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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 28, July 9, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Diana Plattner of Whitman Publishing, George Huber and Frank G. Cornish. Welcome aboard! We now have 937 subscribers. There are a couple "new" books to report this week (new to me, but maybe not to some of you). One is a fiction work about an ancient coin in the news recently, and the other is by a pair of economists on the historical problem of keeping specie coinage in circulation. In the news we have another nominee for director of the U.S. Mint and a call for speakers on the literature of medals for next year's FIDEM congress. And speaking of speakers, the ANA has released a great schedule of educational talks for this summer's World's Fair of Money. Another numismatic get-together of interest is October's Comstock/Carson Mint Seminar sponsored by the CCCCOA. In response to a question I review the differences between The E-Sylum and our print journal, The Asylum, and ask for thoughts on a possible addition to The E-Sylum format. On the topic of coin dealer libraries we have a report on the Chicago Coin Company library and some background information on the Superior library from Julian Liedman. In the research query department we have a question about the Naramore counterfeit detector photograph sheets, and a pair of questions on metallurgy and engraving from Dick Hanscom, who has been using raw Alaska gold to make gold tokens recently. To learn which one of our subscribers bought an AU Libertas Americana medal in silver for $50, read on. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society LAKE BOOKS SALE #85 AVAILABLE Fred Lake writes: "The 85th mail-bid sale of numismatic literature by Lake Books is now available for viewing on their web site at: lakebooks.com The sale features selections from the library of Joseph E. Dinardo and has 483 lots in the 20-page catalog. In the United States auction catalogs section of the sale is a copy of the "Taylor Collection Limited Edition Photographic Plates." In addition, a complete run of Stack's John J. Ford, Jr. sales from number one through number fourteen can be found in that section. There are autographed copies of books relating to United States coinage and also paper money. Volume One of the American Bank Note Company's "Archive Series" has 96 vignettes on its 12-page portfolio. Other sections of the catalog feature books on ancient coinage, European coins, fixed price lists from early dealers, etc. Bids may be sent by email, fax, or regular post. Telephone bids may also be made prior to the closing time of 5:00 PM (EDT) on Tuesday, August 8, 2006." DOUBLE DAGGERS: A NOVEL ABOUT THE IDES OF MARCH DENARIUS With the recent news about the return of a rare Ides of March denarius to Greece, it's timely that a novel incorporating the coin is going into its second printing. The 204-page book was published in hardcover and paperback in February 2006. According to the publisher, the first printing sold out due to a targeted sales campaign geared toward coin dealers and collectors. Have any of our readers seen the book? Here is a review distributed by the publisher: "Double Daggers by James R. Clifford is about four men separated in time but united in their ambitions to possess the Ides of March coin minted by Brutus in celebration of Julius Caesar's death: Marcus Brutus himself, a crusading knight of medieval Europe, an SS lieutenant of Hitler's, and a modern day Wall Street trader. Creatively presenting the devilish intentions and pursuits of the four lead characters and their intertwining fates of the four books, Double Daggers is a riveting historical interpretation of the great mythical powers of the legendary Roman coin. Benefitting from the author's historical research and vividly acute concepts drawn from the rule of the Roman, Crusading, Nazi, and modern eras, Double Daggers is very strongly recommended as a complex, superbly crafted, thoroughly entertaining novel from beginning to end." Here are links to the author's web site and a page on the history of the coin: jrclifford.com jrclifford.com/BRUTUS.html BOOK: THE BIG PROBLEM OF SMALL CHANGE On Friday July 7 USA Today published another article on the problem of the U.S. cent, but what caught my eye was the mention of a book on the historical problems of small change: "When the government loses money on making a coin that for many people holds little value, it's time to turn off the presses, argue some prominent economists. "It's really becoming completely pointless," says Francois Velde, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and co-author of The Big Problem of Small Change. He argues that the metal in money must be worth less than a coin's face value, because otherwise people will hoard coins, melt them down and sell them for cash, which happened in the 1960s when quarters were made partly of silver." To read the complete USA Today article, see: Full Story "The Big Problem of Small Change" is a 2002 book by Thomas J. Sargent and François R. Velde. Published by the Princeton University Press, a paperback version came out in 2003. "The Big Problem of Small Change offers the first credible and analytically sound explanation of how a problem that dogged monetary authorities for hundreds of years was finally solved... -- the recurring scarcity and depreciation of small change. Through penetrating and clearly worded analysis, they tell the story of how monetary technologies, doctrines, and practices evolved from 1300 to 1850; of how the "standard formula" was devised to address an age-old dilemma without causing inflation." "This fascinating new history of money shows that the key ingredients of a sound currency were identified in Europe hundreds of years ago. The mystery is why, even today, so many governments fail to put this knowledge to work."