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Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
New subscribers this week include:
Kevin Dailey.
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This week we open with a new issue of our print journal The Asylum, three new books, one review, one obituary, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include commemorative $5 gold, Phillipine numismatics, the largest silver coin in the world, edge lettering, Coin University, auction highlights, Anglo-Saxon gold shillings, an 1883 proof set, the Farouk 1933 double eagle, pogs, and banknote engraver Willian Rollinson.
To learn more about Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting in the U.S. Civil War, Carson City coinage, the Mionnet scale, trisegmented collars,
coins from the SS Central America, the Springfield Antiquarians Medal, modern "pieces of eight" and the
"trucker's friend", er, tinkling cone" money, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
The 2021 Summer issue of The Asylum is on the way from our sponsor, the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Maria Fanning edits our print journal, and she submitted these society updates from the latest issue. Thanks! -Editor
The Asylum Summer 2021 Issue
The Summer 2021 issue of The Asylum will be arriving in your inbox and mail box soon.
Especially to Young CollectorsBy David Pickup
Becky Rush "Talisman" and Rick Lank "The Coiner" of Hagerstown Maryland have published the second book in their planned series on the numismatics of the U.S. Civil War. Here's the announcement. Thanks! -Editor
How Money, Mayhem & Might went from being a Single Title
to becoming a Saga
Before the Pandemic and the Lockdowns of 2020, the duo of Talisman & Coiner were working on what at the time was a single title:
Money, Mayhem & Might
and the theme of this volume was How the Civil War changed our Money (and how Money changed the War). The Pandemic – by suspending a lot of trade shows and group activities nation-wide – forced the T&C team to drill down further into several topics – especially
No Small Change
(a double-entendre dealing with the coin shortages of the Civil War AND the shortages of 2020 – and the fact that the changes that the Civil War wrought were disruptive and long-lasting, which will be the central theme of the third book).
Many of the changes were meant to be war time measures,
intended (though not mandated) to be rescinded after the Civil War was over. That included paper money (fiat currency) and even the IRS. Obviously, many of these war-time measures became a permanent part of the US economy.
A new book has been published on the U.S. modern commemorative five dollar gold coins. Here's the announcement. -Editor
A new book titled United States Modern Commemorative Five-Dollar Gold Coins has recently been authored by Kevin Dailey. Published by RoseDog Books the reference book details all five-dollar gold coins minted since 1986. Colored photography along with dozens of other illustrations adorn the book. A chapter is also devoted to Ten Dollar Gold Commemoratives.
Each chapter is devoted to one gold coin and describes the design, theme, mintage data, auction records, and history. Material and statistical information is provided in such quantity readers are enabled to make better choices when considering the purchasing of gold commemoratives. The 365 page softcover book has a retail price of $49. An ebook version is also available. The book can be ordered by calling 800 788 7654 and speaking with Alessandra Biondo.
We recently discussed books on the Manilla Mint. Here's a new title on the larger story of Philippine numismatics. -Editor
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has unveiled its latest publication on cultural heritage titled,
Yaman: History and Heritage in Philippine Money.
The coffee table book highlights the numismatic collection of the BSP and feature stories from piloncitos—considered the earliest form of coinage in the Philippines—all the way to the present-day New Generation Currency.
Isinasapuso ng Yaman ang kasabihang ‘ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan, hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.' As we move more and more toward a cash-lite society, the banknotes and coins that we feature in Yaman will remain curators of our history and custodians of our national identity,
said BSP Governor Benjamin Diokno.
Over on CoinWeek Charles Morgan published a review of Rusty Goe's new work on Carson City coinage. Here's an excerpt - be sure to see the complete article online. -Editor
The Confident Carson City Coin Collector is the most significant numismatic magnum opus published on the topic of American coinage since the 1987 publication of Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S and Colonial Coins. It is a detail-rich, engrossing, epic work that presents history, commentary, and market data at such a high level that it will not only prove to be the definitive reference on the topic of collecting Carson City coins but also provides a successful formula that should be employed by other writers seeking to flesh out the story of American coinage at the other branch mints.
