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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 40, October 1, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Donn Pearlman, Tom Hawkins, Eric and Alan (no last names given), Alexander Jaramillo and Lora Robins. Several new subscribers have come our way courtesy of recommendations on the PCGS forums. Welcome aboard! We now have 977 subscribers. Roger deWardt Lane writes: "Your latest E-Sylum was most interesting. Keep up the great job." W. David Perkins writes: "Great E-Sylum issue!" Bob Rightmire writes: "I've been wading through the past issues of E-Sylum; it is a phenomenal resource. Your contribution deserves a bravo!" John Regitko, Editor of the Canadian Numismatic Association E-Bulletin writes: "You outdid yourself on last week's bulletin! I think that most people don't appreciate the amount of time it takes you each week to put together The E-Sylum, especially one that long!" I have fun doing this or I wouldn't keep it up, but it's always nice to get feedback. Thanks, everyone! Thanks also to the subscriber who posted a recommendation on PCGS. We get all of our subscribers this way: one at a time, through word-of-mouth (and keyboard). Since we've had so many new subscribers in recent weeks, I'd like to say a few words about what The E-Sylum is all about. Well, it's hard to pin down since our topics are so broad, but basically, our readership includes people interested in numismatic literature, research and writing in all areas. "Just plain collectors" are welcome too - all it takes is a curious mind and wide interests. Within a single issue we can cover topics all over the numismatic map, and most readers find several items of interest in each issue. Something doesn't catch your fancy? - just skip to the next one. But we know many people who devour every single article. The strength of The E-Sylum lies in its readership - it's like a weekly cocktail party with some of the most knowledgeable numismatic folks around, and not just from the U.S. - our subscribers hail from all parts of the globe. Got a question? Ask away - our readers have been known to provide definitive, documented answers to the most obscure numismatic questions, from "Why are coins round?" to "What was the penalty for counterfeiting in colonial New Jersey?" This week's issue has just one book review, but by coincidence the issue has TWO references to the legendary Palace Collections of Egypt (Farouk) sale. Interestingly, both references are to coins so rare they never existed in the first place! The power of the Internet to connect people is shown again in this issue, where we hear from the purchaser of the Cape Cod Canal medal discussed in earlier issues. Also this week we learn more about Julius Guttag, read a behind-the-scenes account of the BEP's mutilated currency recovery department, learn how to do numismatic oral history interviews, ponder the politics of including issues of separatist states in numismatic catalogues, learn who was hanged in front of the U.S. Mint in New Orleans and how to make change for a Liberty Dollar. And what does the Wookey Hole Mill in Britain have to do with U.S. numismatics? Read on to find out. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society BOOK REVIEW: GOLD COINS OF THE NEW ORLEANS MINT 1839-1909 One new book I've had the pleasure to review recently is the second edition of Doug Winter's "Gold Coins of the New Orleans Mint 1839-1909." The 237-page paperback is published by Zyrus Press ($34.95). From the publisher's web site: "In 1989, the first edition of Doug Winter's book Gold Coins of the New Orleans Mint: 1839-1909 was published. It popularized these under-appreciated coins and introduced many new collectors to the field. In the ensuing two decades, much has changed in the New Orleans gold market. Newly discovered hoards have changed the rarity levels of certain dates while others remain very difficult to locate." Well, it hasn't quite been two decades since 1989, and the book wasn't published in 1989, it was published in 1992. Still, fourteen years between editions is a long time. But it's been worth the wait. The new edition is much improved, starting with the all-new enlarged color images of each coin. But this new edition is more than just an update - it is essentially a new book with completely updated information encompassing all that has been learned about the series in the past fourteen years. One of the biggest changes, acknowledged by the author in his preface, is the number of post-1880 eagles that are now known. He writes: "Substantial quantities of these coins have been found in Europe since 1992. In some cases, total populations have doubled or even tripled and I don't doubt that the numbers will continue to rise in the coming years." For example, I turned randomly to the entry for 1894-O Eagles and compared it with the corresponding entry in my copy of the first edition. Of the original mintage (still believed to be 107,500), the total number known is now 550-750+, whereas at the time of the first edition only 140-160 were known. The layout of each entry follows a common format and is very easy to read, another great improvement over the first edition. Mintage, Rarity Rankings, Strike, Surfaces, Luster, Coloration, Eye Appeal, Die Characteristics, Major Varieties, Significant Pieces Known, Auction Record, and Total Known (with a breakdown by grade) are listed for each coin. To address what he felt were two major shortcomings of the first edition, the author included research articles which in my opinion, are worth the price of the book alone. In his Preface, Winter writes "[in the first book] ... there was virtually no information about the history of the New Orleans Mint. I am not a historian and I felt that my contributions about this topic would be unoriginal at best. I commissioned Greg Lambousy, the Director of Collections of the Louisiana State Museum, who wrote what I feel is a simply brilliant concise history of the Mint. Also, David Ginsberg has written an article about how gold coins of this era circulated; a study that will explain exactly why so many of these coins are so rare today. Lambousy's article draws on many of the known sources in numismatic literature such as the 1862 Harper's New Monthly Magazine article "Making Money" and writings by and about Mint official John