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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 10, Number 7, February 18, 2007: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2007, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Karen and Jim Jach of Milwaukee WI, courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson, Radford Stearns of Stone Mountain, GA, courtesy of Sam Deep, and David Yost. Welcome aboard! We now have 1,068 subscribers. This week's issue opens with news of a lawsuit of special interest to bibliophiles and authors - it concerns plagiarism and copyrights in numismatic auction catalog descriptions. Next, W. David Perkins shares the story of a rare numismatic pamphlet, and the ANA issues a call for papers for the Maynard Sundman/Littleton Coin Co. Lecture Series. In the news this week, media across the country covered the debut of the new U.S. dollar coins. The stories all look alike after a while, but a newspaper in Kingston, N.Y. took an interesting local angle, interviewing a Woodstock artist whose designs will appear in the series. Also in the news is continued discussion of the possible elimination of the cent coin, in the U.S. and now Canada as well. In the research department, two old topics have generated new information, on the extant specimens of D.B. Cooper hijacking loot notes and the whereabouts of the Robinson S. Brown Conder token collection. Finally, to learn why the B. Max Mehl building is in the news again, read on. Have a great week, everyone. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society NUMISMATIC CATALOG COPYRIGHT CONTROVERSY The March 2007 issue of Maine Antique Digest has a great article by David Hewett on a fracas among coin auction firms over copyrights to numismatic catalog descriptions. "A lawsuit filed in Texas has drawn the attention of the numismatic community. Its resolution may pose problems for the auction industry as a whole. "On November 7, 2006, Heritage Auction Galleries, Inc. of Dallas filed suit against Superior Galleries, Inc. of California, charging copyright infringement, unfair competition, and that Superior had flat out stolen its printed catalog descriptions relating to coins. Heritage claims that Superior “has reproduced and distributed, and is continuing to reproduce and distribute, to the public, auction catalogs containing unauthorized copies and/or derivative works of the Copyrighted Works that were copied and/or derived from Heritage’s own catalogs and/or archives.” "The battle between the numismatic heavyweights appears to have been provoked by Superior’s hiring of former Heritage cataloger James Jones. In 2005 Heritage took Superior to court and alleged trade secret misappropriation, but that matter was settled “without any restrictions on the former employee’s ability to work for Superior” (according to Superior attorney Robert Rickman). "For example, and to use one of the shorter descriptions cited in this lawsuit, consider this from a Heritage catalog listing for a May 3, 2005, sale: “1785 COPPER, Vermont Copper, ‘VERMONTS’. PCGS graded EF 40. Deep, glossy chocolate-brown surfaces show minimal wear, just the normal irregular strength of detail and modest planchet roughness. Listed on page 68 of the 2006 Guide Book.” "Heritage claims this is how either the same coin, or an identical one, was described in the Superior catalog for a September 29, 2006, sale: “1785 COPPER. Vermont Copper, VERMONTS. AU 53 PCGS. RR-2. Bressett 1-A, R.2. Deep, glossy chocolate-brown surfaces show minimal wear, just the normal irregular strength of detail and modest planchet roughness. Listed on page 57 of the 2005 Guide Book.” "Some of the examples cited in the suit are brief but unmistakably similar. "Heritage describes a 1798 Flowing Hair dollar: “The centering is virtually perfect, and the quality of manufacture is simply as good as one could hope to find in a Flowing Hair dollar,” Heritage, November 2, 2005. "Superior describes the same: “The centering is virtually perfect, and the quality of manufacture is simply as good as one could hope to find in a Flowing Hair dollar,” Superior, September 29, 2006. "Several examples of purportedly copied descriptions run to well over 300 words. Even those with no numismatic knowledge can detect the similarities in those descriptions." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [The lawyers will have a field day with this mess. Statements of fact cannot be copyrighted, and a coin is a coin is a coin - if the design is the same, the variety is the same, the history is the same, the grade is the same, then catalog descriptions by two professional numismatic cataloguers aren't likely to differ much. However, as noted in our recent discussion about the purpose of auction catalogs, these descriptions are not just about the recital of facts - they are MARKETING TOOLS. And marketing material lends itself well to creativity. Or should I put "creativity" in quotes? The silver-tongued prose found in so many catalogs is there to peddle the merchandise. As a writer I would slit my throat if I were thrown into a room and tasked with coming up with new and novel combinations of adjectives to top "deep, glossy chocolate-brown surfaces show minimal wear". Unless I could have fun with it, of course: "This chocolatey turd of a coin is so new it's practically steaming." But buyers and consignors have little tolerance for humor, so it's back to the creative puffery desk. Kidding aside, War and Peace it ain't, but writing auction catalog descriptions is hard, even when it's a coin that requires little or no research. Copying another firm's text without credit is the easy way out and shouldn't be allowed to pass without comment. -Editor] BOOKLET: RELATIVE RARITY OF U.S. SILVER DOLLARS W. David Perkins writes: "A few years back I acquired the correspondence and notes of the Ostheimers, specialist collectors of the early silver dollars 1798-1803. There were a few miscellaneous items that were included, one that I was not familiar with being featured here. I happened to pull it out and read it again while looking for another item. "The booklet (pamphlet sized, 17 pages, 8 ½ by 11) is titled Relative Rarity of United States Silver Dollars by Clarence J. Hurlbut, 1961, Bethesda, Maryland. The price as listed on the cover was $1.50. The cover is a crème color. "Is anyone familiar with Hurlbut or his collection? "Hurlbut states, "The writer of this booklet has been an amateur collector of United States Silver Dollars for several years. As each additional coin was placed in the collection an effort was made to determine the rarity of that particular coin with respect to other silver dollars. It then became evident that it would be desirable to ascertain those years in which the several Mints manufactured coins of this denomination." Hurlbut used as a source for his booklet a publication of the U.S. Mint, "Domestic Coin Manufactured by Mints of the United States." "The booklet covered silver dollars 1794 to 1935. Fitting for today's audiences, here is his "Top 10," ranked by number of pieces struck per mint records: " 1839 (300 Pieces) 1805 (321) 1873-S (700) 1878-P Proof (900) 1881-P Proof (960) 1883-P Proof (979) 1836-P Proof (1,000) 1882-P Proof (1,097) 1852 (1,100) 1851 (1300) "Here's how my specialty, the early silver dollars 1794-1805 were listed (1795 was not ranked for some reason it was included with 1794): " 57. 1794 and 1795 44. 1796 17. 1797 66. 1798 74. 1799 60. 1800 37. 1801 32. 1802 43. 1803 "The 1884 and 1885 Trade Dollars were not included, nor was the 1870-S." "Also - does anyone have a copy of the May 1966 issue of The Numismatist? I need a copy of the Shepard article on a new 1798 Dollar Variety (which turned out not to be) for an article in the John Reich Journal. I have a copy, but can't find it (too many moves!)." ANA SUNDMAN LECTURE SERIES CALL FOR PAPERS A press release issued Thursday reports that "The American Numismatic Association is accepting papers on "Communicating Through Money," from authors who would like to make presentations at the third annual Maynard Sundman/Littleton Coin Co. Lecture Series. "Six authors will be selected to make presentations August 9 at the ANA's World's Fair of Money in Milwaukee. Selected presenters will receive a $250 honorarium. "Submissions, which are due April 30, should be abstracts of 500 words or less, and include an introduction, methodology and sources, and discussion sections. Abstracts will be evaluated based on originality, persuasiveness and relevance to the topic. "Lectures will focus on how money serves as a means of communication now as well as throughout history. Priority will be given to papers that emphasize new research and scholarship. "For more information or to submit an extract, e-mail brunner@money.org, call 719-482-9872 or write: Lane J. Brunner, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Director, Museum, Library and Research Services, American Numismatic Association, 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903." [Many E-Sylumites are numismatic authors and researchers; please consider sharing your knowledge on the topic with others at the convention and in the published papers. "Communicating Through Money" is a broad theme which could encompass a myriad of interesting research themes, such as statements of sovereignty, images of Liberty, Security and military power, wartime propaganda, etc. Feel free to use our forum to float ideas and develop concepts. -Editor] U.S. DOLLAR COINS DEBUT Articles appeared this week in newspapers across the country announcing the rollout of the new Presidential dollar coins. Typical of the treatment was this article from USA Today: "Commuters bustled past the unveiling in New York City at a Grand Central Terminal event replete with marching music and a George Washington re-enactor. "Crowds of collectors and the curious lined up in the station's cavernous, chandelier-adorned Vanderbilt Hall to exchange their paper Georges for metallic ones. "'I think it's cool because we get to see a coin with the first president on it', said 7-year-old Jack Garbus, an avid coin collector and second-grader from Valhalla, N.Y., who was taking advantage of a school snow delay to be at the event. To read the complete article, see: Full Story Here's another example, from the San Francisco Chronicle: "Jack Beymer, a rare-coin dealer in Santa Rosa, agreed that the new dollar could be a hit with the younger set. "'It's kind of an educational thing,' he said. 