--The Economist" To read more on the book at the Princeton University Press site: Full Story To view the table of contents on Google Book Search: Google Book Search George Fuld adds: "Nationally syndicated columnist Jay Hancock (in the Baltimore Sun for Sunday, July 9th) makes a very good case for the abolition of the penny. He's undoubtedly right, but odds are we'll see the 2009 Lincoln and then penny abolition." To read the complete article, see: Full Story CALL FOR LITERATURE SPEAKERS AT 2007 FIDEM CONGRESS Lane J. Brunner, the ANA's Director of Numismatic Outreach writes: "The American Numismatic Association is excited to host the 2007 FIDEM Congress on September 19-22, 2007 in Colorado Springs, CO. FIDEM, the International Medal Federation, is dedicated to promoting the art, history and technology of medals. The programming of the 2007 FIDEM Congress will focus on educating artists, collectors and the public about the evolution of medals as art and stewards of history. The organizers are looking for speakers interested in delivering a lecture on the role of literature, numismatic or otherwise, on the history of medals. Concurrent with the educational programming will be an extensive medallic exhibit at the Money Museum. If interested in speaking or for more information, contact Lane Brunner at the American Numismatic Association (brunner@money.org or 719-482-9872)." Lane adds: "I don’t believe in any prior FIDEM Congress there has been a focus on literature and the medal and I thought it would be a nice addition to the educational programming at the Congress." [With a year's lead time for preparation, this is a wonderful opportunity for bibliophiles and medal aficionados to plan a meeting of the minds on the topic. Please contact Lane with your suggestions for speakers and topics, and offers of assistance. Can any of our readers provide more background on the organization and its publications? Below is some information taken from the group's web site. -Editor] "F.I.D.E.M., the International Medal Federation, was established in 1937. Its aims are to promote and diffuse the art of medals at international level, to make the art known and to guarantee recognition of its place among other arts by increasing awareness of the art, history and technology or medals, mainly through publications and the organisation of international events." "F.I.D.E.M. publishes the magazine Medailles, which contains information on F.I.D.E.M. activities and the minutes of each congress. Members receive this free of charge. F.I.D.E.M. members also receive The Medal magazine, which is normally published twice a year." idem-medals.org BUSH NOMINATES EDMUND MOY AS U.S. MINT DIRECTOR Last Friday, President George W. Bush nominated Waukesha, WI native Edmund C. Moy for a five-year term as director of the United States Mint. "He currently serves as Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel at the White House. Prior to this, he served as Senior Advisor at Welsh, Carson, Anderson and Stowe. Earlier in his career, he served as the Director of the Office of Managed Care for the Federal Health Care Financing Administration at the Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Moy received his bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin." To read the full White House Press Release, see: White House Press Release [So here we go again - another politically-connected nominee. That's how it's been done for centuries, but I still have to ask, just what else qualifies Mr. Moy for leadership of such a sprawling manufacturing and retail sales organization? It's been nearly a year since Bush nominated the prior candidate, a politically-connected Oklahoman with no manufacturing or management experience. Her nomination was quietly withdrawn a month later, before the Senate could grill her on her qualifications. How will this nomination play out? Mr. Moy at least seems to have some management experience. Do any of our subscribers know of him? Here are links to our earlier E-Sylum articles on the prior nominee: OKLAHOMA WOMAN NOMINATED AS U.S. MINT DIRECTOR esylum_v08n34a04.html NEESE MINT DIRECTOR NOMINATION WITHDRAWN esylum_v08n42a13.html ON THE BRAILLE COIN Last week a newspaper item noted that "Congress has authorized the U.S. Mint to produce a silver dollar commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille, the creator of the Braille alphabet for the blind." David Ganz writes: "Not correct. The Senate passed S.811, a bill that would commemorate the bicentennial of the life of Louis Braille, who invented the raised-dot alphabet used by the blind the world over as an alternate means of reading. A similar measure, H.R. 2872, passed the House of Representatives earlier this year. Under the established rules, both houses of Congress must pass the identical bill, right down to the number; the bills are identical, except for numbering devices. The Washington Post erroneously reported that the dual passage meant the measure would become law. Action by one house, or the other, and signature by the President is still required." Regarding my quiz question about the first U.S. coin featuring Braille lettering, Ken Berger writes: "If I'm not mistaken the Alabama quarter featuring Helen Keller has some Braille writing on it." Correct! Tom DeLorey was the second to chime in with a correct answer. On a different topic, Tom adds: "If a tree falls at the White House and it has no political affiliation, does it fall to the right or to the left?" MEDAL COLLECTORS OF AMERICA WEB SITE Ron Abler noticed that the web address reported last week for the Medal Collectors of