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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 27, July 2, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Dave Brickard and Jim Urbaniak. Welcome aboard! We now have 933 subscribers. Our West Coast readers who await their weekly E-Sylum issue each Sunday evening had to wait til morning last week. No technical difficulties this time, but due to circumstances I was unable to publish the issue until the wee hours of Monday morning. As a result, a number of submissions that arrived over the weekend didn't make the cut for last week's issue, including a number from our most prolific contributor. Dick Johnson writes: "Last week's issue marks a milestone. It is the first issue in a year and a half I did not have at least one article in The E-Sylum (not since January 2, 2005). I am currently in the 400s -- number of my articles you have published in E-Sylum -- and am looking forward to my 500th submission, perhaps later this year." Sorry! This week's extra-long issue puts us back on track, covering (as usual) a wide range of numismatic topics from across the spectrum. We lead off with some very happy news about a recent classic work on numismatic literature, followed by information on a number of new works on numismatics. Also recently in the news, Superior Galleries' Specialty Coin Reference Library is now open to the public. These items are followed by some recent news events in numismatics, including a new entry for the "Things that are no longer there" but pictured on recent coins or banknotes. In the minting technology category we have the announcement of an interesting new coin employing a photographic holography device. The Chinese food gods must know I'm a bibliophile. From a recent fortune cookie: "You have at your command the wisdom of the ages." With folks like Dick Johnson and all of you out there as subscribers and contributors, that statement is also true when applied to our little newsletter. You just never know what interesting topics are going to pop up, and this week is no exception. For example, we learn of a Time magazine review of "Corpus Nummorum Italicorum" and that a design honoring the Pork Chop John sandwich was proposed for a circulating U.S. coin. I kid you not ... and to learn just how many vowels there are in the state motto of Hawaii, read on... Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society DEKESEL WINS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION AWARD Thanks to Larry Mitchell to alerting us to the following announcement from the Antiquarian Booksellers Association. Larry writes: "The 2006 winner of the ILAB [International League of Antiquarian Booksellers] Prize for Bibliography [was] announced at the ABA [Antiquarian Booksellers Association] Centenary Ball on 10 June [2006] at the Royal Geographical Society in London." In a first for this prestigious international prize, TWO co-winners were announced: Christian Dekesel's 3-volume BIBLIOTHECA NUMMARIA II: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 17TH CENTURY NUMISMATIC BOOKS, published in 2003 by George Frederick Kolbe and Arthur & Janet Ing Freeman's 2-volume JOHN PAYNE COLLIER: SCHOLARSHIP AND FORGERY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, published in 2003 by Yale University Press as Vol. 9 in its Elizabethan Club Series The ILAB Prize for Bibliography "is the world’s richest prize for bibliography, worth $10,000, and is awarded every four years for the most original and significant book about other books published anywhere in the world. ...The ILAB Prize was established over half a century ago. Its aim is to draw attention to the best academic work being done in the field, to honour it in appropriate terms, and to endorse the trade’s support for the original scholarship on which it so much depends. Over the years it has been awarded for great works of original scholarship that have become recognised as indispensable reference books found in any research library and indeed on antiquarian booksellers’ own reference shelves." [The following is from the Official ILAB press release. -Editor] "’A Bibliography of 17th century Numismatic Books’ by Christian Dekesel, published by Spink (as you might expect) in London, though Dr Dekesel is of course a Belgian scholar. It is monumental and meticulous. The judges were impressed by its erudition - and also I suspect by its weight. This is just Vol I of 3 - and I won’t need to explain why the others are not here. But this heavyweight is an intellectual heavyweight. The author, assisted by Mme Dekesel, has not just examined every book but every copy of every book he has located in over 300 libraries and collections. Each entry has all the data and detail you could possibly want, with a facsimile of the title thrown in. And remember, numismatic writing occurs in history, travel, economics and portrait books, and much else too. This book follows the Dekesel volume on 16th century numismatics and will itself be followed by 18th century volumes, already well advanced. The whole will comprise the Dekesel Bibliotheca Nummaria, covering three centuries, a magnificent achievement." To read the complete press release, see: Full Story George Kolbe writes: "Christian Dekesel is extremely pleased, as well he should be. It is a signal honor. Co-publisher Douglas Saville of Spink and I are pleased as well that the outstanding merit of Dekesel's monumental work has been acknowledged in the wider world of books by the premier organization of international antiquarian booksellers." WHERE TO PURCHASE ADAMS' BOOK ON THE MEDALS OF JOHN LAW John Adams writes: "George Fuld was kind enough to mention my book favorably two issues ago. Those interested can purchase copies as below. "Medals Concerning John Law and the Mississippi System" by ANS Trustee John Adams is now available for purchase from the David Brown Book Company at: oxbowbooks.com NOYES 1793-1794 LARGE CENT BOOK BEING PRINTED Jon Lusk writes: "I've just OK'd the final draft of the new 1793-1794 Large Cent book and it should be printed, bound, and ready for shipment by the first part of August. It turned out quite nice in full color. The printer upped the normal image resolution and it helped when looking at the pictures under a three-power glass. 416 pages was a lot of material to go through, but (as all publishers hope for) all errors have been caught." Jon forwarded the ad for the book from the latest issue of EAC's Penny-Wise. "United States Large Cents 1793-1794" by William C. Noyes is in 8.5 x 11" hardbound format. The price after July 1, 2006 is $195 plus $10 mailing Pre-order by July 1 and save $35 ($25 on the price and $10 postage) Send your check for $170 to: Jon Lusk, 1111 W. Clark Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48198. Inquiries to Jon@Lusk.cc (734-484-4347) For special half-leather bound copies Charles DavisNumislit@aol.com COMMEMORATIVE 2007 "RED BOOK" FOR ANA MEMBERSHIP DAY According to a press release issued by the ANA June 30, "Commemorative copies of the 2007 edition of Whitman Publishing's A Guide Book of United States Coins (the "Red Book") are available for $50 from the American Numismatic Association Money Market. Each of the 500 copies has the ANA logo on the cover and a special individually numbered bookplate inside. "Red Book" editor Kenneth E. Bressett will autograph copies during Membership Appreciation Day at ANA headquarters in Colorado Springs on Sunday, August 20, following the World's Fair of Money® in Denver, August 16-19. Books can be purchased online at www.money.org (click on "Shop at MoneyMarket"), at the ANA booth in Denver or at the ANA Money Museum store in Colorado Springs. The lowered numbered copies are reserved for purchase by members who attend Membership Appreciation Day." WHITMAN TO PUBLISH NEW CHERRYPICKERS' GUIDE Chris Chapel of Whitman Publishing writes: "Whitman Publishing, LLC is proud to announce the impending release of the long-awaited latest edition of one of America's most popular and frequently used coin books: The Cherrypickers' Guide to Rare Die Varieties-Fourth Edition, Volume Two. This volume covers all United States series from silver half dimes through silver and modern dollars, all gold denominations, and classic commemoratives. This is the result of many years of cumulative research and finessing by the lead authors, Bill Fivaz and J.T. Stanton, in cooperation with many collectors, scholars, dealers, and others in the numismatic community. The book