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Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
New subscribers this week include:
John Torres, courtesy Chris McCawley;
IBNS and ANA member Brian Keller,
James Haas,
Kevin Harvey, and
Donna Moon.
Welcome aboard!
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This week we open with four new books, (sadly) another obituary, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, notes from readers and more.
Other topics this week include sculptor Hermon MacNeil, the Oriental Numismatic Society, American Silver Eagles, reeded edge half dollars, Boss Tweed, Chauncey Lee, multiple fixed-price and auction selections, numismatic diaries from Nummis Nova and the PAN show, Hobo nickels, and coin stacking.
To learn more about the Pan-American Exposition Medal of Award, Portuguese Guinea banknotes, Maldives Local Coins, Auctions West, numismatic uses for Photoshop, the Canada Vexator Token, North Carolina Nationals, Confederate Bonds, the Salt City Coin Book, and West African Manilla, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
Bob Van Ryzin alerted us to a new book by Jim Haas on sculptor Hermon Atkins MacNeil, the creator of the Standing Liberty Quarter and other numismatic products. Thanks. -Editor
American Sculptor In the Broad, Bright Daylight
by James E. Haas
Hermon Atkins MacNeil has been written about in a variety of anthologies of American sculpture with brief, sometime quite serious essays, but never in a full book. Through the use of sound and thorough scholarship, Hermon Atkin MacNeil: American Sculptor in the Broad, Bright Daylight is the first comprehensive, straight-forward accounting of his life. He was born in 1866 and died in 1947. Producing more than 250 sculptural creations, he was one of the most accomplished and highly respected sculptors of his era, with a world-wide reputation for outstanding work. But to his neighbors in College Point, Queens, New York, where he lived and worked for forty-five years, what he did was equivalent to being an electrician or a school teacher, just a career, nothing special.
Owen Linzmayer edits The Banknote Book, a useful, constantly updated electronic reference published by CDN Publishing. The chapter on the banknotes of Portuguese Guinea is now available to active subscribers. -Editor
CDN is proud to announce the initial publication of this 27-page catalog covering 310 varieties of notes issued by the Banco Nacional Ultramarino (National Overseas Bank) from 1909 to 1971. This chapter features up-to-date and accurate pricing for these scarce issues. As always, full-color images are included throughout.
Subsequent issues are covered in the Guinea-Bissau chapter, already published. Collectors are also advised that this chapter should be used in conjunction with the Banco Nacional Ultramarino Signature Varieties chapter to view and understand the myriad signatures found on these notes.
Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society Editor Dr. Paula Turner submitted this information about the Autumn 2022 issue. Thank you. -Editor
A Letter from Your Secretary General
Pankaj Tandon
A Brief Note on Two Newly Discovered Denominations of Eucratides I Megas: Tridrachms and Pentadrachms
Chenyu (David) Zeng
A Not So ‘Unfortunate' Kushano-Sasanian Coin
by Joe Cribb, Hans Loeschner, René Traum and Klaus Vondrovec
Re-reading a Silver Coin of Ancient Arakan and the Chronology of the Chandra Kings
Md Shariful Islam and Joe Cribb
An Analytical Examination of Georgian–Sasanian Coins and Their
Meaning in Numismatics
Jonathan Ouellet
Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing passed along this piece by Dave Bowers on the new book on American Silver Eagles by Josh McMorrow-Hernandez. Thanks. -Editor
Whitman Publishing's new Guide Book of American Silver Eagles, by Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez, will debut this December, available from booksellers and hobby shops nationwide. Here, Q. David Bowers, the namesake of Whitman's popular Bowers Series
of numismatic reference books (of which McMorrow-Hernandez's work is no. 27), reviews the new volume and shares some thoughts on American Silver Eagles.
As 2022 enters the holiday season, Whitman Publishing is releasing the first edition of the Guide Book of American Silver Eagles—and I say first edition
because I'm certain many more will follow! The bullion coin series it covers has been with us for more than 35 years, and shows no sign of slowing down.
Steve Woodland submitted this review of Serge Pelletier's new book Numismatics for Everyone. Thank you! -Editor
Book Review: Numismatics for Everyone / La numismatique pour tous
by Steve Woodland, CD, P. Eng., FRCNA
Title: Numismatics for Everyone = La numismatique pour tous
Author: Serge Pelletier
Publisher: Lighthouse Publications (Canada)
ISBN: 978-2-9821129-0-2
Size: Letter
Greyscale pages: 470
Colour pages: 64
Binding: Adhesive
Suggested retail price: 86.95 CAD; 79.95 USD; 78.95 EUR
Ever wonder about the meaning of something that appears on a coin, bank note, medal, or token? The answer can now be found in Serge Pelletier's Numismatics for Everyone / La numismatique pour tous, the latest addition to his long list of numismatic publications.