The Confident Carson City Coin Collector draws upon a trove of primary documents to tell the story of a mint so directly tied to the Old West that the GSA advertised the sale of its hoard of CC-Mint Morgan dollars as the coins that Jesse James didn't steal. It also provides collectors with a road map of how to collect the series confidently
. In constructing the books, author Rusty Goe explains that he was trying to accomplish five things: 1) to present each year of the Carson City Mint's coinmaking era chronologically; 2) to incorporate as many primary sources as possible; 3) to attempt to answer questions concerning the Carson City Mint and its coins that are of the most interest; 4) to focus on what makes the Carson City Mint and its coins so engrossing, and 5) to open doors for further study of the Carson City Mint and its coins.
Dale Seppa submitted this obituary of author Michael Anderson. Thank you. -Editor
Michael John Anderson, Dec 1, 1938 - Apr 9, 2021
Michael was interested in coins from a very early age and studied them
intensively for virtually his entire life. He was a member of many
numismatic organizations and was also a life member of the Essex
Numismatic Society. During his lifetime he served on the Council of the
British Numismatic Society, as Secretary and President of the London
Numismatic Club and as Treasurer of the British Association of
Numismatic Societies.
He contributed dozens of articles to the numismatic press; from "The Coins of the Grand Princes of Kiev" in Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin in 1963 to his article "Aristobulos of Chalcis and Salome" in Coins & Antiquities in 1999 the final year that periodical was published. After that his writing was curtailed due to failing vision and other health problems but he still managed to finish one major work and several articles in Caesaromagus.
His final article The Mint at Corbridge
was not published prior to his
death but I believe it will appear posthumously in Caesaromagus the
official publication of the Essex Numismatic Society. He had also
continued to work on the update of the Standard Catalog of Ecuadorian
Coins until his death. Due to his death a new edition may not be published.
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is a letter to the U.S. Mint inquiring about a proof 1887 three dollar gold piece. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Collector Seeks 1887 $3 Proof Gold
Set completion is a timeless urge among collectors, as demonstrated by an 1888 letter to the U.S. Mint, recently digitized and transcribed by Newman Portal. The 1888 inquiry to Daniel Fox, Superintendent of the Philadelphia Mint, asks if the 1887 $3 proof gold piece is available, the collection
being one short for '87.
The 1887 $3 proof is one of the more curious pieces in the U.S. proof gold series. John Dannreuther's recently published work on U.S. proof gold describes no less than four variants, all struck from the same dies: (1) normal die alignment, (2) medal alignment, (3) normal die alignment struck over medal alignment, and (4) dies rotated with 160 degrees clockwise rotation. An example of (3), vividly depicting the overstrike, is illustrated here courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
Image: Letter to Daniel Fox, December 11, 1888, asking about 1887 $3 proof gold.
Image: 1887 $3 NGC PR65 Cameo, ex. Heritage Auctions 1/2015, lot 4268, realized $29,375.
Link to request for 1887 $3 proof gold piece:
These are selections from the David Lisot Video Library that feature news and personalities from the world of coin collecting. David has been attending coin conventions since 1972 and began videotaping in 1985. The Newman Numismatic Portal now lists all David's videos on their website at:
Here's one on a massive silver coin in the denomination of 1 million Francs. -Editor
Largest Silver Coin in the World Features African Elephant
World Money Fair Berlin February 2016.
This coin contains 1,750 ounces of silver valued at 1,000,000 francs issued by the Ivory Coast in Africa. Hear the fascinating story of this coin's creation from the man responsible for its creation.
Speaker: Dr. Rolf Müller-Syring, Geiger Edelmetalle GmbH, Germany.
Running time: 5:15.
An excerpt of the video is available for viewing on NNP at:
Regarding Roger Burdette's question about "M. Mionet, Curator of the French National Museum", David Powell writes:
"The name is usually spelt Mionnet, with the middle consonant doubled. There are one or two brief biographical references to him online, e.g. the following, but they do not seem to contain much more than a few sentences"
Regarding the framed Bureau of Engraving note collections seen in the office of the Treasury Secretary and the ANA headquarters, Richard Miranda writes:
"Here is a video showing that particular item @ 5:53 on the video. They have another very beautiful and impressive gold framed currency display @ 5:46 in the video and close up of both @ around 6:46 in the video."
