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About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Charles Heck, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Chuck at this email address: SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COIN |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
New subscribers this week include:
Daniel Vaisrub, courtesy Laurence Edwards.
I have no idea of how many subscribers we have right now, but it's over 6,250. Our email hosting provider has changed hands and we're being moved to new servers. As part of the transition hundreds of email addresses were unsubscribed, and we don't yet know why. Some were dead email addresses, but others were active. I resubscribed one reader, but it may take a while to sort everything out. If you or a friend have been unsubscribed by mistake, please let me know and I'll fix it.
As always, thank you for reading The E-Sylum. If you enjoy it, please send me the email addresses of friends you think may enjoy it as well and I'll send them a subscription. Contact me at anytime regarding your subscription, or questions, comments or suggestions about our content.
So did everyone notice this in the Heritage May 3, 2022 Coin News?
Important: All auctions until further notice will be online only. Take advantage of our high resolution images and videos to place bids up until the live event, and then continue to bid during the Heritage Live auction event, including live streaming audio and video.
This week we open with three new books, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, coin show reports, and more.
Other topics this week include author Rusty Goe, artist Jill Magid, Robert Bashlow, Patrick Ian Perez, a TON of upcoming auction highlights, coin hoards, the 1792 Disme, Indian Peace Medals and Jewish presentation medals.
To learn more about Capped Bust Half Dollar varieties, South Korean coins, Carson City coinage, the Dell Loy Hansen collection, the Toronto Coin Expo, strong prices realized, coins on social media, the Numismatic Literary Guild, the Lusitania medal, the Castorland medal, the Pattern Halfgroat of Charles I, and the poem for a squished dime, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
The Bust Half Nut Club has published a new book on the die state progressions of Capped Bust Half Dollar die varieties. -Editor
The Bust Half Nut Club is proud to announce a new work on the die state progressions of the Capped Bust Half Dollars.
The Die State Progressions of the Capped Bust Half Dollar Die Varieties 1807-1836, First Edition is the result of thousands of hours spent studying the series by Overton die marriage. Much additional attention was focused on the order in which the die cracks and other features appear on the obverse and reverse working dies.
For the study of die state progressions, a new numbering system was needed to describe the die states in the order of occurrence. Die states in this new reference are designated by the Year, the Overton variety number, a decimal point, and the BHNC die state number.
The entries are ordered by Overton die variety. Included are the Leaman-Gunnet emission order number, the Overton designators for the obverse and reverse dies, and the die marriage rarity estimate as revised by the BHNC in December 2020. This is followed by the BHNC die state descriptions and links to images which help illustrate the die states. In the PDF format version, the links are active if you also are connected to the internet.
Author Mark Lovmo passed along this information about his new book on South Korean coins. Thanks, and congratulations! -Editor
I have finished writing a 400-page book on South Korean coins (1959~present).
The book is South Korean Coins in the Era of Development, published by iAsure Group (Journal of East Asian Numismatics). This book is in full color with extensive citations to the source materials.
This book relates for the first time the almost entirely unknown history of Korea's contemporary coins and coin sets that are currently surging in popularity in today's coin market. This book promises to be the first real standard work in English on the subject of South Korean (Republic of Korea) coins.
South Korean Coins in the Era of Development will debut at the World's Fair of Money in Rosemount, Illinois during the week of August 15th through the 20th. Online sales and shipping will be available thereafter. The price per copy is $50 USD.
Robert Hoge passed along this announcement about a new book in Spanish titled La flora en la Numismática moderna or "Plants in Modern Numismatics". Thank you! -Editor
Last year CDN Publishing acquired the world paper money catalogs edited by Owen Linzmayer and published under the name of The Banknote Book. At the time, I noted how the conversion of the content to a structured database format would lead to many new possibilities.
In this new Greysheet blog article, CDN announces a useful new feature for subscribers. -Editor
Greysheet and Banknote Book are excited to announce today that we have added the ability for subscribers to download an Excel file of the most current data in the Banknote Book for personal use. According to John Feigenbaum, CDN Publishing CEO, "the Excel checklist has been one the most highly requested features by users of the Banknote Book, and we are really excited to make this feature available to all of our subscribers."
To access the Excel files, users simply need to log in to the site and visit their Banknote Book landing page. From here, click the desired Chapter, and download the file. It's as easy as that.
This press release provides some more context on Rusty Goe's recent PNG Book of the Year award. Congratulations! -Editor
In 2021 the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) honored Reno writer/researcher/coin dealer Rusty Goe with double awards for his The Confident Carson City Coin Collector.
At the 2022 Central States Numismatic Society convention in Schaumburg, IL, on April 27, the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) honored Goe with its prestigious Robert Friedberg Book of the Year award.