John Ferreri provided this follow-up report on the recent NENA book-signing event. Thanks! These events are a great opportunity to meet and speak with top numismatic researchers and writers. The first photo is Manuel Ayala, author of Connecticut Trade Tokens. See the previous E-Sylum article (linked below) for information on the books and where to purchase them. -Editor
The bi-annual Coin and Currency Expo sponsored by EBW Promotions, LLC ( was held in Manchester, New Hampshire on Friday-Saturday October 14-15. The spacious facility had 120 dealer booths and the New England Numismatic Association (NENA) sponsored its first Book Signing event there on Friday featuring numismatic authors and a Young Numismatist program on Saturday. Exhibit competition was also overseen and judged by NENA.
Authors wishing to take part in the next book signing event next Fall are asked to please contact John Ferreri at
Many of us were shocked and saddened this week to hear the news of the passing of David Lisot, the longtime numismatic videographer who captured so many great people, presentations and events at coin shows around the country. His videos were regularly featured here in The E-Sylum and most are thankfully archived for all to see on the Newman Numismatic Portal. He died last Saturday morning following complications from minor surgery. Thanks to Mitch Ernst and others for passing along the news. -Editor
The David Lisot Video Library on the Newman Numismatic Portal can be found at:
Here's a real table-turner - David became the interviewee! This was published in The E-Sylum December 12, 2021. Well worth watching. -Editor
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is Koenings' Reeded Edge Half Newsletter. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Newman Portal Adds Jim Koenings' Reeded Edge Half Newsletter
Jim Koenings continues to archive the Reeded Edge (1836-1839) half dollar issues, publishing installments on a monthly basis, each of which is dedicated to a single die marriage within the series. The latest issue, #42, covers the 1839 GR-8 variety, referencing the die marriages as published by Dick Graham in A Registry of Die Varieties of Reeded Edge Half Dollars (2012). In total, Graham identified a total of 55 marriages in this short-lived series. Koenings' work serves as a useful companion to the Graham reference, adding data on market appearances, rarity, and censes of individual marriages. The Koenings' work is issued electronically, which more easily supports the expanded content that might not be included in typical die marriage references.
Image: 1839 Reeded Edge Half, GR-8, with rotated dies, as profiled in the October 15, 2022 issue of Koenings' Reeded Edge Half Newsletter. Image courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
Link to Koenings' Reeded Edge Half Newsletter on Newman Portal:
Michael Kodysz submitted these thoughts on another use for Photoshop in numismatics. The images on the left are his animated .gif files, but I'm not sure these will work for most E-Sylum readers, so I've included an end-state image on the right as well as a link below to a site where you may be able to see the animation. Check it out. Nicely done. -Editor
I would like to follow up on Bill Eckberg's piece discussing the use of Photoshop as an analytical tool. I've used Photoshop overlays
with images of ancient coins to confirm die links, but I've never used color in the way that he has. His example showing that the 1792 disme and 1793 half cent dies were produced from the same obverse hub has been enlightening.
Aside from Photoshop's use in the more scientific endeavor of confirming die or hub linkages, I would like to share with your readers ways in which I've found the software to be useful for education. For example, as part of a talk I presented about coins of the Severan Dynasty, I used Photoshop to overlay images of three denarii of Emperor Geta, all struck from the same reverse die. My intent was not to demonstrate the obvious die linkage between the coins, but to illustrate how circulation wear affects the details of a design. Each coin is in a different state of wear, and I used Photoshop to create an animated GIF showing the reverse design transitioning from a state of lesser to greater wear. I achieved this effect by sequentially fading the upper layers into the lower layers.
Nothing gets past E-Sylum readers, a sharp-eyed bunch. Here's the commentary around Michael Merrill's altered fractional currency portrait. -Editor
"The altered note shown is not just an "old man". I'm certain it's intended to be the infamous and thoroughly corrupt William Marcy "Boss" Tweed of New York City."
Sylvester Sage Crosby's FindaGrave Page
Steve Tompkins writes:
"I saw the note and picture of the S.S. Crosby headstone and noticed the remarks that the grave was not on Findagrave. As I belong to that organization and have listed many thousands of graves on the site, many of my family, but several complete cemeteries found in the areas around where my ancestors lived and died, I took the liberty of adding Crosby's grave and that of his 2nd wife. I also linked Sylvester to his father and his 1st wife's listings."