To watch the video, see:
American Artifacts: History of Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner's Office - Curator Richard Cote
Richard adds:
"Another nice video of the restoration of the Treasury Bldg."
To watch the video, see:
American Artifacts: Treasury Building Restoration - Curator Richard Cote
American Numismatic Association Curator Douglas Mudd writes:
"You asked about the BEP note frames - Yes, the ANA still has two of them hanging in our Conference room! The Smithsonian's National Numismatic Collection has a set of them as well - two were hanging in the library atrium for many years. The BEP should be able to say how many there are on long-term loan to various organizations. The set in the ANA has been there since the just after the building opened in the 1960s."
Thanks, everyone! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Other topics this week include Crow Tribe Currency, and a Trump graffiti note. -Editor
A new database of coins in German and Austrian public collections has gone live. (Interaktive Kataloge der Münzkabinette) is a partnership spanning 29 institutions. -Editor
A new database with information on approximately 90,000 coins in German and Austrian public collections is due to go live at 6pm central European time today, the fruit of seven years of planning and preparation by 29 institutions.
The portal will offer free access to the biggest coin database in the German-speaking world, comprising parts of the collections of the Münzkabinett in Berlin and its counterpart at Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum as well as thousands of coins in smaller museums and university collections.
The searchable database offers high-resolution images and detailed descriptions of the coins, including provenance information and research. Images and text are free to use for academic and private purposes, according to a press release from the Berlin State Museums.
Here's more from the entry on Edge Lettering and Numbering from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Raised lettering. Lettering can be either incised – cut into the metal – or raised from the edge. An example of raised lettering is the American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal. First introduced in 1915 and sculpted by James Earle Fraser, this medal – believed to be the first American medal with raised edge lettering – has the recipient's name, award and date around the full circumference. One of the earliest reads: AWARDED TO CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT FOR DISTINCTION IN LITERATURE . NOVEMBER . 18 . 1915.
Few medals with raised letters on the edge have been produced because they are difficult to make and quite expensive. It requires a collar made of three or more parts, a segmented collar – each of which has its portion of the lettering engraved on its inside surface – and all of which fits into a retaining ring. Before the final blow on the medal press, the medal to be edge lettered with raised letters is trimmed and placed within the special collar, and struck its final blow.
Here's more from the David Proskey entry from the online draft of John Lupia's book of numismatic biographies. This is an excerpt with the full article and bibliography available online. -Editor
The first great collection catalogued by Proskey was of the Robert Coulton Davis Collection auctioned from January 20-24, 1890. [Davis 783] This was followed six months later June 25-27, 1890, with that of Lorin Gilbert Parmelee, the Boston Baked Bean Baron. [Davis 784]. A third noteworthy catalogue was produced nearly two years later for the sale of the collection of George Woodside on April 23, 1892. [Davis 785].
David Proskey and his brothers company known as the "Proskey Brothers" earlier established in the lumber business now became noted as hoteliers in the newly established summer resort in the 1880's with the Breslin Hotel at Lake Hopatcong, Sussex County, New Jersey. Though known as the "Proskey Brothers" the company also included their sister Margueritta Alexander Proskey. By September 1900 the New York Tribune, Thursday, September 27, on page 8, reported that they expanded their hotel business by leasing the Parker House at Broadway and 39th Street, New York City.
The latest article in Harvey Stack's blog series opens the year 1985 with the creation of PCGS and NGC, and the Salomon Brothers numismatic market index. -Editor
1985 was another major year for the numismatic hobby, as it changed and adopted some new guidelines, moved by collector and dealer activity.
First of all, the markets for precious metals, especially silver, calmed down, recovering from the speculation precipitated by the Hunt Brothers at the beginning of the decade. Collectors had come back to the market as silver prices returned to their pre-speculation prices.
