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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 48, November 13, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS Among our recent subscribers are C.L. Collins and Charles Riley. Welcome aboard! We now have 816 subscribers. This issue brings sad news. One of our longtime contributors, Bill Spengler, is gone. He will be missed. On a brighter note, Whitman Publishing has given NBS a nice publicity plug, and two new web sites for bibliophiles debut. Two E-Sylum contributors locate a trove of numismatic data on 19th-century medals, and we learn more about the recent high-profile stamp trade from one of our own who was present. Howard Daniel reports on his numismatic adventures in Bangkok, and from elsewhere around the world we learn about a new exhibit of Maltese numismatics, some background information on a book on Panama numismatics, and more on the distribution of counterfeit currency by the North Korean and Yemeni governments. Have fun! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society BILL SPENGLER PASSES AWAY Bill Rosenblum writes: “It's my sad duty to report that Bill Spengler passed away Tuesday morning about 4:30 Mountain time. There will be no services. Bill was co-author with Wayne Sayles of the two volume standard on Turkoman coins (a third volume is in the works). He was the program chairman for Numismatics International at the ANA” [Bill Spengler of Colorado Springs, CO was a frequent E-Sylum contributor. Spengler spent seven years with the Foreign Service in Pakistan and many years in and out of India. A specialist in Oriental numismatics, he also volunteered at the American Numismatic Association Museum. He will be missed. –Editor] John and Nancy Wilson, Ocala, FL write: “Bill was a South Asian Historian and Numismatist who lectured on this subject in the U.S. and other countries. He also wrote extensively on the subject and was a contributor to several numismatic references. His contributions to our hobby in South Asian Numismatics are numerous. Bill's passing is truly a great loss for our numismatic hobby. Bill was not only a numismatic ANA Certified Judge but a prolific exhibitor. We will never forgot how proud he was when he won the coveted Howland Wood Best in Show award. Bill received numerous awards and honors in the numismatic hobby for his hard work and dedication over many decades. Our sincere condolences and prayers to his family. Bill will always remain in our memories and thoughts.” Steve D'Ippolito writes: “William F. Spengler passed away this last Tuesday, 8 November. The Colorado Springs Gazette's death notice read: Born Jan. 12 1923. Died Nov 8, 2005. Consul general, 29-year Colorado Springs resident. Survived by his wife, Phillis; two sons, Bill and John; and a daughter, Sarah. [It goes on to name the funeral home--but there were no services or visitation, at Bill Spengler's request.] His numismatic accomplishments were unmentioned. William Spengler was not only a renowned specialist in issues from Asia, he was also a talented exhibitor, winning the Howland Wood Memorial Award for best of show in (if memory serves) 1987 and serving as an exhibit judge for many years. I took up exhibiting in 1998 and found Bill to be eager to give helpful advice and encouragement. I consider him my mentor. I went over to ANA headquarters Wednesday and he is remembered there as a gentleman and a scholar, "and there is no higher praise" according to Nancy Green, the ANA Librarian. His light has gone out of the world.” SPENGLER ON MARGINALIA [The following item is reprinted from the May 11, 2003 issue of The E-Sylum (v6n19). In it, Bill Spengler recalls his purchase of a numismatic library. –Editor] Gary Dunaier writes: "Regarding handwritten notes in the margins of books: I, personally, don't care for them. But I don't think it's something that should be rejected on a wholesale basis. For example, I don't think any self-respecting numismatic student would turn down the opportunity to acquire a used coin book solely on the basis of writing in the margins -- if the notes were written by Q. David Bowers or someone of his caliber." Bill Spengler of Colorado Springs writes: "While in general I abhor the practice of underlining or writing in the margins of serious books, especially in irremovable ink, this once worked to my considerable advantage. On a visit to my favorite Oriental bookseller in England in 1976, I was fortunate to acquire a 39-volume numismatic library of original editions of most of the museum catalogues and other standard references on ancient and medieval coins of South Asia -- my specialty -- published between 1866 and 1941, including all the Numismatic Supplements to the "Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" 1904-1937. They were all beautifully bound in tan leather with gold lettering and decoration, and were in nice condition. Several of the volumes, particularly those covering gold coins of the Gupta Dynasty of ancient India, contained "marginalia" written in blue