Leonard Riddell, but it also references a number of much lesser known sources. The bibliography is quite complete to my knowledge, although I didn't see a reference to the 1846 Merchants Magazine and Commercial Review article by Freeman Hunt titled "United States Branch Mint at New Orleans." The thirteen-page article includes two pages of photos of the interior of the New Orleans Mint and its workers, courtesy of the Louisiana State Museum. I have to agree with Winter that Lambousy's article is a very valuable concise history of the Mint, and well worth reading. There are some great tidbits of history here, numismatic and otherwise, such as Riddell's invention of the rotary ingot machine, and brothers Rufus and Philos Tyler's invention and patenting of the silver dollar counting table. Along the way there are interesting diversions into Riddell's conflicts with fellow workers, structural problems of the Mint building, control of the Mint under the Confederacy, and story of William Mumford who was hanged by Union forces in front of the Mint of June 7th, 1862. David Ginsberg's article is equally original, well-researched, and interesting to read. In addition to consulting some of my own favorite references on this era (Carothers' "Fractional Money" and Gibbons' "The Banks of New York, Their Dealers, The Clearing House, and the Panic of 1857," Ginsburg uncovered a number of valuable other sources including an 1843 publication, "The Letters of Lowndes, Addressed to the Hon. John C. Calhoun." The book has a priceless account, reprinted here, of a traveler's maddeningly difficult cross-country journey while attempting to conduct commerce with a mishmash of different paper money issues. Such difficulties make it easy to understand how having gold coinage could greatly ease the problem of traveling to distant parts of the country in those days. On page 88 Winter reprints a delightful account by David Akers of "Debunking the Myth of the '1841-O Half Eagle,' taken from the October 1997 Pittman I catalog. It's the story of John J. Pittman's 1841-C Half Eagle, which he purchased in the Farouk sale. The coin had earlier been part of the Col. E.H.R. Green collection. The New York firm Stack's had a beautiful album of photographs of the Green Half Eagle collection in their research library, and Walter Breen reviewed it while researching his monograph on U.S. Half Eagles. "Because of the shadows on the photo, the C mintmark looked like an O to him, so Breen mistook it for an example of the legendary (but non- existent) 1841-O." Breen's mistake was taken as fact and carried on through the decades while the grinning Pittman would neither confirm nor deny the existence of the coin, saying only coyly, "It pays to look at every lot!" Pittman later admitted "I always knew there was no such thing as an 1841-O Half Eagle, but I had so much fun going along with Breen's story." To view the publisher's page for the book, see: zyruspress.com DANNREUTHER GOLD VARIETY BOOK UPDATE Craig Eberhart writes: "I missed this summer's ANA convention and did not have a chance to buy John Dannreuther's new book on early gold varieties. I had hoped to buy a leatherbound copy, but the Whitman website seemed to go directly from listing it as "available in September" to "no longer available". Does anyone know what happened to this edition or, more importantly to me, where I can purchase a copy?" MUSEUM OF AMERICAN FINANCE PLANS TO MOVE AND EXPAND The Museum of American Finance in New York is moving, according to a release on the web site of R. M. Smythe: "Join us on Wednesday October 4, 2006, at noon, when John E. Herzog will speak about the Museum of American Finance - its history and its exciting new plans. In 1988, Mr. Herzog founded the Museum of American Finance, which is dedicated to the history and study of U.S. capital markets and is also one of the Smithsonian Affiliate museums. The Museum's mission is to preserve the artifacts, create instructive exhibitions, and teach the important role of finance in American history. The Museum will soon be moving to its new home, the former Bank of New York at 48 Wall Street. This is a very good fit, as the Bank of New York was founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1784 as New York City's first bank. There are shadows of Hamilton always at hand, and the space occupies the same ground as the original Bank, built in 1796. Mr. Herzog will have artists' renderings of the new space as well as original objects from his collection. Mr. Herzog, who has collected financial memorabilia for more than 40 years, is especially interested in American Revolutionary bonds and other 18th century documents. He donated part of his collection to the Museum, forming the nucleus of its holdings." Full Story [Have any of our readers visited the museum's current location? Please send us a review! And if any of our New York readers has a chance to attend Wednesday's briefing, please fill us in on what you learn. -Editor] FAROUK SALE LOT 1751 BUYER SOUGHT R. V. Dewey writes: "I am attempting to research information contained in a book sold at the Bowers and Merena Armand Champa numismatic literature sale: Lot# 493; Sol Kaplan's "sales room copy" of the Palace Collections of Egypt, Sotheby's 1954. On page 162 of Sol's copy, who does he attribute Lot# 1751 to?" [Dave Bowers forwarded this request to The E-Sylum; he does not have a photocopy of the catalog. I checked my copy of the sale (from the Dr. James O. Sloss library) and the lot 1751 description is as follows: "1855, small one dollar, silver and brass, A.W. 194?; flying eagle cents in nickel, copper, copper nickel, bronze, composition, bronze with a smaller wreath, A.W. 