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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 51, December 17, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Ray Murphy, David E. Schenkman, Bill Nyberg, Arnold Miniman, John Dannreuther, James Wiles and David Yoon. Welcome aboard! We now have 1,019 subscribers. Happy Birthday to my eldest son Christopher, who turns eight tomorrow. We worked on adding to his statehood quarter books last weekend but I couldn't bribe him into helping me with an E-Sylum review of The Official Red Book of Washington and State Quarters. He and his brother Tyler are big readers, but it'll be a while before I can pull a Bill Keane and let one of my kids take over my editorial duties for a day. All three of my kids have a lot to learn about numismatics, but they have picked up a few things from their old man along the way. Other concepts come naturally, but need a little work. When my wife found the right half of a dollar bill in six-year-old Tyler's pocket this week, she asked where the rest of it was. He said he wanted to give his friend at school half of his dollar, so he tore it in two and gave the left half away. Cutting a Spanish pillar dollar into pieces of eight came just as naturally to people centuries ago, but there is a slight difference between paper and silver. Just ask two-year-old Hannah. While playing today I said "Here's my money," handing her a play dollar and coin. Pointing to the paper she said "that's a dollar." Pointing to the coin she said, "THIS is MONEY!" This week's issue brings news of a new editor for the NBS print journal, The Asylum, and word of new books on the Denver Mint and world coinage. Reviewed in some detail is the upcoming Holabird-Kagin Americana fixed price list of precious metal ingots and specimens. In other precious- metal news related to numismatics, the U.S. Mint bans coin melting and Korea unveils new, cheaper-to-manufacture coins made of copper-coated aluminum. In research news, David Gladfelter discusses Labor Exchange notes of the Great Depression, Rich Jewell and Roger Burdette correct a misstatement about the creator of the ANS Saltus medal, and Bob Rightmire provides an update on his Guttag Brothers information quest. What do Joe DiMaggio, B.B. King, William Safire and Natan Sharansky have in common? And what interesting numismatic story is to be found in a 1962 issue of Adventures in Radioisotope Research? Read on to find out. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society NBS NAMES DAVID YOON EDITOR OF THE ASYLUM Pete Smith, President of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS), announced today that the NBS board of trustees has ratified the appointment of David Yoon, of New York City, as the editor of The Asylum, the Society’s official print journal. Yoon, whose appointment is effective January 1, 2007, replaces E. Tomlinson Fort, of Pittsburgh, who resigned in order to devote his full energies to his graduate studies. Yoon is an active field archaeologist, currently an assistant director of a medieval excavation in France and a co-director of a regional archaeological project in Italy. He has extensive experience as an editor, including non-numismatic materials such as medical and computer books as well as numismatic work. In particular, he has done editing, design, typesetting, and production work for the American Numismatic Society, on their scholarly journal The American Journal of Numismatics and several books. Pete Smith said “The NBS is both delighted and honored to have secured the services of David Yoon as editor of our 27 year-old print journal, The Asylum. David is widely admired as one of the most knowledgeable and insightful editors in all of numismatics. He will take our award- winning journal to new heights of quality and accessibility.” Yoon commented, “I’m pleased to be working with the NBS, and I hope to be able to build on the excellent work of the past editors of The Asylum.” Smith said that the NBS welcomes contributions to The Asylum from members and non-members alike, so long as they pertain to numismatic books, journals, catalogues, and fixed price literature. Submissions should be sent to David Yoon electronically at dyoon@ix.netcom.com [For those who are new to The E-Sylum, what you're reading is the weekly ELECTRONIC newsletter of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Asylum is our quarterly PRINT journal. The Asylum is sent only to members of the society; The E-Sylum is free to all. While The E-Sylum is great for short news items, research requests, commentary, quiz questions and the like, The Asylum is the place for longer, fully researched, edited and annotated articles. Only NBS members are entitled to this great journal, but the good news is the price of membership is only $15 per year to U.S. addresses ($20 elsewhere). There is a membership application available on the NBS web site at this address: NBS Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Membership is only $15 to addresses in the U.S., $20 elsewhere. For more information, write to David M. Sundman, Secretary/Treasurer at dsundman@LittletonCoin.com -Editor] NEW BOOK ON THE DENVER MINT - 100 YEARS OF GANGSTERS, GOLD AND GHOSTS 'The Denver Mint: 100 Years of Gangsters, Gold, and Ghosts' by Lisa Ray Turner and Kimberly Field has recently been published by Mapletree Publishing Company, Denver, CO. From the book's web page: "This is the most comprehensive book ever published about the Denver Mint. It takes readers from the days when gold dust was legal tender in the dusty frontier town of Denver to the present when the Mint is a world-class facility that makes most of our coins. History buffs will love the book’s historical highlights while casual readers will enjoy seeing how the cultural events and trends influenced money and life at the Mint. "The book provides a unique, behind-the-scenes look at the Denver Mint entertaining stories of colorful characters, controversial coins, and the creative artists behind the nation’s coinage. It covers everything from workday life at the Mint to tales of gangsters and dramatic gold transfers." The 192-page illustrated softcover book is available from the publisher for $18.95 postpaid. For more information, see: Denver_Mint.htm WHITMAN PUBLISHES GOLDBERGS' MONEY OF THE WORLD Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing writes: "Money of the World will be the largest Whitman book of recent years to focus on ancient and world coins. Personally, as a world coin collector, I found it a lot of fun to work on. The coin images that illustrate the book are amazing!" Dennis forwarded a copy of the press release for the new book: "Whitman Publishing will release a book in 2007 that illustrates how coins were shaped by the development of Western Civilization and how they sometimes helped shape it in turn. 