In a press release, the PNG stated, "The Robert Friedberg Award, presented to an author in recognition for an outstanding book or other literature, was given to Rusty Goe of Southgate Coins in Reno, Nevada, author of The Confident Carson City Coin Collector. This acclaimed three-volume, 2,500-page reference work is about the historic Nevada branch mint and coins struck there from 1870 to 1893."
The latest additions to the Newman Numismatic Portal are videos from the recently held NNP Symposium. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
These are selections from the David Lisot Video Library that feature news and personalities from the world of coin collecting. David has been attending coin conventions since 1972 and began videotaping in 1985. The Newman Numismatic Portal now lists all David's videos on their website at:
Here's an interview with John Feigenbaum of CDN Publishing. -Editor
Greysheet Numismatic Publication Optimistic for Coin Market in 2022.
VIDEO: 2.56
John Feigenbaum, CEO, CDN Publishing,
David Lisot, Interviewer,
April 1, 2022.
The Greysheet is part of CDN Publishing that tracks the price of United States coinage. CEO John Feinenbaum prognosticates about the coin market for 2022 in light of the economy, real estate, and the price of the precious metals.
David adds:
"The Greysheet has been the Bible of coin pricing since the 1960's. They have a research team that evaluates trends in collecting. John Feigenbaum shares an outlook for numismatics that might please everyone in the marketplace."
An excerpt of the video is available for viewing on the Coin Television YouTube Channel at:
Allan Julius Behul submitted this note about the Spring 2022 Toronto Coin Expo and a modern Canadian rarity. Thanks. -Editor
The ‘Back In-Person' Spring 2022 Toronto Coin Expo
Canada's premier coin and bank note show, the ‘Toronto Coin Expo', running from April 29-30, 2022, was back in-person
this year, at the Toronto Reference Library Salon Venue, located in downtown Toronto.
The show featured 35+ internationally-renowned coin and banknote dealers, representing Canadian, United States, and World currencies, including Campbell's Collectables, run by Terry A. Campbell, numismatist and author, with over 56 years of collecting experience.
Here's more information on the Civil War Money & Memorabilia Showcase at the upcoming Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) show in Monroeville, PA, a Pittsburgh suburb. -Editor
Yowza! That Bashlow Continental Dollar Restrike Reverse Die sold for $102,000.00! Lots of people are scratching their heads over this. -Editor
Tom DeLorey writes:
"... if the sale holds up and the buyer doesn't say something stupid like "But I thought it was an original die from 1776!" or something."
Well, E-Sylum readers certainly knew what it was. And I noticed that "so-called-dollars" is part of the URL for the lot, although not mentioned in the text. It was certainly described as a restrike die. -Editor
So-Called Dollar specialist Jeff Shevlin writes:
"Sometimes there is a logical explanation as to why something like this Dickeson/Bashlow die would sell for so much money, sometimes there is not.
"There have been quite a few fascinating articles of late regarding the original Continental Currency medal, its authenticity and origin of manufacture. That has created more awareness and a newfound interest in Dickeson's medals and the Continental Dollar medal he struck around 1861 (not 1876 as previously believed). The cover article of The Numismatist The Other Continental Dollar published October 2021, authored by Bill Hyder and myself, corrected many long-repeated fallacies regarding the Dickeson Continental Dollar (which is not a restrike). The Bashlow die that recently sold is tied into all of these stories.
"In the next few months, I plan to share with the numismatic community some more fascinating information regarding the Dickeson Continental Dollar. I also look forward to hearing more from David McCarthy regarding his on-going research on the original Continental Dollar. "
To read the complete lot description, see:
Undated Continental Dollar Restrike Reverse Die Uncertified. . From The Fred Weinberg Collection....
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: APRIL 24, 2022 : On That Continental Dollar Reverse Die
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: APRIL 24, 2022 : Robert Bashlow and the Continental Dollar Die
Surprising Prices Realized
Dave Hirt writes:
"This week I have been busy writing the prices realized in the Martin sale in my catalog. Even in the inflationary times that
we are living in, the prices on some items were quite a surprise to me! Of course the beautiful bindings of many items
contributed to the prices! One example, lot 266, a bound set of Lester Merkin catalogs, not rare and obtainable, realized
"However, other lots without deluxe bindings brought high prices. One lot that caught my eye was lot 208, a European catalog, a Adolph Hess sale, the Ulex collection, lot 208 which realized $450. I looked up my copy in my computer inventory, and saw that I had estimated its value at $30. That made me smile!! "
A few of the prices made me smile, too. I've never invested in fine bindings myself, but have acquired a couple over the years. And while many common items bring much less than they often did several years ago, many scarce and rare pieces have continued to climb and are reaching new heights in today's market. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Other topics this week include David Tripp's Illegal Tender, Delaware Quarter designs, and an 1979 Anthony Dollar Error. -Editor
Pablo Hoffman and Len Augsburger passed along this NPR story about artist Jill Magid's film on her project to inscribe a pandemic message on the edges of 120,000 cents. See the earlier E-Sylum article for more on the project. -Editor
When artist Jill Magid was asked to do a public art work for the non-profit Creative Time in 2020, she had to take a step back.
