About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Charles Heck, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Chuck at this email address: treasurer@coinbooks.org SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale Calendar |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Thank you for reading The E-Sylum. If you enjoy it, please send me the email addresses of friends you think may enjoy it as well and I'll send them a subscription. Contact me at whomren@gmail.com anytime regarding your subscription, or questions, comments or suggestions about our content.
This week we open with some NBS news, a numismatic literature sale, five new books, a new periodical issue, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include transportation tokens, mint errors, silver art bars, counterfeiting, Tyrants of the Thames, Warren Lapp, Hunter Hicks, Mark Salzberg, CAC Grading, fixed price and auction previews, a Dickin medal winner, and a new micronation's currency.
To learn more about bookbinding, the coinage of Gordian III, the MCA Advisory, the Betts Novi Orbi medals, Morgan silver dollars, the 1663 Petition Crown, Una & the Lion, Ruth Bauer, Elizabeth Coggan, Yvette Haas, Pamela West, Emil Fuchs, Hermon MacNeil, multiple blanking, Pennywise, Jim Licaretz, the Cragg Vale Coiners, the 1783 Unity States Cent, and the currency of Slowjamistan, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society table at this summer's American Numismatic Association World's Fair of Money® will feature a special live demonstration. -Editor
NBS Bookbinding Demo at the ANA
The NBS will host a bookbinding demo during the ANA convention, at the NBS club table, on Wednesday, August 9. Being book collectors, we should learn a bit about how they are constructed! All supplies will be furnished for those who wish to participate, including unbound pages for a new, unpublished work. Prior to the convention, we will reveal further information on this volume, copies of which will not be otherwise available until after the convention.
Our bookbinding term of the week is cambric. The cambric is a mid-grade, woven fabric used as a spine reinforcement material in book making. This provides connective tissue for the loose boards within the covers. The cambric is glued in underneath the front and rear pastedown pages. If you take apart a hardbound book (just don't tell anyone you did so!), you may notice this at the spine.
Solidus Numismatik of Munich is holding a numismatic literature auction on 25 June 2023 featuring auction catalogues, many of the 19th century and from important auction houses. Here's the firm's announcement. -Editor
12th auction of numismatic literature at Solidus on 25 June 2023
The literature auction 121 of Solidus on 25 June 2023 is entirely dedicated to selected auction catalogues. The spectrum of the 862 lots ranges from early catalogues of the mid-19th century to entire series of catalogues by renowned firms of the 21st century. Among the pre-1945 auction catalogues are numerous sought-after and rare collections, including the collections of Gnecchi, Prospero Sarti, Rhousopoulos, Kneist, Imhoof-Blumer, Hauswaldt, Hermitage St. Petersburg, Welzl von Wellenheim, and Meyer-Gedanensis. Also represented are many well-known auction houses, such as Cahn, Hess, Helbing, Hamburger, Ratto, Santamaria, Baranowsky, Schlessinger, Naville, Riechmann, Rosenberg and Münzhandlung Basel. Among the auction catalogues after 1945 are series of catalogues by Peus, Künker, Gerhard Hirsch, Numismatica Ars Classica and Kolbe & Fanning. Numerous Highlights include the following lots:
A new book by Roger Bland has been published by SPINK for the Royal Numismatic Society. -Editor
The Coinage of Gordian III from the Mints of Antioch and Caesarea
Roger Bland
Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication 60, 2023
This book presents a detailed die-study of the issues of the mints of Antioch in Syria and Caesarea in Cappadocia from the reign of Gordian III (AD 238-44). The coinage of Antioch consisted of two series of radiates with Roman legends and four series of tetradrachms and 3,818 coins of Antioch and 1,312 silver and bronze coins of Caesarea are included in the die-study. All the dies are illustrated in 100 plates.
The study shows how to distinguish the radiates of Antioch from those of Rome and examines the relationship between radiates and tetradrachms of Antioch. The former coins have traditionally been classed as `Roman imperial' and the latter as `Roman provincial'. The dies for the coinage of Caesarea were also produced by Antiochene engravers, which had not been noticed before.
Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing forwarded this press release for the new edition of volume 2 of the Cherrypicker's Guide. Thanks. -Editor
Whitman Publishing announces the upcoming release of the newest Cherrypickers'
Guide to Rare Die Varieties. The sixth edition, volume II, will debut in August 2023 at the American
Numismatic Association World's Fair of Money in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the meantime, the 320-page
spiralbound-hardcover book can be preordered for $39.95 online, including at Whitman.com. After the ANA
show the Cherrypickers' Guide will be available from booksellers nationwide.
To cherrypick
is to examine coins that appear normal at first glance, seeking those with unusual
characteristics—overdates, repunched mintmarks, doubled and tripled dies, and similar features—that reveal
them to be rare and valuable. The Cherrypickers' Guide uses close-up photographs and text descriptions to
show collectors what to look for. It includes rarity ratings and retail values in multiple grades.
A new edition of the standard work, The Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens has been published by the American Vecturist Association. Thanks to Yosef Sa'ar for passing along the information. -Editor
AVA Publications Chairman Rich Mallicote writes:
We now have printed Eighth Edition catalogs available for shipment. The company we used for the Seventh Edition is no longer in business and it took a long time to find another qualified printer and negotiate a reasonable price for the books. The price for the new book is $37, ppd to anywhere in the US. For anyone outside the US that wants a book shipped to them, please contact me and we will figure out what the postage will be – the book weighs almost five pounds. The price is a little higher, because it is larger than the previous edition and postage has increased.
To order a hard-bound eighth edition, please send a $37 check – made out to AVA – to Rich Mallicote, 1039 Arbor Drive, Lakemont, GA 30552. To request a PDF copy of the catalogue, send an email to rmallicote@comcast.net.
Joe Cronin has published a third edition of his book on error coins. -Editor
I am proud to announce the 3rd Edition of my book, Mint Errors to Die For. The book is over 270 pages, 8.5 by 11 inches, and printed on thick, glossy, high-quality paper; the cover is soft-cover with a nice plastic coating. Loaded with large HD photos including close-ups. I have added many new examples of error types, added some edits and updated information, and even included a few new error types.
I not only showcase, explain, and analyze dozens of error types, I also include information on how to detect altered coins, 100% counterfeits, and examples of damage that can mimic genuine errors. Bits of collecting advice, recent sale prices to help determine values, fun trivia, and some U.S. History are also sprinkled throughout. Most importantly, it's written in plain language so a beginner/novice can understand the reading, but yet it's comprehensive and detailed enough where it won't bore experienced collectors.
I wasn't familiar with earlier editions of this book. While not directly a numismatic topic it's close enough for The E-Sylum. These are a form of bullion pieces and medals, with a diverse array of sizes, styles and designs to interest collectors. -Editor
SAC 7th Edition Guide Book of Silver Art Bars & Art Rounds
Continuing the Incredible Tradition of Archie Kidd, Silver Art Collectors Introduces the New "7th Edition Guide Book of Modern Silver Art Bars & Art Rounds"
This comprehensive guide is a must for all silver art collectors alike. Providing detailed in formation of the Modern Art Bar & Round Mints from 2007-2020 and the many beautiful pieces produced.
Sadly, Archie passed away and now with a collaboration with his son, Stephen SAC Silver Art Collectors we are please that the Archie Kidd's tradition and legacy will go on.