'Money of the World: Coins That Made History' (320 pgs, hardcover, color; $49.95) will debut in January at the New York International Numismatic Convention and will be available nationwide in February. “The inspiration for this book began more than 40 years ago,” said coeditor Ira Goldberg, of Ira and Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles. “I was fascinated by the relationship of coinage to money and the historical importance of the role coins played.” When a client offered Ira and his cousin Larry Goldberg the chance to build an unprecedented world-coin collection, they took on the project with gusto. “For us as coin dealers,” said Larry, “this was both a dream come true and an unparalleled adventure.” The Millennia Collection, illustrated throughout the book, tells the history of Western Civilization through significant coins of the realm. Each coin had to meet certain criteria before it could be added to the collection: 1. It must have been struck for commerce (not as a pattern or commemorative). 2. It had to capture both the beauty and the art of the period. 3. It had to be the largest circulating size or denomination; therefore, dollars, talers, and gold are frequently showcased. 4. It had to be of superb quality, not just “the best you can get.” 5. Above all, the coin had to have a story to tell." [The book's editors are Ira and Larry Goldberg. The authors are Richard G. Doty, senior curator of numismatics at the Smithsonian Institution, Robert Wilson Hoge, a curator at the American Numismatic Society in New York, Ana Lonngi de Vagi, a researcher of Latin American history and coinage, Bruce Lorich, Michael J. Shubin and David L. Vagi. -Editor] ORDERING INFORMATION FOR THE SANTIAGO MINT BY JARA AND LUEDEKING As noted last week, Carlos Jara's and Alan Luedeking's latest book, "The Early Coinage of the Mint of Santiago de Chile: 1749-1772" has been published and is ready to ship. Alan Luedeking writes: "To order the book, contact me at alan@ludeca.com. I will fill orders for delivery in the USA and Carlos (clejara@yahoo.com) will ship to Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world." To read the complete review, see: REVIEW: THE SANTIAGO MINT BY JARA AND LUEDEKING esylum_v09n50a07.html HOLABIRD-KAGIN AMERICANA ISSUES FIRST CATALOG Stack's and American Numismatic Rarities aren’t the only numismatic firms merging: "Kagin’s, Inc. and Holabird Americana have combined forces into a new venture called Holabird-Kagin Americana, a division of Kagin’s, Inc. The two biggest entities in “collecting the West” join forces to bring a new level of education and opportunity to the collecting field... The result of this merger will include a series of fixed price catalogs focusing on Western Americana specimens of high rarity, quality and variety, with unparalleled descriptions drawn from the research and knowledge of Dr. Kagin and Mr. Holabird." "Holabird states, “the new venture will allow me to concentrate on the acquisition and sales of great Western Americana rarities, as well as continue to bring new published works to the marketplace.” "Currently, Holabird has four books due for publication within the next year, including what is expected to be the primary reference book on ingots." The above text is taken from the new firm's first fixed-price catalog, which is due to be posted online next week. I was fortunate to have an opportunity to review advance copies of several pages, and every numismatist with an interest in the American West and gold bars and ingots in particular should take notice. The catalog consists of "the Robert Bass Collection of precious metal ingots and western assayer receipts as well as specimens put together by A.M. Kagin several decades ago for the Kagin Reference Collection." "Many of the items presented here (several for the first time ever at a fixed price) are unique. Others, while collectable, remain controversial and deserve more research and are so noted in our listing. In all cases we have endeavored to present all pertinent information- controversial or notabout the origin of the ingots based not on tradition or circumstantial evidence, but on the actual science and empirical data." The catalog opens with a selection of U.S. Assay Office & U.S. Branch Mint Ingots from New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. The catalog acknowledges that "Precious Metal ingots have been made at the US Branch Mint and Assay Offices since their inception. The only definitively pre-1900 Mint or Assay Office ingots that exist in the knowledge of the author are from the Denver Branch Mint, held in an institutional collection dated 1865. Most of the ingots seen at coin shows are products of twentieth century collecting. Most are silver and post-WWII." The remainder of the catalog is organized by geographic area: Arizona, California, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nevada and New Mexico. For researchers and ephemera collectors, the final section features Assay Certificates. A number of gold and silver ingots of the Thorne Mining & Refining Company are pictured in the Arizona section. Cataloger Holabird writes that "the Thorne pieces, which are not dated, are a product of the post-1964 silver craze. They were most probably made for sale into the bullion markets, though most are silver. They have remained very collectible, however, primarily because they are an artistic bar..." A number of presentation ingots are pictured and described, including one from the Colorado-Philadelphia Reduction Company, which "was presented to one of the CPRC Board members upon the opening of the reduction works in 1896. J. A. Hayes, whose name is borne upon the ingot in fancy engraved fashion of the period was the president of the First National Bank in Colorado Springs and one of the key investors in the Company." The Assay Certificate section is led by a Gold Bullion receipt for the Branch Mint of the United States at Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27, 1840. Also included is a "Letter from the Mint of the United States at Carson, Nevada, dated December, 1890. L. L. Elrod, cashier for the Mint, writes to R. Keating, the superintendent of the Savage Mining Co. that he has received 334 pounds of bullion. Letters from the Mint are scarce." The Holabird-Kagin Americana catalog is well illustrated with color photos of nearly every item, accompanied by lengthy footnoted text descriptions. It's a real eye-opener. I've been in numismatics for years, but have never seen most of the pieces illustrated here. I suspect the catalog will be in demand as a reference work, for it contains much information to be found no where else. To obtain a copy, contact the firm at 888-8KAGINS for visit their web site at www.kagins.com. Fred Holabird adds: "The most controversial piece that I rendered an opinion on was the Eagle mining Company, which were