America was incorrect. The correct address is: medalcollectors.org NBS, THE ASYLUM, AND THE E-SYLUM Ted Buttrey writes: "Just to clear up something I've never understood: are the Asylum and the E-Sylum the same, the one printing out the other? Or do their contents differ? If they differ is there an archive of E-Sylum if one wished to print out a thousand pages of it? or does this stuff just get taken down and lost after a while?" [The two publications are quite different, even though both are published by the Numismatic Bibliomania Society and both have a focus on numismatic literature and research. The Asylum is the organization's official journal, printed quarterly and mailed to all NBS members. It has been published since 1980. The E-Sylum is our weekly email newsletter - it is free to all (no NBS membership required). The print journal is the home for more in-depth, edited and illustrated articles. This newsletter (call it an e-zine or blog if you like) is for short queries and responses, timely news and other information not appropriate for the print journal. What began in 1998 as a simple information channel for NBS members and friends has grown over time into cover the wider range of topics of interest to our readers, but the emphasis remains on numismatic literature and research. Literature sales, book announcements and reviews take precedence in The E-Sylum, as do research queries and related discussions. Numismatic news items are a growing part of The E-Sylum as more information becomes available on the Internet, but these are included in the context of numismatic research - these contemporary articles sometimes lead to new research discussions, and all are potential fodder for future researchers. The E-Sylum online archive is stored on the NBS web site: club_nbs_esylum_archive.html ALL E-Sylum issues from the very beginning are stored there, and new issues are added weekly, usually within a few days of initial publication. We have programs which automatically split each new issue into individual web pages and create a table of contents. This allows anyone to reference past E-Sylum articles using a simple URL. There are now THOUSANDS of individual E-Sylum articles in the Archive. Here's an example from last week's issue: DEKESEL WINS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION AWARD esylum_v09n27a02.htm Links to the NBS web site and E-Sylum archive are included at the bottom of each issue. I encourage all E-Sylum readers to consider becoming members of NBS - at just $20/year membership is a true bargain and is the only way to receive the great content found in the printed pages of The Asylum. For example, last week an E-Sylum subscriber submitted a great well-researched item as a result of some of our discussions. I've forwarded it for consideration for The Asylum. With illustrations it could be a great article for the print journal, but would only be available to paid NBS members. -Editor] BUILDING THE SUPERIOR COIN COMPANY LIBRARY Regarding the Superior Coin Company numismatic library, Julian Leidman writes: "It was built primarily by Ira and Larry Goldberg who founded the firm. I remember bidding for them at some Frank Katen auctions to acquire books for the library. When I last saw the library, it was on movable steel shelves and clearly numbered in the hundreds, if not thousands of titles, all related to numismatics, but there may have been some books on autographs, as well, as Ira got quite involved with that. I am pretty sure that the library should have grown, but the cornerstone was certainly laid by the Goldberg cousins." [I hadn't yet seen my copy of Coin World when I wrote up last week's item about the library. There was a nice illustrated article with more information than the short Numismatic News piece I quoted. It is indeed stored on compact, moveable metal shelves, as is the National Numismatic Collection library. -Editor] THE CHICAGO COIN COMPANY LIBRARY Bill Burd writes: "I have a fairly extensive numismatic library which is housed at Chicago Coin Company, Inc. It consists of thousands of books, catalogs, pamphlets, ephemera, coin club medals, etc. Its main purpose is for research. It is not open to the public and not available for browsing, but anyone seriously interested in seeing a particular book or researching a particular item can call for an appointment. Several E-Sylum subscribers have used it and there have been several occasions where I have answered questions in this forum after referencing the library. There have also been a couple occasions where we shipped out books for important projects. We are currently inventorying the library on librarything.com. When complete, anyone can reference the inventory online to see if we have a particular book." LAST WEEK's RECORD-SETTING E-SYLUM ISSUE Dick Johnson writes: "Editor Wayne Homren set a record last week with 51 articles in The E-Sylum. Readers may be surprised to learn he did this after a week in which he and his family bought a new house and took a father-in-law to the hospital. Wayne, how do you accomplish all this? I get tired just getting out of bed in the morning. Ahh! The vitality of youth! If you can package that, I'm a buyer. But when you set a record you really hit a new mark! Last week's issue of 51 articles can only be compared with your previous records of 40 articles (issue 24, June 11 this year) and 38 (issue 11, March 12th). You only hit 34 as tops the previous year (volume 8, issues 6 and 12). And to think: You do all this for FREE! Maybe we appreciative readers can throw a house party for you and your family." [My father-in-law is fine now, fortunately. The hospital trip is what kept me from publishing the June 25 issue on schedule. I knew the July 2 issue was a whopper, but