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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 14, April 3, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. DAVIS MAY 7TH SALE IN WORKS Charles Davis writes: "My next mail bid sale is at the printers and will close on May 7, 2005. It includes the second offering of surplus books from the American Numismatic Society and consignments from others as well. Highlights include 150 priced 19th century catalogues including Woodward's Bibliotheca, Woodward's sale 95 with plates, Marvin's Masonic Medals, Zabriskie's Lincoln Medals, 2 original Crosby's, 1925 Browning, 1845 Riddell, Eckfelt-Dubois with gold samples, The Numismatic Chronicle near complete from 1862, first 47 years of the Spink Circular, and several lengthy runs of the American Journal of Numismatics. Catalogues will be sent next week to those on our mailing list. The catalogue is now posted, as in the past, at Catalogue " NEW MILITARY PAYMENT SCRIP ISSUED IN IRAQ The following item is reprinted with permission from the Friday, April 1, 2005 issue of the MPC Gram (Series 006 - Number 1267), an email newsletter covering "the entire World of Military Numismatics" In a startling move the United States issued military payment certificates in Iraq yesterday. The move was a surprise to military and civilian personnel, but most of all to collectors. The new issue in denominations $1 through $50 is Series 002. The notes feature vignettes of space flight on the faces and military hardware on the backs. Immediate reports from the field have personnel using the notes saying that they look like monopoly money. Even though few of the current military personnel in Iraq ever used MPC anywhere else, that is the same description often given by military personnel of an earlier time. No official reason was given for the introduction of MPC or why it was issued now rather than at the beginning of operations in Iraq. It was not stated if the Series 002 (or another series) was issued in Afghanistan or other areas. According to reports the notes seem to be lithographed (actual notes, or even photos have not been seen yet). Here are the reported major vignette pairs: denom face/back $1 rocket on launch pad/none $5 moon surface/unidentified nuclear submarine $10 Mars rover/B-52 bomber $20 solar system/tank firing $50 two space walkers/large machine gun on tripod (50 cal?) [Subsequently, an MPC Gram reader submitted images of two of the notes, which were then posted on the publication's web site: Return to TopMPC Gram In another surprise, a British paper was among first to report the news of the enlistment of President Bush's two daughters: "First daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush will be assigned to a high-tech unit in Iraq, the Air Force Human Resources Command has confirmed. Having finished basic training at the Officer Training School (OTS) at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, they are scheduled to receive advanced training in telecommunications at the School of Information Technology before deployment overseas with the USAF Information Operations Squadron. For security reasons, the exact dates have been withheld. The girls' surprise enlistment was kept secret until they successfully completed their basic training. During an invitation-only press conference while on leave between OTS and their school assignment - conducted, symbolically, at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware where America's war dead are brought - the twins described their motives and rationale. "We'd always planned to do this," Jenna explained. "But first, we had to graduate from college, and then we had to help our father win the 2004 election, to ensure that America would continue to have the kind of strong, inspiring leadership it needs in these troubled times." "Under questioning from reporters, Jenna acknowledged that "yes, it's important for our father's credibility as Commander-in-Chief as well. People still insist on saying that he side-stepped the Vietnam war, which of course he didn't - and it's very hurtful to hear that - but because he's the President, my sister and I sort of have to go beyond what would be expected of ordinary people." The twins readily admitted to having been afraid of their parents' reactions to the news that they would enlist together and ask to serve together in a combat zone. "We're their only children, so, naturally, we worried that they'd go totally postal," Barbara said. "But we prayed together as a family, and in time we all came to the same conclusion." To read the full article, see: Full Story IS THE DIME THE NEW PENNY? Dick Johnson writes: "New Zealand stopped issuing one and two cent pieces in 1990. It now plans to abolish the five-cent coin. Its lowest denomination coin remaining in circulation will be the ten-cent dime. What does New Zealand know that other countries don’t know? That greater efficiencies are possible by eliminating low-denomination coins of little usefulness? A news article published Thursday, March 31, 2005, announced the country will drop the 5-cent coin and change the size and weight of the remaining fractional coins, 10-cent, 20-cent and the 50-cent coins. It will strike these in a lower- cost plated steel. The $1 and $2 coins are unaffected and will continue to be struck in copper-nickel. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which is charged with the country’s coin issuing, is taking this step -- unprecedented among modern coin-issuing nations! – not only eliminating the three lowest coin denominations but changing the way the entire country must do business. Low cost items can be quoted in cents, but a "transaction price" will be required for a final purchase price, either for that single item or a multiple-item purchase. By July 2006 all transactions MUST be a multiple of the dime coin to be able to make change, the basic purpose of all monetary coins. In effect New Zealand has made its cent a "money of account." This becomes fact as well as in practice now that it has eliminated all means of making de facto transactions in cents. Obviously rounding down or rounding up to the nearest 10-cent value must occur for the "transaction price." On balance all prices one to four cents would be rounded down. All prices six to nine cents would be rounded up. This should balance out in the long run to no one’s benefit, to no one’s detriment. Critics will say this will always be to the detriment of the consumer, particularly for a price in the center – five cents – where a perceived disadvantage would occur to the buyer as the seller would instinctively round up. This is not always true. We have reported here in The E-Sylum (v8 n8, February 20, 2005) of the pharmacy chain in Israel where they established a policy to always round down a final price ending in 5 cents (5 agorot) to the lower amount ending in an even 10-cent (10 agorot) multiple (even when a 5-agorot coin was still in circulation). Retail businesses in New Zealand will quickly recognize an advantage over their competitors with a published policy to always round down to the customer’s advantage. A five- cent loss is paltry in a multiple dollar purchase, or in keeping the good will of a customer. New Zealand’s rising economy is driving the elimination of its low denomination coins. Such low value coins are just not necessary for small-amount daily transactions any more. And the reason for this is pure economics. Case in point is the cost of a loaf of bread over several hundred years. It is different when its cost is one cent, from ten cents, from one dollar, from ten dollars. World economies have advanced where we no longer have one cent bread or ten cent bread, thus we no longer need cent coins (or 5-cent coins) as this holds true for other commodities as well. Officers of New Zealand’s Reserve Bank understand this reality. They have taken a cutting-edge step to earn tremendous cost savings for their country, for their retail businesses, for their citizens. Savings accrue from not having to strike, transport, store, and use coins of insignificant value. Their only shortcoming, perhaps, is the abruptness of this statement after its first announcement in November last year. (Don’t they need a massive PR campaign to sell the idea before implementing it?) The vending machine industry in New Zealand will complain the loudest. They must reconfigure every machine in the country (they say at a cost of $200 a machine). This must also be done for coin changers. But the action advances the country’s economy with minimum savings of $2 million a year. My future predictions: (1) New Zealand will become a textbook case for Treasury departments of all modern world nations to watch and study. These nations will ultimately follow suit in eliminating coin denominations below the fractional value of ten. The only question is when? More progressive nations will take this action quicker than backward nations. (2) New Zealand will soon recognize it will have too few coin denominations for efficient coin transactions. It will issue $5 and $10 coins in the not too distant future. There is an optimum number of coin denominations to have in circulation for efficient commerce. (3) Coin collectors and numismatists will experience a renewed interest in New Zealand coins, buying up obsolete denominations and certainly welcoming new denominations. Its future proof coin sales will soar. (4) New Zealand’s vending industry will recover. The news report the above analysis is based upon is far too brief, but it should be read anyway: Full Story The Bank’s news release: Bank Release " TRANSITIONAL PAPAL COINAGE With the death this week of Pope John Paul II, there has been a tremendous amount of television coverage about the man, the position, and how the upcoming transition will be handled. Tonight I noticed a very brief news item about the Vatican coinage, saying coins with the pope's image have been discontinued, and that a new issue without a portrait is already underway to signify the void between popes. I was unable to locate more information on the web. Can anyone point us to images of the new coins, or a site that explains the history of these transitional pieces? J. C. RANDALL, ROBERT BASHLOW PHOTOS SOUGHT Harold Levi writes: "As the result of a very recent research trip I am now ready to complete my book on the Confederate cent. I am in need of two photographs (digital images would be better), J. Colvin Randall and Robert Bashlow. Also, I have been unable to locate Randall's birth year. His obits have not listed his birth year, in fact they have had little information on him. Assistance with these three items would be deeply appreciated. I sincerely thank Katie Jaeger, a direct descendant of George H. Lovett, for her invaluable assistance. She was my "discovery" last year. The actual fact is, she discovered me through the Internet. I presented her at the Pittsburgh ANA Convention last August as a part of my Confederate cent presentation. Katie and Russell Rulau are working on