The latest issue of the MCA Advisory has been published by the Medal Collectors of America. -Editor
It's here!! The Spring 2023 issue of the award-winning MCA Advisory has been published, packed with entertaining, scholarly, and fascinating articles on all manner of medals! We're thrilled to share the cover and table of contents with you here, but in order to read everything - and read it now - the best course of action is to join the MCA today! Electronic memberships start at just $41.50 for a year at
Spring 2023 Table of Contents:
John J. Ford: a Remembranceby John Adams
No. 421. 1759. Quebec Taken Medalby Christopher McDowell
Pirckheimer and Erasmus, in search of a perfect castby Lev Tsitrin
A few thoughts on the medals of Mehmed IIby Lev Tsitrin
The Underappreciated and Occasionally Maligned Edwin Bishopby Julia Casey
Brief Additions to the Betts Novi Orbi Medalsby Peter Olav Pleuss
See the article elsewhere in this issue about the BBC drama The Gallows Pole based on this 2017 novel by Benjamin Myers. Here's an excerpt from an old book review published by The Guardian. -Editor
Benjamin Myers's new novel is about the Yorkshire poor in the 18th century, a time when the theft of a handkerchief or a loaf of bread could lead to the gallows. Small wonder, then, that smuggling and coining – the manufacture of fake money from melted-down clippings – was rife, and that the gangs were protected by local populations.
Today the Cragg Vale Coiners and their chief, David Hartley, who ran a successful coining business and protection racket from his moorland home in the 1760s, are commemorated in a Calderdale museum. Myers's retelling of their desperate rise and fall is interspersed with the fictional prison journal of the greyt King Dayvid Hartee A farther a husban a leeder a forger a moorman of the hills and a pote [poet] of werds and deeds
Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing submitted this article on the back story of the newest edition of the Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars. Great story and hobby history. Bibliophiles and researchers can use this article as a checklist of books published on various aspects of this classic American coin. -Editor
The seventh edition of Whitman Publishing's best-selling Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars, by Q. David Bowers, is on sale now, available from booksellers and hobby shops nationwide. Here, Whitman publisher Dennis Tucker discusses the new volume in the context of the hobby's fascination with these historic coins.
Ask collectors to rank the coins of the United States by popularity, and the famous Morgan silver dollar will always emerge at the top of the list. At Whitman Publishing we're immersed in the coin's universal appeal. Hobbyists buy thousands and thousands of albums, folders, and other holders to store and display their Morgan dollars. We get emails, letters, and phone calls about the hefty old coins. At coin shows, collectors, dealers, and investors are always talking about them. As we work on each year's edition of the Guide Book of United States Coins (the
Red Book
), we hear plenty of Morgan dollar observations and market analysis from coin dealers around the country.
Meanwhile, outside the active hobby community, this is one of the rare coins
that even non-collectors know about. They see them tossed in the air in a Hollywood Western, or for sale in a magazine ad, or nestled in Grandma's purse. If Grandpa had a cigar box of old money, it likely included a Morgan dollar. Once this coin entered the American consciousness nearly 150 years ago, it never left. It's a hard-money classic that sparks our imagination.
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is Coin Show Podcast. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Newman Portal Adds Coin Show Podcast Archives
Through the courtesy of Mike Nottelmann and Matt Dinger, Newman Portal has added the Coin Show Podcast archives to our multimedia content. Launched in 2010, the Coin Show podcast is about as
inside baseball
as it gets, as Mike and Matt bring years of retail coin shop experience to each episode. Future generations wanting to get a snapshot of the early 21st century numismatic milieu will do well to absorb these recordings.
For those not familiar with the Coin Show, it is roughly the numismatic equivalent of sports talk radio, with a pair of experts slicing and dicing the coin business in just about every way you can imagine. Being on the retail front lines, Mike and Matt bring a public-facing perspective that is sometimes lost among advanced collectors and dealers who trade primarily among themselves. Running segments such as the sponsor of the week,
original music, and high production values lend a professional air to the podcast, which is highly recommended by this writer.
The David Lisot Video Library on the Newman Numismatic Portal can be found at:
We highlight one of his videos each week in The E-Sylum. Here's one from 2007 with North Carolina numismatist Dennis Beasley discussing paper money. -Editor
Here is the press release for a new-and-improved display of English coins from the Tyrant Collection at the August ANA. -Editor
Hundreds of historic English coins from the extensive and unprecedented Tyrant Collection (www.TheTyrantCollection.com) will be displayed at the American Numismatic Association's 2023 Pittsburgh World's Fair of Money®, August 8-12 (www.WorldsFairofMoney.com).
