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About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Charles Heck, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Chuck at this email address: SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale Calendar |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
New subscribers this week include:
Rich Perilloux of the Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles (ACCLA),
Welcome aboard!
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This week we open with a report on NBS events at this week's ANA convention, numismatic literature sales, the NLG awards, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include the Joel J. Orosz numismatic library, an eye-popping exhibit of Massachusetts silver, the trilobite coins of Vermont, limiting guides, collector William Wetmore, dealer Shanna Schmidt, auction previews, more from the ANA convention, Wildman thalers, new Canadian coins, coin-pushers and bank robbers.
To learn more about the George Fredrick Kolbe Lifetime Achievement Award, Attinelli's Numisgraphics, Maris's Varieties of the Copper Issues of the United States Mint in the Year 1794, American Banknote Company vignettes, NLG's 2022 Book of the Year, Clifford Mishler's numismatic career, the Penn-New York Auction Company, the Numismatic Poet Society, Ranger Industries, the 1792 Copper Disme, and what a nine-year old girl asked President Lincoln, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
Numismatic Bibliomania Society President Tom Harrison provided this report on NBS events at this week's American Numismatic Association convention in Rosemont, IL. Maria Fanning provided images of NBS events. Sorry I couldn't be there this year. I'll look forward to meeting with my numismatic friends at the Whitman Baltimore Expos, and the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) shows and next year's ANA in Pittsburgh. -Editor
The ANA World's Fair of Money opened to the public Tuesday, August 16th at 1:00 PM. Again
this year, the NBS hosted a club table to promote the benefits and enjoyment of building a
numismatic library. The table was strategically located next to literature dealer Charles Davis's
booth. The table afforded convention goers the opportunity to purchase a NBS commemorative
coffee mug to support the NBS, view highlights of Friday's charity auction and connect with
fellow literature enthusiasts.
This year there was an outstanding nine-case literature display titled A Select Numismatic
Literature Collection.
Examples displayed in the award-winning display included rare items
authored by Dickeson, Ormsby and Beazel.
Here are some additional highlights from the Kolbe & Fanning 2022 Summer Americana sale of numismatic literature. Wow - this is an impressive sale, with opportunities to acquire rarities seen only once in a generation. -Editor
Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers are holding our Summer Americana sale on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Featuring highlights from the Cardinal Collection Library of American numismatic auction catalogues, the Bourne Library of U.S. numismatic periodicals, and the Jim Neiswinter Library of works on U.S. large cents, the sale promises to be one of the most important of the year.
Some highlights of the sale include:
In a rare opportunity for bibliophiles and currency collectors, World Banknote Auctions is offering a presentation book of vignettes produced by the American Banknote Company. -Editor
World Banknote Auctions has now launched Live Sale 30 at Live Sale 30 starts on August 25, 2022, with live bidding that day at 1 PM Eastern / 10 AM Pacific. Please note that Sale 30 is divided in two parts, each selling on a different day. The first live sale with 547 lots takes place on August 25 at 10 AM PST. The second timed sale with 471 lots starts to close on August 28 at 3 PM PST (special bidding rules apply for the timed sale, please see our website for details). Our bidding platform can be accessed directly by going to or through our mobile apps.
One of the most interesting and unique items in the sale is a presentation book of vignettes produced by the American Banknote Company, most likely sometime in the late 1860s or 1870s. The book, offered as lot 30004 in the sale, contains 74 individual vignettes, many which appear on banknotes from the United States, Canada and South America. The book has the name Joseph Lesley on the front cover, and appears to have been presented to him. Intact books such as this are extremely rare, and we are aware of just a few intact books that have sold publicly in the past three decades. The book was carefully produced, with gilded edges, and while it does display some wear (as would be expected from a book of this age) it is completely intact and no individual plates appear to be missing.
The Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) is a separate organization from ours, the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS). But we share a love of the numismatic hobby and numismatic research and writing in particular. Congratulations to all of the winners, many of whom are E-Sylum and NBS regulars. Here are this year's Awards Competition results. I've added images of some of the books which were announced or reviewed in earlier E-Sylum issues. See the links below for more information about adding these award-winners to your numismatic library.
Founded in 1968, the NLG is a nonprofit organization open to any editors, reporters, authors, writers, catalogers, webmasters, bloggers or producers of audio or video involving all forms of money, medals, tokens and other numismatic collectibles. Information about applying for NLG membership is available online at -Editor
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is a video tour of the Joel Orosz Numismatic Library. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
The Joel Orosz Numismatic Library Tour
On July 14, 2022, Len Augsburger and Lianna Spurrier visited the Joel Orosz library with the idea of presenting a video tour of the library highlights. Produced by Lianna Spurrier, this video premiered at the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS) meeting at the ANA convention on August 19. Joel walks us through the library highlights, including antebellum literature related to numismatics, numismatic association items, the NBS archives, and more. Thanks to Joel Orosz for hosting this event and allowing us to share his library with a wider audience.
I dropped everything to sit and watch this. It's wonderfully done, and should be mandatory for every card-carrying NBS member and anyone interested in American numismatic literature and numismatic history. -Editor
Link to Joel Orosz Library Tour on Newman Portal:
But wait, there's more! Another recent addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is a two-part video interview with Clifford Mishler. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Numismatic Notables: Clifford Mishler
Newman Portal is pleased to present an in-depth, two-part interview with Clifford Mishler, who, along with Chet Krause, led Krause Publications for many years. In the first episode, Cliff discusses how he got involved in numismatics and his early days at Krause Publications, leading up to the first edition of Krause's Standard Catalog of World Coins. In part two, Mishler discusses the IT behind the Standard Catalog of World Coins, succession planning at Krause Publications, and the American Numismatic Association governance. Interviewed by Joel Orosz and Len Augsburger, this video was produced by Lianna Spurrier of Numismatic Marketing.
What a great oral history of the hobby! -Editor
Link to Clifford Mishler interviews on Newman Portal
The Newman Numismatic Portal stars in a great new video on the landmark 1942 ANS exhibit of Massachusetts silver coinage published by Ron Guth. Check it out - what a mind-blowing exhibit, and great numismatic history. -Editor
These are selections from the David Lisot Video Library that feature news and personalities from the world of coin collecting. David has been attending coin conventions since 1972 and began videotaping in 1985. The Newman Numismatic Portal now lists all David's videos on their website at:
Here's one with a young lady numismatist's questions for President Abe Lincoln. -Editor
What Would a Nine-Year Old Girl Ask President Lincoln?
VIDEO: 7:11.
Allisa Dyer, Young Numismatist,
Dennis Boggs, Abraham Lincoln,
David Lisot, Video Producer,
May 20, 2022.
There was a young lady who came to the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists Coin Show and worked as a page. While there she decided to interview President Abraham Lincoln. What she asked him was extraordinary.
David adds:
"The PAN Coin Convention is dedicated to promoting coin collecting to the youth of America. As a way to do this, these kids interested in coins can be pages at the coin conventions and help dealers by getting them food or cleaning their showcases. One girl who was a page wanted to interview Abraham Lincoln. We caught her on camera doing so. Find out why this young lady numismatist could end up being our next US president!"
An excerpt of the video is available for viewing on the Coin Television YouTube Channel at:
The Penn-New York Auction Company
Dave Hirt writes:
"I would like to comment on the 50th anniversary of the first Bowers and Ruddy Public sale, Public meaning live bidders in the auction room. However, I have a catalog of a mail bid sale that they had almost 15 years earlier. This was held under the name The Penn-New York Auction company Q David Bowers - James F Ruddy. Inside the back cover is an announcement of future auction sales. However none took place.
"Dave was still a teenager at the time of that 1957 sale. Although he had been already been selling coins for two years through advertisements."