a book about the Lovett family of engravers and diesinkers. I thank the many people who have provided advice, encouragement, assistance, and image publication permissions. My objective has been to pull together into one place as much information about the Confederate cent as I can find. I feel I have achieved this objective, but it will be up to the readers to decide this point. I can be contacted at: haroldlevi at hotmail.com Your Obedient Servant, Harold Levi " THE MONTGOMERY CONFEDERATE NOTES Harold Levi adds: By-The-Way, the National Bank Note Company engraved and printed the Montgomery issue of Confederate notes, not the American Bank Note Company. I see the Montgomery issue attributed to the American Bank Note Company on a regular basis. I do not know who started this error, but it is in the Claud E. Fuller book, "Confederate Currency and Stamps." I have the diagnostics to prove this point should anyone wish to see it. FORGOTTEN EMPEROR'S COIN ON DISPLAY Arthur Shippee forwarded a link from the Explorator newsletter to an article about the recently-found coin of the Roman Emperor Domitianus: "The 1,700-year-old find, part of a hoard discovered by a metal detecting enthusiast near Oxford in April, 2003, proved the existence of Domitianus, dubbed the forgotten emperor. The discovery, which stunned archaeologists when it was made public last year, is returning to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford where it will eventually form a centrepiece to a new gallery to be devoted to money." "The base silver piece offers solid evidence for a long-dismissed claim that Domitianus had indeed declared himself an emperor at a time of upheaval in the Roman Empire. A high-ranking army officer, he is now believed to have staged a short lived military coup, declaring himself emperor of a western tranche of the Roman Empire which included Britain in the second half of the Third Century AD." "The claim is not new. Around 100 years ago an identical coin portraying the bearded face of Domitianus was found in central France, but was dismissed as a hoax. However the appearance of a second coin, fused inside a hoard lost for centuries is seen as proof of the long-forgotten chapter in Roman history. The fact that he was able to have coins struck in his image provides evidence that Domitianus’s bid for power succeeded at least as far as giving him control over a mint, thought to have been at Trier in Germany. Nevertheless, the fact that only two coins bearing his image are known to exist suggests to historians that his rule was extremely short – perhaps just a few days." "The museum plans to exhibit the pieces permanently in its new Money Gallery as part of a major lottery-funded development plan." To read the complete article, see: Full Story Another article has great images of the coin, the exhibit, and the original hoard: Full Story SPEARED BISON VARIETY DISCOVERER INTERVIEWED Another colorfully-named U.S. coin variety is being promoted. KLTV, a Texas television station, interviewed Pamela Ryman-Moir, who discovered and named the "speared bison" variety of the new 2005 buffalo nickel. The web page has an image of the slabbed discovery coin and a link to a video interview. "An East Texas discovery is bringing in a nice piece of change. A Van Zandt county woman found a flaw in some U.S. coins that could be worth more than a hundred dollars. Pam Ryman-Moir said she was just like most interested coin collectors, waiting on the release of the 2005 American Bison nickel. When she got them, she found more than a few were flawed. A line from the "E" in the writing appears to spear through the bison. Collector magazines are crediting her with the finding the flaw. Pam said she never thought she'd be the one to ever make a discovery." "A market value has not been placed on the nickel but she has sold some for more than $100. The coin is being called "Speared Bison" at her request." To read the full story, see: Full Story More information, including a nice image of the variety, is posted on the VarietyNickels web site: "Pamela Ryman-Moir of Texas was recently searching some bank wrapped rolls of 2005-D Buffalo Reverse Jefferson nickels, the third new design of the Westward Journey Nickel Series released by the U.S. Mint late last month, when she came across what she is terming the "Speared Bison" Jefferson nickel. The term comes from what is easily seen as a large vertical die gouge on the reverse directly thru the mid section of the bison. Pam was fortunate enough to find 31 of these nickels and has sent a few in for third party grading. In a recent report, coin collector John Combs of Texas has located 87 examples of this anomaly." speared.htm NUMISMATICS ANSWERS QUESTION JEWELERS PONDER Dick Johnson writes: "I read a thread this week where a Memphis professor had asked a question of a jewelers’ group: "Could ancient celators have done the engraving on tiny dies given their technology and without magnification?" The replies led to more questions than answers. Why, I wonder, did he think modern day jewelers had a knowledge of ancient coin technology? Jewelers appeared to have little knowledge of early technology, even a similar technology used within their own field from ancient time to the present. The replies appeared amateurish. Some were based on hearsay moreso than any basis in fact. While Internet chats fill a lot of Google’s eight billion pages, I am more convinced NOT to get truth off the world wide web. How much better to get it from ... books! An author works