presents information unavailable in any other single source. By means of the Cherrypickers' Guide the reader will be able to view "ordinary" coins, including those in modern series, and identify varieties with characteristics that make them rare and valuable. There are hundreds of instances in which an everyday Franklin half dollar, Washington quarter, Mercury or Roosevelt dime, Morgan silver dollar, gold dollar, commemorative, or other coin can multiply many times in value if it is of an interesting variety. Examples include repunched dates, doubled lettering, and other oddities typically distinguished under a low-power magnifying glass. Fivaz and Stanton give tips as to the first places to quickly look on a coin for identification, plus a guide to rarity, and market values in several levels. Accompanying each coin is a narrative relating to the significance of the variety. "New to this edition is a revised numbering system to simplify the complex system in use earlier. The new system uses digits denoting the denomination, the date, the mintmark (if applicable), then a three or four digit number, the last in a logical series. The system is easy to use. A complete cross reference is given with the old system, enabling collectors and dealers to bring their listings up to date." BOOK: COINS IN INDIA - POWER AND COMMUNICATION "Coins in India : Power and Communication" is a new 116-page book edited by Himanshu Prabha Ray. From the publisher's press release: "This volume focuses on the socio-cultural connotations of coinage in terms of power, authority, and rule legitimization, placing numismatic studies in the context of cultural history. Coins function as money, because the users share cultural parameters regarding their value and acceptability. These cultural values form a continuum and are reflected in adhering to traditional designs in the old and new denominations, while at the same time introducing changes and modifications. It is this continuum that marks India’s coinage tradition of over 2,500 years, with inputs from Greek and Islamic coinage systems. An important facet of the aesthetic of Islamic kingship, for example, is evident from the silver coinage of the Bengal Sultanate, which combined intricate interdependence of religious expression, personal aggrandizement, and rule legitimacy. Coins provide insights into political power and authority, while archaeological excavations, hoards, and stupa deposits provide contexts that place coin-finds within a larger cultural milieu. The contributors to this volume discuss this tradition from several disciplinary perspectives such as history, archaeology, economics, and numismatic studies." For more information: E-mail - indiana@del1.vsnl.net.in Website - www.indianajournals.com BOOKLET: HISTORY OF THE PAPER CURRENCY OF THE SEYCHELLES Taken from a June 28 press release from the Central Bank of Seychelles: "Entitled The History of Paper Currency in the Seychelles, the 53-page booklet, in full colour, should prove useful to not only the bank note collector but also for educational purposes, as it includes a section which describes the flora & fauna appearing on the most recent paper currencies of the islands. The booklet's publication coincides with the 30th Anniversary of Seychelles Independence, to be celebrated Thursday June 29." "The booklet costs R160 a copy and is available at the Central Bank." To read the complete release, see: Full Story SUPERIOR OPENS NUMISMATIC LIBRARY TO PUBLIC According to an article in the June 27 Numismatic News (p34), "Superior Galleries' Specialty Coin Reference Library is now open to the public by appointment. The library, adjacent to Superior's Beverly Hills, Calif., showroom, features hundreds of numismatic reference works, including limited-edition and hard-to-find volumes amassed throughout Superior's 70-year history." [For more information, contact Gretchen Lueck at (310) 203-9855, x200. Are any of our readers familiar with Superior's library? Can anyone tell us about its history and contents? For that matter, the history of coin company libraries would make a great topic for an article in The Asylum, our print journal. Anyone care to tackle the topic? -Editor] WHITE HOUSE TREE PICTURED ON $20 BILL FALLS IN STORM Add one more thing to the list of landmarks pictured on recent numismatic items that isn't there anymore - like New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain (depicted on that state's quarter), a tree at the White House, pictured on the reverse of the U.S. twenty dollar bill, is now gone. The tree fell near the front door on the Pennsylvania Avenue side. No one was injured. The storms and related flooding also threatened the National Archives. According to news reports on Monday, June 26, "A tree that has stood in front of the White House came down during heavy storms last night. The large American Elm was not planted by a president or first lady but it shares a piece of history in any case. The NBC White House Bureau reports that the tree is featured prominently on back of the $20 bill. It can be found in the far right corner of the image on the back of a $20 bill. The tree is believed to date back 140 years to the Andrew Johnson White House.... There is no word as to whether the image on the back of the $20 bill will be changed." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [On Thursday the Washington Post had a more detailed (and numismatically accurate) story. -Editor] "The Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which produces the nation's currency, couldn't say for sure whether the late tree was the same one immortalized on the $20. The White House shown on the bill was an artistic composite based on photos of the building, said Claudia Dickens, a bureau spokeswoman. The note's designer, the now-retired V. Jack Ruther, isn't exactly sure himself. The photos he worked from to produce the bill's 1998 redesign were taken over many decades and he no longer has them, he said. As a general matter, the engraving isn't photo-realistic. The grand fountain in front of the White House, for example, was removed from his final model ("I thought it was cool but someone in charge didn't"), and such distracting features as the security huts on the roof were never included. That raises a philosophical question: If a tree falls at the White House and it's not the one on the $20 bill, would the news media still do stories about it?" "As for the remains of the fallen, no calls for souvenirs or raw material for dining room tables, please. The Park Service isn't selling. It plans to mulch the remains and spread them around the grounds." To read the complete article, see: Full Story The National Geographic magazine put together a nice side-by-side graphic showing the fallen tree and the corresponding image on the $20 note: Full Story According to other reports, "Flooding from a weekend of heavy rain shut down major federal buildings Monday, and created a nightmare for commuters with washed-out roads, mud blocking the Capital Beltway and delays on the area's rail lines." "The National Archives was closed and will remain closed Tuesday, although official said its holdings were not at risk. Conservation staff inspected the Rotunda and stack areas and found no damage to original records, according to a news release. