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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 13, March 27, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers is Jorge A. Proctor, a researcher in the field of Spanish Colonial Numismatics, referred to us by Alan Luedeking, and Kevin Foley, courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson, and Tom Green. Welcome aboard! We now have 739 subscribers. ROBERT L. HENDERSHOTT, 1898-2005 Fred Lake writes: "Bob Hendershott passed away on Tuesday, March 22 peacefully in his sleep. Bob was 106 years old at the time and had lived a very full life in numismatics, including being one of the founders of the Florida United Numismatists, Inc. in 1955. Those of us who knew Bob felt fortunate in being able to spend time with him and learn from his many experiences in our hobby. He will be missed by those whose lives he touched." [A capsule history of the founding of FUN, along with a 1950s photo of Bob, is on the FUN web site at this address: Full Story. I attended Bob's 100th birthday celebration at the 1998 American Numismatic Association convention in Portland. Two years earlier at the ANA convention in Denver, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon touring Colorado Springs with a busload of convention attendees, including the 98-year-old Bob Hendershott. He certainly didn't show his age as he walked and walked with us around the city and into shops and museums, not even slowing down much to climb a tall flight of stairs. He could walk circles around people half his age. Bob would have been 107 on August 7th. God bless, Bob - we'll miss you. -Editor] BOB HENDERSHOTT AND THE 1904 WORLD'S FAIR Bob Hendershott authored a book on one of his favorite collecting specialties: 1904 St. Louis World's Fair Mementos and Memorabilia. The following is from the web site of a dealer who sold the book: "Bob has an advantage over many other 1904 collectors... He was there! Born in St. Louis in 1898, Bob was 6 in 1904 and has fond memories of the wonders of the Fair. Bob has accumulated a great deal of experience and a vast collection in his many years of collecting. He has used his special insights to develop a unique numbering system (67 specific categories) which is accepted as the standard for the hobby. Beginning this project when he was 93, Bob took less than 3 years to photograph, describe and organize thousands of souvenirs. Bob's life's work, Mementos and Memorabilia, really has it all. It describes 105 beautiful pieces of china and bisque, 75 different plates and 59 fascinating postcards. Numismatists will enjoy several examples of badges, elongated coins, encased cents, medals and tokens. Even in 1904, advertisers knew the value of merchandising, and companies handed out souvenirs of every shape and design." For more information, and a more recent photo of Bob, see: Full Story HERB SCHINGOETHE John and Nancy Wilson, of Ocala, FL write: "On March 18, 2005 Herb Schingoethe, a famous Illinois collector passed away at the age of 86. His wife Martha passed away in January, 2004. The Schingoethes were the most famous collectors of every states obsolete notes. Their collection consisted of over 30,000 obsolete bank notes. Besides obsolete notes, they were avid collectors of college currency, depression scrip from 1933 and panic notes that were issued in the 1890s and early 1900s. In 1993, "College Currency - Money for Business Training" was released. The majority of notes in this wonderful reference are in the Schingoethe collection. Edited by Neil Shafer, Herb and Martha Schingoethe also have their name on this numismatic reference. Herb and Martha were two wonderful collectors who we have had the pleasure of knowing for close to 20 years. Very few collectors past or present pursued obsolete notes, depression scrip or panic notes with the passion of Herb and Martha (H & M). We have many catalogs with the H & M initials besides lots that they added to their collections over the years. We attended many sales over the years that H & M were also in attendance at. When the time came for the lot to sell that we needed, we hoped H & M already had an example in their collection. They never went after duplicates even if the price was very cheap and they paid a lot more for their item. If they didn't have it, we always came out on the losing end. Their passion, love, enthusiasm and determination to add collections or single numismatic items (mentioned above) to their collections will be deeply missed in our great hobby. Sometime down the road a reference of Illinois obsolete notes will be published in their memory by the New York R. M. Smythe & Co. firm. Part Two of the R. M. Smythe sale of the Herb and Martha Schingoethe Obsolete Currency Collection sold on March 23, 2005. We were fortunate to get a few notes out of the Schingoethe collection from Part One held last Fall in Strasburg, PA. We will miss their smiling faces that lit up a room when they walked in. They were well loved by the many hundreds of dealers and collectors who knew them. Everyone considered Herb and Martha part of their family. We pass on our prayers and condolences to their family. These two icons in our hobby are now gone but their memory will be with us forever. Rest in peace Herb and Martha, and you are now together for eternity." [A web search found some tidbits of information about the Schingoethes and their other collecting interests: "After George "died of a heart attack — too young," as Martha put it, she made the acquaintance, through her brother John, of a local farm manager, square dance caller and collector. Herb Schingoethe had also lost his first spouse. When Herb and Martha were married in 1975, they embarked together on a new phase of their lives, pooling their interests in travel and collecting to form an adventure that continued right up to the time of Martha's final illness in 2003-2004. In his years as a ranch manager in Colorado, Herb already had begun serious collecting of Native American art and artifacts, especially from the Southwest culture area. Martha caught the collecting bug in a very big way, developing a particular passion for silver and turquoise jewelry, fine Southwest pottery, Native American rugs, and contemporary Native American sculpture. All of these collecting interests are represented in the Schingoethe collection." To read the full article, see: Full Story To read the R. M. Smythe press release on the sale of the Schingoethe obsolete paper money collection, see: Full Story CZESLAW SLANIA, MASTER ENGRAVER Arthur Shippee forwarded the following, from The New York Times: "Czeslaw Slania, a master engraver who applied his art most extensively to the tiniest works, postage stamps, died in Stockholm on March 17, the Swedish post office announced Monday. He was 83. Mr. Slania emigrated from Poland to Sweden more than four decades ago and became the country's royal court engraver. In a career that stretched from forging documents for the underground in German-occupied Poland in World War II to engraving portraits of monarchs and movie stars, Mr. Slania produced more than 1,000 stamps for 32 countries or postal jurisdictions, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany and China; his American commissions included two 1993 stamps that commemorated Grace Kelly and Dean Acheson. He also produced banknotes for 10 countries." "With modern printing methods, engraving is a fading art, and few countries still engrave stamps or currency. An engraver uses a tool called a graver or burin to cut a mirror image in a steel plate, with deep cuts for heavy inking and shallow cuts for shading. The plate, its cuts full of ink, is pressed onto the paper being printed, leaving a slightly raised image that can be felt with a fingertip. For stamps, the artist's work area is about one inch square. Czeslaw Slania (pronounced CHESS-wav SWAH-nya) was born in southern Poland on Oct. 22, 1921, to a poor mining family. He showed artistic skills as a teenager, drawing fake banknotes to sell at craft fairs. The invasion by Nazi Germany in 1939 forced him to quit his high school studies in Krakow, and he joined the underground, for which he helped forge documents." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [Did Slania sign his teenage forgeries? Are any of his counterfeits for the underground known today? -Editor] NEW CANADIAN MUNICIPAL TRADE TOKEN BOOK The following is reprinted from the C.N.A. E-Bulletin, an electronic publication of the Canadian Numismatic Association (Issue Number 7, March 20, 2005): "The collecting of Canadian municipal trade tokens is a large field. If you were to take a survey at your local coin club in Canada, we venture to guess that every collector has at least some in their collection, with at least half possessing a dozen or more. This is possible because hundreds of municipalities and regions have issued them over the years, most in sufficiently large quantity to make them readily available and very affordable. Thanks to the late Jerry Remick, who wrote hundreds of articles on the topic, to publications such as Canadian Coin News that published them, and to Serge Pelletier and Ray Desjardins that have published catalogues over the years, its popularity remains high. Eligi Consultants has just published the 2nd edition (2005) of "A Compendium of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens" that includes denomination, year, description of obverse and reverse, metal, quantity struck and value of all known Canadian municipal trade dollars. The catalogue is a 124 page booklet size 5-1/2" x 8-1/2", spiral bound, with plastic cover. The catalogue is available for $12.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling anywhere in Canada or U.S. If shipment is made to Ontario, add 15% PST & GST. Anywhere else in Canada just add 7% GST. Their Website is www.eligi.ca/bonavita. " THE FABLED 1792 HALF DISMES Joel Orosz and Carl Herkowitz' work on the origins of the 1792 Half Dismes has been published by the American Numismatic Society, in the American Journal of Numismatics Second Series 15 (2003), pp 111-156. "George Washington and America's "Small Beginning" in Coinage: The Fabled 1792 Half Dismes" was previewed by Joel as a Numismatic Theatre presentation at the American Numismatic Association convention on Pittsburgh last August. The article opens: "Historical truth is fragile; historical error is all but immortal." Researchers, bibliophiles, and just plain numismatists everywhere (i.e. E-Sylum readers) will enjoy this delightful account of numismatic detective work which includes an interesting description of the numismatic career of John A. McAllister, Jr. of Philadelphia, whose interest in numismatics began in 1826. COINS KNOWN BY THEIR REVERSE DESIGN Last week, Steve Woodland asked about coins known by their reverse design. Several readers chimed in with their thoughts. First was James Higby, who emailed his