hadn't counted the articles. As for how I do it, besides not wasting time watching television, I set aside some time each day, usually at bedtime, to edit and format the issue. I also cut and paste text into the draft continually through the day as email arrives. I try to acknowledge each submission, even if it has to be with a terse "Thanks" reply. My constant goal is to keep the in-box empty. Falling behind can be a nightmare - it took a few hours to get through the backlog on the 26th. Here's the table of contents for that monster issue: esylum_v09n27toc.html Cut and paste is the key - the vast majority of E-Sylum content comes from our readers or web sites. I just stitch it together. It doesn't take a tremendous amount of time at any one sitting, but it does take some practice and experience. On a good day, I feel like a sculptor. Instead of starting with a big block of marble, I start with a big block of raw text for each article. Then I hack away at it, first with a chainsaw, then with a chisel, cutting away everything that doesn't seem at least somewhat useful or interesting. What's left is hopefully of interest to enough of our readers to make it worthwhile. -Editor] ON UNWANTED AUCTION CATALOGS Bill Burd writes: "I can relate to Pete Smith's problem with auction catalogs. I just threw out two large boxes full of foreign auction catalogs that seemed to have less reference value than the value of the space they were taking up. I have about 500 more foreign catalogs and over 2,000 US auction catalogs that I have to seriously look at and make some hard decisions. I will keep any known name auctions and any with pedigreed coins like the 1804 dollar, etc. The problem is with the catalogs that fall in between - the ones I would rate from a 4 to a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10." Mike Greenspan writes: "Relative to Pete Smith's query about what to do with unneeded catalogs, I always take a short stack of them to my local and regional coin club meetings and leave them for anyone who wants them -- gratis. Invariably, they are all gone by the end of the meeting." Paul Landsberg writes: "One way that I have used very successfully is to arbitrarily lot them up into boxes (sometimes the fix rate priority boxes at the PO work) and then announce to lists of interest that anyone interested in X catalogs can have them for $10 apiece. That covers media or priority fixed rate shipping and I've gotten rid of 60 pounds at one point." Richard Goodman Schaefer writes: "I'm running a project which is producing die studies for all Roman Republican (RR) struck issues. This comprises all the issues in Crawford less the Aes Grave and about 5 others which already have die studies (BVRSIO, L. PISO FRVGI, et al.), plus the two Antonivs cistophorus issues. The results are available to all. As you can imagine, there are still quite a few catalogs I need. Most are European, but some are American. The condition is unimportant as long the plates containing photos of RR coins are intact. I must state that, due to the great labor in this project, I cut out the RR photos and tape them on pages in binders. Some people prefer not to have the catalogs cut, but since die studies are the proper research end of catalogs, however, I've been able to convince most that this project is a good use of them. I don't cut rare or pre-WWII catalogs since they aren't necessary and I don't wish to harm the numismatic literature business. To be complete, let me mention that Ted Buttrey at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England, loves all catalogs and has built up a formidable collection. His list of auction catalogs on the Fitzwilliam website is the best known to me-- an invaluable research tool. He would welcome your catalogs." [Ted Buttrey and other readers have expressed interest in Pete's catalogue hoard, and I've forwarded their inquiries to him. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: No catalogues or Internet pages have been harmed in the cutting and pasting of this issue of The E-Sylum. -Editor] NUMISMATIC LITERATURE DATABASES AND BUY/SELL ADVERTISEMENTS I'm glad to see one of our subscribers is trying out librarything.com (see Bill Burd's article in this issue about the Chicago Coin Company library). It's the type of tool I would love to see for numismatic bibliophiles to catalog their libraries. Wouldn't it be great to have a set of links to catalogs of our personal libraries? And as long as we're wishing, how about a linkage to an e-commerce site for buying and selling books? Abebooks and eBay come to mind - why reinvent the wheel just for numismatic books? Anyway, items ensconced in our libraries would be filed in Librarything (or some other tool) under "not for sale" but with the click of a mouse could be made available for trade or purchase. Similarly, entries representing holes in our libraries could become "Wants". The problem is always how such a mechanism could pay for itself given the relatively low value of many items of numismatic literature, such as the surplus auction catalogs discussed in the previous article in this issue. In response to Pete Smith's original query, Bill Hunter responded with thoughts on setting up a searchable database of items submitted by dealers and individuals, allowing interested parties to hook up via email. He writes: "I am sure that an individual taking on the task of maintaining the database could come up with an appropriate method of reimbursement for his services. I can see the database containing priced and unpriced listings. It would then be available for book dealer use and also for individuals like myself who cannot price items, but are happy to email interested individuals to come up with a mutually satisfactory