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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 23, June 5, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers are Mark Ames and Steve Renner. Welcome aboard! We now have 757 subscribers. LOVETT GRAVESITE RESTORATION PROJECT The June 6, 2005 issue of Coin World has a nice article by Bill Gibbs beginning on page 3 about a project to restore the gravesite of engraver Robert Lovett Jr. The gravesite was located by researcher Harold Levi in McConnelsville, OH in 2004. Levi and George Corell are organizing the restoration effort. Harold Levi writes: "George Corell and I thank Coin World and Beth Deisher for publishing the grave restoration article, and thank Bill Gibbs for a job well done in the writing. A dedication ceremony is planned to coincide with the annual Civil War re-enactment held on the second weekend in July, it will be on Saturday, July 9th. Details of the ceremony are still in progress. McConnelsville is in Southeastern Ohio along the Muskingum River. Everyone is invited! Come see the Union and Confederate forces have at it again. I have notified the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV - I am a member), and the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) of the project. The Union Ladies have been notified by the Ohio SUVCW. There are four graves that will be restored. The photo in Coin World was cropped to fit the space for printing. In the CW image, the left headstone is Robert Lovett, Jr., on the right is Amanda Morgan Lovett, his wife. The left side of the photo was cropped, which removed the headstone of Robert Keating Lovett, their son. The fourth grave is to the right of Amanda, it was not in the photo I took. This is Stevenson Guyton, who we believe is Amanda's nephew. Katie Jaeger, a great great grandniece of Robert, Jr., has been researching this relationship. The restoration includes replacement of the individual headstone foundations with a single concrete foundation that will be 13 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet deep (to prevent frost heaving). The four headstones will be cleaned. The engraving is still deep in the stones and has not suffered much from erosion or pollution damage. A Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) grave marker is going to be mounted in the new concrete in front of Robert K.'s headstone. We are working on getting castings of the obverse and reverse of the Confederate cent to be mounted in the concrete in front of Robert, Jr.'s headstone, unfortunately these may not be ready in time. I have been working with the monument service people and have a quote of about $1200 to $1500 for the grave restoration. The SUVCW is donating the GAR grave marker. I just talked with George Corell and found the bronze plaques for the Confederate cent grave markers will cost $700 for the pair. "The donations are being handled by the Morgan County Historical Society in McConnelsville, Ohio. I am not sure of the current amount that has been donated, but more is needed. Some coin dealers have been contacted directly and have promised to make a donation. There have been some local donations as well. George Corell and I are people of ordinary financial means, but thought Robert Lovett, Jr. deserved to have his grave and that of his family restored. Just think of all the ink that has been spilled about his little Confederate cent" [According to the article, "Donations, by check only, should be made payable to MCHS/Robert Lovett Jr. Account. Send the donations to the Morgan County Historical Society, P.O. Box 524, McConnelsville, OH 43756." I applaud Harold and George for their efforts, and hope many of you in The E-Sylum community will assist with donations of all sizes. -Editor] DUPONT COINS INVOLVED IN OHIO SCANDAL? Web site visitor Darryl Davidson writes: "I came across an article that tied the duPont 1967 coin theft to the current investment scandal in Ohio. Digging further, I came across this link in your newsletter: Tracking the DuPont Coins, in esylum_v07n13.html Here's the article that links your coin-tracker, Mr. Gray, to the Ohio scandal: Full Story It is interesting that this could provide further clues as to finding the thieves a generation later." From the Toledo Blade article: "Two gold coins, bought with money from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation that were lost or stolen from the mail in Colorado in 2003, could be from the rare-coin stock purloined as the family and staff of Mr. duPont were bound with silk ties at the home. Mr. Gray, a Florida attorney who works for Mr. duPont, said other duPont coins have turned up in the Denver area, raising his suspicion. "A lot of our coins have been found in that area," he said. Mr. Gray said the duPont collection had three 1855 $3 gold coins, as well as two 1845 $10 gold