suggestions shortly after the issue was published Sunday night. He listed the following U.S. coin types: 1. Chain cent 2. Wreath cent 3. Lincoln Memorial cent 4. Two-cent piece 5. Three-cent piece (both types) 6. V nickel 7. Three dollar gold piece I'm not sure if I would agree that coins known by their denomination should count, even though the denomination is on the reverse. But others included these as well. Denis Loring added the $4 "Stella," but this unusual word appears on the reverse, so I'll agree there. David Gladfelter writes: "How about the Eagle?". I would agree with this one as well, but don't think the quarter-eagle, half-eagle or double-eagle denominations count, since they all picture exactly one eagle. The $50 "Half Union" patterns wouldn't count either, since the word "Union" does not appear on the coins. Denis and Tom DeLorey endorsed the 1793 Chain Cent and 1793 Wreath Cent, and Tom added the "Wheatback" Cent. Ken Berger adds: "Another coin known by its reverse is the Peace Dollar, since the word Peace appears on the reverse." Mark Borckardt adds: "how about every State Quarter issued to date?" Michael Schmidt cited several of these, and added the Trade dollar, noting that "the design isn't mentioned but the denomination is unique and found on the reverse." Paul Schultz adds: "This may be more common in ancient coins, where the more interesting design can be on the reverse, while the obverse often has some random god, goddess, or emperor. Athenian Owls (tetradrachms with Athena on the obverse) and Corinthian pegasi (staters with Athena on the obverse) come quickly to mind, but a large portion of the ancient coinage is more distinctive on the reverse than the obverse. Of course, this assumes that the obverse is the "heads" side of the coin, while the reverse would be the other design side. Those who would define obverse and reverse more technically as coming from the hammer and anvil dies could form a different conclusion. A final note--V nickels preceded Buffalo nickels, and may have set a precedent for calling nickels by their reverse design. [Until the Jefferson nickel came along -Editor] With liberty on such a large portion of U.S. coinage, it really makes more sense to refer to a distinctive reverse design feature, rather than some variation of liberty for the obverse." HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE GUARD Regarding Anne E. Bentley question about Hodges' American Bank Note Safe Guard books, George Kolbe writes: "I believe that Roy Pennell's 1977 reprint is of the 1865 edition of Hodges (is the original now in the American Numismatic Association library?). The Massachusetts Historical Society copy appears to be undated, i.e., "n.p. n.d." usually translates as "no place or date of publication noted." The inscription does not necessarily indicate the date of publication. Dillistin, however, records copies of the 1865 edition at the Baker Library and MHS though it might be interesting for Ms. Bentley to compare the MHS copy with the easily obtainable reprint, as Dillistin also indicates that neither is a "revised edition." I do not recall having handled an 1865 edition over the years but would need to wear a bib if examining the truly remarkable MHS example." [A bib! Is that why they call use drooling numismatic book fiends BIB-liomaniacs? -Editor] Eric Newman writes: "The inquiry of Anne Bentley as to Hodge's Bank Note Reporter was answered by you to a great extent but so far as I know no detailed bibliographical list has ever been published of these volumes, and should be. This style of bank note description began with Dye's Delineator in 1855 and was apparently acquired by Hodge for his 1856 edition. There were editions thereafter which were quarterly for a time and then only annually. If your readers would list their editions, date and number of pages I will try to assemble the data. Our collection has 10 issues. The Civil War period issues gradually include Federal issues and fractional currency and eliminate bank note issues of the Confederacy. The numismatic book dealers or others could check prior auctions. It is a most interesting series because it has constant new issues, constant bank failures and defaults. constant new counterfeit and alteration problems, etc. [This is exactly the sort of project E-Sylum readers should be able to take on. If any of our readers can supply information on these books, I'll put them in touch with Eric. -Editor] MORE ON THE UFO TOKEN Philip Mernick writes: "Did anyone ever give a comment on the "UFO"/"Flying Saucer" token from a few weeks back? I don't recall seeing anything and have some information." [The "UFO" item was published in the January 30, 2005 issue (v8n5). The item in question is "a mysterious UFO-like design on a 17th century French copper coin" described by Ken Bressett. The Men in Black swooped in on their helicopters and dragged away the first two E-Sylum readers who tried to respond. But using our connections in the numismatic underworld, I've secured permission to publish Philip's information, which he encrypted and emailed from an undisclosed location, just in case. (It was NOT London. Really. It wasn't) -Editor] He writes: "The item itself was correctly described as a jetton and is listed as F12528 in Collection Feuardent, Jetons et Mereau Depuis Louis IX jusqu’a la fin du Consulat de Bonaparte by F. Feuardent, published by Rollin et Feuardent, Paris, 1913. It would appear to be a version of F12527 