exchange." This of course, is an age-old idea in new clothing; most collector publications through the ages have had an advertising section (a low-tech database) enabling buyers and sellers to get together. One of the founding principles of The E-Sylum, however, was to never carry for sale or want listings. This was mainly to keep the focus on numismatic literature and research, partly to not step on the toes of the dealers who make it their business, but mostly because as an unpaid editor I had no desire to get in the middle of these exchanges - I spend too much unpaid time on this already. I've been hearing recommendations that I should branch out with a for-profit newsletter that would carry paid advertising and classified- style for-sale/wanted ads relating to numismatic literature. What do our readers think? Would you pay to have your classified ad published in The E-Sylum or a similar email newsletter? NARAMORE PHOTOGRAPH SHEET INFORMATION SOUGHT A gentleman from London writes: "I have a sheet of photographs of National Currency notes, nine in total ($1,2,5,10,20.50,100,500,& 1000 denominations) that I beleive are discussed in the Narramore forgeries book. Are you familiar with the book enough to know if my group is a full set? I bought these as photographic rarities but would be most interested to find out more about the whole concept and how these came about. Many thanks for your time and attention regarding this request." [I am only somewhat familiar with theseNaramore produced the photos in several formatsindividual cards, sheets, etc. In 2005 we had a short E-Sylum item about a boxed set of the photos offered by Stacks: NARAMORE CARDS IN ORIGINAL BOX OFFERED esylum_v08n36a07.html The item noted Ralph Ellenbogen's article "The Celebrated Naramore Bank Note Detector Cards" in the Jan/Feb 1997 issue of Paper Money, the official publication of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. Can anyone tell us more about the Naramore sheets? NOTE: I didn't have a ready answer when I first responded, and offered to write his query up for The E-Sylum. Apparently he wasn't quite so interested in its history as he's already resold the sheet. But it's an interesting topic nevertheless. -Editor] MANUAL OF GOLD AND SILVER COINS OF ALL NATIONS Adrián González Salinas writes: "I saw the following book on eBay: This is the first time I've seen a numismatic book with inserted gold samples. Do you know if there exists any other book such as this?" Full Story [The buyer got a real bargain - from the illustrations it appears to be a copy of the 1849 second edition of Jacob Eckfeldt and William Du Bois' "A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations Struck Within the Past Century." The spine is lettered "Supplement to 1850" referring to pages 221-240 which include samples of California gold behind mica windows pasted to page 235. The Mormon plate was also added that year and is illustrated by the seller. Printed in metallic inks on a bold blue background, the sheet is the earliest known use of embossed coin illustrations in the U.S. Below are some discussions of the book from earlier E-Sylum issues: ECKFELDT-DUBOIS WITH GOLD SAMPLES SOLD esylum_v03n48a01.html 1850 ECKFELDT-DUBOIS AND THE STREETER SALE esylum_v03n49a06.html MORE ON THE 1850 ECKFELDT-DUBOIS esylum_v03n50a06.html I know of no other book to come with actual gold samples, but there may be others outside the numismatic realm. Do our readers know of any? I made an educated guess as to the identity of the buyer and wrote to ask, politely, "Did you buy this, you lucky bastard?" The buyer, a knowledgeable bibliophile, answered affirmatively. They did not want their name used, but did forward the following for publication: "I believe this is the Henry Clifford example of the 1849 "Mint Manual" with the gold samples on p. 235, last sold in 1982, as it is the only one seen that has marble boards and 3/4 leather. The seller did not offer anything about the background when asked, except that it came from a "flea market" coin dealer (yeah, right...) There've been four examples sold at auction since 1980. The one in the 2004 Ford I sale by George Kolbe, lot 432, realized $8,000 to a phone bidder. There are numerous examples of the 1850 Eckfeldt/DuBois "New Varieties" book with the gold samples on p45, as these were sold at the Mint as souvenirs. The last one sold, again through George Kolbe in part 3 of his 100th sale, lot 172, this past month, brought $3,200, again to a phone bidder, who was sitting in a car using his cell phone after the power went out at his house during a thunderstorm." -Editor] MUNICIPAL TRADE TOKENS Serge Pelletier writes: "To answer Kerry Rodgers' question: "How many other countries have allowed [or would be big enough to allow] one community to produce and circulate such coinage for such an anniversary?", I need to first say that these are not coins but what is referred to as Municipal Trade Tokens (MTTs for short). A Municipal Trade Token is defined as a community "coin", sponsored by a local non-profit organization and given legal monetary value in a specific area for a limited time by the appropriate local authority. MTTs have been issued in The Netherlands since 1935 and have been issued in other countries such as: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Sweden and United States. Canadian MTTs are the most prevalent these days. Their tradition go back to 1958 when the concept was imported from the neighbouring United States. According to some Secret Service agent, it is illegal to issue MTTs in the U.S., but I believe it could easily be challenged if certain rules are followed. Maui have been issuing their "Trade Dollars" for years now, without any problems. The Gazette of Municipal Numismatics