The 300-coins exhibit will include a rare surviving example of England's first gold coin as well as one of the few known 1656 Cromwell 50 Shillings pattern gold coins, and the only privately-owned complete King Edward VIII pattern proof set produced in 1937 by the Royal Mint. It will be only the second time this set has been shown in public in the United States.
English coins from the Tyrant Collection were displayed for the first and only time five years ago in California. However, there are many new, superb-condition additions since then, so the new name for the upcoming display is ‘Tyrants of the Thames 2.0' to reflect the significant update,
explained Ira Goldberg President of Goldberg Coins and Collectibles, Inc. (www.GoldbergCoins.com) in Los Angeles, California.
As I expected, Pete Smith's article on women coin dealers of the U.S. generated some interesting and useful follow-up submissions from readers. -Editor
Bob Steinberg writes:
"Here are a few more names of women of numismatics:
Hermon MacNeil Plaque: Elizabeth
Tony Terranova passed along an image of a 6 1/4 by 4 1/4 inch plaque by Hermon MacNeil. Thanks. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Other topics this week include slabbing, the ANA;s National Money Show, and America's First Plague. -Editor
James Haas, author of Hermon Atkin MacNeil: American Sculptor in the Broad, Bright Daylight submitted these thoughts on artists Emil Fuchs and Hermon MacNeil. Thank you! -Editor
I have always had an interest in the trajectory taken of the artists whose lives paralleled that of Hermon Atkins MacNeil. The E-Sylum never fails to rouse my curiosity, case in point Emil Fuchs. Six months younger than MacNeil, Fuchs was born in Vienna, Austria on August 9, 1866; MacNeil on February 27, 1866 in Everett, then called Malden, in Massachusetts. Fuchs had his early training in Europe; MacNeil had his in the Massachusetts Normal Art School, and then, having been awarded the first Rinehart scholarship in sculpture in 1895, in Rome. As his years increased, so too did the number of his trips to Europe. The same held true for Fuchs who made annual visits to America, usually business related, from 1906 through 1915 when he decided to become an American citizen.
A post on the NGC website describes the recently discovered Great Kentucky Hoard
of (mostly gold) coins. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online for more.
Numismatic Guaranty Company® (NGC®) was honored to recently certify an incredible cache of rare Civil War-era coins found in the Bluegrass State.
The Great Kentucky Hoard
(as it had been designated) includes a group of finest-known 1863 Double Eagles and hundreds of US Gold Dollars dated 1850 to 1862, as well as a small number of silver coins. Several interesting varieties and errors were also discovered.
During the American Civil War, the state of Kentucky played an important role, as it bordered Union states in the north and Confederate states in the south. Situated as such, tensions were high from the beginning of the nation's unrest, and when the war began in 1861, Kentucky Governor Beriah Magoffin asserted the state's neutrality with the Kentucky Declaration of Neutrality.
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. I added an image of skeleton scrap from a Coin Community thread. -Editor
Multiple Blanking. The process of producing several blanks with a single stroke of the blanking press. A multiblanking head is required with a matching plate containing the same number and pattern of openings as the number and pattern of blanking punches. Such multiple blanking is highly suitable for coin blanks of thin gauge metal and small size blanks, as under one inch diameter.
E-Sylum Feature Writer and American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this article on Penny-Wise editor Warren Lapp. Thank you! A great life. -Editor
I have never met a movie star who collects coins. I have met a couple of notable early copper collectors who have been portrayed in movies. One of them was the creator and first editor of the Early American Coppers journal, Penny-Wise. I know I am getting old when I realize he has now been dead for thirty years.
PCGS 2023 Summer Seminar Scholarship winner Hunter Hicks published an article about his collecting interests on the PCGS site. -Editor
I'm Hunter Hicks, a 19 year old from Northern Virginia. I started collecting coins about 10 years ago, when a shiny 1943 Lincoln Steel Cent at an antique shop caught my eye. Beyond thinking that the coin was pretty, I left with a fascination about how the world interacts with money. Since I first started collecting, I have been just as intrigued by coins as I am with the ways they arestored and transacted. In addition to collecting U.S. type and Lincoln Wheat Cents, I used to browse the various U.S. Mint packages on eBay before I could afford the actual coins.
