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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 29, July 10, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. EDITOR'S CORNER Among our recent subscribers are Mr Chellappa Chandra and Michael Rae. Welcome aboard! We now have 769 subscribers. At the suggestion of Nick Graver, I will now publish our subscriber count with each issue. I'll also take this opportunity to expand the section to include occasional comments about the issue or general topics of interest. Thus, the "Subscriber Update" is now the "Editor's Corner." Sorry I couldn't think of a more original title, but I'm open to suggestions. World events sometimes intrude on numismatics. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., we published a number of items of how numismatists in New York were affected. How have this week's bomb attacks in London affected our friends there? Please write to let us know - we hope all is well. As an editor I relish the ability of e-mail to quickly get the word out on important events. We rarely stray from the weekly E-Sylum publishing schedule, but occasionally we publish an interim issue. This week brought an interim issue with news of the death of John J. Ford, Jr., bibliophile and numismatist extraordinaire who was a longtime friend of NBS. As Dave Bowers notes, Ford was not an uncontroversial figure, but as the catalogues of his library attest, his love for numismatic literature was both immense and contagious. One of the true greats of our hobby is gone, but hopefully some of his passion lives on in all of us. UPCOMING NBS EVENTS IN SAN FRANCISCO NBS President Pete Smith writes: "I look forward to seeing many of our NBS members at the upcoming ANA convention in San Francisco. Most of the time I will be stuck behind a dealer's table (Tables 622/721) but I will be happy to have the chance to talk to members. The NBS Symposium is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 28, in room 3003 of the Moscone [West] Center. Our speakers will be Nancy Oliver and Rich Kelly. They wrote "A Mighty Fortress" about the San Francisco Mint and a more recent book on coiner Joseph Harmstead. Our NBS General Meeting will be on Friday, July 29, in room 2012. We will announce the results of our election and hear reports from officers. Our guest speaker will be Nancy Green, talking about recent developments at the ANA Library. We will announce the winners of the annual contest for best article in The Asylum. Part of our program each year is a benefit auction of items donated by members. You may drop off items before the auction or send them to one of our officers to bring to the sale. Proceeds of donated items are used to keep NBS membership fees low." LAKE BOOK SALE #80 CLOSING JULY 12 Fred Lake writes: ""Lake Books reminds everyone that their mail-bid sale #80 of numismatic literature closes on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 5:00 PM (EDT). The sale may be viewed at: Current Sale Selections from the library of J. H. Cline and other consignors are featured with of fine assortment of reference books on United States numismatics and Paper Money. Bids may be placed by email, telephone or FAX prior to the closing." ON FORWARDING THE E-SYLUM Nick Graver writes: "I forwarded last week's E-Sylum issue to: A golfer who might enjoy the Nicklaus on currency story, another who is expert in French photo history, for the BN library irregularities, and another friend who is a graduate of Lafayette and will enjoy the last story. That might be the most forwarded E-S for a while. I often forward them to others." [This is a great way for us to pick up new subscribers. Please forward The E-Sylum to friends you feel may enjoy it and encourage them to sign up. There's always room for one more at the party. -Editor] B.E.P. ELIMINATES STAMP PRINTING Dick Johnson writes: "Paper money is the main product of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing now, since it stopped printing postage stamps June 10, 2005. Private printers will now supply all stamps for the United States Postal System and the BEP will "concentrate on printing currency." After 111 years of producing postage stamps as "security certificates" BEP does not consider them on the same level now as currency requiring the tight security in the federal plants. U.S. Postal Service officials say will save tens of millions of dollars a year. "The Postal Service actually began to chip away at the government printing with a contract that gave some commemorative stamps to private printers in 1978. The private printers' share of stamp production grew steadily and accelerated when the agency turned to self-adhesive stamps in the early 1990s." [The following are excerpts from a June 13 Washington Post article Dick forwarded. -Editor] "The federal government printed its last postage stamps Friday." "Workers pulled a final roll of 37-cent flag stamps from an aging, four-color