About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Charles Heck, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Chuck at this email address: treasurer@coinbooks.org SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale CalendarWatch here for updates! |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
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Thank you for reading The E-Sylum. If you enjoy it, please send me the email addresses of friends you think may enjoy it as well and I'll send them a subscription. Contact me at whomren@gmail.com anytime regarding your subscription, or questions, comments or suggestions about our content.
This week we open with selections from the upcoming Kolbe & Fanning literature sale, four new books, five new ebooks, a periodical, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, and more.
Other topics this week include American Silver Eagles, engraver Augustin Dupre, cracked coin presses, astronaut coins, French essays, coin printing blocks, the John Paul Jomes Comitia Americana medal, J.S.G. Boggs NFTs, a gold penny of Henry III, and the history of inflation in the U.S.
To learn more about the Pozzi sale, Canadian coins, coins and medals of the Our Lady of the Conception, medals of the English Civil Wars, former ANA Board Member Muriel Eymery, Harvey Stack, emblem books, the new Maya Angelou quarter, the Society of the Cincinnati in Virginia medal, Conder tokens, the Mikhailovich collection, and the Paquet Reverse double eagle found under an old barn, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
Here are some additional selections from the upcoming Kolbe & Fanning numismatic literature sale. -Editor
Highlights from the January 22 Sale
Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers are holding our Sale 162 on Saturday, January 22, 2022. Featuring material from over two dozen consignors, the 438-lot sale encompasses numismatic literature from all times and places.
Some highlights of the sale include:
Lot 8: an attractively bound original copy of the famed Pozzi sale, catalogued by Jacob Hirsch as part of the Naville / Ars Classica series
Lot 66: Jacob Hirsch's 1908 catalogue of the Consul Weber Greek coins, one of the most important catalogues of ancient coins ever produced
Lot 32: a complete set of the 1960s Forni reprint of A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum
Lot 91: a bound volume of extremely rare engraved plates of ancient and French coins from the collection of Louis XIV
Lot 156: Jean Foy Vaillant's 1703 Nummi antiqui familiarum Romanarum, in three volumes with over 150 plates depicting Roman Republican coins
Lot 167: the extraordinary 1702 folio volume on the historical medals of Louis XIV
Lot 237: the first French edition of Gerard van Loon's 1732–1737 classic work on Dutch medals, Histoire métallique des XVII provinces des Pays-Bas...
Lot 326: an original, unpublished manuscript by Walter Breen on U.S. gold dollars, heavily revised and annotated by the author
Lot 392: an exceptional set of original photographs and negatives depicting United States gold coins from the collection of D. Brent Pogue
Lot 424: five impressive ledgers recording the handling of gold by the United States Mint at Denver.
Register early to bid online
Bids may be placed via post, email, fax or phone, as well as online. Kolbe & Fanning use Auction Mobility as our third-party online bidding platform. Auction Mobility is an app-based platform allowing users the ability to participate in the sale through phones, tablets and computers. To register for the sale, bidders must go to
bid.numislit.com and sign up. Once you have set up an account, you may browse lots, place advance bids, or participate in the live sale online. Those wishing to participate on their devices can download the Kolbe & Fanning app through the Apple or Google Play Store.
The printed catalogue of Sale 162 has been mailed to all active customers on our mailing list. As international mail speeds remain somewhat slowed by the Corona situation, we encourage our clients in other countries to consult the electronic catalogue in case their printed catalogue does not arrive promptly. A PDF of the printed catalogue has been posted to our main website at numislit.com for those who prefer that format. Bids placed via post, email, fax or phone must be received by January 21, the day before the sale, in order for them to be processed. Advance absentee bids may also be placed at any time online at bid.numislit.com. Live internet bidding will be available during the sale itself through the same platform. The sale has also been listed on Biddr and NumisBids.
Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers LLC is a licensed and bonded auction firm in the State of Ohio. For more information, please see the Kolbe & Fanning website at numislit.com or email David Fanning at df@numislit.com. To register for the sale, go to bid.numislit.com. We look forward to your participation.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing forwarded this press release for the new edition of John Mercanti's book on American Silver Eagles. Thanks! -Editor
Whitman Publishing announces the release of the expanded and updated fourth edition of American Silver Eagles: A Guide to the U.S. Bullion Coin Program, by John M. Mercanti. The 224-page hardcover book will be available online (including at www.Whitman.com) and from book stores and hobby shops nationwide in March 2022. Before then it can be preordered online. The book retails for $29.95.
More than 600 million American Silver Eagles have been sold since 1986, making them the most popular bullion coins in the history of the United States. The coins are treasured by collectors and investors around the world.
In American Silver Eagles, John M. Mercanti, former chief engraver of the United States Mint, shares his unique perspective and behind-the-scenes memories. He discusses the technical and artistic process of recreating Adolph Weinman's classic Striding Liberty
design for the obverse of the American Silver Eagle, as well as creating his own heraldic eagle for the reverse. He also introduces the new Flying Eagle reverse design by artist Emily S. Damstra, which debuted in mid-2021.
The revised fourth edition of American Silver Eagles has 48 pages more than the third edition. It corrects old information—in many cases, quite significantly—with mintage figures and production details released by the Mint in response to a 2020 Freedom of Information Act query. And it updates the pricing, certified-coin populations, and market analyses of the third edition.
More information and historical commentary have been added to the catalog of individual coins and multiple-coin sets, 1986 to 2021. The photographic gallery of John Mercanti's numismatic works has been expanded with more illustrations. A new gallery of What Might Have Been
shows all 39 designs proposed for the 2021 reverse, as reviewed by the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts and the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee. And new appendices highlight the numismatic art of designer Emily S. Damstra and sculptor Michael Gaudioso.
The first edition of American Silver Eagles was a hobby best-seller, recognized for Extraordinary Merit
by the Numismatic Literary Guild.
Because Whitman Publishing is the Official Supplier of the American Numismatic Association, ANA members receive a 10% discount off all direct purchases of this new book.
American Silver Eagles: A Guide to the U.S. Bullion Coin Program, 4th edition
By John M. Mercanti; foreword by Michael Reagan
ISBN 079484913X
Hardcover, 8.5 x 11 inches, 224 pages, full color
Retail $29.95 U.S.
The new 2022 Charleton Canadian Coins book is available in both English and French versions. -Editor
The 2022-dated Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins, which covers numismatic issues, is now available in English and French from Coin & Stamp Supplies (CSS), a division of Trajan Publishing.
First published in 1952 and now in its 75th edition, the Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins has reported on all aspects of the Canadian numismatic scene – from French Regime coinage to modern business strikes – for more than 65 years. The new edition features updated prices to reflect current market values plus several new varieties and illustrations. It's edited by Mark Drake, the owner of Toronto's Coin Market.
To read the complete article, see:
Charlton issues new Standard Catalogue
For more information, or to order, see:
2022 Canadian Coins Volume 1
Laurent Schmitt provided information about a massive new book on the work of French engraver Augustin Dupré. -Editor
The book is written by Philippe
Théret and Xavier Bourbon with the
support of the association Les Amis
du Franc (ADF).
The 1,104-page book is written in French with around 5,500 photos.
Decimal coins
Dupré's Biography
The philosopher knows Dupré. He lives in Passy and Dupré owns a small house nearby, in Auteuil, rue Boileau. Both were early risers. Dupré went to Paris every morning, via the Cours-la.Reine, smoking his pipe. Through an unknown occasion they made bonds and a friendship grew between the engraver and the philosopher[Saunier, 1894].
Catalogue raisonné
Franklin's medal
Libertas Americana
We hope that Americans interested in Dupré will enjoy browsing this 1,104- page book, written in French but very richly illustrated with around 5,500 photos.
For ordering information, contact adan2021livres@gmail.com . -Editor
A new book catalogs coins and medals of Our Lady of the Conception of Portugal and Brazil. -Editor
This second book in the series dedicated to the study of the insignia of the former Portuguese Military and Honorific Orders is entitled
A Conceição de Portugal and Brazil. Moeda, Medalhas e Insígnia Honorífica
(Our Lady of the Conception of Portugal and Brazil. Coins, Medallions and Honorary Insignia), and it was written with the idea of transmitting to present and future generations the work done by past generations, in the emblematic figurations of the Patron Saint of Portugal and of Brazil, Our Lady of the Conception.
In the first 70 pages the book deals with Portugal´s first ever silver commemorative COIN OF THE CONCEPTION, engraved in Paris in 1648 by Jean Warin, the famous chief engraver of the Paris Mint, and minted in Lisbon in the name of king João IV (1640-1656).
Being a revolutionary coin at the time, with engravings full of Marian symbology and a beauty never surpassed in Portuguese numismatics, it would be much later restrike as a medal and worn as an insignia around the neck of officers of the Royal Confraternity of Vila Viçosa.
The unpublished history of the MILITARY ORDER OF OUR LADY OF CONCEPTION OF VILA VIÇOSA and its insignia, the people who were be.stowed upon and the goldsmiths who made it, is presented on the following 300 pages of the book, revealing unprecedented data from contemporary Portuguese-Brazilian documentary sources.
A complete list of the 939 awarded in different degrees of the Order from its institution in 1818 to 1834, never before published is presented; the different types and variants of the insignia of the Order manufactured in Rio de Janeiro by the goldsmiths of the Court, and in Lisbon by several different manufactur.ers until the Order's extinction in 1910, and also the insignia manufactured throughout Europe by goldsmiths in France, Italy, Austria, Germany and Belgium, is identified and illustrated on the pages of an emblematic catalogue of the Order´s insignia.
The Military Order of the Conception of Portugal and of Brazil would be.come the most important Order of Merit of the Portuguese Monarchy, bestowed upon 11,336 persons, of which 5,686 non-Portuguese.