pencil -- routinely used by British colonial administrators in annotating documents and exchanging notes. What a great find, evidently the personal reference library of a British collector of Indian coins while stationed in the Subcontinent! I was eager to know who of the rather small group of such British numismatists had owned and used this important library long ago. Sadly, however, these volumes did not contain a single bookplate, owner's signature or other overt indication of ownership, and the bookseller had had them in stock so long that he couldn't recall where, how or when he had acquired them! I took this as a challenge in detection and eventually discovered the solution in the volume on "The Coinage of the Early or Imperial Gupta Dynasty of Northern India" by the famous British Indian numismatist Vincent A. Smith, bearing on its cover a faint inked note presenting the book to one H. Rivett-Carnac Esq. "with the author's kind regards". This was the only such clue in the entire library. Confirmation came in a notation on one of the plates in this volume on which someone had written "to BM" in blue pencil alongside a gold stater of Kumara Gupta. When I looked up this piece in the British Museum I found on the coin's little round ticket that it had been donated by none other than H. Rivett-Carnac. This established ownership of this volume and, by association, all the others.” NBS PROMOTED IN NEW WHITMAN BOOK Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing writes: “I'm pleased to let you know that Whitman has promoted the Numismatic Bibliomania Society in The Whitman Insider Guide to Smart Coin Collecting, as a numismatic group that collectors can join for education and camaraderie. The Society is highlighted along with a five-line description and a link to your web site: “Numismatic Bibliomania Society. www.coinbooks.org. The NBS supports and promotes the use and collecting of numismatic literature--books, periodicals, catalogs, and other written or printed material relating to coins, medals, tokens, or paper money, ancient or modern, U.S. or worldwide. “ The Insider Guide is on the press right now and will be on bookshelves just before Christmas. It's part of a new series of inexpensive, small-size books (64 pages, measuring 4.25x6) focusing on single topics in the hobby (grading, buying, selling, etc.). Our press run will be in the thousands. My hope is that this kind of outreach, within the hobby community and also the mass market, will generate interest and additional membership for the NBS.” [Many thanks to Dennis and Whitman. Every bit of publicity is a good thing for our organization. Always room for more bibliophiles! -Editor] NUMISMATIC BOOK REVIEW WEB SITE DEBUTS Dave Millington of the U.K. writes: “I've just set up a website for people to read about, rate and review numismatic books. I have added a few books to get it started, and will continue to add more books every day that I can. Please feel free to look around. You will need to register to add books and reviews, and also to receive the planned monthly newsletter. Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated!” www.numibooks.com [Chris Fuccione also forwarded a note about the new site. Visitors can browse the entries without having to register. Each book is given its own page with an image of the book’s cover. Periodicals are included as well. The subjects are mostly ancient coins, but over time I’m sure many others could be added. Be sure to take a look. –Editor] PERSONAL LIBRARY WEB SITE Jeff Reichenberger writes: “I stumbled onto a web site that might interest some of our fellow 'philes: Librarything.com You can catalog your personal library, share it or keep it private, categorize, tag, and otherwise set it up just the way you want it. Up to 200 books is free, Unlimited entries for $10/year, $25/lifetime. Enjoy!” TWO NUMISMATIC RESEARCHERS AT TIFFANY’S Dick Johnson writes: “I have collected the medals of Tiffany & Company for almost forty years. The fact that Tiffany – the famed jewelry firm on Fifth Avenue in New York City and now with stores all over the world – made medals was brought to my attention by a passage in one of Leon Lindheim’s numismatic books. (Another reason was that I had to collect something after I became curator of the Medallic Art Company’s archives in the 1960s, as I did not want the temptation of collecting my own company’s medals.) I casually acquired a Tiffany piece now and then. Then I discovered something astounding. I learned that Medallic Art Company had struck all of Tiffany & Co’s medals since the mid 1930s. I kept record of these but collected only those that predated this era. Another discovery: The firm had their own Tiffany Pavilion at the Buffalo Exposition in 1901. They had exhibited one of every medal they had made in the 19th century. They even gold plated every medal in that exhibit! Even better, they had published a little pamphlet listing all these. I discovered this rare pamphlet in the vertical files in the library of the American Numismatic Society. My