Andreotti press on the fourth floor. That simple act terminated a once-thriving business that the Treasury Department agency had monopolized for decades." "For Washington's 60 remaining stamp printers and many stamp collectors, Friday marked a sad transition. Lawrence T. Graves, one of BEP's senior stamp officials, called it "bittersweet . . . a sad day." "It's the end of an era that reflected some of finest workmanship in government stamp design and security printing worldwide," said Rob Haeseler, an official of the American Philatelic Society, the nation's largest organization for stamp collectors. Finances and what BEP Director Thomas A. Ferguson said was a decision to no longer treat stamps like currency led postal officials away from the hand-engraved stamps that were the bureau's hallmark and toward cheaper, lithographed stamps." "When the end approached, the bureau arranged buyouts, retirements and currency printing jobs for the stamp printers. They decided against a final ceremony, fearing it might prove "too maudlin," said Ferguson, who began his bureau career more than 30 years ago as a stamp quality expert." "Ironically, many of the stamps the bureau printed last week may never be sold. If the Postal Service wins its recent request for a two-cent hike to a 39-cent stamp, to be effective early next year, Hudson said, there will no need for the bureau's last stamp run." To read the full story, see: Full Story JOHN J.FORD, JR. Dave Kellogg writes: "You compiled a wonderful tribute (Vol. 8, # 28, July 8, 2005) to John J. Ford, Jr., a man I had heard of but never met. I look forward to more contributions from E-Sylum readers." George Fuld writes: "Some of my recollections on John Ford were published in the Stack's Part IV Ford sale. He was a friend of many years standing as I was his first customer at New Netherlands in 1950, the week before he was hired by Charles Wormser. I only echo the thought that if he had put in writing more of his vast knowledge, his written memory would be unbelievable. Simply, an era has passed." Fred Lake writes: "My favorite John J. Ford reminiscence is the time at an NBS meeting when John showed the "slabbed" catalog of the Herman Halpern Paper Money sale catalog from Stack's. John had received two copies with somewhat bent corners or other problems. He had called Martin Gengerke (at Stack's) and requested a perfect copy. Martin put a fresh catalog between two sheets of Plexiglas, duct-taped the edges and sent it to John. Ford proudly showed this to the NBS attendees and I was lucky enough to get a picture of a beaming John with his "prize". More to the story....I carefully printed an 8x10 print of the picture, carefully framed it, packed it in bubble wrap, put it in a box and placed the mailing label on it. However, prior to placing all the contents in the box, I ran it over with my trusty Toyota truck so that the dirty tire tracks were quite evident. I even cracked the glass in the frame so that John would have something to bitch about. John, ever kindly, sent me a copy of my picture in another frame that is inscribed "To Fred Lake, a man who recognizes a Pioneering Effort when he sees one." John was a pioneer in his own right." Dan Hamelberg writes: "I can recall a John Ford story regarding my quest to complete all the plated Chapman catalogs. At the Cincinnati ANA, John brought a plated Sleicher with the 6 plates bound in at the end. As I recall, he was either going to sell it or loan it to Del Bland for Del's ongoing research. I got to John first. I convinced him that the plated Sleicher would be just fine in my library, and that I would be happy to loan it to Del for his research. As we negotiated a price, John told me the "story about the Sleicher". It was about the time he moved to Arizona, and the books in his library had be shipped ahead of time. When he arrived at his new home, he discovered that there had been a break in, and a few of the boxes of books had been ripped open with a sharp object. The Sleicher was near the top of one of the boxes ripped open. The sharp object (probably a knife) had gone thru a few of the pages with plates, but none of the coin images were affected. So John prepared a paste-paper mixture, and carefully repaired the small tears that were between the coin images on the plated pages in the rear of the Sleicher. The work was completed in typical John Ford fashion---perfect as usual. I could not tell where the repairs were made. Later at the ANA, after I had acquired the Sleicher from John, I saw Del. News travels fast at major coin conventions, and Del asked me about the Sleicher. We shared a good laugh on my "intercept purchase" and I gave the Sleicher to Del for him to continue his research, and told him to send it back to me whenever he was finished. I have written up the story of the Sleicher as above, and tipped it into the actual catalog for future bibliophiles. John was the ultimate perfectionist, and the Sleicher repair