About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Jeff Dickerson, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Jeff at this email address: treasurer@coinbooks.org SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale CalendarWatch here for updates! |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
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Erik Douglas.
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This week we open with NBS activities at the ANA convention, numismatic literature sales, two new books, an obituary, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include banking history, banknotes salvaged from shipwrecks, counterfeit coinage and the Hobby Protection Act, pot metal, fixed price and auction selections, Depression scrip, fiscal paper, Roman coin discoveries, and a cloth Chinese banknote.
To learn more about the 1793 Mint Appropriation Act, French Royal gold coins, Mike Stanley, Kyle Knapp, Richard August, Joseph Eckhel, the Stack’s Bowers Copenhagen office, Colombia paper money, the Maryland Institute medal, Damaged Pocket Change, and the Perth Mint's No Cash policy, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
As a reminder of the upcoming convention, here's a repeat of Numismatic Bibliomania Society President Len Augsburger's earlier note on planned club activities at the American Numismatic Association World's Fair of Money®. -Editor
NBS Activities at the ANA Convention
Once again, the ANA Convention will feature a full slate of NBS activities. Our club table on the bourse floor is 1321, conveniently located adjacent to book dealers Kolbe & Fanning and Charles Davis. Tom Harrison will be hosting the club table on Tuesday, with Jeff Dickerson taking over on Wednesday. Jeff has been learning the fine arts of bookbinding and will be doing a demo of box building for attendees. Boxes will be suitably sized to contain back issues of the The Asylum. This is your chance to create a one-of-a-kind commemorative of NBS history!
The NBS Symposium annually showcases presentations related to new books. This year’s installment features author Robert D. Leonard, speaking on the upcoming third edition of California Pioneer Fractional Gold, while Len Augsburger will discuss the forthcoming bibliography of Eric P. Newman, to be published by Kolbe & Fanning. This event takes place Thursday at 1:00 PM in room 10.
Numismatic Booksellers Kolbe & Fanning have announced a new web sale format to replace their earlier "Buy or Bid" sales of inexpensive but useful literature. The sale closes on July 24, 2024. Good luck, everyone! -Editor
On Wednesday, July 24, Kolbe & Fanning will be holding the first of our new series of Web Sales of Numismatic Books. This new series is intended to replace our former Buy or Bids Sales with a more vibrant and participatory format. Like our Buy or Bid Sales, the new Web Sales will focus on inexpensive but useful books, catalogues and other publications on coins from all times and places. However, they will take place live online, in much the same format as our Premier Auctions, and all lots in the Web Sales will begin at a very low $10 opening bid instead of with an estimate. The catalogue for the first sale is available now at bid.numislit.com.
Our Premier Auctions will continue to be held several times a year in the same format as usual. Customers who participate in those auctions will be able to register for our new Web Sales using their existing log-in information. New bidders will have to establish an account for online bidding by creating an account at bid.numislit.com or using the links to the app below.
The new Web Sales are online-only, with no printed catalogue. The terms of sale are the same as in our Premier Auctions. Bids may be placed at any time after the sale is posted, with the live sale beginning at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, July 24. Our intention is to hold these sales more frequently than we held our Buy or Bid Sales. Please note, as stated above, that nothing is changing with our Premier Auctions, which will continue to feature a printed catalogue and be run in the same manner as in recent years.
Stack's Bowers is offering a great piece of early U.S. numismatic ephemera in their August 2024 sale. Here's their description of an important founding document - the March 2, 1793 law appropriating funds for the purchase of the land and buildings that would become the Philadelphia Mint, signed by Thomas Jefferson. -Editor
Important Founding Document for the First United States Mint
Boldly Autographed by Thomas Jefferson
The Coin & Currency Institute is offering the new catalog of the Royal gold coins of France for sale in the U.S. Here's their announcement. -Editor
The Department of Coins, Medals, and Antiquities at the National Library of France (Bbibliothèque Nationale) boasts the world’s most extraordinary collection of French royal gold coins. A new two-volume set on them was just published by Editions Gadoury of Monaco and the National Library that is a virtual catalog of the collection, including its many extremely rare and unique specimens.