Per Steve's suggestion, I alerted Mark Vitunic, who uploaded his photo of the headstone. Thanks, everyone. -Editor
To read the updated Find a Grave page, see:
Sylvester Sage Crosby
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
Sylvester Sage Crosby's Resting Place
Other topics this week include J.S.G. Boggs, and the Farouk-Norweb 1913 Liberty Head Nickel. -Editor
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Matrix. The element which gives form to something else; as a die from which a piece is struck. In striking a coin or medal, a matrix is a working die; it is negative (concave) for striking positive pieces. The matrix for striking can be made in any of three ways: 1) from a patrix, hub, or master die; (2) cut from a dieshell on a die-cutting pantograph; or (3) handcut engraving.
American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this article on Chauncey Lee and the first book illustrated with an engraving of an American coin. Thanks! -Editor
A recent article discussed Sylvester Sage Crosby and the first American coin book illustrated with photographs. The topic this week is Chauncey Lee and the first book illustrated with an engraving of an American coin.
I didn't manage to get this in before the sale, but Bob Merchant recently offered an interesting counterstamped Indian Head cent. Here's the lot description. -Editor
1882 US Indian Head Cent
Countermarked "PATENTED / (7 Dates)"
Here are a few selections from the online inventory of Jacob Lipson, dealer in Canadian and American tokens and independent numismatic cataloguer for Heritage Auctions. -Editor
Numismagram's Jeremy Bostwick recently added a number of spooky, Halloween-themed medals and tokens to his website. Featuring skulls and skeletons, satyrs and demons, and even some tombstones, this haunting area of numismatics is certainly growing in popularity for its off-beat nature. For all of the new items, please visit -Editor
For the young and old dealers among our readers, Richard Lobel of Coincraft is offering some bulk deals. He submitted this summary. -Editor
I founded Coincraft – Britain's Coin Shop in 1955, we only sell to collectors, we do not sell anything for investment and we do not borrow money from the bank. Over the years we have accumulated one of the largest inventories of British coins and banknotes in the world. Because when we buy a hoard we do not dump it, we just put it in stock.
Here's the announcement for Classical Numismatic Group's second Islamic auction. -Editor
An unpublished early Islamic gold dinar from the ‘Mine of the Commander of the Faithful,' an extremely rare gold double-dinar minted for presentation to a high-ranking official in the year AH 343 (AD 954/5), and an extremely rare Arab-Sasanian silver drachm depicting the Caliph Marwan I (AH 85-86 / AD 685- 705) are among highlights of Classical Numismatic Group's second dedicated auction of Islamic coins, to be held live and online Thursday, October 27, webcast from London, UK.
Heritage is also offering North Carolina National Bank Notes from the Mike Coltrane Estate. Here are some additional highlights in an article submitted by Maureen Levine and Bruce Hagen. Thanks. -Editor
Rare and important North Carolina Nationals collected by the late Mike Coltrane for decades are offered in an unreserved online Showcase auction by Heritage Auctions on October 30, 2022. The collection chronicles North Carolina's post-Civil War banking history including the part Mike's ancestors played. Daniel B. Coltrane, Mike's great-great grandfather, was one of the founders of the Concord National Bank. He and son Lester D. Coltrane were officers (see lots 96043 through 96070 for the father-son signature combination of President and Cashier respectively). Some of the notes Mike's banker father (Lester D. Coltrane III) accumulated over the years, along with Mike's private purchases, are newly reported and being auctioned for the first time.
100 Greatestlibrary. Presented chronologically as a richly illustrated historical narrative of Canadian numismatist. 160 pages, coffee-table, hardcover. Order your copy online at , or call 1-800-546-2995.
Here's the press release for The Canadian Numismatic Company's Prominence VIII Sale. -Editor
Welcome to The Prominence Sale VIII event. This auction of more than 2400 numismatic lots features three major collections joined by selections from over 70 other consignors across North America. The first three sessions are highlighted by three attractive coin and banknote collections. The R & G collection of Canadian Copper, The South Shore Collection Part III
, The MC Collection Part II
of Military medals and Canadian banknotes.
Bob Schwartz of Archives International Auctions (AIA) forwarded this press release for the upcoming joint Lyn Knight / Archives International sale of the the Montgomery Collection of Confederate Bonds & Fiscal Documents. Thanks. -Editor
The Public Auction will be held by Lyn Knight Currency Auctions in Overland Park, Kansas
The Montgomery Collection of Confederate Bonds & Fiscal Documents will be auctioned on November 17, 2022 by Lyn Knight Auctions in association with Archives International Auctions and will consist of 512 lots including numerous C.S.A. Bond rarities. This is one of the most significant offerings of Confederate Bonds and Fiscal Documents to be sold at auction since the Frederick R. Mayer Collection of Confederate Banknotes and Bonds was offered by R.M. Smythe at their Memphis 2007 Auction. I would also like to acknowledge both Grover Criswell and Dr. Douglas Ball for their pioneering contributions to the study of this field of finance of the Confederacy and the collecting of C.S.A. bonds.
