Dick Johnson shared a letter he's written about the continued lack of an official Presidential Inaugural medal this year. -Editor
I have written a letter chastising Senator Roy Blunt for not issuing a Donald Trump Inaugural Medal. He may not deserve the full blame but he was in charge as chairman of the Inaugural Committee,
therefore he must take the arrows. Here’s what I wrote:
Senator Roy Blunt, Chairman
Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
260 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Blunt:
Where is the official Donald Trump Inaugural Medal? The Inaugural Medal issued by the Ohio Republicans falls woefully short of being the medal issued and endorsed by the Inaugural Committee and
having full official status.
For 119 years it has been the modern custom to issue a fine art medal for the incoming president, bearing his portrait, a custom extending back to President McKinley. Issuing a medal for the new
president is similar to the same practice of issuing a medal for a new king in a sovereign nation, a heritage extending back more than 500 years.
You have abrogated this custom, this American heritage by not having the medal available prior to the inauguration.
At the luncheon following the swearing-in ceremonies, you displayed several souvenirs to the audience. On the streets there were vendors selling more ephemeral souvenirs. While the Inaugural Medal
may be considered a souvenir, it rises above all others. Medals are created by America’s most notable sculptors, in essence a miniature work of art. Medals have a longevity greater than most of
mankind’s creations. They exist for centuries.
How unfortunate Donald Trump was not given this honor.
I direct your attention to a book, The President’s Medal 1789-1977. This book was written by Neil MacNeil, considered the greatest scholar on the United States Senate. He was an author, and Time
Magazine’s Chief Congressional Correspondent for 30 years. In his book he traced the Inaugural Medal back to George Washington, providing a 211-year heritage of American President’s Inaugural
Inaugural medals are produced at no cost to the American taxpayer, they are underwritten entirely by private industry. Their sale to the public is augmented by sale to medal collectors. Profits
from these sales are shared with the Inaugural Committee. I admit I am one of these buyers.
The Inauguration Ceremonies this year held a fascination for me. You are to be congratulated for its success. However I was disappointed not to learn of a Trump Medal and obtain one of these.
I hold quite dear the two occasions I attended such a ceremony. I cherish the two Presidential Inaugural Medals of these two Presidents. They bring back fond memories, despite my position among
the masses of viewers.
Kind Sir, I believe you owe an apology to the American public and perhaps to the collectors of Inaugural Medals for your oversight of this most important event documenting the Inauguration of our
new President
Most Respectfully,
Dick Johnson, Medal Collector