The 320 pages in volume 1 of Catalogue de Monnaies Royales Françaises lists and describes the gold coinage of Louis IX to Louis XII (1226-1514). The second one is 304 pages and focuses on the gold coins from the reigns of François I to Louis XVI (1515-1793). Coins are fully described in French with 1,000 illustrations in color and in actual size. The date, weight, and how each piece was acquired are cited, as are cross references. There is also a bibliography.
For bibliophiles and students of banknotes and banking history, Tennant's Auctioneers is offering a bulk lot of British banking history books. -Editor
Collected Banking History and Banknote Reference Books, containing English Paper Money catalogues, Histories of The Bank of England, Lloyds, Hoares, provincial banks etc.. a comprehensive collection for any enthusiast on the subject (40 books)
Laurent Schmitt submitted this announcement of the third volume of the series of books by Philippe Théret and Michel Taillard on French essays from 1803 to 1870. Thank you. Information on the other volumes is included as well. -Editor
Philippe Théret and Michel Taillard have worked to provide collectors and professionals with new tools to approach the fascinating field of French essays of the period 1803 to 1870. That is to say from the creation of the Germinal Franc under Napoleon Bonaparte to the fall of Napoleon III. They were supported by the associations ADF (Friends of the Franc) and ADAN (Friends of Numismatic Authors), CGB (numismatic company and Editor) and by subscribers and sponsors.
The field of essays is wide: coin design contest essays, design trials, trial strikes, patterns, branch mint trials, political propaganda essay strikes (Napoleon II, Henri V...), presentation strikes for dignitaries, proof strikes, restrikes for collectors, Mint Visit strikes (Paris mint and branch mints)...
A collection of six volumes (one per period) are scheduled. The first volume covering the period of Napoleon I, from 1803 to 1815 was released in autumn 2023, the second about Louis XVIII was released in june 2024, Charles X is planned for november 2024, Louis-Philippe for november 2025, 2nd Republic for november 2026 and finally Napoléon III for november 2027.
Roland Rollins has published an update to his book on banknotes and shipwrecks. Here's his announcement. Congratulations! -Editor
I've released an updated book, "Banknotes Salvaged, Looted, or Lost From Shipwrecks"
When I wrote "200 Years of Banknotes Salvaged, Looted or Lost from Shipwrecks" I made this statement about the future use of ships to transport banknote shipments: "Multiple shipments via air might be more prudent". It would appear my opinion was completely off base! Or at least not heeded. As one would expect, open discussions of such a huge investment do NOT appear in the news or online. BUT, banknote shipments looted or seized while on board ship is an entirely different matter. THAT'S NEWS! And yes, I've found FOUR such cases from 2006 to 2019.
Since the losses now cover 240 years a new "Banknotes Salvaged, Looted, or Lost From Shipwrecks" book is published! It is perfect bound to allow the title to appear on the binding. Also, I upgraded to thicker 80# coated paper.
Pete Smith submitted this remembrance of Mike Stanley. -Editor
At one time, I was involved with the ANA Representative program. Twenty-Five years ago, I was a
District Delegate from Minnesota and Mike Stanley was a District Delegate from California. I would see
him at the ANA Representative’s breakfasts at the World’s Fair of Money.
Mike was born in San Francisco. His collection evolved from an 1864 Two-Cent piece given by his grandmother when he was four. He joined the San Francisco Coin Club in 1960.
I recall one year he made a presentation at the breakfast. He was a very energetic and enthusiastic supporter of the ANA. Later in 2008, he was promoted to assistant national coordinator.
Mike received an ANA President’s Award in 1997 and 1999. He received the Glenn Smedley Memorial Award in 1988 and the ANA Medal of Merit in 1989. The Numismatist stated that he was a member of 47 local, regional and national clubs. In 2000. He began working as an ANA Volunteer at the national shows.
He was typical of those who were named a Numismatic News Numismatic Ambassador, working at the local and regional level. He was a frequent speaker, exhibitor, bourse chair and officer in various clubs.
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is the catalog for the Coins Across Time exhibit catalog. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Coins Across Time Exhibit Catalog
Featured at Washington University in St. Louis for the spring 2024 semester, the exhibit Coins Across Time covered various aspects of numismatics from the ancient period to the modern. Exhibits included:
Newman Portal has now posted the exhibit catalog, and acknowledges lenders to the exhibit, including the ANA Money Museum (via Curator Doug Mudd), Wayne Homren, John Kraljevich, Stu & Maureen Levine, Joel Orosz, the Resolute Americana Collection, Henry Warshaw, and the John Max Wulfing Collection at Washington University (via Curator William Bubelis). Certain images of the Washington pieces in the catalog are courtesy of Stack’s Bowers, while catalog design, photography, and layout were handled by Lianna Spurrier.
