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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 49, November 20, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS Among our recent subscribers is Leon Worden. Welcome aboard! We now have 820 subscribers. Several readers have chimed in with more stories on Bill Spengler, and some more on George Kunz of Tiffany’s as well. The San Francisco Mint Gold Rush Museum bill is making progress, but needs more support – time to write your Senators. An Australian coin takes top honors as the most expensive copper coin, and Jules Reivers’ Large Cents come up for sale. Want to learn all there is on the conductivity of nickel or how workers on the Panama canal were paid? Read on to find out. Enjoy! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society DAVISSON LITERATURE AUCTION WRAP-UP Allan Davisson writes: "Bidding in our numismatic literature auction ended on October 25th. For me, the auction finally wound down last night (November 14) as I packed the last parcel of books. George Kolbe laughed when I commented early on that I wasn't sure about how packing it all up would go. Now I know. I appreciate the participation of many book enthusiasts and I particularly appreciate their patience while I get everything out. (Life was a bit more complex than usual during this period since we also published a coin auction and mailed it out.) Prices realized and a list of remainders can be found at our web site, www.britishcoins.com Finally, I appreciate the kind words from so many people about the catalog." MORE ON BILL SPENGLER Howard A. Daniel III writes: “I was planning to visit Bill Spengler when I will be at the ANA Headquarters in Colorado Springs after the ANA Convention in Denver in August 2006. It was a shock to me when I received an email from Bill Rosenblum that he passed away. My first conversation with Bill was at a Numismatics International (NI) meeting at an ANA Convention many, many years ago. After Bill gave his talk on South Asian or Indian coins, I told him that many of the counterstamps on his coins were close to those on many old Thai pieces. This started many years of conversation and correspondence with Bill. About five years ago, at another NI meeting at an ANA Convention, Bill approached me. He asked if I would consider replacing him as Moderator for these NI meetings. Me, replace Bill? He told me he was getting old and tired, and would not be able to attend all of the future ANA Conventions. He never told me about being more seriously ill. I thought about it for awhile and then said "Yes." A few minutes later, I had a stack of stuff that consisted of signs, books, and many other NI items that I have been carrying around to ANA Conventions and Shows. I remember my first time being Moderator when I stood up in front of the attendees and introduced myself. There was an immediately a question from one of them, "Where is Bill Spengler?" I told him that Bill had requested that I replace him because he was getting old and tired. The man rose out of his chair and walked out of the meeting! I expected the remaining attendees to walk out but they stayed, and so have many other numismatists at the meetings I have moderated for NI. After a couple of NI meetings, I decided to also man a club table for NI, and members donated world coins for me to give to new and young collectors, and to tell them about NI. Later, I added the International Bank Note Society for world paper money and handed out free pieces for them. Then I added NBS to my club table. So Bill got me started on the path of promoting world numismatics and the references about it. If you are tired of seeing me at the ANAs, you can blame Bill for it. Bill was a gentleman first and a numismatist second. He was one of the reasons I enjoy the brotherhood and sisterhood of numismatics so much, and I will miss him very much.” Dave Lange writes: “I was very saddened to read of Bill's passing. He was always such a gentleman and a pleasure to converse with. Bill and I were named Numismatic Ambassadors at the same event some years ago, and that may have been the first time we met. I soon discovered that Bill had known J. K. Post, the inventor of the coin board, when Bill was a child. Post hosted an informal coin club on Saturdays to which all the neighborhood boys were invited. Like the others, Bill soon had himself a Lincoln Penny board received directly from the source. Sadly, this board, along with its contents, was lost in a household fire a few years later. It was my pleasure to send Bill an example of this first edition board some 60 years after he had been given his first. Lately, I've been kicking around the idea of doing a book about collecting coin boards. I was planning to interview Bill or, at