Some books leave their mark on an era and became essential works of reference. With its innovative numismatic approach to the study of the insignia of the Portuguese Military Orders, we feel that this is one of those books.
Every known type of insignia of the Military Order of Our Lady of Conception is reproduced in color photography. Historical background is abundant, revealing the unpublished documents kept at National Archives of Brazil and Portugal.
The book ends with an exhaustive list of the primary sources and bibliography. All this combines to make it an invaluable contribution to the knowledge and international appreciation of the magnificent insignia of the Portuguese Military Order of Our Lady of Conception, Patron Saint of Portugal and of Brazil.
(Our Lady of the Conception of Portugal and Brazil)
392 pages, color illustrations, hardcover, 21.7 x 30.5 cm. Portuguese text.
Price: BRAZIL / USA / WORLD - € 75.00 (includes postage by registered airmail)
To order your copy, please contact:
Antonio M. Trigueiros, author and editor
Payment by Paypal system:
By bank transfer: PT50003502020000587410084 / CGDIPTPL
Coincraft in London is making a special offer on the magnificent book by Jerome and Arlene Platt on the medals of the English Civil Wars. -Editor
The English Civil Wars: Medals, Historical
Commentary and Personalities
Some three and a half centuries ago, Britain was convulsed by a series of civil wars. The names of its participants and major battles "Oliver Cromwell and Charles I, Cavaliers and Roundheads, Edgehill and Dunbar" are still well known today. These wars (1642-1651) saw the introduction of medals as rewards for gallantry and campaign service. This book places these medals within the historical context of the times. The wars also introduced the use of firearms en masse with a tactic called ‘Pike and Shot' to English soil. We've placed both of these 17th Century British 'innovations' on a single deal and we are now giving you the chance to own the two, for the old fashion price of only £69.50 including UK postage & handling charge! Don't miss out on this offer, stock is limited...
Two huge and impressive volumes with 808 A4 pages in full colour, bound in gilt embossed cloth and housed in a slipcase, weighing over 4kg! Packed with over 500 colour pictures of medals from the English Civil Wars 1642-1651.
Originally issued at £175 by Spink. Coincraft bought the last copies they had and now it is our holiday present to you. Our price, while they last, is just £69.50 including postage in the UK, a saving of over £105, plus you get a FREE Civil War Pistol Ball.
What a fantastic gift for someone or, better yet, a holiday present for yourself.
Packed with fascinating information and beautifully illustrated, this mammoth work brings back to life the history of the Civil Wars that gripped Britain between 1642-1651. The names of its participants Oliver Cromwell and Charles I, Cavaliers and Roundheads and major battles such as Edgehill and Dunbar are still well known today. These wars saw the introduction of medals as rewards for gallantry and campaign service and this book provides detailed information on over 900 individual medals illustrating over 500 of them. It is not just of interest to collectors but also to Civil War enthusiasts, historians and those interested in the politics of the time.
Remember, this is not one, but two volumes in a lovely slipcase with over 800 full colour pages, and
the good news doesn't end there. The book was originally published at £175.00 and we are offering
this magnificent set of books for £69.50 AND we are also including FREE OF CHARGE an original Civil War Pistol Ball (That we sell for £9.95) with a certificate of authenticity, YES you read correctly, £69.50 for all of this.
Deal price including shipping:
UK: £69.50,
EUROPE: £89.50,
Please enter the code ESY2201. And yes, "Rest of world" includes the United States. -Editor
For more information, or to order see:
Civil War Pistol Ball & Medals of the English Civil Wars Book
Tauler & Fau have released digital versions of five books on Spanish numismatics. Thanks to Frank Draskovic for passing this along. -Editor
From Tauler&Fau we would like to tribute Mr. Rafael Tauler Fesser, offering for free, all his specialized catalogs. Here you will find the work and experience of a life dedicated to numismatics. We hope that his legacy will be useful to increase the knowledge and dissemination of our passion, numismatics.
Macuquino Gold and the Gold of RR.CC. and the House of Austria
The Gold of the Spanish Empire in Europe and Gold Medieval Coins
Silver Coins of the Spanish Empire in Europe and (coming soon!) Coins of the Iberian Peninsula, Europe and the New World
To access the books, see:
Here are the contents of the latest issue of Numismatique Asiatique. -Editor
Celebrating 40 volumes of Numismatique Asiatique
by Joe Cribb
Pour célébrer les 40 numéros de Numismatique Asiatique
par Joe Cribb
Aperçu relatif aux feuilles d'or monétaires d'Indochine
par François Joyaux
Inventaire des feuilles d'or privées de l'Indochine française
par Daniel Cariou
Studies on Kim Thanh Gold Leaf and its Contemporary imitation
by Brian Leung Ho Fung
Une trouvaille de monnaies cambodgiennes en argent à l'oiseau Hamsa
par Alain Escabasse
Bibliographie :
François Thierry, Amulettes et talismans de la Chine ancienne
In mémoriam : Philippe Haudrère
Série "Monnaies d'Asie"
76 pages en couleurs. Format : 21 x 29 cms.
For more information, see:
American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this article on former ANA Board Member Muriel Eymery. -Editor
Muriel Eymery joined the American Numismatic Association in 2005 as member 3184823. She represented international numismatics as a member of the ANA board for 2019 to 2021. With seven open positions on the ANA Board, she finished eighth in her bid for reelection in 2021.
Eymery received an MBA in finance from Baruch College and master's degree from School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. She spoke English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. She had dual American and French citizenship and lived in Hong Kong.
She worked for the French Mint from 2003 to 2007 and served as vice president of international business development for PCGS from 2007 to 2015. Then from 2016 to 2019, she served as vice president and director of numismatic consignments for Spink managing their international auctions. After 2019 she was director of Alternative Collections, Ltd.
She had suffered from lung cancer for about six months. Her death was reported on social media before any traditional obituary with date of birth and date of death.
In his Coin Collectors Blog, Scott Barman wrote:
"Eymery advocated expanding numismatics worldwide as a member of the Board of Governors and in her career. Eymery worked for Spink and Sons and was Vice President of International Business Development at PCGS. She also worked for the French Mint that taught her the global market dynamics.
While considering running for the Board of Governors in 2021, I spoke with Eymery about our shared ideas about the hobby. We found a common interest in expanding numismatics beyond the basics to include the world community and other collectibles. Eymery was a bright light in the future of the numismatic community."
To read the complete article, see:
The passing of Muriel Eymery, former ANA Governor
Shanna Schmidt writes:
"Muriel and I didn't know each other very long but the time we spent together was intense and we formed a fast friendship. We met one another during the ANA board elections of 2019 where she, Mary Lynn Garrett and I were vying for seats. There were no women on the board in the previous term and before that very few. In a wonderful twist of fate, all three of us got elected.
"In the two years of her term on the board Muriel was involved in so many important programs to help make the ANA better. I worked with her tirelessly on getting the international community (and specifically ancient coin dealers/collectors) more connected to the ANA. With her charm and finesse she took these projects on and always gave her all. One of the bigger projects we worked on was getting the ANA involved in the New York International, one of the biggest coin shows for ancient and world coins. Despite not being on the board when the final decisions were made, Muriel was instrumental in bringing this to fruition.
"As I write this the New York International is happening and had the pandemic not impacted it, the ANA board was scheduled to have a meeting there, a few educational talks scheduled and a table for getting new members was to be set up. We even rallied enough support to get the ANA to buy a table at the ANS Gala this year. For those that know the tenuous relationship the ANA and ANS have had in the past, this was a feat. Had I not gotten covid myself I would have been thrilled to attend. We have already determined that next year we need to continue this new endeavor. Muriel is largely to thank for helping to get this going.
It is unfortunate that we had to deal with a global pandemic for part of our term but Muriel never stopped being an enthusiastic board member. I admire her alway helpful side and determination to get the job done!
"Aside from the ANA Muriel was a strong and effective businesswoman. In a male dominated business and hobby it is not always easy. Muriel reached levels that most do not and for that she should be respected. For me, I will never forget her sweet and caring side. Even when she was most sick she never lost hope and continued to project her positive side."
Shanna passed along contact information for those who would like to send flowers. The funeral is planned for the church of St Germain des Pres in Paris next Tuesday at 10:30. -Editor
Emmanuelle ZERAH
Tel (+33)
emmanuelle.zerah@ wanadoo.fr
31 rue Édouard Nortier
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
The latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is a letter from Philadelphia Mint Coiner O. C. Bosbyshell about cracked coin presses. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor
Cracked Dies? No, Cracked Presses
Most collectors, especially of earlier American coinage, are quite familiar with die cracks as evident on many examples. Die cracks are often the key to die attribution and reveal a constant struggle with die preparation and usage in the early days of the U.S. Mint. An 1882 letter, recently transcribed by Newman Portal, indicates that cracks might also be found in the Mint presses. Philadelphia Mint Coiner O. C. Bosbyshell reported on July 25 to the Director A. Louden Snowden that cracks were present in the arch of press no. 10 in at least two places, and recommended a replacement. Bosbyshell went on to note that the damage to the massive cast iron frame was not repairable. Such simply represented the cost of coining, and there was nothing more to do than scrap the tons of metal that formed the press arch.
Image: Bosbyshell's diagram noting the crack locations
Link to Bosbyshell letter regarding cracked presses:
These are selections from the David Lisot Video Library that feature news and personalities from the world of coin collecting. David has been attending coin conventions since 1972 and began videotaping in 1985. The Newman Numismatic Portal now lists all David's videos on their website at:
Here's one on commemorative coins supporting the Astronauts Memorial Foundation. -Editor
COOL! Astronaut Coins Available at FUN Coin Convention 2022.
VIDEO: 8:53.
