills with friendly bibliophiles, and of course George was all to happy to play cheerful host. The drive to Crestline from Riverside in the v alley below is worth the trip alone (though I wished my rental car had about 4 more cylinders on the way up). The auction venue was also a treat -- the Mission Inn is a pretty fascinating structure and has its share of history as well (visits from T. Roosevelt and Taft, in addition to the honor of hosting Nixon's wedding). I visited with Bruce Hagen and Dan Friedus that evening, ran into a pack of Early American Coppers members in the bar, and retired late. The auction itself was a very exciting event, though the familiar faces generally did little bidding on the directories that led the sale off (with one Bay Area exception). The great rarities seemed to see for very strong money (though I thought the Doughty diaries were a nice buy at only $11K + juice). There were a lot of very buyable items though too -- I purchased a number of lots and most were barely out of the $100 range. Cheers again to George for making the event so memorable!" BREEN CORRESPONDENCE PUBLICATION SOUGHT Steve Pellegrini writes: "I hope that the successful bidder for the Ford-Breen letters offered in the Kolbe-Ford-Stack's sale will consider getting together with Walter Breen specialist David F. Fanning to edit and publish the letters in full. The excerpts from the letters featured in the Kolbe catalogue were fascinating and beg to be printed in full." W. L. ORMSBY SC? Art Tobias writes: "I am working on the third in a series of articles about engraved scenes that W.L. Ormsby made for Colt's revolvers in the 1846 - 1850 time period. The engraving, of Texas Rangers and Comanches in an 1844 skirmish is signed, "W.L.Ormsby Sc. N Y". Does anyone know what the "Sc" stands for?" "IN GOD WE TRUST" WINS A BATTLE On June 14th (Flag Day) the U.S. Supreme Court voted to reverse a lower court's ruling which would have removed the phrase "one nation, under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. Their ruling was based on a technicality and left open the possibility of a future case. The issue relates to numismatics because it could ultimately affect the fate of the motto "In God We Trust" on U.S coins and currency. A Wall Street Journal article noted: "Congress adopted the pledge as a national patriotic tribute in 1942, at the height of World War II. Congress added the phrase "under God" more than a decade later, in 1954, when the world had moved from hot war to cold." QUICK QUIZ: "In God We Trust" has been on coinage far longer. Who was the person who first suggested the slogan, and when? And here's a bonus question for hard-core bibliophiles: in what publication was this fact first documented? -Editor] REAGAN BIRTHPLACE Last week we asked about a piece of numismatically-related Ronald Reagan trivia. The 40th President was born in 1911 in an apartment above a bank in Tampico, IL. We were curious about the name of the bank and whether it issued currency, An anonymous currency collector writes: "As I recall, Ronald Reagan was born above The First National Bank of Tampico, Illinois. This bank did issue national bank notes. For further information, please refer to any of the many national bank note catalogs (Van Belkum, Ramsey & Polito, Kelly, Hickman & Oakes, Liddel & Litt, etc.). Among national bank note enthusiasts, Reagan's birthplace is very old news, particularly since President Reagan was a close personal friend of Bill Higgins. Bill was the founder of the Higgins Museum in Lake Okoboji, Iowa, the country's only museum dedicated to national bank notes." Bill Burd writes: "I would imagine you received many responses to your question regarding Reagan's birthplace. I am sending you the little I know anyway. The Tampico Bank was established in 1882. In August of 1908 it was chartered as a National Bank and changed it's name to First National Bank of Tampico. It issued large size 1902 Date Backs and also Plain Backs. Also, it issued small size currency dated 1929. It was liquidated in December 1931." Jess Gaylor provided a link to an article about the bank's history, noting that when Ronald W. Reagan's family moved in in 1906, "a bakery or restaurant occupied the building below the apartment. Tampico National Bank came into existence in 1919 and was privately owned." The site notes: "... the First National Bank of Tampico ... opened for business on October 1, 1908. Business was first conducted in the old Burden building, on the west side of Main Street, which has since been torn down, and later moved to the building on the east side of Main Street which houses the Village Administration offices at present." www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com [Reagan was born in 