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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 35, August 14, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS Among our recent subscribers is Dave Provost of North Carolina. Welcome aboard! We now have 775 subscribers. Quick quiz: Who was Israel Switt? You'll know soon enough when you read our lead story. If you haven't heard the news yet, prepare to have your socks knocked off. Congratulations to the American Numismatic Society, whose ANS Magazine is now published in full color. The Summer 2005 issue (Vol 4, No. 2) includes some very interesting and nicely laid out articles, including the cover piece on posters and medals of the birth of the Cold War, illustrated with some marvelous posters uncovered in a basement room at the old ANS building on Audubon Terrace. The old building was sold on March 11 to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Of special interest to bibliophiles and researchers are articles on the ANS Photo file (268,000 cards) and the photographic negative collection. The August 2005 issue of the ANA's Numismatist magazine is out as well, and this full-color publication features three articles on another unusual topic, canine collectibles. Alan Stahl writes that "Cornelius Vermeule's passion for puppies and numismatic art inspired his longstanding collection of canine commemoratives," now part of the Princeton University Numismatic Collection. While on the subject of August 2005 numismatic publications, The Colonial Newsletter (vol 45, no. 2) deserves special mention. The issue features two articles in which numismatic literature is a key element. Roger Moore and Ray Williams write about their observations on the Maris Plate of new Jersey copper coinage, and Mark A. Sportack examines the "what we knew and when and how we knew it" of the Somer Islands Hogge Money. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society TEN 1933 DOUBLE EAGLES RECOVERED On August 11, 2005, the U.S. Mint revealed that in September 2004 it recovered ten more of the missing 1933 double eagles. The following is from the press release published on the Mint's web site: "The United States Mint has recovered ten more of the fabled 1933 Double Eagle gold pieces. These numismatic artifacts were illegally removed from the United States Mint at Philadelphia more than 70 years ago." "To ensure that they are properly secured, the recovered 1933 Double Eagles will be held in the United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox. The United States Department of the Treasury does not intend to monetize, issue or auction them. The United States Mint will assess the best way to use these historical artifacts, including possible public exhibits, to educate the American people. With the assistance of the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Justice, the United States Mint recovered the 10 gold pieces in Philadelphia in September 2004, after being approached by an attorney whose client allegedly possessed the Double Eagles. With the help of the Smithsonian Institution, the United States Mint authenticated the gold pieces on June 21, 2005, as genuine 1933 gold Double Eagles." "About 445,500 Double Eagle gold pieces were minted in 1933. However, President Franklin Roosevelt took the United States off the gold standard in an effort to help the struggling American economy recover from the Great Depression. As a result, none of the Double Eagles was ever issued at that time; instead, all but two of the 1933 Double Eagles were ordered destroyed. However, in addition to these two, which were transferred to the Smithsonian Institution, the Government has now recovered a total of 20 specimens that were stolen from the United States Mint at Philadelphia. Nine of the 20 Double Eagles were seized by, or relinquished to, the U.S. Secret Service in the 1940s and 1950s, and were subsequently returned to the United States Mint and destroyed. "One 1933 Double Eagle surfaced in 1996 and was seized by the U.S. Secret Service. The gold piece was returned to the United States Mint, and following a legal settlement, was issued and auctioned in New York City for $7 million on July 30, 2002. “The 2002 auction was the result of a legal settlement. At the time, the United States Mint declared that it would not monetize or sell future 1933 Double Eagles that might be recovered,” said Acting Director Lebryk. “We do not intend to monetize, issue, or auction the recovered Double Eagles.” To read the full press release, see: Full Story David Tripp, author of "Illegal Tender: Gold, Greed, and the Mystery of the Lost 1933 Double Eagle" writes: "As it happens I was at Sotheby's on something else when the news broke. It's the story that won't stop; the gift that keeps on giving. (I've already been on to my editor!). The coins are clearly Israel Switt's hoard that he spoke of to James Macallister (who related it to the Secret Service in 1944: Switt said he had 25 and had only sold 14.....which would have left him with eleven....and ten are now in this group.) The Secret Service doesn't appear to have ever followed up on this lead (which was mentioned in