Michael Olson, Treasurer, The Astronauts Memorial Foundation, Kennedy Space Center,
David Lisot, Interviewer, CoinTelevison.com. January 8, 2022.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Michael Olson helped get legislation passed to have commemorative coins produced with themes of space and astronauts as a member of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee. He is also treasurer of the Astronauts Memorial Foundation. They have a program selling PCGS autographed coins signed by signed by astronauts like Fred Haise and Buzz Aldrin to benefit families of astronauts who have died in service to their country. Mike explains the program and to what collectors may look forward.
An excerpt of the video is available for viewing on the Coin Television YouTube Channel at:
David adds:
"The FUN Convention brings out all kinds of new issues and marketing efforts. This was a group that I was thrilled to help with a good video. I believe there is little in science as space exploration. This group helped to get the coins produced and then put them to good purpose."
Laurent Schmitt submitted this information on Amis des Auteurs Numismates (Friends of Numismatic Authors), which is in the process of being created. The group is planning an initial project to develop new catalogues on French Essays in the 19th Century (1803-1870) from Consulate to Napoleon III. -Editor
Fellow collectors and numismatists,
French monetary essays are attracting growing interest from collectors and investors around the world, and this is reflected by increasingly high prices, with some gold essays achieving six-figure record prices.
The reference catalogs for the field of modern French essays are somewhat old. Victor Guilloteau's work dates from 1942, Mazard's from 1965 and 1969, and Victor Gadoury's from 1989. The most recent work by Michel Taillard & Michel Arnaud (2014) covers the last period of 1870 to 2001.
In addition, there are important monetary archives that have not been exploited by the authors of these catalogs. Two recent books, Le Franc les Monnaies les Archives (2019) and Le Franc d'Augustin Dupré of which Philippe Théret is the principal author, shows the wealth of the information contained in the archives.
The authors, Michel Taillard and Philippe Théret have therefore decided to join forces to write three books covering the period 1803-1870, up to the period covered by Mr. Taillard and Mr. Arnaud's 2014 book. The three books will be:
The authors need financial support to realize these three works. For this, an association, the Amis des Auteurs Numismates (Friends of Numismatic Authors) is in the process of being created, and aims to unite the patrons, donators and authors.
The association, in addition to collecting the funds, will oversee the project and guarantee the refunding of the patrons and subscribers in case of the non-completion of the project.
The association and the authors are at your disposal for any question or to organize a meeting.
The group can provide a PowerPoint presentation with more details on these books and how to show your financial support. Business and institutional donors can reach the group at adan2021livres@gmail.com . -Editor
Authors' publications
Michel Taillard is the main author of Essais Monétaires & Piéforts français 1870-2001 (2014). Philippe Théret is the main author of Le Franc, les Monnaies, les Archives (2019) and Le Franc d'Augustin Dupré (2021). He is contributor to the Le Franc catalogs since 2007 and author of more than 50 numismatic articles since 2005.
John Sallay submitted this article on an interesting early numismatic book. Thanks! Great book. -Editor
I recently acquired an early 17th century book that I thought might be of interest to E-Sylum readers, since it is fundamentally numismatic and not generally seen in the numismatic book trade. The title begins Emblemata Anniversaria Academiae Noribergensis, Quae Est Altorffi, which translates roughly from Latin as
Anniversary Emblems of the Nürnberg Academy which is at Altdorf…
It was published by Abraham Wagenman in Nürnberg in 1617, and is large octavo (8.2 x 6.5) with 540 numbered pages, plus 8 introductory pages and 44 index pages.
This example retains its original gilt leather binding, somewhat showing its age. The circa 1643 Bib: Nor: circular bookplate on the lower right corner of the title page indicates that it was once in the Bibliotheca publica Noribergensis, the Nürnberg city library. Before purchasing the book, I confirmed with the successor Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg that this was a deaccessioned duplicate copy.
The book illustrates the silver prize medals issued by the Altdorf Academy between 1577 and 1616, most of the entire series of 190 medals that continued through 1626. Each medal is shown, together with the text of the Latin orations made on June 29 at the Academy's annual Panegyris, or anniversary and graduation ceremony, concerning each medal's imagery and Latin motto. Most of the images faithfully represent the actual 25-35mm diameter silver medals, though a few such as the illustrated 1596 example are not literally correct.
This book is representative of a genre of emblem books
published from the early 16th century into the early 18th century. An emblem
is basically a late-Renaissance/Baroque meme comprised of three parts – a brief motto (inscriptio), a symbolic picture (pictura), and an
epigram or explanation (subscriptio). These emblem books were design and moral concept encyclopedias, and several thousand were published during the period. Today, they are actively studied, with an international collaboration of scholars at major university and research libraries. The extensive website Emblematica Online, hosted by the University of Illinois, is searchable and can be a valuable resource for anyone researching, say, the iconographic background of a particular coin or medal.
The associated Altdorf Academy medals were given each year to boys who were being promoted to the next class. More than simply awards, these medals were a fundamental part of the pedagogical system at the Altdorf Academy, in particular the practice of emblem oratory
. Towards the end of each school year, students were shown a picture with a Latin motto, and assigned to write up an explanation, in effect the third part of the emblem. It was a way of both teaching values to Nürnberg's future leaders, and testing the students on what they had learned during the year. At the ceremony, one boy from each class presented his oration and all the promoted boys were presented a medal. The Germanische Nationalmuseum, in Nürnberg, has a complete set of the medals and a nearly complete second set. Otherwise, these medals are quite scarce.
Frederick John Stopp's Emblems of the Altdorf Academy: Medals and Medal Orations, 1577-1626, published by the Modern Humanities Research Association in 1974, describes all these Altdorf Academy practices, emblem books, and medals. It concludes with an illustrated catalogue of the 190 silver medals, with translations of the Latin inscriptions. Copies can be found online, but the 1617 (and the earlier edition) emblem books are less generally seen.
For more information, see:
Dr. Jesse Kraft is Assistant Curator of American Numismatics at the American Numismatic Society. -Editor
Someone recently reached out to the ANS with these printing blocks (thinking they were coining dies). I have no idea where they were used. The Continental dollar resembles a Dickeson copy more than a genuine piece, and the half cent is badly corroded, but the overlapping coins are distinctive enough that someone may recognize them. Any help would be appreciated.
Check your libraries, folks! Do these images look familiar? What book(s) were they used to print? -Editor
Robert C Whitehead submitted this article on an unusual gilt John Paul Jones medal. Thanks! -Editor
The travel and visitation restrictions during 2020 and 2021 for Covid made life difficult for all of us. Perhaps out of boredom, or the need to scratch that collecting itch, I started a collection of Comitia Americana medals. On-line purchasing for many of us was the only way to continue collecting. Along the way I grabbed this unusual John Paul Jones medal mainly because it just looked different than anything else I had seen, and sometimes these prove to be gems. It turned out to be a Mint issued gilt medal that so far is a 1/1 with PCGS and I believe none recorded by NGC.
Armed with this limited knowledge I began to search for more detail about the medals and the when and why they were issued. It did not take long for me to exhaust the resources at my disposal including about a dozen books on the Comitia Americana series or medal issues in general. My search for the information on-line produced no better results. Even my search of the Newman Numismatic Portal at Washington University on-line resources produced no results. But we know that on-line research often involves the marriage of the knowledge of both subject matter and the resource being searched.
Having exhausted my sources, I turned to Roger Burdette who has a knack for finding these elusive details within both the NNP and other government records. What took me days of research with little success took Roger only a few hours.
It turns out that in 1843 the Mint offered to gilt medals in their offerings for a small fee. This medal would have cost $2.50 plus the gilding fee. It seems that they also offered to make 8 ounce, solid gold pieces for $160. It will take more research to determine how many were made, but I cannot believe the count would have been very high. This might be a piece of the puzzle that is never solved since record keeping on medals was inexact.
As we end another Covid year we need to stop and realize the vast research resources that have been created by organizations like the NNP, but also thank people within the numismatic circle who help make the hobby what it is today. Maintaining the linkage between our history and the items we collect or find fascinating is a key to making numismatics a hobby for the future, not just the past. This medal might have remained a mystery for a long time without the NNP resources and the help of researchers like Roger.
More on Harvey Stack
Peter Preston-Morley of Dix Noonan Webb writes:
"Superb range of tributes to Harvey Stack, I first met him in 1976 and he was unfailingly courteous to me from day one, a real numismatist of the old school with a prodigious memory."
22-year Stack's veteran David Thomason Alexander writes:
"Like many E-Sylum readers, I was saddened to read of the death of Harvey G. Stack, my boss from 1990 until the disappearance of the original Stack's firm through the mergers of the early 2000's. I can testify that he was a one-of-a-kind numismatist and gentleman, just as the original Stack's was a one-of-a-kind numismatic institution. The Stack's did things their way and there was no other! When I arrived in 1990, nearly all cataloging was being done by hand on envelopes and my request for a typewriter was seen as decidedly odd. There was a single computer in the office, belonging to the late Martin Gengerke and reserved solely for setting up the assembled lots for each auction.
"I soon found that Harvey was amazingly loyal to his numismatic professionals, and kept at least three of them on staff even after their health had begun to deteriorate. The Stacks rejected many trends and numismatic fads, notably the 1950-D Nickel spasm and the roll and bag craze of the 1960s; they generally sidestepped the bullion mania of 1979-1981. They categorically rejected numerical grading and slabbing as those innovations swept the marketplace.
"He generally took a remarkably understanding attitude toward fellow dealers who had fallen on hard times, generally working with them to resolve problems, however serious. Woe to that rare individual who might show inappropriate defiance! Harvey valued the name and reputation of Stack's above all things. Years later, following the second merger, I was working at the California offices of a later owner of the company name when a news flash swept across my computer screen, "Great News! The Stack's have rejoined the company!!!" I went to get a cup of coffee and found two young Capifornia types with their organic fruit juice puzzling over the news, "Who are these STACKS they're all talking about!?!" Sic transit gloria...
