Coin collecting is a worldwide hobby. This article profiles a collector seeking to open a museum in the United Arab Emirates. -Editor
In 25 years, Manish Dhameja has amassed a personal collection of over one million coins from 501 current and defunct nations, territories and islands
A prolific Indian coin collector - dubbed the "King of Coins" - has announced his intention to open the world's largest coin museum in the UAE.
Over the course of the last 25 years, 30-year old Lucknow native Manish Dhameja has amassed a personal collection of over one million coins from 501 current and defunct nations, territories and
islands, some dating as far back as the 16th century. Collectively, the coins are valued at well over $1 million.
Dhameja has entered several record books, including the Guinness Book of World Records, for his collection of bi-metallic coins (which are comprised of more than one metal).
Now, he wants to bring his collection to the UAE, and on June 16th filed a project proposal to the UAE's Embassy in New Delhi. He hopes the new museum will become an attractive option for
residents and tourists alike.
"I believe that the UAE is the best place for me to fulfill my dream," he told Khaleej Times.
According to Dhameja, his interest in coins began at the tender age of five. "It was just because of my great grandfather and father that I also started developing (an) interest in
coins," he said.
"My father had a piggy bank full of coins, which he got from my great grandfather.I was just a tiny tot when I saw my dad collecting coins in that piggy bank. Coins were something like a
treasure to me," he added.
Driven by curiosity, the young Manish says he smashed open the piggy bank, and made off with the coins.
"I was scared of a scolding, so I kept (the coins) hidden in a storeroom. After a few days, we were given an activity in school in which we were asked to make something out of waste
material," he recalls.
"When I presented these coins in my craft file, it was appreciated by my school teachers and friends and I won a "Best Hobby" award. That was beginning of my hobby and interest in
To read the complete article, see:
Indian collector seeks to open largest coin museum in UAE
 I didn't know Guinness had a category for that! I guess there's a LOT I didn't know about today's Guinness Book of World Records. I went to the site to have a
look and searched for records with the word "coin" - there were 653 results, including First coin, Heaviest coin, Lightest coin, Largest coin, Largest coin spinning duration, fastest coin
stack, LArgest coin pyramid, Largest coin mosaic, Largest hoard of buried coins, Largest hoard of buried coins, Fastest mile of coins, Largest chocolate coin, Tallest coin column (balanced), Largest
temporary coin mural, Tallest coin sculpture (unsupported), Largest collection of elongated coins, Tallest coin column, Heaviest coin-like medallion, Most chocolate coins eaten in 30 seconds, and
(get this...) Farthest distance to blow a coin. Here are a couple examples. -Editor
Heaviest coin-like medallion
15 DECEMBER 2008
The largest coin- like medallion has the dimensions of 1m (39.37 In) diameter, 2.3 cm (0.9 In) thick and it weighed 185.88 kg (409.8 lb). The coin-like medallion was made by Damas jewellery (UAE)
to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum Medical Science award in Dubai, UAE on 15 December 2008. The coin-like medallion has a value of 1million AED ($272,257) and was made of
fine silver and gold plated with 22 carat gold.
Farthest distance to blow a coin
09 OCTOBER 2010
The farthest distance to blow a coin is 4.947 m (16 ft 2.76 in) and was achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) in the gymansium of the Jamaica YMCA in Jamaica, New York, USA on 9 October 2010.
Browse the site and tell us what you think. Any records you're game to try breaking? Any numismatic ones they got wrong? -Editor
To visit the Guiness web site (registration required), see:
RENAISSANCE OF AMERICAN COINAGE: Wizard Coin Supply is the official distributor for Roger Burdette's three volume series that won NLG Book of the Year awards for 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Contact us for dealer or distributor pricing at .
Wayne Homren, Editor
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