1911. It's unclear from this article whether there was a bank in the same building at the time Reagan was born. And further documentation or discussion of this issue is invited. Only history will tell if any leader is worthy of honoring on our money, and there are many examples of the folly of honoring living or recently-deceased persons on coins and currency. I laughed when I first heard of the movement to honor Reagan, who was still alive at the time. He may be gone now, but it is still much too early to consider putting his portrait on money. -Editor] Illustrating the divisions that surround Reagan's legacy is the following note from Richard Doty, who writes: "IF handing the country more completely to the rich IF ignoring AIDS while thousands died IF winning the Cold War by proving that we were capable of going deeper into debt than were our adversaries IF breaking one union and weakening the rest; IF all of these were accomplishments and IF you deem their author worthy of remembrance on our money - then by all means put him on it. But I won't use it." LIVING PERSONS ON COINS AND PAPER MONEY An article by Richard Giedroyc on the PCGS web site discusses some living personalities who have appeared on U.S. money: "During the 1860s paper money began to be printed in earnest by the U.S. government considering the financial problems of the Civil War period. Emergency money has been covered in a recent article I wrote on the subject for this web site. Such individuals as President Abraham Lincoln, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton appear on some of this paper money, all during their own lifetimes. Such little-known historical figures as Superintendent of the National Currency Bureau Spencer Clark appears in a vignette on the Third Issue fractional 5-cent note issued between Dec.1864 and Aug. 1869. Bet your friends a drink today to see if they have any idea who this guy was. Some of the other lost-to-history "dignitaries" whom appeared as big as life, and breathing well, on fractional notes of the period include Treasury Secretary William P. Fessenden (25-cent note) and U.S. Treasurer Frances E. Spinner (50-cent note). All of this nonsense finally led to an April 7, 1866 law which states: "No portrait or likeness or any living person, hereafter engraved, shall be placed upon any of the bonds, securities, notes, fractional or postal currency of the United States." To ensure Congress got its point across, the same basic information was regurgitated in the Revised Statues of 1874. Too bad Congress left that great big loophole regarding depicting living people on our coins!" Complete Article NEWARK MUSEUM COIN COLLECTION In response to last week's question about the Newark Museum in New Jersey, Harry Waterson writes: "There is a very good paper on the Newark Museum entitled "John Cotton Dana and the Ideal Museum Collection of Medals" by Dorothy Budd Bartle in The Medal In America edited by Alan M. Stahl copyright 1988 by the American Numismatic Society. Mr. Dana set the bar as ".,.. he worked to build his ideal museum collection of medals and use it for the common good". I have found this Museum to be especially helpful to me as a medal collector. They e-mailed to me scans of 10 medals I am interested in with speed, accuracy, a true willingness to help and at no cost - an experience I find truly rare. I enjoy reading The E-Sylum. Quite often at the bottom of the stream of books and pubs, I find the occasional medallic nugget or two. Thank you very much." Denis Loring writes: "I can't tell you anything about the rest of the collection, but I can say they have a decent group of large cents. In 1985, I was engaged by the then-curator of the coin collection, Ms. Dorothy Budd Bartle, to help them expand their large cent holding. The goal was to assemble a "Red Book" date and major variety set, with die variety sets of a few years such as 1802 and 1817. Unfortunately, the project was never completed, due (as you'd guess) by competing interests and lack of funds." Our anonymous currency collector writes: "I believe The Newark Museum does not always have numismatic displays. It does have a very large collection of numismatic items (more than could be displayed at once). Usually, these can be seen by appointment only. At the current time, there is no numismatic curator, although there have been several in the past, including William Bischoff, formerly of the ANS. The numismatic collections currently fall under the domain of the decorative arts curator, Mr. Ulysses S. Dietz. Mr. Dietz is a direct descendant of U.S. Grant, and was one of the Grant descendants who negotiated with the National Park Service to improve the condition of Grant's Tomb on Riverside Drive in New York. William Bischoff writes: "You ask in the 13 June E-Sylum, "Do we have any readers from the Garden State who can tell us about the coins and currency on display [at The Newark Museum]?" It is ironic that the lengthy and accurate article from the Star-Ledger you cite was written by Dan Bischoff (no relation to me), but I can add some specific information on the coin collection, since I was curator of numismatics at The Newark Museum from 1991 to 1997. No curator has been named for this collection since I left, and there is no regular numismatic exhibit open to the public, nor is one planned. Approximately 35,000 specimens (coins, paper money, medals and exonumia) are housed in the vault, however, and might be available for viewing by someone with specific a specific research interest. The strongest fields are U.S. gold; African paper money; perhaps the finest American collections of obsidional coinage (especially from the Netherlands); Spanish Colonial treasure salvage; art medals (especially by John Flannigan); and exonumia by the former Newark firm of Whitehead & Hoag. Because, as the Star-Ledger article makes clear, the emphasis at the Museum has always been educational, not research-oriented, there are few duplicates suitable for die studies and the like. Those with a legitimate research interest are advised to contact the Associate Registrar, Scott Hankins, at 973-596-6676. On a lighter note, readers may want to visit the Newark Museum website at www.newarkmuseum.org and scroll down on the home page to the interactive feature "Once Upon a Dime," put on by the Children's Museum and sponsored by J.P.Morgan Chase and others. For those with children (up to about 12 or 13 years of age) who can make it to Newark, a visit to the physical exhibition would definitely be worthwhile. It is scheduled to close in August 2005." KING OF SIAM SET TO BE DISPLAYED IN PITTSBURGH A June 18th press release by PCGS stated: "One of the world's most valuable and historic sets of United States rare coins, the fabled "King of Siam" proof set, presented as a diplomatic gift on behalf of President Andrew Jackson in 1836, now is in Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) holders. The coins will be exhibited at the American Numismatic Association's World's Fair of Money in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this summer." "The set includes the original, custom-made yellow leather and blue velvet case that housed the coins when U.S. State Department envoy, Edmund Roberts, presented it on behalf of President Jackson to King Ph'ra Nang Klao (Rama III) of Siam in April 1836. The coins range in denomination from a copper half-cent to a gold $10 "eagle." There also is an 1833 gold medal depicting President Jackson." "The King of Siam set will be exhibited by the Goldbergs at their table during the American Numismatic Association convention in Pittsburgh, August 18 - 22, 2004." QUICK QUIZ: The King of Siam set's most famous coin is the 1804 Dollar. Its discovery as part of this set cleared up a longstanding mystery about the coin's origins. But what most people aren't aware of is that two coins included with the set today were NOT present when the set turned up in London many years ago. Which coins were they? Complete Article IS THERE MONEY IN COIN CHANGING? Dick Johnson writes: "Is there an E-Sylum reader who has an entrepreneurial spirit burning in his numismatic breast? Want to start a coin-related business. Be a Money Changer! Buy a number of coin counting machines and offer to set these up in banks and credit unions that do not have these. Then offer the banks to "service" these machines. That means you have to empty the coin bins and bag the coins (or if you are a masochist, to roll them). The machines give paper receipts, people can then deposit that amount or ask for paper cash. You will have to reimburse the bank for what they pay out, or supply them with any form of coin they desire for their counter business. Of course, this means you have tens of thousands of dollars of coins you can sort through. Offer beginning collectors the opportunity to pull out coins they find in these numismatically unsorted coins for a fee. Charge the bank a fee. Get Rich! (Albeit slowly!) It has been 60 years since I sorted coins from circulation. But as a high school student I had the time and a paper route. Best of all, rolls of nickels back then were half Buffalos with an occasional Liberty head. (This was in the middle of World War II, five years after the introduction of the Felix Schlag Jefferson design. The variety of coins in circulation was interesting then.) Today, like millions of people, I don't even bend over to pick up a coin smaller than a quarter. Coinstar, whose coin counting machines you have undoubtedly seen in