"Fortunately there can be few numismatists of any experience that are likely to express such bewilderment! There is, instead, the ancient Orthodox Jewish blessing, "May his name be writ large in the Book of Life!""
In an article Bill Gibbs of Coin World wrote:
"Harvey Stack was in the right place at the right time with the right idea as he sat before the U.S. House Banking Committee's Coinage Subcommittee in July 1995 to propose the 50 State Quarters Program, which increased the number of collectible coins issued by the United States Mint. It is ironic that, then and until last week, he was one of the fiercest critics of the Mint for issuing too many coins that it offers at premium prices.
"He loved the hobby and devoted his entire life to numismatics. He hated the idea that a government agency, the United States Mint, intended, in his view, to rip off the numismatic collector once again,
and he was never afraid to let the world know what he thought."
To read the complete article, see:
Monday Morning Brief for Jan. 10, 2022: Remembering Harvey Stack
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
HARVEY G. STACK (1928-2022)
Half Cent Collection Strip
Dave Lange writes:
"Much of the FUN show is a blur to me, as we were so busy I never did get away from the NGC booth to see what else was happening in the bourse room. As so often happens, however, cool stuff finds me, and this past week was no exception. Coin dealer Dave Wnuck stopped by to present me with something for my collection of coin storage gadgets, and it nearly defies description, but I'll try.
"The object is a strip of rough cloth similar to the material used for mint or bank bags of coins, and that just may have been the source. The strip is 35 inches long, so it was too large to scan in its entirety, but a good section of it is shown in the accompanying photo. Initially 4.5 inches wide, it was folded in half to 2.25 inches. It was then carefully stitched to form dozens of square pockets that are open where the two folded portions meet. This left a series of nice slots into which the owner inserted half cents, thus forming a sort of money belt to house his collection of same. The raised outlines of the coins it once held remain quite visible.
"Dave told me that there were several of these "belts" for various denominations. I thought this was a terrific item to display, and I thank Dave for remembering my collecting interest."
Cool. Thanks! -Editor
On That 1792 Indian Peace Medal
Alan V Weinberg writes:
"The Thomaston Maine 1792 Indian Peace Medal is definitely bogus although it is far superior to the many cast primitive fakes seen at gun shows & on eBay. It appears to be somewhat skillfully engraved, having a charming counter marked suspension attachment. The Thomaston auction house, reputable & long standing, very likely knows the medal is bogus with its mere $2500 starting bid.
"I attached images of the finest known condition oval silver Geo Washington Richardson - engraved ( 1793 ) Indian Peace medal, Ex WH Hunter 1920 Chapman sale."
Thanks! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
1792 Indian Peace Medal?
Query: Book on Cuban Medals and Proclamation Medals Sought
John Okerson writes:
"The January 2nd issue had information about the Cuban 1922 Sugar medal. This stirred my interest, and now I would like to find a well-illustrated reference book on Cuban medals and proclamation medals. Catalog or book suggestions would be heartily appreciated."
Can anyone help? I came across one old reference this week - see the following item. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More on the 1922 Havana Exposition
Query: Is This Piece From Los Angeles, California?
Monetario Americano is an 1892 book by Alejandro Rosa which describes some 1,571 coins and medals of North and South America, Cuba and Haiti. I came across it this week and we added a copy to the Newman Portal.
One piece intrigued me, and I wanted to ask readers about it. Item #23 is from the Puebla de los angeles. Los Angeles was part of Mexico from 1821 to 1848, so does this piece have a U.S. connection? It is even the same Los Angeles? -Editor
To read the book on the Newman Portal, see:
Monetario americano (ilustrado) clasificado
Query: Holes Through Royal Portraits?
Chip Howell writes:
"I'm intrigued by this token! Does anyone know of other examples of coins or tokens made with a hole through a regal portrait?"
Good question. Thoughts, readers? -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Query: 8 Reales Countermarked for Castlecomer Image Sought
Eric Hodge writes:
"I am looking for a photo of an 8 reales countermarked for Castlecomer in Ireland. I believe there is an obverse photo of a 1799 host in Krause Standard Catalog of World Coins 1801-1900> published in 1999 2nd edition on page 729. I enclose a photo of the cover of the edition I believe to have this photo. If any of your readers are able to check their libraries I would be most grateful. If the photo is found would it be possible to have a photo or scan of the relevant page, sent to you for me?"
Can anyone help? -Editor
The Longest-Lasting Denomination
Ted Puls writes:
"I enjoyed reading the piece about the English penny collection for sale etc. but beg to differ about the comment that the "pound" was the longest-lasting denomination. The longest-lasting denomination is easily the Chinese "Wu Zhu". It started in 119 B.C. and clearly was still made into the 10th century. The Tarter Dynasties may have made rare issues of them even a few centuries later. It established an official standard weight for coins that lasted until 1945 A.D. (not always followed, just like the pound.). It established a standard linear measurement (Han Dynasty) inch that lasted until modern times. It also established a "standard coin" name that was used for much longer called, in varied cultures translated: wen, ch'ien, cash, others."
Thank you. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
The story of the new Maya Angelou quarter was all over media this week. It's always nice to see mainstream coverage of numismatics - here's an excerpt from a New York Times piece. -Editor
The writer and poet Maya Angelou has become the first Black woman to have her likeness depicted on the quarter, the first in a series of coins commemorating pioneering American women that began shipping this week, the U.S. Mint announced Monday.
It is my honor to present our nation's first circulating coins dedicated to celebrating American women and their contributions to American history,
Ventris C. Gibson, the deputy director of the Mint, said in a statement. Maya Angelou,
she added, used words to inspire and uplift.
Ms. Angelou's landmark 1969 memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,
documented her childhood in the Jim Crow South and was among the first autobiographies by a 20th-century Black woman to reach a wide general readership.
Ms. Angelou, who died in 2014 at 86, was one of the brightest lights of our time — a brilliant writer, a fierce friend and a truly phenomenal woman,
Mr. Obama said at the time.
The quarter featuring her likeness — created by Emily Damstra, a designer, and Craig A. Campbell, a medallic artist — depicts Ms. Angelou with her arms uplifted, in front of a bird in flight and rays of sunlight streaking out from behind her. The images were both inspired by her poetry and symbolic of the way she lived,
the Mint said.
Ms. Angelou is featured on the tails
side of the 25-cent piece; the heads
side includes a portrait of George Washington.
The coin is the first in the American Women Quarters Program, a four-year effort in which the Mint will issue five quarters a year to honor women in fields including women's suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science and the arts. This year's other honorees are Sally Ride, the first American woman in space; Wilma Mankiller, a Native American activist; Nina Otero-Warren, a leader in New Mexico's suffrage movement; and Anna May Wong, the first Chinese American film star in Hollywood.
To read the complete article, see:
Maya Angelou Becomes First Black Woman on a Quarter
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Every publication put their own spin on the story. Greek Reporter answered the question, "why did she have a distinctly Greek last name?" -Editor
Likely one of the most famous modern American poets, Angelou was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1928 to Bailey Johnson, a Navy dietitian and doorman, and Vivian Johnson, a nurse.
It was in California that Angelou met Greek-American Anastasios Tosh
Angelos, an electrician, former sailor, and musician. The two married in 1951, just three years after interracial marriage became legal in the state.
The marriage faced a number of hurdles. The poet's mother did not approve of the interracial relationship, and the couple had major spiritual differences — Angelos was an staunch atheist, while Angelou was devoutly religious.
Despite these factors, the couple stayed married for three years, until they eventually divorced in 1954. Despite their divorce, Angelou decided to keep her first husband's last name.
To read the complete article, see:
The Story Behind Maya Angelou's Greek Last Name
In a press release, the estate of "Money Artist" J.S.G. Boggs announced plans to issue exclusive NFT editions of J.S.G. Boggs's work. -Editor
The Estate of J.S.G. Boggs is pleased to announce our partnership with the Boggz Project to create exclusive NFT editions of J.S.G. Boggs's work.
Launched in 2021 by veteran journalists Jeff Koyen and Alexander Zaitchik, the Boggz Project creates and curates original NFT-based art collections that pay homage to J.S.G. Boggs's art and philosophies. The Estate contacted Koyen and Zaitchik as they were preparing their own debut series of Boggs-inspired NFTs, working title Superbills.
With the formation of this partnership, Koyen and Zaitchik have agreed to concentrate their current efforts on creating a limited-edition series of NFTs based on J.S.G. Boggs's famous Harriet Tubman $100.
More details about the edition, including technical specs and auction specifics, are forthcoming. Interested parties are advised to join the Boggz Project's mailing list to receive the latest news as its announced.
Hand-dated by the artist in 1994 and marked Artist's Proof,
the Harriet Tubman $100
is a unique, highly collectible work that substitutes the revered abolitionist (as a young girl) for Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill. These limited-edition, Estate-issued NFTs are created from high-resolution scans of the original art, which will remain in the Estate's collection and considered for auction at a later date.
The Harriet Tubman $100
is part of J.S.G. Boggs's Women's Series
— a collection of six reimagined U.S. bills, including the First Female President
depicted as a young woman of color on the $1 note. In the years since its creation, the Harriet Tubman $100
has proven to be extraordinarily prescient: In 2016, the U.S. Treasury announced plans to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.
A preliminary design of the Harriet Tubman $20, produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and obtained by The New York Times
Postponed by the previous presidential administration in 2016, development of the Harriet Tubman $20 once again resumed in January 2021.
Working together, the Estate and the Boggz Project are excited to put this important work in front of a new generation of global art collectors and admirers. Additional NFTs based on other Boggs artwork are being discussed.
Wow! I'm naturally excited about this news - I knew Boggs well and have collected his work for years. I have a set of the Women's Series notes, and the Harriet Tubman $100 is one of my favorite pieces. Boggs would love this, and would be particularly tickled to be known as the Patron Saint of Cryptocurrency.