created using a copy the logo of the US Mint! "I now have a photo of an 1892 New York Assay Office silver ingot, unquestionably authentic, in an old collection. I didn't have this at the time of the last writing. This is typical of what will come in the ingot book to be published by Monaco in 2007." U.S. MINT BANS COIN MELTING This is not big news to E-Sylum readers - with the reports we've seen about other countries banning coin melting, it was only a matter of time before the U.S. would follow suit. Once of the first reports hit the Associated Press wire on Thursday and was published by the Chicago Sun-Times: "Given rising metal prices, the pennies and nickels in your pocket are worth more melted down than their face value -- and that has the government worried. "U.S. Mint officials said Wednesday they were putting into place rules prohibiting the melting down of 1-cent and 5-cent coins, with a penalty of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 for people convicted of violating the rule. "A nickel is 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper. The metal in one coin costs 6.99 cents for each 5-cent coin. Modern pennies have 2.5 percent copper content with zinc making up the rest of the coin. The current copper and zinc in a penny are worth 1.12 cents." To read the complete article, see: Full Story The New York Times noted "The Mint is also testing dozens of cheaper alternative metal compositions in the expectation that Congress will mandate a change when it meets in the new year." "In an interview yesterday, Edmund C. Moy, director of the Mint, said officials were aware of only a few people asking if it was legal to melt coins for their metal value. Without the ban, which takes effect tomorrow, it would be. The new ban also forbids exporting pennies or nickels in any significant quantities. While the Mint is not concerned about tourists’ pocket change or numismatic collections, it wants to block wholesale export of coins to countries where recycling them for their metal content could be economically viable." To read the complete article, see: Full Story IS MINT's BAN ON COIN MELTING ENFORCABLE? Dick Johnson writes: "On Thursday (December 14, 2006) the U.S. Mint issued an interim ruling that U.S. coins cannot be melted. Try telling that to the Secret Service. Such a ruling is, in my opinion, unenforcable. "Look out, here come the penny police!" "The coins in your possession are your property. You can do with them what you wish -- toss them in glass jars, lay them on railroad tracks for trains to run over, run them thru elongating machines, engrave hobos on the reverse, even counterstamp with letters or your name. "Or you can spend them. That is where the government has control over coins in circulation -- not when they are your property -- they control coins as commerce. If you put them back in circulation as U.S. money the government can have some legal action over the coins at this point. "If you melt the coins you cannot spend them. Thus this ruling has little or no effect. It is a gray area. "Mint officials are frightened of mass melting of cents and nickels. And so they should be. Worse yet, is the possibility of a metal-starved country like China buying up all the low denomination coins, shipping them all to Asia to melting for the retrievable copper, zinc and nickel. "This U.S. Mint ruling is like treating the symptoms instead of the disease. The "disease" in this case is the rising economy of America. And that is a good thing. Our economy is advancing so rapidly that our two lowest coin denominations have little purchasing power that the cost of their metal plus the cost of manufacture are greater than the economic value of their denominations. "I outlined the solution to this problem in The E-Sylum ten weeks back. Don't melt anything. Keep all the coins circulating. Just revalue all cents and nickels to 10-cent value. This can be done by Treasury Secretary's wave of his pen! He should rule that on a designated Saturday midnight all cents and nickels are revalued. Problem solved. See my E-Sylum article: DICK JOHNSON's DRAMATIC SOLUTION TO THE RISING COST OF CENTS esylum_v09n39a13.html If you wish to see Thursday's news article from ABC (quoting Dave Ganz) click on: Full Story " BANK OF KOREA ISSUES NEW COPPER-COATED ALUMINUM COINS While the U.S. frets over what to do about the cost of raw materials, the Korea Times reports that "The Bank of Korea said Monday it would issue new 10-won coins and distribute them to banks next Monday for public circulation. "The new coin will be smaller and lighter than the current one. It weighs 1.2 grams and is 18 millimeters in diameter, while the current one weighs 4.06 grams and is 22.86 millimeters in diameter. "The bank has decided to manufacture the coin using copper-coated aluminum, which is much cheaper and lighter than an alloy of copper and zinc used for the current ones. The bank said it could save about 4 billion won in manufacturing costs annually by changing the material." "South Korea is the first country to use copper-coated aluminum for manufacturing coins. The bank said tests show the material is good for smaller coins." To read the complete article, see: Full Story LIBERTY ALSO MISSING FROM NEW DOLLAR COINS David Klinger writes: "The last E-Sylum issue did not mention that the traditional "LIBERTY" inscription is also missing from the design of the new coins, and has not been moved to the edge design. The Presidential $1 Coin Act (Public Law 109-145) states: "Inscriptions of ‘Liberty’.Notwithstanding the second sentence of subsection (d)(1), because the use of a design bearing the likeness of the Statue of Liberty on the reverse of the coins issued under this subsection adequately conveys the concept of Liberty, the inscription of ‘Liberty’ shall not appear on the coins." The full text of Public Law 109-145 can be read here: Public Law 109-145 " PRESIDENTIAL SPOUSE COINS TO DEBUT NEXT WEEK The Presidential dollar coins have gotten most of the press coverage recently, but the First Spouse coins are next in line. The coins are scheduled to be released in May 2007. According to Numismatic News, "The design of the pure gold 2007 First Spouse coins will be displayed publicly for the first time at a presentation and reception Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 10 a.m. The event will be held at the National First Ladies Library in Canton, Ohio. The event will be hosted by U.S. Mint Director Edmund C. Moy, National First Ladies Library Founder Mary Regula, and Dolley Madison re-enactor Lucinda Frailly." "Four half-ounce gold First Spouse coins will be minted annually in the order the spouses served in the White House. The collectible coins will coincide with the release of the four circulating Presidential $1 coins that will be issued annually." To read the complete article, see: Full Story