coins, that generally match two coins Mike Storeim, the Colorado coin dealer hired by Tom Noe, reported stolen in October, 2003, from a package sent from a California coin-grading firm to his office. Mr. Storeim has said he purchased the two coins with Ohio money for $250,000. In an interview with The Blade, Mr. Gray said the coins are some of the rarest known. He would like to know more about the coins, including where they originally were purchased. He is also interested in two other gold coins that Mr. Storeim purchased with state money at the same time that were not reported stolen, an 1845 $5 gold coin and an 1845 $2 1/2 gold quarter eagle coin. The duPont collection may be missing similar coins, he said." "Mr. Gray has cards describing in exacting detail each missing coin, some of which were bought more than 80 years ago. He said one of the missing coins, which was not circulated, is worth $500,000." OHIO COINGATE LEGAL ISSUES David Gladfelter writes: "Many legal issues arise from this scandal but the main ones are: What public funds (state and municipal) may be invested, what standards govern the selection of the investment vehicles, and is the making of the investments subject to the public bidding laws? New Jersey has specific regulations on point and I would assume that most other states would also. In the case of "Ohiogate," the regulatory scheme may have been violated, and/or it may have been inadequate to begin with." A partial list of suspected criminal violations in the "CoinGate" case: Full Story ANTIQUANOVA MINT: CZECH COIN REPROS While web surfing I came across the site of a private maker of coin reproductions based in the Czech Republic. I hadn't heard of the company, but it has been operating for five years and is probably well known in the ancient coin collecting community. Can any of our readers fill us in? Judging from the images on their web site, their replicas of ancient and medieval coins appear to be high-quality. Are they properly marked as replicas? If not, would they fool anyone? The web site says they target North America and the European Union. I know about the laws governing the reproduction of U.S. coinage, but what are the laws surrounding these types of reproductions? >From a press release: "The privately-owned Antiquanova mint and medal maker‘s (www.antiquanova.com), specialising in coining replicas of rare historic coins and making custom-made coinages in historical styles, launches 12 new types of coins, including a silver replica of one of the most beautiful coins of all time – the Syracusan Dekadrachm. The new comprises of replicas of ancient Greek, Roman, Celtic, and mediaeval coins as well as those stamped after 1500 AD. “On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of starting the on-line sale of the products of our medal- making workshop we have decided to present to the public the fruit of our work over the last six months”, says Pavel Neumann, co-owner of the Antiquanova medal maker’s. We have compiled and are now introducing to the market a set of 12 new coinages, mainly replicas of ancient and mediaeval coins. The most interesting of these is a replica of the ancient Greek Dekadrachm of the city of Syracuse from the turn of the 5th and 4th century BC, or a replica of the ½ Joachimsthaler of 1520 – the very coin from which the English word dollar is derived." The company home page: antiquanova.com This page has an interview with the engraver, Petr Sousek: Petr Sousek THIEF OUTWITS CHANGE MACHINES A thief in Wellsburg, West Virgina uses a novel tool - a small white card that impersonates a dollar bill and fools change machines into accepting it as real. "Although he's only stealing quarters, police say this isn't any "two-bit" crime. It's a felony case of fraud. The new ownership at the Twin Palms car wash in Wellsburg had a problem.... 560 quarters were missing from their change machine. They installed security cameras and struck paydirt. Surveillance tape shows a man using what police are calling "an access device" to confuse the machine into giving him quarter after quarter after quarter; 200 dollars total. "It looks like a small white card of some kind," says Wellsburg Police Sergeant Lester Skinner. "He's sliding it into the bill acceptor and producing change at the bottom" Timecode on the surveillance tape shows the man spent six minutes getting change..." Full Story [At two hundred dollars for six minutes, this guy is getting rich faster than my lawyer. Has anyone heard of this scam before? -Editor] OREGON QUARTER FIRST STRIKE CEREMONY This article, published Friday, May 27, 2005, describes the striking ceremony for the new Oregon state quarter: "Chuck Lundy, Crater Lake National Park's superintendent, was among the group of Oregonians in Denver Thursday for the ceremonial strike of the Oregon quarter at the U.S. Mint. The quarter, which