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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 36, August 21, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS We have 775 subscribers, and many of you are very well read. Two readers referenced a recent book about the theft of maps from libraries, and one noted an interesting numismatic connection. Our lead this week item is a report of a theft of numismatic literature. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society NUMISMATIC LITERATURE STOLEN Andy Lustig writes: "At the San Francisco ANA Convention, the following were stolen from the trunk of my car: 1. Original program for the 1894 ANA Convention, 8 pages. 2. Superb First Edition Redbook. 3. Manuscript on Latin American gold coins by Harry Williams. Please ask your readers to keep a lookout for these items. Thank you." [We certainly will. Those of you who prowl eBay and the various book websites, please keep on the lookout for these items. -Editor] CLAIN-STEFANELLI VOLUMES IN KOBLE SALE 97 The press release for the upcoming Kolbe numismatic literature sale follows: "On September 29, 2005 George Frederick Kolbe Fine Numismatic Books will conduct their 97th sale of rare and important works on numismatics. The sale features selections from the Vladimir and Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Library and other properties. Included are key works on ancient numismatics, books and sale catalogues on a wide variety of medieval and modern numismatic topics, important European numismatic periodicals, and a number of interesting and unusual titles on various aspects of American numismatics, some of them rarely offered. Among the more interesting and important items to be sold in the sale are: twenty-eight of the first thirty-one volumes of "Zeitschrift für Numismatik"; Mint Director A. L. Snowden's copy of Johnson's rare work on Bolen medals; Babelon's "Inventaire Sommaire de la Collection Waddington"; Amon Carter's Deluxe Dunham sale catalogue featuring correspondence on Carter's purchase of the Dunham 1822 half eagle; Gielow on Zankle; a complete set of Mionnet; several lots of important offprints from the Clain-Stefanelli Library; the Trésor de Numismatique on French Revolutionary medals; Henry Chapman's sales room copy of the important 1912 Fenerly Bey auction sale of ancient coins held in Vienna; Virgil Brand's copy of Crosby's 1897 work on 1793 cents; a very fine example of Stack's Galleries' 1952 Sobernheim sale; a number of works on American and world paper money; and much more. The catalogue may be viewed at the firm's web site: www.numislit.com, or printed catalogues may be obtained by sending $15.00 to George Frederick Kolbe, P. O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325. Consignments are currently being accepted for Kolbe's November 2005 and March 2006 auction sales. Those interested are invited to write Kolbe or to call at (909) 338-6527." AMERICAN COINAGE RENAISSANCE 1916-1921 Roger Burdette provided the following information release on his new book: "Renaissance of American Coinage 1916-1921, a new book by Roger W. Burdette, has been released by Seneca Mill Press LLC, PO Box 1423, Great Falls, VA. The book is the first detailed research study to examine the new American coinage designs of 1916 and 1921. It is based on contemporary documents from government, university and private archives. Renaissance of American Coinage 1916-1921 tells the complete story of how artistic improvement of American coinage, begun by Theodore Roosevelt and Augustus Saint-Gaudens in 1907, was completed by Saint-Gaudens’ former assistants. The 335 page, hardcover book presents fascinating, new information on virtually every page. Aficionados of the Buffalo nickel will be surprised to learn that numismatic nemesis Hobbs Manufacturing Company (which tried to squelch Fraser’s new design), was active in suggesting alterations to Weinman’s “Mercury” dime. Collectors of Standing Liberty quarters will relish new information on how the coin was designed, including alternate versions never before presented. The confusion about why MacNeil covered Liberty’s breast on the revised 1917 design is also cleared up. Discussion of the 1916 pattern coins includes a comprehensive revision of varieties and issue sequence. (This information was also provided to the editors of the eighth edition of the Judd pattern book.) The Peace dollar story is presented in its entirety for the first time. This includes original drawings and models by several of the competing artists as well as de Francisci’s proposed and final models. Of special interest will be the last-minute suppression of the original reverse design and mint engraver George Morgan’s work to save the project from imminent failure. Lastly, efforts to revise the Peace dollar for large-scale production of low relief coins is explained along with details of previously-unidentified pattern and experimental coins. This section also includes a detailed examination of all varieties of 1921 and 1922 proof Peace