cataloging work at Medallic Art Co brought me in contact with the head of the art department at Tiffany’s. One time I asked him: "Does Tiffany have an archive of all their medals?" Yes, he said, some but not all. Come by some time and I will dig them out and show you. I was at his fourth floor office at the Fifth Avenue Store in less that a week’s time. He had a couple of trays to show me. They were all goldplated! These were the 19th century medals that had been in that 1901 exhibit! Recently, I learned that writers on silver had access to Tiffany’s archives, writing about famed Tiffany silver designs. I wondered if they still had records of their medals. I mentioned this to fellow researcher Katie Jaeger, who said she would like to visit the Tiffany archives as well. Katie is a rising star in the field of numismatic literature. An author of articles in history journals, some of her articles will appear in numismatic publications shortly. She has worked with Q. David Bowers for a book or two and currently she is well into her own major numismatic book project. Watch for her name on some gem numismatic books upcoming. Katie is inspired. Her inspiration is the fact her great grandfather was one of the Lovetts – George Hampden Lovett. She had researched the Lovett family history, learned the lore of engraving and is now deeply immersed in numismatics. To access Tiffany’s archives a researcher needs extensive credentials, a letter from their publisher, and has to schedule an appointment well in advance. Appointments don’t come easy. Ours took from May to November. But we got in this week. Thursday we traveled to Tiffany’s New Jersey headquarters to spend the day pouring over the documents, papers, card files, photographs, journals, sketch books, and scrapbooks. I came with a list of 327 medals I knew Tiffany had made since 1851. I found perhaps two to five times that number of medals which were new to me. Katie and I were in our glory pouring over this untapped source of numismatic treasure. Two heads are far better than one in research, constantly seeking each other’s advice - and searching takes half the time. One series of boxes had small envelopes containing 3x5 cards (papers, sketches, and sometimes sample die impressions!). There were also black crumbs in every one of these envelopes – tobacco, I first thought. No, these records were once held together by rubber bands. In 70 years the bands had deteriorated to crumbs. Perhaps we were the first eyes to see these documents in over 70 years!” TRADITIONAL BOOK SIZE INFORMATION SOUGHT Martin Purdy writes: “The discussion about the most valuable numismatic book prompted me to do some research about the oldest book that the Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand holds in its library - "Familiae Romanae in Antiquis Numismatibus", by Charles Patin, 1663. It clearly isn't going to beat any price records, but it's a nice item nonetheless. It appears to have been published in various editions and sizes, and I had some fun trying to work out exactly what "traditional" page size it corresponds to - at 360 x 240 mm (trimmed page size), it doesn't really match any of the standard definitions for the various folio standards! Can anyone offer an old-style size description with any degree of certainty?” MORE ON THE MOST EXPENSIVE STAMP TRADE NBS Secretary-Treasurer David Sundman writes: “I was just reading the latest E-Sylum edition at home and found the mention of the big stamp trade that my brother Donald Sundman and Bill Gross did last week. You can point out to your readers that the new owner of the unique Jenny Airmail invert plate block is my smarter younger brother. Donald (of Mystic Stamp Company in Camden, New York), and I (of the Littleton Coin Company in Littleton, New Hampshire), enjoy working and collecting in our respective fields. You might also direct readers to the story on the BBC World News website, which has a photo of the actual trade. I was in New York for the event, which was pretty wild, with three TV camera crews, a dozen or more reporters, and a couple of dozen collectors in the Charles Shreve Gallery on West 57th Street, about a hundred yards from Stack’s. All this publicity should be good for stamp collecting.” Full Story HOWARD DANIEL REPORTS FROM BANGKOK The following is an excerpt from an article E-Sylum regular Howard A. Daniel III published this week in the MPC Gram (#1369). It’s a report on his numismatic adventures, filed from Bangkok, Thailand: Howard writes: “I sent emails and called everyone I was to meet in Bangkok after settling into my room. My first meeting was with Barent Springsted. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer here during the war and he stayed to work in the investment community. He is a paper money and map collector, and has MPC in his collection. We had dinner in the restaurant and talked over it for more than two hours. His Thai wife is almost a perfect twin of my Vietnamese wife! My second meeting was with Ron Cristal, who is a former USAF JAG officer I met over here during the war. He stayed here and opened his own law firm. It has done very well and he is one of THE collectors of Thai metal financial instruments. He is working on a reference that will become THE best one for Thailand, but he is not into paper so you will not see Thai MPC Coupons in it. Then Barent, Ron and I met Mr Lee, Bangkok's foremost numismatic dealer for a lunch at the Sofitel Hotel. It started at 12 Noon and finished around 3PM. We talked and talked about family and numismatics. The next day, I went to see Ron again, and then on to Mr Lee's shop; L. Kim Guan. He brought me into his office and stacked up boxes of Vietnamese paper in front of me. And two sets of plates for the common DRVN Nam Bo 1 Dong note! I bought one set of the plates to use in a future exhibit. I also bought several modern Vietnamese notes with higher or lower blocks than I have in my database. And four Government of Indochina 10 Cent WWII-era notes. Two of them have the same exact numbers and are replacements! I need to get them to Joe Boling to update WWII Remembered.” JR NEWSLETTER REACHES SUBSCRIBER MILESTONE Editor William Luebke writes: “With Issue # 12, emailed Sunday, November 13, the JR Newsletter has achieved a milestone -- 150 subscribers. This is a significant achievement since its birth in August 2005. Dedicated to collectors and students of U.S. Federal silver and gold coinage of the 1794-1839, the JR Newsletter is free to all. Simply email JRNews@nyc.rr.com to join. While JR News is not affiliated with any numismatic organization, it is recommended that subscribers join the John Reich Collectors Society (JRCS). JRCS can be contacted at www.jrcs.org. Content for the JR Newsletter is provided by subscribers and as such is dependent on their input. Published items have included book reviews, announcements of discoveries of previously unknown specimens of rare varieties, auction and coin show reviews, collector profiles, debates and other items of interest to all numismatic scholars in general and students of early U.S. coinage in particular.” OCEAN IN VIEW NICKEL PHOTOGRAPHER AT OREGON EVENT On November 9, 2005 the Newport News Times of Newport, OR reported that “The new "Ocean In View" nickels, featuring the work of Newport photographer Andrew Cier, will be available for exchange during the Lewis and Clark signature event, "Destination: The Pacific," which takes place Friday through Sunday near Astoria on the north Oregon coast.” “The new five-cent piece, released Aug. 5, 2005, was designed by Joe Fitzgerald of the United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program. The front features a contemporary image of President Thomas Jefferson and the back image is based on a photograph taken by Cier of the windswept Oregon coast. Cier, an employee at Newport Lazerquick, only became aware that his photograph was used for the nickel after a colleague brought the new coin to his attention; he later received official credit for the image through an unprecedented settlement reached with the United States Mint. "It's quite exciting, as a professional photographer," Cier said shortly following the settlement.” To read the complete story, and view Cier’s photo, see: Full Story BOOK HUNTING IN BRITAIN Tom Fort forwarded a recent article from Slate on book hunting in Britain. Here are a few excerpts: “Book collectors are thrill-seekers. It is a vegetarian hunt to be sure, without much exertion or risk, but the endorphin rush of the chase and the adrenaline high of the capture are much the same with first editions as I imagine they must be in the pursuit of 10-point stags, largemouth bass, or 20-foot waves at Maverick's. Speaking only for myself, I can describe four kinds of book-collecting euphoria. There is, first of all, simply the kick of a bargain. Despite all the Internet has done to make prices transparent and bibliographic information universal, you can still find—at book sales and thrift shops, auctions and even fancy dealers—unrecognized or underpriced rarities. Getting something valuable for cheap is the basic, greedy thrill of book collecting. The second pleasure is simply that of making a collection—assembling objects that are related in some way and then filling in holes and extending from the edges. Book collecting is a largely solitary, mostly male, and completely absorbing activity. Nicholas Basbanes' wonderful study A Gentle Madness explores what has driven the great book collectors. As his title indicates, it's not necessarily outstanding mental health. But while "completism" is clearly a form of nuttiness, it is for the most part a benign one, causing no harm to others and usually little to oneself. Next is appreciation of the physical object. Though you might not take this point away from the best-seller tables at Barnes & Noble, the book has historically been a beautiful thing. It is a repository of various arts and crafts, including illustration, typography, letterpress printing, paper-making, and binding (not to mention writing). Raised in a house filled