which is coupled with a portrait of Louis XIV and is dated 1656. Feuardent describes the “UFO” as “un bouclier celeste” a celestial shield. The depiction of a shield on the jeton is similar to one illustrated in Juan de Borja, Empresas morales, first published Prague 1581 (illustration from Brussels 1680 edition). It is there described as representing a timely occurrence. It could refer to an event in the war against Spain or possibly to the return of Mazarin in 1653. The other side symbolises the revival of France (illustrated by a lily plant being refreshed by rain from the sky). Information originally supplied by Robert Thompson." Ken Bressett writes: "Thanks for sending this information to me. It is numismatically correct and informative. I have been having lots of fun with this, and with prodding people to take a more careful look at the designs on their coins. The article was never intended to convince people that the object was a flying saucer, but simply to stimulate public curiosity about old coins. And secondarily to try and locate other examples of this scarce jetton. Comments from people around the world (really) have suggested that the "unidentified object" is variously: an umbrella, a sundial, shield, wheel of life, jellyfish, flower, a crown, sand dollar, or an umbrella. The most frequent responses opted for a sundial, or shield. As you might expect, the UFO guys really got a kick out of this unusual piece, and read all sorts of things into it." [Ken had been having trouble with his E-Sylum subscription. He writes: "I am beginning to think that those Men in Black have had something to do with blocking The E-Sylum from my computer!" -Editor] MAN FINDS & REPLACES COIN IN OLD BUILDING Dick Johnson writes: "A man working to conserve the ancient Pembridge Market Hall in Herefordshire England found an 1806 penny in the foot of one of the building’s oak posts this week. Not much news in that story. For centuries people have put coins in the cornerstones of buildings that are later discovered. But the contractor, Barry Goodman, put it back – along with a current one-pound coin. Dog bites man, man bites dog – that’s news. To read the full BBC story, with a photo of the workman and the coins, see: Full Story GOOGLE PROJECT PRODDING FRENCH TO ACTION Google's massive indexing project is spurring other countries to launch similar projects for books in their native language. >From a French publication: "The California based Internet search engine, Google, has announced its plans to begin scanning entire books into its database. Stanford University, Harvard University, Oxford University, the University of Michigan and the New York Public Library are partnering with Google in this incredible expedition, which will result in millions of books being s canned in the next few years. What does this mean for the French? It means that the French Revolution will be told by American writers in English books. Jean-Noel Jeanneney, the head of France's National library has expressed such concerns. As the EU has made an effort to give the world more than the voice of the U.S., they will fight to have their stories told in their own languages and from the point of views of their writers. France's search engines are likely to follow in Google's footsteps." Full Story Another article from The Financial Times: "Jean-Noël Jeanneney is horrified when he imagines how our children might come to see the world: Will future generations think no great books have been written in a language other than English? And even worse: Will they see history only through American eyes? The president of the French national library has made himself the frontman in what he sees a struggle to save cultural diversity. In the postmodern world, the battleground is the internet. Here, search engines determine what tomorrow's generations will click on, learn and think." Full Story GEORGE KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE A VIRGIN George Kolbe writes: "Regarding the "very sharp knife" Steve Woodland described, the commentary that I have read over the years invariably advises using a dull knife, a butter knife being often mentioned. If one is not careful, a sharp knife can easily cut INTO the outer margin (I know, alas, from experience)." Alan Luedeking writes: "I was intrigued by Steve Woodland's success story in opening his "virgin" book. I have often been faced with this dilemma with Latin American numismatic literature (a classic example being Burzio's "Diccionario", an essential read, often encountered unopened.) The first time, I did what Steve did: I took a "very sharp knife" and failed dismally. Careful as I was, nothing could change the fact that I'm basically a clumsy oaf, so of course I slipped and slit a page away from its natural fold. Belatedly recognizing my shortcomings, I stopped and did what I should have done from the start: ask George Kolbe for his advice! To my great surprise, George said to use a very dull knife (an ordinary table knife), and voilá!