'I think it will bring new people to the hobby. With the quarter, a lot of grandmothers came in and bought quarters for their grandchildren with the maps. They'd come in every time a new state came out. It formed a regular attraction for coins in general.' To read the complete article, see: Full Story U.S. MINT COIN DESIGNER: JOEL ISKOWITZ The Daily Freeman of Kingston, N.Y. published an article February 14th about a local artist who's had designs accepted for U.S. coins, including the reverse of the American Eagle platinum bullion coin and upcoming designs for the new Presidential dollar series. "Joel Iskowitz says Millard Fillmore, the nation's 13th president, deserves to be on a coin. And he's going to have a chance to design it. "Iskowitz, a Woodstock artist, is one of the master designers for the U.S. Mint submitting illustrations for use in the presidential $1 coin series the U.S. Mint is beginning this year. "The mint's lengthy review process chose Iskowitz's John Adams and James Madison coins, both of which are to be released this year. The Adams coin is due in the spring, with Madison coin coming in November. "Iskowitz, an illustrator who has designed stamps and foreign coins, first got involved with the U.S. Mint in 2005 as part of its Artistic Infusion Program. He now is one of seven master designers left in the program who submitted designs for this batch of the coins. "Besides designing the Adams and Madison coins, Iskowitz submitted a George Washington design that made it through the first review but eventually was beaten out by a design from U.S. Mint senior sculptor Joseph Menna. Iskowitz said he later came to the conclusion that Menna's design was, indeed, better." To read the complete article, see: Full Story JAMAICA'S WORTHLESS COINS Ian A. Marshall writes: "The recent discussions regarding those pesky low value coins that are good for nothing more than making change has reached a point of ridiculousness here in Jamaica where I am just finishing a winter sojourn. There are 10c & 25c coins in circulation here & with the current exchange rate to the $U.S. being around 67 to 1 they are not even much use as change. On any day I go out and walk a little in the malls or the streets of New Kingston I find numerous mint coins of both denominations strewn all over the ground. Even in a country as poor as this, people simply throw them away often as soon as they get them. I would hate to think of the amount of money the government wastes here by making them & putting them in circulation." CANADIANS CONSIDER ABOLISHING CENT COINS Dick Johnson writes: "The Desjardins Group, a financial services organization in Canada, issued a 12-page report this week (February 15, 2007) that came to the conclusion that Canada should abolish the cent coin. "This is similar to a recommendation by Chicago Federal Reserve Bank chief economist François Velde published in the February issue of Chi Fed Letter that this should transpire in the United States as well. (Reported here in E-Sylum, January 28, 2007). "The Canadian report revealed the limited usefulness of the cent in an expanding economy, that Australia and New Zealand had already abolished both the cent and five-cent coin without problems, and continuing the use of the cent in Canada is costing at least $130 million a year, just over $4 per person. "Their solution in Canada (as proposed in the U.S. and that which has taken place in other countries) is to round off to the nearest multiple of five cents after abolishing the cent. It also noted that it was a false claim that all retail firms would round off to their advantage in a competitive retail climate. "'Consumers would benefit from the elimination of these costs,' stated the report, 'while private sector businesses would, in terms of margin, neither realize gains nor suffer losses in the long term.' "The well-organized and detailed report by the financial services organization is supported by testing a model of the function of money, a historical review of the use of the cent in Canada since its introduction in 1908, and a 44-item bibliography. The latter was also supplemented by four web sites in the banking and minting fields. "The Toronto Star carried a news item of the report on the day of publication and noted the report’s statement: "the figures show clearly that the one cent coin is not very useful and that consumers