The David Lisot Video Library on the Newman Numismatic Portal can be found at:
We highlight one of his videos each week in The E-Sylum. Here's one from 2005 with Chris Pilliod speaking about counterfeit coinage. -Editor
Longtime PCGS grader and numismatist Kyle Knapp was awarded an honorary Doctor of Numismatics degree by the ANA for his years of service to numismatic education. Here's the announcement from PCGS. -Editor
Professional Coin Grading Service (www.PCGS.com) principal grader
Kyle C. Knapp was recently awarded an honorary Doctor of Numismatics degree by the
American Numismatic Association (ANA). The degree was conferred upon Knapp during the
American Numismatic Association’s Summer Seminar, an educational series that has been held
annually for five decades.
"We are so proud of Kyle, a top grader who has been a member of our team here since 2018," said PCGS President Stephanie Sabin. "Kyle embodies so many of the principles at the core of what we do here at PCGS, including educating the public. This degree was bestowed at the ANA’s Summer Seminar, which has been a popular numismatic rite of passage for generations now."
Sabin added, "We send many of our graders and other numismatic experts to this yearly educational program because we not only want to support those who attend the courses held there, but we also want to share our vast resources with as many people in our hobby as we can."
The Boston Globe published an obituary of Dick August. -Editor
AUGUST, Richard Age 84, of Providence RI, entered into rest on July 13, 2024 after a brief illness. Richard was born on May 10,1940 and raised in Brookline MA. He attended the University of Virginia for undergraduate studies and obtained a master's degree in philosophy from Brown University. A longtime resident of Providence, Richard was a world class numismatist, a first-rate runner and track coach and a brilliant math teacher. Richard gave generously of himself during his lifetime as a coach and a tutor. He guided countless people in the Providence area to better math skills and faster running times. He was a passionate gardener who took great pride in tending to the gardens of his many friends.
To read the complete online obituary, see:
Anthony Terranova of New York City writes:
"My heart is saddened with the news of his passing. He was an extremely respected part of my numismatic life. We always had insightful phone conversations after major sales for the past 45 years. Also, he was a great source of very choice and rare type coins and medals. I will personally miss him greatly!!"
More on the Latest British Museum "Theft"
Len Augsburger writes:
"The "performance art" theft from the British Museum is a misguided attempt to focus discussion on the issue and only succeeds in degrading public trust in this foundational institution. If the artist wishes to improve security and access at the BM, there are far more constructive ways to do so. Instead, this "act" of public shaming merely encourages would-be thieves to engage in the worst sort of theft, one that steals from everyone at once."
I had to restrain myself from using the word "stunt" more than once in my commentary last week. I should have also put "performance art" in quotes - it may have been a performance, but I wouldn't call it art, either. Just a weird, sad stunt.
Michael Kodysz passed along this additional article. Thanks, everyone. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Another object has been stolen from the British Museum—but this time by an artist
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Other topics this week include the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. -Editor
The Anti-Counterfeiting Educational Foundation (ACEF) is offering to stamp "COPY" on counterfeit coins brought to their table at the upcoming American Numismatic Association show. Here's the press release. -Editor
Make your counterfeit coins legal to own!
What do you do with counterfeit coins you unwittingly purchased?
According to federal law, counterfeit coins are illegal to possess, buy or sell. Hence, once a victim becomes aware that the coin is counterfeit, he/she should turn it over to the nearest Secret Service agent or local law-enforcement official. Often that is impractical because of distance or law enforcement being reluctant to spend time to recover one or two counterfeit items, especially fake coins.
There is another remedy. Have the word "COPY" incused on either the back or front of the coin so that it complies with the Hobby Protection Act, rendering the counterfeit legal to possess.