"It's very hard to make a public art piece when there's no public and there's a pandemic," she said.
It's always nice to see the mainstream media taking notice of numismatics. On Monday May 2, 2022 the Marketplace Morning Report aired as part of National Public Radio's Morning Edition turned a spotlight on the coin collecting business on social media. -Editor
At a recent meeting of the Palm Beach Coin Club, members bought and sold coins, discussed the current market, latest trends and upcoming shows. Matthew Tavory remembered meetings in middle school.
I got $50 from my parents. They let me loose in this room when they had the big shows. And they figured, ‘OK, I was going to come back with some magic beans and it'll be the last they ever hear of this.' I came back with some coins and $100,
he said.
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Inscription. The lettering on a coin or medal usually appearing horizontally across the field, or upon a figure or device, but in the broadest sense lettering in any position on a numismatic item. It differs from legend which is lettering following the circular contour of the round coin or medal; and exergue, the lettering in this area below the base line. Also vertical inscription exists – lettering which appears vertical to the base line – (or even a wavy inscription with an undulating base line). The study of inscriptions on numismatic items is a branch of epigraphy; the lettering on coins and medals is of vital importance, just as is lettering on monuments, temples and buildings is valuable documentation to historians.
American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted the second of his articles on Robert Bashlow, known in numismatics for, among other things, creating satirical medals and restrikes of the Confederate cent. Thanks! -Editor
When Robert Bashlow was born, his parents lived in West Patterson, New Jersey. He was probably born there on June 21, 1939.
He began collecting coins at age ten. At age fifteen in 1954, Bashlow placed an ad in Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine. In the Trades and Exchanges section he offered to trade his Hudson half dollar for a Hawaii half dollar.
The Numismatic Literary Guild has a new Executive Director. Here's the press release. -Editor
The executive board of the Numismatic Literary Guild ( has appointed Patrick Ian Perez as Executive Director of the organization. He succeeds Charles Morgan, who has served in the position since April 2021.
A professional numismatist since 2008, Perez is the Vice President of Content and Development for CDN Publishing, publishers of Monthly Greysheet, CAC Rare Coin Market Review, Greensheet, and other numismatic reference guides.
I am excited to take on this opportunity and am optimistic about the future of the NLG,
said Perez. Numismatic writing and research are very important to the industry, and I look forward to collaborating with as many people as possible to advance the NLG mission.
Here are announcements of some current and upcoming numismatic events around the world.
Here's the press release for the Heidelberger Münzhandlung auction 84, taking place May 9-11. Some beautiful coins here! -Editor
Special Collection Franconian Circle at Heidelberger Münzhandlung
Heidelberger Münzhandlung presents rare German coins of excellent quality and, in addition, an extensive offer of world coins from antiquity to modern times. Besides remarkable individual lots, connoisseurs will find a special collection with specimens from the Franconian Circle of the Holy Roman Empire.
Here's the press release for Stephen Album Rare Coins upcoming Auction 43. Some great coins! -Editor
Stephen Album Rare Coins will hold its Auction 43 on May 12-15, 2022 at its offices in Santa
Rosa, California. The Auction is made up of 3,250 lots of Ancient, Islamic, Chinese, Indian, and
General World Coins. The pre-sale estimate is approximately $1.5 million USD, with the final
total expected to far exceed that amount.
Featured in the sale is the Joe Sedillot Collection of World Coins (Part II) which includes a wide array of type coins from numerous countries. A large proportion of the coins in the collection are in choice condition and were selected for encapsulation in PCGS holders. Part I was offered in the firm's January 2022 sale and many pieces went for multiple times estimate and some items set new price records. Additional selections from the collection will be offered in subsequent auctions in the second half of 2022.
Here's a selection of colonial coin and medal highlights in the May 14, 2022 Early American History Auctions sale. -Editor
Here's the press release for Classical Numismatic Group's Auction 120, closing May 11-12, 2022. -Editor
An impressive offering of English hammered silver coins, an array of Greek
masterworks and more than 100 Roman gold pieces are coming to the auction block in Classical Numismatic
Group LLC's Feature Auction 120, closing May 11-12, 2022.
