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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 24, June 12, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers is George Corell. Welcome aboard! We now have 758 subscribers. KOLBE FORD II SALE RESULTS Taken from the press release: "The second part of the John J. Ford, Jr. American Numismatic Library and the outstanding Craig and Ruanne Smith Library, sold at auction on June 4 & 6, 2005, brought a total of over $571,000. This is the second highest total ever recorded for an auction event comprised of rare and out of print numismatic literature, exceeded only by the June 1, 2004 Ford I sale, which brought 1.66 million dollars. The 400 lots in the Smith Library realized nearly $383,000; the 750 Ford lots realized over $188,000. The total amount realized by the two Ford Library sales comes to an astounding $1,851,000. This eclipses the total of approximately one million dollars realized by the four Armand Champa Library sales, and the 1.25 million dollar total of the five Harry Bass Library sales. Illustrated copies of the Ford II and Smith catalogues, accompanied by the prices realized list, may still be ordered by sending $35.00 to George Frederick Kolbe, Fine Numismatic Books, P. O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325. A limited number of Ford I catalogues are also available for $35.00. Sale highlights include: a superb leather bound set of The Numismatist, 1888-1952, including the first six original volumes from the library of the first A. N. A. president, brought $41,400; a complete, handsomely bound set of the American Journal of Numismatics realized $34,500; a complete, most attractive leather bound set of American Numismatic Society Numismatic Notes and Monographs sold for $10,925; a handsome leather bound set of Ars Classica auction sale catalogues of ancient coins went for $5,750; a number of Chapman Brothers auction catalogues with original photographic plates, along with a number of the firm’s unique Bid Books brought strong prices, led by S. H. Chapman’s priced and named 1916 Bement sale, which sold for $4,830; Colonel Green’s deluxe full morocco edition of Browning’s classic 1925 work on quarter dollars realized $12,650; several hardbound sets of classic 19th and 20th century American auction sale catalogues originally in the George Fuld Library mostly brought strong prices; fascinating and historically important early correspondence written by Walter Breen, John J. Ford, Jr., and other important American numismatists generally sold very well, bringing as much as five times—in one case over ten times—the estimates; important Americana, including an extensive selection of nineteenth century American Directories brought mixed, though often strong, prices; eight remarkably fine original copies of Crosby’s 1875 Early Coins of America, including John Robinson’s superb Subscription Copy sold extremely well, the subscription copy selling for a world record price of $10,350; a fine hardbound set of B. Max Mehl auction sale catalogues and a set of Mehl’s Numismatic Monthly sold for $6,325 and $2,300 respectively; a very rare 1840 Brasseaux work on Napoleonic medals went for $920; and Harry Bass’s annotated set of Walter Breen monographs on United States gold coins, estimated at $2,500, sold for $5,290." LAKE BOOKS SALE 80 AVAILABLE Fred Lake writes: "The 80th mail-bid sale of numismatic literature from Lake Books is now available for viewing on our web site at: Current Sale Selections from the library of J.H.Cline are included in the 518 lot catalog in addition to numerous references relating to paper money from an old-time collector. Bids may be sent via regular mail, email, fax, or telephone for arrival by the closing time of 5:00 PM (EDT) on Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Remember that the earliest bid received wins tie bids...so, bid early! " OHIO-DUPONT SPECULATION Alan V. Weinberg writes about a possible connection between the Ohio Workers Compensation Coin scandal and the 1967 duPont home invasion robbery: "There was a speculative and tenuous connection made this week between these two incidents. My 20+ years Los Angeles Police Dept experience taught me to question all coincidences. Turns out there are very few. That two rare coins identified as having been stolen in the 1967 Willis Du Pont home invasion robbery, perpetrated undoubtedly by organized crime (number of armed thieves involved, the precision of the "operation", coins disappearing for decades and re-appearing clear across half a continent), would have been coins "stolen" from registered mail in 2003 is just too coincidental. It is more than likely that organized crime saw an opportunity to "launder" these expensive stolen coins, easily recognized in the hobby, by selling them into the Ohio Work