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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 28, July 8, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. JOHN J. FORD, JR. This special edition of The E-Sylum brings sad news. I've been informed by NBS Vice president John W. Adams that U.S. numismatic legend and bibliophile John J. Ford, Jr. died last evening of chronic heart failure at the age of 81, following an extended hospitalization. Dick Johnson writes: "What a loss to the numismatic field! Oh, if only he had written more of the numismatic facts and lore he had learned over a lifetime dedicated to numismatics." NBS President Pete Smith writes that "Ford was born on March 5, 1924, in Hollywood, California. I interviewed him in 1991 for my book, "American Numismatic Biographies." We sat outside the entrance to the ANA convention in Chicago. Our discussion was frequently interrupted by people who stopped to say 'hello' and chat. I doubt if I was able to distill 5% of our conversation into something I could print. He was great at telling stories about people he had met and done business with over the years. He continued to tell stories at the ANA Numismatic Theater with talks about "Back When Coin Collecting Was Fun." Interviews with Ford were published in "Legacy" magazine and one of the weekly coin papers. It would be nice to gather items from those interviews to reprint in "The Asylum" as a tribute to his knowledge, character, wit, and charm." George Kolbe's catalog of Part II of Ford's library sale (June 4, 2005) includes some great essays on Ford by Jon Hanson and Q. David Bowers. Dave adds, "I have enough JJF-iana to write a book," and hopefully he'll do just that someday. I believe my first encounter with John Ford was at the 1980 meeting of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society at the ANA convention in Cincinnati, OH, where John was the featured speaker. This was before I collected numismatic literature in a serious way, and his presentation sealed my fate as a numismatic bibliophile. Later I was enthralled to listen to his numismatic tales at "The Invasion of Louisville" during the next Cincinnati ANA, where I was honored to be among the guests visiting Armand Champa's numismatic library. Bumping into him at subsequent ANA conventions was always a thrill. I recall sitting with him at the Stack's table at the Detroit ANA, where I had been viewing his Nova Constellatio silver pattern set, which he was offering for sale through them. I was transfixed as I examined what I still feel is one of the most important sets of U.S. coinage ever made. John had told me about how he bid on the pieces he bought from the Garrett sales while we spoke at Champa's. I have an audio tape of his story of how he acquired the missing piece needed to reunite the set. My favorite personal story about John Ford involves an original Congressional Gold Medal, awarded in 1990 to General Matthew B. Ridgeway. At Ford's request, I purchased the medal for him at a local estate sale. I was somewhat in awe to hold the piece in my hand. I believe it was nearly six ounces of gold, and a beautiful piece of the engraver's art. The medal was presented to Ridgeway at his home near Pittsburgh, for he was too frail to travel to Washington. The medal was accompanied by a letter signed by the President, a large certificate, and newspaper clippings of the event. I packed it all carefully in a large box and shipped it to Ford. A couple weeks later, not having heard from John, I called him. He thanked me and said he'd received the package. "So what did you think of the medal?" I asked. It turned out, he hadn't opened the box yet. About six weeks later I called again, and he still hadn't opened the box. It was in his garage, safe from thieves, he reasoned, since it looked innocuous. Fast forward to the next ANA Convention. Spotting John coming down the hall, he saw me and laughed - "No, I haven't opened it yet," he said. "I should have mailed you a friggin' ashtray," I said - "What can I bid on for you next - an 1804 dollar?" (I didn't say ""friggin," but you get the idea). A few weeks later I did learn he'd finally opened the box and loved the medal. It was sold in one of the recent Stack's sales. Others wishing to share their reminiscences of Ford are welcome to email me. Some of the shorter ones I'll publish in upcoming E-Sylums, but others may be more suitable for our print publication, The Asylum. Our thoughts are with John's family. He was one of a kind, and he'll be missed. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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