covers MTTs as well as medals issued by various municipalities, mainly in Canada and the U.S. and sometimes even around the world. (for more info/sample copy: gazette@eligi.ca) The Royal Dutch Mint has issued a circulating 5 euro coin to commemorate the Rembrandt anniversary as well as a gold 10 euro and a series of silver medals. An article on all these issues will be published in the December issue of the ANA's Numismatist." [We'll look forward to Serge's article. -Editor] METALLURGICAL AND ENGRAVING INFORMATION SOUGHT Dick Hanscom of Alaska Rare Coins writes: "For a year or so, I have been using raw Alaska gold to make gold tokens. I have had no problems until recently. Perhaps one of your readers with metallurgical background can help. Two recent batches of gold (one from the beaches at Nome and one from the 40 Mile district) when melted and poured into an ingot will not roll out in my rolling mill. They are brittle and porous. As I put them through the mill, they crack, or actually split and comes out of the mill in a "V" (actually quite cool, but useless). Both of these sources have a fineness in the high .870s to .900. I am doing nothing different than with previous gold samples. In fact, the first batch of Nome gold, from the same miner rolled out fine, down to .6mm with no problem. Let me add that local jewelers will not work with raw gold because of this problem, but cannot explain why it happens. Also, I have made over 70 - 1 DWT tokens in this manner before coming upon this problem. My second question is this: Does anyone know of a website that might have some basic information on engraving dies? My tokens are crude enough so that I think even I could engrave a die, with no artistic talent, if had had some basic info on where to start. My email address is akcoins@mosquitonet.com" CCCCOA SPONSORS COMSTOCK/CARSON MINT SEMINAR As announced in the March 2006 issue of Curry’s Chronicle, the Carson City Coin Collectors of America (CCCCOA) is sponsoring what they hope to be the first of many Comstock/Carson Mint Seminars on October 5-7, 2006. Coordinating the effort is Dave Jaeger. The following update is from the June 2006 issue: "In order to insure that our first seminar runs smoothly we have decided to limit the number of participants to 25 members: As this issue of Curry’s Chronicle goes to press, Dave informed us that there are still a handful of spaces available. If you wish to participate, please don’t procrastinate. If successful, we will plan future seminars, opening them up to larger group participation." Events include tours of the Carson City Museum and talks on the Carson City Mint (including a movie), a lecture on the Museum's coin collection, a walking tour of historic Carson City, a lecture on Comstock and Virginia City history, and a ride on the V & T train to Gold Hill. The cost is approximately $300 per person excluding hotel and lunches). A $150 deposit is required no later than July 30, 2006. Contact Dave Jaeger for more information. His email address is davejaeg@gmail.com. This sounds like a wonderful event for numismatists, and we wish CCCCOA all the best. ANR OFFERS PIONEER GOLD COIN DIES According to the company's press release, the August 11 auction by American Numismatic Rarities will include "a pair of previously unpublished dies for territorial coins struck in Colorado. The obverse die for the J.J. Conway $5, Kagin-2a, has been discovered and will be offered for the very first time. Coins from this die are known and recorded, and while the matching reverse die is in the collection of the Colorado Historical Society, this die has remained in private hands and has never before been seen by most numismatists. Perhaps even more exciting is a previously unknown die for a $5 coin to be struck by “P. & R.R. Smith & Co, Col. Ter.,” a reference to the Colorado Territory. It apparently matches a maverick 1862-dated Liberty Head obverse die now in the collection of the Colorado Historical Society. This unique artifact represents the sole connection to the apparently ill-fated Smith coining plan and is one of the most important discoveries ever made in the field of Colorado numismatics or territorial gold in general" ANR OFFERS AMERICAN BANK NOTE PLATES AND DIES The August ANR auction also includes the first part of the American Bank Note archive consignment: "Comprising a special section of the Denver auction catalogue by American Numismatic Rarities will be a presentation of unique items from the archives of the American Bank Note Company (ABNCo). These date as far back as the early 19th century and include original printing plates for bank notes, steel vignette dies with ornate illustrations, and more." "Each item will be illustrated, described in detail, and presented for sale. “This is the tip of the iceberg,” commented Christine Karstedt, president of ANR. “Later this year and next year we will be showcasing other treasures. In the entire history of American numismatics there has never been such an offering. Collectors, dealers, museums, and historical societies will have a once in a lifetime opportunity.” "In addition, there are steel vignette dies, most of sizes ranging from a playing card to a post card, with engraved scenes, gods and goddesses, ornate numbers, and other elements that went into bank note printing. Cylinder dies used to transfer will also be offered, these being so rare that most numismatists have never even seen one." DENVER ANA CONVENTION EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Gail Baker of the American Numismatic Association has published a tentative schedule of educational programs planned for the ANA's World's Fair of Money® Aug. 16-19 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Here's a subset to whet your