The Summer 1999 issue (Vol. XVII, No. 2) has been mailed
and many of our members have already received their copies.
A couple of errors have been reported:
William Malkmus, author of the article, "More on Bude's De Asse" reports:
"The figures were numbered correctly: Fig. 1. Fig. 3, Fig. 2 (1 and 3 fit on one page; 2 on another). But the captions for 2 and 3 were transposed. I think if readers were to be aware of that, the article might be a bit more comprehensible."
He also correctly notes that
"George Fuld had three different titles assigned to his article. Good thing it was only two pages long!"
The correct title is "Harry Bass vs. the Fuld Library". Perhaps a future issue will contain an article titled "Armand Champa vs. the Champa Library" to complete the possible permutations…
Minor miscues aside, the issue was another fine effort by our new editor, Marilyn Reback. The issue reintroduced advertising, the lack of which which was a miscue on the part
of myself and the Board last time: "I thought you were going to handle that." "I thought YOU were going to handle that…" Oh, well. We're handling it now, and while we're on the subject, please considering buying an ad in the next issue to help support the publication of The Asylum. Send your ad copy and any questions to me at
Wayne Homren, Editor
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