Harvey Stack submitted these thoughts on Coin World's discussion of influence in numismatics. Thanks. -Editor
I have written to Bill Gibbs of Coin World complementing his dedication in answering your readers about his feature article "Influential People In Numismatics"
Yes, many of the people, some 60, were professional dealers, who have
contributed immensely to numismatics and its growth. We professional
dealers have shops and offices about the USA, all will open doors for
the public to see our displays and at the same time answer their questions.
"What is coin I found worth... What do the grades mean, I have an earlier
date of one in your showcase, is it rarer, How do I start a collection
for myself or my children, How do I store coins, Is there a series we
could start with coins in circulation, or must we always have to buy
them from dealers like you, Are there books to read to get started,"
and probably a thousand more general questions, all usually
answered with courtesy and information, all provided free",
and usually with a smile.
A shining example of dealer outreach is shown in this press release for a new "Coin University" program organized by Seth Chandler of Witter Coin Co. in San Francisco. -Editor
Scholarship applications are now being accepted from young numismatists, ages 13 to 21, for the first Coin University program in San Francisco, California, July 24-31, 2021. As many as 25 all-expense scholarships will be awarded by the Witter Coin Scholarship Fund and will include expenses for a parent or guardian to accompany any winners under the age of 18.
The past year of the pandemic has kept many young collectors' hobby activities limited to social media and other online resources. The Coin University project will give them hands-on experience and expand their knowledge in grading and authentication of U.S., world and ancient coins and other topics from an all-star team of veteran numismatists,
explained Seth Chandler, the owner and chief numismatist at Witter Coin Co. in San Francisco.
This press release details the upcoming sale of world gold coins found among the treasure recovered from the wreck of the SS Central America in 2014. -Editor
Two of the finest known, very rare 1855 and 1856 Australian sovereigns as well as an interesting mix of 74 other sunken treasure gold coins from Europe and South America that were also recovered from the fabled Ship of Gold,
the S.S. Central America, will be offered in an auction by Goldberg Coins & Collectibles ( The auction will be conducted in Los Angeles and online, June 13-16, 2021.
These 76 gold pieces were among 82 world gold coins retrieved during the 2014 recovery expedition to the Atlantic Ocean site where the legendary ship sank during a hurricane while sailing to New York City in 1857,
said Larry Goldberg, co-owner of the auction company. This is the first time these recovered sunken treasure coins from Australia, Bolivia, Costa Rica, France, Great, Britain, Netherlands, Peru, and Spain have been offered.
This press release describes some of the highlights in this week's Dix Noonan Webb auction of British, Irish and World Banknotes. -Editor
A £5 banknote with serial number A01 000003 that was originally presented to the recently elected Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, in 1957 is expected to fetch £18,000-22,000 at Dix Noonan Webb in their auction of British, Irish and World Banknotes on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 10am at their Mayfair saleroom (16 Bolton Street, London W1J 8BQ). This is the first time that a serial number three note, for a new design, has ever been offered on the open market. The Bank of England £5 note is housed in a blue leather presentation wallet dated 21 February 1957, and shows Britannia at left, Saint George slaying the dragon at low centre, reverse blue, lion and key at centre.
As Thomasina Smith, Head of Numismatics (Associate Director) at Dix Noonan Webb, explained: This important note is the lowest serial number note available to commerce and arguably the finest post-war Bank of England note in the public domain. Serial numbers one and two are held in the Royal Collection, having been presented to The Queen and the late Duke of Edinburgh.
Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
Australie, Victoria (1837-1901).