dollars. It may be of interest that Renaissance of American Coinage 1916-1921 (and its companion volumes covering the 1905-1915 period) are extensively footnoted and cross referenced to one another. The current volume has more than five hundred document citations and references, ensuring that future numismatists will be able to locate source documents for further research. Copies are available from major numismatic book sellers or from the publisher at a special pre-publication price of $44.95 through August 25. The cover price is $64.95." MERCURY DIME BOOK ERRATA Dave Lange writes: "I've become aware of some minor omissions and errors in the new second edition of The Compete Guide to Mercury Dimes, and the publisher will be including an errata sheet in books shipped from this point forward. Those who have already received their copies may obtain this errata sheet by seeing me at most major coin shows (the NGC booth), by writing to me at POB 4776, Sarasota, FL 34230 or by emailing me at DLange at NGCcoin.com. I gave out an errata sheet during the San Francisco and Baltimore shows, but that version is incomplete. If you have a sheet measuring only half a leaf, you will want to have the revised one, which is a full leaf." NEW BOOK ON POLYMER BANKNOTES The following excerpts are from a recent article published on the web by The Star of Malaysia: "Polymer banknotes have been around for almost a quarter of a century, with more than three billion bills circulating in 26 countries today. Malaysia first joined the plastic money club with a RM50 denomination. Now, three Malaysians have put the country ahead of the polymer pack. After eight months of research, three Malaysian banknote collectors wrote, compiled and designed a collector’s tome, World Polymer Banknotes – A Standard Reference. The trio – Peter Eu, Ben Chiew and Julian Chee – claim the book is the first reference in its category which documents and records the history, development and listing of world polymer banknotes." "Collecting polymer currencies can be an educational journey, if not an appreciation of the artwork. " “Compared to paper banknotes, the polymer banknotes are twice as expensive to produce, but last four to five times longer. As a result, they are replaced less often which leads to lower production costs. They can more durable and won’t fade with handling. Hence, they can be washed and won’t get damaged in the washing machine,” he says. Polymer banknotes are clean throughout their life. Impermeable to water, sweat or liquid, they don’t absorb moisture, odour or get stained. The final overcoating (with a protective varnish) also protects the banknote from excessive ink wear." "In the late 1970s and early 1980s, du Pont pioneered this evolution of technology in currency with its Tyvek polymer, a material that was jointly developed by du Pont and American Banknote Company. It was later discovered that the printing ink does not bond to the Tyvek material and after handling a few times, the ink on the notes smudges and wears off." "In the late 1980s, the Reserve Bank of Australia developed and perfected the technique with Guardian polymer, and introduced plastic banknotes in 1988. Today, all countries that issue polymer currency use this version." World Polymer Banknotes – A Standard Reference (1st edition 2005/2006) is available from MPH, Kinokuniya and other major bookstores at RM39.90. It can also be purchased from the website, www.eurekametro.com The 208-page reference book lists more than 500 banknotes with 60 banknotes illustrated in high-resolution images. It is educational for both collectors and non-collectors as it includes the currency history, data of each country, description of the artwork of each banknote and information of the currency." To read the full article, see: Full Story NARAMORE CARDS IN ORIGINAL BOX OFFERED Lot 194 in the September 7-8, 2005 Stack's sale is a set of Naramore cards in an original box, something rarely seen in numismatic literature sales. it is the "pocket edition" of "Naramore's United States Treasury and National Bank Note Detector." It includes 17 banknote photos. Full Story The following is taken from an article by Michael J. Sullivan on the NBS web site: "Naramore's United States Treasury and National Bank Note Detector [Bridgeport, CT, 1866] is the single photographic counterfeit detector. The work consists of 18 individual photographs: U.S. Notes ($1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, and $1000) and National Bank Notes ($1 Pittsburgh National Bank of Commerce, $2 Washington National Bank of Boston, $5 National Union Bank of Swanton, Vermont, $10 Second National Bank of Sandusky, Ohio, $20 New York National Exchange Bank, $50 New York National Exchange Bank, $100 New York National Exchange Bank, $500 Manufacturers National Bank of Philadelphia, and $1000 Fourth National Bank of City of New York). The 18 photographic images of unsigned proof sheets were issued in four formats: Individual 10 x 6.3 cm. cards issued in a printed cardboard box; individual cards