Here are some additional images and text from the Estate's website. -Editor
J.S.G. Boggs was an American artist whose playfully realistic drawings of banknotes catapulted him to worldwide fame — and landed him in jail more than once. He is widely regarded as the Patron Saint of Cryptocurrency.
When considered alongside Boggs's early experiments with iterative digital art and his interest in Encrypted Online Currency
in the late 1990s, his philosophical influence on crypto is apparent.
To read the complete article, see:
The Estate of J.S.G. Boggs Forms Partnership with The Boggz Project to Mint Unique NFTs
To visit the offical website of the The Estate of J.S.G. Boggs, see:
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Handcut, Hand Engraving. Freehand cutting a metal surface or dies of any kind in the size required, by a human engraver. Hand engraving is in contrast to machine engraving, first developed in the 18th century and widely employed after 1900. Even with the development of diecutting machines, portrait lathes and various engraving machines, the need still continues for hand engraving and handcut dies. Cost and speed are two strong factors in favor of hand engraver, another is the ability to produce a die from a drawing without being required to have a three-dimensional pattern or model. Handcutting dies is the time honored way of diesinking – all dies were handcut in whole or in part prior to 1850 – the number steadily diminishing until only a small portion are handcut in the 20th century. See also ENGRAVING, How to tell Hand Engraving from Machine Engraving.
Handcut versus machine engraving. In some ways it is impossible to tell for certain if a struck piece was from dies that were hand engraved or if some form of machine engraving was used in their preparation. Some general guidelines may be offered but these may not be exclusive to either type of engraving. Thus the following can serve as guidelines only:
Handcut dies and pieces struck from such dies tend to have sharper lettering and detail. The devices appear well defined, the relief and lettering may have somewhat steeper sides (with steeper draft or bevel). The lettering is often produced by punches, thus similar letters may be from the same punch and be identical. The top of the lettering (from the end of the punch) may be flatter; there are sharper angles at the top and base of lettering and relief. There is a sharp juncture of the device and the background. Overall the appearance of handcut pieces is sharper, well defined images and lettering.
Pieces struck from modeled and machine cut dies are generally softer in appearance; there are no sharp angles present at either the top or at the base of lettering or detail, thus effecting the softer appearance. The lettering appears more rounded. The device appears to blend into the background or field, as there is no sharp juncture at the base. There is more modulated relief in the device, and indeed, the entire struck surface is formed from one continuous modeled plane of the three-dimensional plaster model. Portraits tend to appear more lifelike.
There are some technical reasons for the differences between the types of engraving. The most important of these is the shape of both the tracing point and the cutting point on the diecutting machine. If the tracing point cannot enter the crevice in the model it will not reproduce this in the die; also the bevel is limited to 15%, it cannot reproduce less than this angle of slope in the die, while a handcut die can accommodate as little as 5% bevel.
The two great limitations of handcutting a die are, of course, that it has to be cut the exact size and that it is difficult to correct a cut once it has been made. This corresponds to the great advantage of the oversize model for machine diecutting which can be carved and changed repeatedly before the final stage, a model can be reduced to any size die required, and any number of dies can be made from one bas-relief model (dieshell).
To read the complete entry on the Newman Numismatic Portal, see:
Handcut, Hand Engraving
Jeremy Bostwick at Numismagram forwarded these select highlights from the most recent addition of new material to his website at the beginning of the month. This upload is particularly strong in Art Nouveau and Art Deco medals, along with a focus on exonumia that celebrates the passage of time. For all of his new items, please visit numismagram.com/inventory. -Editor
101874 | GERMANY. New Year silver Medal. Issued 1900. Commemorating the new year and century (38mm, 27.79 g, 12h). By C. Starck & O. Oertel in Berlin. Facing sphinx / ZUR / JAHR- / HUN- / DERTS – WENDE, Hora, in sheer, full-length drapery, standing slightly left, extinguishing one torch and holding another upright. Edge: 990. Strothotte 1900-3; Heidemann 855; Marienburg 7159; GPH 5082. Mint State. Charming gunmetal gray toning, with a delightful matte nature to the surfaces; a few light marks on the reverse are noted for completeness. Compare to a similar example that realized a total of $408 in the recent October 2021 Stack's Bowers CCO. $285.
Offering great Neoclassical artistry, this piece was created for the dawn of the 20th century, seemingly featuring a mythological allegory for the passage of time, Hora. Here, she is depicted in a very sheer drapery, her apparent nakedness revealing the exploits of the previous century, yet her clothing at least obfuscating the events of the new century.
Spooky! I like it. -Editor
To read the complete item description, see:
101874 | GERMANY. New Year silver Medal.
101818 | UNITED STATES & FRANCE. Society of the Cincinnati in Virginia bronze Award Medal. Issued 1931. Commemorating the sesquicentennial of the Battle of Yorktown (54mm, 70.63 g, 12h). By R. Tschudin for A. Bacqueville in Paris. Surrender scene at Yorktown (adapted from Reddition de l'armée du Lord Cornwalis by François Godefroy): Comte de Rochambeau standing facing, directing General Charles O'Hara (to right, in lieu of the ill Cornwallis) to surrender the sword of Cornwallis to General George Washington (to left); around, four medals with the portraits of Washington, DeGrasse, Lafayette, and Rochambeau / PRESENTED by the SOCIETY of the CINCINNATI in the STATE of VIRGINIA, emblem of the Society. Edge: Plain. Baker E454; Hume 16; Mt. Vernon Museum M-406/A. Choice Mint State. Olive-brown surfaces, with some lighter yellow highlights. Quite rare and enticing. $745.
Founded in 1783 at a continental army encampment in Newburgh, New York and serving as the nation's oldest patriotic society, the Society of the Cincinnati drew its name from the Roman hero Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, an embodiment of civic virtue. The Virginia branch commissioned this commemorative medal for the 150th anniversary of the surrender of the British at Yorktown. A number of medals were presented to Herbert Hoover, John Pollard, and other distinguished official visitors to the ceremonies at Yorktown. Just a year later, the bicentennial of the birth of Washington would be celebrated.
Nice medal. I'd never seen one before. -Editor
To read the complete item description, see:
101818 | UNITED STATES. Society of the Cincinnati in Virginia bronze Medal.
101857 | UNITED STATES. General Motors 25th Anniversary silvered bronze Medal. Issued 1933 in conjunction with the Chicago World's Fair of Progress/General Motors Exhibition (76mm, 193.00 g, 12h). By R. P. Chambellan (after N. Bel Geddes) for the Medallic Art Company. TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF / MOTOR TRANSPORTATION, streamlined automobile (after that designed by Norman Bel Geddes) speeding right, with lengthy, stylized wing raised above / COMMEMORATING THE TWENTY FIFTH / ANNIVERSARY OF GENERAL MOTORS, stylized piston before laurel wreath. Edge: MEDALLIC ART CO. N.Y. MACo 1933-024; Marqusee 53. Mint State. Silvering nearly fully intact, with a few lightly scattered speckles and marks. Includes a MACO box. A very rare and popular medal with automotive and Art Deco importance. Almost never encountered so alluring, as the silver plating stood up poorly to the test of time on most of the remaining specimens. $1195.
Channeling the iconic, streamlined, "car of the future" design of the famous modernist industrial designer Norman Bel Geddes, this MACO offering celebrates the 25th anniversary of General Motors and was meant to show off the company's forward-thinking concepts at the Chicago World's Fair of Progress in 1933. The company's brochure at the exhibition described the medal as follows: "The face of the medal shows a speeding automotive body behind which a wing rises perpendicularly. Since the medal is to be used as an award in future years and the car of the future is merely a guess, this car is an abstract streamline form without doors or windows.
The conventionalized wing symbolizes General Motors interest in air transportation. The wing being static; the car, by contrast, seems to move more swiftly. / The reverse of the medal shows a combustion chamber...since it is the heart of the motor. It too has been conventionalized." Given its crossover appeal to collectors of Art Deco, modernist, or automotive pieces, or those of General Motors specifically, this type has become incredibly popular. Additionally, due to the poor nature of the silvering, nearly all are encountered with a good deal of the plating worn off or severely discolored. In contrast, this example remains nearly original, with much of the silvering fully intact and without annoying discoloration.
A classic. -Editor
To read the complete item description, see:
101857 | UNITED STATES. General Motors 25th Anniversary silvered bronze Medal.
Steve Davis of Numismatic Auctions LLC passed along this selection of Conder tokens in his upcoming February 2022 sale #66. -Editor
Lot 3144: Rare & Superb Cambridge, James Burleigh's Penny Conder Token of 1799. Cambridgeshire, Cambridge, Penny, 1799. DH-9. Wonderful deep brown and cobalt blue choice mirror bronzed Unc with touches of iridescence. Rare and elusive at this near censustopping level of preservation. A colorful FDC example sold for $1100 hammer in a recent CNG sale. ($750-1000)
Lot 3155: Hampshire, Gosport Census-Topping Penny Conder Token Gem of 1798. Hampshire, Gosport, Penny, 1798. DH-2. Superb reflective P/L red and brown Gem Unc with glass-like fields and natural iridescent blue overtones, simply amazing in hand. Certainly among the best, if not the finest known. ($400-600)
Lot 3164: Rare High Relief Select Grade Middlesex, Orchard's Conder Token Penny of 1803. Middlesex, Orchard's Penny, 1803(listed as 1808 in error). DH-38, early die state without the diagnostic obverse die crack. Handsome deep glossy brown aUnc-Unc, cpl tiny marks, otherwise nice with somewhat reflective fields. Rarely offered and even more so this nice! ($750-1000)
Lot 3225: Rare & Popular Somersetshire, Bath Pulteney Bridge Halfpenny Conder Token. Somersetshire, Bath, 1/2 Penny, ND. DH-80, the famous Pulteney Bridge issue, listed as Rare. Dark chocolate brown Unc and seldom obtainable. ($500-750)
Lot 3234: Rare Warwickshire, Coventry, St. Michaels Church Architectural Penny Conder Token. Warwickshire, Coventry, Penny, ND. DH-38a listed as Rare. Stunning mahogany brown and periwinkle-bluish toned Unc. Spectacular exterior and interior architectural views of St. Michael's Church. ($500-750)
Lot 3254: Worcestershire, Hagley, T. Spence Halfpenny High Grade Conder Token Rarity of 1790. Worcestershire, Hagley, T. Spence ½ Penny, 1790. DH-22a and listed as Rare. Impressive red and brown Unc. An exceptionally rare issue, especially in this grade, great look and color! Ex: Baldwin's Vault. ($400-600)
Lot 3262: Scotland, Angusshire, Dundee, Admiral Duncan Penny Conder Token of 1798 in High Grade. Scotland, Angusshire, Dundee, Penny, 1798. DH-6 and listed as Rare. Well struck, high relief chestnut brown bronzed Unc. Popular Admiral Duncan/Adam & Eve motif accompanied by an old Hamer ticket. ($600-800)
For more information, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
David Sundman was the first to send in the story of the badger in Spain that uncovered a hoard of Roman coins. Thanks! -Editor
A foraging badger appears to have uncovered the largest stash of Roman coins ever found in northern Spain.