5 pounds essai, by Joshua Payne 1852 (1921), Melbourne. Gold - 44,09 g - 33 mm - 12 h. It is the only one graded! PCGS SP66+. Fleur de coin. An exceptional coin, the rarest type of 5 pounds! Work by Joshua Payne. Special strike of 7 minted only, by the Melbourne mint in 1921 on the original die. This is the finest known specimen
Great coin! From the MDC Monaco June Auction No. 7. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Other topics this week include a 1896 Proof Double Eagle, and a 1933 Century of Progress Medal. -Editor
I recently discovered the blog of Julian Ticehurst at A post from March covered a topic I was unfamiliar with - early gold Anglo-Saxon shillings. It has some great photos courtesy of SPINK. Here's an excerpt. -Editor
The Gold Coinage c. 600–70
Britain was unusual among the former provinces of the Western Roman Empire in not maintaining a substantial coinage after the end of central imperial rule in the early fifth century. A small trickle of coins issued by the Franks, Visigoths and the Eastern Roman Empire still made their way to Britain across the fifth and sixth centuries. That trickle became a stronger flow late in the sixth century, and from some point in the early seventh century the Anglo-Saxons started to issue their own gold pieces, modelled in format on those of the Merovingian Franks. These coins, usually referred to as shillings (from the Old English scilling, scillingas), circulated in eastern and southern England for about fifty or sixty years, and gradually declined in fineness over time. The last specimens contain hardly any gold and are effectively silver.
A couple weeks ago we discussed the Charles I shilling found at a dig in St. Mary's, MD. Readers passed along a number of new articles on the topic. Here's an excerpt from the Smithsonian piece found by Arthur Shippee and Larry Korchnak. -Editor
In late 2019, archaeologists unearthed the remains of a key landmark in American history: St. Mary's Fort. A football field–sized plot of land in southern Maryland, the defensive outpost—established by English colonists in 1634—housed the first permanent European settlement in the state and the fourth such settlement in British North America.
Historic St. Mary's City publicly announced the discovery in March 2021 to much fanfare. In the months since, researchers led by Travis Parno have carefully examined additional evidence found at the site in hopes of further solidifying their claims about the fort's historic roots.
I wasn't able to work this into earlier issues but wanted to mention this great original item of 19th-century numismatics - an 1883 proof set and presentation box. -Editor
Numismatic Guaranty Corporation® (NGC®) has certified a fascinating 1883 US Proof Set that was submitted for grading with a vintage presentation box designed to showcase the coins. The ten coins are in similar condition, earning grades of NGC PF 63, NGC PF 64 and NGC PF 64 BN.
The 1883 Proof Set is notable for several reasons. Three types of nickels were issued that year, and 1883 was the final year that the Shield Nickel design and Trade Dollar were available to collectors. Other coins in the set include an Indian Head Cent, a Three-Cent Piece, a Seated Liberty Dime, a Seated Liberty Quarter, a Seated Liberty Half Dollar and a Morgan Dollar.
The catalog for Sotheby's June New York sale including the Farouk 1933 Double Eagle is now online. -Editor
Sotheby's New York is pleased to present Three Treasures – Collected by Stuart Weitzman, a dedicated live auction of three legendary treasures from the personal collection of the renowned fashion designer and collector. On 8 June 2021 Sotheby's will offer the fabled and elusive 1933 Double Eagle Coin, which set a world record when it last sold at auction in 2002, and the only example that is legally sanctioned by the United States government for private ownership; the sole-surviving example of the British Guiana One-Cent Magenta, the most famous and valuable stamp in the world; and The Inverted Jenny Plate Block, the most well-known and sought-after American stamp rarity. Iconic as they are rare, the Double Eagle and the British Guiana will be offered with estimates of $10/15 million each and are poised to set new world auction records in their respective categories, and the Inverted Jenny will carry an estimate of $5/7 million, set to eclipse its own record for an American philatelic item.
An article by Bill Myers in the 22 May 2021 MPC Gram (Series 22 No. 2475 22) alerted me to this piece about the phaseout of POGs as military bases close in Afghanistan. -Editor
The paper coins, or pogs, that troops have used at stores and collected as souvenirs on overseas bases for the last 20 years are being phased out as the U.S. military leaves Afghanistan.
Some stores have already stopped using pogs, which were given as change instead of nickels, dimes and quarters since 2001 at Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores.
Signs at the seven AAFES stores that are still open on bases in Afghanistan encouraged people to turn in or use their pogs before they are no longer accepted, spokesman Chris Ward said.