hoard or throw it away rather than deposit it and put it back into the distribution system." "The full text of the Desjardins report is located at: Full Story "The Toronto Star news article is at: Full Story FRANCOIS VELDE'S STUDIES ON SMALL CHANGE esylum_v10n04a12.html CANADIANS RESPOND TO ABOLISHING CENTS Dick Johnson writes: "Just how did Canadians react to the suggestion proposed by the Desjardins Group report to stop using the cent? The Toronto Star published 36 responses. Seven out of ten favored abolishing the coin. "Three of the 25 who favoring abolishing related how they had lived in or visited Australia and experienced no problems without the cent. One reported the same in Finland. Another favorable comment stated "they cost more than their value to produce. Surely we should be directing our human and financial resources to a more productive area." "Another: "This makes unbelievable sense. Pennies are a wasteful relic of the past ... wasting millions of dollars in production and storage costs. It's time for the penny to go." "Those opposing the abolition of the cent recounted the unsustained mantra that it would cost more in the rounding off process. One voice related perhaps the only valid reason for keeping the cent coins: "Of course not! I love the true symbol of Canada... the Maple leaves." "This story in the opinion section of the Toronto Star is located at: Full Story ROBINSON BROWN'S CONDER TOKEN COLLECTION INTACT About a year ago Peter Koch wrote: "Does anyone know what became of Robinson (Robbie) S. Brown's magnificent Conder tokens (the British Provincial Token-Coinage of the 18th Century)? Robbie's collection is said to be among the most extensive (not surprising) ever assembled of this classic series. I have seen no mention or public auction of this collection. Before this collection is dispersed it would be forever a tragedy not to catalog and or publish a book on this fantastic collection." This week I received an email from one of Robbie's sons, Mac Brown. He writes: "I happened to Goggle Dad's name and found that people were wondering what happened to the collection. Since I am not in the coin circles I would appreciate it if you let the word out that the collection is not lost, just appreciating. If anyone has questions I can be reached at Mac_Brown@B-F.com" ROBINSON S. BROWN CONDER TOKEN COLLECTION INFO SOUGHT esylum_v09n08a22.html THE ROBINSON S. BROWN CONDER TOKEN COLLECTION esylum_v09n09a30.html WINDOW SNAFU HAUNTS B. MAX MEHL BUILDING RENOVATION The Fort Worth, TX building constructed and occupied by numismatic promoter extraordinaire B. Max Mehl was in the news this week as a result of a controversy over newly installed windows: "Ray Boothe figured the situation was as clear as, well, glass. The Fort Worth architect and real estate developer, who specializes in renovating historic structures, was restoring the Mehl Building on the Near South Side. Needing new windows, he found some that looked like the old ones, got approval from the appropriate city departments and commissions, installed them as a last part of the $2.4 million project, and was moving with his partners to start marketing the historic property to tenants. "The cause of all the furor? Boothe’s windows are made of solid wood and look similar to those installed 80 years ago, but they have an aluminum veneer. It was that thin aluminum covering that Fort Worth historic preservation officer Julie Lawless got an anonymous tip about last fall. She oversees renovations and compliance of buildings within historic districts. "Technically, aluminum-clad windows don’t fit the guidelines of that historic district, as set by the neighborhood in 1990. They state that exteriors must be “wood and masonry” and “typical of the style and period of the structure and adjacent structures.” "The thin coat of aluminum is holding up the re-use of one of Fort Worth’s more significant buildings. It was constructed for famed numismatist, B. Max Mehl, America’s most famous coin dealer in the first half of the 20th century, whose clients included Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The three-story building is also an early work of famed Fort Worth architect Wiley G. Clarkson, who designed the downtown federal courthouse, Trinity Episcopal Church, Sanger Brothers Department store, and numerous residences in Ryan Place and Rivercrest." To read the complete article. see Full Story [So who among our readers has actually been in the Mehl Building - anyone? -Editor] COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG COINS AND CURRENCY WEB SITE Joe Lasser writes: "Erik Goldstein of Colonial Williamsburg has created an exceptional website “Coins & Currency in Colonial America” which presents the coins and paper money of our American Colonial Period starting with the copper Santo Domingo pieces (1502-4) and ending with our Revolutionary money (1775-83). "The presentation provides the historical background for each major