supermarkets, have nearly 11,000 of their machines in service. They have processed, they say, 550,000 tons of coins since they started in 1992. They charge 8.9% vigorish. Some banks will process loose coins without cost, others charge 5%, and some the first $100 is free, 5% over that. Coin counting does sound profitable. Just ask Coinstar. P.S. Coinstar just received this week its 55th patent for its coin counting and money payment technology. It had spent $175 million to develop this technology." JULIAN SATIRICAL MEDALS COMPLETED Steve Pellegrini writes: "I have finally managed after years of effort to complete a set of the political-satirical medals created and published by RW. Julian from 1977-1981. As the result of a mention of the medals in E-Sylum I was offered a pristine little group of the issues I was missing. While I was cataloguing these new acquisitions I had the opportunity to review the entire series. It struck me that the topical concerns expressed in these medallic editorials of a quarter century ago are the exact same topics still in the fore of America's national dialogue today. Mr. Julian has written of his series, "The satirical medals were intended as a permanent memorial to those issues that ought not to be forgotten..." I'd say that by that and any other measure he succeeded admirably. Not to mention his once again having enriched the US numismatic series by his work and unique intellectual gifts." BOBBY ORR "COINS" Jeff Starck forwarded a link to the following story about a commemorative coin for hockey star Bobby Orr that circulates in parts of Ontario, Canada. "After the sales success of last year's Bobby Orr commemorative coin, the Parry Sound Business Retention and Expansion Team is issuing another coin. The coins will have a face value of 4 dollars and can be spent at participating merchants." "Many local merchants participated and were rewarded with increased traffic through their locations due to collectors and fans seeking out the coin. The success of the program was extraordinary. Everything sold out and there is still a waiting list of people wanting to acquire the coins." "With the approval of a new coin image from Bobby Orr, the program is set to commence again this June. The coins can be used as legal tender in Parry Sound until October 31. There will be 6,000 silver coins in circulation, valued at $4 each ..." Full Story CROSBY REPRINTS Roger Siboini writes: "I wonder if the American Journal of Numismatics publication of Crosby's manuscript would count as a reprint? I have never spent the time to compare what was printed in the AJN and the final first edition of Crosby, but I would be interested if any of our readers have looked at this. I guess it is always interesting to consider what was left on the cutting room floor." MORE UNCUT SHEET TALES Our anonymous currency collector writes: "Tales of National Bank officers who cut or tore notes from sheets and then signed them in full view of incredulous waiters or store clerks in the process of paying a bill have taken on an urban legend quality. These accounts have been repeated so often that they have completely lost their novelty value, despite the fact that some of them undoubtedly actually occurred." Mark Van Winkle writes: "A couple of comments about cutting up sheets of bills. When I interviewed John Ford he said occasionally after a coin show Amon Carter, Jr. would get a kick out of taking sheets of bills with him to a restaurant. When it was time to pay the check, he would pay part of it by pulling out a pair of scissors and cutting up the sheet of bills he had folded up in his jacket pocket. Of course, the waiter would always be confounded by such action. He and Amon got a lot of laughs out of it over the years, but one time a waiter called the cops on them thinking they were counterfeiters. After John told me this story, Bob Merrill ran into a deal of 32-subject sheets of $2 bills at face value. I bought one of the sheets and carried it around in my car with a pair of scissors. It was always great fun to cut several deuces from the sheet and see people's reaction. I remember I bought something once for $10 and trimmed five $2 bills from the sheet--three up and two across. The poor guy across the counter was absolutely baffled, but he accepted them (and didn't call the cops). I've often wondered what he did with them, did he cut up the five notes or does he still have the irregular-shaped "ten dollar bill?" Dave Bowers writes: "In the 1960s Jim Ruddy and I, trading as Empire Coin Co., bought Creative Printing, a printing plant, modest in size, in Binghamton, NY. However, Creative did have some great accounts including IBM, General Electric, and Link Aviation. Jim and I bought a bunch of small-size uncut sheets of