"I would like to put out an appeal to E-Sylum readers. I am working on a book that I call The Virtuoso's Arrangement. It deals with the classic literature
of the 18th and 19th century token coinage of Great Britain. The work covers three basic areas:
- 1. A description and review of each work.
- 2. A biography of the authors and past owners of the works.
- 3. An inventory of individually identifiable copies of the various titles.
It is in this third area that I seek help. If you own any of the classic token references such as Atkins, Birchall, Boyne, Conder, Cotton, Dalton, Davis, Denton, Golding, Hammond, Kent, Longman, Perkins, Pye, Sharp, Spence, or Waters, that have prior ownership markings, bookplates, annotations, letters or other materials laid-in, special bindings, etc. or anything else that makes your copy unique, I would be very
grateful to hear from you. I also want to know about all copies of numbered editions (such as Davis' 19th Century Tokens or Water's Middlesex Notes).
You will be given credit in the book, or if you prefer, I will maintain your privacy. Either way, PLEASE contact me. It is my desire to make this work as complete as possible, but that is impossible without the help of fellow collectors. My thanks to all of those who have already helped out.
Harold Welch, 655 Parkwood Circle, Vadnais Heights, MN
55127. (651) 429-0997 tokenmann@aol.com"
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