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are safe and undamaged, spokeswoman Susan Cooper told Arenstein but the basement and theater in the building are flooded, and a power outage at the building has affected the process used to keep the temperature and humidity of the documents at the proper settings." To read the complete article, see: Full Story U.S. FIVE DOLLAR BILL TO GET UNPLANNED MAKEOVER "Honest Abe is going to be more colorful after all. The government said Wednesday it had reversed course and decided to redesign the $5 bill with a splash of color to keep counterfeiters at bay. Originally, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing had planned to exempt the $5 bill and Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, from the design makeovers introduced over the past three years for the $50, $20 and $10 bills. But officials said they changed their minds in part so they could respond to a new scam in which counterfeiters are bleaching the ink off $5 notes and then printing counterfeit $100 bills on the bleached paper. "We have to stay ahead of any threats we see evolving," the director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Larry Felix, said in an interview with The Associated Press." "Felix said Lincoln's portrait will remain on the $5 bill, as will the Lincoln Memorial on the other side, but the presentations of both images may be updated slightly. Under the timetable, the bureau will settle on a new design for the $5 bill by the fall of 2007 and hope to begin introducing the new notes in the first quarter of 2008." To read the complete Associated Press article, see: Full Story To read the Bureau of Engraving and Printing's June 29 press release, see: Full Story U.S. POISED TO BOOST MONEY PRODUCTION IN POSSIBLE PANDEMIC SCENARIO According to a Reuters report Thursday, "U.S. government officials are bracing for a possible greater need for paper currency and coins in the event of an influenza pandemic in the United States, a Treasury Department official said on Thursday. "In the immediate aftermath of any disaster, there may be some movement toward a greater use of currency," said Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Parsons. He was testifying before a House of Representatives financial services panel. The U.S. Mint, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the Federal Reserve are collaborating to ensure that banknote and coin inventories would be adequate if financial institutions need extra supplies, Parsons said." To read the complete article, see: Full Story U.S. SENATE APPROVES ABRAHAM LINCOLN DOLLAR COIN Dick Johnson writes: "In addition to four different Lincoln cent reverses for 2009 -- the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth and the centennial of the Lincoln cent -- Americans may have a Lincoln commemorative dollar coin if a Senate bill is turned into law. On Thursday this week (June 29, 2006) the U.S. Senate passed a law providing for the U.S. Mint to issue a commemorative dollar coin in the year 2009. This law was offered by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who is a co-chair of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. The bill was co-sponsored by 71 other Senators. A similar version needs to be passed by the House. Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Peoria, also co-chair of the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, has proposed such legislation that is pending in the House. Once it is signed by the president this law would authorize the Mint to create the new coin design. The design would be selected by the treasury secretary after consultation with the Commission of Fine Arts and the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. The sale of the commemorative coin will help fund the bicentennial celebration and the continued study of Lincoln's life. The commission hopes the coin sale will generate as much as $3 million, which is considered critical for its celebration plans. Issuance of this commemorative dollar coin with the typical surcharge should raise the necessary revenue for the celebration; but sales of a minimum of 100,000 coins would be required to meet the $3 million goal. If such is the case no surcharge should be necessary for the four 2009 special reverse Lincoln cents. They should be issued for circulation at face value. Here is the news story from the Lincoln Courier in Lincoln, Illinois, which has an obvious interest in the outcome of this legislation: Full Story " CONGRESS AUTHORIZES U.S. COIN HONORING LOUIS BRAILLE David Menchell writes: "Here's some more coin-related material from the popular press." "Congress has authorized the U.S. Mint to produce a silver dollar commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille, the creator of the Braille alphabet for the blind. The legislation, which passed the Senate on Thursday after receiving approval in the House in February, authorizes the Mint to issue up to 400,000 silver-dollar commemorative coins in 2009. Braille was born in France in 1809. The coins will feature Louis Braille's image and the first Braille symbol ever minted by the U.S. Treasury, raised dots that will spell out "Brl," the contraction for Braille." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [That part about "first Braille symbol" isn't true. Quick quiz: which other U.S. coin includes Braille lettering as part of the design? -Editor] CANADA PRODUCES INNOVATIVE DOUBLE-HOLOGRAM SNOWBIRD COIN According to a press release issued Thursday June 29, the Royal Canadian Mint has produced a very unusual commemorative coin incorporating holograms to honor the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, "one of the world's premier aerial demonstration teams and a cherished Canadian icon..." "Produced by the, the 99.99% pure silver five-dollar coin echoes the designs of the two Snowbirds stamps. The images are superimposed on the coin using an innovative photographic holography technique, thus creating a double-hologram of breathtaking beauty. Tilting the coin whichever way reveals either the pilot or the aircraft in formation." To read the complete press release, see: Full Story [If anyone has a chance to view of these new coins in person, please tell us your thoughts. I'm curious to see one myself. Have there been other coins with holographic images? -Editor] THE MEDAL COLLECTORS OF AMERICA Steve Pellegrini writes: "Thanks for getting me in touch with John Adams. As things turned out he'd like to consider including my Goetz auction review (much revised) in an upcoming issue of 'The MCA Advisory', the organizational newsletter for our medal collectors club. Have we ever enlightened the 'E-Sylum' readership by writing outright about MCA?" We have mentioned MCA, but I asked Barry Tayman for more information. Barry writes: "The Medal Collectors of America (MCA) was founded in August 1998 at the ANA in Portland, Oregon, to serve collectors of world, U.S., art, and historical medals. Collectors with an interest in medals are urged to look at our web site www.medals.org, which not only contains helpful guides and checklists, but some stunning photography as well. The MCA publishes a monthly newsletter, The MCA Advisory, that is sent to all members. The latest issue contained articles on the recent sale of Part XIV of the John J. Ford Collection, by John W. Adams, Christopher Eimer, John Kraljevich, and Allen V. Weinberg, as well as an article illustrated with color plates on The Astronaut Medals by Frederick G. Withington. Dues are $20 per year, of $35 for two years. An application form can be found on our web site. Payment should be sent to Barry Tayman whose address is on the web site. He can also be contacted by e-mail at btayman@comcast.net Our annual meeting is scheduled for August 17, 2006, at the Denver ANA @ 3:00 p.m. in Room 706. We look forward to seeing you at the ANA." FINDING HOMES FOR AUCTION CATALOGS NBS President Pete Smith writes: "I probably have 1,000 auction catalogs that have no value for my research. I have decided that I would rather have the space than the catalogs. How can I pass these on to someone who will appreciate them? The numismatic literature dealers don’t want them. I see catalogs on E-Bay offered at $.99 each with $3.95 for shipping. I don’t see anyone being successful selling catalogs at those prices. Just the cost of shipping 1000 catalogs somewhere would be quite an expense. I don’t want to throw catalogs in the dumpster but I haven’t figured out an alternative that makes economic sense. What do E-Sylum readers have for suggestions?" RESEARCHER SEEKS PHOTOS OF PORTLAND COIN BOARD SITES Dave Lange writes: "For my ongoing research into coin boards and their manufacturers, I'm attempting to obtain photographs of the sites associated with them. There are two addresses in Portland, Oregon for which I'd like to get digital photographs. Despite working 15-20 coin shows annually for NGC, my travel over the next year or so won't take me to Portland. If a reader of the E-Sylum lives in the Portland area and would be willing to shoot and email me some digital photos, please contact me at Dlange@NGCcoin.com." EDWARD III DOUBLE LEOPARD GOLD COIN SETS AUCTION RECORD According to a report in The Scotsman Friday, "A 14th-century gold coin found in a field in southern England by a man with a metal detector fetched £460,000 at auction yesterday - a world record price for any British coin. The Edward III "double leopard" - worth six shillings when struck in 1344 - was bought at Spink's in London for the Isle of Man coin fund Avarae Global Coins." "The price eclipsed the previous world auction record, established in 2004 for Britain's first