Archaeologists believe the badger inadvertently dug up the stash of 209 coins dating from the 3rd to 5th centuries AD that had fallen into a hole close to its sett in a cave near the village of Bercio in Asturias.
The Cuesta cave, also known as the Godulfo cave after a legendary barbarian king, has been a focus for treasure hunters since the 18th century.
The stash was probably hidden by locals before the invasion of the Suebi, a Germanic clan that settled in north-western Spain during the late Roman Empire, archaeologists wrote in a report published in the journal Notebooks on Prehistory and Archaeology. During the 5th century the surrounding area became a frontier zone between the Romans and the Suebi, which explains the discovery of several other stashes of coins in caves in that part of the country.
The coins were discovered in a narrow natural vertical pool, the lower part of which had been dug up by the [badger], removing part of the deposit from the entrance of the burrow and leaving more pieces in the deeper part,
the archaeologists said.
The stash of coins were minted between the reigns of Emperors Carus and Valentinian III, allowing archaeologists to estimate that they were probably hidden in the cave in the middle of the 5th century. One follis, or bronze coin, was minted as far away as London during the reign of Constantine. It shows what appears to be a gladiator or soldier wielding a spear and shield.
To read the complete article, see:
Badger beats detectorists to hoard of Roman coins in Spain
Thanks also to Arthur Shippee, David Pickup, Paul Horner and others who forwarded articles on the topic. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Hungry badger may have uncovered Roman coins in Spanish cave
Spain: Badger thought to have found Roman treasure
Badger hunting for food instead unearths ancient treasure
Badger helps archeologists find mysterious stash of ancient coins
On January 23rd Spink is selling a rare gold penny of Henry III. Here's a description from their recent email. The coun was found near Hemyock (Devon) in September 2021. -Editor
As an economic experiment, Henry's gold Penny has long been regarded as the abject failure of a weakened and even bankrupt king. This would however completely disregard the context of the coinage in British history. Not only was the advent of a brand new gold coinage seismic in the domestic medieval landscape, but also shows the direct influence on daily life of the international trade routes with the gold and spice rich Middle East.
Artistically the coin also provides a ground-breaking shift from the depictions of a King restrained by the stipulations of Magna Carta, to his own personification as England's original patron Saint Edward the Confessor. It is no coincidence that a King who idolised the Confessor and actively restored his famous Abbey at Westminster would wish to be seen in the same high regard. Most significantly the coin depicts the enthroned King sitting atop a cross-hatched pavement; conceivably a very early allusion to the world-famous Cosmati Great Pavement conceived in 1259 and laid in 1268, in essence, this coin depicts an enthroned King at the seat of all Royal Coronations since William the Conqueror.
Gold Penny of 20-Pence, authorised 16 August 1257, London,
Willem FitzOtto of Gloucester (The King's Goldsmith)
King seated on ornate throne, one ball on each terminal, holding orb and sceptre
voided long cross with lobed terminals, five-leafed petals and trio of pellets in angles
Estimate £200,000-£400,000
To read the complete lot description, see:
Stack's Bowers Numismatist for World and Ancient Coins Nicholas Fritz published a blog article on the collection of the Grand Duke Mikhailovich of Russia. Some coins from the Mikhailovich Collection were sold in the firm's January 2022 NYINC sale. Two pieces are highlighted here.
Bibliophiles will be familiar with the collection from the magnificent volumes of the catalogue, known as the Corpus of Russian Coins and Medals, printed from 1888 to 1914. -Editor
While coin collecting is a hobby for all, the scope and quality of coin collections can depend a great deal on taste, budget, and accessibility. It is a dream of many collectors to put together a cabinet of such scope and import that its name is still referenced years after the coinage is dispersed. Some of the most famous pedigrees still inspire awe: Brand, Hutton-Czapski, Eliasberg, Norweb, and Farouk are among this number. Most such collections were assembled by a wealthy elite, sometimes even royalty. Among these is the collection of the Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich who assembled one of the most impressive cabinets of Russian coinage.
Born in 1863 in the modern-day Republic of Georgia, Mikhailovich was the first cousin of Emperor Alexander III, and a member of the Romanov ruling dynasty. Born as an upper crust elite in Imperial Russia, Mikhailovich was ensured a life of wealth and power vastly outstripping that of the normal citizen. Mikhailovich is alleged to have started collecting coins at the age of 14, and shortly thereafter his collection numbered more than 700 pieces. This early enthusiasm never waned throughout his adult life, and by the time of his death, his collection comprised more than 11,000 items. Mikhailovich gathered some of the most rare and desirable pieces in all Russian numismatics, and his collection was considered perhaps the most comprehensive collection of Russian issues ever assembled. The book cataloging his collection, The Corpus of Russian Coins, has become a standard reference for Russian coins.
The Grand Duke's life, along with the life of his Romanov family was irrevocably changed by the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. As a member of the bourgeoisie, his life was endangered, though it seems the Romanovs could not anticipate the brutality that would befall them under the Soviets. The abdicated Tsar and his family were executed in Siberia in 1918, with George's brother Sergei executed the following day for resisting the attempt to throw him alive into a mineshaft. In 1919, George met the same fate as his family members, executed by firing squad in Petrograd along with his other brother Nicholas. In the words of Winston Churchill "the Bolsheviks can be very cruel." After his death, the collection of the Grand Duke was distributed widely across Europe and North America, with portions ending up in private hands and other specimens now residing in the Hermitage and Smithsonian.
Among the many coins once in the collection of the Grand Duke Mikhailovich is a 1774-CNB 5 Rubles graded MS-61 by NGC that is offered as lot 1542 in the 2022 New York International Numismatic Convention Auction. This piece was also part of the famous collection of Emeryk Hutten-Czapski and bears his stamp on the obverse. Another phenomenal piece tied to the collection of the Grand Duke is a Silver Medal given to visitors to the 1887-1909 exhibition of the Mikhailovich coin collection. This charming and beautiful medal is graded Specimen-63 by PCGS and is the first recorded medal of the type from 1887 known to have been auctioned publicly. Both pieces offer the modern collector a chance to add their name to an illustrious pedigree and be included in the historic legacy of coin collecting.
To read the complete article, see:
The Grand Collection of the Grand Duke Mikhailovich
For additional information, see:
Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich, Documents and Collection
In his Stack's Bowers blog series on coin finds, Dave Bowers discusses a Paquet Reverse double eagle found under an old barn. -Editor
In 1937 numismatists were startled to learn of a very strange 1861-S gold coin that came to light with a few other United States gold pieces under an old barn in Hull, Texas.?
This particular 1861-S was unlike the regularly-seen double eagle in that the letters in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and TWENTY D. on the reverse were in letters taller and narrower than usual. The editor of The Numismatist consulted a copy of the 1912 work on pattern coins by Edgar H. Adams and William H. Woodin and found a somewhat similar piece listed, but as a pattern made in Philadelphia. There was no mention of an 1861-S coin. He concluded that the 1861-S was a new variety of pattern made—possibly by inadvertently using a pattern die—in San Francisco, as evidenced by the tiny "S" mintmark.
As time went on, coin collectors searched their holdings, quantities of $20 gold coins became available from Europe, and numismatic interest increased in $20 coins. It was found that the 1861-S Paquet Reverse $20, as it came to be known, was rare, but hardly unique. Today several hundred are known, most of which grade in the Very Fine to Extremely Fine range. Examples come on the market with some frequency, often not mentioning the interesting story behind the fascinating reverse. The demand for them is very strong. According to The Guide Book of United States Coins a VF-20 is valued at $35,000 and an AU-55 is valued at $115,000.
What other varieties of gold coins were found in Hull, Texas, in 1937? The information remains unpublished to this day. Often, when hoards and treasures of gold coins are found, the denominations and varieties are not recorded for history. This is true of gold coins found in 1935 in Tuskegee, Alabama, when workmen tearing down an old hotel found $185 face value in gold coins dated from 1834 to 1854 when they pried a mantle from a wall. It was conjectured that a fearful guest had hidden the money there during the Civil War. No account of the coin denominations or specific varieties was given.
To read the complete article, see:
A Strange 1861-S Gold $20 Found Under a Barn in 1937
An article elsewhere in this issue announces the new 4th Edition of American Silver Eagles from Whitman Publishing. Republished with permission is this article by Doug Nyholm in the January 2022 issue of The Mint Master from the Utah Numismatic Society. -Editor
Recently I met with a friend of mine who collects U.S. Silver Eagles by date, mint, and variety. Most people, collectors or otherwise I believe collect Silver Eagles, or for that matter other silver bullion issues for their silver content first, and then possibly, by their designs. Many countries or private mints produce many issues with a myriad of designs. Again, most are valued at their silver content or a slight premium above melt.