was just one story of many that highlighted "his way". We all owe a great debt to John for "his way". He accumulated and preserved a great collection of numismatic material as the recent Stacks and Kolbe sales illustrate. We will all miss him." Tom Fort, editor of our print journal, writes: "Naturally, the Summer issue of The Asylum should contain tributes to Ford. Thus, if anyone would like to publish one or know someone who would like to publish one, I will need the completed text by 1 August." [Tom's email address is etfort at comcast.net. -Editor] Q. DAVID BOWERS ON JOHN J. FORD With permission, below are a few excepts from Q. David Bowers' essay on John Ford from the recent Kolbe catalog of the Ford Library Part II sale: "Briefly, JJF is one of the most important, most influential figures in American numismatics. It is an irony that John has not been inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame, nor did he appear on the list of “Numismatists of the Century” compiled by COINage magazine, from a survey conducted a few years back. While the COINage survey is history, I herewith nominate JJF to the ANA Board of Directors for inclusion in the Hall of Fame. And yet, JJF has had his share of controversy. The “situation” concerning certain Western ingots and assay bars is still a matter of study and debate—and must be mentioned here, lest readers overlook the main thrust of this article and wonder why I didn’t mention it. So there! John might be but a footnote in numismatics today, had he not miraculously walked away from an airplane crash in the late 1940s. Returning to the “most influential” part, JJF single-handedly revolutionized the techniques of American coin catalogues— introducing, with the help of Walter Breen, many comments about history, mintage techniques, numismatic tradition, and more. If you are in the slightest doubt of this, take a New Netherlands catalogue from, say, 1955, and compare it with the catalogues of anyone else. There is no comparison in readability or the transmitting of information." "In the 1950s, basic information about rare coins was difficult to locate easily, apart from what might be found in the current edition of the Guide Book. Building a library of old books (there were not many new ones) was not an option, it was a necessity for anyone interested in gaining knowledge and expertise. Most dealers were not interested in such things, which provided great advantages for those who were." "John was a virtual walking encyclopedia of numismatic knowledge. It would be very difficult to mention anything in the American or Canadian series for which he did not have information." "I made it a point to attend most of the New Netherlands sales in New York City in the mid-1950s. At one particular event there was a marvelous collection of Hard Times tokens, anchored by multiple examples of the rare variety known as Low-1, with the portrait of Andrew Jackson. John Ford was after some of these for his own account, and so was Donald Miller, the latter also being a fine friend of mine, and an attorney from Indiana, Pennsylvania. This particular sale was held high on the penthouse terrace of a New York City hotel, in which there were meeting rooms and also a bar, a setting ideal for a wedding reception or some other event. Don had a few drinks too many, and while passing a $500 bill around to the bar patrons to whet their interest and curiosity, found to his consternation that it had disappeared— nowhere in sight, no one knew where it was. To this day it is probably still missing. Miller was after one of the rarer sub-varieties of Low-1, as was Ford. I don’t remember all the details, but whatever happened, the two became involved in a vicious argument and shouting match on the open terrace outside of the bar. Miller grabbed Ford and pushed him against a low wall at the side of the terrace, with the street visible many floors below. A great struggle took place, and it seemed that Ford was about to be thrown to eternity, when a bunch of bystanders, including me, rushed to the scene and pulled Miller away, in effect saving Ford. If Ford had nine lives and used one up in the airplane accident, a second was used here! Luckily, calmness soon prevailed and the auction continued as planned. " IN MEMORY OF ROBERT KUTCHER AND LEONARD SAUNDERS John and Nancy Wilson, Ocala, FL write: "Over the past few weeks our hobby has lost two tremendous numismatists, Robert Kutcher and Leonard Saunders. Both of them were close friends of ours and we are very saddened with their passing. Robert Kutcher was a CSNS Board Member, who I (John) had the honor of serving with on that Board. He was a collector, exhibitor, researcher, coin club officer and wrote numerous articles on many different subjects. Besides serving in the military and collecting some issues from that area, he was a tremendous student of ancient coins. He brought them to CSNS shows and shared his collection and knowledge