with old books, I'm drawn to them: the dust jackets that call out a historical moment, the marbled boards, the words pressed into the page with movable type. Fourth and finally, there is something that approaches a literary sensation. Holding in your hands the original publication of a book or writer who subsequently became famous rolls back the veils of time and reputation. It connects you to the moment of original potential, before appreciation, recognition, and fame complicated everything. In this way, the first edition has always felt to me like the literature of original intent. It is the book as it went out into the world, the work in its purest (if not necessarily most perfect) form. Of course, there's a negative side to all this too, which makes me slightly loathe collecting, and which I'll get back to later. Once acquired, sought-after rare books become inert trophies, chloroformed butterflies pinned to a board. It's a bit deathly.” “We chat about the Internet, which Tindley naturally deplores. His view is that the Web takes the magic and mystery out of the book business. Using Abebooks.com, which scours listings for 70 million books from 13,000 dealers around the world, you can find almost anything you are looking for with unimaginable ease. But on the Web, you never find what you're not looking for, which is what invariably happens when you walk into Tindley and Chapman. After lunch, we return to the shop and Tindley proves his point by emerging from the basement with a full run—eight issues—of a magazine called Polemic, which was published in England between 1945 and 1947. Little intellectual magazines, such as Partisan Review and Horizon are a special interest of mine, and Polemic, with covers designed by the British artist Ben Nicholson, is one I've never seen before. Almost every issue has the first publication of one of Orwell's essays, including "The Prevention of Literature" and "Second Thoughts on James Burnham." This is something I would have never thought to look for on Abebooks and probably wouldn't have found if I had. The price? James makes a gesture that indicates he has no idea and says £40 ($70). I leave with that, an early V.S. Naipaul first, and the first collected edition of Hart Crane's poems.” "Nature abhors a vacuum," he tells me, apologizing for the mess of volumes, papers, and junk covering every available surface in his office, including the floor. "But a bookshop really abhors a vacuum." To read the full article, see: Full Story PANAMA PAPER MONEY IMAGES Regarding Joaquin Gil del Real’s request for images of Panamanian currency, Gar Travis writes: “Do you know of Bejamin Mizarachi? He was president of the Asociación Numismática De Panamá 1996-1997 and wrote an interesting text called Catálogo Numismático De Panamá. Many notes and nearly all the coins and tokens of Panama are pictured and described.” Joaquin writes: “Yes, I am familiar with the catalog. I wrote the paper money part, and many others here in Panama collaborated to write all the other parts. Mizrachi was President of the Associacion at the time and did push for the publication, but he only contributed a few tokens and never gave anybody else credit for the publication. What I'm looking for is for anyone holding any of these paper items to please scan and send them. I have many large empty spaces that need filling!!!” EXHIBIT OF MALTESE NUMISMATICS According to The Malta Independent on November 11 , “Central Bank of Malta governor Michael C. Bonello inaugurated a permanent exhibition of antique coins used in Malta between 350 BC and AD 1855 yesterday. The exhibition, which is mounted in the foyer of the bank’s main premises, contains a representative selection of coins used in Malta from the Punic-Roman period to the early British era. The inauguration was preceded by a lecture on coinage in Malta delivered by Mr Joseph C. Sammut, a leading Maltese numismatist, who contributed to the setting up of the exhibition and has published extensively on this subject. The lecture was held in collaboration with Heritage Malta and the Farsons Foundation. The permanent exhibition includes detailed descriptions of the coins and an overview of the periods during which these coins circulated. The exhibition is open free-of-charge to the public during the bank’s office hours, between 8.30am and 4pm every weekday.” Full Story IRA-KOREAN COUNTERFEITING SCAM DETAILED “Daily Ireland today reveals the full extent of the Official IRA counterfeit dollar scam of the late 1980s and early ’90s. We can further disclose details of the sophisticated operation carried out by experienced Official IRA volunteers to offload the counterfeit $100 bills for genuine currency in a blitz on financial institutions the length and breadth of Ireland.” “The story began in 1988 when a number of senior Official IRA men — including a man known as “the Devil”, a Belfast businessman and a veteran paramilitary from the Republic — visited North Korea to attend celebrations to mark the 40th anniversary of the formation of the state. They