mounted on heavy stock issued in a morocco pouch; a single sheet with the photographs arranged 3 x 6; and a single sheet with a brass eyelet for hanging. According to Charles Davis, this represents the earliest use of photographic technology in numismatic literature. The Naramore work was issued sans text, greatly limiting its usefulness. The morocco pouch and full sheet Naramore versions are prohibitively rare. The version of 18 cards can be secured occasionally, but almost always lacks the cardboard box. Most cardboard boxes seen are in a poor state of preservation often lacking the top and bottom flaps. For an extensive illustrated history of the Naramore work, see Raphael Ellenbogen's article "The Celebrated Naramore Bank Note Detector Cards" (Paper Money, Jan./Feb. 1997)." Full Story HIDDEN HAWAIIAN COIN COLLECTION TO BE SOLD Dick Johnson forwarded a link to the following article about an obscure old-time collection to be auctioned next year: "For more than 80 years, a coin collection amassed by banker and landowner Samuel Mills Damon has been locked in the vaults of First Hawaiian Bank. Now, the multimillion- dollar collection has been shipped to New York, where it will be auctioned off early next year. Described by a local expert as among the world's top 10, the collection has more than 6,000 coins from Hawai'i, Europe and Asia. "This will probably be one of the greatest collections that will ever be auctioned off," said Honolulu coin merchant Craig Watanabe, president of Captain Cook Coin Co. "This Damon estate collection is probably going to go down on record as among the top 10 sales in the history of the world." The collection includes Hawaiian bank notes, highlighted by an 1880 Kingdom of Hawai'i $10 bill, Serial No. 1, one of only three uncanceled examples known to exist. However, it is primarily a collection of American coins, and features an 1876 proof set of 14 coins from a copper penny to a $20 gold piece. The proof set is expected to bring in at least $250,000." "Damon, a minister of finance under Queen Lili'uokalani who followed Charles Reed Bishop as head of First Hawaiian Bank's predecessor, Bishop & Co., collected coins from the late 19th century until his death in 1924. The selling of the collection was prompted by the dissolution of the land baron's estate. Watanabe said there are legends about how Damon gathered his coin collection. "Supposedly, Mr. Damon, every year from about 1895 to 1924, got one roll of each denomination of coins from the shipments that came in from the San Francisco mint." "Damon also collected 200 medals dating from the 17th through the 19th centuries representing various Western European countries, the United States and Hawai'i, including two 1850 Hawaiian agricultural medals." "Damon's will stated that the assets of the estate would be held in trust until the death of his last grandchild. Last November, the last surviving grandchild, 84-year-old Joan Damon Haig, died in New Jersey. In December, the trust began distributing assets to beneficiaries." To read the complete story, see: Full Story U.K. COINAGE REDESIGN PLANNED A redesign is planned for coins of the United Kingdom. Here are excerpts from recent articles in The Telegraph and The Guardian: "The Royal Mint has announced plans to redesign six coins in an attempt to better reflect modern Britain. An open competition has been launched to find new designs for the tails side of the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins, with a prize of £30,000 up for grabs." "It is the first time the designs on five of the coins have been altered since they were prepared for decimalisation in 1971." To read the full story, see: Full Story "The existing profile of the Queen's head is being retained, but the Mint believes that the Prince of Wales' feathers on the 2p piece and the thistle on the 5p piece no longer reflect modern Britain. It is launching a competition to find new designs for six of the eight coins in circulation. Anti-euro campaigners believe that the decision to launch a new series of coins shows that the Treasury has no plans for Britain to sign up to the European single currency. Neil O'Brien, of the Vote No campaign, said: "I don't think anybody believes there is any prospect of us joining the euro in the foreseeable future. Today's announcement shows institutions are planning on that basis." But the Treasury said the redesign was independent of any decision to join the euro." "The current coin designs are the longest-lasting since Queen Victoria's era. The designs for the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 50p are by Christopher Ironside and were introduced in 1971." To read the full story, see: Full Story MONEY FOR ALL - HELP REQUESTED Ron Haller-Williams writes: "Money For All" by Ivor Wynn Jones describes the "banknotes" or more correctly in my opinion, bearer cheques, issued in Wales in the late 1960s. I have handled two copies, both have a note glued in on the second title page. I should like to know more about the notes used for this purpose. Please