As I became more involved in the hobby, I joined the local Alexandria and Fairfax Coin Clubs. Later on, I started attending the American Numismatic Association Summer Seminars and then added Witter Coin University to my summer plans. When I turned 16, I began working at Wayne Herndon Rare Coins. Working for a coin dealer gave me a different perspective on the relative rarity of various coins.
Many times, the coins are not as rare as the means with which they were stored. Beyond old coin folders and albums, the history of the hobby of course includes PCGS memorabilia. While I am still desperately hunting for a PCGS double-row rattler
box, I am proud to own every other regularly issued box design and color.
A post on the NGC website announced the retirement of Mark Salzberg. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online for more. -Editor
Mark Salzberg, one of the world's most respected collectibles experts, has announced that he will retire at the end of June 2023. His retirement is the culmination of a nearly four-decade career with the Certified Collectibles Group® (CCG®), during which Salzberg made numerous highly impactful contributions to the world of collectibles.
Salzberg joined the Certified Collectibles Group in 1988, when it was just NGC®, a coin grading startup, and immediately recognized that the expert and impartial services NGC offered would change the collecting landscape — from a niche hobby to a robust industry. A decade later, it was clear that third-party certification had revolutionized the collecting hobby.
In other third-party grading news, the new CAC Grading service launch date approaches. Here's an update from David Kahn, published in his David Kahn Rare Coins News and Newps email newsletter for June 2023. -Editor
There is significant news regarding CAC Grading (henceforth CACG). They began accepting submissions from their investor-partners last week. We sent in a selection of coins - some raw, some PCGS/NGC slabbed without stickers and some slabbed with stickers - so that we could begin to understand how this will all work in practice. And, we'll probably send some additional coins in this week. We hope to be able to have some new CACG coins with us at the ANA's World's Fair of Money this August in Pittsburgh. Just one more reason to consider attending that show.
Jon Radel forwarded this announcement from the American Medallic Sculptors Association. Thanks. -Editor
The American Medallic Sculptors Association (AMSA) has announced that Jim Licaretz has won the 2023 American Medal of the Year (AMY) award, for medals created in 2022, for his timely work in honor of Volodymyr Zelensky. This is the second medal in a series honoring world icons. The first honored civil rights leader John Lewis, a runner-up in the 2022 AMY competition. The original is made with a 3-D printer, then a mold is made and the 3 medals are cast in bonded bronze; finally, Jim applies a wax patina by hand. The edition is limited to 200 pieces. They can be ordered for $165 from the non-profit Jewish-American Hall of Fame by calling 818-225-1348. 100% of the profits will be contributed to charities helping Ukrainian victims.
The Guardian published an article about an 18th-century counterfeiting gang and tourists visiting the site of their operation today. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. See also the article elsewhere in this issue for a review of the novel the series was based on. -Editor
Associations with 18-century counterfeiters can be seen across Calderdale, where The Gallows Pole tourism has mainly been welcomed
Anyone who has watched the BBC Two drama The Gallows Pole could be forgiven for thinking of Cragg Vale and its surrounding villages in Calderdale, West Yorkshire, as bleak and unforgiving.
But a surge of visitors captivated by the true story of a village's illegal coin-minting operation in the 1700s are finding it is anything but.
Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 218 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices. Selections include the following items. -Editor
1074993 | AUSTRIAN STATES. Salzburg. Maximilian Gandolph von Küenburg. (Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, 1668-1687). 1668 AV Klippe 10 Ducats. NGC MS62. 34.94gm. * MAXIMIL : GANDOLPH9 D : G : ARCHIEPS : SALISBVRG : SED : AP : LEG : S : R : I : PR :. Cardinal's hat and tassels above shield of arms; divides date / * SS : RVDBERTVS • ET • VIRGILIVS • PATRONI • SALISBVRGENSES •. Two saints seated facing each other with croziers, church in foreground. KM 204; Fr.-798; Probszt 1597; Zöttl 1922 (Type 5).
