Dan Demeo writes: "On Monday, Oct. 23, I attended the service for John Bergman, who passed away last week at age 56. The service and interment were at Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA, a few miles east of John's home in Lakewood. In attendance were his parents, wife, son and daughter, and grandson. A number of John's former co-workers also attended, as well as numerous friends and neighbors.
The foyer of the church had several displays of Bergman family photos, spanning over 50 years, from photos of young John, to recent photos with his grandson, Brett. Dr. Paul Estebo of New Hope Community Church in Santa Ana, CA officiated.
As a bibliophile and coin collector, I recognized a few faces, but fewer names. George Kolbe and I saw each other and talked awhile, and reminisced with John's dad about the drawings of past numismatic personalities he had done a few years ago. From my collecting of ancient coins, I recognized Dr. Paul Rynearson, a local dealer and author, and his wife, and Catharine Lorber, author and respected researcher. A reception at the family home followed, but I did not attend."
[Editor's note: The editor of our print journal, The Asylum has received over 20 tributes to John, to be published in our 2000 No. 4 issue. He writes: "The quality of the man is measured by how people miss him." Tom is still accepting material - he can be reached at]
Wayne Homren, Editor
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