appetites. See the convention schedule-at-a-glance for more information: Full Story Wednesday, Aug. 16 1 p.m. The ANA Library as Your Resource (David Sklow) 3:00 p.m. The 124 Patriots of Ireland Medal (Tom Sebring) 4:00 p.m. Coins of Crisis during the Reign of George III (1760-1820) (Arthur Fitts) Thursday, August 17 10 a.m. The Pythagorean Coins of Magna Graecia (John Francisco) 3 p.m. Pioneer Gold Coins of Denver, Clark, Gruber & Co. Bank & Mint (Jim Atkinson) Friday, August 18 10 a.m. Central American Cobs: A Reappraisal (Carlos Jara) 2 p.m. Augustus Saint-Gaudens & the World¹s Columbian Exposition Medal (Michael Moran) 3 p.m. Strange & Unusual Engravings on Colonial Paper Money (Gerald Kochel) 4 p.m. My 34 Years at the Denver Mint (Michael Lantz) Saturday, August 19 10 a.m. The Effects of the Fourth Crusade on European Gold Coinage (Robert Leonard) 10 a.m. Harry W. Bass Jr. Numismatic Collection (Jordan Bell) 1 p.m. From Mint to Museum: Transforming the San Francisco Old Mint (Charles A. Fracchia) 2:30 p.m. Double Eagle: The Epic Story of the World’s Most Valuable Coin (talk and book signing by Alison Frankel) On Thursday, August 17, beginning at 10 a.m., ANA presents the annual Maynard Sundman/Littleton Coin Company Lecture Series. At 1 p.m., Keynote speaker Robert Hoge will present Coins That Made History: Power, Abundance & Longevity. Other speakers include: 10 a.m. Visual Rhetoric in the U.S. Bicentennial Quarter (James Benjamin) 11 a.m. American Advocates: Changing the Course of National Coin Design (Roger Burdette) 12 p.m. Silent Participants in D-Day (Carlton F. Schwan) 2 p.m. Dexter¹s 1804 Rara Avis (Mark Ferguson) 3 p.m. The Coinage of Alexander the Great & Alexander’s Image on Currency (Joaquin Montero) SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: JIM URBANIAK Jim writes: "I recently moved to Pittsburgh from Portland, OR (actually Vancouver, WA) and my wife and I will be settling into our new house July 8th. I collect cigar tokens, metallic seasonal sports/baseball passes, Colonial/Pre-Federal American coinage and am completing a family birth year set from 1698 - 1971. I also have a modest collection of Conder Tokens, Byzantine pieces and have been phasing out of Roman and Greek over the past several years." Larry Gaye writes: "I want to personally welcome Jim Urbaniak as a new subscriber to The E-Sylum. He is a good guy and we are sorry to lose him from the West Coast. Please join me in welcoming him." [We're glad to have Jim on board, and for me it was a curious coincidence that he's moving to Pittsburgh. Jim emailed me about joining the Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society (WPNS). As most of you know, I'm a Pittsburgh native and longtime member of WPNS, a small group of great numismatists with a tradition dating back to 1878. What most of you didn't know is that I'm now in the process of relocating to Northern Virginia. I'll miss spending time with all my Pittsburgh-area coin buddies but it's nice to know that some new folks are coming in to the area. Keep my seat warm! The recent sales of parts of my collection will seed the kids' college fund as well as help us get into a house big enough for the family AND my library. Once I get settled I hope to get to know some of my fellow numismatists in the greater Washington, D.C. area. It was great fun to have a bunch of folks over for a visit during the 2004 ANA convention. Maybe we could have a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly relocated Homren Numismatic Library. -Editor] ON KING VICTOR EMMANUEL III Last week I wrote that the son of numismatist King Victor Emmanuel III was in the news. Martin Purdy writes: "That should be grandson, as I understand it. When people say that VE is the son of the last king, they are referring to Umberto II, who "reigned" for about a month in 1946." KING VICTOR EMMANUEL III AND VICTOR DAVID BRENNER Leon Worden writes: "Interesting to see the reference to Victor Emmanuel III in the last eSylum. Emmanuel was the cover boy of the March 1909 edition of The Numismatist, in which publisher Farran Zerbe announced the Italian monarch's acceptance of an honorary membership in the American Numismatic Association, calling him "the most distinguished figure in the numismatic world." Zerbe, ANA president, had extended the invitation to the king by letter dated Dec. 15, 1908. Victor Emmanuel "was unable to give it his immediate attention," Zerbe writes, because the king had his hands full: On Dec. 28, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake killed at least 100,000 of his subjects. But within weeks, on Jan. 17, a royal minister dispatched a letter stating that the king "has learned with lively satisfaction" of Zerbe's invitation and "has accepted to become an Honorary Member of the American Numismatic Association." The news trumped what might otherwise have been the lead story of the March edition, a feature on a Russian immigrant named Victor David Brenner. Under the headline, "A New Type Cent Soon to be Issued -- Will Bear Lincoln's Head," the accomplished sculptor was asked why he chose to submit a design for the nation's (then) lowest-denominated coin. "You see the life of a coin is twenty-five years, according to the law," Brenner replied, "and the time for the cent and the five-cent piece has expired. It seemed to me that the nickel already had a very practical design" -- this was the Liberty head -- "and so I turned my attention to what would be the most fitting for the one-cent coin. Naturally, the portrait of Lincoln suggested itself, this being his centennial, and besides, I was going to make an anniversary medal for my friends and my mind was full of Lincoln." Brenner had worked for a year on a popular medal of Lincoln's bust that he modified