Exceedingly rare. Currently the finest known at NGC as of May 2023
Numismagram's Jeremy Bostwick sent along these four highlights from his most recent addition of new material. For all of this upload's new additions, please visit https://www.numismagram.com/inventory -Editor
102426 | FRANCE. Philippe II, Duke of Orléans bronze Medal. Dated 1715 (though likely issued circa late 18th century). Commemorating the beginning of the Duke's regency for King Louis XV (41mm, 40.65 g, 12h). By J. Duvivier & J. Dollin at the Paris mint. PHILIPPUS DUX AVRELIANENS FR ET NAV REGENS, bare head right // PAR VIRTVS ONERI (the strength shall meet the burden), Atlas right, bent to one knee, bearing celestial sphere (with zodiacal band separating the stars) upon his back. Edge: Plain. Divo 6. Choice Mint State. Deep brown surfaces, with some light rub upon the highest points and some brilliance in the fields. $295.
Upon the death of the "Sun King" (Louis XIV), the throne passed to Louis XV, the great-grandson of the former. However, at the time, the younger Louis was not yet 6 years old. As such, in keeping with custom, a regent was appointed to effectively rule in the place of the boy-king until he reached his majority, which was the age of 13. Philippe II, the Duke of Orléans, thus served as the Regent of France from 1715 until the 13th birthday of Louis XV on 15 February 1723. On this medal, the weighty role as chief decision maker in the kingdom is expressed through Atlas bearing the celestial sphere upon his back.
To read the complete lot description, see:
102426 | FRANCE. Philippe II, Duke of Orléans bronze Medal.
Here's the announcement for the third of Künker's four June 2023 sales. -Editor
A Saxon Wedding, Jewish Everyday Life and Roman Gold
The highlights of Künker's upcoming eLive Premium Auctions 389 and 390 are Saxon coins from the Kemlein Collection, Jewish medals, a series of coins from Bremen and Verden and part seven of the Salton Collection, including Roman aurei at favorable prices.
Immediately following the two public auction sales 387 and 388, on 23 and 24 June 2023 Künker will hold two eLive Premium Auctions. In addition to world coins and medals from antiquity to present times, numerous special collections are on offer. They include the Dr. Walter Kemlein Collection of coins and medals from Saxony, a special collection with coins from the Duchies of Bremen and Verden, an important collection of Jewish medals from all over the world, part seven of the Salton Collection with Roman coins at favorable estimates and an extensive series of Italian issues as well as coins and medals from the German States.
Here's the announcement for the last of Künker's four June 2023 sales. -Editor
Catalog 390: The Salton Collection
The following eLive Premium Auction 390 wonderfully ties in with the collection of Jewish medals, because it contains the seventh part of the Salton Collection, the fate of which we have already recounted on several occasions. Therefore, we will only mention a few key events here. Mark Salton used to be called Max Schlessinger before moving to the United States, and was a descendant of a long line of German coin dealers. His parents, Felix and Hedwig Schlessinger, died in the Holocaust. Max managed to escape. After the end of the Second World War, he moved to New York, where he met his future wife Lottie. The two of them built up a second life there.
This life obviously included the coins they collected. And their collection was typical of the pre-1970s era, as they paid more attention to rarity than to quality. Therefore, the Salton Collection contains both pieces of excellent quality and issues that we would describe as very fine
today. This enables collectors of Roman coins to consider bidding on an aureus this time, given that estimates start at 2,000 euros. Although, of course, the selection of denarii and bronze coins with estimates starting in the two-digit range is also quite extensive. Be it Roman Republic or Roman Empire, many historically important rarities of very fine quality can be found in this catalog. The material will provide those who are rather interested in history than in coin grades with plenty of opportunities to dream about the past.