would you kind people help me? e.g. "4 copies, 2 without notes and 2 with DEG SWLLT (10 shillings) showing a castle, serials 72345 and 98765." Thanks a lot. By e-mail direct to Maria at heraldstar dot co dot uk Please use symbols for "at" and "dot", I don't want the address harvested for spammers. I'll send a resume of the results. Regards & thanks" SAN FRANCISCO ANA CONVENTION NOTE Ken Barr writes: "As General Chairman of the recent ANA Convention in San Francisco, I'd like to respond to some of the comments made by my friend Charlie Davis in last week's E-Sylum. First, the ANA has reported the registration figure for this convention as "nearly 15,000". This is approximately the same as the registration at Pittsburgh 2004, and several thousand more than any other ANA convention in the past ten years with the exception of Philadelphia 2000 at which Bill Horton and his crew registered an amazing 21,000 visitors. I don't know where the "3,600 by Friday" rumor came from, but it was obviously "left field", as we had well over that number registered by Thursday afternoon, and in fact registered almost 3,000 on Friday itself ... Second, the exhibit hall was not "small", but in fact quite large compared to most ANA conventions. The Moscone West level one Exhibit Hall is 96,660 square feet, by itself almost 20% larger than the 82,450 square feet used by the ANA in Hall B of the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh the previous year. When the 20,000 additional square feet used on Moscone West level two (for the Mint Mile, the collectors exhibits and the ANA area, all of which were included within the 82,450 square feet area in Pittsburgh) are added to the level one space, the San Francisco convention was approximately 50% LARGER than Pittsburgh. While it is true that the San Francisco layout only had nine rows (as compared to fifteen rows in Pittsburgh), each row was about twice as long as in Pittsburgh, as Moscone West has a vertical orientation versus the horizontal orientation in Pittsburgh. The actual 10' x 10' booth count (including bourse, publications and club booths) in Pittsburgh was about 465 -- in San Francisco it was about 430 on level one and the equivalent of about 80 more on level two. Several factors unfortunately contributed to "ghost town" atmosphere in the bourse area. First, the "two level" layout selected by the ANA meant that the dealers could not see (or hear) the activity on level two, which was always well- populated and vibrant due to the popularity of the world mint booths and the special exhibits of some fantastic American numismatic rarities. Second, the aisles on the bourse floor seemed to be inordinately wide, something like 15' versus the normal 10' to 12' feet at most convention centers, most likely a Fire Marshall requirement. And finally, this was the "first coin show ever" for many of the registrants at this convention, not surprising considering the dearth of coin shows that have been held in San Francisco over the past few decades. Many of them were quite content to visit the Mint Mile and the collectors exhibits area, but were hesitant to enter or spend much time in the bourse area, probably due to the overwhelming nature of the material being offered. During my infrequent jaunts through the bourse area, it appeared that the crowd density in the front third of the show was about twice that of the middle third, and about four times that of the back third, indicating to me that many visitors probably suffered from Coin Overload and exited the bourse without seeing most of it. Personally, I hope that the ANA summer convention returns to Northern California sooner than the 56 years it took this time. I do hope, though, that the venue selected is the San Jose Convention Center, as was originally planned for this convention, a 143,000 square foot single-level column-free facility in a city that does not suffer from the perceived expensiveness, traffic, parking and homeless problems of San Francisco. In that event, I suspect that we might give Philly's 21,000 registration count a strong run for its money ..." OFFICE OF THE U.S. MINT HISTORIAN Len Augsberger writes: "Regarding the Mint historian, I picked up a business card at the Mint's ANA display: Betty Birdsong / Operation Manager, Office of the Historian, / Department of the Treasury, US Mint / 801 9th St. NW. / Washington, D.C. 20220 I didn't get a chance to talk to her at the ANA, but surely someone on the E-sylum readership did? The question I had was, what's in their collection and it is unsearched material that has never been part of the archives?" Dave Lange writes: "I don't know the name of the historian, but the person manning the Mint's history display at the convention was Betty Birdsong, Operations Manager, Office of the Historian. She was quite helpful in permitting me to examine the ledger containing complete die records for 1917-35. This is amazing information which I had assumed was lost to history (and which I wish I had while preparing the new edition of my Mercury Dime