-- this has worked successfully every time. I congratulate Mr. Woodland for his successful opening-- no doubt he is a far more dexterous gentleman than I." FIFTY STATES PLUS SIX? On March 23, 2005, the Miami Herald published an opinion piece by Kenneth D. McClintock, president of the Puerto Rico Senate, about the stalled bill proposing to extend the Fifty States Commemorative Coin Program Act to include quarters for Washington, D.C. and the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico. "It is offensive and frankly inexplicable that Congress should treat these half-dozen loyal U.S. communities as if we were not part of the nation. Several times in recent years, the U.S. House or Representatives has passed the District of Columbia and United States Territories Circulation Quarter Dollar Program Act, which would rectify this omission and place the ''Separated Six'' on an equal numismatic footing with the rest of the United States. However, in the U.S. Senate (where none of the six has a voice, let alone a vote), the Banking Committee has repeatedly failed to act on the bill. Roughly 80 percent of the American citizens being snubbed by the Senate are residents of Puerto Rico." "Since 1898, the American flag has flown over Puerto Rico. The American dollar has been Puerto Rico's currency since 1899. Since 1917, Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens. After more than a century as patriotic members of the American family, having defended the nation in two world wars and every conflict thereafter (including Afghanistan and Iraq), Puerto Ricans have earned the right to civic parity. It is patently wrong that the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico are denied the right to vote for the commander-in-chief who dispatches Puerto Rican military personal into harm's way, but it is utterly preposterous that we have been legislatively ostracized from something so presumably noncontroversial as a commemorative coin program." To read the full article (registration required) Full Story NUMISMATIC INDEXES PROJECT A web site visitor writes: "I was unable to access the Numismatic Indexes Project on your site. Do you have a new url for this source? [Yes - some time ago the Harry Bass Research Foundation reorganized its web site. The new URL is New URL This is a marvelous resource for numismatic researchers. >From the web site: The NIP indexes cover a wide range of numismatic scholarship over many decades from both this century and the last. From the American Numismatic Society they include: * American Journal of Numismatics (AJN1), First Series 1866-1924 * ANS Proceedings (ANSPROC) 1878-1914 * Museum Notes (MUSNOTES) 1945-1988 * American Journal of Numismatics (AJN2), Second Series 1989-Current * Coinage of the Americas Conference (COAC) 1984-Current * Numismatic Notes and Monographs (NUMNOTES) 1921-1968 * Numismatic Studies (NUMSTUDIES) 1938-1993 OTHER INDEXES In addition to those above, these periodicals are included in NIP: * The Numismatist (ANA), 1888-Current, from the American Numismatic Association * Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (SCRAPBOOK), 1935-1975, from COIN WORLD * Numismatic Review (NUMREV), 1943-1947, produced by Stack's (Numismatists) * Coin Collector's Journal (CCJOUR#1), 1875-1888, by Scott Stamp and Coin Co. * Coin Collector's Journal (CCJOUR#2) - New Series, 1934-1954, Wayte Raymond * Colonial Newsletter (CNL) 1960-Current, Colonial Newsletter Foundation * The Celator (CELATOR) 1987-1988, The Celator -Editor] UNRECOGNISED STATES NUMISMATIC SOCIETY Regarding items of interest to the Unrecognised States Numismatic Society, George Fuld writes: "The most important list of such "unofficial" coins (mostly dollars) was an article in the Numismatist by Richard Kenney about 1952 (I do have a photocopy somewhere). The gold silver Veeder dollar (Utopia) is listed along with other Universale issues. When the balance of the Ford material is sold, a few surprises in this area will show up." WILLIAM VON BERGEN INFO SOUGHT Nancy Oliver & Rich Kelly write: "We recently acquired a four-page news letter of sorts that was distributed in 1913. The news letter contains much advertisement for William Von Bergen's book, "The Encyclopedia of Rare Coins, Stamps, Old Books and Paper Money". It states that Mr. Von Bergen established his business in 1885 and is currently located at 196 Chestnut Ave. in Boston, MA. The news letter also contains information on the "Phenomenal Advance in Values" of various coin issues, "The Discontinued Denominations", "Mint Marks", Canadian Coins and Tokens, and more. We hope that someone out there might be able to shed further light on the distribution of such news letters by William Von Bergen. Were these handed out at shows, to his customers, sent to collectors or other? Are these items common for this year as well as others? Is the business or building still extant? It is a nice little news letter and is in good condition. If you know anything, we would really appreciate anything you might pass on to us about the man and his literature. Please email us at noliver146 at sbcglobal.net" INTERVIEW: JOE FITZGERALD, NICKEL DESIGNER >From The New York Times: "Though corporate America turns to Martha Stewart or Michael Graves for a little wow in what it sells, the United States Mint at the Treasury Department turned to Joe Fitzgerald. In the world of coins, Mr. Fitzgerald, 54, is an overnight sensation. Beating out the mint's in-house designers and a group of 23 others who constitute the mint's Artistic Infusion Program, inaugurated last year, Mr. Fitzgerald won two commissions for a new nickel. His portrait of Thomas Jefferson, which is uniquely and controversially off center, with a new larger nose that critics have compared heatedly to Bob Hope's, appeared on the obverse of a nickel introduced to the public by President Bush on March 1. And Mr. Fitzgerald's design for the flip side (replacing a bison by