I sent my early Bowers periodicals to the Newman Numismatic Portal for scanning. Here's what the 1957 Penn-New York sale looks like. Great numismatic ephemera, and hard to find today. -Editor
To read the catalog on NNP, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Other topics this week include the Numismatic Poet Society, Chief "Three Fingers", and the August Moyaux collection. -Editor
Julia Casey recently learned about a private coin in Vermont. -Editor
The Trilobites of West Rutland, Vermont
Julia writes:
"I recently spoke at the Dorset Historical Society about my research into the Crane Ring of counterfeiters in Rupert, Vermont. One of the attendees was Glenn Campbell, a talented artist who runs the Campbell Plaster & Iron foundry in West Rutland. Glenn had some interesting perspectives on 18th century cast counterfeit coins, which came from his years of experience in working with molten metals.
"He also gave me, for free, this terrific Trilobite
that he had made! It is about 28mm x 20mm and weighs 10.6g. There is no legend or denomination. Glenn has a neat little experiment where he hands out these beauties and tells people to value it as they please.
He leaves it up to the local community to put them into barter commerce for goods and services. Though I won't be doing that with mine as it is a definite keeper
and a lovely souvenir of my day in Dorset!"
Like many of us, I'm on the receiving end of a lot of numismatic marketing emails. Most go straight to spam or trash, but sometimes one sticks out. Gene Frink's Ranger Industries started out creating military insignias and challenge coins, but now offers a range of custom coin and medal products. At my request the company provided the following profile and images of some of their numismatic medal work. -Editor
An expression of appreciation, camaraderie, and accomplishment
Ranger Industries is an industry leading resource for high quality Emblematic, Medallic and Custom Award & Recognition products, with offshore options that also provide cost-conscious solutions to meet your budget requirements.
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. I added token images from the website of dealer Steve Hayden. -Editor
Limiting Guide. A design element on a medallic piece to position additional work, as the focus to drill a hole, or for piercing; to affix a foot or hanger; to apply a jewel or appliqué, or such.
Dave Fegley submitted these biographical notes on collector William Wetmore and photos of Wetmore's traveling desk, which Dave found recently at the antique arms show in Allentown PA. Cool item! -Editor
William Wetmore was born in New York on December 7, 1849
to Samuel Wetmore and Sarah Boerum. Great-great-grandson of
Capt. William Boerum, of Revolutionary Army; Great-grandson of
Col. Jackson Browne, of British Colonial Army, who served in the
Barbadoes, W. I.; Grandson of Capt. William Boerum, U. S. N. in
battles of Hornet and Peacock; Hornet and Penguin.
Cadet at West Point Military Academy, July 1, 1867, to June 14, 1872, when he graduated and was promoted in the Army to Second Lieutenant 6th Cavalry.
He served at the Military Academy as Assistant Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, July 5-29, 1872, and of Field Telegraphing, July 29 to Aug. 31, 1872; on graduation leave of absence, Aug. 31 to Dec. 12, 1872; on frontier duty at Fort Reilly Kansas, Dec. 13, 1872, to Feb. 1, 1873,; Fort Wallace Kansas to July 10, 1873, — and at River Bend, Colorado to Oct. 3, 1873, being engaged on Sep. 10, 1873 in a hand-to-hand encounter with a band of desperadoes attempting to rob the Paymaster, he shot the chief of whom was the notorious ex Captain Graham; as Aide-de-camp to Bvt. Major-General Pope Oct. 3, 1873, to Sep. 4, 1875, at Headquarters of Fort Leavenworth Kansas as Acting Aide-de-Camp, Aug. 1 to Dec. 1, 1874, to Bvt. Major- General Miles, commanding Expedition to Indian Territory, being engaged, Aug. 30, 1874, in the Action of Red River, for which he was recommended to be brevetted First Lieutenant and Captain; on leave of absence, to make a tour around the world, Sep. 4, 1875, to Oct. 4, 1876. - Resigned, Dec. 1, 1876.