book). I asked whether these books could be studied at some location for research purposes, but she told me that they must remain within the Historian's office, which is not open to non- employees. She did believe that these ledgers would be scanned at some point and put online, but the exact timing of this had not yet been determined." Douglas Mudd, Curator and Director of Exhibitions at the American Numismatic Association writes: "The Mint Historian is Maria Goodwin." [I've written to both Ms. Birdsong and Ms. Goodwin inviting the to join The E-Sylum mailing list. -Editor] DOLLY AND POLLY, NUMISMATIC LADIES OF FLORIDA John and Nancy Wilson write: "It was with great sadness that we heard of the passing of two grand ladies of the numismatic hobby. Longtime Treasurer of Florida United Numismatists Polly Abbott passed away, along with Dolly Criswell, who was the wife of Grover Criswell, who served both the ANA and FUN as their President. Both of these great ladies of our hobby will be greatly missed. We pass on our prayers and thoughts to their families." 1933 DOUBLE EAGLES Saul Teichman writes: "With regard to the 1933 Double Eagles, supposedly there was one in the Browning collection which was not sold when the rest of the collection was offered. There are also rumors that Naftzger owned a couple of these at least in the 1950s. Perhaps one of these rumors accounts for the unidentified Tripp image. I wonder if Dave Tripp has heard of these rumors before. " [Thanks for your note. I looked at Dave's book and he does discuss a number of these rumors. Although he didn't name names in every case, one could speculate based on the profiles of the unnamed collectors. -Editor] MAP THEFTS AND A NUMISMATIC CONNECTION Regarding last week's item about the theft of maps from libraries, Bob Leonard writes: "You might be shocked to learn that there is a numismatic connection to the following item, one of those "Whatever became of So-and-so?" stories. An entire book has been written on the subject of map theft, The Island of Lost Maps, A True Story of Cartographic Crime, by Miles Harvey (Random House, 2000). On p. 159 we discover "Charles Lynn Glaser, one of the most notorious Jekyll-and-Hyde figures in cartographic crime....he was...a compulsive map thief with a criminal career that spanned three decades. Even before his legal troubles began, Glaser exhibited a curious fascination with fraud. In his 1968 book, Counterfeiting in America: The History of an American Way to Wealth, he took lengths to praise the 'few great counterfeiters...men of unusual skill or cunning' who 'ennobled the crime by demonstrating vision and industry.' It's not clear why Glaser himself turned to crime. He did sell the maps he stole... "In July 1974 Glaser was arrested for stealing eight sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eighteenth-century atlases...from Dartmouth College. Sentenced to a three-to-seven year prison term, he spent seven months behind bars before being paroled....Upon his guilty plea [for stealing two maps from the University of Minnesota] in 1982, Glaser, who also admitted stealing two maps from the Newberry Library in Chicago, was given six months in prison....he pleaded guilty in March 1992 to stealing a map...housed at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Less than one month later, while on probation, he was discovered again-- reportedly while wearing surgical gloves and carrying a hammer --in the stacks of Leheigh University...." These brief excerpts give the barest summary of his frightening career as a map thief, which may not be over yet. Perhaps it is just as well for numismatics that he turned his attention from coins to maps, though the articles he wrote as a teenager showed great insight and promise." Katie Jaeger writes: "Your notice about someone being convicted of stealing maps from priceless atlases reminded me of an excellent book called Island of the Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime by Miles Harvey, Random House (hardback) and Broadway Books (paperback). It details the story of map thief Gilbert Bland, who destroyed hundreds of immensely valuable atlases in great libraries in the U.S. and Canada, by slitting out their map plates with an exacto knife. This average looking, mousy little man never attracted the attention of librarians. He would spend a few hours studying books and taking notes, as though on a tightly focused research project, then he'd request the book he intended to rob, take it to his table, remove and roll its map plates into his sleeves. He sold them from his map dealership in a strip mall near Atlanta. He infuriated competing, legitimate map dealers with his "incredible luck" at securing great rarities, and his reasonable prices. He got away with it for years, and when he was finally caught leaving Johns Hopkins' Peabody Library with two maps up his sleeves, an alert was placed to all the other U.S. and Canadian libraries with famous map collections. Nearly all of them determined they had missing maps. The best parts