Stack's Bowers Galleries will be offering Polish rarities from The Anthony J. Taraszka Collection in their January 2023 auction. Here's the press release. -Editor
Stack's Bowers Galleries is pleased to announce the offering of Polish rarities from The Anthony J. Taraszka Collection in their January 2023 New York City auction. Prized among European issues are the coins of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and of Poland more broadly. Many of the most notable collections in history have featured Polish rarities: Farouk, Czapski, and Brand, among a litany of others. To this renowned group can be added Anthony J. Taraszka.
Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
BRAZIL. Princess Isabel Silver Medal, 1892. Paris Mint. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details.
By A. Desaide. Diameter: 31mm. Of French manufacture. Obverse: head of Isabel facing right; Reverse: coat-of-arms of Brazil, motto above. This lovely medal commemorates Princess Isabel of the deposed Brazilian monarchy. The expressive portrait is displayed with fine detail and in high relief. Both sides are pleasingly lustrous and lightly toned to a mottled dove gray.
From the Stacks Bowers November 2022 World Collectors Choice online auction. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
BRAZIL. Princess Isabel Silver Medal, 1892. Paris Mint. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details.
Other topics this week include the Sweden Johan III Medal, the Dr. Láng Imre Enameled Bronze Medal and the 1960 Jamaica 5 Pound Banknote. -Editor
This month's dinner meeting of my Northern Virginia numismatic social group Nummis Nova took place without me - I travelled to Pittsburgh that morning and was having dinner with my sister. But the group had a great time without me, as shown in this detailed write-up compiled by fellow member Tom Kays. Thanks! -Editor
Daryl Haynor our dinner host, chose Mamá Tigre! Restaurant (Mexican food remixed with an Indian slant) in Oakton for the October Nummis Nova meet-up. Guests included Jonas Denenberg, Dave Ellison and Jim Glickman along with regulars Wayne Herndon, Steve Bishop, Tom Kays, Eric Schena, Jon Radel, Mike Packard, Julian Leidman, Roger Burdette, and Dave Schenkman. We missed seeing Wayne Homren (our illustrious founder), our dinner host Daryl Haynor, and Kellen Hoard, an invited guest who was suddenly buried in homework at college and could not unearth himself from study for the evening of festivities.
Although I missed this month's Nummis Nova dinner because of my travel to Pittsburgh, I did manage to spend a little time Thursday afternoon at the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) show in Monroeville, PA. Here are some photos and notes. -Editor
I made a beeline to the exhibit area, which is always a highlight of the PAN shows.
Becky Rush and Rick Lank sent these photos taken in or near the PAN Civil War Showcase at the Fall 2022 show. Thanks. Sorry I couldn't stay - I hear it was a great event. -Editor
Javier Fiore is an Argentine artist who has exhibited his work in Florida USA with the specialty of hand carving Hobo five cent coins with the sculptural engraving technique. These are some examples of his work. -Editor
John Mutch passed along some images of a Japanese man's coin-stacking handiwork. He writes: "This showed up in a friend's Facebook feed. Japan is in a high-risk earthquake zone, so I wonder how that works for this fellow."
An E-Sylum article in 2016 had some images of these great sculptures. Check out the videos, too. -Editor
Coin stacking is more than just a leisure activity. It has become an artistic craftsmanship that creates mesmerizing and breathtaking sculptures out of coins. In order to create coin stacking sculptures, one must have a steady hand and a great sense of balance. Unlike traditional sculptures, the coins are stacked without any glue or plaster to keep them together. Instead, the artist will have to arrange the coins in proper position so the weight of the coins provides support. In other words, the artist has to create intricate arrangements while defying gravity. Sound like a tough challenge, right?
This week's Featured Web Site is Dave Baldwin's Lovett Tokens & Medals site, suggested by Paul Horner. Thanks.
The Lovetts - father Robert Jr. and his sons Robert Jr., George H. and John D. - produced a large body of work from approximately 1824 to George's death in 1894. Many of these are listed in current numismatic reference works with many others being known to the collecting community but not cataloged. Still others were known to collectors and cataloged but not attributed to one of the family members. And finally, over the years I have found some that seemed to have been virtually unknown to collectors. In any case there has been no one source to turn to for a complete listing of their output. This is my attempt to remedy that.
Paul adds:
"There are galleries on Robert Lovett Sr, Robert Lovett Jr, George H Lovett and John D Lovett."