gold penny, struck for King Coenwulf of Mercia (796-821). That fetched £230, 000." The coin, depicting the king and two leopards, was only issued for a few months and is so rare that only two others are known - found together by schoolchildren on the River Tyne in 1857." To read the completer article, see: Full Story Arthur Shippee forwarded a link to another article on the topic, this one from the BBC. It includes an image of the coin. More Story JUNE ANR SALE PURCHASES Late last Wednesday evening, the night my Encased Postage Stamp and counterstamp collections were auctioned by American Numismatic Rarities, Dave Bowers wrote: "Rumor has it that a few minutes ago an anonymous bidder from New Hampshire sparred on the telephone with a couple of other bidders and carried off the Homren specimen of the Sands’ Ale EP for an all-time record price of $16,000 plus the buyers’ fee." Dave was teasing, of course - he was the "anonymous" bidder, and I'm really tickled pink that it found such a good home. This will be a marquee piece in years to come. I bought it from Dr. Wally Lee, but I can't trace the pedigree back farther than that. He sent me TWO to choose from. I've always wondered where the one I passed on ended up. Anyone know? Post-sale publicity from ANR pictured the Sands piece and noted "Exonumia was well represented in this event and also showed strength in the prices realized. An extremely rare Hero of Freedom Medal in silver graded AU brought $11,500. The rare Sands’ Ale five cent encased postage stamp astounded the auction gallery as it was bid to $18,400!" Dave wasn't the only ANR staffer who couldn't resist bidding. John Kraljevich writes: "I bought one of your lots (the JA counterstamped Connecticut for $440) and am pleased as punch with it." HOWARD DANIEL RETURNS TO VIET NAM Regular E-Sylum contributor Howard A. Daniel III is back in Viet Nam for a visit. He writes: "I will be gone a month and will return in time to drive to the ANA in Denver, where I will man a club table for NBS and several other organizations. While in Viet Nam, I will spend most of my time in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I already have two lists of books to search for, three lists of MPC, and one list for the new polymer 10,000 Dong note that is supposed to be issued while I am there. So I hesitate to write and acquire more tasks, but I am a glutton for punishment. If anyone wants me to look for something in Viet Nam, please send me an email at HADaniel3@msn.com and I will do my best to fulfill their wishes." CATALOGUE OF COUNT FERRARI's BELGIAN HOLDINGS Richard Margolis writes: "Concerning the numismatic collections of the legendary Count Ferrari, I was fortunate in acquiring a nice copy about a year and a half ago (from Douglas Saville; who else?) of Ferrari's great modern Belgian holdings. In my experience this fixed price offering comes on the market much less frequently than the famous "Nobleman" auction sale of his extraordinary British and Colonial collection. Douglas' description of this volume reads, "[FERRARI DE LA RENOTIERE, Count] Monnaies du Royaume de Belgique 1831-1914. Provenant des Collections de Feu Mr. Ferrari de la Renotiere. Vente a Prix marques Chez Louis Ciani, Paris, no date (1920s). Quarto, pp. 30; 1000 items listed. 8 fine phototype plates. Finely bound in green polished morocco-backed cloth, raised bands.gilt. Scarce.". Louis Ciani was one of the leading Paris dealers in the 1920s and 1930s, from his 54 rue Taitbout address, running many auction sales, both on his own and in collaboration with the Jules Florange firm (the latter subsequently run by the late, lamented Mme. Nadia Kapamadji, who usually had such fine things in her stock to tempt visiting dealers and collectors). Incidentally, there is an attractive silver portrait medal of the moneybags who financed Ferrari's fabulous acquisitions, his mother, the Duchess of Galliera. I have two examples in stock, but if anyone would like details it will have to wait until I regain access to my stock later this summer." VICTOR EMMANUEL IN THE NEWS Another titled numismatist is in the news: Victor Emmanuel. Not the great numismatist King Victor Emmanuel III, but his 69-year-old son, who has been accused of bribing gaming commission officials and the recruitment of prostitutes for casino clients. According to a front-page Wall Street Journal article Tuesday, "Loyal followers of the Savoy dynasty have campaigned for more than half a century to restore the fallen monarchy in Italy. Italy's would-be king isn't helping any. Victor Emmanuel, the Savoy family's crown prince, just spent a week in prison in the southern Italian city of Potenza." "Italian newspapers are brimming with photos of Victor Emmanuel and his associates purportedly receiving and distributing envelopes full of cash. Political cartoonists have been caricaturing the prince in prison stripes." The family's reign began in 1861, when a military campaign backed by the Turin-based House of Savoy swept through the peninsula and eventually unified Italy under one ruler. It ended abruptly in 1946, when a popular referendum abolished the monarchy." When King Victor Emmanuel III went into exile, it was fellow numismatist Farouk of Egypt who offered him asylum. His son, Victor Emmanuel IV, focus of the article, was eight years old at the time. He has spent most of his life in exile, mostly in Portugal and Switzerland. TIME MAGAZINE ARCHIVE As publishers make more historical content searchable on the web, numismatic researchers have more source material available to them. For example, the Time magazine online archive includes a short July 30, 1923 article on the publication of Victor Emmanuel III's "Corpus Nummorum Italicorum": "In scientific circles Victor Emmanuel III is known, not as the King of Italy, but as a great numismatist. He has just published Volume Six of his Corpus Nummorum Italicorum, a monumental study of Italian coins from the remote ages to the present day. Of this great work, Volumes 1-5 and 7-8 had already been published. Volume Six completes the series. It consists of 682 pages, with 35 plates, and deals with the 18 minor mints of the Venetian Republic..." Full Story Other examples: "Fall of the Collector" (November 14, 1994) chronicles the life of fallen ancient coin dealer Bruce McNall: "Shirley and Earl McNall knew they had one hot little entrepreneur on their hands. Son Bruce was only five, and he could wipe everybody out at the Monopoly board, building hotels on all the expensive properties, leaving his mom stewing with an empty lot, say, on low-rent Baltic Avenue. Dazzled, the mother, a lab technician, and the father, a biochemistry professor at the University of Southern California, rationed Bruce's television watching and showered him with intellectual goodies. The pampering paid off. Bruce became a wealthy coin collector while still in his teens..." Full Story "Stuttering Pennies" (Aug. 21, 1972): Last winter the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia turned out between 20,000 and 100,000 pennies that were lucratively flawed. As Mint officials now reconstruct the error, workmen on two shifts had improperly cast a die, and the pennies came out with a shadowy double impression of the words In God We Trust and Liberty, a sort of minute stuttering effect. The mistake, the first such defect in U.S. coinage in 17 years, is the sort of accident that numismatists love. The Mint in fact knew nothing of the bad pennies until two of them were sent in by collectors asking if they were valid coins..." Full Story BURDETTE COIN VALUES ARTICLE ON THE 1895 MORGAN DOLLARS The July 3, 2006 issue of Coin Worlds' Coin Values magazine brings a number of interesting articles, including another research tour-de-force by Roger Burdette. "Philly 1895 Morgan Dollars: Where are they? Were they really struck?" delves into the story of the rare and enigmatic issue backed by Roger's usual in-depth review of the documentary evidence. I won't be a spoiler and divulge Roger's conclusions here, but would encourage anyone with an interest in the coin or the series to get a copy of the issue and read the article. DICK JOHNSON REVIEWS THE CSNS CENTINEL Dick Johnson writes: "The Centinel arrived last week. That's the Central States Numismatic Society's publication. It is filled with news, articles, lots of photos and very clean typography. It seems thicker than usual -- my goodness, it's 64 pages! (Great job editor Rollie Finner! Take a bow!) There's a new CSNS