will be released for public distribution June 6, features an image of Crater Lake, with Wizard Island and Llao Rock." "Each Oregon delegation member was allowed to go to a machine and push a button creating a quarter. After looking at the special strike quarters, they were given back to Mint officials, who will mail them to Lundy and others. State Treasurer Randall Edwards led the group of Oregonians, which included members of the Oregon Commemorative Coin Commission." "The ceremony included remarks by Edwards and Tim Riley, the Mint's Denver plant manager, a ceremonial striking of the Oregon quarter, and tour of the Denver plant. Along with Edwards and Lundy, other attendees included some members of the Oregon Commemorative Coin Commission and state Rep. George Gilman, whose District 55 includes the park. The official launch of the Oregon quarter will be Wednesday, June 15, at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland. Formal ceremonies will run from at 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. followed by a block party and quarter exchange will follow from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. The festivities include free ice cream, entertainment, a free quarter for kids younger than 18, and an opportunity to buy uncirculated rolls of Oregon quarters." To read the full article, see: Full Story COLORADO QUARTER DESIGN CHOSEN On May 31st, The Gazette of Colorado Springs reported: "A generic mountain scene was selected Tuesday over a bust of Pikes Peak and other well-known Colorado landmarks as the image that will be stamped on state’s commemorative quarter. Gov. Bill Owens picked the design, captioned with “Colorful Colorado,” out of five contenders." "Tuesday’s decision was the culmination of a process that started in 2004, when a 12-member commission headed by first lady Frances Owens began traveling the state to solicit ideas. About 1,500 design suggestions were collected. The committee whittled them down to five finalists in March." "The finalists included depictions of Pikes Peak and ruins at Mesa Verde National Park. One showed a military skier in honor of the famous 10th Mountain Division. Another had a picture that looked a lot like the Maroon Bells near Aspen and the words “Centennial State.” Full Story NEVADA STATE QUARTER DESIGN CHOSEN The Nevada coin design has been chosen as well. The following is from a June 3, 2005 article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal: "Nevadans have chosen a design featuring three wild horses galloping across a valley with snow-capped mountains in the background for their state quarter, state Treasurer Brian Krolicki announced Thursday. Krolicki said 32 percent of the 59,000 people who cast ballots online and by mail during May favored the wild horses theme. Starting in January, the United States Mint will produce nearly a half billion of the quarters over a 10-week period." "A quarter of the votes came from kids," Krolicki said. "It was literally the kids that made the difference. The little people have really taken this to heart and I think they delivered the wild horse." Finishing second was a design of a big horn sheep, which received 24 percent of the vote. A close third was a design featuring a miner. Ironically, the bighorn sheep is the state's official animal, chosen by the Legislature in 1973." "Krolicki said Secretary of the Treasury John Snow refused to allow consideration of a gaming design or depictions of private businesses, ruling out the Strip as a design possibility. Krolicki said he opposed Snow's positions, but was overruled. The wild horse design is called "Morning in Nevada" since it shows a sun rising over the Sierra Nevada mountain range." Some raised objections because, with the exception of Stateline in the Lake Tahoe area, the sun sets over the mountain range in Nevada. To read the entire article, see: Full Story ORMSBY LAFAYETTE IMAGE SOUGHT Art Tobias writes: "I continue to enjoy my E-Sylums as they are buzzed into my laptop. Your readership was extremely helpful in response to an earlier inquiry regarding the "Sc." after W.L Ormsby's signature on roll-die engraved images on Colt percussion revolvers of 1847-51. I am hoping someone can assist in the following matter. I am now researching the extent to which W.L. Ormsby, Sr. was the actual hand at work on some of the images assigned to him. The Essay-Proof Journal of 1957-58 reprinted Ormsby's "Bank Note Engraving" at a significantly reduced size, especially the plates. I would like to be able to examine or have photographed a particular image at the end of the rare, original large-format book. The image is of the Marquis de Lafayette, by the hand of W.L. Ormsby, Jr., age 17. I have access to another image of the Marquis, apparently engraved by the hand of either Ormsby, Jr. or Sr. on a Colt Dragoon currently in a collection