on a book often for years with diligent research and writing. Unless it is self-published his publishing house will edit his writing. There is an active fact checking before it reaches the frozen form on the printed page. Chat room comments appear too ephemeral. A quick reply off the top of a half-empty head. It is not vetted nor edited. To the professor’s credit, the thread ends with a reference to an article in the American Numismatic Society’s Museum Notes, and reference to volume 1 in Wayne G. Sayles’ fantastic series on Ancient Coin Collecting which describes the very coin die engraving technology data he was seeking. He should have asked numismatists in the first place (and spelled Sayles name correctly!). Contrast the effort numismatists engage in the study of their collected specimens – we seek history’s truth because our collections come from historical periods – versus jewelers, whose apparent interest is merely selling the next item at hand. View the thread for yourself: Full Thread " SECURITY THREAD THEORY RESURFACES On the Internet, some rumors never die, they just recirculate again and again. The web site Snopes, devoted to debunking Internet hoaxes and false rumors, updated its page devoted to the security thread on U.S. paper money on March 29, 2005. "According to scuttlebutt, the purpose of the thread isn't really to make it more difficult for the ill-intentioned to introduce Hidden money worthless currency into circulation by fooling its recipients into thinking it genuine, but instead to allow the government to know exactly how much money anyone is carrying at any particular moment. With the use of special scanners, or possibly a beam from a distant satellite, the Feds can quickly count the value of all bank notes being carried on or about one's person and thus track how much money is entering or leaving the country, and with whom. This knowledge, says the behind-the-hand whisperings, is used to finger drug dealers and smugglers. The rumor is bunk. The strip's sole purpose is the foiling of counterfeiters. It, along with a number of other security features worked into the nation's bank notes, make it far harder on the criminal element to produce phony bills that will be mistaken for the real thing." Full Story OPENING VIRGIN BOOKS Nancy W. Green, Librarian of the American Numismatic Association writes: "George Kolbe is absolutely right when it comes to "virgin" books. A dull knife is the way to go. I use a letter opener and steady even pressure. There is something so sad about an "unopened" book. Doesn't anybody care what it says?" LINCOLN CENT GALVANO DIESHELL PHOTOS SOUGHT Web site visitor Joe Spiegel writes: "I was fascinated by the following passage on your site. I have been studying the Lincoln penny for years and always wanted to know what the original penny design would have looked like. Can you direct me to any photos of the original copper galvano dieshell for the Victor David Brenner penny, both sides?" The passage he refers to is in Dick Johnson's submission on 2009 cent ideas in the July 11, 2004 issue of The E-Sylum (v7n28). I'll reprint the passage here: Dick Johnson writes: "Gary Dunaier had the greatest idea for the 2009 Lincoln Cent! Return to those days of yesteryear with the original Wheat Reverse by VDB. Use Victor Brenner's original galvano pattern dieshell! The one in which his full name is signed on the lower reverse, not just the VDB initials. This dieshell still exists in the Philadelphia Mint die vaults. I held it in my hand in 1972 (centennial year Brenner's birth) when a group of Brenner fans held a centennial exhibit of Brenner's coins and medals at the Chase Bank Money Museum then in New York City's Rockefeller Center. We asked Mint Director Eva Adams if she could send something for this exhibit. She did! She sent Frank Gasparro, the original Brenner cent plaster models and the original copper galvano dieshells for both obverse and reverse made from those plaster models! Frank was most gracious. Before he let us put the items behind the wall of glass in the exhibit room he allowed each of us to have our photos taken with him, the original models and dieshells. Then he signed autographs all day long for the public. Certainly a highpoint of my life. Unfortunately Frank had to return them to the Mint vaults after this one-day Saturday showing. (The exhibit continued for several more weeks however.) But Frank told us this was the first time the models and dieshells had been outside of Mint vaults since the 1910 Exhibition of the Contemporary Medal, also in New York City, at the American Numismatic Society." esylum_v07n28.html [The dieshells are not pictured in David Lange's "The Complete Guide for Lincoln Cents" (1996), nor did I find anything in Andrew Pollack's "United States Patterns and Related Issues" (1994). If they remained locked in mint vaults since the 1972 exhibit, then photos are unlikely to exist. Is anyone aware of any? A query to Dick Johnson brought the following leads. -Editor] Dick Johnson writes: "We sent out a press packet after the Chase Bank Exhibit in June 1972 which included photos of all these. I believe some of the photos were printed in Coin World. I don't remember if it was in The Numismatist, which would be the easiest to check perhaps. The photos also went to Krause Publications and Coinage. I have not unpacked my boxes of photos yet so I cannot say if I still have the original photos our web site visitor wants to view. As I recall the original galvano was about seven inches in