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 201 A. Mostly extremely fine." The lot is in a section of United States coins. The lot appears to consist of eight U.S. pattern coins - A.W. stands for Adams-Woodin, the 1913 reference. AW 194 is a gold dollar pattern listed as rarity 14 (2 to 3 known). The remaining coins are Flying Eagle Cent patterns. The later U.S. pattern references (Judd and Pollack) do not seem to list this piece; an Adams-Woodin to Judd conversion table published by Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine does not list a Judd equivalent for AW 194. I checked with pattern guru Saul Teichman who writes: "Many of these off-metal gold pieces listed in Adams & Woodin turned out to be fakes, which is why you could not find them in Judd." The lot sold for $30. The buyer of the lot? It is listed in Sloss' copy as "H. Schulman", but there is also a neat "X" next to the name. Some of the other lots have a similar "X", but I don't know what it signifies. -Editor] Dave Bowers adds: "Hans Schulman was owed several hundred thousand dollars by King Farouk when the latter was ousted by the military junta in 1952. When the coins came up for sale, Schulman pressed his claim, and the new Egyptian government allowed Schulman an appropriate credit to spend at the sale. As Hans did not need that many coins he gathered bids of other dealers and collectors and bought them under his number, giving them a slight discount in the transaction. Accordingly, the name of H.M.F.S. as a buyer has little meaning except as noted." CAPE COD CANAL MEDAL FOLLOW-UP Regarding Dick Johnson's comments on a recent eBay auction, Lee Childs writes: "I am the "foolish" bidder and winner of the coin or medallion commemorating the opening of the Cape Cod Canal. Apparently there exist plenty of other fools in the collecting world because lots of folks bid on this coin, and after I won it, I've had offers for double what I paid for it. Actually, I feel sorry for the seller of the coin in 2001 that only got $46 for his -- perhaps it was not marketed correctly at the time or maybe it's the power of eBay now. Plus (and I knew this would be a bonus for winning this piece), I've gotten more than $50,000 worth of publicity for me and my jazz band -- all for a mere $967 (plus shipping). I mean, the phone has been ringing of the hook with people trying to book the band for various functions, all because they read about the medal and who it was sold to in the local newspapers. And your writer called me foolish; yeah right - all the way to the bank. And I find it interesting that he mentions that there are 25 silver coins that you call rare, yet there seem to be perhaps eight, nine, or ten of the bronze pieces and you only call them scarce - truly an odd bit of logic. But I will allow this much, Reed and Barton did supposedly make silver and gold versions of this coin for August Belmont, but absolutely nobody, at least around these parts, knows of the existence of even one piece of either metal. Do you know if one exists or do you think that perhaps they were melted down at some point in time? I would foolishly really like to obtain one of these pieces if one were to ever turn up. This medal and ones like it have great sentimental value for me and lots of others here on Cape Cod and one cannot put a value on that fact. Also, I see that someone paid 1,700 pounds for a 1900 Independent Scottish Football Network medal. How come he didn't call that transaction foolish? Sounds plain dumb to me. Respectfully and foolishly, Lee Childs (foolish collector of coins, insulators, bottles, firearms, etc.)" [I corresponded with Lee and thanked him for his tongue-in-cheek response. As an editor I hesitated to allow the word "foolish" in Dick's article, but he was trying to make a general point rather than pick on any individual. Links to Dick's article and the original E-Sylum piece about the sale follow. To clarify the question of rarity, Dick noted that 25 examples were STRUCK in silver. It is likely that far more were struck in bronze. As Dick notes, at least nine bronze examples are known, but it's unclear if any silver ones are known. Thus, it is believed that surviving silver examples are much more rare than the bronze. -Editor] Lee adds: "I would really like to hear from anyone familiar with these medals as would the Hy-Line Cruise Co. They would like to make a plaque to display on their canal cruise vessel regarding the medals and their history. I can be reached at P.O. Box 807, Dennis, MA 02638, by phone at 508-362-4289 or email: yolosocrazyso3k@hotmail.com." [I put Dick Johnson in touch with Lee and he wrote: "The key words in my E-Sylum statement were "knowledgeable" and "unknowledgeable." Had you done some research before bidding -- or asked a specialist medal dealer - you would have learned the price history of this medal. It comes on the market every year or so and sells in the $40 to $60 range. Then if you wanted that particular medal so badly, it would NOT have been "foolish" to bid as high as you wish. However, the more prudent move would be to let this one pass and pick up the next one that comes on the market, at, perhaps, less than $100. Had you contacted me, I think I have one in my leftover inventory when I retired from being a medal dealer. I wouldn't have bothered to dig it out for the $100 but if you offered me say $200 it would have been worthwhile digging through ten boxes of old inventory. You must recognize now you must hold that medal for a considerable length of time before the market rises to the level you paid for it (if ever). Unless you donate it to a museum, where you can document the price you paid for it, you will not recover the true value of that piece (despite your statements you have already received offers of "double what you paid for it." How many times have I heard that - but proved to be unsubstantiated? ) Unless you do something with this medal during your lifetime, the executor of your estate will probably sell it at the market value at that point in time. Now I must compliment you and the Hy-Line Cruise Co. for wanting to build an exhibit around this medal. But a single medal is not that "showy." My advice is to have a large replica made of the original medal - yours or mine - of both the obverse and reverse. These metal replicas are called "galvanos" and when mounted on a wood base make an exceptional display! Try first to see of Reed & Barton has the original model. If not it can be enlarged from a medal. If Reed & Barton cannot do this enlargement, I could recommend a firm that does this kind of work. Figure on at least a $1,000 cost, and should you donate this to the cruise ship, hey, you might get another $50,000 worth of publicity! Question: Is this your first medal among your collections of coins, insulators, bottles, and firearms? If so, welcome to the field of medal collecting; you will find it far more interesting than, perhaps, some of your other collectables." CAPE COD WATER CHANNEL MEDAL SOLD esylum_v09n34a17.htm CAPE COD MEDAL NOT RARE