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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 52, December 24, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Yosef Sa'ar of Israel and Jim Jones. Welcome aboard! We now have 1,022 subscribers. This week's issue arrives on Christmas Eve. No, I haven't been working on it today - the draft was mostly finished yesterday. Our children are nestled all snug in their beds, and I've just put another issue of The E-Sylum to bed, too. For bibliophiles, Santa brings word of the upcoming Malter Galleries auction of the Harold Donald Numismatic Library and a new book on the mining tokens of West Cumberland. The American Numismatic Association headquarters was closed down by this week's big Colorado snowstorm, but workers were back at their posts on Friday. This issue also has some information on two recent hires at the U.S. Mint, sculptors Phebe Hemphill and Jim Licaretz. Have a great week, everyone, and Happy Holidays! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society MALTER GALLERIES NUMISMATIC LITERATURE AUCTION Malter Galleries Inc. of Encino, CA has announced that their next auction will feature Numismatic Books and Related Literature from the Harold Donald Numismatic Library as well as unsold books from the Joel L. Malter June 2006 Auction. The sale will take place Sunday, January 7th. An auction catalogue will be on-line shortly. Limited seating will be available at auction, which will also be "live" on Ebay. For more information, see: maltergalleries.com NEW BOOK: THE MINING AND RELATED TOKENS OF WEST CUMBERLAND, UK The Whitehaven News of West Cumbria, UK published a brief notice December 21st on a new book on the mining tokens of West Cumberland. "These survivors of bygone times hark back to the days when coal was carried to the ships by packhorse and tokens were the currency of the coaltrade. "Written by Cumbrian Michael Findlay, whose background is in the world of fine art and antiques, this scholarly work provides a window on the industrial past of our area. "The token, issued by mine owners, was the currency of coal transactions of the day and many were well designed and manufactured (those of the Curwens, in 1775, were produced by the Royal Mint). "The Mining and Related Tokens of West Cumberland by Michael Finlay (signed edition limited to 500 copies) is available from Michael Moon, price £50. A full review will appear in next week’s Whitehaven News." To read the complete article, see: Full Story AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS WEATHERS THE STORM Curious about the effects of the big winter blizzard this week that socked Colorado with two feet of snow and all but shut down major parts of the state (including Denver and Colorado Springs), I checked in with Gail Baker (ANA's Manager of Market and Brand Development) on Friday. She writes: "Today is a beautiful clear, sunny day. The snow is gorgeous after two days of blizzard conditions. This being Colorado Springs, the snow never lasts very long and the city does a wonderful job of getting the roads plowed and passable. ANA was closed yesterday but the staff has returned today. Thanks for asking! Happy Holidays!" Gail adds: "Downtown Colorado Springs where ANA headquarters is located had about six inches of snow; outlying areas had more. It was the wind blowing the snow that made things tough. Sandy Hill in our membership department was scheduled to fly out of Colorado Springs on Wednesday â€Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Societybut did not. I actually saw her on television as they were interviewing passengers. She has been re-scheduled to fly out tomorrow. Guess where she is today? Even though her vacation has already started, I found her sitting at her desk this morning when I arrived at 7 a.m. That’s dedicated!" [Other staffers including Barb Olsen also came in to the office on what had been planned vacation days. Despite the swirl in the press about the larger ANA policy issues, the staff quietly goes about the daily business of keeping the wheels of the organization rolling. Congratulations and happy holidays to all. -Editor] CORRECTION: DU SIMITIERE's MUSEUM CONFUSED WITH PEALE's Gar Travis' answer to last week's quiz question (the fourth Philadelphia Mint) was correct, but wrong in the details. Joel Orosz writes: "I'm afraid that www.answers.com has done Gar Travis wrong. Gar quotes this source as saying that Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere conducted his museum in his house in 1794, when he moved it into rented quarters in the American Philosophical Society; then in 1802, he moved it once more into the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall). Pretty neat tricks, these, for a guy who passed away in October, 1784. "The museum of which (wrong)answers.com is speaking was that of the artist Charles Willson Peale. Interestingly, Peale's Museum also had a coin collection on exhibit for much of its long tenure. One last thing--when Du Simitiere's Museum collection was auctioned on March 19, 1785, it had one large lot of coins and one large lot of paper money, making it the earliest known public auction of numismatic items in the United States (the broadside detailing the sale is pictured on p. 52 of my book about Du Simitiere, 'The Eagle That Is Forgotten'." [The E-Sylum fact-checker team has been taken to the woodshed and thoroughly flogged. Sorry we missed this one! All the more reason for all of us to reread Joel's wonderfully