both the 2002 auction catalogue...and repeatedly in my book). Even better, these don't even appear to be the one (from the 1980 snapshot) illustrated in the back of my book as the Mystery Coin! And the controversy will continue!" On Friday, August 12, the New York Times published a story confirming that the Switt family returned the coins. "The lawyer, Barry H. Berke of Manhattan, said the gold pieces were "voluntarily" revealed to the government by Joan Langbord, the daughter of the jeweler, Israel Switt, who died in the early 1980's. He added: "The Mint has responded to their good-faith efforts to amicably resolve any issues relating to their coins by seeking to keep the coins. The Langbord family fully expects that their coins will be returned to them so they can be freely traded like every other numismatic treasure with a colorful history. I expect that if they are not returned there will be litigation." The article quotes COIN World editor Beth Deisher and Dr. Wartenberg Kagan of the ANS. In a bizarre touch, the article includes a photo of the ten coins (attributed to the U.S. Mint) which shows only the reverse of the coins - the dates are not shown. To read the full article (registration required): Full Story JOHN REICH E-NEWSLETTER DEBUTS Bill Luebke (an E-Sylum subscriber) writes: "I am creating a newsletter for collectors of 1794-1839 U.S. federal coinage in silver and gold called the JR Newsletter. It is not affiliated with any numismatic organization, though subscribers are encouraged to join the John Reich Collectors Society (JRCS), a club dedicated to these series. JRCS can be contacted at www.jrcs.org. I invite all to subscribe to the JR Newsletter. There are no dues or other fees of any type. I plan to pattern JR News after your fine work with The E-Sylum and Mark Switzer's fine work with Region 8 of the Early American Coppers Society. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, after all. To subscribe, simply send an email to JRNews at nyc.rr.com. Please also include any newsworthy item pertaining to U.S. federal silver and gold coinage of 1794-1839. I do need some news to publish. Comments re conventions, auctions, cherries, questions to members, new die states, interesting items on the web including eBay, etc. (Just like E-Sylum)." [Actually, we don't publish eBay links in The E-Sylum, since we have a general policy against publishing individual wanted or for-sale items. This is to keep the focus on research and information rather than commerce. We do however, publish web links to numismatic literature dealer web sites, fixed price lists and auctions. As far as imitation goes, flatter away. One of the goals in the back of my head when I started The E-Sylum was to provide an example of what an electronic publication on numismatic topics could become. I'm actually surprised that it took so long for similar publications to appear. I don't know how many actually model themselves on The E-Sylum, but I've been told a number did. None is exactly like The E-Sylum, and I wouldn't expect them to be. But I would encourage all prospective e-newsletter editors to read my article on the creation of The E-Sylum in the 25th Anniversary issue of The Asylum. There's a method to the madness - many aspects of this publication were carefully planned, and there are good reasons for doing things the way we do them. Not that we can't be improved upon - The E-Sylum finished second in the Electronic Newsletters category in the American Numismatic Association's Outstanding Club Publications Contest for 2005. Congratulations to a fellow Swede, Nels P. Olsen, editor of the Ozaukee Coin Club Newsletter, from the Ozaukee (Wisconsin) Coin Club. -Editor] SEAR'S ROMAN COINS VOLUME III PUBLISHED Douglas Saville writes: "We (Spink) are about to publish David Sear’s "Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume III. Here are the details….. "Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume III - The Third Century Crisis and Recovery, A.D. 235-285 To be published in late September by Spink, London Orders now being taken. 528 pages, fully illustrated with new photographs throughout the text Valuations in three grades of preservation Price: £45 plus carriage Volume I covered a period of approximately 375 years, from the origins of the Roman coinage in the Republican period in the opening decades of the 3rd century BC down to the violent end of the second Imperial dynasty, the Flavian, in AD 96. Volume II extended coverage of the Imperial series from the accession of Nerva down to the overthrow of the Severan dynasty in 235. This third volume continues the comprehensive revision and covers in detail the following half century, a very different period during which the Empire came perilously close to total disintegration under the pressure of foreign invasions and seemingly interminable civil war. The economy also collapsed and with it the Imperial coinage, a desperate situation which was only partially alleviated by the currency reform of Aurelian undertaken late in his reign. The complexities of the mint attributions in this chaotic period - lacking as they do in almost every instance the name