Jamie Franki) will have its debut in August, making the nickel pretty much Mr. Fitzgerald's personal turf and bragging right, designwise, whether you agree with his thinking or not. Talk about excitement. "This is 'American Idol' in metal," Mr. Fitzgerald said, sitting at home in suburban Maryland last week with his wife, Jean, and their pug, Fabio. Mrs. Fitzgerald calls her husband "5 Cent," rapper style." "Mr. Fitzgerald began collecting coins when he was 8 after a gift of some Civil War era flying-eagle pennies from his mother. They had belonged to his grandfather in Tennessee. "I liked history," he said. "I was kind of a dork. I think the thing that engaged me was that I was holding in my hand something from 1860, thinking about all the pockets it had been in, the people who had held it, what was happening in the country when the coin was made. That to me was tremendously exciting." "Mr. Fitzgerald took his cue from Roman coins. "They took great pride in doing very realistic coins," he explained. "If the emperor was fat, they put him on the coin fat." Mr. Fitzgerald's Jefferson is based on a bust executed in 1789 by Jean-Antoine Houdon, which friends of Jefferson said was an exceptional likeness. The mint asked Mr. Fitzgerald in subsequent drafts to bag and sag the president's face to approximate him in 1805, when one of his most famous executive initiatives, the Lewis and Clark expedition, was under way. Mr. Fitzgerald's second design, to be introduced on the nickel's reverse in August, commemorates Clark's sighting of the Pacific and reproduces his journal entry, "Ocian in view! O! The joy!" Playing safe, the mint changed Ocian to Ocean." In addition to a bigger, more accurate nose, Jefferson, in the most radical aspect of Mr. Fitzgerald's design, is positioned at extreme left on the coin, and in a tight close-up that cuts out wig and collar. "Don't bother with the hair," Mr. Fitzgerald recalled advising himself. "Hair tells you nothing about a person's personality. Work on the eyes and the mouth. My frustration with American coins is that the heads are so small, you can't tell much about an individual's character." Mr. Fitzgerald included the word "Liberty" in Jefferson's own hand rather than a typeface, and floated it before his mouth in the fashion of political cartoons of the period." "Mr. Fitzgerald's designs, the last two of four in the mint's "Westward Journey" nickel series, will be replaced by a new permanent nickel in 2006. His designs will be submitted, with others, to the secretary of the Treasury as candidates for the new coin." To read the complete article, see: Full Story GOBRECHT DOLLAR AUCTION INFO SOUGHT Dennis Hengeveld of Ruurlo, The Netherlands writes: "I'm looking for auction descriptions for Gobrecht dollars. That's including all varieties, patterns, originals and restrikes. I'm seeking this information because I'm planning to do a nice article about these short lived dollars. Unfortunately, as I live in the Netherlands I can't get a lot of auction catalogs here. That's why I'm only looking for the descriptions (I will try to find the pics on the Internet). Other information is also welcome, like things you've read in old books or auction catalogs. I'm especially interested in pre-1950 auction appearances. A scan of the article or auction in a format like .JPG will be fine, or when you want to type over the descriptions that's okay too. My email address is dph10 at ilse.nl. Thanks." DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS QUIZ ANSWER Last week I asked, "What American celebrity received the DSC?" The answer is Audie Murphy, who became a celebrity AFTER his heroic war adventures. Murphy also earned the Medal of Honor for his actions. In September 1943, the Distinguished Service Cross was awarded to Audie L. Murphy, Second Lieutenant, (then Staff Sergeant), Infantry, Company "B", 15th Infantry Regiment, for extraordinary heroism in action. "Landing near Ramatuelle, France, with the first wave of the assault infantry, at 0800 hours, 15 August until halted by intense machine gun and small arms fire from a boulder- covered hill to his front. Leaving his men in a covered position, he dashed forty yards through withering fire to a draw. Using this defiladed route, he went back toward the beaches, found a light machine gun squad and, returning up the rocky hill, placed the machine gun in position seventy-five yards in advance of his platoon. In the duel which ensued, Lieutenant Murphy silenced the enemy weapon, killed two of the crew and wounded a third. As he proceeded further up the draw, two Germans advanced toward him. Quickly destroying both of them, he dashed up the draw alone toward the enemy strongpoint, disregarding bullets which glanced off the rocks around him and hand grenades which exploded fifteen yards away. Closing in, he wounded two Germans with carbine fire, killed two more in a fierce, brief fire-fight, and forced the remaining five to surrender. His extraordinary heroism resulted in the capture of a fiercely contested enemy-held hill and the annihilation or capture of the entire enemy garrison." Full Story "Audie Leon Murphy, son of poor Texas sharecroppers, rose to national fame as the most decorated U.S. combat soldier of World War II. Among his 33 awards and decorations was the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for bravery that can be given to any individual in the United States of America, for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty." He