This news came out earlier this month, but I wanted to make sure we covered it here. The ANS has a new endowment to support curatorship in American numismatics. -Editor
The American Numismatic Society (ANS) is pleased to announce the naming of the curatorial position in American numismatics as the Resolute Americana Chair of American Numismatics. Thanks to a generous donation by ANS Life Fellow Robert L. Rodriguez, a longtime researcher and collector of Colonial and early United States coinage, the endowment to support this curatorship has now grown substantially.
The chair's new name honors one of Mr. Rodriguez's outstanding achievements, the assemblage of his Resolute Americana Collection, which includes coins and medals ranging from the beginning of the colonial period in the Americas to the earliest days of the United States Mint. Notable among them are some of the finest examples of Massachusetts silver coinage from 1652, the most complete collection of Continental dollars, and among the finest sets of 1792 mint pattern coinage ever assembled. Mr. Rodriguez chose the name Resolute
for several reasons, among them his belief that the word aptly describes his own personal nature. He noted that the name also evokes the HMS Resolute, a British ship that has its own unique ties to American history.
This press release details the new partnership between Numismatica Ars Classica and longtime E-Sylum supporter Shanna Schmidt. -Editor
With the founding of NAC USA, Numismatica Ars Classica and Shanna Schmidt are forming a strategic partnership to improve NAC's services for American customers. Thanks to NAC USA, American customers can buy and sell via NAC as though the European auction house were located in the United States.
This press release summarizes the various collections and offerings in the Stack's Bowers Galleries Summer 2022 Global Showcase Auctions. -Editor
Stack's Bowers Galleries is thrilled to present an exceptional selection of United States coins
and Numismatic Americana in their Summer 2022 Global Showcase Auction. This will be remembered as a historic
milestone in numismatics, highlighted by the finest known Proof 1825/4/1 half eagle offered as part of the Mocatta
Collection. Graded Proof-67 Cameo (PCGS) CAC, this specimen is one of just three known and can be traced to
before 1864, through the cabinets of such luminaries as Parmelee, Eliasberg and King Farouk of Egypt. It is
accompanied in the Mocatta Collection by numerous other rarities including a pair of 1796 Stars and No Stars $2.50
quarter eagles, a lovely 1879 Flowing Hair $4 Stella, Wire Rim and Rolled Rim Pattern
1907 Indian $10 pieces, a
Gem Proof 1887 Liberty Head $20, and many others.
Another press release summarizes U.S. currency offerings in the Stacks Bowers 2022 Summer Global Showcase Auction. Some great notes here. -Editor
Stacks Bowers Galleries is thrilled to present an important offering of United States Currency in their Summer Global Showcase Auction. The firm's first showcase currency sale since their Spring 2022 Auction, it features many rarities and advanced collections. Given the strong prices realized in their Spring 2022 Auction, another record-breaking sale is anticipated.
Here's another announcement with highlights from the upcoming token sale from Duane Feisel, closing on August 28, 2022. He can be reached at . -Editor
Bidding on the auction has picked up substantially by the delivery of the print version of "Talkin' Tokens," the monthly publication of the National Token Collectors Association (NTCA). Increased viewing activity of some of the auction lots has also been noted on the photo hosting site accessible at:
And as a reminder, when submitting your bids be sure to use the lot number rather than the image number from this site.
Should still need a full listing of the auction lots, please let me know and I'll send you a PDF color copy.
If you have not yet submitted your bids, now is the time to do so!
This auction offers a wide variety of better exonumia items including:
These are some numismatic items that caught my eye in the upcoming Holabird sale. -Editor
Lot 4065: Iwo Jima Bronze Plaque
Great display item for a numismatic library or office. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Iwo Jima Bronze Plaque [152590]
Another lot of note in the upcoming Holabird sale is a study collection of modern and fake Indian Peace medals. See the complete description by Bill Hyder and Fred Holabird online. Here's an excerpt. -Editor
The Larry Swick Peace Medal
Collection, Pine Ridge Reservation: A Collection of 84 Peace Medals with Notes of Provenance in Lakota and English
Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
London, St. James's, (Westminster). Edward Lloyd AE Halfpenny nd. Building / Triad, denom. (N 8900; D 2522A; BW. Uncertain 50; Berry, BNJ 1982, pp.158-60). About Very Fine, good patination.