With 1,335 lots at a total pre-sale estimate of $2.4 million, CNG 120 a well-rounded offering that
collectors across the whole spectrum of Ancient, World and English coins will find enticing, said Michael
Gasvoda, CNG's Managing Director. The strong market and our recent spectacular success with Triton XXV in
January brought in a number of outstanding consignments,
he noted. Our bidders will reap the benefits.
The English section features the New Horizons and Causeway Collections, offering a remarkably comprehensive holding of hammered silver of the late Anglo-Saxon, Norman, and early Plantagenet kings. Covering nearly two centuries of English history from Aethelred II to Stephen, this section includes 100 different silver pennies struck at 36 different mints, a veritable tour of early England.
Classical Numismatic Group, LLC is holding its first all-Islamic auction later this month. Here's the press release. -Editor
The earliest Islamic silver coin struck bearing an Arabic date, the first gold dinar
issued by the Fatimid dynasty, and an extremely rare Spanish gold dinar of the Wolf King,
Muhammad b.
Sa‘d, are among the highlights of Classical Numismatic Group's first dedicated auction of Islamic coins, to be
held as a live online sale on May 25 in Lancaster, PA.
Davissons Ltd. has announced their E-Auction 43, which closes June 8, 2022. Here's an excerpt from today's email to clients penned by Allan Davisson, which discusses pricing and valuation before providing a short preview of the sale. -Editor
Pricing coins fairly so that the values accurately reflect fair values is an important and demanding part of preparing each catalog. We could open everything at zero, the way most US coins are auctioned. But there are daily price guides for US coins and the great extent to which US coins are graded and slabbed and then awarded a numerical grade also serves as a key factor in setting a price.
Most of what we offer is specialized and much of it rather obscure. So we work to provide a defensible valuation that both seller and buyer should find within a range of current market pricing.
Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
GAUL, Massalia. Circa 150-125 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 2.68 g, 12h). Light standard. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis right; bow and quiver over shoulder; to right, ?I monogram above K / Lion standing right; to right, ?I monogram above K. F&P DRM-38-7; Depeyrot, Marseille 38/7. A couple of light marks, hairlines and die wear on reverse. Near EF.
Massalia (modern Marseille) was a major trading entrepôt settled by the Greeks on the coast of Southern Gaul in the 6th century BC. Its coinage circulated widely in southern Gaul and Northern Italy. The iconic lion on the reverse refers to the Gulf of Lion. The Massalia drachms offered in the next six lots date from late in the city's independence, before it was absorbed by Rome in 49 BC.
Great looking coin. From the May 25th CNG Islamic I sale. See the article elsewhere in this issue for more information. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
GAUL, Massalia. Circa 150-125 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 2.68 g, 12h). Light standard.
Other topics this week include a Pattern Halfgroat of Charles I, and an Engraved Counter of James I and Charles, Prince of Wales. -Editor
Arthur Shippee passed along this story about a Roman coin find in Switzerland. Thanks. -Editor
An amateur Swiss archaeologist discovered a trove of 1,290 Roman coins that date back to the reign of Constantine the Great.
Using a metal detector, Daniel Lüdin found the coins inside a clay pot that was buried underground. Last year in September, he found the pot in a forest near Wildenstein Castle in Bubendorf, Switzerland.
This Noonan's press release discusses the Vale of Pewsey hoard of Roman silver coins. -Editor
It was over two days in September 2020, after the first Covid lockdown had finished, that three metal-detectorists with over 90 years detecting experience between them, came across a wonderful hoard of Roman silver coins in an extremely unusual way! The hoard of 142 coins which is expected to sell in the region of £30,000–40,000 will be offered for sale by specialist Coin, Medal, Banknote and Jewellery auctioneers Noonans (previously Dix Noonan Webb) in their frst sale under their shortened name on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at their Mayfair saleroom (16 Bolton Street, London W1J 8BQ).
Leon Saryan passed along this story of a hoard of medieval bracteate coins discovered in Poland. Thanks. -Editor
A hoard of medieval bracteate coins has been discovered near Walbrzych in Lower Silesia, Poland.
The coins were unearthed by a dog walker, who notified authorities at the Walbrzych Branch of the Provincial Office for Monument Protection in Wroclaw.