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Pot Metal. An alloy without specific formulation but which is made by melting scrap in a pot, hence the name. Pot metal generally has a high content of lead, with a lesser amount of white metals, and sometimes, copper. It is characteristically low cost, quite pliable at room temperature, low melting point and ease of fabrication. Such a soft metal alloy is also called amalgam. Pot metal was used extensively from 1920 to World War II by Japanese manufacturers to produce cheap souvenir metal relief objects – trays, small plates, ashtrays, boxes and such. These had relief scenes – modeled from postcards or photos – were cheaply molded or fabricated and usually finished with a tinted lacquer. They are seldom found today in pristine condition as they are easily bent and disfigured because of their soft composition, called soft metal distortion.
E-Sylum Feature Writer and and Coryphaeus American Numismatic Biographies, Pete Smith submitted this article on the "Father of Numismatic Science." Thanks! -Editor
This week I step out of my comfortable rut, writing about American numismatics personalities, and into the broad area of world numismatics. My topic is the man called the father of numismatic science.
In about 1960, my father bought a set of the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica from a neighbor. The set is now in my library. It is not often that I get the opportunity to quote it. This listing has not improved since 1911.
Greg Bennick's latest interview for the Newman Numismatic Portal is with New York dealer Stan Kesselman. Here's the fifth part, where Stan talks about collector R.L. Miles, dealer Eddie Shapiro, and getting an education from wealthy collectors. -Editor
GREG BENNICK: Are there coins that you wish you handled that you never had a chance to?
STANLEY KESSELMAN: I was only doing this part time. So, my first biggest customer was R.L. Miles. I don't know if you heard of him. There was a Stacks sale way back.
GREG BENNICK: Yeah, I'm not sure if I do. But yeah, I’ll have to look him up.
STANLEY KESSELMAN: He did oysters, I think. Virginia Beach is where he lived. And they called him Skinny Miles because he was very, very skinny and tall. And I sold him the last twenty some odd coins that he needed on his want list. And what kept me in business was the following. That I lived in New York. And there were coin dealers in New York who would go to Europe and go to European banks and bring back the coins because the banks didn't care what the dates were. So, there was Eddie Shapiro. I don't know if you heard of him.
STANLEY KESSELMAN: There was William Donner. Another dealer. Who went over there. William Donner told me the story of his, he's over at a bank in Switzerland. And he has a bag of $20 gold pieces. And his wife put her hand through the twenties to pick out the first one. And it was a 1921 twenty. The first one, which he bought for like $45, which was probably worth $2,000 then.
Greg Bennick also interviewed exonumia researcher and collector Eric Schena. Here's the second part, where Eric talks about tokens and their important connection to local history. -Editor
GREG BENNICK: That's incredible. I mean truly incredible. There was a few years ago maybe ten years ago I used to go out on the road and do these. I still speak professionally, but I would go out on the road and do these spoken word tours. And there was one night where I had off. I was on a tour in the, in the West, in the West, in Utah. The guy who was booking me was like, "Well you've got this night off" and I said, "Well I want to do something unusual. "So, I actually made an announcement that I was going to be speaking in an abandoned gold mining town, and that anyone interested from Salt Lake City who was interested in hearing me speak in an abandoned gold mining town could come drive three hours into the basically into the wild and come to this abandoned gold mining town.
And we set up in this abandoned literally abandoned, used to be a town, here area where there was just some mining equipment and some smelting equipment remaining. We set up a campfire, and there was about six or seven people who showed up, and it was half camping, half me doing my spoken presentation about legacy and whatnot and the things I was speaking on that that applied to that particular night. We put up a sign that announced that any of the ghosts of this old mining town who wanted to come to see this event, that they could come for free, and it was pretty remarkable. I did this presentation in the middle of this town.
And the reason I bring it up is because it speaks exactly to what you were talking about, that nothing was there of that town. And if you saw it, it was just residue of, you know, "industry" and people living there. But realistically, without bringing something to it, without your research, without the token that you identify as being from that town. The town would be gone without the spoken word show, the token, the research, the piece of scrip, whatever it is that you might have. So, it's pretty fascinating the way that we can keep history alive in a way quite literally through our hobby or through our actions or through our research, our interest.
With this press release, Stack’s Bowers Galleries announces the opening of their new office in Copenhagen, Denmark. -Editor
Stack’s Bowers Galleries is pleased to announce the opening of its newest office centrally located in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark. As one of the world’s leading rare coin and currency dealers and auctioneers, the firm is thrilled to extend their global presence to better serve its European bidder and consignor clientele. Beginning in July, Stack’s Bowers Galleries will provide world-renowned expertise and manage their upcoming sales of the L. E. Bruun Collection, the world’s finest private collection of Scandinavian coinage and the world’s most valuable collection of international coins ever to be sold, from this new location.