written and researched little book. -Editor] PROSKEY SUGGESTED AS POSSIBLE 1792 WASHINGTON CENT IN GOLD OWNER Vacationing former Numismatic Bibliomania Society Secretary-Treasurer Dave Hirt writes: "I am enjoying reading The E-Sylum here in Europe. About the Washington 1792 cent in gold, I would like to suggest a name for research for possible ownership - it is H. P. Smith's partner at New York Stamp & Coin, David Proskey. Being away from home I do not have research materials at hand." HAZELTINE CHUBBOCK SALE PRL SOUGHT David Davis writes: "When sorting through and shelving auction catalogs, I found two copies of Hazeltine's, S.W. Chubbock Sale of February 25-28, 1873. I apparently bought the second one because it was a plated edition and illustrates one of the damaged 1823/2 quarters that I have had a hard time trying to keep track of thru the years. "My inquiry has to do with the original prices realized list that came with my first copy of the catalog. It consists of twelve pages that cover lots 1-2696. But the collection included 2896 lots. I am assuming that one page of the PRL is missing. Could someone furnish me a copy of same, page 13, the last 200 lots, if it exists? "Secondly, to the best of my knowledge this is the only PRL I have seen for Hazeltine and I am curious as to how rare his PRLs are. Has anyone ever thought of compiling a list of known PRLs for the earlier auction houses? How about a list of known catalogs with buyers names? It would be a handy tool for those numismatists who are researching pedigrees." ADDRESS CHANGE FOR DAVID FANNING NBS Asylum Editor-in-Chief David F. Fanning writes: "I am changing my e-mail address to dfanning@columbus.rr.com. I successfully updated my E-Sylum address online, but please post this to the list so that others know. Thanks, and Merry Christmas!" TWO SCULPTORS PHEBE HEMPHILL AND JIM LICARETZ JOIN U.S. MINT STAFF Numismatic News published a short item recently on two new U.S. Mint employees, Phebe Hemphill and Jim Licaretz. Interestingly, both have extensive experience in the toy industry. Licaretz, who had a previous stint at the Mint in the 1980s, is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. He is president of the American Medallic Sculpture Association, and a member of The National Sculpture Society and The Federation International de le Medaille. Jim previously headed the Sculpting Department at Artistic Solutions and Production (ASAP), where he created designs for corporate clients including toymakers. The ASAP web site notes: "He has medallic works in the British Museum; The Royal Coin Cabinet; The National Museum of Economy, Stockholm, Sweden; The American Numismatic Society; and the Smithsonian Institute." Here are some web pages with more background on Jim Licaretz and his work: asapartists.com home.earthlink.net/~idolls/medals2.htm jimlicaretz.com The Numismatic News item was based on a recent press release from the Mint, but Phebe Hemphill has actually been on staff of over a year. She was mentioned by John Mercanti in Leon Worden's November 2006 COINage Magazine article, "No Small Change at the Mint". Mercanti said Phebe "came from the toy industry. She is one of the most amazing sculptors I have ever seen." GOOGLE SCHOLAR Dave Bowers writes: "My fine long-term friend and fellow author and researcher Kathy Fuller put me on to a wonderful Internet resource today. It may be common knowledge, but I hadn’t heard of it before. Google Scholar seems to have the full U.S. Patent Office records on it, and a lot of other great stuff! Also, it cuts to the chase and eliminates a lot of chatty non-research stuff. I spent a few hours checking out some arcane aspects of some penny arcade devices and music boxes, and will soon see what I can find in numismatics there." [We did cover this in The E-Sylum back when it first came out â€here’s the link to the article. But I don’t think anyone has written about it since. It would be interesting to see how it’s grown in the last couple years, and how useful it could be in numismatic research. -Editor] NEW SEARCH TOOL: GOOGLE SCHOLAR esylum_v07n47a03.html GOOGLE SCHOLAR scholar.google.com AQUA REGIA: THE WATER OF KINGS Regarding last week's item about two Nobel Prize medals being dissolved in a solution of aqua regia, Gar Travis writes: "Aqua Regia is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. It can dissolve gold, which single acids alone cannot do." Aqua Regia Another subscriber writes: "It struck me that most people(other than chemists) probably don't know much if anything about aqua regia, so I thought I would volunteer the following. I was in the precious metals purchasing business during the period when metals prices were at record levels in the early 1980's. My memory of that time is fading, and the following may not be 100% accurate, but this is what I recall of aqua regia: "Aqua regia is a combination of equal parts of sulfuric and nitric acids. It is commonly used in gold buying to determine if an item meets the standard of 18K (.750 Fine) or higher fineness. Pure nitric acid can be used to test for 14K (.583 Fine) or higher fineness, and is also somewhat useful in testing for 10K(.417 Fine). "I recall hearing an interesting story about the derivation of the name of this substance. Aqua regia literally translated is 'water of Kings'. Supposedly, only a King would be able to drink aqua regia without consequence. Lesser individuals would experience considerable pain soon after imbibing." COUNTERFEIT COINS APPEARING IN