or initial of the responsible mint - have been dealt with in light of recent scholarship. Also included are detailed listings of the Antoninianus coinage not covered in the “Roman Silver Coins” series. To place your order: E-mail: books at spink.com Tel: 0207 563 4056 / 4046 / 4045 Fax: 0207 563 4068" GALLERY MINT MUSEUM SELECTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS The following is taken from an August 10, 2005 press release: "The Gallery Mint Museum Foundation continues towards its goal of establishing the premier minting museum in the United States with the selection of its first Board of Directors. Agreeing to serve on the twelve-member Board are historians, minting scholars and museum professionals whose names are already familiar in the numismatic world. The new GMM Board includes Erik Goldstein, Curator of Mechanical Arts and Numismatics at Colonial Williamsburg; John Kraljevich, numismatic researcher; Dick Johnson, founding editor of Coin World and widely published author on medals and minting; U.S. Mint historian Robert Julian; Greg Lambousy, Director of Collections at the Louisiana State Museum; Ron Landis, noted die engraver and visionary founder of Gallery Mint, Inc.; Chris Madden, intaglio engraver with the Bureau of Printing and Engraving; John Nebel, computer guru and numismatic photographer; Edward C. Rochette, Executive Director emeritus of the American Numismatic Association and founder of the ANA’s Summer Seminars; Bob Evans, Chief Scientist, Conservator and Exhibitor of the S. S. Central America “Ship of Gold,” Timothy Grat, Chief Coiner and long time employee of the Gallery Mint and Mike Ellis, Editor of the “Cherrypickers’ Guide to Rare Die Varieties, Fourth Edition, Volume I,” current president of CONECA and error coin authenticator for ICG. Board President Ron Landis noted that the new, non-profit numismatic museum was careful to select individuals with impeccable academic reputations and a passion for minting technology to serve on the Board. “This is a ‘Dream Team’ with a clear understanding of museums, numismatics and minting. We are going to move very fast in reaching our goals,” he said. For more information about Gallery Mint Museum Foundation, contact Mike Ellis at POB 101, Eureka Springs, AR 72632; telephone 888-558-MINT; FAX 479-253-5056; or via e-mail at gmmmike at arkansas.net." CHARLES DAVIS REPORTS ON THE ANA CONVENTION Regarding the recent ANA convention in San Francisco, numismatic literature dealer Charles Davis writes: "The Union situation was not a problem as those who brought in a "normal" amount (in my case 14 boxes of books that I had UPS'd to my hotel) found the free porter service quite convenient. The biggest negative was sitting in a taxi with the meter running while the queue of cars and vans moved slowly to the loading dock. But once in, the UPS charge, taxi and tip to the porter did not represent an excessive amount. The main problem was that someone forgot to invite the public. It seemed that the number of people in the hall at a given moment numbered in the hundreds instead of the thousands we have been accustomed to. I have not seen the official numbers, but an unconfirmed rumor had it that 3,600 people had registered through Friday. Extrapolation through Saturday would make the total 5,000, a pathetic number for any convention, more especially so for a major city like San Francisco. Most of the dealers in the middle to the back of the hall said they had never seen a smaller crowd. Only the fact that the hall was small (going only to row 900 instead of the usual 1200-1300) and thus compacting the public, stopped dealers from the proverbial bowling in the aisles. The big boys in front did their wholesale millions I am sure, and will put a positive spin on the whole affair, but wow, where was everybody? Certainly a West Coast convention suffers from being 2,500 miles from the population center of the country, and Europeans, not wanting to spend 11 hours in a plane, were nowhere to be seen. Denver in '06 and Milwaukee in '07 will probably not be much better, attendance not improving until Baltimore in '08. In sum, it was more like drudging for a week in the office than an A.N.A. Convention. No spark; no buzz. The highlight was the banquet, Wendall Wolka as the M/C in black tie and one very large tux kept the program moving smartly and sharply, and Arthur Fitts eloquently installed the new board including the candidate that had defeated him. Arthur may have lost the election, but he won the admiration of those who saw him perform this difficult task with grace. " 1854-S QUARTER EAGLE CERTIFIED AT ANA Dave Lange forwarded a link to an article on his firm's web site, about a previously unknown 1854-S $2.50 gold piece certified by his firm at the convention: "A prized rarity was revealed to the numismatic community when NGC certified an 1854-S Quarter Eagle on July 27, during the ANA World’s Fair of Money. A scant 246 of these $2.50 gold pieces were struck during the San Francisco Mint’s first year of operation in 1854. Today, approximately a dozen 1854-S Quarter Eagles are known, and most show heavy wear from circulation. Most intriguing