Numismagram's Jeremy Bostwick sent along these five medals from his most recent upload of new material to his site. For all of the new items, please visit https://www.numismagram.com/inventory. -Editor
102701 | AUSTRIA. Holy Roman Empire. Marriage of Joseph II to Maria Josepha silver Medal. Issued 1765 (39mm, 26.16 g, 12h). By A. Widemann. IOSEPH • II • R • REX S • A • M IOSEPHA BAV • CAROLI VII • FILIA, draped busts right of Joseph, laureate and armored, and Josepha // AVSPICIA FELICITATIS PVBL•, Austria, holding baton, and winged Genius, holding torch and wreath, standing around altar bearing coats-of-arms of Austria and Bavaria; in two lines in exergue, VOTA SECVNDA MDCCLXV / XXIII IAN. Edge: Plain. Montenuovo 1938; Wittelsbach 2249. PCGS SP-63. Mostly gunmetal gray toning, with intense iridescence around the devices and a great lustrous brilliance in the fields. No doubt one of the most attractive examples of the type extant, and the sole representative in the PCGS census. $595.
To read the complete item description, see:
102701 | AUSTRIA. Holy Roman Empire. Royal Marriage silver Medal.
Stack's Bowers Director of Consignments & Senior Numismatist Dennis Hengeveld published this article about paper money of Colombia in the firm's August 2024 sale. -Editor
As the finishing touches are put on the August 2024 Global Showcase Auction of World Paper Money (to take place the week of August 12, with the premier world paper money session on that day) there is a special collection worth highlighting. The Gran Colombia Collection of Colombian paper money includes select rarities from this South American nation, including notes not previously offered by us, despite having handled some of the most advanced South American collections ever assembled. Some of the rarities from the Gran Colombia Collection are listed below, but there are many others, so be sure to watch our website for the entire catalog, to be posted shortly.
Lot 30197 is the finest known example of the overprinted El Banco de Bogota 50 Pesos, graded About Uncirculated 53 by PMG. This note was issued as part of the provisional Banco Nacional series in 1899. As a cost saving measure and to save time, old stock of private banknotes were overprinted on the back and released into circulation. Many were remainders dating back several decades. It created a fantastic series of banknotes, many of which are the only way to acquire some of these earlier types, which are not known in their original form.
Here are a number of selected items in the Heritage sales associated with the upcoming American Numismatic Association show. -Editor
A 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded in 2008 to virologist Harald zur Hausen, will be among the top attractions in Heritage’s ANA World & Ancient Coins Platinum Session and Signature® Auction August 15-17.
zur Hausen received the award for his research that led to the isolation of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA from cervical cancer cells.
"The scientific and medicinal significance of his research, and the benefits afforded to countless women over the years can not be overstated," says Cris Bierrenbach, Executive Vice President of Internationa Numismatics at Heritage Auctions. "He conducted his research in the face of considerable skepticism from within the scientific community, but his determination led to irrefutable evidence of the connection between HPV and cervical cancer. His research also fueled a broader investigation into the role of viruses in other types of cancer, leading to the identification of viral links to liver cancer and various lymphomas, as well as advancements in molecular biology techniques.
"The winning bidder will be acquiring an enduring symbol of immeasurably important scientific research."
I was still recovering from jet lag following our Switzerland trip, but after work on Tuesday July 16, 2024 I pointed my car to Ozzie's Good Eats in Fairfax for the latest dinner meeting of my numismatic social group, Nummis Nova. Our host Mike Packard chose the venue, a bustling traditional style Italian bar-restaurant with classic leather booths, floor tiles and a tin ceiling.
I arrived early on a stifling hot evening of 101 degrees, and learned regular Tom Kays had to cancel, having lost the air conditioning in his car. I found Dave Schenkman and Eric Schena already waiting at the cool bar, and I sat down and ordered a beer. I showed off some photos of our trip and the Taylor Swift concert.