Comp investment fund. Then, when either too much suspicion developed about the fund or the dealers involved with the fund recognized the nature of the coins, the coins were suddenly "stolen". This is the kind of coincidence that makes law enforcement's eyebrows rise and noses twitch. I'm certain the FBI is inquiring into the nature of organized crime's involvement, directly or indirectly, in this Ohio coin investment scandal." Tom Fort forwarded a link to another article about the "Coingate" scandal in the online Salon magazine: Full Story HALF DISME ARTICLE Joel Orosz writes: "You may have seen Eric von Klinger's article in the June 13 Coin World. He reviewed the article that Carl Herkowitz and I wrote for the American Journal of Numismatics, "George Washington and America's 'Small Beginning' in Coinage: The Fabled 1792 Half Dismes." Von Klinger's review was pretty solid except that in the headline and the first sentence of his review, he said that the authors of the article had proved that Washington had donated the silver from which the half dismes were struck. Our position actually was that the preponderance of the evidence points in that direction, but that we had failed to find the "smoking gun" that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt." Joel attached the letter he I wrote to Coin World correcting this misimpression. Here's a lengthy excerpt: "It is, of course, difficult to condense an accurate description of a complex 45-page article into about a half-page of space in Coin World, and von Klinger did an admirable job, except for one major point: we never claim in our article that we have proved that President Washington provided the silver used to strike the half dismes..." "In our article, we conclude that while the great preponderance of the evidence points toward Washington as the silver provider, the pieces of evidence that could prove he was—Washington’s diary for 1792 and Acting Chief Coiner Henry Voigt’s July 1792 account book—are unavailable. Washington was a long-time diarist, but the press of his Presidential duties prevented him from keeping a diary in 1792. Voigt did keep an account book for July of 1792, but it was lost about a century ago, and no one knows where it is, or if it even still exists. Therefore, while the authors believe that all of the available evidence points to Washington, we cannot prove he was the donor beyond the shadow of a doubt. Carl and I thank Mr. von Klinger and Coin World very much for taking the time to carefully review our article and informing their readers about the significance of our new findings, which dispel more than two centuries of misconceptions about the first coin struck by the U.S. federal government." ANA LIBRARY GOING ONLINE Taken from a May 15, 2005 press release by library information management firm EOS International: "... the American Numismatic Association (ANA) located in Colorado Springs, CO, has selected EOS.Web Express to help improve access to their unique collection. ANA collection data will be hosted at the EOS Global Data Center and made available to the public via EOS e-Library Service and EOS. Web OPAC. “Once available, the 33,000 members of ANA and the general public will be able to access and search one of the most complete numismatic libraries in the world,” states EOS CEO Tony Saadat. “Improving access to information and demonstrating value to libraries is our core mission.” The ANA library collection offers more than 40,000 volumes covering such topics as coins, paper money, tokens, medals, economics, stocks and bonds, in addition to banks and banking. The library also maintains one of the world's finest collections of numismatic periodicals and auction catalogs as well as a large collection of slide and video programs. Library staff members also provide expert research and education regarding the study and collection of money and related monetary items. The American Numismatic Association can be found online at: ANA." Full Story COLORADO QUARTER DESIGN Tom DeLorey writes: "For the record, the scene shown on the Colorado quarter, though officially described as a generic mountain scene, is a true representation of Long's Peak and the mountains west of it as seen from Rocky Mountain National Park." NEW TAYLOR MORRISON BOOK Dick Johnson writes: "A new book by Taylor Morrison arrived in the mail this week -- "The Coast Mappers." This highly talented author / artist scored again. Intended for children, adults can learn the technology of his subjects, the "how" it was done. There is a theme that runs through his last three books -- engraving. This time he tells how maps are engraved (and printed). The engraving is not as extensive as in his last book, "The Buffalo Nickel," but it does reveal how important engraving is to the printed page. (Recently in E-Sylum -- vol 8 no 