Stack's Bowers Numismatist Christopher Maisano published a blog article this week about a great coin coming up in the firm's August 2022 sale - a 1792 Disme. Beautiful piece! -Editor
We are pleased to feature a Judd-10 1792 disme that will be a highlight in our August 2022 Global Showcase Auction. The 1792 disme is an important rarity, struck in very small numbers in the earliest days of the United States Mint. Today about 15 copper examples are known to survive in all grades, while only three are known in silver. The disme, no matter its composition, ranks high with the other 1792 issues in terms of historical significance, as it is the denomination that Thomas Jefferson personally suggested as equal to the value of a half pistareen and ensured a decimal base to the newly developed American monetary system.
Remember, coin prices don't always go up. Here's the first part of a series of blog articles from Dave Bowers on the rise and fall of the commemorative coin market. -Editor
If you've been following the coin market in recent years, you know that prices of federal coins in 1988 were, on balance, tiny fractions of what many pieces would sell for today. This is true across the board from colonials to Capped Bust silver coins, to large copper cents, to Liberty Head twenties, to—well, just about everything!
Records made since that time, say in the Eliasberg Collection sales of 1996 and 1997 over 20 years ago, are likewise in many instances bargains today. How happy anyone would be to purchase such pieces today at the record prices of yesteryear.
Houck's Panacea counterstamps are popular in collecting circles, appearing on a number of U.S. and foreign coins. An article by Jeff Oertel in the March 2022 issue of John Reich Journal, the official publication of the John Reich Collectors Society discusses the life and business of its creator, Jacob Houck of Baltimore. With permission, we're publishing an excerpt. Thanks to JRJ editor Brad Karoleff for passing along the text and images. -Editor
This is the accurate story behind Houck's Panacea. Many seasoned researchers know that not everything in print is accurate. Sometimes an erroneous bit of information is put in writing, then repeated and eventually it becomes an accepted fact. Such is the case with the story behind the Houck's Panacea counterstamp.
The Houck's Panacea stamp is certainly one of the most popular counterstamps yet far from the rarest. There are likely well over one hundred known stamped coins with most of these being half dollars. There may be fewer than ten stamps on early dollars, of which there are at least two stamps found on flowing hair dollars.
The Writer's Almanac for Wednesday, May 4, 2022 published a poem by Charles Darling about an elongated dime machine "At the County Fair, 1956" -Editor
An ANS Pocket Change blog article by Oliver Hoover examines the development of the Indian Peace Medal collection at the ANS. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
When looked at through the numismatic lens, the Indian peace medals in the extensive collection of the American Numismatic Society tell the interesting and sometimes sordid story of the development of the U.S. Mint as both producer and marketer of medals for official purposes and for collectors. Due to the association of many of the medals with the names of Native American leaders who owned them before they entered the ANS collection, the medals also tell the personal stories of triumph and tragedy experienced by their original owners. The medals also have a third facet that is often overlooked. Their accession histories tell the story of the early American Numismatic Society and of the extraordinary cast of characters who came together for the purpose of developing the Indian peace medal collection between 1883 and 1927. The often-collective nature of the work undertaken by members of the Society in this period illustrates the broad interest of the material to people not only as numismatists, but as Americans with a sense of their country's history.
Michael Oppenheim of Vancouver BC submitted these notes on an interesting group of Jewish presentation medals offered in an upcoming Goldbergs sale. Thanks - a great variety of pieces. -Editor
I have been collecting presentation medals for many years, and a number of the Jewish-related medals that were given to significant persons in entertainment and politics will be coming up for auction in the Judaica and the Entertainment sections of The Collectibles Auction
by Ira and Larry Goldberg on May 24, 2022. I thought that these could be of interest to your readers. Included among the material are the following five unique items.
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest. -Editor
As noted earlier, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is planning a move from Washington, D.C. to a new facility to be built in Maryland by 2027. Thanks to Scott Barman for linking to the article in his Coin Collector's Blog. -Editor
The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which prints U.S. currency, is moving forward with plans to build its new facility in Maryland, Gov. Larry Hogan announced Wednesday.
The bureau is expecting to house at least 850 workers on site, with 600 additional employees working remotely, the governor's office said.
The 104-acre site, located at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Prince George's County, has been officially transferred to the Department of the Treasury.
Despite the glamor of billions in banknotes, the BEP is a factory kept running by blue-collar factory workers. I wonder how they will be able to commute to their jobs once the facility relocates to what is currently a rural area. And will the new facility accommodate tours for the visiting public? Will the public still come if the facility is no longer in the tourist-rich D.C. area? -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Federal Money Printing Facility Moving Ahead in Maryland
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
LOOSE CHANGE: MARCH 31, 2019 : BEP To Build New D.C. Facility
To read the Coin Collector's Blog article, see:
Weekly World Numismatic News for May 1, 2022
Other topics this week include fugitive Northwest Territorial Mint Officials, and the Best Political Cartoon In History. -Editor