also received every decoration for valor that his country had to offer, some of them more than once, including 5 decorations by France and Belgium." "Actor James Cagney invited Murphy to Hollywood in September 1945, when he saw Murphy's photo on the cover of Life Magazine. The next couple of years in California were hard times for Audie Murphy. Struggling and becoming disillusioned from lack of work while sleeping in a local gymnasium, he finally received token acting parts in his first two films. His first starring role came in a 1949 released film by Allied Artists called Bad Boy. In 1950 Murphy eventually got a contract with Universal-International (later called Universal) where he starred in 26 films, 23 of them westerns over the next 15 years." Full Story 1802 HALF DIME HAMMER PRICE FOUND Last week David F. Fanning asked: "Could anyone tell me what the 1802 half dime included in J.W. Scott's March 4-6, 1878 auction catalogue brought? It's lot 542a." Mark Borckardt writes: "The 1802 half dime you asked about realized $172.50. Check the front of the recent Logan-McCloskey half dime book. Pages 12-35 list all auction appearances of 1802 half dimes, most with prices realized. Also included are catalog descriptions from these auction appearances." WHAT TO DO WITH OLD NUMISMATIC NEWSPAPERS? Len Augsberger writes: "I have a dozen odd years of Coin World and Numismatic News back issues looking for a good home. My numismatic literature dealer advisor suggested that the recycling bin might be the best option, but I could not bring myself to so dispose of much valuable information. On the other hand, lack of space is forcing the issue one way or another. Readers willing to take this "hoard" off my hands for postage (quite likely costing more than the original subscription) may contact me at this email address: leonard_augsburger at hotmail.com." ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH. VERY HIGH Regarding last week's discussion of the proposed Colorado state quarter designs, Tom DeLorey writes: "As a former Coloradan, I am less than impressed with the Colorado state quarter finalists. Pikes Peak is almost unrecognizable, from either of the two faces shown. As to Eastern vs. Western mountains, the unofficial Colorado definition makes it clear: Anything less than 14,000 feet is a hill." MORE BUCKS ON THE WALL Ron Abler writes: "I live in Southern Maryland, and there is a restaurant called The Roost in a nearby town named Lexington Park. The original owner of The Roost had served as a pilot in the Berlin Airlift before opening his establishment. Apparently, many of his war buddies visited the restaurant, and they honored a custom of many WW II veterans by leaving "buck snorts" as calling cards. Buck snorts are one-dollar bills autographed by the presenter. To this day, the wall behind the bar of the Roost is plastered with buck snorts, including several square feet of them that were blackened by smoke from a kitchen fire long ago. I don't know if this has anything to do with the dollar-plastered walls of the Mar Vista restaurant in Florida." [Perhaps there are other establishments out there that honor this tradition. But before rushing to The Roost, note the following item I located on the web - the place was involved in hepatitis litigation. -Editor Full Story Full Story ] ONLINE CHATS WITH NUMISMATIC CELEBS? Michael Savinelli writes: "I was wondering if there are any "online chats" being conducted anywhere with either famous numismatists, famous dealers, or famous authors. At my job, we have monthly online chats with our CEO in real time. I don't know what the exact technology is, but it works basically like a chat room where you submit a question (your identity is hidden), and then the CEO (or other guests) type answers. You can see all of the questions and answers of all of the participants on your screen, and the questions and answers just scroll down your screen as more questions and answers come in. It is usually held for an hour and an incredible amount of information gets disseminated. Does anyone know of a similar forum in the numismatic context? I know there are various message boards on the Internet, but I am not aware of any scheduled chats with special guests. Wouldn't it be great to get to "chat" with some of the major numismatic authors on a monthly basis, maybe for an hour or so? For a regular collector like me, it would be a special treat to ask a question and get a response, along with seeing the questions and answers that others might have." [Well, it's not a chat, but The E-Sylum is the biggest gathering of numismatic luminaries I know of (E-Syluminaries, as Dick Johnson described them). In this issue alone, we have submissions from several top numismatic researchers authors, collectors and dealers from around the U.S. and the world. I'd rather be here than anywhere else on the web. I'm not familiar with many other numismatic sites or their chat schedules; perhaps one of our readers can fill us in. -Editor] THAT'S ONE BIG NICKEL ... or as Maxwell Smart would say, "That's the SECOND biggest nickel I've ever seen!" The following is reprinted from the C.N.A. E-Bulletin, an electronic publication of the Canadian Numismatic Association (Issue Number 7, March 20, 2005): About 3 hours north of Toronto on Highway 11 lies the town of Sudbury. There you will find a number of tourist attractions, including the Science North complex, a mine tour and the Canadian