esylum_v09n35a19.html GUTTAG RESEARCH CAN ANSWER MANY QUESTIONS Dick Johnson writes: "Robert Rightmire is undertaking a very worthwhile numismatic research project on Guttag Brothers as mentioned in last week's E-Sylum. The first place to start a research project on any numismatic personality is Pete Smith's "American Numismatic Biographies" where Pete lists a half column on Julius Guttag. (Please, Dennis Tucker, hire Pete to update this work and publish it at Whitman. This work is so valuable and copies are so difficult to obtain. I won't mention what I had to plead to Pete to lend me the last copy he had available. And No, Pete, I won't give it back - it is too useful in my writing! Send me an invoice for any amount up to $500 so I can say its all mine!) Julius Guttag (1884-1962) is noted in numismatics for two things -- coauthoring a book with George Hetrich on "Civil War Tokens and Tradesmen's Store Cards" and inventing National Coin Week, both events occurring in 1924 (although one of his tokens stated "Coin Week Originated 1923"). Commercially he was a money dealer in lower Manhattan, foreign exchange, bonds and stocks (but only bank stocks). It was a natural for him to find an interest in coins. As for Guttag Brothers, I believe Julius was the only principal interested in numismatics at the firm (is anything known of any brother?). Julius was active in numismatic organizations as well, all located in New York City. He was an ANA board member in 1923. It looks like he was interested in stamps as well. He came to Medallic Art Company in 1926 and ordered an "International Philatelic Exhibition Medal" (26-19). It bears portraits of Lincoln and Washington face-to-face. I suspect he donated these. He was so satisfied with these that later that same year he ordered his own firm's storecard. My notes first stated that there were two kinds. I scratched that out and wrote in "5 kinds." Medallic Art's documents were sparse on this medal. I reserved the catalog number 26-37, and never finished cataloging these because I was unaware of the total number of varieties. There is some evidence he reordered more in 1927. Guess what - you can enjoy the "thrill of the chase" in finding as many varieties of Guttag storecards as possible. See how useful this research can be! Any way, these Guttag issues were created by Jonahan M. Swanson (1888-1963). The two men knew each other and undoubtedly traveled in the same circles and attended the same numismatic events in NYC. Swanson is noted for his portrait medals of the presidents of the New York Numismatic Club (he even had to create his own self-portrait medal in 1925 for his own presidency!). Julius liked Swanson's design so well he adopted it as the Guttag Brothers logo. It portrayed a youthful male examining a medal. A mature nude female holds open a book, and a scholar's lamp above. "Rare Coins" is in the exergue below. Julius advertised in the back of The Numismatist up to 1930 and included that logo, often printed in red - the only color in The Numismatist until decades later! I sold nine of those Guttag Brothers "tokens" in my medal auctions. In lot 557 of my 8th auction (Sept 28, 1980) I sold 3 varieties in one lot. I stated: "Here are the 3 die types; it is known these were struck in many compositions. Won't some numismatist research and publish these varieties?" A plea I could repeat today. Joe Levine has sold at least three in his medal auctions. Answer my old plea, Bob Rightmire, but have some fun doing it!" [I lent a handful of Guttag Coin Bulletin issues to Bob. He photocopied these for his research and promptly returned them - in better shape than when I sent them! (He put each in a nice Mylar protective sleeve). -Editor] DAVID GANZ ON THE MONACO CENTRAL AMERICA GOLD SEIZURE Regarding last week's item about the seizure of Monaco Financial's artifacts from the Central America at the recent Long Beach coin show, David L. Ganz of Ganz & Hollinger, P.C writes: "What was behind the seizure is hard to grasp and relates to a law suit that Monaco Financial is not even a party to. That law suit is a dispute involving a claim by investors in Recovery Limited Partnership and Columbus Exploration, LLC, which first discovered the wreck of the S.S. Central America and then figured out how to extricate the treasure. Nine individual plaintiffs and International Deep Sea Survey, Inc., brought suit earlier this year in Ohio State Court against Recovery Limited and Columbus Exploration, claiming that despite substantial recovery and sales efforts, they had been denied access to the partnership books and an accounting. The treasure salvors removed the case to the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Ohio, a remedy they are allowed to do because of the nature of the claims under which a maritime contract was deemed a federal and not a state question. A series of ancillary proceedings have taken place in U.S. District Courts in New York and California, but the granddaddy of them all is located in the Eastern District of Virginia, where the S.S. Central America litigation has been ongoing for nearly 20 years. After finding the Central America, the group brought an "in rem" proceeding in admiralty seeking to establish ownership of and the right to salvage the ship and its cargo of gold and other artifacts. Under salvage law, the original owners still retain their ownership interests in such property. It competes with the law of finders which, in contrast, expresses the ancient and honorable principle of finders, keepers. Meanwhile, the financial backers claim they received no remuneration and asked that the Court issue process for attachment and garnishment in the amount of $11,909,880 "against all goods, chattles, credits... claimed by, being held for or on behalf of, or being transferred for the benefit of" the Columbus Group. This is without an adjudication by a Court of the complaint, because the same remedy was sought and executed on in a New York Court as well as the Monaco seizure. Hundreds of documents are on file in the federal directory, some of which are sealed, others of which, including the operating agreement of the venture, are claims to be secret but are now available for viewing. Monaco, for its part, claims it bought the ingots outright and that the Columbus group has no financial interest in the gold ingots which, by weight alone - numismatic value not considered - has a bullion worth exceeding $3-million. Stay tuned." LIQUID GOLD STOLEN BY MINE EMPLOYEES It's not exactly numismatic, but another hoard of gold was in the news recently. Dave Perkins writes: "The Denver Post newspaper had an article last week about three former employees of Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Co. stealing more than $1.7M in unprocessed gold over a six-year period. The trio "are alleged to have diverted a line carrying gold-saturated fluid and directed it to their own homemade recovery filter." "They were making quite a bit of money on the side during their employment up there," said Larry Martin, an investigator for the 4th Judicial District Attorney's Office. "I've never seen anything quite like this before, especially on this magnitude of the theft." "They put it in plastic bags, hauled it out of there, put it in a truck and shipped it off," Martin said." "The mining company said it "has intensified its already tight security" and changed procedures." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [QUICK QUIZ: what connection does the Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining company have to numismatics? -Editor] COINAGE ARTICLE ON R.S. YEOMAN SOUGHT Dave Lange writes: "I'm looking to buy or borrow the March 1969 issue of Coinage Magazine - it features a biographical article about R. S. Yeoman. I'm hoping that one of the readers may have this issue available, unbound. My email address is langedw@msn.com." TIPS FOR ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEWS Dick Johnson writes: "Earlier this year I wrote in The E-Sylum of my saga obtaining the equipment to do numismatic oral histories (vol 9, no 5, article 5). I have now done a number of these, primarily with private mint officials and engravers. I have learned some tips I would like to pass along and encourage other numismatic researchers to do research by phone. You might still want to make a trip to dig in archives and old records, but try to do as much by phone with live people before hand. I learned oral history is very much like what a reporter does in interviewing for a news story. You ask questions and you get answers. Memories of my brief time as first editor of Coin World come flooding back to my mind. But most reporters jot down brief statements, phrases or words to remind themselves what was said. Then they must immediately write the article from these abbreviated mental joggers while the statements are still fresh in their minds. Oral history recordings give you exact quotations and the luxury of going back again and again to precisely what was said. It even gives you insight in HOW it was said which you can't get from notes. You can do your writing much later when a need arises or you have additional information you can intersperse with what was recorded. Here are some tips I have learned first hand: (1) Do your homework. Have a list of questions on hand before you call your interviewee. Those deadly pauses while you think of another question breaks the rhythm of the interview. (2) Plan for the interview length no longer than an hour. Fatigue sets in rapidly for both parties after that length of time. (3) Dictate a statement as soon as you turn on the recorder. Give date, name of the interviewee and subject right up front. (4) Omit your own comments (my cardinal error). You can, if you must, impress your interviewee with how you phrase your questions, that you are knowledgeable about the subject. You can do this by using the jargon of the field in your questions. The interviewee will pick up on this. (5) Jump in immediately when a word or name comes up that you do not understand. Ask for it to be repeated, or spelled out. (But don't do this so often it breaks the speaker's train of thought. You can make a list of these and question at the end of the interview.) (6) Afterwards label those tapes as soon as possible. Nothing is worse than a stack of tape cassettes with unknown contents. (7) Transcribe at leisure. For me it takes 40 hours to transcribe an hour of tape. I know. I am slow. (That $3,000 computer hardware and software that immediately puts the text on your computer screen and records it as each party speaks seems more desirable all the time.) Finally, (8) Make dup tapes and store offsite or send to the interviewee. Perhaps as several researchers build a library of these tapes one of the major numismatic libraries will want to become a repository of all numismatic oral histories. Convince me how you will catalog or make a finding aid of these, conserve, shelve these and such. The best interview I did was with Ron Landis of the Gallery Mint. We did it in two takes and there was so much "meat" I have already written two articles from that interview and there is still unused material there. Oh, one more tip. Use land lines, cell phones are not good -- unreliable and a chore to hold to your ear for an hour." NUMISMATIC ORAL HISTORY SAGA esylum_v09n05a05.htm FORMER BEP DIRECTOR ON RECOVERING MUTILATED CURRENCY E-Sylum reader Bob Leuver (former ANA Executive Director and Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing) writes: "Here's a little background on the recovery by BEP of mutilated currency. The office at the BEP responsible for this is the Office of Currency Standards, or, at least that was the title. "Currency Standards" is a correct title as the office is primarily responsible for the regulations governing the destruction of currency. This is a Department of Treasury function, not one of the Federal Reserve, which many might find interesting. For many years, up until perhaps 1984, the function was in Government Financial Operations (GFO). The new director of GFO, a really fine and competent gentleman recently appointed to that position by the Secretary from IRS, analyzed his organization and felt that the Office of Currency Standards was not a proper fit for his organization. In a meeting of the eleven Treasury Bureau directors, the director of GFO mentioned his problem. I said I would take the function. After all it was currency for which regulations were written and mutilated currency redeemed. The latter, highly visible function was probably the function that did not fit into GFO. Besides, I had met the chief of that office, Rudy Villareal, who had held the position for many years. Rudy was a likable, easy