travelled first to the North Korean embassy in Moscow, where officials arranged for them to get into North Korea without the travel documents that are usually required. The three men stayed in a guarded compound in the capital Pyongyang for two weeks. While there, they met then president Kim Il-sung and his son Kim Jong-il, who became ruler of North Korea and chairman of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea after his father’s death. President Kim and his son promised the Official IRA team whatever help they needed to carry out the “Irish revolution” to which the Irishmen told the North Koreans they were committed. The Official IRA men were shown huge amounts of weapons and ammunition and the high-quality counterfeit US dollars that the North Koreans were churning out on state-of-the-art printing presses. In 1989, the Official IRA collected its first consignment of US$1 million in cash from the North Koreans. The money was moved to the North Korean embassy in Moscow before being transferred to a popular holiday destination in eastern Europe to await collection.” To read the full story, see: Full Story YEMENI COUNTERFEIT DISTRIBUTION An article published in the Yemeni Times this week enumerated several criminal activities its government has been accused of being involved in, including distributing counterfeit money: “Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh is scheduled to visit the United States in November for a round of meetings with President Bush and other high ranking US officials. As the representative of the Yemeni people, Saleh deserves a great deal of respect and hospitality. Yet it has become increasingly apparent that the regime, under the total domination of President Saleh, is engaged in a wide variety of criminal activities to the detriment of regional stability and the Yemeni people themselves.” “Counterfeit Money: The Central Bank of Yemen distributed a substantial amount of forged currency to its clients. Confirmed as forgeries by the Yemeni police, the bogus currency distributed by the Taiz branch of the Yemen Central Bank was in both Saudi and Yemeni denominations, according to al-Wahdawi news. Counterfeit Saudi riyals are thought to be regularly smuggled into Saudi Arabia to be exchanged with authentic denominations. Adel al-Dhahab, the lawyer who had handled counterfeiting cases for the Reserve Bank of Yemen in 2004, reported that some of the counterfeit money stored for protection by the Reserve Bank was stolen (and presumably re-circulated) by a high ranking official in the Ministry of the Interior, until the prosecutor was forced to stamp every bill as counterfeit to prevent such practices. Mr. al-Dhahab also confirmed that the Central Bank is used as a mechanism of transferring and investing the personal funds of top officials overseas.” To read the complete article, see: Full Story ANOTHER UNUSUAL GOLD COIN FIND Fred Schwan writes: “Regarding circulating gold coins I have one good story. A few years after I started collecting, my father showed me (and later gave me) a coin that he had. It was a VF 1851 gold dollar. The interesting part is where he got it. Dad (and his extended family) was in the dry cleaning business (both his brother and brother in law also had dry cleaning establishments; dad learned the trade from the former and taught it to the latter). He started his own business in 1938 (still run by my brother) and started working in the business in the late 1920s. The subject dollar was found in a lint trap of a dry cleaning machine. If he told me when he found it, I do not recall specifically, but believe that it was in the early 1930s. A dry cleaning machine lint filter is much like the lint filter on a current home dryer--they both have the job of catching lint. Anyway, that is where he found it and since there was no way to determine the rightful owner, he kept it until the 1960s when I got it. Of course I still have and cherish it and I have more than a little interest in gold dollars. Now it would be a stretch to say that this dollar was a circulating coin, but it is also a little hard to imagine that someone was carrying a $1 gold piece as a pocket piece.” A CASE FOR SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Joel Orosz forwarded a link to an interesting article on the future of special collections at libraries: “It is in unique collections … that Neal sees a bright future for libraries. In fact, at the April 2005 Association of College and Research Libraries annual conference in Minneapolis, Neal told an audience of librarians that in the digital age, librarians are poised to enter a new “golden age” of special collections, spurred by digitization and greater online access to primary resources. “Research libraries traditionally have been evaluated by how many volumes they hold, but the smallest library can eventually access as many volumes as the largest,” Neal explains, alluding to the advent of digital databases for contemporary resources. “In the future, I believe great research libraries will be