20, May 15, 2005 -- I wrote of what a treasure his Buffalo Nickel book was.) If you have a chance to have the author / artist sign your book do so. For "The Buffalo Nickel" he draws a picture of a buffalo, for this book it was a paddle wheel ship among ocean waves." MORE ON MASONIC CHAPTER PENNIES Granvyl Hulse writes: "As a Royal Arch Mason I should add something to the following. In the center of one side of a Chapter penny should be a round flat area about the size of a dime. If the penny was issued and the Mark Master Mason followed through then there should be an engraving on the flat area. These engravings are registered in the Chapter issuing them and if the person finding one of these is interested in following through he or she could find out who the penny was originally issued to. A little bit like collecting war medals. Those without names and citations are of less value historically than those with." HANS M. F. SCHULMAN The July 2005 issue of Coinage magazine has another interesting article by David Alexander. This one is on dealer Hans Schulman. The article is both informative and amusing, and recounts a story told by John J. Ford at a Numismatic Bibliomania Society meeting a few years ago. Do any of our readers have stories about Schulman they'd like to share? A DIRTY JOB Bill Malkmus writes: "In case no one else picked up on it, Wednesday's Wall Street Journal (June 8, 2005) had a front- page article (pp. A1, A7) about Dunn & Co. of Clinton, Massachusetts. Their shtick is repairing books for publishers who have made boo-boos (like misspelling "Massachusetts," misidentifying an author on the title page, or dropping the last line in a book, ...) and, rather than republishing, rely on them to have at the books one by one and make repairs manually (cutting out old pages, tipping in replacements by hand and such). A dirty job and they're the ones who have to do it!" PRAGUE COIN HOARD FOUND Arthur Shippee forwarded the following item from The Explorator e-newsletter. He writes: "A goblet and a bunch of coins dating from the 15th century were found during an excavation in Prague." "Archaeologists unearthed a ceramic goblet and a large number of small, silver coins in the courtyard of a house between Stepanska and Skolska streets in the centre of Prague last week, said Vojtech Kaspar from the Archaia archaeological society. The coins were minted in Kutna Hora in the middle or late 15th Century. According to experts, the finding is unique since such a large number of coins is seldom unearthed in Prague. The so-called "Lostice goblet" was covered under the floor of a Gothic stone house. Archaeologists unearthed its foundations under the tarmac covering of the courtyard. There were about 700 to 1,000 0.4-gramme silver coins in the goblet. Such coins, marked with the Czech lion, were minted in Kutna Hora at a time when the traditional Prague Groschen were not minted there, Kaspar said. One Grosche was worth seven such coins. To read the original article in The Prague Monitor, see: Full Story UPCOMING ANA PRESENTATIONS E-Sylum readers love information, and I suspect many of you attending this summer's convention of the American Numismatic Association will be attending presentations in the Numismatic Theatre and Maynard Sundman/Littleton Coin Company lecture series. The speak lineups have been announced, and many E-Sylum subscribers are among the speakers. The new Maynard Sundman/Littleton Coin Company lecture series takes place Thursday, July 28, 2005, from 10 AM to 5 PM. Dr. Lane Brunner is the moderator. 10:00 AM Christopher Pilliod History of Die Making in the United States 1:00 AM Peter Huntoon, Ph.D. The Civil War, the Comptroller's Office, and 73 years of National Bank Currency Noon Erik J. Heikkenen The Battle of the Little Bighorn: Numismatic Perspectives of the Battle and Related Military Movements 1:00 PM Wendell Wolka The Dark Side of Antebellum Banking: The Nefarious Purveyors of “The Queer” 2:00 PM Q. David Bowers Great Collectors and Their Collections 3:00 PM P. Scott Rubin Joseph Wright of Bordentown, New Jersey: His Family’s Influence During the Early Years of the U. S. Mint. 4:00 PM Douglas Mudd Précis for Image and Republican Sovereignty The following is the tentative Schedule of presentations in the Numismatic Theatre: Wednesday, July 27 1:00 p.m. A Presentation from the Paris Mint 2:00 p.m. Lane Brunner Collecting Franklin Half Dollars 3:00 p.m. P. Scott Rubin What Can You Afford to Collect in the Age of Million Dollar Coins? 4:00 p.m. Donald R. Barsi Jack London & the Barsi Family Connection and Trade Tokens of Glen Ellen, California, where Jack Lived. Thursday, July 28 11:00 a.m. Alan Luedeking and Carlos Jara: The Early Coinage and Mint of Santiago de Chile. 