about this particular example’s history, however, is the story of its discovery by the numismatic community. Earlier in the year, on Saturday, April 2, at the Santa Clara Coin & Collectibles Expo, a woman and her family arrived at the show toting an heirloom gold coin. They believed that it had been in their family’s possession since 1858, being the first gold coin acquired by a long-ago ancestor who immigrated to California during the Gold Rush. They approached NGC Director of Research, David Lange, for his evaluation, recounting the coin’s story and explaining that they believed they had something valuable. “Though I hear such claims at every coin show, she seemed to speak with more confidence than most visitors,” recalls Lange. “I was shocked to see that the coin she took out of her bag was the extremely rare 1854-S Quarter Eagle.” As she had arrived late in the show, on-site grading was no longer available. The coin would need to be sent to NGC’s office in Sarasota for certification. Having just been told that she did, in fact, have a very valuable coin, she was not ready to let it out of her sight for so long. Lange then mentioned that he would be returning to with NGC to the area in three months for the ANA’s World’s Fair of Money. “I didn’t expect I would ever see her or the coin again,” recounts Lange. She did return, however, and this time on the opening day of the show. The coin was promptly submitted to NGC for certification, and was graded XF-45, making it the third finest known example." To read the full press release, see: Full Story [Included is a photo of David, NGC's Director of Research, holding the coin. -Editor] ONLINE MINT ARCHIVES PLANNED A front-page article by Paul Gilkes in the August 22 issue of Coin World outlines the U.S. Mint's plans to make more archival research material available on the Mint's web site. This could be a real boon to numismatic researchers. "During the American Numismatic Association's World's Fair of Money July 27 to 31 in San Francisco, the Mint's booth showcased an exhibit from the Office of the Historian featuring a collection of unique historical artifacts, many of them on public display for the first time." The exhibit included daily coinage ledgers from the Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco mints 1925-1935, a New Orleans Mint ledger for 1838 to 1893, and a Jefferson galvano. The mint's web address is U.S. Mint Does anyone know the name of the Mint's chief historian? Could we encourage them to become and E-Sylum subscriber? IN GOD WE TRUST J. A. McNerney writes: "The subject of the motto "In God We Trust" has always been one of particular interest to me. I agree with Theodore Roosevelt that God's name on money is sacrilegious,not to mention a violation of the First Amendment of our Constitution. The subject deserves a deeper study than a few lines in QDBs article about the Two Cent piece. A more complete understanding of the subject can be found here: More and More NUMISMATIC LITERARY GUILD RULES CLARIFIED Kerry Wetterstrom writes: "I read Tom Fort's recap in the latest E-Sylum about the NLG award given to David Fanning for the 25th Anniversary issue of The Asylum. Unfortunately, there is a major misconception that either an officer of the NLG or a close perusal of the submission rules could have cleared up. A NLG member must submit the piece/work being nominated, but the actual recipient of the award does not have to be a member of the NLG. I can personally attest to this as editor of The Celator. Every year I submit various articles or columns from The Celator that I deem worthy, and rarely is the author also a member of the NLG. (This year three individuals received awards from the NLG for articles/columns in The Celator, and none of them were/are NLG members.) On the original nomination form, it should have been stated that the NLG member making the nomination on behalf of NBS was David Fanning, but that the actual recipient would be Tom Fort. I also believe that NLG award rules stipulate that an individual (Fort) must be an nominee and not an organization (NBS), hence the reason that David Fanning's name ended up on the plaque. In the end, the scapegoat should not be the NLG as their rules are printed every year in the NLG Newsletter that announces the competition, and I find them to be clear if not redundantly so." Ed Reiter writes: "I'd like to set the record straight regarding the Numismatic Literary Guild Writers' Competition. As executive director of the Guild, I was concerned by the misconceptions contained in a report in the latest edition of The E-Sylum. Anyone can enter the NLG Writers' Competition. We do not prohibit entries from non-members, and we judge all entries, determine all winners and inscribe all award plaques without regard to whether an entrant is a member of the Guild. Strictly speaking, "Best Issue" awards do indeed honor the winning publications, not their editors. However, it has been our long-standing practice to recognize the editor in presenting each "Best Issue" award, since he or she is pivotal to the publication's success. In determining whose name should appear on a plaque, we rely on the