with anyone who was interested in that area of our hobby. Bob was also an expert at exhibiting and won many major awards at coin shows around the country. Leonard Saunders was a coin dealer and one of the most friendly and honest dealers in the industry. He was dedicated to his family and the numismatic hobby. He always had a smile on his face and a friendly greeting when you stopped by his table at conventions around the country. His knowledge on coins and other collectibles was amazing and he utilized it in an honest and fair manner in making transactions with other dealers or collectors. Though Leonard had cancer the past six years and was in pain you would never know it by looking or talking to him. He was always smiling, cheerful and friendly. Our prayers and thoughts to both of their families, and your memories will be with us forever." NUMISMATIC BOOK CARE AND PROTECTION Roger deWardt Lane writes "I am having a friend sell my 1,000-volume numismatic library on eBay, a dozen books at a time. I did not know how to take care of my library, and there seemed to be no one to tell me how to take care of the books better. To my great sadness - many of the books have some foxing on them, even the rare ones, which I am sure cuts way down on the value. Living in Florida did not help either, but I am sure if anyone had discussed the "Care and Protection of Numismatic Book" I would have done a better job. We learn from experience - but need to pass on the information to the next generation of collectors. This might be a great subject for The E-Sylum." Coincidentally, Ray Williams writes: "On a colonial study group, the question arose as to how to get rid of the musty smell that occurs in old books that might have been improperly stored. I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions that I could share." [We've covered the topic before, but it's high time we revisited it. Thoughts and recommendations, anyone? -Editor] DOMINEERING AT THE ALTAR OF NUMISMATICS David Gladfelter caught an amusing typo in Roger deWardt Lane's story from a long-ago F.U.N. show. Roger wrote: "One of the tourists turned to the dealer and said, “What does ‘FUN’ stand for?” The reply was – "Florida United Numismatists." Hearing this, the visitor said, “What church domination is that?” David wrote: "Is that Freudian? Some churches are pretty domineering." I had to read Dave's note a few times before I caught the spelling error - it should have read, "church DENOMINATION." Oops - sorry my spell-checker and I missed that one. EARLY PORTRAIT ENGRAVERS Regarding Katie Jaeger's question about Charles Cushing Wright, Pete Smith writes: "I have a few comments about Wright as the first American engraver to do a portrait on a metal die. Some of our colonial (pre-federal) coins had portraits including images of George III, George Washington and George Clinton. Diesinkers like James Atlee, Joseph Callendar, William Coley, Benjamin Dudley, and Jacob Perkins were producing dies for such coinage as early as 1785. Wright was probably not the first to do a portrait for a medal. Peter Getz did a Washington medal (Baker 288) as early as 1797. These are examples of the Joel Orosz rule. Whenever a writer goes "out-on-a-limb" to identify the first example of something, it provides an opportunity for other writers to mention earlier examples." Katie Jaeger writes: "I also had a response from David Gladfelter mentioning Trested (who was English-born), Samuel Brooks, Jacob Perkins and Joseph Wright. I'm beginning to think that CCW was likely the first American to have his subject sit while he modeled a likeness, and later engraved it on steel. All those mentioned by Smith and Gladfelter would have been made from famous portraits or drawings, while CCW did his from life. I don't think CCW was the type to make extravagant claims about himself. He didn't have to!" FREEDOM TOWER "COIN" CLASS ACTION SUIT FILED Jeff Schwartz writes: "I ran across your article on the Freedom Tower Silver Dollar. I work for a law firm that is planning to file a class action lawsuit against the company. If you or any of your readers purchased one of the coins, we can help. My email address is: miller4law at msn.com " We first discussed this topic in The E-Sylum v7n46 (November 14, 2004). Here's a link to the original press release from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office: Full Story On July 5th, the South Jersey Courier-Post reported that a different law firm has already filed a class action suit in the matter: "A federal judge in the Southern District of New York has given class action status to a lawsuit filed by a Burlington County man who claims he was defrauded and tricked into the purchase of "Freedom Tower Silver Dollar" coins." "In advertising, the $1 coin was described as made of pure silver recovered from ground zero at the World Trade Center. It also was described as "a legally authorized government issue silver dollar" that was legal