president, William Brandimore, a handful of new board members, but hard-working Jerry Lebo is still secretary- treasurer. I was most impressed with his report of nearly three pages listing new member applications! That's an indication of a hot organization -- hundreds of people wanting in (even with coin club memberships falling off in other parts of the country). I liked the article dead center in the magazine, it flips open to "Tips for Safe Coin Show Travel." It's by Alan V. Weinberg, a frequent contributor here in E-Sylum. I read the article to the very end and found it was reprinted from E-Sylum! There's an article of reminiscences by Cliff Mishler. He's got time to write these now that he's unemployed. Come to think of it, he wrote these when he was a major domo (and employed) at Krause Publications. Keep it up, Cliff! Central States has an excellent numismatic book program, called "Library Support Program," where it will match funds up to $250 with local coin clubs to put our hobby books in local libraries. We praised this program before in E-Sylum. I can't praise this grant program enough and hope local clubs take advantage of this. [Click here to read Dick's original post. esylum_v08n03a09.html -Editor] The CSNS logo was mentioned at the board meeting (no action taken). This is a pet gripe of mine since 1957 when I was a CSNS board member (and college student). I proposed that map logo with incorrect state abbreviation (guess which one) be replaced with a more artistic design. I suggested a paddle wheel riverboat indicative of history of the area (no action taken). Maybe someday! I haven't been to a CSNS convention in 20 years (curtailed travel), but I cherish my life membership. And I look forward to every issue of The Centinel." THE ROYAL DUTCH MINT's CIRCULATING REMBRANDT COINS Kerry Rodgers writes: "Bibliomaniacs who are also Art Appreciators may be interested in the Rembrandt coins circulating in Leiden at an exchange rate of 1 Rembrandt = 1 Euro. A large number of shops, cafes, bars, restaurants in Leiden happily accept them. The bimetallic coins clearly have official sanction as they have been struck at the Royal Dutch Mint. Sets of both the circulating coins and versions in silver can be obtained at this web address. Scroll down through the Dutch and you will find English. Full Story How many other countries have allowed [or would be big enough to allow] one community to produce and circulate such coinage for such an anniversary?" ARIZONA DAILY STAR PROFILES AUTHOR RICK SNOW Dick Johnson writes: "One of the nicest business news articles I have read in a long time was in the Arizona Daily Star Friday last week. It featured Richard Snow, Tucson coin dealer and author of "A Guide Book of Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents." The book was published by Whitman in their Red Book series earlier this year. "Snow grew up in New Jersey and moved to Tucson in 1987, becoming senior numismatist for Allstate Coin Co. He left for Seattle in 1993. The father of two moved his family and Eagle Eye Rare Coins back to Tucson in 2000, " reports Levi J. Long writer of the news article. The article continues with details of his coin dealing, his numismatic scholarship and quotations from two of his contemporaries in Tucson -- Chris Ramsey, a competitor coin dealer, and Mark Stubbs, president of the Tucson Coin Club. It even reveals the fact his next book project is the Wisconsin State quarter in all its varieties." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MIAMI HERALD PROFILES CURRENCY COLLECTOR EDWARD DAUER "Joanne Dauer knew her future husband, Edward, was a collector when he picked her up for their first date. The year was 1974, and he arrived in a 1941 Cadillac. Edward Dauer's collections have gone from stamps to cars to currency. Eventually, the Dauers amassed the only collection of every type of U.S. currency note from 1861 to 1923. They even wrote a book about it -- American History as Seen Through Currency, published in 2003. Now, saying they are ready for a new challenge, the Coral Springs couple is selling part of the collection. And the first sale was a doozy -- two notes went for more than $2.1 million each." "One is a $1,000 Treasury note from 1891... The second is a $100 gold certificate from 1863, which was used to pay for the cost of the Civil War, he said... Many other currency collectors didn't even know one existed until the Dauers' book -- which has sold about 4,500 copies -- was published." In his other life, Edward Dauer is director of radiology at Florida Medical Center and a professor at his alma mater, the University of Miami. Joanne Dauer also works in healthcare with Florida Medical Services." "The sale doesn't mark the end of the Dauer's collecting. They plan to hold on to part of their currency collection." "It's going to take years to sell," Edward Dauer said." To read the complete article, see: Full Story LOS ANGELES TIMES ON EARLY CITY DIRECTORY, DANA LINETT The Los Angeles Times published an article June 26 about an autograph and manuscript auction at the Bonhams & Butterfields auction house in West Hollywood. The article mentions a rare city directory (a recent E-Sylum topic) and includes an interview with coin and currency dealer Dana Linett of San Diego. "There are some pieces in here that I would be willing to pay 10 times the asking amount for," said George Hollingsworth, a New York manuscripts dealer, who flew to Los Angeles to preview the items Sunday. Hollingsworth spent hours examining a photo album of a sailor dating to the 1860s. He pulled pictures from the album and flipped them over in search of handwritten notes." "He said that book and manuscript collectors are no longer satisfied with once sought-after autographs of historical figures. They're looking for full letters and books that "tell a story." "One of the most valuable pieces in the sale is an 1850 San Francisco City Directory that Catherine Williamson, an auction director, dubbed "the Holy Grail" of western Americana collectibles. Valued at $80,000 to $120,000, it is believed to be the city's first directory, listing the names of 3,208 early residents. "It's not a very pretty piece," Williamson said, "but it's one true rarity of San Francisco history." Dana Linett, a Colonial-era collector with a penchant for historical currency, found the directory interesting. But that's not the reason he drove from San Diego for the preview. He had his eye on 1850s Gold Rush currency, including four early California checks for $50, payable in coin or gold dust. They are now worth an estimated $500 total. Linett's fascination with old currency began when he was 8 years old. As his friends collected sports cards and comic books, Linett collected buffalo nickels and Indian head pennies." To read the complete article, see Full Story VICTORIA CROSS CEREMONY REPORT The Times published a report on the recent ceremony for the 150th anniversary of The Victoria Cross and George Cross medals: "The service and the reception at St James’s Square were attended by 8 of the surviving holders of the VC and 22 of the 24 surviving holders of the GC. They were joined by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall and families of medal holders who had died or been killed in action. Most holders wore suits and some came in wheelchairs, including Captain Peter Norton, GC, who lost a leg and an arm in an explosion near Baghdad last year. “Circumstances may change, technology may change, but the capacity for some very rare human beings to act in an utterly exceptional and selfless way remains unchanged by the passage of time,” he said in an address to the 1,600 guests." To read the complete article, see: Full Story NEW ZEALAND VICTORIA CROSS TO BE AUCTIONED "A Victoria Cross awarded to a New Zealand soldier for bravery in Gallipoli will be auctioned by Bonhams & Goodman in Sydney next month. The Victoria Cross was awarded to Captain Alfred John Shout who died fighting for the ANZACS IN Gallipoli. The world auction record for the sale of a Victoria Cross is 235,250 for a medal awarded to Sergeant Norman C Jackson, a British Royal Air Force pilot for his role in the Battle of Britain during World War II in 1944." "The collection of Shout's medals includes a Victoria Cross; Military Cross (GVR); Star 1914-15; British War Medal 1914-18; Victory Medal 1914-19; Queen's South Africa Medal and King's South Africa Medal. There has been much private and public interest in Victoria Crosses in recent times, particularly