Ex. Baldwin's.
Edward Lloyd was a ‘sutler' (provisions provider) supplying food and drink to soldiers of the 1st or Royal Regiment of Foot Guards, newly formed in 1665, which devolved later into the Grenadier Guards. The first quartermaster of the regiment was a John Lloyd, appointed on 15 July 1665, who held the post until 3 August 1667. The style of the token, although undated, would date it almost exactly to this period.
From the latest Baldwin's London Token Selection list. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Other topics this week include Skidmore's Halfpenny, Paul Vincze's Apollo 11 Plaque, and Cardano physical coins. -Editor
Since I didn't attend this year I don't have my usual Wayne's Numismatic Diary, but thankfully I do have these great reports from Len Augsburger and Pete Smith. Maria Fanning provided images of NBS events. A longer version of Len's report will appear in the future issue of The E-Gobrecht from the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. First up is Len. -Editor
The annual ANA convention is a highlight of the annual numismatic calendar, and the combination of people, coins, and get-togethers is hard to beat. Preparation always starts early for me, and I build a detailed spreadsheet to keep track of everything.
Literature Dealers
Charles Davis was set up with his usual array of significant numismatic literature. Kolbe & Fanning were
at the show but could not commit to setting up as it was unclear, until the last minute, when they would
have to take their son (who is starting the University of Cincinnati) to school. As it turns out they were
able to come to the ANA but did not bring inventory. From Charlie I purchased a copy of the 1992 M. N.
Daycius circular that promoted a bogus sale of numismatic literature, in addition to a nicely bound copy
of the Breen/Gillio work on fractional gold pieces.
Rittenhouse Medal
By Wednesday the Liberty Seated Collectors Club table was a beehive of activity. John Frost had brought
for exhibit a group of medals from the Charles Barber estate. My favorite was the MT-1, featuring a bust
of David Rittenhouse, engraved by William Barber. The American Philosophical Society has an 1871
letter of transmittal from Barber, presenting them an MT-1 Rittenhouse medal that was patterned after
a Rittenhouse bust in their collection. Later in the week John Lundsten exhibited his nearly complete set
of Seated dollars at the LSCC table. Among the visitors to the LSCC table was Tom Bender, who was
presented with the 1870-S half dime table skirt printed for the 2019 Seated Fest II exhibit in Baltimore.
In an email to clients earlier today, dealer Allan Davisson wrote about the Commonwealth pattern coinage of Peter Blondeau, illustrated by a piece in his firm's upcoming sale. It is republished here with permission. Thank you. The auction closes Wednesday, August 31st 2022. -Editor
Peter (Pierre) Blondeau was brought to London to improve the coinage of the Commonwealth. First minted in 1649, it was a coinage by committee
with a design that expressed a puritan dislike for anything ornamental. Realistic portraits, ornate shields, and Latin inscriptions gave way to a coin with a simple shield on the obverse—St. George's cross, a repeat of the shield along with an Irish shield on the reverse, and a simple legend in English to replace the Latin phrases of the Stuart coins. It was produced under Thomas Simon, Master of the Mint, who probably was not particularly happy with it, a view widely shared by the public. No one knows who actually designed the coin.
Bob Knepper's collection of wildman
coins is being offered by Stack's Bowers beginning this week. Jeremy Bostwick wrote a short article on them for the SBG blog.
One of the more popular collecting aspects within world coins, and especially within German coins, is the wildman
motif often associated with the Duchy of Brunswick-Luneburg and its various subdivisions. A 1916 article in The Numismatist by Moritz Wormser relates that the wildman …is a descendant of the Greek Satyr and the Roman Faun.