Stack's Bowers published this article about their upcoming sale of additional coins from the collection of Syd Martin. -Editor
Michael Garofalo published the first installment of a multipart article for Greysheet on coppers depicting George Washington. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
IN THE LATTER PART OF THE 18th CENTURY, George Washington was a Colossus in Americans' minds. This wealthy farmer from Virginia was a surveyor, fought admirably in the French and Indian Wars, and when the newly-formed nation looked for a leader, Washington went willingly to the forefront. The British army and navy were vastly superior, perceived as the best in the world at that time, yet Washington inspired farmers and tradesmen to leave their plows in the fields and their workshops unattended and defend the idea of an American nation based on liberty.
Dickin Medals are awards given to animals for bravery in wartime. Dogs, horses, and even pigeons have been recipients. Here's a new article on Irish Dickin winner Paddy the Pigeon, published on the anniversary of the World War II D-Day landings. I added images from earlier articles. -Editor
Paddy the Pigeon, who was hatched in Co Antrim, was the fastest of the flock when he was released on June 6, 1944, to deliver the news of the successful D-Day landings back to England.
Paddy battled through bad weather and avoided the falcons released by the Germans as he made his way back to his home loft at RAF Hurn in Dorset, England with a coded message attached to his leg.
Having traveled some 230 miles (368km) in four hours and 50 minutes, Paddy beat off the other 31 pigeons to claim the honor of handing over the first message from Normandy, flying his way into history.
The switch away from cash continues. Here's an excerpt from a Seattle Times article discussing the rise of cashless transactions in the greater Seattle area. -Editor
How many times did you use cash to buy something in the past week?
If you said none,
you're hardly alone. A survey from Pew Research Center found 41% of Americans didn't use cash for any purchases in a typical week last year. Only 14% used cash for all, or nearly all, of their purchases.
Micronation money pops up every now and again in The E-Sylum. Dick Hanscom alerted me to The Republic of Slowjamistan. Thanks! -Editor
A San Diego man got so tired of living in a regular country that he founded one in the California desert.
Randy Williams, the self-appointed sultan of Slowjamastan, told CNN that he had visited every UN-recognized county in the world: "I ran out of countries, so I created my own," he said.
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest. -Editor
While cash ain't dead yet, it does rile up those who aren't so used to handling it. But these TikTokers have a point - asking a business to change a $100 bill early in the morning is a questionable activity. -Editor
If you've ever worked in retail, you're familiar with a certain type of person who always pays in large bills. No matter how small the total, some people will decide to address their total with a $50 or $100 bill, emptying your register before the day's even started.
Now, a user on TikTok has sparked discussion after calling out customers who do this. In a clip with over 214,000 views as of Friday, TikTok user Jay (@pressed_possum) simply asks, Why do old people treat businesses like banks?
Ma'am it is 9:30 am,
they add in the text overlay. I do not have change for a $100 in my till for your $7 order.
One time my FIRST THREE customers paid with 100s,
a user recalled. I was giving back change in ones at that point.
I had to break a $100 bill for a 97 cent seltzer once,
another shared.
While I do use Walmart for an ATM on occasion, I refrain from using anything larger than a $20 anymore. There was a time before the pandemic when I started carrying fifties to cover restaurant tabs for my family, but we don't go out as much anymore and when we do, I usually pay with a credit card. I took some $100s on vacation recently but luckily didn't get the side eye trying to spend any of them. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
‘I do not have change for a $100 in my till for your $7 order': Papa John's worker calls out ‘old' customers who treat restaurant like it's a bank
Other topics this week include oily pennies, the Hanlin Library, and the New Antiquarians. -Editor
In the you-just-can't-make-this-stuff-up department, a Columbian police officer on the take swallows extorted money when confronted by other officers. -Editor
A Colombian police officer has been admitted to hospital after swallowing a wad of banknotes he extorted from a businessman. The officer had demanded payments in return for not arresting his victim on trumped-up charges – but did not know that the businessman had already reported the shakedown to Colombia's anti-kidnapping and extortion unit.