type and photos of significant examples. It allows viewers to zoom into the photos to obtain greater detail of any illustrated piece and it also provides access to additional information through activating highlighted words in the basic text. It’s outstandingly effective as an instructional text. The content and quality of the presentation will capture any numismatist’s or historian’s attention. "Yes, my wife and I assembled virtually all of the pieces now resident at Colonial Williamsburg, but Erik Goldstein and the other members of the CWF staff have done a remarkable job in bringing the collection to life as an instructional teaching vehicle, thereby providing anyone and everyone with a better understanding of American history." The site can be accessed by: coinExhibit Access it. It will provide you with a stimulating hour of intellectual activity." [Many thanks to Wendy Joseffy of Littleton Coin Company for typing and emailing Joe's letter for publication. -Editor] UGLY CLEOPATRA COIN IN THE NEWS Newcastle University's recent discovery of a coin of Cleopatra in their collection spawned articles around the world this week playing up the point that the coin shows that the beauty of Hollywood films was in fact butt-ugly. The Guardian was one of the papers that picked up the story: "Two of history's most famous Valentines are gently debunked today by analysis of an exceptionally well-preserved Roman coin, which gives the lie to the fabled beauty of Cleopatra and the manly features of her lover Mark Antony. "Far from possessing the classical looks of Elizabeth Taylor, or the many other goddesses who have played her on stage and screen, the Egyptian queen is shown with a shrewish profile while Antony suffers from bulging eyes, a crooked nose and a bull neck. "'Its other distinction is that it looks as though it was minted yesterday,' said Melanie Reed from Newcastle University, whose archaeology museum found the 5p-sized coin while researching a forgotten 18th century hoard left for years in a local bank. 'The profiles in particular are in marvellously good condition. If a Roman invader brought it over here, he or she certainly knew how to take care of their loose change.' "The denarius profile clearly emphasises strong characteristics including a determined, pointed chin, thin lips which are often associated with a sharp nature, and in particular a long, pointed nose. The last has been famously central to discussion of what Cleopatra really looked like, with Pascal going so far as to write in his Pensées: "Cleopatra's nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed." To read the complete article, see: Full Story David Menchell sent a related article published on AOL and Dick Hanscom sent this article from the BBC news: Full Story CLARIFICATION: SALTUS MEDAL DESIGNER Nancy Oliver and Richard Kelly write: "Thank you very much for printing the story about John T. Raymond and putting the link for his picture and short biograpy... it brought the story more to life. "We just wanted to make a short comment on something mentioned in the December 17th issue of The E-Sylum. We appreciate the fact that Richard Jewel and Roger Burdette noticed that there was a mistake within the article we wrote concerning Victor David Brenner printed in the November 27th issue of CoinWorld. The error concerned the Saltus Medal, and who designed it, and we want to set the record straight as to where the blame falls. "CoinWorld has never provided us with a proof of any article of ours prior to publication. As a result, we are not able to control any additions or corrections they may have made to our articles. We try our best to provide accurate information in everything we write; but in this case, it was someone at CoinWorld who added the photo of the Saltus Medal as well as the caption containing the incorrect information. We are glad that the record has been set straight, and we always appreciate any comment, positive or negative, on what we share with others." THE GEORGE O. WALTON 1921 ZERBE PROOF MORGAN SILVER DOLLAR According to an ANA press release, "Two previously unreported, historic coins from the legendary collection of George O. Walton – an 1830’s era Bechtler gold dollar and a 1921 Zerbe proof Morgan silver dollar – will be exhibited along with his famous 1913 Liberty Head nickel at the American Numismatic Association’s National Money Show in the Charlotte, N.C. Convention Center, March 16 – 18. "'This is an exciting discovery for the hobby. It was previously assumed all his coins were sold at a public auction in 1963,' said Douglas Mudd, ANA curator of exhibitions. 