least, have him put his recollections in writing so that I wouldn't have to trust my own memory of what he had said. This opportunity has now been lost, along with a wonderful gentleman of the old school.” Last week Bill Rosenblum noted: "Bill was co-author with Wayne Sayles of the two volume standard on Turkoman coins." Steve Dippolito writes: "How could I have forgotten that? It brings up one of my favorite stories. I was in the ANA library, trying to discover the origin of the double headed eagle motif that appeared on Russian Imperial coinage--this was for my 1999 exhibit. I had heard that it was of Roman origin but could find nothing in the Roman section. But my eye fell on the Spengler/ Sayles volume, and being one of those who is easily distracted during research, I said to myself "I didn't realize Bill had written a book," pulled it down, and started leafing through it, figuring it would be a break from my frustrating research. I was absolutely thunderstruck to see a coin with a double headed eagle in there, with a paragraph describing the design's origins in antiquity! I was done with my search in a most unexpected way. Thanks, Bill! That helped me win the first of my three second-runner-up Howland Wood Awards. (I don't know if he ever heard this story, alas!) (BTW it was true that the _Byzantine_ Romans had used the symbol but most books on "Rome" or the "Roman Empire" focus on pre-Constantine Rome or the Western Empire. This assumption is so universal and casual that in a way it is almost misleading to say that the "Romans" used the symbol. Byzantium is pretty neglected in our historical education, getting dismissed with a "...and the Eastern Empire survived until the 1300s. Next, we will talk about 1000 years of feudal France and England")" SAN FRANCISCO MINT GOLD RUSH MUSEUM BILL NEEDS SUPPORT In an email message to supporters of the American Money & Gold Rush Museum, American Numismatic Association Executive Director Christopher Cipoletti writes: "Through your generosity and hard work, we have been able to reach our goal of more than 290 House supporters of the “San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Act” (HR1953), which has passed in Congress! The next step is obtaining Senate support for the bill. The Senate version of the bill (S.1881) was introduced on October 18, 2005 and currently is garnering supporters. In order to have the bill brought before the Senate for vote, we need the support of 67 Senators. Passage of S. 1881 will provide for the minting of a commemorative coin; proceeds from this coin will help support AMGRM, to be located in the Old Mint building in San Francisco in conjunction with the San Francisco Historical Society Museum. This exciting new museum will be a national showcase of American numismatic history that will educate individuals of all ages about the story and concept of money, from the beginnings of a barter economy, the impact of the California gold rush, to how coins were minted. Each exhibit will offer visitors a glimpse into the social and cultural history of the time period they represent using state-of-the-art displays and interactive exhibits. To accomplish this goal, we again need your help. Please contact your Senators and ask them to support Senate Bill 1881." "You could also ask your friends, relatives, coworkers, etc. to contact their Senators too. Please visit www.money.org to obtain more information about AMGRM, including form letters, links and helpful tools that can assist you in contacting your Senator." [The old San Francisco Mint building didn't survive the 1906 earthquake only to molder in disuse. Please, U.S. readers - show your support and contact your State's Senators. -Editor] TRADITIONAL BOOK SIZE INFORMATION Hadrian Rambach writes: "In reference to Martin Purdy's email about the New Zealand RNS copy of Patin's Familiae Romanae, I can confirm unfortunately indeed that this would not be a hugely valuable book on the market, as it is fairly common. Charles Patin (1633-1693) wrote many books, including this one, of very high importance. One copy is listed by Dekesel in his 17th century bibliography as dated 1662 (located in Gent), but the average copy dates of 1663 indeed. There are two issues for it, the common one displaying a large device on title-page with the legend ARMA VIRVMQVE CANIT, while the rare one shows a different device (smaller and less ornate). It is indeed a "folio" book, i.e. an in-2, i.e. the printed sheets of paper were folded once (and therefore display 4 pages of text: two rectos and two versos). The most common paper sizes in France were "écu" (400x520), ""raisin" (500x650), "Jésus" (560x760) "colombier" (630x900) and "univers" (1000x1300) but it would be an anachronism to try to apply these precisely to a 1663 book: as