My friend had let his collection lapse for several years and wanted help inventorying what he had, and what was needed to complete his collection. We sat down with the current Red Book, the 3rd edition of the Whitman book published in 2017/18 on American Silver Eagles,
and several price lists. The announced 4th edition will be available later this month.
The American Silver Eagle which turned 35 in 2021 is one of the most popular and collected series of U.S. modern coins. The reverse design was changed mid-year 2021 and along with the present high demand for silver their popularity has taken a leap. There are about 100 different issues which one can collect which for a modern series makes collecting a complete set not only a challenge but an expensive endeavor, especially if one thinks that a MS or PR-70 set of modern coins is easy. Even in the more collectable grade of 69 one is looking at a price tag that can easily exceed $20,000!
Recently an article was published by Bullion Shark LLC
regarding the five rarest Silver Eagles. The first issue mentioned is of course the 1995-W Proof. This was originally available only as part of the 4 piece gold bullion set and was minted to extant of only 30,125 coins. Presently this coin is individually the highest priced issue which in Proof 69 reaches $3,500 but in Proof 70 can easily escalate to $15,000 or $20,000. When the first example graded PR-70 appeared it topped $50,000 but since then several other 70's have come forward somewhat reducing that price but with current interest in the set I would not be surprised to see the PF-70 price to increase.
Before commenting on the other rarities something needs to be said regarding certain condition rarities. With the onset of the series in 1986 and continuing through the year 2000 there are several very expensive and rare issues in Proof 70. The costliest dates are the 1993-P listed at $1,500 in Coin World Trends
while the 1994-P issue in PF-70 is not far behind at $1,250. Other issues during this period in PF-70 are routinely traded in the $300 to $600 range. Therefore if a collector is striving for a set in 70, it is possible, but somewhat expensive and your search will take some time.
Getting back to the classic rarities, following the 1995-W comes the rather recent issue of the 2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof coin. This special finish coins mintage is actually less than the 1995-W and comes in at a mere 29,910 coins minted. The value of this issue in PF-69 comes in at $1,500 and escalates to $2,500 in PF-70. This coin may be a sleeper and could easily increase as more collectors strive to complete a variety set. It does currently have the lowest mintage of any Silver Eagle.
The next coin on the rarity list is the 2008-W Reverse of 2007. Since this is a variety no official mintage is listed but according to the
Freedom of Information Act
information from the mint has its reported mintage of 46,318. MS-70 examples can exceed $1000. Next is the 2020-W V75 Privy Mark coin. This is the first and only Silver Eagle to carry a Privy Mark. The V75
was used to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II. This coin can also top $1000 in PF-70
In 2019 there were two Enhanced Reverse Proof coins issued. As earlier noted the 2019-S has the lowest mintage but the 2019-W Enhanced coin mintage is a low 99,675 which brings this issue to command a price of $250 in PF-70. It was issued as part of the US-Canada Price of Two Nations Set.
There are several other lower mintage issues which may pose a challenge to collectors but with a bit of patience they can be obtained. It may be time for collectors to stop looking at the U.S. Silver Eagles series as simply bullion issues and contemplate assembling a set. It appears that interest will continue to increase both collectability and value.
Two interesting and important medals were sold in the Heritage 2022 January FUN sale of Part V of the Alan V. Weinberg Collection. -Editor
1858 Dr. Frederick H. Rose Gold Lifesaving Medal
Hand-Engraved by Tiffany & Co.
Presented from the Susquehanna Crew
1858 Dr. Frederick H. Rose -- United States Steam Frigate Susquehanna Lifesaving Gold Medal. Uncertified. 77mm. 212.2 grams. Reportedly created in .900+ fine gold. Dr. Frederick Henry Rose (January 5, 1833 to March 31, 1873) was an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy stationed in Jamaica in early 1858 when the United States side-wheel steamer frigate Susquehanna pulled into the harbor at Port Royal, crippled by an outbreak of yellow fever that ravaged its crew. Dr. Rose gallantly volunteered to board the ship and care for the sick, which he did until the Susquehanna arrived for quarantine in New York on April 15, 1858. By that time the crew had experienced 155 cases of yellow fever, including 17 deaths.
The obverse is inscribed PRESENTED / TO / ASST SURGN FREDERIC H. ROSE, R.N. / BY THE REMNANT OF THE CREW OF THE / UNITED STATES STEAM FRIGATE SUSQUEHANNA. / WHO RETURNED TO THE UNITED STATES IN SAID SHIP / IN GOOD HEALTH, / AS A MARK OF THEIR APPRECIATION OF HIS GENEROUSLY / VOLUNTEERED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES / RENDERED THEIR SHIPMATES WHO WERE / AFFLICTED WITH YELLOW FEVER / APRIL 1858. The reverse, as described by the New York Times, features "a representation of the frigate Susquehanna at sea, with a circular border representing a cable, which is seen on both sides. The medal is beautiful in design, and most elaborate in execution, the whole being handsomely engraved. The weight of the medal is a little over five ounces."
Documentation from Alan Weinberg suggests this medal "remained in the possession of Surgeon Rose and his descendants" until 1959, when it was sold in London. It subsequently appeared in a Plaza Art Galleries Auction, where it was purchased by a New York City antique dealer, and then obtained by Joe Liptak of Teaneck, New Jersey about 1967-68 in partnership with Charles McSorley. McSorley later resold it to Alan Weinberg in 1974 for $5,000. See E-Sylum Volume 14, Number 30 (July 24, 2011) for more on the colorful story behind that sale.
To read the complete lot description, see:
1858 Dr. Frederick H. Rose -- United States Steam Frigate Susquehanna Lifesaving Gold Medal. Uncertified....
(1861) Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Frederick H. Rose
Unique in Gold, Julian-PE-29, Loubat-69
First Non-U.S. Military Recipient
(1861) Dr. Frederick Rose Congressional Gold Medal. Julian PE-29, Loubat-69. Uncertified. 76mm. 380.50 grams. Struck in .900 gold. A devastating outbreak of yellow fever on board the United States side-wheel steamer frigate S.S. Susquehanna prompted ship Captain Joshua R. Sands to dock at Port Royal (Kingston), Jamaica at about 8pm on the evening of April 5, 1858. British Admiral Sir Hewston Stewart, who was stationed at Port Royal, placed his Navy hospital at the disposal of the crew. In total, 85 crewmembers were taken in, where they stayed until they recovered. In the meantime, Stewart further approved the request of Royal Navy Assistant-Surgeon Dr. Frederick Henry Rose (born January 5, 1833; died March 31, 1873) to volunteer to board the Susquehanna. Rose had offered to care for its outpatient crewmembers during the ship's voyage back to the United States. Dr. Rose remained with the crew as they sailed from Jamaica to New York harbor, where the ship was detained in quarantine for 30 days after its arrival on April 15. In all, the ship experienced 155 cases of yellow fever and 17 deaths.
For his extraordinary courage and service, the crew of the Susquehanna presented Dr. Rose with a gold medal on May 6, 1858. It was engraved by Tiffany & Co. of New York City, with an ornate depiction of the Susquehanna at sea on one side, a personalized inscription on the other, and a roped border around. Miraculously, the Tiffany gold medal still survives as is also offered in the current auction as part of the Alan Weinberg Collection.
The first Congressional gold medal was awarded to none other than George Washington, commander of the Continental Army, after the passage of a Congressional resolution on March 25, 1776 (it took another 14 years before Washington received his gold medal). The next 29 Congressional gold medals awarded from 1777 to 1854 were all presented to United States military members, the likes of whom included Revolutionary War heroes and future presidents.
That tradition was broken on May 11, 1858, when Congress approved the presentation of a gold medal to Dr. Frederick Rose, the first non-U.S. military member awarded the United States' most distinguished recognition of public gratitude.
To read the complete lot description, see:
(1861) Dr. Frederick Rose Congressional Gold Medal. Julian PE-29, Loubat-69. Uncertified....
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Dix Noonan Webb is offering an interesting group of Indian Mutiny medals, including a Victoria Cross. Here's the press release. -Editor
The outstanding Indian Mutiny V.C. group of six awarded to Private Patrick Donohoe of the 9th Lancers, who at the Battle of Bolondshuhur on September 28, 1857, went to the aid of his severely wounded officer, will be offered by Dix Noonan Webb in their auction of Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Estimated to fetch £140,000-180,000, the group has not been sold on the open market for over 100 years and is being sold by an Overseas collector.
As Christopher Mellor-Hill, Head of Client Liaison (Associate Director), Dix Noonan Webb comments: We are pleased to offering one of the best Indian Mutiny VC's for auction. Donohoe was a cavalryman of probably the most distinguished cavalry regiment to serve in India, who joined the 9th Lancers from Ireland and he was unique in being awarded the grand slam of medals won by his Regt. for its 17years of continuous service in India. His VC action was earned in the thick of a battle of spears and swords that saw him rescue his commanding officer from certain death having being cut off from the rest of his party after being severely wounded in the action. Donohoe's group of medals represent the 9th Lancers complete history in India and after a full 25years with his Regt, he retired back home to Ireland.''
Regarding the 9th Lancers specifically, the Regimental History gives the following account of the Bolundshuhur action:?‘On the 28th, Lieutenant-Colonel Ouvry, riding well ahead of the main body with his cavalry, encountered a rebel brigade strongly entrenched in the village of Bulandshahr. The horse artillery opened fire on the hostile guns, but our infantry showed unusual timidity. "They could not be got, says Anson, "to look round a corner or to advance in any way. Ouvry therefore decided to rush the position with his cavalry alone, and, forming the 9th Lancers into threes, he says in his journal, I ordered them to charge through the main street. I went through with them myself. We passed through a shower of musketry from both sides of the houses. We met with no loss till we got to the other side of the city. There the enemy made a stand for the moment, but the head squadron charging, the rebels took to flight. We had no business to charge into the town, but I know that unless we did so they would have held the town against us.
