Last 28 February 2023 was auctioned on eBay the "Ku Klux Klan Tokens" 2nd Edition (1981) by D. E. Birdsell (1920-1998).
but the eBay's lot also contained a letter signed by D. E. Birdsell requesting his buyers of the second edition of his catalog to destroy
the first printing of his publication. Here is a portion of D. E. Birdsell's letter to his customers:
TO: ALL RECIPIENTS OF Ku Kux Klan Tokens 1981.
Transmitted herewith, gratis, is a reprint of our most recent catalog.
Last month, on the same day of delivery by the printer and realizing everyone
was in a state of anxiety to receive the 2nd edition, we hastily inserted and
mailed to you. Immediately after, my dissatisfaction with the fact our new
printer had far from equalled the quality of our 1977 edition of Tokens led
me to a 'sit down' with that gentleman. Once a number of printing flaws were
pointed out and aired so did said printer agree to adjust with a new printing.
I have destroyed all copies here. I look to you with the expectation that
you will loyally honor my request that you forthwith (right now) rip up that
copy which you received last month. . .in favor of this new copy herewith.
In order to afford this printer and his press better/easier conditions, we reshot several illustrations which had not reproduced well. I now
invite your inspection, and hope you find improvement, on KK-101, KT-202,
KM-201-A,KM-203-A, KM-311, KK-2004, kk-1030, KK-2030 (and a couple of others).
The first printing last month marred literally every illustration with either
caked ink or too much water for a washed-out effect. I believe we now have
an overall improvement via a different, more experienced press foreman.
Again, please destroy your first received copy of Tokens, 2nd edition.
Finally, the work of an editor seems never-ending; there is always left the
empty feeling that more might have been written. See, data now with KK-203;
note following KK-203.5; added, KK-215-1; corrected typographical/proofreaders error in copyright number on KK-217 and KK-218; Km-1031, where a typesetter
thought to rewrite my copy. Corrected I misspelled word, "activating."
Again, please destroy your first received copy of Tokens, 2nd edition.
D. E. Birdsell (signature)
Are there any copies of the first printing of the second edition of D. E. Birdsell's KKK Tokens catalog that escaped
the destruction requested by the catalog's author?