in England. If I have a better image of the book's engraving I can do a fingerprint-like analysis of the lines. If anyone can aid me with access to, or high-quality images of Ormsby-produced bank notes that will also be helpful. I am in Southern California. I have little money to spend on this venture but am lavish with credits in my published work." INFO SOUGHT ON CONFEDERATE CENT COPIES Harold Levi writes: "In the tenth Ford sale held in Atlanta on May 26th was a set of Confederate cent restrikes, lot 4481. Technically, these are copies. According to Michael Hodder, the cataloguer, Bashlow had a new pair of Confederate cent dies engraved in London, England in 1962. This was, seemingly, sometime after he made the so-called 2nd restrikes. The set, housed in a leather case, contains one coin struck in gold, one in silver, and one over-struck on an 1858 Flying Eagle cent. Does anyone know of any other examples of these restrikes? Are the coins in this set the only ones in existence? Also, Hodder mentioned that the location of the new British dies is unknown today. Does anyone know where these dies are, or what happened to them? If you are the winner of this lot, PLEASE contact me!!! Any information would be deeply appreciated! I can be contacted at: haroldlevi at hotmail.com." BOOK LEADS TO TOKEN FOR $25,000 PRIZE Larry Dziubek sent us this June 2nd Associated Press story about a children's book containing clues leading to 12 tokens redeemable for a total of $1 million: "A Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, man is the first treasure hunter to decipher the clues in the book "A Treasure's Trove: A Fairy Tale About Real Treasure for Parents and Children of All Ages" to redeem a $25,000 prize. Jake Polterak, 35, found the clue, hidden as a token, on May 22 at the Rickets Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania, a 4 1/2-hour drive from his home. The token's prize is an 18-karat gold dragonfly decorated with diamonds and sapphires. Polterak, a computer consultant, had been reading "A Treasure's Trove" with his 4-year-old daughter, Allie. "Once I found the token, I couldn't believe how easy it was," he said in a statement released Thursday. "The clues were so accurate!" Author and publisher Michael Stadther personally hid 12 tokens redeemable for one-of-a-kind jewels with a combined value of $1 million in public places around the country. The jewels represent the 12 forest creatures featured in the fairy tale." 'The tokens are hidden throughout the continental United States.' To read the full story, see: Full Story PENNY DROPS AS DEFINITIONS ARE FOUND Last week I asked, "Can anyone fill us in on just what the terms "penny drop" and "silver surfer" mean?" The terms were used in a story about an Australian coin dealer. Martin Purdy of New Zealand writes: "Silver surfer is defined in the article itself as "senior citizens who use the Internet to sell goods and earn extra money". "The penny dropped" is not confined to Australia - I've heard this used in the UK, too. It just means "everything suddenly became clear". Steve Woodland confirms: "As a Canadian who lives next to Americans and has spent time in Europe working and studying with Americans, Australians and Jamaicans, I think I can shed some light on the idioms in the article: "the penny drops" is an informal British expression that means "when someone begins to understand at last". It is like saying "the light went on!" "Silver surfers" means "seniors who surf the web" (unless they're Californians or Hawaiians who might surf the waves as well!)" [Bob Lyall, Larry Dziubek, Howard Spindel and others set me straight as well. Howard included this link to UsingEnglish.com, which has a definition of the "penny dropped" idiom. The-penny-dropped.html Thanks! The penny has dropped! -Editor] 1913 LIBERTY NICKEL TRADES HANDS Christopher Rivituso, Arthur Shippee and others pointed out a June 2nd Associated Press story about the sale of a 1913 Liberty Nickel. "Not many people can retire on a nickel unless it's a rare 1913 Liberty Head like the one that sold Thursday for $4.15 million." Legend Numismatics, a coin dealership in Lincroft, N.J., bought it from collector Ed Lee of Merrimack, N.H. It is one of only five such nickels known to exist." "The nickel will be on display through Saturday at a coin show in Long Beach, Calif. "We are going to display it and enjoy the hell out of it," Sperber said. Lee bought the coin from California sports agent Dwight Manley two years ago for nearly $3 million. At the time, he joked that he would be able to retire on the nickel." Here's a copy of the story in The Washington Post: Full Story On June 3rd the Asbury Park Press published a story as well: "When Laura Sperber sold a rare 1913 Liberty Head nickel last year for $3 million, she knew she got a raw deal. "The day the coin left our