QUIZ ANSWER: DU SIMITIERE's AMERICAN MUSEUM SITE Last week Pete Smith posed this question about Du Simitiere’s American Museum: "If a traveler wished to visit the location of the American Museum today, what would they find occupying the site?" Gar Travis writes: "I like these quizzes - some are rather challenging. Du Simitiere’s American Museum was initially housed in his home until 1794, when he rented space at the American Philosophical Society building. In 1802 he moved the museum to the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall) where it remained until 1829. Source: www.answers.com )" Yes, but what occupies the initial museum site today? It could have been a cheesesteak stand for all I know. But Pete's answer is one we all recognize. Joel Orosz writes: "The answer to the question is the Fourth (and current) United States Mint! "One correction, though--although I would be proud to be an EAC Board member, I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of that Board. I am a long-time Board member of the NBS." [NBS Board member Joel Orosz is the author of “The Eagle That is Forgotten.”, a great book about Pierre Eugene du Simitiere. -Editor] DEPRESSION-ERA LABOR EXCHANGE NOTES Regarding the recent item on Smythe’s offering of Labor Exchange notes, David Gladfelter writes: "Labor exchange notes again came into use during the Great Depression. To quote from Ralph Mitchell and Neil Shafer's Depression Scrip catalog: 'As the unemployed had no money with which to buy anything, it became the purpose of the various organizations of the unemployed to find a way of providing necessities to members without having to use money. Barter and trade were often resorted to, and some organizations issued scrip as an exchange medium. 'In January of 1933, there were over 140 separate barter exchanges in the United States, with over a million people making use of their facilities through trade scrip. Members of these groups traded one service for another or exchanged one commodity for another. When it was not possible for one member to perform a service directly for another, some means of credit for future exchange had to be given. The formula was simple -- trade hours of work for value to be received later.' David continues: "One way of doing this was to issue scrip, sometimes valued in units of time (as with the De Bernardi notes) and sometimes in monetary equivalents although the scrip would state that it was a credit unit and not money. "Some scrip of the Milwaukee Unemployed Labor and Commodity Exchange was saved by my father and has been in our family for over 70 years. Shafer considers this organization to have been one of the most successful of the unemployed labor groups. "It should be noted that Thomas Edison once proposed that the Federal Reserve system be operated as a commodity exchange. In the introduction to his pamphlet entitled "A Proposed Amendment to the Federal Reserve Banking System," Edison wrote, "Some time ago Mr. [Henry?] Ford asked me to see if I could not invent some plan for helping the Farmer. I have approached the matter in the same way that I do with a mechanical or other invention, namely, get all the facts as far as possible, and then see what can be done to solve the problem." Edison's proposal got a cold reception from economists, so he abandoned it. The story is told by David Hammes and Douglas Wills in the Winter 2004 issue of Financial History magazine." FINANCIAL HISTORY MAGAZINE I haven't seen a copy of Financial History magazine yet, so I asked David Gladfelter for more information. He writes: "Financial History magazine is put out by the Museum of American Finance, which was founded by John Herzog (principal of R. M. Smythe Co.) and is about to move out of a tiny space in the basement of 26 Broadway, New York, into the Morgan building on Wall St. around the corner from the Stock Exchange. To be a museum member costs something like $20. The museum's web site is www.financialhistory.org." [I checked the web site, and the membership fee is actually $40. But back issues of the quarterly journal are available for $3 each. -Editor] NUMISMATIC SEARCH ENGINE FEEDBACK Bob Leonard writes: "Your new search engine gives some very peculiar results. For example, Dick Johnson claims to have provided 500 articles to the E-Sylum alone, yet if you search for "Dick Johnson" very few appear. I searched under my own name and found hardly any of my contributions--yet if you use "Lesher" as a search term, one of the omitted items comes up (with Dick Johnson too), that doesn't appear under my own name. I don't understand this. [Hmmm. I tried Bob's examples, and he's right. I’m not sure what’s going on. Dick does have hundreds of articles in The E-Sylum archive, but they’re not coming up here. He is referred to both as "Robert Leonard" and "Bob Leonard", but searching in each of these and summing the total still falls short. I'll look into this. Thanks for the feedback! -Editor] Bob adds: "Incidentally, the Harry Bass Research Foundation has redone their web search, and screwed it up badly. It used to be a very valuable search engine (like what you are attempting), but now it is extremely erratic, with either no hits or way too many to be useful. "Again, as a test I searched for my own name (since I know what a complete list is), and was surprised to see one of my COAC papers missing. Searching under the title revealed that part of the title had been coded as the "author." Right now I think that the best numismatic reference search (except commercial stuff such as you include) is the ANS web site." MORE ON MAKING U.S. PAPER CURRENCY MORE USABLE FOR THE BLIND The San Francisco Chronicle published an article last Sunday, December 10 about recent ruling to make U.S. paper money more usable by the blind: "... former government officials and vending merchants say redesigning the 37 million currency bills printed each day would be an unduly expensive effort. They argue that the change would force the redesign of hundreds of everyday objects, such as ATMs, cash registers and wallets. "The ruling also is opposed by a larger blind advocacy group, the National Federation of the Blind, which calls the American Council of the Blind's effort "dangerously misguided" in suggesting that blind people are incapable of identifying currency." "A National Academy of Sciences study in 1995 found that of the 180 countries that issue paper currency, only the United States printed all denominations of bills the same size. The study suggested the Treasury Department could both prevent counterfeiting and assist low-vision and blind Americans by enlarging fonts and varying the bill sizes. Euros, for example, increase in length and height for each value. When the U.S. bill underwent redesigns in 1996 and 2004, numerals were enlarged so low-vision users could easily distinguish the bills, Ferguson