going and responsible person and very competent manager. The people at the Fed liked him also. Most of the regulations affected the Fed. Paul Frey succeeded Rudy upon his retirement in 1987. I think Paul recently retired. Paul had been head auditor for the U.S. Mint and then chief of public affairs at the BEP. The staff of Currency Standards works on mutilated currency. The women and men who perform the work are very diligent, unflappable and discerning when recovering mutilated currency. It takes a lot of patience to peel thumbnail pieces of currency from a stack and "scotch" tape them to an 11" by 8" sheet of paper. Most professionals in the office attempt to sort mutilated currency by serial numbers or denomination numbers. One small piece easily can represent the entire note. This saves a lot of time and the dollar value can be quickly tallied. I visited this office once every quarter at least--as was my practice for all offices and regions in the 29 acres of floor space at the BEP. That tour was something I had learned in 1982 from Anthony Murray (Adm. USN ret.), superintendent of the Philadelphia Mint. On one such visit to Currency Standards, a female worker, whose name escapes me, was just starting to work on a stack of currency that was estimated to be $5,000 by the individual submitting it. The worker was pasting the bits of currency on 11" by 8" sheets of paper - a monumental task. Three months later I came back to that office and while walking around, I approached the worker and asked. "How much money did you recover from that soggy stack of currency you were working on three months ago?" The woman knew I was coming and she was prepared for the question. She looked up, smiled and triumphantly said, "95% of the value!" I replied that I did not anticipate that such was possible. There are so many stories about the BEP redemption of currency." WILL POLYMER NOTES MAKE "PAPER MONEY" TERM OBSOLETE? Garry Saint writes: "I'd like to respond to your article (E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 22, May 28, 2006, Article 13) WILL POLYMER NOTES MAKE "PAPER MONEY" TERM OBSOLETE? I publish a website, previously called "WORLD PAPER MONEY PICTURE CATALOG" Just prior to reading your article I added a section on WOODEN BILLS and it occurred to me that with the advent of polymer notes and the fact that there have been fabric notes, cardboard notes, etc. the title of my site is inadequate. I thought of changing it to "WORLD MONEY PICTURES CATALOG" but that implies all money, not specifically banknotes which is 99% of my site. So I changed my site name to WORLD "PAPER" MONEY PICTURE CATALOG. What do you think of that as a solution to the problem?" [The following week Howard A. Daniel III offered this suggestion: "The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (SCWPM) has mostly "paper" pieces in it but there are also other products like leather, cardboard, etc. The idea to re-title it as the Standard Catalog of World Printed Money (SCWPM) is not a bad idea and more closely identifies ALL of the pieces in the three volumes produced by Krause Publications. " esylum_v09n23a19.html So I suggested "WORLD PRINTED MONEY PICTURE CATALOG and WORLD BANKNOTE PICTURE CATALOG as options. -Editor] Garry writes: "I have considered WORLD BANKNOTE PICTURE CATALOG previously and didn't think it quite fit because I am trying to place an emphasis on LOCAL CURRENCIES which are not issued by banks. My primary site name is NUMISMONDO which really covers it (world numismatics) and the rest of the name is a kind of tag line. So I'll see how this name question progresses and then make a decision." [Any other suggestions, readers? Be sure to visit Garry's site: numismondo.com -Editor] CANADIAN $2 POLAR BEAR COIN NAME PROPOSED: BOONIK Dick Johnson writes: "Canada is looking for a name for their new $2 coin with a polar bear on the reverse. They call their dollar coin a "loonie" for the loon bird portrayed. That was an excellent example of onomatopoeia, a figure of speech. (Boy, did I have to look up that word!) Shifting figures of speech their new $2 coin introduced ten years ago is called a "toonie." That figure of speech is assonance, the repetition of vowel sounds. Can any of our Canadian readers tell me what they are calling their $5 coin? In E-Sylum (vol 9, no 35, article 14) I suggested a "foonie" for five plus the continuation of the vowel sounds. Their new polar bear is a $2 "toonie" but to name the bear "boonie," doesn't seem appropriate. Why not add a little Eskimoish and name it a "boonik." HOW TO MAKE CHANGE FOR A LIBERTY DOLLAR Last week Tony Swicer wrote about people in the West Palm Beach area attempting to spend Liberty Dollars at face value when their bullion value was much less. Tom DeLorey writes: "I agree with Tony. When silver was around $7, I had one of their advocates come into our coin shop and try to spend a one ounce $10 for $10. He wouldn't take no for an answer, until I took out some blank pieces of paper and wrote "$1" on each of them and told the guy that I'd take his $10 if he'd take my $1's in change." COMMENTS ON DICK JOHNSON's COINAGE PROPOSAL Kavan Ratnatunga, writing from Sri Lanka (where the minimum fare for the bus or train is still a nickel (Rs5) writes: "On average 10 billion Cents are minted each year. About 300 billion over say the last 30 years considered the lifetime of a coin. This is about a 1,000 or US$10 worth of cent coins for every US Citizen. Making the "penny" worth 10 cents will cost about US$27 Billion and give each family of four a rebate of say $360. This is on the order of the $600 granted a few years ago as a tax rebate - unlikely in the current economy. Rounding off any to nearest nickel is unbiased. If just the penny rounded down 1-2 = 0 rounded up 3-4 = 5 Rounding to multiples of 10 cents is biased unless an odd-even rule is adopted for 5 i.e. rounded down 1-4 = 0 rounded up 6-9 = 10 and 5 is rounded up or down to make multiple of 20 Americans who will be confused about nearest nickel will be far more confused about nearest dime." ABOLISH DIMES IN ADDITION TO CENTS & NICKELS? Dick Johnson writes: "The Washington Post has weighed in on abolishing the cent problem. It assigned the story to writer Sebastian Mallaby. His report was published September 25, 2006, titled "The Penny Stops Here." He reported several interesting statistics. A study