A message in the EAC email newsletter last week by Paul
Hybert, Exhibit Chairman for this summer's ANA Convention,
reminded copper nuts that it's high time to start planning for
exhibits. The same holds true for bibliophiles. Everyone
who's planning to attend the show should consider placing an
exhibit. We've had some excellent entries in recent years, by
both experienced and first-time exhibitors.
"The 1999 Convention will be held in suburban Chicago from
August 11-15 at the Rosemont Convention Center, which was
the site of the 1991 ANA Convention. As the Chair of the
Exhibits Committee, I encourage ANA members to consider
forming an exhibit about their favorite topic…
Throughout the year, conventions are good opportunities to show both what you collect and why you collect. An exhibit should tell an interesting story -- if it is interesting to you, it will be interesting to other collectors. The rules for exhibiting are available on the ANA's web site: and all exhibit
applications must be received at ANA headquarters by June
14, 1999."
Wayne Homren, Editor
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