12:00 p.m. John & Nancy Wilson: U.S. Paper Money 1690 to Present 1:00 p.m. Rich Kelly and Nancy Oliver: True Tales of the Granite Lady. 2:00 p.m. Frank Strazzarino and Michael S. Turrini The Magic City: 1939 and 1940 Golden Gate International Exposition. 4:00 p.m. Joel Orosz: Did George Washington Provide the Silver to Make the 1792 Half Disme? Friday, July 29 10:00 a.m. Robert Chandler: Wells Fargo Moves Monies. 10:00 a.m. Greg Thompson 'Money-changers' Counting Board and Medieval Tokens 11:00 a.m. Darrell Low and Leonard Augsburger: San Francisco and Carson City Liberty Seated Coinage. 11:00 a.m. Richard Jozefiak Alaska Numismatics: An Overview from 1784 to Today. 12:00 Tom Sebring A Numismatic Tribute to Two Heroic Ships. 12:00 p.m. Scott A. Travers The Ultimate Smart Coin Consumer. 1:00 p.m. David Lange Collecting Mercury Dimes 1:00 p.m. Craig Krueger Population Distortion and the 1856 “Upright 5” Gold Dollar. 2:00 p.m. Hal V. Dunn Remembering People from the Carson City Mint. 2:00 p.m. Christopher Cipoletti The ANA, Past, Present and Future. 3:00 p.m. Arthur M. Fitts III: Alms for our King! 3:00 p.m. Nancy W. Green and Jane Colvard Numismatic Research and the New Library Catalog. 4:00 p.m. Prue Morgan Fitts Coins and Commerce Along the Information Highway, 5th – 7th Century CE 4:00 p.m. Sol Taylor Cherrypicking the Lincoln Cent. Saturday, July 30 10:00 a.m. Jeff Shevlin An Introduction to So-Called Dollars 10:00 a.m. Herbert Miles Numismatic Antecedents of Low 54; “Am I Not a Woman & a Sister” Token. 11:00 a.m. Gerald Kochel They Shot the President 11:00 a.m. Eugene Markov The Tsar Who Never Was. 12:00 Greg Burns The Lusitania Medal and Its Varieties 12:00 p.m. Anthony Swiatek How Not to Lose Your Hard Earned Money When Collecting or Investing in Coins 1:00 p.m. Kenneth Thomasma Sacajawea, Lewis & Clark, and the Sacajawea Golden Dollar Coin 1:00 p.m. Michael S. Fey: Secrets of the Advanced Morgan Dollar Collector. 2:00 p.m. Frank Van Valen How to Collect U.S. Type Coins 2:00 p.m. David Goya Minerva’s Owl: The Commemorative Coins of the Panama Pacific International Exposition of 1915 3:00 p.m. Joseph Ridder Collecting National Bank Notes. 3:00 p.m. Robert Evans The S.S. Central America: History, Discovery, Numismatics, Legacy 4:00 p.m. Christopher F. Pilliod An Overview of United States Counterfeit Coinage. 4:00 p.m. Garrett & Michelle Burke The California State Quarter from Sketch Book to Selection Sunday, July 31 11:00 a.m. Walter Ostromecki Tips on Getting Youth Coin Show Activities Rolling. 12:00 p.m. Lane Brunner Capped Bust Half Dollars: A Challenging yet Affordable Series. Another event of interest to bibliophiles is the Numismatic Literary Guild Symposium at 10am July 28. Panelists David T. Alexander, Q. David Bowers, Beth Deisher, David C. Harper and Gregory J. Rohan will discuss "How the Internet is Changing the Coin Business and Numismatic Writing." MORE ON COIN REPRODUCTIONS Regarding last week's question about modern coin reproductions, Larry Korchnak writes: "Antiquanova does nice work on reproductions, I have three of their coins. They are completely above board and mark their coins as copies. Ashmore, on the other hand has not. He has created forgery copies of many British rarities including siege coins." NEW HAMPSHIRE TURNPIKE TOKEN DEMISE Dick Johnson writes: "The E-Sylum ran an item about New Hampshire turnpike tokens four weeks ago (vol 8, no 20, 15 May 2005). Their impending death is still making news, being replaced by E-ZPass. The Concord Monitor states the state senate and governor are still debating the decision. It also revealed some interesting facts. The tokens depict the Old Man on the Mountain – you know, the rock formation that fell off once the device was depicted on the U.S. New Hampshire state quarter. And a metal-detector beachcomber tried to return some of the tokens for cash but the turnpike officials refused. Also it costs "$13,000 a month to haul them from booth to bank to booth and $230,000 last year to count and re-roll them." Apparently they tried to have the toll takers count and re-roll them in toll booths, but this caused delays in making change. Backs up the traffic. I suggest NBS Secretary-Treasurer David M. Sundman buy up some of the tokens and issue matched sets with token and NH quarters in a holder titled "New Hampshire’s Vanishing Monuments." Go ahead, Dave, use some NBS money if you wish. I'll buy a set. Anyway, the Concord Monitor article is at: Full Story [I won't speculate on how NBS funds should be spent, but this would be an interesting pairing of items. -Editor] POSTCARD ARRIVES NINETY-TWO YEARS LATE [OK, it's not numismatic, and it's only barely philatelic, but it's too good a story to pass up. -Editor] From the Times-Union of Albany, NY, June 11, 2005: "In March, Alice Corbin Fitzgerald went to the rural post office in Grafton just up the road from her home to pick up her mail. Postal