on the estimated time handling just pennies at each cash transaction is 2 to 2.5 seconds. This should save the average customer 730 seconds a year, or about a $3.65 annual saving. He also puts to rest the argument that rounding off -- up or down -- would lose shoppers serious money. A Wake Forest University study of 200,000 transactions stated the difference would be four cents in a citizen's purchases over a year. It really gets serious when he employs the Sharpe Ratio, named after Nobel Prize winner, William Sharpe. This measures risk divided by the size of the risk. Abolishing the cent is a Sharpe Risk Ratio of 13.5. Read the article to see what THAT means. He also reports on the Sharpe Ratio for nickels, but it drops to 1.2 for abolishing dimes. Hardly worth the effort!" To read the Washington Post article, see: Full Story SAYLES SPEAKS AGAINST DEPT. OF STATE POSITION ON ANCIENT COINS In a blog posting September 29, ancient coin expert and author Wayne Sayles spoke against the U.S. Department of State's position regarding the importation of ancient artifacts, including coins. Sayles believes the Department's position imperils educational programs revolving around ancient coins. Sayles cites the non-profit support group Ancient Coins for Education (ACE) and others: "The involvement of collector organizations in education, particularly in youth programs, is not a new development. The American Numismatic Association (ANA) sponsors a "Coins in the Classroom" program that is geared toward exposing teachers to the educational value of coins. The ANA also hosts a Roman Coin project that encourages and rewards young collectors and holds a series of summer seminars each year at its Colorado Springs headquarters that is open to young and old alike. The Ancient Coin Collectors Guild (ACCG), a non-profit advocacy group for the hobby, supports both the ACE and the ANA programs, as well as initiatives of its own, through its Education and Youth Programs Task Force. The combined membership of these organizations includes almost 50,000 coin collectors. In stark contrast to this altruistic effort, the U.S. State Department has taken a stance that threatens the very existence of these programs. With passage of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in 1983, the department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) became the central decision making point for matters falling under the purview of a 1970 UNESCO convention. One of the provisions of that act is a process by which the State Department can recommend, and the President can impose, emergency import restrictions on objects defined as cultural property. In reality, the UNESCO convention's description of cultural property is so broad that it encompasses virtually anything manufactured by human beings more than 100 years ago." To read the complete article, see: Full Story REPRODUCING THE FORD SILVER NOVA CONSTELLATIO SET David Gladfelter writes: "A window of opportunity exists, while the Ford Nova Constellatio (Constellatio Nova?) pattern set remains intact, to create accurate and authentic reproductions of this set, the way museums do of famous sculptures. To me it's particularly important that this be done because the patterns are unique and historic, and if lost, stolen or destroyed (as has already happened to the Templeton Reid California $25.00 piece), no metallic example would remain. The technology exists to produce such repros. Robert Bashlow and the firm of Aug. C. Frank Co. used it to produce copies of the Confederate cent and half dollar, which are popularly collected today. If the idea has merit, then one needs to consider under whose auspices it will be undertaken, the number of sets to be made, and how they will be distributed. I would personally favor a museum such as the Smithsonian or ANS undertaking this project, with a large mintage because of the historic importance of the patterns. If there is concern about the repros being offered as the genuine, they could be issued "one-sided" with a suitable design on the other side, as was done with Bashlow's half dollar restrikes; thus, a complete set would consist of 10 pieces, five obverse coins and five reverse. Another control could be issuance of the repros in different metals such as brass. Please let me know your thoughts. Understand, I am just floating an idea, I'm not interested in actually undertaking any restriking myself." [Cheapo repros of some of these pieces do exist, but I would agree that there could be a market and purpose for quality reproductions. I wouldn't undertake such a project either, but would encourage and support it. Dave's point about the Templeton Reid $25 meshes well with Alan Leudeking's comments in the last E-Sylum about counterfeits sometimes being the only records of the existence of a coin. This holds for collector reproductions as well. The E-Sylum has inspired numismatic projects before, so it's possible someone might take up the cause. Thoughts, readers? -Editor] TURKISH SILVER COIN FIND ON DISPLAY An article in the Turkish Daily News notes that "Silver coins unearthed in the ancient city of Iasos, located in Mugla's Milas district, are being featured in the semiannual Italian state periodical Bollettino Di Numismatica (Bulletin of Numismatics). The coins are currently on temporary display at the Izmir Archaeology Museum. "... the silver coins were unearthed by Franca Palazzini in 1969 in Iasos and that Italian archaeologists are conducting excavations at the site under the auspices of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, Berti said: "The findings should be put on permanent display instead of being hidden away in the museum's storerooms. We are ready to do our best to achieve this goal." To read the complete article, see: Full Story WHERE NUMISMATICS AND POLITICS COLLIDE Garry Saint writes: "There is another topic I would be interested in hearing the opinions of your readers. A few weeks ago I received a disturbing email from an individual who had visited two of my website sections, Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh. He then said the following, "Garry, You have a great website but having on display monetary units of the terrorist and separatist territorial entities like Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh is actually a support of terrorism. Your website has been mentioned by