'Then the four decade’s old mystery about the whereabouts of ‘missing’ fifth specimen 1913 Liberty nickel was solved in 2003 when the coin literally came out of a family closet, and now two more historic coins from his extensive collection are reported.' "On loan from Walton’s heirs, the coins will be displayed in a special ANA-created exhibit, “Walton the Collector,” that also will include examples of non-numismatic items he collected starting in the 1940s. Walton was killed in a car crash in March 1962 while driving from Charlotte to Wilson, N.C. to attend a coin show." "Zerbe proof dollars are named after former ANA President, Farran Zerbe, Who convinced Mint officials to produce a relatively small number of special proof versions of the 1921 Morgan silver dollars. Slightly different proof versions were made at the request of Philadelphia coin dealer, Henry Chapman." To view the CoinFacts page on 1921 Morgan Dollars, see: morgan_silver_dollar.htm DISTRIBUTION OF THE KNOWN D.B. COOPER BILLS [Last week we reprinted an old E-Sylum item on the D.B. Cooper hijacker loot bills. The reprinted article quoted Larry Lee, then the museum curator at the ANA. Note that Douglas Mudd is the current Curator of Exhibitions at the American Numismatic Association. The following additional information on the Cooper bills was provided by Trixie Ingram. -Editor] The FBI kept about 13 bills, which are still held in evidence storage in a sealed package. The rest of the bills were split evenly between finder Brian Ingram and the insurance company. Each received 137 bills although few were completely intact. The insurance company recently gave one of their bills to the FBI agent who handled the case, Ralph Himmelsbach. A Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reporter article interviewing Himmelsbach: Full Story ANOTHER SQUISHED PENNY COLLECTOR PROFILED The press seems to like the oddity of collecting things like elongated cents. The latest article on the trend is from Fort Wayne, IN: "Catherine de Leon might be called a coin collector. Specifically, she collects pennies. More to the point, she collects squished pennies. "They are known formally as 'elongated coins,' or EC for short. Some people called them smashed pennies, but to de Leon, a mother of two who works part time as a pattern maker for Dockers in San Francisco, they are squished pennies. "The coins are the metal fluff of tourist attractions from around the world. You feed a penny and two quarters into a machine, turn a crank and out pops a squished penny with an engraved image, usually of the place you're visiting. "The penny machines are seemingly everywhere. Dozens line the streets of Disneyland and theme parks, aquariums and museums, but you'll find them other places, including Red Square in Russia. "'Once I found the Web site with the other collectors,' de Leon says, 'I decided maybe I wasn't so crazy.' And the collection, which now numbers more than 120, really took off. "'I'm really attracted to the art work,' de Leon says. 'It's pretty cool.' "To learn more, visit the EC Web site at www.pennycollector.com." To read the complete article, see: Full Story ANA BOARD CANDIDATE: CLIFFORD MISHLER Cliff Mishler has published his position statement for his campaign for the Board of the American Numismatic Association: "The five vital issues that must be addressed to affect the revitalization of membership pride and ownership in the organization are: "1) All board deliberations and votes must be conducted on an open forum basis. "2) The requirement for board members, staff and volunteers to be signatories of “confidentiality” or similar binding agreements that inhibit discussion must be terminated. "3) Annual budgets must be balanced based on operating income and investment income, without pulling from endowment or otherwise invested principal. "4) Full transparency of fiscal performance must be observed; operational profit and loss statements with comparisons to budget and prior year, accompanied by explanations of deviations up or down, must be released on a regular and timely basis. "5) As staff stability is vital to operational efficiency and quality of performance, the recent revolving door personnel pattern at ANA headquarters must be arrested." To read Cliff Mishler's complete platform, see: Full Story FEATURED WEB SITE: THE CRIME OF 1873 This week's featured web site is François Micheloud's web site on The Crime of 1873. "What is known in Populist rhetoric of the late XIX century as The Crime of 1873 was the demonetization of silver enacted by the Coinage Act of 1873. Alexander Hamilton had set the United States on a bimetallic standard in 1792 and, with the notable exception of the Civil War, the country had not moved from this system. In practice this was a continuous switching from a gold standard to a silver standard. When the legal price of gold in term of silver, that is, how many pounds of silver you get for one pound of gold, which was set by the Coinage Act at 15 for 1, was greater than the market price, then nobody would bring gold to the mint and the country would be on a de facto monometallic silver standard. "The consequences of this technical decision were enormous..." Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. 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