evaluated more and more on their special collections.” “Indeed, digitization, high-speed connections, and suites of powerful new tools that allow students and researchers to interact as never before with collections are breaking them free from their climate-controlled exile and putting valuable special collections at the center of exciting new partnerships among librarians, faculty, students, and technicians. It’s still early—but already the results are remarkable.” To read the complete article, see: Full Story NUMISMATIST MICROFICHE / MICROFILM SET Regarding Fred Reed’s question about The Numismatist in microfiche or microfilm, Dave Lange writes: “I purchased a microfiche set of The Numismatist 1888-1979 from the ANA in that latter year. It was of so-so quality, though I did use it occasionally. I now have a complete run of bound hardcopies in my office, so I let my microfiche set go in one of Fred Lake's sales about three years ago. I don't recall what it brought, but it wasn't much.” George Fitzgerald writes: “I purchased the Numismatist in Microfiche from ANA several years ago. I use it occasionally. Dan Friedus writes: “The ANA actually published a set of The Numismatist on microfiche. As someone who used to work for a microfilm publisher and has used a lot of microfilm and fiche for research, I don't think I'm going overboard in calling the ANA product mediocre at best. Some, if not all, of it was in negative which was pretty annoying for looking at images. But the data is there and it takes up less space than paper.” Nancy Green, Librarian of the American Numismatic Association Writes: “The ANA does still have microfiche of (in those days) “The Numismatist”. The last year filmed was 1996.” SOME CORRECTIONS Nancy Green adds: “A bride puts a six-pence in her shoe for good luck, not a copper coin, and fuse boxes require copper coins to make the connection. Nickel does not conduct electricity.” GOOGLE PRINT TRICK Jim McNerney writes: “I enjoyed Ed Snible's article about Google Print and the links he provided very much. After paging through some of the books I did find a way to skip forward, or backward, to the page desired. If you look at the location bar, while clicking through the pages, you will see a number in the line changing. This is the page number. A reader can change this number, by highlighting it, to the page needed and hit the enter key. Jack Benedict and Dan Freidus made the same discovery. Dan writes: “I played around with print.google.com and found a way to go to a specific page. Just take the basic URL and add &pg=PAxxx where xxx is the page number you want print.google.com Have fun!” COMMUNITY EXCHANGE SYSTEMS Larry Mitchell forwarded a link to a web site devoted to community exchange systems in Asia, Africa and Latin America. “Several communities in Asia have been experimenting with a new means of exchange, called a Community Coupon. It functions very much like a credit card. Instead, credit is received in the form of notes that look very different from the national currency, but are valued in the same denominations.” Full Story COIN DEALERS ON MEDALS Regarding our earlier question about coin dealer Fred Merritt, Nick Graver writes: “All presidents of the Rochester Numismatic Association had medals struck, making it a most interesting series. I cannot imagine many commercial coin dealers having their likeness on a large quality medal, or any piece, for that matter.” [A number of coin dealers have been featured on medals, usually on numismatic society medals such as Merritt. Has anyone ever compiled a list? -Editor] INDIAN COIN CONTROVERSY The following is from a November 7 newspaper article: “Satyam Nagar, proud bearer of a rare pictorial Sikh coin bearing pictures of the first and the tenth Gurus, has contradicted the claims made by numismatists regarding similar coins said to be exhibited only at the British Museum, London. A law student of Ludhiana Regional Centre of Panjab University, Chandigarh, Mr Nagar supports his claim with a rare coin purportedly minted 258 years ago ( Vikrmi 1804 ) by one of the Sikh missals.” "Though some numismatics have claimed that only two coins of this types were reported at the British Museum, it is my firm opinion that the coin in my possession is different from those," claimed Mr Nagar. Supporting his claim with pictures of the coins he said the coin exhibited at the said museum carried picture of Guru Nanak Dev only with one person while the one with him bears pictures of Bhai Bala and Bhai Mardana. “Even the historians are not sure about the identity of person sitting in front of Guru. Some view him as Bhai Mardana while others see him as Bhai Bala,” he argued.” To read the full story, see: Full Story FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is "Spain and its Coins," a virtual exhibit of the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution, recommended to us by Roger deWardt Lane of Hollywood, Florida. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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