the separatists on numerous occasions as a recognizable world authority (which is not politically correct) and they use it to justify the fact of their occupation...." I have responded to this person and told him I will study his request and make a decision about whether to change my site. I also asked him to provide reference information so I can be better informed about this situation. He has sent me a number of reference links which I am reviewing. I have since determined that neither entity is on the USA State Department Terrorist list. However, from the links he provided I have learned that more than 500 civilians were killed in the Abkhazia-Azerbaijan war by the people the writer called terrorists. The fighting has now stopped but I gather it is far from settled politically. In an effort to dispel the notion that my site is any way official I have added a disclaimer to each section in question and will also add it to my "Fine Print" page as well. I also received this wonderful suggested response from a collector-friend who is a former USA diplomat: "Thank you for your concerned email(s), which I have carefully considered. However, after considering the issues involved, I have decided NOT to delete references on my Numismondo web site of Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh for the following reasons: My site is not politically motivated and has no political ambitions or connections. My site is dedicated to eventually listing EVERY banknote ever issued in the world. This includes countries, regions, political entities, occupational issues, private entities and wishful fantasy printings. The issues you have mentioned from Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh may be fantasy or regional issues -- but they exist -- and should be listed. My site also lists similar banknotes from other countries. In it, you will find listed Confederate banknotes from what is now the United States, Boer notes from South Africa, siege notes from Khartoum, as well as more recent material, such as notes used in Katanga, a breakaway province of Nigeria. The site also carries the notes issued by the Khmer Rouge and Viet Cong. Despite United States' embargoes on products from Iran and Cuba, we list their banknotes. Greece is not particularly fond of the country to its north calling itself Macedonia, but it issued banknotes under that name and we list them by that name. Further, my site makes no pretence to being official. The listing or not listing of an issue is MY choice. Listing in no way confers official status on any content in my site. I also reject the idea that my listing of a banknote, official or fantasy, supports terrorism or even encourages others to acquire these banknotes. They exist, therefore, they get listed. If you want to submit one or two paragraphs of descriptive narration regarding the Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh issues and their status, I would be happy to consider appending your comments to the pages listing them. For me to do this, however, I would need factual information, without emotional opinion." I am still considering how to handle this and similar situations and would welcome ideas from collectors or other interested parties." [Mixing numismatic and politics invariably ends up in a mess, which is why I prefer to keep politics out of The E-Sylum. But this is a good general question that repeatedly pops up in various contexts, such as the French ban on the sale of any Nazi-related items, the debate on the use of the Confederate flag, etc. I know subscriber Kavan Ratnatunga has had some similar concerns about his inclusion of Tamil tiger coins on his Sri Lankan coinage web site. But I agree with Garry's diplomat friend - these items exist, therefore they should be acknowledged, catalogued, collected, displayed and allowed to be bought and sold like any other historical artifact, albeit with a knowledge of the deserved delicate sensibilities of groups of people who oppose what the artifacts represent. -Editor] HOW GEORGE WASHINGTON MANAGED TO THROW A DOLLAR SO FAR Regarding the item on re-enacting George Washington's dollar toss, Neil Shafer writes: "Just a quick comment on throwing money across a river. Washington could possibly have done it way back when, but it would not be possible now ... because in those days a dollar went further!" SMYTHE SALE OFFERS "ELONGATED" ADVERTISING NOTE This may cause some spam filters to burp, but it's too good not to include. The following is from the press release for the Smythe & Company Fall currency auction: "Following the obsoletes is a group of advertising notes, of which Herb and Martha Schingoethe gathered perhaps the largest collection in the world. Some of the extreme rarities offered include an 1866 T. Hurle $1000 note from New Haven, Connecticut, incorporating a photographic rendering of an Original Series Fourth National Bank of the City of New York note; an extremely interesting and unusual $50 Chicago advertising note with an 1864 Confederate front for a device purported to provide, in today's terminology "natural male enhancement;" [The note is not listed in Robert Vlack's 2001 book, "An Illustrated catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes." The upcoming Smythe sale catalog is not yet on their web site, but I'm curious to see a picture of the note. -Editor] FEATURED WEB PAGE: THE WOOKEY HOLE MILL WATERMARK COLLECTION This week's featured web page is the Wookey Hole Mill Watermark Collection of Confederate States of America notes on Pierre Fricke's csaquotes.com web site. "The Hodgkinson & Co. Wookey Hole Mill watermark CSA notes are some of the rarest and interesting notes in the series. To actually see a complete collection of the "collectible" varieties of this watermark is a unique experience. There was one watermark per sheet of 8 notes making this watermark even rarer. Only a small number of reams was imported of which some were used for Virginia State currency. All of these notes are Rarity 9+ or better, meaning that there are less than 25 known of each. In most cases, there are less than 10 known of many of these notes making them true rarities in CSA currency. This mill exists today and is in Britain about two miles from the town of Wells in Somerset." Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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