of this book to me were the in-depth look at the culture of map collecting, its characters and personalities, the fascinating chapter on the psychology of collecting, the discussion of how rare books are repaired and restored, and its excellent history of cartography. Bland's own story is never satisfactorily told. Harvey was thwarted in his every attempt to interview the guy while he was in prison, and he (Bland) has since died." GOLD MOHURS STILL SHINE The following excerpts are from a recent article published by the Economic Times of India: "Can you imagine a currency exchange rate that has remained fixed for 170 years? Before central bankers die of jealousy, it should be made clear that the currency involved is used by only a very small and specialised group of people and, in fact, doesn’t really exist. The Bombay High Court is, probably, the only place where senior counsel, particularly experienced lawyers whose ability has been formally recognised by the judiciary, are still technically paid in gold mohurs, a currency introduced by the Mughals and then taken on by the British Raj. Of course, no actual exchange of gold coins take place, but as a mark of respect for their status, solicitors record the fees of senior counsel not in rupees but ‘GMS’ or gold mohurs (though the old British term ‘guineas’ is also used), which the solicitors convert into rupees at the rate of 1 GMS = Rs15. This is the rate that has remained fixed since 1835 when the British imposed a common currency across the country, removing the discrepancy between mohurs struck in their own Bengal Presidency, which were at Rs16 to the mohur, and those struck in the Bombay and Madras Presidencies, which were at Rs15." "Mohurs were struck in mints across the country and, in fact, this is what their name means. “Literally, it is Farsi for ‘Struck’ or ‘Stamped’. Can also mean ‘strike’ or ‘stamp’ as a noun,” says Mr Bhandare." "Apparently some English lawyers still quote by the guinea, though this is an eccentricity, and the figure is taken as equivalent to a pound sterling." To read the full article, see: Full Story SIR WALTER ELLIOT, NUMISMATIC SCHOLAR OF MADRAS A recent article published on the web discusses the career of numismatist Sir Walter Elliot: "He came to Madras in 1821 and worked till 1860. At the time of his retirement, he had risen to the position of a Member of the Council of the Governor of Madras. He was a life long and devoted student of Oriental Studies. He had wide-ranging interests, which included Botany, Zoology, Indian languages, Numismatics and Archeology. He rescued the Amaravathi Marbles, which are now housed in the British Museum along with his coin collection and collection of other artifacts. The credit for compiling a valuable history of coins in South India goes to Sir Walter Elliot who was a great numismatist. His work, 'Coins of Southern India', formed part of the famous series 'Numismata Orientalia', published in 1884." "He was an authority on Sanskrit legal literature and his elucidation of the Dharma Shastra Texts were so clear that not a single intricate point of Hindu Law was decided without his opinion being taken. Sir Walter Elliot and Ranganatha Sastri were great friends and they helped each other in their oriental studies. Sir Walter Elliot lived in Randals Road, Vepery and his house was the beehive of several national and international oriental scholars for one generation." To read the full article, see: Full Story HARD TO HIDE Scott Semens writes: "This is off topic, but how do other collectors keep their addresses secret? I always used a different name for local utilities, a P.O. Box, and didn't link my real name with my street address except for friends and neighbors, whom I cautioned to keep the information mum. Today, however, anyone can look up a street address on the internet from a phone number, and your phone number is liable to to out to brokers whenever you order something by phone. You can't open a checking account or buy a house (even one you don't live in) without giving a street address, thanks to the Patriot Act. I just don't see how anyone can keep an address secret nowadays." BIRMINGHAM COLLECTION DONATED TO MUSEUM An August 15th article in a Birmingham, England newspaper describes a collection of coins recently donated to a museum by a company called IMI: "A collection of coins, minted at the time when Birmingham was the world's money-making machine, has been given to the city as a gift. For almost a century coins made by IMI jangled in pockets of people in scores of countries around the world, from Algeria and Angola to Zambia and Zimbabwe. Now the Birmingham-based global engineering business has donated its collection, worth a "considerable five figure sum", to the city's Museum & Art Gallery. IMI spokesman Graham Truscott said: "It is an incredible collection, from the time when Birmingham supplied the currency for almost half of the world." "It seemed wrong to keep such an interesting collection, which shows just how big a role Birmingham played in the