said. But the large numbers failed to assist legally blind users..." Ferguson said the bureau tested braille marks on bills, but durability tests showed that they wore off quickly." To read the complete article, see: Full Story On Tuesday the government filed an appeal of the judge's decision: "Justice Department lawyers filed the appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on behalf of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson." "Jeffrey Lovitky, an attorney for the council, said he planned to petition the appeals court to reject the appeal until Robertson makes a decision on what remedies the government should pursue. A hearing to hear the government's recommendations is scheduled for next month." To read the complete article, see: Full Story National Public Radio did a piece on the story December 14th. At this web page you can find a link to a recording of the story, and read a nice illustrated sidebar article about the features other countries use on their banknotes to help the visually impaired. Full Story A. A. WEINMAN AND THE ANS SALTUS AWARD MEDAL Rich Jewell writes: "In the November 27th Coin World article on Brenner's Enduring Legacy by Nancy Oliver and Richard Kelly (page 82) they show a photo of the Saltus Award and mention that Victor Brenner won the prestigious award and he also designed the award. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty certain that A. A. Weinman engraved and designed the Saltus Award for the American Numismatic Society." Roger Burdette writes: "That's correct. In my opinion, the figure is possibly one of the best ever done for a medal by an American artist. The reverse, Pegasus, is illustrated in a slightly different version in my Renaissance of American Coinage 1916-1921 book." [Roger also pointed out a page on the ANS web site describing the creation of the Saltus award and medal. -Editor] "In January 1914 the Council appointed Huntington and two other Councillors, Henry Russell Drowne and Charles Dodd, to "work out a plan for a competition for the design of the Saltus Medal... by the end of 1918, they settled upon an original design by A.A. Weinman." To read more on the Saltus Medal Award, see: Full Story JOHN MERCANTI INTERVIEWED BY FORBES MAGAZINE Although the article doesn't seem to be available online (at least not yet), there is a short profile of John Mercanti of the U.S. Mint in the December 25, 2006 issue of the Fortune Investor's Guide 2007 (p152). It includes a great photo of the prolific sculptor-engraver at a work station in the Mint. "I've been working here since 1974. At that time I was an illustrator but had never sculpted. Since then I've designed 35 medals and 43 coins. We are all classically trained, and we demand a lot [of ourselves] because the Mint is known for its beautiful coins... The best part of my job is seeing the finished product - holding the coin in my hand. It's satisfying to see them all over the country." FIVE POUND BANK OF ENGLAND NOTE IN SHORT SUPPLY According to a report published in The Daily Mail December 13, "The £5 note is becoming an endangered species. An unannounced decision by banks over the past two years not to offer them in cash machines has resulted in a shrinking supply. "The Bank of England produced 63 million last year, the lowest figure on record and down 73% in five years." "But there is a suspicion that most of these are sitting in the vaults of banks or retailers. The spokesman said retailers appear increasingly to be holding on to £5 notes overnight in their till floats, rather than depositing them with banks, probably for the practical reason of having them available for change. "The result is that the notes that do remain in circulation are increasingly likely to be ripped or tatty, as damaged ones are only weeded out when returned to the banks." "The knock-on effect is that stores cannot offer them in change, which means they have to ladle out vast quantities of coins instead." To read the complete article, see: Full Story 2007 PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM AWARDEES President Bush awarded the Medal of Freedom to several U.S. citizens this week. The Call of Kansas City profiled one awardee in a lengthy article: "John “Buck” O’Neil is finally experiencing what the old Negro hymn so graciously shouts -- free at last." "The former Kansas City Monarch and Negro Leagues legend was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, given to America’s finest and such sports legends as Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Ashe, Jesse Owens, Roberto Clemente, Jack Nicklaus and Muhammad Ali. O’Neil will join Blues legend B.B. King who will also receive the Medal of Freedom next week." "The first African American coach in Major League Baseball history, who also scouted some of the greatest baseball players of all-time, O’Neil received numerous awards in his lifetime, but none carry the prestige which accompanies the Presidential Medal of Freedom. "The Presidential Medal of Freedom is one of the two highest civilian awards in the United States given by the President. The other major civilian award is the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor." To read the complete article, see: Full Story There are ten awardees in all this year, honored at a White House ceremony December 15. O'Neill's award comes posthumously, but several of the awardees accepted them in person. An Associated Press article lists them in alphabetical order: Ruth Johnson Colvin, Norman C. Francis, Paul Johnson, B.B. King, Joshua Lederberg, David McCullough, Norman Y. Mineta, John "Buck" O'Neil, William Safire and Natan Sharansky. To read the complete article, see: Full Story [I've had the pleasure of seeing blues legend B. B. King in concert several times, and actually met another one of the awardees, historian David McCullough. The Martha's Vinyard Times interviewed him about the award. -Editor] "President Harry Truman established the award in 1945 to honor service during WWII. It was later revived by President John F. Kennedy. For Mr. McCullough, The historical connection to President Truman has a special significance. "Mr. McCullough won his first Pulitzer Prize in 1993 for "Truman," his bestselling biography, published by Simon and Schuster." "Speaking with the scholarly grace and ease that characterizes him in person and in his more public roles, Mr. McCullough said that the honor was not his alone but belonged to the many people - editors, librarians, researchers and others - who had helped him along the way and taken an interest in his work." To read the complete article, see: Full Story For more background on the medal, see medaloffreedom.com CMU RESEARCHERS DEVELOP TECHNIQUES TO IDENTIFY ONLINE FRAUDSTERS Other coin mail lists and chat rooms are rife with complaints about fraudulent eBay auctions designed to fleece unwary