I'm a sucker for art medals. Stack's Bowers Senior Numismatist and Cataloger Jeremy Bostwick wrote a blog article about a great medal from the 1878 Paris Expo. -Editor
Anglo-Trinidadian Botanist Henry Prestoe & the 1878 Paris Expo
As mentioned in a previous blog post, award medals often combine the elegant and artistic elements of numismatics with interesting aspects of material culture, often relating an individual to a particular event in time. Such is the case with a fascinating silver medal in our June Ancient & World Coins Collectors Choice Online (CCO) auction. Emanating from the 1878 International Exposition (World's Fair) held in Paris, this award medal was designed by the refined hand of Jules-Clément Chaplain, a key figure in the founding of the Art Nouveau movement.
The obverse features the head of Ceres wearing a laurel wreath, while the reverse depicts Fama announcing winners with her trumpet and victory wreath and a cherub holding up a plaque meant to host the winner's name. In the case of this medal, the recipient was "Docteur H. Prestoe." A search of the "Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878, to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, Vol. II" uncovers that an "H. Prestoe" from Port of Spain in Trinidad received a silver award in class 44 on the topic of wood. Undoubtedly relating to the same individual, the medal in question is our piece in the upcoming June auction.
The Medal of Honor tradition continues at the White House. This Washington Post article cover the latest award ceremony. Also linked below is an Army News Service article with more background. -Editor
A retired Army officer became one of the most decorated soldiers in U.S. military history on Friday, receiving the Medal of Honor from President Biden at the White House more than 70 years after leading soldiers through a fierce attack during the Korean War.
Col. Ralph Puckett Jr., 94, stood in a dress uniform as Biden draped the medal around his neck. He had entered the ceremony in a wheelchair, and a walker was nearby, but set both aside to receive the nation's highest award for valor in combat.
David Gladfelter published a guest post on the American Numismatic Society Pocket Change blog about banknote engraver William Rollinson. Here's an excerpt. See the complete article online for more. -Editor
First came the biography, a 1931 account of the life of the British-born engraver William Rollinson (1762–1842), written by Robert W. Reid and Rollinson's great-grandson Charles Rollinson.
Their monograph tells of the engraver's coming to New York in 1789, finding work in the shops of various silversmiths, and soon turning to copper-plate engraving which occupied him for the rest of his life. At the end appears a sampling of 18 of Rollinson's engravings—calligraphic, ornamental, glyphic and scenic—plus a printed circular which Rollinson had sent to various banks in 1811, soliciting orders for bank notes produced by a ruling machine he had invented. Several of these exhibits came from the personal collection of Charles Rollinson, but the source of the circular was the collection of the New York Public Library.
French police have broken up a mafia counterfeiting ring. -Editor
French police have arrested a group of 10 people for their suspected role in a fake euro banknote trafficking network in which they sold at least €300,000 of counterfeit bills.
The six men and four women were arrested in Marseille, Alençon, Rennes and Argenteuil, after more than two years of investigation.
The investigators stated that the group received their supply of counterfeit notes from the Camorra mafia clan based in Naples, Italy, France Bleu reported.
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest. -Editor
The folks at Baldwin's in London have been debating the issue of slabbing coins. See their latest blog article for their thoughts. -Editor
Our friends across the pond have been slabbing items for years, from Topps rookie cards for Mickey Mantle and Michael Jordan to limited edition sweet wrappers and unopened Pokemon packs. In the world of rare coins, it is still quite a new practice -especially when you consider the age of the artefact- and not one that has been readily adopted worldwide.
Is there a reason for this? Is there a correct answer to our opening gambit? We spoke to members of the AH Baldwin specialist coin team to get their take…
To read the complete article, see:
Other topics this week include The Bank of England, and coins of the Lombard Kings. -Editor
Pieces of eight are back! The Shire Mint is selling scored U.S. coins which can be broken into bits by hand. -Editor
USA Breakable Coins Set of Four
For when you owe someone a fraction of a cent.
Your favorite once-currency, but made non-spendable for your breaking pleasure! These coins are sold as a novelty and are not intended for circulation. Ships in the US only.