worker Anne McGrath handed her a postcard. On the front was a watercolor bouquet of lilies of the valley, along with a poem of a religious nature and a Benjamin Franklin one-cent stamp. It was mailed by Fitzgerald's long-dead aunt Myrtle Corbin in 1913. "My aunt mailed it from Hoosick Falls 92 years ago to her mother, my late grandmother, here in Grafton, and now it just shows up out of the blue this many years later. I should at least thank the post office for delivering it." To read the full story, see: Full Story SILVER SURFER: ALTERNATE DEFINITION Gary Dunaier writes: "I thought someone else would mention it, but apparently I'm the only comics fan who takes the E-Sylum, so it falls upon me to share this information with you. When I hear "Silver Surfer" something completely different (and non-numismatic) comes to mind... Marvel Comics. Cut-and-pasted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Silver Surfer): "The Silver Surfer is a Marvel Comics superhero. Created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, he first appeared in The Fantastic Four #48 (1966). The Surfer was originally Norrin Radd of the planet Zenn-La. He agreed to serve as a herald for the alien Galactus to save Zenn-La from the planet-consuming super being. Galactus granted Radd enormous cosmic powers and a silvery appearance. On a surfboard-like vehicle he roamed the cosmos, searching for new planets for Galactus to consume. However, after an encounter with Earth’s Fantastic Four, he betrayed Galactus, who doomed the Surfer to exile on Earth. In a heavily philosophic late 1960s series, which was popular in the hippie counter culture, the Surfer explored Earth. Another, more cosmically themed series with a freed Surfer, was published in the 1980s and 1990s and Marvel is currently attempting another revival." DICK JOHNSON IS AT WRONG END OF THE HORSE Twinkly Eyes writes in response to last week’s item on nose oil: "Dick Johnson is rubbing nose oil on the wrong end of a horse! I’ll bet he gets on the wrong side of a horse and faces backwards. The directions on the bottle clearly states "Rub lightly on the horse’s knees, ankles and fetlocks." Another reader writes: "Mr. E-Sylum Editor. Bcause your wrote about using nose oil on coins, I bought a 15 $ botle of Copper Penny Nose Oil from Smith & Wesson Oil from the advert in you newsletter. i applied it to all my Lincoln Head and Wheaty pennies. Now they smell so bad in the house I had to take my valuable collection out in the back yard. The dog couldn’t stand the smell of them either and he shook ‘em all over the yard. Most landed in the tall grass. i hired the 9-year old boy next door to find them, but he said he could only find three of them. I did notice, how ever, the cash register smells the same way down at the Piggly-Wiggly. I’ll bet that boy spent ‘em." NOSE OIL OND OTHER NUMISMATIC ENHANCEMENTS Katie Jaeger writes: "Dick Johnson wanted to know what equine Nose Oil was for. You could put it on the rear end, Dick, but it's supposed to go around the eyes and in amongst the braids of the mane. It's meant to match the rhinestone-studded bridles and gleaming silver decorations on the saddles. (The primary consumers of groovy horsemanship accessories are girls age 10-15). There's another oil, called "show sheen" that gets applied to the entire horse, to make his coat shine under the spotlights in the ring. I have a friend who learned the hard way, you do not put show sheen in the saddle area. As she galloped around a sharp turn in during her first show, the saddle slid around to the side and off she flew." Steve Woodland writes: "As a horse owner, I got a chuckle out of Dick Johnson's piece on Nose Oil. I was unaware of the uses of human Nose Oil in numismatics, so I thank Dick for pointing it out. However, as to the use of the commercial brand of "Eye & Nose Oil" Dick found on the web, it is not used for rubbing on a horse's derriere as Dick so tongue-in- cheekly suggested. Rather, it is used to rub under a horse's eyes and on its nose to make those areas appear uniformly shiny, a feature that is seen favorably by the judges in horse shows! The numismatic use of nose oil begs the question of what other interesting substances are used to enhance the appearance of coins and currency? Aside from all the commercial chemical dips that exist, I have heard of using olive oil, WD-40, soap and water, and now human nose oil. Are E-Sylum readers up to divulging their secrets on how to make their coins and currency more appealing, or maybe just sharing stories they heard from "the friend of a friend" about what people have done to attempt to improve the look of their numismatic items? Include funny or bizarre stories, successful ventures and disasters. Let's hear from the audience, please! (I'm sure our Editor will guarantee complete anonymity!)" [Now