collectors. Turning computer power against the thieves, researches have developed a system to help identify the potential scammers among the universe of auctions. "Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University are using data mining techniques to identify perpetrators of fraud among on-line auction users as well as their otherwise unknown accomplices. "The new method analyzes publicly available histories of transactions posted by online auction sites such as eBay and identifies suspicious online behaviors and dubious associations among users." "Perpetrators of these frauds have distinctive online behaviors that cause them to be readily purged from an online auction site, said Computer Science Professor Christos Faloutsos. The software developed by his research team Network Detection via Propagation of Beliefs, or NetProbe could prevent future frauds by identifying their accomplices, who can lurk on a site indefinitely and enable new generations of fraudsters. In a test analysis of about one million transactions between almost 66,000 eBay users, NetProbe correctly detected 10 previously identified perpetrators, as well as more than a dozen probable fraudsters and several dozen apparent accomplices." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [The software could probably be made even more effective against coin auction scammers by teaching it to look for the hallmarks in the text description of typical fraud lots, such as the "Aw, shucks, I'm no noo-mis-ma-tist, but this here coin my great-grand-pappy gave me sure looks purty." come-on. I forwarded the article to ANA Executive Director Chris Cipoletti, who asked eBay liaison Susan McMillan to follow up. Thanks! -Editor] HARVEY STACK AND DAVE BOWERS, WEATHERMAN Regarding the merger of Dave Bowers' company with Stack's, an E-Sylum subscriber writes: "I was listening to New York's all-news radio station WINS-AM today and heard a news item about the 1913 Liberty nickel that is about to be auctioned in Orlando, FL on January 2, 2007. Prior to the auction, the nickel, which is purported to be worth $5 Million, can be viewed at the West 57th Street gallery of the auction company. The last part of this story consisted of the unmistakable voice of Harvey Stack explaining why the nickel was so valuable. Two things went through my head after hearing Harvey's voice: 1) WINS has a meteorologist named Dave Bowers. 2) Stacks is the firm that supposedly returned the Walton 1913 nickel to the collector's widow, asserting it was fake. [The circumstances leading to the labeling of Walton's a fake are discussed at length in the "Million Dollar Nickels" book by Montgomery, Borchardt and Knight (see Chapter 8 "Disappearing Act"). Abe Kosoff was among those also calling Walton's specimen a fake. -Editor] BRITISH TREASURE HUNTER FINDS RARE COINS Dick Johnson writes: "A metal-detector-toting treasure hunter of Craven, England found his most valuable coin recently. Along with six silver groats he found a silver penny in East Marton in June this year. "The coins would have been in circulation in the 1420s or early 1430s, issued under Lancastrian Kings, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI between 1412 and 1427 to 1430, and are worth up to four thousand pounds. "The gentleman, identified only as "Mr Binns," searches every day and usually donates his finds to local schools as an educational tool. His recent find, however, is at the British Museum for determination of its worth by the Treasure Valuation Committee in consultation with the Craven Museum." Interested readers may click on this for the full article: Full Story GUTTAG BROTHERS RESEARCH UPDATE Bob Rightmire writes: "Once again, E-Sylum subscribers have stepped forth with valuable documents to help me with my research on the Guttag Brothers. David Sundman has offered copies of Guttag's Coin Bulletins that are not to be found elsewhere, and John Kraljevich is lending me the only known copy of the sole coin auction conducted by the firm. Such courtesies are the finest possible holiday gifts. With that in mind, a Happy Holidays to all." THE VIRGIL BRAND COLLECTION LEDGERS John Smithwick writes: "In the recent E-Sylum you asked about who might have the records of the Brand inventory. I talked to Arthur Friedberg (of 'Paper Money of the United States' fame). In the past he's mentioned that his family had the Brand ledgers. I believe they were acquired along with the Brasher doubloon. He said his copy of the Brand ledgers were no more than twenty feet away. The originals were sold and donated to the ANS." [Web sites for the Friedbergs' Coin and Currency Institute and 'Paper Money of the U.S.' books are shown below, along with a link to the previous E-Sylum article. John adds: "Arthur also said a new copy of the So-Called Dollars book is coming out mid-2007. Price and "printage" have yet to be determined. Work is being done by those at www.socalleddollar.com, while he will be doing the publishing. -Editor] COIN & CURRENCY INSTITUTE coin-currency.com PAPER MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES papermoneyoftheus.com MORE ON THE 1792 WASHINGTON CENT IN GOLD PEDIGREE GAP esylum_v09n50a13.html SUMMARY OF THE 1792 WASHINGTON CENT IN GOLD PEDIGREE GAP With regard to the history of the 1792 Washington cent in gold, Saul Teichman writes: "The Brand journals are in the American Numismatic Society library, so they can be checked. If Brand did own the coin, then it is very unlikely that Col. Green ever owned it. "I do not know who purchased the Col. Green inventory out of the Ford Library, but if the coin is listed there and was purchased in 1925, then it would be very interesting to figure out where it came from. The only major collection sold circa 1925 was the Ellsworth collection. It does not seem likely that it was in there as it almost assuredly would have been purchased by the Garretts. Is it possible that it was bought by a relative unknown?" George Fuld writes: "I appreciate the comments by Saul and Ron. Here is what we know to date: H. P. Smith, using the nom de plume of Clay, bought it at the 1890 Parmalee sale. It did not go to Brand as his material did not begin to be dispersed until 1933. Dr. Hall's material was all bought intact by Brand. "I also checked the Mehl inventory of the Newcomer collection and the cent was not there. Eric bought it directly from the Col. Green estate through B. G. Johnson. We still don't know where it was between 1890 and 1925. Was it in some dealer's stock as suggested by Eric? I appreciate the help and hope someone can come up with a new name." IF COINS HAVE A MINTAGE, SHOULD PAPER MONEY HAVE A PRINTAGE? In discussing print runs of numismatic books, Dave Bowers asked, "Might “printage” be more widely employed as a useful numismatic name?" Kavan Ratnatunga writes: "I have often wondered why currency catalogs like Pick (now