Martin knows, it is not actually possible to know for sure the size of the paper originally used. Standard sizes (A4 etc.) are modern creations which do not apply to antiquarian books. This copy was trimmed but its current size is 360x240 mm, therefore the original sheet was at least 360x480 mm wide, but it could have been even bigger: one must guess..." TWO HOWARD BERLIN BOOKS Ralf Boepple writes: "I just wanted to mention two new publications that I found in a catalog of new publications at a local book fair. The author, Mr. Berlin is a NLG member and lives in Wilmington, Delaware, according to a review on Amazon. I wonder whether he is a subscriber to the E-Sylum. The first item had its publishing date in the meantime postponed to December 2005 and appears not to be directly numismatic, but nevertheless of significance for researchers. Howard M. Berlin – 'World Monetary Units. An Historical Dictionary, Country by Country' (McFarland & Co., 2005, hardcover, 200 pp.) "...covers the monetary systems of 203 countries and four confederations, It provides historical and orthographical information for all monetary systems according to country. Countries are arranged alphabetically from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe." (from the catalog text) The second book has originally been published in 2001 in a hardcover edition, but it might be interesting to know that it is now also available in paperback. It is from the same author, Howard M. Berlin: 'The Coins and Banknotes of Palestine under British Mandate, 1927-1947', McFarland & Co., 2005, 170 pp., 88 photos (26 color), maps, ISBN 0-7864-2445-1, and it "...is an authoritative guide to the coins and banknotes of Palestine under the British Mandate. Coverage includes the mysterious 1927 Holyland Token, counterfeit issues, and vignettes of the religious sites featured on banknotes. Appendices present the text of the British Mandate for Palestine, catalogue numbering systems for Palestine coins and banknotes, and a checklist for collectors.' 1930 AUSTRALIAN PENNY SETS COPPER COIN RECORD According to a November 16 Bloomberg report, "A 1930 Proof Australian penny sold for A$620,000 ($454,000), making it the world's most valuable copper coin, according to Coinworks, an Australian rare coin company." "There are six 1930 Proof Pennies in existence, with three in institutional collections and three in private hands, Coinworks said." Dick Johnson writes: "This is in comparison with the rarest American copper coin, the 1793 Chain America Cent (Sheldon-2), which sold in an ANR auction January 2005 for $431,250. It ranked 70th in the "Top 250 Auction Prices" in the 2006 Red Book." The Australian story is brief. It’s at: Full Story 1888 IRISH FOOTBALL MEDAL SOLD According to a November 16 article from Radio Telefís Éireann (Ireland's Public Service Broadcaster), "A winner's medal from the first All-Ireland Football Final in 1888 has been sold at auction at Sotheby's in London for €31,000. The 9ct-gold medal was bought by the Limerick Leader newspaper which said it would put it on public display in Limerick." "It had been won by Malachi O'Brien from Ballinvrina, Emly, who played for the Limerick Commercials GAA Club. They beat Dundalk Young Irelands by 1-4 to 0-3 in April 1888. The medal was eventually passed down through the family to Mary Doran who lives in Northampton and who is the daughter of Malachi O'Brien's great-grandnephew. She said today she was delighted it would be going on public display in Limerick." To read the complete story, see: Full Story REIVER'S UNIQUE 1797 LARGE CENT (NC-7 B-30) A press release from Heritage reports that "An apparently unique Large Cent, discovered by numismatist Jules Reiver in 1968, will be included among the thousands of fascinating varieties being offered by Heritage Numismatic Auctions at their January 23-28 Signature Auction featuring The Jules Reiver Collection. The Auction is being held at Heritage’s world headquarters in Dallas, Texas. The Signature Auction will contain more than 4,000 varieties from Mr. Reiver’s collection, with thousands more offered in the accompanying Online Session. “Since Jules Reiver discovered this previously unknown variety in 1968,” noted Senior Cataloger Mark Borckardt, “not a single additional example has come to light – and hundreds of specialists have been searching through thousands of coins. In fact, there has never even been a rumor of another. While there have been many discovery pieces in numismatics over time, they are typically followed by additional examples as numismatists closely examine every possible coin. Even more atypically, Mr. Reiver left us an extremely detailed description of the discovery and his thought process.” “Jules Reiver’s collection is, in a word, astonishing,” explained