the VCs' awarded at Gallipoli. The rare medals are made from bronze obtained from cannons captured at Sebastopol during the Crimean war." Taking its name from Queen Victoria, the medal is the highest award for acts of bravery in wartime, irrespective of rank. This year is the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Victoria Cross." To read the complete article, see: Full Story INSTITUTE OF HERALDRY UNTAPPED SOURCE FOR NUMISMATIC RESEARCH Dick Johnson writes: "Thanks to eagle-eyed Arthur Shippee for the eagle-in-the-seal article from the New York Times mentioned in the July 2nd E-Sylum. The ruling on which way the eagle should face came down from the Institute of Heraldry, the government’s authoritative voice in all things heraldic. It reminded me of the last time I visited the offices of the Institute of Heraldry. I was with numismatic film guru Michael Craven (before his untimely death April 30, 2000). We were scouting possible film locations, before we headed to off to film the U.S. Mint’s ceremony announcing the 1999 Washington Five Dollar Gold Commemorative. That ceremony was held at Mount Vernon and the Institute of Heraldrynow at Fort Belvoirwas on the road to Mount Vernon. Decades before, I had had contact with the personnel of the Institute of Heraldry, both military and civilian. They had visited Medallic Art Company in New York City often when we were producing, or about to produce, some medallic item for them. (The firm had been on the list of military medal suppliers since World War I when it had prepared the dies for that war’s Victory Medal by James E. Fraser.) [Medallic Art management thought they had the inside track to strike those medals in 1919 since it made the dies. It bid 43 cents to manufacture the millions needed for all those WWI servicemen, but lost out to a firm in New Jersey, Aronson, that had bid 19 cents each. They produced them alright, but they were such low quality that the firm never got a second order. In contrast Medallic Art became a consistent supplier and produced millions of medals and decorations long before, during and after through World War II.] The Institute of Heraldry is headed by an Army officer (it was once an Army unit) and dates its origin to 1919. In 1924 it was assigned to the Quartermaster General, but was placed under the command of the Secretary of the Army in 1957. At that time it was located at Cameron Station in Alexandria, Virginia then moved to Fort Belvoir in 1960. When we visited there it had 33 civilian employees engaged in research and design with one staff sculptor. At the time it was Donald Alex Borja. Society of Medalists collectors will recognize him as the creator of SOM #99. These people create the designs for all military decorations, medals, insignia, badges, seals, flags and "other items awarded to or authorized for official wear or display by government personnel." I learned that any military unit with more than 15 members can apply to have their own insignia designed - that includes cloth patches, hat badges, standards and such. But what I want to mention is its library. I would estimate it had 30,000 or more books on every aspect of heraldry, military history, orders and decorations, seals and such. This is the untapped resource I could recommend for any accredited numismatic researcher working on orders and decorations, military medals and history. Does that fact stir the blood in any E-Sylum reader?" [WOW! Now THAT’S a library! -Editor] BRITISH LIBRARY's ENGLISH SHORT TITLE CALALOGUE GOING ONLINE Larry Mitchell writes about what could be another good source of information for numismatic researchers: "The English Short Title Catalogue will become freely accessible on the British Library's website from autumn 2006."--Juliet McLaren, Assistant Director, ESTC-North America "The 'English Short Title Catalogue' (ESTC) is an international project established at the British Library in 1977. Its aim is to create a machine-readable bibliography of books, serials, pamphlets and other ephemeral material printed in English-speaking countries from 1473 to 1800, based on the collections of over 1,600 institutions world-wide." See this page for additional details.... Full Story " ISLE OF MAN COIN COLLECTION TO BE SOLD Dick Johnson forwarded this article last week - sorry for the delay. If anyone is familiar with the results of the sale, or could comment on the sale catalogue, please let us know. "One of the most famous collections of Manx coins is set to go under the hammer and it could fetch almost £50,000. The collection of coins, tokens and vouchers was gathered by former hotelier Hilary Guard over 15 years. It was sold in the mid-1980s and has been in a private collection in the Island ever since. However, London auction house Spinks has confirmed the 189-piece collectionstill known as the Hilary F. Guard collectionwill go under the hammer next Thursday. 'I think he was one of only two people interested in collecting Manx coins in the 1960s and he became rather obsessed with it.' Charles said his father's favourite was a Murray penny, which was a 'particular prize because it was extremely rare'. Hilary finished collecting in 1978, when he and wife Nan retired from a career in tourism that had seen them take the helm of the Grasmere and Hydro hotels in Douglas." To read the complete article, see: Full Story BULGARIA ISSUES NEW BANKNOTE On Friday June 30 the Sofia News Agency announced that "Bulgaria will put into circulation a new banknote with nominal of BGN 50 as of July 3 to add to one of the most widely used banknotes in the country. The news emerged during a press conference of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB). The new banknote has additional protection elements including a hidden image of the figure 50. The image of the famous Bulgarian poet Pencho Slaveykov is printed on the banknote." To read the complete press release (and view an image of the note) see: Full Story JOHN BOLEN MEDAL WASHINGTON QUOTE Steve Pellegrini writes: "I don’t know how anyone else is feeling about the upcoming state and national elections but I for one have a knot in my stomach just thinking of the rancor, divisiveness and mudslinging we will be subjected to for the next two years. Two years!! I mention this because the other morning over coffee I was re-visiting my copy of Neil Musante’s beautiful book, ‘The Medallic Work of John Adams Bolen’. John Bolen was one of 19th century America’s premiere diesinkers. >From his Brockton, MA workshop he created a large opus of medals, tokens and store cards. In 1864 as the Civil War entered the beginning of its end Bolen created a medal that I found to be as relevant today as it was in the dark, fratricidal time in which it was created. This medal, catalogued as JAB-11, is a large silver portrait medal of George Washington. On the medal's reverse Bolen choose to engrave a powerful quote of Washington's written during the trying, politically factional times of the early republic. The quote is taken from a letter that our first Commander in Chief had written to his young former aide de camp, Alexander Hamilton. It is an observation that could have been written yesterday, were we ever so lucky today to have men of Washington’s character and intelligence running for public office. In 11 lines the inscription reads: ‘I HOPE THAT LIBERAL ALLOWANCES WILL BE MADE FOR THE POLITICAL OPINIONS OF EACH OTHER. WITHOUT THESE I DO NOT SEE HOW THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT ARE TO BE MANAGED, OR HOW THE UNION OF STATES CAN BE MUCH LONG PRESERVED.’ -- In his Appendix II Musante records the whole of this most perceptive Washington letter from which Bolan excerpted the inscription on the reverse of JAB-11. It is well worth the effort to find and read this letter in its entirety." EXTRA! EXTRA! NEWSBOY COLLECTS COINS! Dick Johnson writes: "If you started collecting coins from the proceeds earned from delivering newspapers (like I and so many other collectors I know) you might enjoy reminiscing by reading this article about a Long Beach California newsboy." "He’s not your typical little boy. While many others his age are still in slumber land, he’s wide-eyed and working hard to bring you the latest news. His name is L.J. Darley. You may have seen him out and about with beads of sweat dripping from his 12-year-old face, riding his Schwinn Alloy-SS cruiser he got for Christmas. He gets up early to help spread the hottest details around his neighborhood." "Meanwhile, Darley likes the idea of raking in extra dough. He just spent $19.95 on an 1858 American Flying Eagle penny, his all-time favorite addition to his coin collection. He said he puts the remainder of his earnings into a savings account." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [Yours truly was another collector whose hobby interest got a boost from a newspaper route. I carried The Pittsburgh Press, an afternoon paper now extinct and rolled onto the morning Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Nowadays the PG employs only adult carriers who canvass their neighborhood by car. In Pittsburgh at least (and many other major cities), the local newsboy has gone the way of the do-do bird. I started when I was 11 years old in 1969. Theoretically you had to be at least 12, but they needed someone and looked the other way. My dad got a shock when the route manager first stopped by our house. He was the same route manager my dad delivered for in the 1930s, when the income was needed to help his widowed Mom pay the bills. Dad lived his whole life in that house. The Press guy retired shortly afterwards. I found silver coins on occasion, and put all of these aside along with the interesting foreign coins I received. One I remember was an 1899 copper Russian kopeck. Having the opportunity to review that many different coins each week was a great experience, one that has launched many a coin collector. How many E-Sylum readers got started this way? Send us your reminiscences! -Editor] RARE ROMAN COIN RETURNED TO GREECE According to a BBC News report June 26, "A rare Roman coin has returned to Greece from Britain after a landmark settlement, which Athens hopes will bring back more classical treasures." "A year ago, the London coin dealer Classical Numismatic Group paid £12,500 ($23,000) for the silver denarius, minted by Brutus in 42 BC after he participated in the murder of the emperor Julius Caesar. Eric McFadden, director of the dealership, said they made the purchase from two Greeks, in good faith. But the Greek embassy in London proved that the coin had been illegally excavated, probably from the Roman city of Philippi, in the province of Macedonia. Mr McFadden's dealership handed the coin to the Greek embassy earlier this month, after Athens successfully invoked a European Union directive which demands that stolen cultural objects be returned to the country of origin." "Mr McFadden argues that confiscating antiquities without a reward is a prime reason that so many ancient treasures are either melted down or sold to private dealers. He says there is no incentive to report important historical discoveries and has urged the Greek government to start paying finders the market value, as usually happens in Britain with treasure trove." To read the complete article, see: Full Story Arthur Shippee forwarded a link to a related Associated Press story in The New York Times: "The tiny coin, a denarius issued in 42 B.C. by Brutus, the chief assassin of Julius Caesar, is one of only 58 in the world... The coin was issued by a mobile military mint used by Brutus to pay his soldiers during the wars that followed Caesar's assassination in 44 B.C. by a group of his friends and proteges -- immortalized in Shakespeare's play, ''Julius Caesar.'' Decorated with the head of Brutus on one side and a pair of daggers flanking a cap on the other, the denarius carries the inscription Eid Mar -- short for the Ides of March, or March 15, the date of Caesar's murder." To read the complete article, see: Full Story ROMAN COIN HOARD FOUND IN CHICHESTER Arthur Shippee forwarded this link from the Explorator newsletter to a brief article about a recent Roman coin hoard find: "A massive hoard of Roman coins has been unearthed by archaeologists probing the former Shippams factory site in Chichester city centre. Many have congealed together down the centuries, and an accurate assessment cannot be given until restoration work is completed but they run into many hundreds, and estimates are up to 2,500. They are being X-rayed and examined this week to see how they are stuck together and how they can be successfully taken apart." To read the complete article, see: Full Story PITY THE POOR CENT The Oroville Mercury Register of Northern California published an Associated Press story noting the opinions of Californians on the possible phaseout of the cent. Robert Hoge of the American Numismatic Society was also quoted. "The idea of phasing out the penny is a good call," said Bill Souza, proprietor of Souza's Liquors in Oakland. "Pennies are not taken seriously anymore. They're a pain to deal with. I say that both as a private citizen and as a retailer. "I was recently in New York City and all the vendors in Times Square have all their merchandise rounded out to the nearest dollar, nickel or quarter," he said. "It's time to get rid of the penny because it's not valued." Then there's Adam Lavine, chief executive of FunMobility in Livermore, who said he didn't "like the idea of the economy done in units of five. There is something unlucky about that." "Yesterday I was taking my 5-year-old daughter to the fountain in San Ramon where she threw in 10 pennies. We have an emotional and cultural attachment to pennies," Lavine noted." To read the complete article, see: Full Story An E-Sylum reader forwarded a similar story on the same theme, also from Associated Press. This one interviews Dave Harper, editor of Numismatic News and New York dealer Tony Terranova, and opens with a quote from a person in Massachusetts. "Today it's a joke. It's outlived its usefulness," says Tony Terranova, a New York City coin dealer who paid $437,000 for a 1792 penny prototype in what is believed to be the denomination's highest auction price. "Most people find them annoying when they get them in change," he adds. "I've seen people get pennies in change and actually throw them on the floor." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MANLEY BRANCHES OUT INTO HORSERACING According to a report published Wednesday by the Daily Racing Form, "The Jockeys' Guild board of directors voted on Monday to hire Dwight Manley, a Los Angeles rare-coins dealer and sports agent, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the leader of the politically active Rainbow Push Coalition, to become the guild's national managers, guild officials and Manley said on Wednesday." "Manley, 40, is a self-made millionaire and coin collector. His initial business was built on the rare-coin trade, but he branched into sports agency in the 1990's by representing the professional basketball stars Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone. He has recently struck several recent real estate deals in the Los Angeles area. Manley said Jackson, 64, would serve as a co-manager of the guild but that he would provide most of the guidance for the organization. Manley and Jackson met in 1995, Manley said, and have worked on several aid projects together, including one for hurricane victims." "Manley said that a friend of his who is a horse owner in California convinced him to seek the guild job. The horse owner flew Manley to Belmont Park for the Belmont Stakes on June 10, Manley said, and Manley spent part of the day visiting with riders in the jockeys' room. At those meetings, Manley told several jockeys that he was planning on bringing Jackson to the guild meeting this week." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MORE ON CIVIL WAR ERA COLLECTORS In response to last week's question about George Massamore, Gar Travis pointed out a reference was published back in November 2004: "David Fanning, Editor-in-Chief of our print journal, The Asylum, has a nice article in the November 2004 issue of the American Numismatic Association's Numismatist magazine on "Collectors Who Served in the Civil War". The article discusses the military service of several early U.S. coin dealers and collectors, including John Haseltine, Edouard Frossard, Lyman Low, Ebenezer Locke Mason, Joseph N.T. Levick, George Massamore, Richard Davids, Mark Collet & William Bramhall. Philadelphia physician Mark Collet was killed in 1863 at the Battle of Chancellorsville; Davids died the same year on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg." esylum_v07n46a21.html ON LUTHER TUTHILL AND PHONETIC SPELLING Arthur Shippee writes: "Of Tuthill's spellings, since the variations from standard spellings are pretty consistent (generally elimination of silent letters, including doubles and final "e"), I suggest as a hypothesis for testing that these are intentional, reflecting some theory of spelling reform. From the time of Noah Webster there have been schemes for spelling reforms. Mostly they're of no practical help and remain curiosities. Given the regularity of the changes and level of English style, my sense is that Mr. Tuthill generally chose these versions on purpose, in which case the cause, however much one may deplore it, is not ignorance." David Gladfelter writes: "Tuthill advertised paper money in the Numismatist in the 1890s and 1900s, and wrote an article about confederate money in that publication. The witch on broomstick (hobby horse) and the phrase "We all have our hobbies" was copied from George H. Lovett's 1860 medal, Miller NY 491A, "dedicated to coin and medal collectors." I've run across that surname among Southerners and wondered whether it was pronounced as in "King Tut Hill" or as in "If you bite an olive pit, your tooth'll hurt. He was apparently a devotee of that 19th century fad, phonetic spelling. Remy Bourne lists a numismatic periodical from the 1870s called "De Kuriositi Kabinet" published in that language. It later converted to English and changed the name to "The Curiosity Cabinet." SCULPTURE: BIG, BIG PENNY An E-Sylum subscriber writes: "Here's an article that mentions sculpture involving giant coins." "Big Big Penny" is an outsized coin resting on its side, accompanied by mini figures: rich people, drinking champagne, balance atop the penny; poor people, propelling and being crushed by the coin, appear at its base. "Big Big Penny" rises outside Grand Rapids' Welsh Auditorium, a '30s structure evoking the Depression's darkest days." To read the complete article, see: Full Story HAWAII STATE QUARTER COMMISSION NARROWS CHOICES Speaking of Hawaii, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported on Friday that "Unless there's an upset, Hawaii's quarter should feature King Kamehameha I, the word "Aloha" and the outline of the Hawaiian Islands. A commission narrowing down suggestions for the nation's last state quarter yesterday placed the three icons in most of five final sketches." "Rounding off the top eight symbols still in contention are the state motto (Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness), surfing, Diamond Head Crater, a female hula dancer and a lei. All could still earn a spot on the commemorative coin, which is set to be released in the fall of 2008. About 40 commissioners, chosen to represent all islands and different ethnic groups, spent two hours at the state Capitol yesterday before unveiling their concepts." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MONTANA QUARTER TO FEATURE BISON SKULL Just when you thought there were enough U.S. coin designs featuring bison, along comes another, of sorts. "The Montana quarter will feature a bison skull, first popularized by artist Charlie Russell, flanked by the image of mountains smoothing into the high plains and the words “Big Sky Country.” "The governor's office received hundreds of ideas from throughout the state, Elliott said. Most dealt with the state's natural beauty in some way, although a few were funny and some a bit profane. One featured a knobby-tired, three-wheeled all-terrain vehicle charging up a mountain. Another featured a Pork Chop John sandwich - a breaded, fried pork sirloin on a bun invented in Butte by John Burklund in 1924." "The other designs included: a scene of a river winding out of the mountains, a massive bull elk standing on the prairie beneath the mountains, and the outline of the state of Montana with the sun rising over the prairie." To read the complete article, see: Full Story DRINKING WITH HISTORY: THE SILVER DOLLAR BAR OF JACKSON HOLE The latest issue of BusinessWeek magazine has an article titled "Drinking With History", a tour of historic hotel bars around the U.S. Numismatists might appreciate the Silver Dollar bar in the Wort Hotel in Jackson Hole, WY: "The Historic Hotels of America recognize 21 bars around the country. Among them are the Menger Hotel bar in San Antonio, which in 1887 was modeled after the bar in the House of Lords pub in London and where Theodore Roosevelt is said to have recruited many of his Rough Riders for service in the Spanish-American War. Others with equally colorful histories include the J-Bar in the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colo.; Oliver's Lounge in the Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle" "The centerpiece of the infamous Silver Dollar is the mahogany bar which is inlaid with 2,032 un-circulated 1921 silver dollars. The rest of the bar is a throwback to the rough and tumble days of the Old West, with original western oil paintings hanging on the walls. For more information, visit worthotel.com " To read the BusinessWeek article, see: Full Story [Have any of our readers been to this bar? Let us know if you remember ... -Editor] LATEST NIGERIAN SCAM: BLACKENED BANK NOTES The Thanh Nien News reports that "Vietnamese police have foiled three Nigerians in their scams duping thousands of dollars out of Vietnamese women who lent them money to ostensibly buy chemicals to restore ‘blackened US banknotes’. A source said they had been deported from Vietnam." "In April, one Nigerian befriended a café owner in southern Vung Tau resort city and promised to give her a share in a restaurant he was about to open if she lent him US$20,000 to buy chemicals to restore blackened banknotes worth an astronomical US$1 billion. He claimed he had purposefully blackened the notes to dodge customs screenings and taxation. He then did an experiment. After rubbing and cleansing in a ‘special solution’, he managed to turn two blackened papers the size of US$100 banknotes into real cash." "The gullible woman later lent him $7,000 before being handed a stack of supposed banknotes wrapped in thick paper. He said the money had been treated with chemicals but had to wait for eight hours in cold temperatures before taking effect. She then put the stack in her fridge and, after eight hours, opened it only to discover they were just plain paper." "A policeman told Thanh Nien the tricksters secretly slid real banknotes underneath the black papers during ‘chemical treatment’ and secretly slipped the black papers out. The ‘chemical solution’ is just plain water, he added." To read the complete story, see: Full Story JOHN KRALJEVICH, CROATIAN-AMERICAN NUMISMATIST John Kraljevich writes: "As a proud Croatian-American, I was pleased to see the piece on the new book on the coins of the modern republic of Croatia. However, I was dismayed to see the way my American computer rendered the name of the author: ViÅ¡Äević, This reminds me of a fake news story once found in The Onion, a nationally distributed humor newspaper, noting in the mid-1990s that the UN had authorized "life-giving airlifts of vowels" into several Croatian towns, such as Vrsar, Rovinj, Krzanici, and Brna. As for my family, we actually added a consonant when my grandfather came through Ellis Island -- the h on the end of my last name helps Americans render the c with an accent as a correct "ch" sound. The j in the middle of my name is pronounced with a Y sound, so think of the inferiority complex residents of the town of Krapje must have when they learn English. It's probably a more difficult process than most of us had trying to learn French or Latin in high school. Just to make this vaguely numismatic, Frank Draskovic and I once discussed forming an organization for Croatian-American collectors. We decided to have a drink and call it a quorum instead." [The vowel airlift was classic Onion humor, and had me ROTFLOL the first time I read it. I wish I could locate an online copy, but I came up blank at www.theonion.com. In the story the greatest vowel donors were the citizens of the great state of Hawaii, who have more vowels in their state motto than a warehouse full of Scrabble tiles. Were the story true, it would have been the biggest vowel movement in history. -Editor] FEATURED WEB PAGE: HARRY BASS PATTERN COINS John and Nancy Wilson of Ocala, FL write: "Here is another favorite site that should be of value to readers of The E-sylum. It deals with Pattern Coins and probably everything you wanted to know about them. The information on the engravers is also excellent. It is on the Harry Bass Foundation site listed below. harrybassfoundation.org Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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