information furnished to us with the entry. The special issue of The Asylum submitted for consideration in this year's contest -- and judged to have Extraordinary Merit -- was accompanied by a letter from Pete Smith stating that David Fanning, the Editor-in-Chief, was the entrant. Accordingly, we placed Mr. Fanning's name on the award plaque. The letter made no mention of E. Tomlinson Fort. We certainly want to give credit where credit is due, so we'll modify our list to reflect Mr. Fort's role as Editor of the award- winning issue. We'll also send him a plaque with our hearty congratulations for a job well done. I can appreciate Mr. Fort's distress at not being recognized for what obviously was a real labor of love. I cannot agree, however, that the NLG is somehow to "blame" for not recognizing his work. We simply acknowledged the person named in the entry. This may have been Mr. Fort's "baby," as he says, but until now we never got a birth announcement." Tom DeLorey writes: "Regarding the NLG award given to the 25th anniversary issue, I was one of the judges in this category, and considered the issue to be wonderful. As to the naming on the plaque, all I can say is that we conscientiously attempt to correctly reflect the entries as presented to us, and if Pete Smith erred with the best of intentions by telling us that the entrant in this case was David Fanning, there was no way that we could know this." Tom Fort writes: "Regarding the NLG award being open to non-members, a couple of NLG members have written me and also said that this was the case. However, if you look at the rules on the NLG web site, they state for the 2005 NLG Writers Competition: "1. All NLG members are eligible to participate if their dues have been paid." It nowhere states that NLG members may submit the work of non-members. From the published rules, both David Fanning and Pete Smith assumed (wrongly as it may seem) that the competition was only open to NLG members. Since I am not an NLG member they felt that they could not submit The Asylum in my name, since from the text on the web it would appear that I was not eligible. The best award that I can receive for the issue is that people thought it was pretty good." [Hopefully this exchange sheds enough light on the matter that future nominations and awards will not be subject to the same confusion. Clearly the 25th Anniversary Asylum issue was a deserving winner, and the recognition by our sister organization is welcome and appreciated. -Editor] 1848 TRAFALGAR MEDAL EXHIBITED "A rare medal awarded for service in the Battle of Trafalgar has been secured for a Manx Museum exhibition." "It belongs to Charles Barkler, of Kelso, Scotland, who is the great, great, great grandson of the recipient, John Cowle, who served on the HMS Temeraire. The medals were issued in 1848, more than 43 years after the battle, to men who submitted a claim. However, due to the lengthy interlude only a handful of sailors collected them. The medal will go on display this October when the museum will host an exhibition to commemorate 200 years since Lord Nelson's famous victory in the battle, which involved 60 Manxmen. John Cowle lost his arm at Trafalgar and was known ever afterwards as 'Hook' Cowle." "The medal will go on display alongside Lieutenant John Quilliam's uniform and sword. He was first lieutenant on board the Victory and was an MHK in the Island. The True Glory: Manxmen at Sea in the Age of Trafalgar will run until March 2006. To read the full article, see: Full Story An image of one of the medals appears here: Image of Medal WHO ARE WE HIDING FROM? Dick Johnson writes: "I ordered a book from a collector whose address was a nearby town here in Connecticut. Could I, I requested of the seller, visit him to pick up the book and view other numismatic items he might have for sale? Sure, he said, but the books are in another state. He was using a false address! Reminds me of the time when we conducted the official auction for the New England Numismatic Association annual convention. Of course, we wanted to mail an auction catalog to each NENA member. Sorry, they would not turn over the mailing list to us. We had to put the catalogs in and postage on blank envelopes and ship these to the secretary who put on the address labels. Why are New Englanders terrified someone might find where they live? Maybe it was these same New Englanders who influenced the ANA. I see the ANA board just declined for the umpteenth time not to publish an ANA roster." [Why a bookseller would want to hide is hard to fathom, but any coin collector who's ever been robbed has a good reason to keep their address confidential. No one who's ever been in this situation, or knows someone who has, wants to risk it. Sure, there are plenty of other ways crooks can locate their marks. But why make it easy? -Editor] RARE MAPS STOLEN FROM LIBRARIES The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today published a report on thefts of rare maps from libraries across the country: "An X-acto blade can slit a page from a book in less than a second, and police say that's how a well-known rare- documents dealer stole maps worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from Yale University. The Philadelphia-based FBI art crime team issued an alert this month to institutions that hold rare maps in their collections, advising them to determine whether they were missing any, and soon libraries from Chicago to London were reporting that they were. No rare maps in local collections are missing, but those in charge of reading rooms say that such major thefts always prompt reviews of inventory and security measures. E. Forbes Smiley III, a Massachusetts-based dealer in antique maps, has been charged with stealing rare maps by cutting them from books in Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library." "Maps tucked into books are especially vulnerable, said Tony Campbell, former map librarian at the British Library who also worked as an antiquarian map dealer. "If you take a page out of a rare book, you've got a worthless piece of paper. But if you take a map, you haven't destroyed its worth. It's likely to have fair amount of value, and it's virtually untraceable. That's the joy of it for the thief." The theft can be hard to detect. "That book is handed to someone, then handed back with one folded map removed," Campbell said. Unless the librarian is aware that there are maps inside the book, and knows how many, a theft can easily go undetected." Full Story OLD HARVE BAILEY CAPTURED On this week in 1933, lawmen accidentally captured "Old Harve" Bailey, who was implicated, but never tried, for a robbing the U.S. Mint in Denver in 1922. Bailey, a notorious bank robber, was hiding at the same Paradise, Texas ranch as "Machine Gun" Kelly and his gang, who had kidnapped businessman Charles Urschel. Although it is now believed that Bailey had nothing to do with the kidnapping, he spent more than 30 years in Leavenworth for the crime. Also of interest is the fact that it was not coin or bullion stolen from the Mint, but U.S. paper currency! The following excerpt is from an article on the U.S. Coin Values Advisor web site. References include: Eitemiller, David J. Historic Tours: The Denver Mint. Frederic, CO: Jende-Hagan Corporation, 1983, and Helmers, Dow. "The Denver Mint Robbery, 1922." Denver Post, December 7, 1975. "The nearby undersized Federal Reserve Bank frequently utilized the Mint's vaults to store overflow currency. On the morning of December 18, 1922, a total of $200,000 in new five dollar bills was ready for transfer from the Mint to the Federal Reserve. Just as the bank's truck was loaded with the bundles of cash, a car pulled up and out jumped three men with guns blazing. A bank guard was mortally wounded before Mint security could return fire. Under a withering rain of bullets, one of the thieves grabbed the loot and hopped into the getaway car where he was joined by his companions. A massive dragnet ensued, but it took 18 days to find the bandit's shot up vehicle inside a rented Denver garage. Sitting in the front seat was the frozen body of one of the men, who apparently died of gunshot wounds inflicted during the robbery. The investigation linked the dead man to several gangsters who had been on a terrifying rampage throughout the central region of the nation." More on the Story and More The following excerpt about Bailey was found on the Amazon web site, in the book "Conquering Deception" by Jef Nance, a former police interrogator. "Considered the dean of American bank robbers by crime historians, Bailey had a reputation for meticulously planning the jobs his group undertook. In selecting his prospective targets, he would assess the financial worth of a town, determine the locations of traffic policemen, calculate the precise time allowable inside the bank, and make certain to strike when the stores of money were at their maximum. In his book "John Dillinger Slept Here", crime historian Paul Maccabee writes, "Who else but Harvey Bailey would think to obtain road maps from the county surveyor's office to ensure that the roads were adequate for a perfect getaway?" NEWFANGLED COIN SORTER DEBUTS An article today from The Associated Press describes a new coin sorter its maker thinks will set a new standard: "He calls it the Verifier, which sounds faintly ominous, like something from a Stephen King novel. But what this new machine does, according to inventor Gregory F. String, 49, is to relentlessly and efficiently sort coins - any coin in the world. He says it will do a better job than all similar machines on the market today. It can handle huge volumes of coins, upwards of 8,000 per minute." "This new coin machine will be huge. This can go around the world," he noted. "Wilson said her brother built the Verifier because "he got tired of hearing me scream and whine and complain" about the coin-sorting machines she was then using. Since the mid-1990s, she said, the problem of "dirty" coin-sorting has burgeoned. Bags that are supposed to contain 10,000 dimes might have 9,500 dimes along with 500 pennies. They gummed up the old-style coin-sorting machines and had to be pulled out manually, reducing production by 50 percent. "We dump a bag of coins into Greg's machine and it counts the dimes and spits out the wrong