After a bit we walked over to the host stand, and Mike Packard was waiting there, along with Tom's guest Dave Ellison of the Fairfax Coin Club. As we took seats at our table we were soon joined by Mike Markowitz, Steve Bishop, Lorne LaVertu and Julian Leidman. Julian's guest was Erik Douglas, who has taken over the operation of Julian's Bonanza Coins
Tom Kays was unable to attend this week's Nummis Nova dinner, but he kindly sent along this great write-up on U.S. checks and fiscal paper. Thank you! -Editor
In July, Nummis Nova folks met at Ozzie’s Good Eats, an Italian Restaurant in Fairfax. On that Tuesday evening the actual air temperature hit 100 degrees, with a heat index somewhere near the "hades-on-a-hot-plate" comfort level. With no vehicle air conditioning, Tom bowed out from driving, missing in-person dining at the last minute; yet now brings you some "would-be show-and-shares," just as if they were passed around the table that night. My theme was "A Progression of Fiscal Paper."
Collecting "ephemera" meaning "short-lived items" and to a numismatist includes old fiscal paper which give fascinating glimpses into the fragments of everyday life from long ago. According to the Ephemera Society of America Website: Ephemera is a vast and diverse field of collecting that is hard to define, of things or stuff originally produced for an immediate, practical purpose with no thought that it would be saved or preserved.
Passing through a small town in Virginia I found a stack of old documents in a dusty antique store and was amazed at how informal early banking could be.
The Amgueddfa Llandudno Museum in Wales is now exhibiting a hoard of Roman coins found locally in 2018. -Editor
A hoard of roman coins that were found at Cae Rhun in the Conwy Valley in 2018, are now on display at Amgueddfa Llandudno Museum.
A novice metal detectorist hit the jackpot just a few months into taking up his new hobby.
Dave Moss, 35, from Southport discovered the important hoard at Kanovium, a Roman fort at Cae Rhun.
David Pickup passed along this BBC article about a coin uncovered in a Carlisle Roman bathhouse dig. Thanks. -Editor
A Roman silver coin more than 2,100 years old has been discovered during a dig near an ancient bathhouse.
Some 2,000 items - including pottery, weapons, coins and semi-precious stones - have been found at the Carlisle Cricket Club site since 2021.
Mike Markowitz published a nice article on CoinWeek about coins of the Byzantine successor states (1204-1261 CE). Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
Born about 1175 to an obscure aristocratic family (the names of his parents are unknown), Theodore was related to the Imperial Komnenos dynasty on his mother’s side. In 1200, he married a daughter of the ill-fated emperor Alexios III Angelos. Fleeing from the Latin sack of Constantinople, he organized Byzantine resistance at Nicaea, assuming the title of Emperor in 1205. Much of his coinage was struck at the town of Magnesia (today Manisa, Türkiye). The cup-shaped silver trachy bears an enthroned image of Christ on the obverse, and standing figures of Theodore and his patron saint of the same name on the reverse.
The Ashmolean museum in Oxford is offering an in-person and online lecture on rare Chinese cotton banknotes. Registration and an £8 fee is required. -Editor
In China, during the turbulent decade of the 1930s, a number of Chinese soviet areas were formed as a direct reaction to the violent government crackdown on left-wing organisations.
At this time of turmoil, the Sichuan-Shaanxi regional government's Provincial Soviet Workers and Farmers Bank used cloth rather than paper to print their banknotes. The cotton note issued in 1933, by one of the best known early Chinese communist banks, was for circulation in the revolutionary base area on the borders of Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces. The slogan 'Workers of the World Unite!' was written at the top.
These cloth banknotes display many of the symbols commonly associated with the worldwide socialist movement.
In the just-try-rendering-unto-Caesar-that-which-is-Caesar's department, Kavan Ratnatunga passed along this story about the Perth Mint's No Cash policy. Thanks. -Editor
The cashless revolution has taken over many parts of Australia and it's even hit The Perth Mint. The tourist attraction in Western Australia allows you to buy collector coins, gold, silver and platinum bullion bars, jewellery and other items.
It's slightly different to the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra, which is responsible for producing the nation's change. But The Perth Mint is a hotspot for tourists and avid collectors, and it's not uncommon for crowds to line up outside when rare coins are released to get their hands on the collectables, which can skyrocket in value.
Adelaide resident Chris was one of these tourists, who recently went to the Perth Mint with a friend to buy a collectable coin and was "disappointed" when she was told an Australian location that makes collectible money, won't accept physical currency.