published by Krause) never attempted to publish "printage" of currency notes. Some dates of Modern Lankan Currency are rare because they had relatively low "printage." PRINTAGES FOR JARA AND LUEDEKING BOOKS Regarding the proposed "printage" term, Alan Luedeking writes: "I like Dave and Diana's term. For what it's worth, Carlos and I have put the 'printage' of four of our five books right on the publication data page, in the form of "This is number ___ of xx." We fill the information in by hand. For those interested, the printages to date have been: "Chile's Coquimbo Mint, A Documented History" (2003): 50. "Las Emisiones Provinciales de Valdivia, 1822-1844" (2003): 50. "The Chiloé Peso: An Important Obsidional Coin of Chile" (2003): 40. "The Strange Concurrence of Coinage in Francos and Reales in Ecuador from 1858 to 1862 and the Fabled Fifty Francos of 1862" (in collaboration with Dale Seppa) (2004): 50, not so indicated. "The Early Coinage of the Mint of Santiago de Chile: 1749-1772" (2006): 500. "In addition, Carlos has recently authored another work on Chilean transitional coinage (royal to republican, as of 1817) with the respected numismatist Emilio Paoletti. This has a printage of 150, not so indicated." DYNAMITE AND THE PREMATURE DEATH OF ALFRED NOBEL Harry Waterson writes: "I enjoyed your piece on the Nobel Prizes and noticed that nowhere did you mention that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, which is just further evidence that his plan worked. Alfred Nobel, like Mark Twain and Rudyard Kipling, was the surprised recipient of a premature obituary. In Nobel's case this early obit castigated him as a merchant of death. That was not the memory he wished to leave behind. In order to burnish his image and his death notices he gave the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes and thus give his name a numismythical air and a medallic ring. By the by, Kipling's first death notice was published in a magazine to which he then wrote that since he was dead, would they please remove his name from the list of subscribers? - another case of the editorial department not helping the circulation department." [Actually, I thought everyone knew about the source of Nobel's fortune, but I've been hanging around The E-Sylum too long. We bibliophiles love these little tidbits, and speaking of which, there were several interesting anecdotes about the medals of the web page referenced last week. I'll publish some excerpts in the next item. -Editor] INTERESTING NOBEL PRIZE MEDAL LORE This year's Nobel Prize awards prompted an item in last week's E-Sylum. There are some additional interesting stories relating to the Nobel medals - here are a couple: "On all "Swedish" Nobel medals the name of the Laureate is engraved fully visible on a plate on the reverse, whereas the name of the Peace Laureate as well as that of the Winner for the Economics Prize is engraved on the edge of the medal, which is less obvious. For the 1975 Economics Prize winners, the Russian Leonid Kantorovich and the American Tjalling Koopmans, this created problems. Their medals were mixed up in Stockholm, and after the Nobel Week the Prize Winners went back to their respective countries with the wrong medals. As this happened during the Cold War, it took four years of diplomatic efforts to have the medals exchanged to their rightful owners." [Unless you're a Nobel Laureate, I wouldn't recommend the storage procedures used at Niels Bohr's Institute of Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen during World War II. The Institute had been a refuge for German Jewish physicists since 1933. -Editor] "Max von Laue and James Franck had deposited their medals there to keep them from being confiscated by the German authorities. After the occupation of Denmark in April 1940, the medals were Bohr's first concern, according to the Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy (also of Jewish origin and a 1943 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry), who worked at the institute. In Hitler's Germany it was almost a capital offense to send gold out of the country. Since the names of the Laureates were engraved on the medals, their discovery by the invading forces would have had very serious consequences. To quote George de Hevesy (Adventures in Radioisotope Research, Vol. 1, p. 27, Pergamon, New York, 1962), who talks about von Laue's medal: "I suggested that we should bury the medal, but Bohr did not like this idea as the medal might be unearthed. I decided to dissolve it. While the invading forces marched in the streets of Copenhagen, I was busy dissolving Laue's and also James Franck's medals. After the war, the gold was recovered and the Nobel Foundation generously presented Laue and Frank with new Nobel medals." "de Hevesy wrote to von Laue after the war that the task of dissolving the medals had not been easy, as gold is "exceedingly unreactive and difficult to dissolve." The Nazis occupied Bohr's institute and searched it very carefully but they did not find anything. The medals quietly waited out the war in a solution of aqua regia." To read the complete article, see: Full Story BERNARD GORDON VICTORIA CROSS DONATED TO AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports that "A Victoria Cross (VC) medal auctioned in Sydney last month has been handed over to the Australian War Memorial for public display. "A mystery buyer paid nearly $500,000 for the rare medallion, which was awarded to Lance Corporal Bernard Gordon for bravery in France in 1918. "He went and captured a machine gun and a group of men and he then realised that the German positions proceeded further beyond that, so he went back onwards into the woods and captured a further five machine guns and about 60 Germans single-handed." "Mr Fletcher says this latest donation brings the memorial's VC display to 61 medals." To read the complete article, see: Full Story OREGON COUNTY SELLS MEDALS TO FUND BRIDGE MAINTENANCE Lane County, Oregon officials have come up with a numismatic solution for funding local bridge maintenance: "Lane County officials have learned that to make money, you have to coin it. Literally. "So they are minting 17 silver coins commemorating the county's 17 covered bridges in an effort to pay for some of the maintenance of the spans no longer in service. "And collectors are snapping them up. "We didn't have any idea when we started what the interest would be," Public Works executive assistant Vonnie Rainwater said. "It's been very successful and well-received." "After releasing the third coin last week, featuring the Office Bridge in Westfir, the county has made at least $13,000, she said. Two other coins, with the Goodpasture and Lowell bridges, were released last year. "The Goodpasture and Office bridge mintings were given a 500-coin run, and 600 Lowell bridge coins were minted. The Goodpasture