ones into a reject bin," she said. "It works great." Coin Sorting Story NEW COIN HOARD FOUND IN ATHENS Following another tip from The Explorator e-newsletter, Arthur Shippee writes: "A large coin hoard was found in the heart of Athens." "Scores of silver coins dating back well over two millennia have been unearthed in the heart of Athens, officials announced. More than five kilos (11 pounds) of silver pieces dating primarily from the 4th century BC were discovered in an excavation project of the American School of Archeology, a statement from the ministry of culture said. Some 45 of the silver pieces are believed to date back to the 5th century BC. The discovery at the Athens Agora -- the chief marketplace and ancient center of the city's civic life -- is of "considerable importance" because it represents one of the most sizable finds of its kind, the statement said." To read the full story, see: Greek Coin Hoard Story GOOGLE HALTS SCANNING OF COPYRIGHTED BOOKS Dick Johnson writes: "Google was well into its project of scanning millions of books in three American libraries, Harvard, Michigan and Stanford, but received strong objections from the publishing industry to stop scanning books still under copyright. When Google received its first objections it offered publishers a "negative option." It offered publishers a form to submit if they wanted to option out of the program. This infuriated the publishers even more (instead of the right to option in). Google has now ceased scanning books still under copyright. E-Sylum first reported on this December 19, 2004 (vol 7 no 51) and again when it offered the reform request January 16, 2005 (vol 8 no 3). To read Google’s August 13, 2005 announcement, go to: Google's Announcement EATING THE EVIDENCE? The following report is from a Philadelphia-area TV station (August 10, 2005): "An off-duty letter carrier accused of trying to pawn a stolen gold coin worth $275,000 was arrested with the help of an alert coin dealer, but investigators still can’t find the rare 1907 coin. Police initially thought suspect Ernest Wilson might have swallowed the coin as they closed in, and took him to a hospital for X-rays, to no avail. “I could see him literally throwing it, just to be rid of it,” said dealer Robert Higgins of Wilmington, Del. “Unfortunately, it’s an incredible coin that is now lost, possibly forever.” "The coin was one of just 42 “rolled-edge” $10 gold coins made at the Philadelphia Mint in 1907, but never circulated because of an intricate, raised design that proved troublesome both to produce and to stack." "The missing coin had a pristine rating; only two of the surviving 1907 rolled-edge Indians had a higher grading, Higgins said. " To read the complete story, see: Full Story FAROUK QUESTION ANSWERED In response to Andy Lustig's question, Saul Teichman writes: "Lots 1987-9 in the Farouk Sale were purchased by "Randall". I always assumed it was James P. Randall who is listed in Gengerke. This is per Gaston DiBello's Farouk catalog of which I have a Xerox of the pattern sections." NEW RUSSIAN 5,000 RUBLE NOTE A Russian news site announced that "The Central Bank of Russia has officially announced that a 5000-ruble banknote will be produced in 2006. This is not surprising, since the most used banknote in Russia in recent months has been the 1000-ruble note. Statistics show that the issue of a larger- denomination banknote is directly related to the rapid growth of the money mass and inflation. The 1000-ruble note was introduced at the beginning of 2001. In the course of that year, it rose from 1 percent of all banknotes in use to 3 percent, reaching 7 percent the next year and 25 percent at present." "The largest Russian banknote will now be worth more than the largest in the United States and Great Britain." To read the full story, see: Full Story MAN PAYS FINE WITH CENTS Tom Fort forwarded this story: "A man ticketed for speeding thought he’d get even by paying his fine with 12,000 pennies. But the judge had the final word by making him wait for the change to be counted." Rather than count the small garbage can full of pennies by hand, Court Administrator Jan Cosette took them to the bank, where they were put in a counting machine. She returned with $120 in cash and some extra pennies, which were given to the Seattle man, who waited in the courthouse." To read the full story, see Full Story NUMISMATIC HUMOR: PENNY'S PICKUP LINES Dick Johnson writes: "Here's some numismatic humor for the day. I had a good line of my own Saturday, while I was in the barber shop with my wife. I went to pay and was $10 short. I called to my wife in the waiting room filled with unshorn men. "Shirley, bring me a stack of twenties!" Everyone in the shop laughed, including both barbers." Full Story FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is from the Coin World site, describing the record-breaking 2002 Sotheby's sale of a 1933 Double Eagle for $7.59 million. The article is illustrated with images of the coin and the official bill of sale and transfer of title documents. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. 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