Owing to the duchy's location among the Harz Mountains, and the mountains' rich deposits of silver (among other metals), the idea of the wildman was meant to evoke fear among those who steal from the mines. In this sense, the wildman had a role in folklore as a local protector, and even made his way into the coats-of-arms of the various towns within the area.
This CBC article describes Canada's new commemorative coins for jazz musician Oscar Peterson. -Editor
Montreal pianist and jazz musician Oscar Peterson is being honoured with a commemorative coin, released today.
Peterson, who died in 2007, was one of Canada's most decorated musicians and is remembered as one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time.
The Royal Canadian Mint is issuing the $1 commemorative circulation coin to honour Peterson's "extraordinary talent and enduring musical legacy," it said in a statement.
A World Mint News Blog article by Michael Alexander discusses the newest coin in the Royal Canadian Mint's series on Indigenous Canadian art. -Editor
The Royal Canadian Mint has released the second coin in the series entitled Generations,
which focuses on Indigenous Canadian art. An additional element of the series celebrates the passing on of traditional knowledge from one generation to the next, preserving overall Indigenous culture and heritage through art as well as the spoken word. The latest coin features the artwork of the Red River Métis and the tradition of their beadwork, which is a distinct and unique expression of Métis culture and identity, and an exercise in visual storytelling.
The 2009 book King of Heists: The Sensational Bank Robbery of 1878 That Shocked America provided background for this new article on the amazing career of George Leslie, a self-made James Bond of thieves who hobnobbed with high society while carrying out the greatest bank robberies of the era. See the book for the full "absorbing tale of greed, sex, crime, betrayal, and murder," as the Amazon blurb states. Here's an excerpt from the extensive article. -Editor
George Leonidas Leslie led a double life: By day, he was a distinguished architect who hobnobbed with New York City's elite denizens; by night, he was one of history's most prolific bank robbers.
Unlike other heisters of his time, Leslie's approach was academic rather than brutish. He studied the anatomy of locks, drafted up blueprints of banks, and invented mechanical safe-breaking devices.
During his career,
authorities estimated that his exploits accounted for 80% of all bank robberies in the entire US during his active years of 1869-78.
Altogether, he stole at least $7m ($200m in today's money), much of it pilfered from the bank vaults of America's wealthiest titans.
Loved that headline, and wished I'd thought of it: "Faux what it's worth." This article discusses a seizure of counterfeit currency in South Africa. -Editor
The Tshwane metro police confiscated counterfeit money with a face value of R3.5 million during an operation in Pretoria on Friday.
The operation was part of an investigation into a syndicate involved in money laundering and counterfeit money.
During the operation, officers followed a convoy of vehicles, including a red Range Rover, two Mercedes-Benzes and a Toyota Corolla, said Tshwane metro police spokesperson, Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba.
Apparently, coin-pushing machines and coin-pushing videos are a big thing. Who knew? Not me. -Editor
I decided to do something ridiculous that cost a whole bunch of money. So I bought a coin pusher.
Coin pushers are amusement games filled with coins and sometimes prizes (including cash). Players drop coins of their own into the machine and onto a platform that constantly moves backward and forward. The aim is to set off a chain reaction that will push coins or prizes off a second, stationary platform and into a payout tray below. Although the machines are legal under federal law, coin pushers that offer cash prizes are outlawed in a number of states.
This week's Featured Web Site is the Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles (ACCLA).
The Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles (ACCLA) was established in 1966 to advance the knowledge and study of ancient numismatics, ancient coins, and their history.
ACCLA members include people who are interested in ancient history and numismatics, ancient coin collectors, and some experienced numismatists with an extensive knowledge of the field. ACCLA members have had articles published in journals such as the Celator, and some member's coins have been featured as plate coins in important numismatic publications including David Sear's recent editions of Roman Coins and Their Values.