Centennial Numismatic Park. The numismatic highlight of a visit to Sudbury is, without doubt, the Big Nickel. The other numismatic highlight is the upcoming ONA Convention being hosted by the Sudbury Coin Club. A recent issue of the Ontario Numismatist, official publication of the Ontario Numismatic Association, included the following history of the Big Nickel Monument: The Big Nickel was the brainchild of a Sudbury fireman, Ted Szilva, and artist/sign maker, Bruno Cavallo. The idea was to develop the coin to celebrate Canada's 1967 centennial. The centennial committee rejected the submission. Undaunted, Szilva and Cavalloo formed the Nickel Monument Development Corporation Ltd. (MDCL) and Szilva coined the phrase Big Nickel. The NMDX chose the 1951 Canadian five-cent piece as the model. The 1951 coin was designed by Canadian artist Steven Trenka. The coin was issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the isolation of nickel as an element by Swedish chemist Baron Axel Frederick Cronstedst in 1751. The coin featured King George VI on one side and a nickel refinery on the other side. As Sudbury was the second largest producer of nickel in the world, it was the perfect choice for the Big Nickel. The construction project was undertaken in Cavallo's sign manufacturing workshop in Sudbury. Two vertical columns and several angle iron pieces make up the framework. The inside layer is a sheet of metal skin. Plywood is the middle layer and the outer layer is stainless steel sheet metal. In May, 1964 the nickel was erected and the Canadian Centennial Numismatic Park began operations. The nickel was unveiled at the official opening on July 22, 1964 in front of 2,500 Sudbury residents and dignitaries. In 1981, Ted Szilva sold the Big Nickel and the Canadian Centennial Numismatic Park to Science North (Northern Ontario's future science centre). Science North considered dismantling the nickel due to the high cost of maintenance. But, as the monument was considered a unique, unmistakable landmark for Sudbury, Science North refurbished the nickel in 1984 at a cost of $12,000. All other non-mining related items were removed from the site. During the week of January 22, 2001, the Big Nickel was removed from its original base at the Big Nickel Mine in Sudbury. Dismantled for refurbishing, this was the first time in almost 40 years that the nickel was absent from Sudbury's skyline. In April 2001, the Big Nickel was temporarily relocated to Science North. It was moved back to its traditional site on Big Nickel Mine Road at the newly constructed Dynamic Earth on May 10, 2003. For the full story and other statistics, go to Full Story If you want to own a big chunk of the Big Nickel (donation of $10,000), or just a letter ($2,500) or even a dot ($1,000), you just have to check out Full Story If you want to know what other tourist attractions are near the Big Nickel in Sudbury, Ontario, including tours of an underground nickel mine, go to dynamicearth.ca/experience/index.html#nickel. Information about the Sudbury area is indeed timely if you are planning on attending the ONA Convention. It is the premium numismatic event taking place in Ontario in 2005 that is hosted by non-profit clubs. As a matter of interest, Alan Herbert's Coin Clinic column in the February 8 issue of Numismatic News included the following: "What is the biggest coin reproduction known? I know of at least three candidates, including the big 1953 cent erected at Woodruff, Wis. Somewhat larger is the 30-foot-high 1951 Canadian nickel in the Canadian Centennial Numismatic Park at Sudbury, Ontario. Both are dwarfed by the Japanese reproduction of a coin that is described as being 100 meters (328 feet) in diameter, laid out on the grounds of a park." [Can anyone tell us more about the "Northern Centennial Numismatic Park"? How about some more information on the Woodruff cent or the Japanese big coin? -Editor] FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is about a communion token first issued in 1800 by the First (Scots) Presbyterian Church of Charleston, South Carolina. "Now, let’s take another look at the token itself. Measuring 28mm, and made from silver, it was made in England in the year 1800. According to Autence A. Bason, author of Communion Tokens of the United States, 300 specimens were ordered by the church in that year. An additional order of 500 pewter tokens was made at some later point in time. Although resembling the silver tokens in having a communion table on one side and a “burning bush” on the other, the pewter tokens were somewhat different in substance, being die struck, not hand-engraved. They were manufactured by Robert Lovett, prominent diesinker in New York City, and were meant to be used by the black members of the congregation. Mrs. Bason states in her book that “during the Civil War the valuable silver communion service of the church was sent to Columbia, S.C. for safe keeping and the communion tokens were included. Later, a column of Union soldiers visited the city and the vessels and tokens were taken. The soldiers, thinking they were some sort of Confederate money, took the tokens.” Bason goes on to state that 14 specimens of the silver token were known, but that count has probably increased to 20 or so since the printing of her book. The pewter tokens are much scarcer, with only three or four presently known." Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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