Heritage President Greg Rohan. “This consummate numismatist sought varieties when ‘experts’ didn’t often bother, and then convinced a new generation of numismatists why they should care. His level of understanding was supreme, his eye for detail unparalleled, and his willingness to share information extraordinary. And so friendly was he to the community that the name ‘Jules’ was invoked by numismatists from coast to coast when arguments needed to be settled.” To read the full press release, see: Full Story SUIT TO REMOVE "IN GOD WE TRUST" FROM CURRENCY On November 18, the Cybercast News Service reported that "The atheist who is fighting to take the phrase "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance filed a lawsuit late Thursday seeking to prevent the U.S. government from printing the national motto -- "In God We Trust" -- on any future coins or paper money." "The defendants named in the 35-page document include the members of Congress, Treasury Secretary John Snow, U.S. Mint Director Henrietta Fore and Thomas Ferguson, director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing." To read the complete story, see: Full Story GEORGE F. KUNZ OF TIFFANY'S Roger Burdette writes: “To expand a bit on Dick Johnson's expedition into Tiffany's medal archives. Dr. George F. Kunz was a VP at Tiffany's during the early part of the twentieth century. Although his primary title was associated with gems and minerals, he also ran the very lucrative medal department that was supervised by Karl Hanwebber. Kunz was an avid numismatist and had connections to the Smithsonian and Museum of Natural History in NY. He was known to Theodore Roosevelt through TR's interest in mineral collecting. He was a buddy of ANS benefactor Huntington and headed the ANS committee on new coinage designs. Kunz was a direct advisor to President Roosevelt on the Saint-Gaudens designs. He and Hanwebber met with Roosevelt on several occasions in 1906 and 1907. He was put on the 1907 Assay Commission specifically to gain inside knowledge of the Philadelphia Mint and was likely, along with Victor Brenner who was also on the Assay Commission, one of the first people to see the MCMVII extremely high relief gold double eagles made in early February 1907. Many of the Saint-Gaudens and related specimens in the ANS collection were provided by Kunz, contrary to what the item tags might say. He actively solicited specimens of the new gold coins from Mint Directors Roberts, Leach and Secretary Cortelyou, and it is probably through Kunz' efforts that the progress strike electrotypes of the EHR coins still exist. Kunz remained active in numismatics through 1917 and played a minor role in approving the 1916 silver coin designs, even reviewing the work and making suggestions for changes to Hermon MacNeil and Adolph Weinman. Kunz' personal papers are scattered between the Smithsonian AMNH, Museum of American History (NY), ANS (in the Huntington papers) and Tiffany's archive, although much of his numismatic writing appears to have been lost. Readers of my book "Renaissance of American Coinage 1916-1921" and the next volume covering 1905-1908 (planned for release in Feb. 2006) will find George Kunz and Tiffany's medal department involved throughout the coinage redesign project. (George Kunz' continuing reputation is in gems and minerals. Over time, his writings have been sifted and diced and edited to where his work at Tiffany's and ANS have been almost completely obscured. He published nothing in numismatics under his own name, although he appears to have collaborated with many well-known numismatic authors.) GEORGE KUNZ AND THE EXTRA HIGH RELIEFS Regarding Dr. George F. Kunz of Tiffany's, Roger Burdette adds: “I have several letters of his indicating that he was involved in "brokering" coin sales between people who owned some of the Saint-Gaudens extremely high relief experimental medal-coins. The earliest letter is from 1908 and the latest from 1915. He was also curator of Numismatics for the American Museum Of Natural History in New York and arranged for the loan of the Mint's plaster models and gold coins for a 1908 Saint-Gaudens memorial exhibit.” [Saint-Gaudens’ son Homer was associated with the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. I recall a story told by Glenn Mooney, one of the local volunteer curators who worked alongside head curator W.W. Woodside. Glenn said that Homer had arranged to donate an extremely high relief double eagle to the Museum’s collection. For a time to coin was misplaced and no one could locate it. Eventually it turned up in the reference library – someone (probably Woodside himself) had accidentally closed a reference book with the coin inside. It was an embarrassing lapse, but everyone got a chuckle out of