U.S. currency, took them to Creative Printing, and fastened them with little clips (like clothespins) to a metal wire strung across one part of the shop -- where the bills sort of look as if they had just been printed and were now drying! For a long time people would come in, ease up to be near the bills, study them out of the corners of their eyes, and then go on to their business. No one ever asked about them directly!" AUCTION BIDDING ANTICS Dave Bowers writes: "I was the author of that item about Melnick and Ford bidding--it was in the Garrett sale and is a true incident." HERB MELNICK: LIKABLE GUY Responding to last week's items about dealer Herb Melnick, Dick Johnson writes: "Don't believe everything you read on the web! I knew Herb Melnick. He WAS likable and a mentor to me in many ways. When my partner, Chris Jensen, and I had purchased 64,000 medals from Medallic Art Company, we tried several methods of selling them (outright sales, advertising, coin shows). It was Herb Melnick who suggested we try an auction and he volunteered to call the auction. It worked! Our first Johnson & Jensen auction had only 307 lots, but virtually everything sold. So we had Herbie call a second, then a third, until his death in 1982. He did this at a time when he was calling auctions for his employer, NASCA, in addition to being a freelance auctioneer to major coin firms at prominent coin shows (even as far afield as Hawaii!). I first met Herb in 1972 when he joined with five other numismatists to organize the Maccabee Mint. Herb showed up in the offices of Medallic Art Co to plan their first medal, "Genesis." We were fast friends thereafter. I was unaware of the John Ford/Herb Melnick conflict. Chris and I were in NASCA's offices in Rockville Center many times. [Herb not only called our auctions he also consigned to us.] Ford showed up often too since he lived nearby on Long Island - it seems he always wanted to use NASCA's photocopy machine! (He didn't have his own?) I would say these heated conversations were the Sparing of Giants, not the conflict of adversaries! Both could have gruff exteriors, but I personally knew both men deep down as pussy cats! You had to earn their respect over time. Yes! But once you did that, either one would do anything for you. Treat them with respect and they treated you likewise. I must relate one Herb Melnick anecdote. Herb had perfect timing at the auction podium. At a major auction a very expensive gold coin was up for sale. Bids came fast and furious. Tension was heavy. Herb wanted some comic relief. After another round of multi-thousand dollar raises he said: ?You know, of course, it's filled with chocolate!.? BOOKS: A CRUTCH FOR FOOLS? Paul Withers writes: "Readers of The E-Sylum may find the following, which we have just added to our 'Wazzock's Corner' on our website (www.galata.co.uk) amusing. A lot of my wazzock stories come via my good friend Gary, who has a retail outlet in Birmingham and sees more than we do of the public. A collector who sells him coins from time to time approached him with the amazing story that someone to whom he had recommended Gary as a buyer told him that he had been to their office once and on no account would he go to there again, as far from being experts, they didn't know what they were doing. "How do you know that they don't know what they are doing ?" he asked. "Stands to reason" said the bloke, "if they really knew what they were doing, they wouldn't need all those books they've got." There is a certain inescapable logic about that, I suppose !" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is something I've discovered a bit late. It's about a 27 December, 2002 - October, 2003 at the Hermitage Museum titled "Jacob Reichel: Medallist, Collector, Scholar" "The new exhibition is dedicated to the acquisition by the Hermitage of the numismatic collection of J.J. Reichel, a major collector, medallist and designer of the St. Petersburg Mint (1760-1856). When the hereditary medallist (his father Johann Jacob Reichel was medallist at the Warsaw Mint under King Stanislaw August Poniatowski) came to St. Petersburg, he was in 1799 admitted to the Medal Class of the Academy of Arts. In 1802 he became student at the St. Petersburg Mint and in 1808 was appointed medallist of the Mint's Medal Chamber." "In the 1820s, Jacob Reichel started to collect Russian and West European coins and medals which he purchased at international auctions and from famous Russian and West European numismatists with many of whom he corresponded. Reichel's collection became renowned due to its catalogue in nine volumes published by its owner." www.hermitagemuseum.org Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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