world's financial system, hidden away. We decided the best home for it was the museum, where future generations will be able to see it." The collection covers the period from before the Great War to the 1990s and includes pieces minted at Witton and King's Norton. A few copies of each coin were kept as records, and locked in a strong room at IMI. However the company sold its interests in the currency business a few years ago to concentrate on more advanced technologies and sectors. Some of the coins are very rare: for example the collection has a Greek 50 lepta piece, of which there are fewer than ten left anywhere in the world." To read the complete story, see: Full Story Assuming I've located the right "IMI", the following links are to company's web site and capsule history: IMI Web Site IMI History NOTES ON VIVA LA REVOLUCION! Recently we discussed the new !Viva la Revolucion! book based on an American Numismatic Association exhibit. Gar Travis writes: "The book was on sale at the ANA booth in San Francisco. Don Bailey was also at the show and someone may have been able to get a signed copy. " One reader questioned whether the coins illustrated were the actual pieces in the exhibit. Ralf W. Böpple adds: "All the coin photos are the same size. I do not know the reason behind this decision, but I suppose this was done because the main purpose of the exhibit, and thus of the catalog, is to show the different types and designs of the necessity money that was used during this period. For the smaller coins, this certainly is a plus, but I consider it very unfortunate that the larger coins have been reduced in size. This is a point for criticism. I find the images of the coins of quite good quality. One should always remember that many of the coins were made in base metals, with crude designs and poor quality of the strike. I am no expert in coin photography, but I assume a color picture of a dark, crudely made copper coin is a considerable challenge! Many standard references in the field, such as Leslie & Stevens' study of the coinage of Emiliano Zapata or Woodward / Flores on Oaxaca, use line drawings instead of photographs to depict the die varieties and facilitate their identification. More than anything, one should not expect this catalog to be the much-needed standard reference for the series, an updated Guthrie/Bothamley, so to say. It was not the purpose of the exhibit to present each and every known type and variety, and so the catalog doesn't do it either. This can most clearly be seen in the fact that it does not include the 60 pesos gold coin of Oaxaca, which could be considered the 'king' of the series, at least by looking at recent auction results. As I said, this book is a primer on RevMex coinage, but the specialized collector will have to continue waiting for an updated standard reference. Let's hope Joe Flores is making good progress there!" MEDAL THEFTS IN FLORIDA On August 17 the Associated Press ran an article about the theft of medals from the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida: "A former employee was convicted Monday of stealing medals, citations and a Mercury astronaut's boot from the National Museum of Naval Aviation and selling them on the Internet." "The former Navy corpsman denied the two medals belonged to the museum, claiming they were part of a personal collection she began as a child. One is a Purple Heart and the other a rare Navy Cross issued only during the early 1940s and known as the ''Black Widow'' because a manufacturing error gave it a dark finish." "The two medals, citations and boot were sold at auction in 2002 and 2003 on eBay. Authorities said they also found other museum items, including books, manuals, photographs and posters, at her home in nearby Pace. Shaw, who cleaned and preserved artifacts at the museum from 1991 until she resigned in March 2003, said she had borrowed, not stolen, the cache." To read the full article, see: Full Story U.S. MINT STOPS PRODUCING DOLLAR BRICKS Dick Johnson writes: "I seldom bring to the attention of E-Sylum readers an item on CoinToday. I figure if you are smart enough to find E-Sylum on your own you can do the same with CoinToday. But you might wonder why the editors of CT included such an item as this last Wednesday. Call it humor if you wish (it might be funny in your cave). I didn’t laugh (okay, I smiled). It is such a stretch. It is a rerun this week from an item written by Dirk McQuickly in September 2003. [I have run that name through the Social Security Death Index and found that he is still alive!] Maybe I’m getting old, but I hold the U.S. Mint in pretty high regard. Would they really stoop to making gold bricks? Or dollar bricks? This is blogging gone wild. Read at your own peril! Dollar Brick Blog FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is a biography of American Numismatic Society curator Agnes Baldwin Brett, on the ANS' web site: Biography Agnes Baldwin Brett. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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