tender in the U.S." "The lawsuit describes the advertising campaign as "a shameless attempt to profit from a national tragedy." "Instead of being made of pure silver, Spitzer said in court documents, the medallion is an inexpensive metal alloy plated with one ten-thousandth of an inch of silver. Its value is about 1.4 cents, Spitzer said." Full Story ZEBULON PIKE MEDALS Larry Dziubek writes: "Perhaps my memory needs "defragged", but you have been talking about the lack of a Zeb Pike medal. This may or may not be an issue of concern any longer,but I have had one and still may have it somewhere. Check out the Hibler-Kappen book of So-Called Dollars for Numbers 335 thru 339. This should serve the need for items of historic personalities. PHILATELIC WEST AND THE HUB COIN BOOK [The following is a note written by David Slocum to Q. David Bowers. Dave forwarded it to me for The E-Sylum; perhaps one of our readers can shed light on the two subjects. -Editor] David Slocum writes: "Recently I acquired about 25 issues of a curious publication. It is entitled "Philatelic West and Collectors World". It was published at Superior, Nebraska. My issues seem to be in the years 1915 and 1916, and November 1915 indicates that it is in Volume sixty-seven. It professes to be for collectors of stamps, coins, curios and postcards. I notice that the back cover has the standard ad of B. Max Mehl. The center sheet, making four pages, consists of photos of curiosities, collectibles and people. My small collection of the magazine commences in Oct. 1913. For that month and the next it is entitled "The West and Collectors World" and the cover proclaims Numismatics, Stamps, Medals, Relics, Coins, Curios, Post Cards. It and it's successor title are published at Superior, Neb. The content is mainly stamps. In Dec. 1913 it is the "Philatelic West and Collector's World. My copies carry through until May 1916. I can't say how many issues there are a year. The volume numbers do not correspond with the calendar year. They are priced at 10 cents, or 75 cents per year. I also have a softback version of the Red Book. I say that only because the cover is red. It is the "New HUB Coin Book of American & Foreign Coins, 30th Edition". It was published by I. & M. Ottenheimer of Baltimore. It was entered by Act of Congress, 1912. I don't know if that was the year of publication or if you add 30 years to that date. Any information you might have would be much appreciated." Dave Bowers writes: "The Philatelic West and Collectors World may have been widely circulated in its time, but it certainly is elusive today! It would be interesting to see a copy of one of the issues. The “Hub Coin Book,” so called, takes its name from Boston, the “Hub City,” where at least two people distributed it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Apparently, this could be ordered with various imprints, and even B. Max Mehl, who soon had his own Star Rare Encyclopedia, had a “Hub” catalogue early in his career." [So - can any of our readers shed further light on these two publications? I have a few copies of the Hub books in my library, but never attempted to assemble a set of the various editions. I was unaware that Mehl had distributed one. -Editor] ON RETURNING STOLEN COINS Regarding last week's story on the stolen stamp collection recovered after 20 years, Nick Graver writes: "A good friend had part of his stolen coin collection retrieved due to the inclusion of his specialized Half Dollar varieties. It seems specialist collectors know about most top collections, and when certain rare Die-Break and variety combinations appear on the market, there is only one home in the world that those exact coins could have come from!" [That was certainly the case with Jules Reiver and U.S. silver varieties. I'm sure the same is true of early copper and other coin varieties. Tracing paper money can be even easier if the owners record serial numbers. I don't have many U.S. notes in my collections, but every serial number is dutifully recorded in a safe place. -Editor] OHIO COIN SCANDAL UPDATE Hobby publications like Coin World are very much on top of unfolding events in the Ohio "CoinGate" affair. The Toledo Blade, whose investigative reports put the spotlight on the state's coin investments, has been playing catch-up. In a new article this week, they discuss various clues surrounding the missing coins, which were once thought to be part of the stolen duPont collection. To read the complete article, see: Full Story LEBANESE COIN FIND Arthur Shippee writes: "Coins dating to Queen Victoria and Napoleon have been found in a trench in Lebanon. Good luck reading this article noted in The Explorator newsletter - the article is in Arabic: Full Story ARTICLE ON COINS OF THE SEPTIMIUS FAMILY Arthur Shippee also writes: "Here is an interesting feature on coins of the Severans (not the 'Septimius family'): "One of my customers told me that she was trying to interest her daughter of 25 years in coin collecting. The customer said, “I told her collecting is all about the story behind the coins. My daughter told me, ‘It had better be a pretty darn good story to interest me.’ So that’s why I’m calling you. I need a coin collection with a great story.” “What kind of a story do you want?” I asked. “I’m afraid it’ll have to be a soap opera,” she replied. Almost immediately the story of the ancient Roman Septimius family came to mind. I knew part of the story because I had collected some of the coins, but little did I know just how convoluted this clan was. The more I researched it, the more intrigued I became." To read the full article, see: Full Story MORE ON HANS SCHULMAN Neil Shafer writes: "Concerning Hans Schulman, I really did not get to know him very well, but a couple of things may perhaps be of interest. I do recall visiting his counters at Gimbels in New York and purchasing a wonderful uncirculated Proclamation 2R Philippine piece of 1834 for the princely sum of $35.00. I also had in my collection a crude-looking 8R piece, rather squarish, with a palm tree on it! It had come from a Schulman auction, and I was told that sometimes he put such "items" in his auctions without a word about their authenticity or provenance. But the most telling part of my story has to do with one time when I was attending a speech he gave (some numismatic gathering) and he was questioned about his sponsorship and manipulation of the Andorra crown of 1960. During his reply, he indicated surprise that he would be questioned about it, since he owned only about 75% of the total issue!" Henry Bergos writes: "Hans was also related to Moshe Pragger, who had a table at one of the NY shows in the 1970s. He had a BU large cent that I was busy drooling on. I asked out of curiosity how much it was. He told me and I replied that I hadn't the money. He told me that he would take my check. I called him a fool. He also had a very sharp sense of humor. Hans was sitting in a shadow and chimed in. I recognized him and he said that he would ask 71 people before taking my check; the size of the ancient Sanhedrin. [the council of seventy-one Jewish sages who constituted the supreme court and legislative body in Judea during the Roman period, according to the Wikipedia -Editor] I said that they would say not to take my check. My word, yes; my check, no. We enjoyed a good laugh together; typical of any time we got together. His shop in NYC was sold through a non-numismatic auction house. I knew the company and the auctioneer through my fabric business. Mike knew/knows nothing about coins. I stood in the back of the crowd moving my head up or down telling him how much the stuff should sell for. I didn't get any thing at the sale and told him to remember my help the next time he sold fabric to my dad. He did." WHAT MAKES A LIBRARY? Dave Kellogg writes: "I have many books on coins, but my collection may not qualify as a numismatic library. How do serious collectors describe a true library? Should books be contained within a single room, a single bookcase or set of cases? (Mine tend to move around the house as I peruse or study them according to current interests.) Should there be a catalog listing the library's contents? And what form should a catalog take - just a bibliography or a brief outline of each book's contents? Perhaps I am like many numismatists, probably purchasing books as my interest in specific coin types broadens. After years, a nice series of references builds up, but does that make it a "library"? Then there are the fringe topics, each important within its own classification, such as the classics, historical novels, biographies, etc. Are they legitimate portions of a numismatic library? Of course the answer is a library is what the owner makes it, but what is the general consensus, habit or convention of serious numismatic collectors? [I would say that to be called a library, a collection of literature must be organized in some fashion so that reference material can quickly be found. A catalog is nice, but optional, and so is having the library all in one room. I suppose there is some sort of minimum number of books required before you could call a collection of books a "library," but I have no idea where to draw the line. I have about 3,000 volumes shelved in and on about ten bookcases. But at one point I had just a shelf or two of numismatic books. At what point did it become a "library"? As for non-numismatic books, I shelf these alongside the numismatic books they relate to - a book on the Gold Rush would be shelved next to my books on private and pioneer gold, for example. I certainly consider these tangential works to be part of my library, but I recognize that others may not feel the same. If I were to sell my library I would catalog these right alongside the "proper" numismatic books, but they might be a tough sell in the numismatic literature market. As you say, to each their own. What