possession, we regretted it," said Sperber, co-president of the coin dealership Legend Numismatics, based in the township's Lincroft section. At a Long Beach, Calif., coin show on Thursday, she set things right, announcing that Legend Numismatics had purchased the finest of five known 1913 Liberty Head nickels for $4.15 million. It was one of the highest prices ever paid for a rare coin, second only to a $7.6 million purchase in July 2002 of a 1933 U.S. $20 gold piece. Full Story CELTIC COIN HOARD FOUND IN THE NETHERLANDS Christopher Rivituso forwarded this June 3rd Associated Press article about a hoard of Celtic coins in The Netherlands: "Archaeologists have uncovered 17 ancient Celtic coins in a field in the south of the Netherlands, the first hoard of such coins found in the country. Amsterdam's Free University excavated the site in April and will display the coins, which are made of silver and mixed with copper and gold, in the Limburgs Museum in the city of Venlo on Saturday. They are estimated to date from 20-50 B.C., shortly after Julius Caesar began the Roman conquest of the region." BOOKS NOT PASSE YET Joel Orosz forwarded this article from the June 5, 2005 issue of the New York Times: "For the first few centuries after Johann Gutenberg started churning out Bibles, books had it easy. There were paintings, songs and sermons, of course, but movable type applied to paper was the cutting-edge technology for telling stories. Today, books compete with DVD's, video games, 500 channels of cable television and a nearly limitless number of pages on the Internet. The good news is that even in this high-tech age, old-fashioned books appear to be holding their own." To read the full article, see: Full Story NUMISMATIC REFERENCES FOR YOUNG NUMISMATISTS Steve Woodland writes: "I am embarking on the challenge of starting a coin club for 10-14 year-olds in my daughter's school. I am now on the hunt for numismatic references suitable for these kids. I am looking for any audio, photo, video, electronic or hard-copy references to use in running the club. I would like to hear from any of the E-Sylum readers who may have suggestions or contributions to help me get these young folks interested in the field of numismatics. I can be reached via email at steve.woodland at ca.inter.net." MASONIC CHAPTER PENNIES A visitor to my personal web site wrote: "I was visiting family and I saw a coin that was about and inch and on one side said one penny and had some drawings and on the other said Charles Eginton Chapter No. 111 R.A.M. Beattyville Ky October 17, 1871. Could you tell me anything about it?" I wrote: "This sounds like what collectors would call a "Masonic Chapter Penny". Someone in the family belonged to the Masons and this is a token given to members of that particular lodge. The primary reference on the subject is a book by E. A. King called "Masonic Chapter Pennies", published in 1930. It was reprinted in 1982 and copies are available for sale on the Internet (see bookfinder.com) It describes 10,000 varieties with more than 500 illustrations." Can anyone tell us if King's work has ever been brought up to date or supplanted? MORE ON INTERNATIONAL PATTERNS [My apologies to Jan Moens, whose response to David Cassel's inquiry about Jan's earlier submission was misplaced last week. Here it is. -Editor] Jan Moens writes: "In a recent E-Sylum, David Cassel asks for some more information about the patterns for international coinage of 1867-1868. Here are my answers : 1) my statement that only France, Great Britain and the U.S. struck patterns for international coinage is based in the first place on the analysis of catalogues for coins of that period, but also on the fact that, after the conference of 1867, only a handful of countries had official commissions installed to look into the matter in more detail, these countries being France, Great Britain and the U.S., and also Austria, but no patterns are known for this country; it seems doubtful to me that other countries had patterns made. 2) the details about the patterns of 25 francs = 10 florins or 5 dollars come from a file that is kept at the archives of the Paris Mint. 3) the 1 franc = 10 pence pattern, although present in the catalogue of V. Guilloteau, was not a French coin, but was struck at the Royal Mint in London (where also patterns for gold coins of 5 and 10 francs have been made). I do not know the actual number of pieces produced, but it is indeed a very rare pattern. I have a piece in my collection which was acquired through private treaty from Spink (London) at a price unfortunately not to be disclosed. I am not aware of any other recent sale (note that the gold patterns were sold in the recent sale by Spink of the Samuel King collection; see their website www.spink.com)." THE ROBSON LOWE VATTEMARE SALES An anonymous subscriber writes: "Last week's E-Sylum