that the term "curating" is around, there's less stigma attached to coin doctoring than in the past. Some experts can work wonders on a coin, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Some coins cry out for a little assistance in the beauty department. Although I don't accept anonymous submissions, I will withhold names on request and publish a submission anonymously if desired. -Editor] NUMISMATIC LITERATURE FOR $1,000, ALEX Alan Luedeking writes: "I was surprised nobody responded to Roger Burdette's challenge in E-Sylum v8#19 of helping his local high school assemble a well-rounded numismatic library for only $1000. I didn't dare venture my own paltry suggestions, but absent any others, I now will: Krause Publications: "Standard Catalogue of World Coins" 16th through 20th Centuries editions (5 volumes): $250. Walter Breen: "Encyclopedia of US Coins" $100. Humberto Burzio: "Diccionario Hispano-Americano" (3 vols.) $225. David Vagi: Roman Coins (2 vols.): $100. Philip Grierson: Medieval Coins $75. Clain-Stefanelli: Numismatic Bibliography, 2nd ed. of 1985, $125. Now then, many will cringe at my suggesting the KP books, but hey... we've only got a grand. This adequately covers the world from 1700, USA, Latin America, Ancient Rome, Medieval European and numismatic literature for $875, leaving just $125 to cover the entire Islamic, Oriental and ancient Greek worlds (should be sufficient for that!!), not to mention paper money. Perhaps we can chip in a few extra books for Mr. Burdette's school-- any school "enlightened" enough to be willing to spend $1K on numismatic books deserves that." HIDDEN TOKENS REDEEMABLE FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS? Alan Luedeking writes: "I was intrigued by Larry Dziubek's submission in last week's E-Sylum about the children's book with clues to 12 hidden tokens redeemable for one million dollars in jewels. This equates to roughly $83,333 per token/treasure. Why was Jake Polterak's dragonfly worth just $25,000?" [Good question! Perhaps all the tokens were not created equal. Do any of our readers have the book? If some of the tokens remain to be found, there's money to be made in the hunt. -Editor] PHILADELPHIA MINT SAFE FOR WORKERS The following is taken from a June 6, 2005 article in the Philadelphia Inquirer: "Federal regulators say it's safe to work at the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. Five years ago, the Mint, at Fifth and Arch Streets, had one of the worst employee-injury records in the federal government. In early 2002, it was shut down for six weeks for a top-to-bottom safety review. At the time, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said that, had the Mint been a private company, it would have been fined $250,000 for the violations OSHA found." "On Friday, the Philadelphia Mint announced that it had received one of OSHA's top safety awards for its effort to limit injuries and illnesses in the plant, where it employs about 500 people." "They did their thing. They fixed their problems," OSHA spokesman Kate Dugan said. The Mint is having a ceremony today at 10 a.m. to mark the occasion." Full Story PROMOTING PIZZA WITH NICKELS Coins and paper money are often used as part of product promotions. The following is from a press release for an Oregon chain using the new buffalo nickels in a promotion: "Figaro’s Pizza announced the addition of buffalo pepperoni to its already long list of pizza toppings. This gourmet topping will be available at Figaro’s locations in Oregon and Washington through July 31 when customers can take advantage of special promotional pricing." "Figaro’s new pepperoni is actually made with buffalo meat." "In March, the U.S. Mint marked the return of the American Bison nickel after a 67-year absence. The American Bison nickel is the third design in the United States Mint’s Westward Journey Nickel Series™. A fourth design will be released later in 2005. To commemorate this release, Figaro’s will be giving away the American Bison nickel as change." Full Story [So if scads and scads of the new coin have been minted, just where are they going? They've been out for months now and I've only rarely seen one in circulation. Are others having trouble finding them in circulation as well? -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Primitive Money. an online exhibit of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, covering: * - Katanga or "Wife Buying" Cross * - Tea Brick * - Manilla * - Canoe Money * - Ticals and Tiger Tongues * - Copper Hoe Blade * - Pu (Spade Money) * - Ch'ing (Bridge Money) * - Short Pu (Pants Money) * - I Pi Ch'ien (Ant Nose Money) * - Kuei T'ou C'ien (Ghost Face Money) * - Cowrie Shells * - Shell Arm Ring Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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