?It was a most gallant exploit - no less than five Victoria Crosses were won during the course of it, by Lieutenant Blair, Trumpeter Kells, and Privates Donohoe, Roberts, and Jordan [Private Henry Jordan died of wounds shortly afterwards, and owing to the statutes in force at the time his V.C. would never be gazetted or awarded] - but the losses of the regiment were heavy in proportion. Captain Drysdale was badly hurt when his horse was shot under him, and Kells and Jordan won their V.Cs. by rescuing him. Lieutenant Blair was wounded in a fight with a band of rebel sowars, and owed his safety to Donohoe's heroism and coolness.'
Patrick Donohoe was born at Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland in 1820 and enrolled for the 17th Lancers at Dublin on June 12, 1839, giving his trade as ‘coachmaker'. On April 1, 1842, he transferred to the 9th Lancers, then authorized for India. After 25 years and 90 days service, on September 9, 1864, he was finally discharged in Dublin due to being unfit for further service [chronic bronchitis]. He died at Ashbourne, County Meath on August 16, 1876 and is buried in Donoughmore Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.
Donohoe was among a select group, unique to his unit, to be present at all three great military episodes of the rebellion - the Siege of Delhi, the Relief of Lucknow and the final capture of that city. The 9th Lancers was rewarded with thirteen V.C.s during the mutiny - a record for a single Victorian Campaign.
For more information, see:
Here's another rare and historically important medal group offered by Dix Noonan Webb. -Editor
An extremely rare, if not unique George Cross that was presented in 1940 for bomb disposal during the London Blitz will be offered by Dix Noonan Webb in their auction of Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Estimated to fetch £30,000-50,000, it is being sold by the recipient's family.
The group of five was awarded to Sub-Lieutenant J. B. P. Duppa-Miller, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, who was awarded the George Cross for his courage and skill in disarming a highly sensitive and dangerous magnetic mine in Barking Creek on September 23, 1940 during the Battle of Britain.
Sub-Lieutenant Miller and Able Seaman Tuckwell worked up the creek on the last of the ebb in a small rowing boat, and reached the mine by wading in the filth which one of London's main sewers pours into Roding River. The bomb-fuse and primer holder were taken out there and then; if the clock had started there could have been no chance of escape. They then tried to drag the mine from the mud on to a quay, but the ropes broke. Later, they lifted it by crane and completed its disablement. Both Duppa-Miller and Tuckwell were awarded the G.C. for the Barking Creek Mine operation.
Shortly afterwards in December, Duppa-Miller was confronted with a mine far more dangerously situated and presenting even greater personal risk. To render it safe it he would have to lie on his back in a pool of water on the viaduct outside the London Bridge Station, his face six inches from the fuse. If it began to tick, he had 22 seconds in which to remove himself. Twice the ticking started and twice he ran for his life. Both times it stopped. He returned after a cup of tea for a third attempt, conscious that their Lordships would regard this as a situation in which ‘damage could not be accepted' and decided this time he would have to stay under the mine. His luck held: fuse and primer both fell out and rolled away, and normal service was shortly resumed at London Bridge Station.
After disarming his fifteenth and last mine in Coventry, Duppa-Miller was recommended for a Second Award Bar to his G.C for the London Bridge mine by the First Lord of the Admiralty but, having been informed that ‘there could be no such thing as a Bar
to the Cross' - a decision he thought very reasonable - instead received a King's Commendation for Brave Conduct.
John Bryan Peter Duppa-Miller (born Miller) was born in 1903 at Stechford, Birmingham. He was the son of a city council lawyer and a scholar at both Rugby School and Hertford College, Oxford. He died at Somerset West, South Africa in 1994.
Christopher Mellor-Hill, Head of Client Liaison (Associate Director), Dix Noonan Webb commented: We are honoured to be asked to find a new home by the family for this outstanding George Cross. Whilst there were other GC's awarded for bomb disposal operations in WW2, this is the first one we have encountered where the recipient: Lt. Miller was recommended for a bar (a 2nd George Cross) for a further brave act during The London Blitz for which he was subsequently awarded the Kings Commendation for Bravery which still reflected his being honoured with a double gallantry award for his outstanding bravery.''
The medals will be sold together with a length of George Cross ribbon, contained in the George Cross case of issue together with the a note which reads as follows:
The ribbon in this box is King George VI's own personal sample, submitted to him for approval when he instituted the George Cross. My sailor George Tuckwell and I were two of the first recipient's of the Cross. When you went to the Palace to receive a decoration, you were supposed in those days anyhow, to put the ribbon up on your tunic in advance for some reason. As this decoration had only just been instituted, the ribbon was unobtainable, even at Gieves, the naval outfitters.?When the King heard this he gave me his own sample, told me to cut off what was needed for the others, and keep the rest as a memento for myself.?The George Cross ribbon, like the Victoria Cross ribbon, normally carries a miniature of the Cross (in this case silver, not bronze) in the centre.? At this early stage, no miniatures had been made so for some considerable time we wore the plain blue ribbon alone. And this is why there is no miniature on the King's sample.
John Miller GC. Note made July 13, 1973.
For more information, see:
This spellcheck-challenged post on CoinTalk caught my eye recently. The 1972 Democratic convention item (is it a token or a medal?) has a design that reminds me more than a little of the Continental dollar. Not a bad design. Is anyone familiar with these?
An interesting "token" with an odder "pedigree" 1st.. and most obvious it is a momento minted for the 1972 democratic convention in Miami. These coins were part of the early "recycleing" push in politics.. the coins are made from melted down crome/steel bumbers from detroit and then themselves cromed (poorly lol) they are 38.6mm the same size and thickness as a 1965 church hill crown
2nd pedigree, I purchased the full case (some 300+ coins) from a fleamarket coin dealer in Pensacola Fl. which were then used as poker chips 1st on the USS Portland LSD 39 then on the USS Pensacola LSD 38 (sister ships) and many games of poker were played during desert shield/desert storm I have a dozen or so left... can't tell you what happend to the other 300 for all I know they still on a US Navy ship playing poker lol
I reached out to Lori & Steve Ferber of Lori Ferber Collectibles. Steve writes:
"I've always thought of them more as souvenir coins than medals. A group of two recently sold for $7.00 on ebay. I have no reason to believe they were official."
To read the complete article, see:
An interesting "token" with an odder "pedigree"
One of my favorite U.S. historians is John Steele Gordon. He published a concise article this week on the history of a topic much in the news today - inflation. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
Money is just a commodity, no different than petroleum or legal services. Thus it can rise and fall in price. What makes money unique among commodities is that it is the only commodity that is universally accepted in exchange for every other commodity. That's why we have a special term for a fall in the price of money. We call it inflation.
Inflation is almost as old as money itself (coins date to about 650 BC). When Roman emperors began debasing their coinage, prices rose commensurately. The vast influx of gold and silver into Europe from the New World after the Spanish conquest caused about a 400 percent inflation over the course of the sixteenth century.
Financing wars by printing fiat money
— money that is money only because the government says it is money — has been responsible for much of the history of inflation. The Continental Congress issued no less than $225 million in continentals
between 1775 and 1779. Prices rose eightfold in those years. The phrase not worth a continental
became a part of the American lexicon for a century.
In the Civil War, the federal government raised about 12 percent of its revenue needs with greenbacks,
fiat money so-called because the reverse side was printed in green ink. Prices in the North rose about 75 percent as a result. The Confederacy had to meet about 50 percent of its revenue needs with fiat money. Prices rose 700 percent in just the first two years of the war and the Southern economy began to spin out of control, not the least of the reasons the South's bid for independence failed.
In modern times, World War II caused considerable inflation, but most of it was suppressed until wage and price controls were lifted at the beginning of 1946. In the late 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson tried to pursue the Vietnam War while simultaneously extending the New Deal with programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Head Start. The result was greatly increased government expenditures. Between 1965 and 1968, non-defense spending rose by a third, while defense spending rose 64 percent.
With most money by that time in bank balances, not coins and bills, the actual printing of money was no longer needed. Instead the Federal Reserve kept interest rates low by buying up federal bonds, printing the money in all but the actual printing. The effect was the same: inflation took off.
To read the complete article, see:
The inevitable return of inflation
This week's Featured Web Site is Nukistika, an online library of numismatic literature on Russian, Ancient Greek, Roman and World coins.
Old Books Library with over 200 titles to choose from in numismatic section only, numistika.com is a perfect place to start your research. Here you can find some valuable references and a wide range of materials, from some entertaining reading to the more specific and rare research works, which may satisfy interests of collectors and numismatists from beginners and to museum specialists.
Russian section is divided into several parts. Imperial Period (from Peter I to 1917) includes material on coins, medals, seals etc., and a few related works go into Soviet period. It contains a large body of works, thus, it is further divided into parts that host Biographies, General Works (history, technology, etc.), Descriptive and Auction Sale Catalogs. Early Russian Period (coins and medals) also contains a very comprehensive collection. A separate "History" part that is further divided to include general history from Russian ancient times to Nicholas II, history of a specific Monarch's rule, Heraldry and Classic works of Russian writers. The main focus of this site is Russian Numismatics, History and Literature, and as such, it enjoyed a full-bodied grows with all the additional materials and works submitted by Mr. V. Arefiev.
Ancient Greek, Roman and World coins sections also have some interesting materials and are worthy of visiting.
Presented books and other works are in different languages, but mainly in English, Russian, German, French, Latin, etc. I hope that this resource will be of help to numismatic community world wide.