Here are a few items that caught my eye in Duane Feisel's token sale closing June 24, 2017. -Editor
Lot 2: Lodi, CA Fashion Saloon Token
Lot 2: FASHION SALOON / GOOD FOR / 1 / DRINK / F.J.V. // The Brunswick Balke / Collender / Compy. / (billiard table) / Check, (Lodi), br rd 24mm. Listed F-1, E-1
The billiard table design is a commonly seen motif for saloon tokens. -Editor
Lot 3: Art Saloon Souvenir Jap Statue Token
SALOON - CA, San Francisco
Lot 3: GOOD FOR / ONE DRINK / AT THE BAR / ART SALOON / 1356 / MARKET ST. S. F. // Souvenir Jap Statue / (statue looking right) / (sm: L.H. Moise S.F.), (San Francisco), br rd 34mm. Listed F-12,
This is one I've never seen or heard of. What the heck was a "Jap Statue"? -Editor
Lot 157: Bristol CT, New Departure Token
Lot 157: NEW / DEPARTURE // E 10½, (Bristol), wm rd 14mm. Unlisted! Whatzit? G5-
An interesting whatzit indeed. Does anyone know what this might signify? -Editor
Lot 171: 1879 Hawaii Token
HAWAII - Kahulai
Lot 171: T.H.H. / 12½ // R.R. / 1879., (Kahului), cu rd 21mm. Listed 2TE-8 $300. G3-
I've never collected them, but have always held a fascination for Hawaiian tokens. -Editor
Lot 562: Roy-Millner Coal Co. Token
COAL - KS, Weir
Lot 562: THE ROY-MILLNER / COAL CO. / (facsig: W.W. WILLIAMS) / SEC. // (background 5¢) / Good For / Five Cents / In Legal / Merchandise / At / The Roy-Milner Coal Co. / (sm: The Whitehead & Hoag Co,
Newark NJ Pat June 6 1899), (Weir), black imprint blue plastic sq 36mm. Listed 2694 B5 R10 w/size error.
Nice color (I like blue). -Editor
Lot 624: The Invisible Empire
Lot 624: THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE / (knight on horse)
I don't believe in whitewashing history, so I don't think these tokens should be banned from the marketplace, such as Nazi items are barred in places. I've left out much
of the text to help appease spam filters. -Editor
Lot 651: Mechanicville Archery Club
MISCELLANEOUS - NY, Mechanicville
Lot 651: (engraved coin) V nickel with fine engraving on obverse: MECHANICVILLE ARCHERY CLUB, (NY).
Interesting way to cross-purpose a coin as a medal. Not exactly a Hobo nickel, but unusual. -Editor
Duane H. Feisel
PO Box 212
Shingletown, CA 96088
(530) 474-4168
To view the lot images, see: 
Wayne Homren, Editor
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