had the following passage as part of a submission from Robert J. Galliette: 'Documents from the original Vattemare collection were sold by Robson Lowe / Christie's on April 1, 1982 (Part I) and on September 17, 1982 (Part II) as smaller segments to the firm's stamp auctions on these dates. Both sales therefore were outside the mainstream of numismatic and currency auctions, and this literature accordingly is difficult to locate. Even the ANA Library recently reported having only one of these two catalogs. Does anyone know of a source for them? I'd appreciate any related advice.' I attended the second of these sales. I believe there are a few errors in Mr. Galliette's commentary at least in regard to the second sale (and possibly the first as well). To begin with, Mr. Galliette seems to imply that the Vattemare material appeared in sales that were primarily philatelic. The September 17, 1982 catalog with the Vattemare material was not a stamp sale. It consisted entirely of the Vattemare material and a collection of Federal paper money. The consignor of the Federal paper money (an estate) had also consigned a sizable stamp collection, which as I remember, was listed in a separate Robson Lowe catalog. I would assume this was done purposely so that the two catalogs could be sent to different mailing lists. Mr. Galliette states: "Both sales therefore were outside the mainstream of numismatic and currency auctions". The September 17, 1982 sale was definitely in the mainstream of currency auctions. Robson Lowe had provided virtually zero lead time for advertising this sale. The only ad I can recall seeing for the sale appeared in the Bank Note Reporter issue that arrived on Wednesday September 15th. Despite this, the currency dealer community had been aware of the sale for months. It was a hot topic of conversation at both the International Paper Money Show (Memphis) in June and the ANA convention in Boston. At the sale, it seemed that all of the major paper money dealers of the era were in the room. Some people speculated that the dealers thought it was going to be a poorly attended sale that would provide a "bottom fishing" opportunity. It turned out to be just the opposite. Since Robson Lowe was primarily a philatelic auctioneer, their mailing list for numismatics was probably very paltry. I suspect the reason these catalogs are "difficult to locate" is because most of the them were mailed to people who called up and requested them. I doubt if these catalogs are really rare. I suspect that they are just modern day anomalies because they didn't get the sort of distribution that a major numismatic auctioneer would have provided. Perhaps I'm naive, but I've always assumed that the ANA library does not make an effort to get catalogs of this sort. If they did, they would certainly have these two, as it was no secret that Robson Lowe was conducting sales of this sort in the early 1980's. I've always thought that the ANA library relies on goodwill and donations to stock their shelves. Am I incorrect in that? If Mr. Galliette is looking to purchase these catalogs, I'm sure that with a little patience and the help of Messrs. Kolbe, Lake, and Davis, he will ultimately be successful." LITTLE WRITTEN ON EARLY FEDERAL NOTES AND BONDS In a follow-up note regarding early U.S. loan notes, Rob Galiette writes: "Gene Hessler thought that his book on U.S. Loans had long been forgotten. However, I told him that if he hadn't written his book there would have been little context for Stack's to explain and catalog Part VI of the Ford collection. I had the opportunity before that auction in October to speak with Jim O'Neal, whose landmark currency collection was auctioned a few weeks ago by Heritage. Jim described, and I agreed with him, that many people believe that there were few if any emissions of Federal notes and bonds between the early 1790's and 1861, where the Friedberg catalogs, until recently, began. Perhaps in their minds they envisioned emissions of obsolete banknotes, but not much else. For example, U.S. War of 1812 notes were introduced into Krause-Lemke catalogs a number of years ago (they weren't in the early editions), and I don't think that they entered Friedberg until about three editions ago. The U.S. Government had about $2.5 billion in funded debt by 1865 according to a reprint of an 1865 Stock Exchange manual, but few people are familiar with it. Conversely, there's a large interest and considerable source material on Confederate bonds and other instruments -- but that's because they were worthless and survived unredeemed, while U.S. issues typically traded hands between and among wealthy individuals, institutional investors and the Federal Government. Thereafter they were redeemed and destroyed. The public never saw them. Without Gene's work, Heath's Bond Detector, the Vattemare albums, and a few other