NORTHERN IRELAND The Belfast Telegraph reports that "Near perfect counterfeit £1 coins are circulating in Northern Ireland... Police are warning traders to be on the lookout for the coins, which are such good copies that they can only be detected because they are magnetic." "The counterfeiters have made an impression of the 'tails' side of the coin and attached that to a smaller copper coin, probably an Isle of Man or Channel Island penny. "That penny is then enclosed in a 'jacket' made up of the 'heads' side and milled edge of the coin. "While visually they are good copies, the counterfeit coins can be detected." To read the complete article, see: Full Story GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINED FOR PUTTING OWN FACE ON MONEY David Fanning forwarded an item from the humor publication The Onion - "U.S. Mint Employee Disciplined For Putting Own Face On Nickels". The item from June 4, 2003 is an image of a U.S nickel with an altered portrait and the words "In Gary We Trust". It's funny, but with the prolific output of the U.S. Mint today it almost seems possible. In 1864 government officials weren't too happy to see the result after they directed that the portrait of "Clark" be placed on a new piece of currency, referring to William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame. The superintendent of the National Currency Bureau, a government bureaucrat named Spencer Morton Clark placed his own portrait on the five-cent fractional currency note. Clark was demoted and Congress established a ban, which is still in effect today, on portraits of living persons on all bank notes. For more on the topic, see our earlier E-Sylum discussions, where an author describes Clark as "...a bankrupt sex pest under investigation for embezzlement and fraud." SPENCER CLARK esylum_v07n10a27.html LIVING PERSONS ON COINS AND PAPER MONEY esylum_v07n25a12.html To view the image of The Onion's nickel, see: The Onion's nickel QUIZ QUESTION: F.C.C. BOYD NUMISMATIST AD MYSTERY W. David Perkins writes: "Let's see how many sharp E-Sylum readers can get this question right â€when was this advertisement published? 'F. C. C. Boyd, 45 West 18th street, New York City, begs leave to inform the readers of The Numismatist that he has only disposed of his collection of fractional currency and partial collection of broken bank bills, and is still an enthusiastic collector of Coins of the World, Store Cards and Numismatic Books.' Can any long term numismatists shed any light on why Boyd published this?" FIRST SPOUSE COIN KICKOFF CEREMONY The Repository of Canton, OH published an article December 20th about the launch ceremony for the U.S. Mint's First Spouse gold coin series: "The U.S. Mint's new First Spouse collectible coin series made a theatrical debut on Tuesday at the National First Ladies' Library Education and Resource Center. Edmund C. Moy, director of the Mint, introduced the coins with help from "Dolley Madison" as portrayed by Lucinda Frailly. "I can't think of a better venue to introduce our first coins than at the First Ladies' Library," Moy said. "We hope these first coins will contribute to a greater interest in learning about the contributions of our first ladies." "Moy noted that it marks the first time the U.S. Mint has featured women in a consecutive series; a fact not lost on Mary Regula, founding chair and president of the National First Ladies' Library. Humorously noting that the Mint was started in 1792, she said, "We're glad to see that the Mint is recognizing the contributions of these women only 214 years later, and we say to them, 'It's about time.' " To read the complete article, see: Full Story To read a related New York Times article, see: NY Times QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1: When was the last time a President's spouse appeared on U.S. money? 2: Which presidential spouse was never a First Lady? (And no, the answer isn't "Bill Clinton"). THE GIFT OF THE MAGI, NUMISMATIST STYLE Dick Johnson writes: "My coin dealer friend Dick Bacca tells this story - Here in Connecticut the state lottery runs a TV commercial with a romantic couple sitting on a sofa. The man is a coin collector and he hands his ladyfriend a ring-sized jewelry box. Excitedly, the lady opens it to find a Buffalo nickel. "That's nice" she says dejectedly. "It's an uncirculated 1913 Buffalo nickel, very rare!" says our coin collector proudly. Whereupon she whips out the nickel and uses it to scratch off a couple lottery tickets. "Sure enough, a lady enters Dick's coin shop last week wanting an uncirculated 1913 Buffalo nickel. Her husband, she explains, is addicted to the scratch-off lottery and she wanted to give it to him as a Christmas gift." [The Gift of the Magi is the classic O. Henry short story of a couple too poor to buy what they hoped to give one another for Christmas. "One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies... Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present." Merry Christmas! -Editor] THE GIFT OF THE MAGI BY O. HENRY Gift_of_the_Magi.html FEATURED WEB SITE: THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM AND NUMISMATICS This week's featured web site is on Mike Molnar's book, "The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi", showing how an ancient coin revealed the clue to understanding the Star of Bethlehem. "The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi" Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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