for the coin. Asked to compare the two, Brenner said, "The [medal], yes, it is good, but this one [the coin] is more intimate, deeper, more kind and personal. It is closer to the man; it makes you feel that you are sitting with him in his library. When it is finished I shall be nearly satisfied with it." MADAM KAPAMADJI's SILVER LIBERTAS AMERICANA MEDAL Regarding last week's submission on the Count Ferrari collection by Richard Margolis, George Fuld writes: "The mention of Mme Nadia Kapamadji brought to mind my one meeting with her in 1960. I bought from her an About Uncirculated SILVER Libertas Americana medal for 250 NF ($50.00!!) at that time - a bit removed from the $100,000 plus in recent weeks! I sold my specimen to the late Ted Craige." MELVIL DUI AND PHONETIC SPELLING Harry Waterson writes: "In addition to Luther Tuthill, there is another gentleman who made every effort to simplify spelling, including changing his first name from Melville to Melvil. And for a short time even changed his last name to Dui. He is acknowledged to have shortened "catalogue" to "catalog", a boon for this audience. Fortunately, he was far more successful with his Dewey Decimal Classification System. So when I go to the library, I may not be able to spell the title of the book but I can probably find it." [The extra vowels removed from "catalog" have been airlifted to Eastern Europe. For more on Melville Dewey, "the father of librarianship" see his Wikipedia entry: Melvil_Dewey -Editor] INDIAN AWARDEE's VICTORIA CROSS MEDAL NOT FOR SALE "Courage cannot be measured in money, says the family of late Captain Umrao Singh who earned the highest military honour of pre-independence India - the Victoria Cross. A rare medal in the country now, Umrao Singh's family has just shrugged off a 50 lakh rupee offer for the cross." "Prakash's family is used to receiving offers for this Victoria Cross - an art collector's delight - and the latest is an offer of 50 lakh rupees which is by no means a small amount for a family of modest means. But as a proud son clarifies, there is no price for extreme gallantry. "For most of the country, India's 2 century long connection with colonial Britain is a relationship that has only negative connotations. But for Umrao Singh's family and his village, it is a strong relationship of pride and valour - one that they are not willing to give up at any price." Full Story COIN IDENTIFICATION FORUM SOUGHT Dennis M. Gregg writes: "I was wondering if our readers know of a "Can you ID" forum, where an unknown coin can be identified by members of the board? I ask, as I recently picked up an ancient coin, and have absolutely zero, zip, nadda knowledge on the subject. As always, thanks for your time. I've shared many an article with my friends." [I keep my nose stuck in The E-Sylum and "don't get out much" to other Internet coin forums. Can any of our readers make a recommendation? -Editor] PAPER BOYS AND NUMISMATICS Regarding last week's topics of numismatists who got their start delivering newspapers, Dick Gaetano writes: "I started coin collecting in 1948,as a paper boy delivering the Pittsburgh Press in Dormont, PA. I found most of my collection in collecting for the paper each week and I even introduced a woman customer to collecting. What a great time coin collecting has been for me these last 58 years." Pete Smith writes: "In my younger days I delivered the local paper, the New Ulm Daily Journal. I believe I started collecting coins before I started my paper route. I recall getting a Barber half as payment from one of my customers. I don’t recall getting any interesting foreign coins. I also never got a Kennedy half or a SBA dollar. (This was the late 50’s.) All the dimes, quarters and halves were 90% silver. Buffalo nickels were mixed in with the Jeffersons and a lot of war nickels. I think in those days I had Whitman folders for cents and nickels. I didn’t collect the higher denominations because I couldn’t afford to set aside those coins at face value." Bill Burd writes: "I started helping my dad in the early 1950s with a large paper route he did with his van. By 1956 I had my own route around the Syracuse University area with over 125 customers. It was one of the largest routes in New York. In 1958 or 1959 I won a trip to Italy from Parade Magazine. They picked a newsboy from each State based on recommendations from the local newspaper company; customers; points for new customers; etc. We went in a 4 engine prop job and one engine caught fire over the Atlantic. We made an emergency landing on the Azores. The next day we continued to Italy flying over the Matterhorn which was the first big mountain I ever saw. I went through the money I collected each week and filled holes in albums. I didn't get too far with it. Most of my earnings went to my Mom to help with bills. In 1961 I went in the service and didn't come back to coins until 1976 when I started selling at the local flea markets. Now I own Chicago Coin Co., Inc., and collect numismatic books and related material." FEATURED WEB PAGE: NEWFOUNDLAND BANKING INSTITUTIONS AND CURRENCY This week's featured web page is on "The Coins and Currency of Newfoundland", an article by C.F. Rowe, from The Book of Newfoundland, 1967. "In the late 1700's, with the increase in population, coin became more common. It consisted mainly of British currency, but coins of other countries were also in circulation. As well, Notes valued from five pounds to five shillings were available. Large transactions between firms were usually covered by Bills of Exchange, transferred from one firm to another in much the same way as bank Notes are exchanged today." Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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