sources there'd be a near sixty-year void regarding how the Federal Government financed its operations, industrial development, military actions and westward expansion, including the first transcontinental railroad. A five or ten-dollar note is superficially easy to understand, but the availability of bonds and other instruments, engraved in larger format by the same companies and engravers, hold a lot of financial information and capital formation data that the Internet makes it easier to unlock. The Bank Note Reporter has been doing a particularly good job of writing articles to broaden persons' horizons as regards related information about stocks, bonds and other financial documents contemporary to the notes used to purchase them. These documents are the instruments through which property actually was held." FORD FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SALE RARITIES The sales of the John J. Ford. Jr. collection by Stack's continue to be a source of astounding rarities. The June 13, 2005 sale of United States Fractional Currency has a number of incredibly rare items, such as an experimental essay for the fifty cents fractional currency design with a seated liberty half dollar vignette. Known as the G.W. Westbrook design, it was initially published in the January 1889 issue of the American Journal of Numismatics. It was last publicly sold in the 1904 auction of the Charles Wilcox collection and has been off the market for over a century. GASPARRO MEDALS & MINT GOLD MARKING POLICY I've been appraising a small collection for a local attorney, and in it were two items that had not been properly inventoried by the estate auctioneer. I recognized them as U.S. Mint products and rightly suspected they were made of gold, even though they were not marked as such. With the help of Don Carlucci and Dick Johnson I confirmed that these were the work of Frank Gasparro and are known as the "National Medals for the American Bicentennial." Dick Johnson wrote: "There were three sizes with the same Gasparro design (thank you, Janvier die-engraving machine -- he made one model and the Janvier created three sizes!). The largest was 3-inch and weighed 13.18 troy ounces, the second was 1 5/16-inch (1.167 ounce) and the smallest was .906-inch (0.37 ounce). Their respective issue prices were $4,000, $400 and $100. If you have back issues of Coin World Almanac in your library see 1977 edition (page 14) or 1978 edition (p 426)." Remarking on the lack of information on the pieces themselves, Dick noted:: "Private industry must obey the "1906 Tiffany Law" and must mark the fineness on all precious metal items manufactured in U.S. The U.S. Mint does not honor this law. It does not mark composition, fineness or maker on its precious metal items! They should! Joe Levine has written about this in The Numismatist recently." I guess I had naively assumed that all non-coin precious metal products of the Mint would adhere to the common-sense standard markings used elsewhere. Had I not recognized these pieces for what they were, they might have been sold without regard to their gold content, resulting in a loss for the estate. What other gold products has the mint produced without proper identifying marks? NOSE OIL HAS NUMISMATIC NAMES Dick Johnson writes: "Two years ago in E-Sylum several writers reported on the use of human nose oil in a number of ways in our field: (1) lubricate a wax tool, (2) eliminated scratches on a coin’s surface, and (3) the same for slab plastic. [E-Sylum vol 5, nos 7, 8 & 16.] Surfing the Internet this week I found you can buy nose oil. You don’t have to keep rubbing your proboscis. What’s more, it comes in three colors – each with a numismatic name for use on different coin compositions! Copper penny. Silver. Black gold. Since you are thinking I made this up, you must click on the following URL – to prove I don’t make this stuff up!!: Full Story It is also used for rubbing a horse’s rear end (okay, I made that up). Did you click on? (If there are any horsemen among our readers, how DO you use it?)" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Timothy D. Cook's English Hammered Coins site. "The site has three areas, each I hope you will find useful. The first is the collection itself. Each coin will not only have a picture, but also reference citations and in some cases a few notes. The coins on the site follow the same basic organization as the collection itself. The second area that might be of interest will be the listing of the books in my personal library. ... The last area of the site is a links page. These links are sites that I have come across in my web surfing. Those interested in hammered coinage will probably find something interesting on these sites." Featured Web SiteWayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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