do our readers think? -Editor] TEN YEARS OF EBAY Dick Johnson writes: "We have all been exposed last week to the tenth anniversary hoopla of eBay in every media possible. EBay’s officials have acknowledged that coins, tokens, medals were sold in the early days of eBay’s existence. Numismatic items helped establish it and sustained it all along. But what started out as a means of people wanting to buy and sell collectibles has turned into a giant worldwide monster machine to market merchandise. Something manufactured yesterday could be listed today. Somehow, the heritage of collectible items of the past have been overshadowed by items no different from what’s at Wal-Mart or any department store. Now eBay claims 300,000 numismatic items are offered at any time. It has become a mixed blessing. Not all eBay phenomena has been beneficial. The losers and winners are extreme. Here is an analysis by your writer (who has only 88 recognized purchases -- but actually closer to 400 because I refuse to play eBay’s game to report on sellers – thus they don’t tattle on me). Winners: 1) UPS and FedEx for moving this stuff around (and FedEx is now hauling all the U.S. Post Office’s packages). 2) Dealers who can easily locate the one buyer in the world who will pay the highest price. 3) Antique dealers who are clearing out a lot of stuff unsold for years. 4) Crooks who have mastered the way to cheat eBay buyers in many ways from not delivering the goods to proffering fake items. 5) IRS as this material is sold, often sold again, as material is churned. 6) Meg Whitman, who knows little about collecting, but makes $2.9 million a year at the helm of eBay. Losers: 1) Unknowledgeable sellers whose material is listed too high (and get no bids) or too low (and lose potential profits), often lacking accurate descriptions with little concept of what they are actually selling. 2) Collectors who are buying unguaranteed or even fake collectibles. 3) Both eBay sellers and buyers subjected to eBay’s dictatorial policies and heightened fees. 4) Heirs, inherited stuff often sold at way below its value. 5) Flea market operators as dealers drift away to sell on eBay in preference to selling person-to-person. 6) Storefront renters as dealers close up shop to operate out of their homes or less expensive digs. 7) Sellers who cannot type, write grammatically accurate text –or in all caps–who infuriate literate buyers; or post out-of-focus pictures which do not reveal detail, or those who charge high "handling fees" for wrapping and shipping. After ten years what’s your opinion of eBay? Good or bad for numismatics?" [I tend to believe the good outweighs the bad on eBay, but must admit it's been years since I bothered to browse the listings - the amount of stuff offered is overwhelming. I've not bothered to set up automatic searches, but that's the way to go, if you can narrow down your wants to a manageable set of keywords. Frauds are rampant, but buyer beware. Because eBay is such an open environment, it empowers the do-gooders as much as it does the thieves. There are regular discussions on other numismatic email groups about the authenticity and attribution of items offered on eBay, and last week's story about the recovered stolen stamp collection shows that material can only stay out of the limelight for so long - inevitably someone will offer it up for sale where it can be found. Other thoughts, anyone? -Editor] A FIVE-LEGGED BUFFALO? Timothy Grat of The Gallery Mint writes: "I could not resist the silliness of the Bison Nickel comments, and cannot help but add my own! If there were to be a die crack that appeared at the back and below the bison, collectors would perhaps refer to these as the elusive "5-legged" buffalo! Anyhow, thanks for your work and keep up the fine job!" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by Roger deWardt Lane, who writes: "I was surfing the web looking for information on a book on the popes, when I found this page - John Paul Adams' "Portraits of the Popes on Their Medals." Featured Web Site Wayne Homren The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org. There is a membership application available on the web site at this address: Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Membership is only $15 to addresses in North America, $20 elsewhere. For those without web access, write to: David M. Sundman, Secretary/Treasurer Numismatic Bibliomania Society, P. O. Box 82 Littleton, NH 03561 For Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact David at this email address: dsundman at LittletonCoin.com To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, just Reply to this message, or write to the Editor at this address: whomren at coinlibrary.com Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page: https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/esylum Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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