diameter, quite thin, and did contain Brenner's full signature on the reverse at the bottom. Incidentally, it was Henri Weil who, in 1909, made that galvano at Medallic Art Company for the artist, Victor Brenner (both in New York City). It had to meet the artist's approval before he sent it to the Philadelphia Mint. Obviously he sent both plaster model and galvano shell. The original plaster models accompanied Frank Gasparro to that exhibit as well. From my memory: the plasters showed their age. They were discolored and were the customary thickness of a plaster model of that period. However, as I recall, they were remarkably free of chips. The Mint had taken excellent care of the two models for all the 63 years since their creation by Brenner. Perhaps the U.S. Mint could be persuaded to bring these original plaster models and galvanos out of the vault again for a Brenner exhibit for the double centennial / bicentennial celebration in 2009 -- centennial of the Lincoln Cent and bicentennial of Lincoln's birth. I could not think of a higher honor for sculptor Victor David Brenner. His glyptic coin relief of our sixteenth president has transcended time, changes in artistic style of coin design and shifts in political management in the U.S. Treasury & Mint department. Brenner will have accomplished something by 2009 no other artist in the world can match -- he created a coin design that will have been struck every year for a full century! You must tip your hat to that monumental feat!" [A search of NIP yielded an entry for an article on Brenner. in the Numismatic Scrapbook magazine (Vol.39\1973 AUG\ Pg.692). I don't have that issue handy to verify, but since it appeared late in the following year it may be unrelated to the Chase exhibit. NIP does not index Coin World or Numismatic News, unfortunately. I suspect we'll hear from our readers with counterexamples of designs that have laster longer than a century (such as the Maria Theresa coins), but it's a marvelous achievement nevertheless. -Editor] BRENNER RESTING PLACE DISCOVERED An article in the April 11, 2005 issue of COIN World (p79) discusses an article on the January-February issue of The Knight, the official newsletter of the Lithuanian Numismatic Association. The article was written by The Knight's editor, Frank Passic, and details his search for the burial place of Lithuanian-born sculptor and coin designer Victor David Brenner. His research revealed that Brenner died of lung cancer on April 5, 1924 and was buried in what is today known as Mount Judah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens County, NY. The article notes that Passic posted the results of his search on the www.findagrave.com web site. I've created direct links to the pages below. The third link is a page of photos, including one of Brenner's grave marker. Don't miss this one! Brenner Info More Brenner Info Brenner Photo's [Hoping to find more information on the society, a web search failed to locate a home page for the group, but did find the following article by Passic on Lithuanian coin designs: Lithuanian coin designs Membership in the LNA is $15. For more information, contact the group by email at lithnumis at hotmail.com -Editor] DOLLAR BILLS ON THE WALL: "BUCK SNORTS" Last week Ron Ambler submitted an item about a Southern Maryland restaurant called The Roost where the walls are decorated with "buck snorts". While searching for the restaurant's web site, I came across a couple items from a local paper called St. Mary's Today which reported on a health scare related to the restaurant. This week Ron adds: "Cheap shot! St. Mary's Today used to be a weekly rag that went out of business years ago for inability to pay its bills. It is now a one-man Internet operation that no one down here in Southern Maryland takes seriously. The hepatitis scare was over five years ago, and as far as I know nothing much ever came of it -- certainly no judgments. There was a server with hepatitis who did work at all three of the restaurants (not a very good worker one might judge from three places of employment in such a short time). I still routinely enjoy the food and the atmosphere of the Roost, particularly the huge array of Naval aviation memorabilia, including the Bucksnort wallpaper." [Old news lives on forever on the Internet. My apologies to Ron and the restaurant. Keep The Roost on your radar for a numismatic vacation side-trip someday. -Editor] SUDBURY BIG NICKEL REFERENCES Darryl Atchison writes: "In answer to your query concerning Sudbury's Centennial Numismatic Park, I checked my records and here are several articles which our readers can go to if they wish to learn some more about this interesting architectural landmark and related numismatica. All of this information is from the Canadian Numismatic Bibliography which is now being formatted for printing. It is our sincerest hope that the text will be distributed before the upcoming C.N.A. convention in Calgary. However, I don't want t to commit to anything since I'm in Ireland and our production team is in Toronto. They are working very hard but unfortunately (since they are volunteers) they can't spend all of their time working for us. Anyhow, I just wanted to demonstrate just how useful this bibliography will be to researchers. I was able to find all of this information in less than ten minutes. It may take slightly longer in printed form but not much. Fournier, Jeff. – < Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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