it at Woodside’s expense. I assume this coin was part of the holdings sold when the Museum dispersed the bulk of the collection in the late 70s/early 80s. With these coins selling now in the multi-millions, it would have made for an interesting find in the stacks of the library (the coin department’s reference library was transferred to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in the early 80s). -Editor] COIN DEALERS ON MEDALS Regarding Nick Graver’s query on coin dealers appearing on medals, Pete Smith writes: “I have a 375 page manuscript on “Personal Tokens and Medals of American Numismatists.” At last count I listed about 6500 items. Many of these are for coin dealers and include club medals, Civil War tokens, encased coins, elongated coins, plastic tokens, wooden nickels, silver bars and similar stuff. Many of these pieces identify the individual as a coin (or token) dealer. There are also things like wedding medals for the same people that do not identify them as dealers. There are also coin dealer tokens and medal for firms (like Heritage or Superior) that do not include a personal name. I have accumulated a few but have not produced a listing.” ON THE INDIAN COIN CONTROVERSY Scott Semans writes: “As I suspected from the bit you quoted, they are discussing Ramatankas, or temple tokens here, not actual coins issued by Sikh rulers. The "dates" carried on such pieces are fictitious or have numerological significance; they do not represent year of issue. We can always hope that those who find attic treasures will continue researching them past the point of learning that they are considered ordinary by collectors - and before they rush to the local newspaper to tout their finds!” ON NICKELS AND CONDUCTIVITY In our last issue, Nancy Green wrote: “…fuse boxes require copper coins to make the connection. Nickel does not conduct electricity.” Ray Williams and Joe Boling pointed out that this is not correct. Joe writes: “ I beg to differ - nickel DOES conduct electricity. The specific resistance of nickel is 4.48 times that of copper, but it is NOT a dielectric. And in the second place, a "nickel" is 75% copper anyway. Now, it may be true that nickels do not do well in fuse boxes - but that would be because the nickel oxide on the surface has a much higher resistance than the metallic nickel under it. “ John Nebel writes: "Nickel (14.6) is quite conductive, more so than iron (11.2). MIT's nickel info a great reference, the elements traditionally used in coinage are in group 11 and clustered around it and are generally conductive. As with most anything there are degrees, copper (60.7) is one of the best conductors, only silver (62.9) is more conductive. Mercury (1.0), far less conductive than nickel, has been heavily used for switching - in thermostats, for example, a bimetallic coil tilts a glass bulb and a blob of liquid mercury completes or breaks the connection. More recently, that mechanism has been replaced with electronics using silicon (.0004), normally not a conductor, but fortunately with certain impurities added it semi-is or there wouldn't be modern computers." Gar Travis adds: "Everything you wanted to know about nickel including conductivity..." More on Nickel [So please don’t take this as a green light to put nickels or any other coin in your fuse box in place of a fuse. We don’t want to burn down any numismatic libraries. Growing up, my family’s house had one of the old-style fuse boxes with the screw-in type fuses. Thank goodness my Dad never got the brilliant idea to use a coin for a temporary fuse. Newer homes usually have the breaker-style fuses that don’t lend themselves to this sort of shortcut. I assume building codes in most areas require the newer style fuse boxes, so perhaps this dangerous use of coins will go by the wayside over time. –Editor] HOW PANAMA CANAL WORKERS WERE PAID Regarding Dave Ginsberg's request for information on the circulation of gold coins, Henry Bergos writes: "I had a friend who was a railroad engineer in Panama DURING the digging of the canal. He told me that the "anglos" were paid in gold and the Panamanians were paid in silver at one-half the amount for the same work. I don't know when Dick Luce died but I estimate that he was born around 1883. I knew him around 1963." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Reid Goldsborough's site on "The Dangerous, Controversial, and Fascinating World of Counterfeit Coins", suggested by John and Nancy Wilson, Ocala, FL. They write: "Here is a site you might want to use on the weekly E-Sylum. It is has excellent information along with high quality copies of counterfeit U. S. and foreign coins." rg.ancients.info Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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