V8 2005 INDEX
The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 5, January 30, 2005, Article 6 WILL BETTS EVER BE UPDATED? Dick Johnson writes: "In answer to Granvyl Hulse#39;s inquiry last week whether Betts "American Colonial Medals" will ever be updated, the answer is both No and Yes! If someone 30 years ago attempted this chore the researcher probably realized the near impossibility of this foreboding task and abandoned the project. The scope of Betts#39; book is so broad it would require a global search among both private and public collections that several lifetimes might be required. This gives us far more admiration for what the Betts family accomplished in gathering material for this original 1894 book. As you may know, Betts monumental work was the theme of the American Numismatic Society#39;s COAC Conference last May. The fact nine scholars delivered papers all based on this one book is evidence of its wide scope and permanent utility. Even with this concentrated, unduplicated study, each of the speakers could only approach a small portion of the overall subject. The definition of "America" in the book title – and thus the topic of Betts#39; interest – was all of the Western Hemisphere. In the United States we are so provincial that we think our citizens are the only Americans. To Betts#39;s global concept "America" included Canada right down to the tip of South America. Thus the Medals of the Western Hemisphere is a daunting subject, even if your cutoff point is the beginning of American Independence, as was Betts "Colonial" criteria. That#39;s why Betts will not be updated in the near future. However all is not lost. Numismatic scholars are portioning the subject with plans to publish significant works on topics within his total scope. First, be on the lookout for the ANS printed edition of the COAC papers due out next summer. There is lots of good Betts material coming up. For example, John Adams is doing work on the Comitia Americana group – those medals authorized by the United States Congress and struck at the Paris Mint -- later restruck at the Philadelphia Mint. He is well along on this work Be on the watch for these publications. But don't hold your breath for a revision of Betts' book." John Adams writes: "Regarding a revision of the 1894 classic by C.W. Betts, it is a great book but it is so broad - six languages, 12 counties, over 200 years -- that it tends to overwhelm collectors who might get interested. My own intention is to update (and intensify) in much smaller chunks: my book on George III Indian peace medals is done, my work on John Law medals is at the printer, Comitia Americana medals next year, Vernon medals the year after. David Menchell will publish a three-part series in the MCA Advisory (published by the Medal Collectors of America) beginning with the January issue that will cover the medals of the French & Indian War. And so, there will be created a body of knowledge that goes far beyond Betts and that, hopefully, will stimulate a renaissance of interest in what is undoubtedly a neglected part of our hobby." [The MCA web site is MCA Membership is only $20/year. David Menchell's exhibit of medals at last year's American Numismatic Association convention blew me away; I'm looking forward to reading his articles. -Editor] Wayne Homren, Editor The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: To subscribe go to: | |
V8 2005 INDEX