coin cost $20 and the Lowell and Office coins cost $25. The first 25 of each series were numbered and sold at auctions, Rainwater said. "The No. 1 coin for Goodpasture bridge went for $400; for Lowell Bridge it was $510, and the Office Bridge took in $280. To read the complete article, see: Full Story [OK, we numismatists know these are properly called medals, not 'coins', but it's an interesting concept nonetheless. -Editor] DEAD PLAGIARISTS SOCIETY "Dead Plagiarists Society", a November 21 article published on the Slate web site asks, "Will Google Book Search uncover long-buried literary crimes?" As more and more texts (numismatic and otherwise) migrate to electronic format, it's just a matter of time before plagiarists, even long-dead ones, will finally be exposed. "Given the popularity of plagiarism-seeking software services for academics, it may be only a matter of time before some enterprising scholar yokes Google Book Search and plagiarism-detection software together into a massive literary dragnet, scooping out hundreds of years' worth of plagiaristsgiants and forgotten hacks alikewho have all escaped detection until now. "Google Book Search contains hundreds of millions of printed pages, and yet after just a few words, the likelihood of the sentence's replication scales down dramatically." "Conveniently enough, a few literary greats have already had their mug shots taken. It's long been known that Poe plagiarized an early book, a hack project titled The Conchologist's First Book, and that Herman Melville swiped many technical passages of Moby Dick whole from maritime authors like Henry Cheever." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [This is a topic we've broached before in The E-Sylum, but it's not much discussed in polite numismatic company. Me plagiarize? Heck no - it's "research". But more than a few numismatic authors have copied from earlier works to varying degrees. It will be interesting to see who get ratted out by the computers. -Editor] ANA BOARD CANDIDATES FORM PLATFORMS Larry Gaye writes: "I would like to echo George F. Kolbe's plea for membership action regarding the ANA." E-Sylum regular Wendell Wolka is running for a position on the American Numismatic Association board. His platform statement notes that "The ANA should continue to focus primarily on education and outreach as the primary ways of providing value to members and growth for the association. "The ANA needs to become and remain fiscally responsible, with a balanced annual budget and a fully restored endowment fund considered standard practice." [For more information, contact Wendell at PURDUENUT@aol.com. -Editor] Another longtime E-Sylum contributor, retired Army colonel Joe Boling, also announced his candidacy for the American Numismatic Association's Board of Governors recently. He has been an ANA exhibit judge since 1978, a member of the ANA's exhibiting and judging committee for eighteen years, and has been ANA's chief judge for fourteen years. Joe also teaches regularly at the ANA Summer Seminar. He writes: "I believe that the ANA has strayed from serving its individual members and clubs. The emphasis has moved toward becoming a 'heavy hitter' with government agencies, inserting ourselves into movements to establish museums and other 'outreach' programs that do little to serve individual collectors. Yes, it is desirable to raise public awareness of numismatics, but not when that means draining the organization's fiscal resources and diverting staff hours to programs in which most members cannot participate. "Having been to headquarters every year for quite a while, and to every convention for quite a bit longer, I can see the deterioration of morale that has occurred among ANA's employees. The ferocious turnover rate is a symptom of a leadership climate that must be changed." [The ANA's staff turnover rate was highlighted by former librarian David Sklow in his recent Coin World Guest Commentary. In an earlier submission, Howard Daniel highlighted the alienation that many individuals and volunteers have come to feel. To discuss these issues or receive a complete copy of his platform statements, contact Joe by email at joeboling@aol.com or phone 317-894-2506. Tom Sheehan adds: "I would be happy to supply and receive nomination forms for Joe. My mailing address is P. O. Box 1477, Edmonds, WA 98020 and my email is ThomasSheehan@msn.com" People like Joe and fellow ANA Judge and board candidate John Eshbach have dedicated a large portion of their lives to the organization, traveling and volunteering at ANA conventions and headquarters. If anyone deserves a say in how the organization is run, it's folks like them. -Editor] E-Sylum subscriber Michael Doran has also announced his candidacy. He writes: "The ANA must be more transparent and open. It must treat its members and clubs with the utmost respect. And most importantly, the ANA must return to its number one purpose - to promote the knowledge, study, and science of the numismatic hobby." "I will be having a campaign website up and running by January 1, 2007 or sooner. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the campaign, please feel free to e-mail me at doranforana07@gmail.com" [We welcome hearing more from all the candidates about the aspects of their platforms of most interest to E-Sylum readers, particularly the ANA's library and resource center, publications, and numismatic research and education. -Editor] MOROCCAN COMEDY FEATURES FOUR-HUNDRED POUND COIN The English edition of Asharq Al-Awsat, the leading Arabic international daily, describes a new film in cinemas across Morocco that has been a source of controversy recently over historical inaccuracies. ‘Abdou Ind Almohadeen’ tells the story of a young man called Abdou who is sent back in time by scientists "in search of a map engraved on a silver coin weighing 400 pounds, and commemorated by King Roger II of Sicily." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MERRY NEWTONMAS (AND BAH! HUMBUG!) Michael E. Marotta writes: "Newtonmas was deleted from the Wikipedia. deletion But you can still read about Newtonmas here: newtonmas.quickseek.com and here: coin-newbies.com And here is my biography of Sir Isaac as Warden and Master of the Mint: Full Story And speaking about money at Christmas, here is the dear boy himself, Scrooge: Scrooge-Twilight.jpg A happy and prosperous new year to you and to us all!" FEATURED WEB SITE: EUROPEAN COINAGE DATED BEFORE 1501 This week's featured web site is MedievalCoinage.com, "a site about Europe's early dated coinage, an online expansion of the Frey catalogue of dated European coinage before 1501 with additional coins not included by Frey from numerous catalogues through 1530 as are found and identified." medievalcoinage.com/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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