About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Jeff Dickerson, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Jeff at this email address: treasurer@coinbooks.org SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale Calendar |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Thank you for reading The E-Sylum. If you enjoy it, please send me the email addresses of friends you think may enjoy it as well and I'll send them a subscription. Contact me at whomren@gmail.com anytime regarding your subscription, or questions, comments or suggestions about our content.
Oops! Last week I somehow managed to run last year's ad for Steve Davis's annual Numismatic Auctions, LLC sale. Sorry for the confusion. I sure think I got it right this time, but who knows what else I bumbled. Anyway, I included an extra copy of this year's ad in this week's email. See the article elsewhere in this issue with some selections from the sale, and be sure to browse the lots.
This week we open with two new books, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, notes from readers and more.
Other topics this week include the Morgan Dollar 1878 8 Tail Feathers (8TF) and 7 over 8 Tail Feathers (7/8TF) varieties, sample slabs, the American Numismatic Society, coin gift holders, the New Orleans Mint in the Civil War, clickbait numismatic headlines, pebbled surfaces, fixed price and auction previews, women on ancient coins, community currencies in Japan, and currency in science fiction.
To learn more about gold placer disks, gold pressed latinum, the Charleston Freedman Badge, the Numismatic Bug, Del Romines, Jim Johnson's "poor man's Eliasberg collection," a gold 'Zodiac' mohur, the ‘Gothic' crown of 1847, the Jewish Bath in Speyer medal, the Mint of Poland's levitating coin, and the "Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $49 Million USD," read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
Leroy C. Van Allen and Michael S. Fey have published a new book on Amazon Kindle on the story of the Morgan Dollar 8 & 7 over 8 Tail Feather varieties. -Editor
Morgan Dollar 8 & 7 over 8 Tail Feather Story
by Leroy C. Van Allen (Author), Michael S. Fey (Editor)
Sooner or later every advance collector/investor of Morgan silver dollars will gravitate toward 1878 8 Tail Feathers (8TF) and 7 over 8 Tail Feathers (7/8TF) varieties. Why? These silver dollars represent the first few weeks and months of production. They are considered by advanced collectors as the caviar
of silver dollars, the first ones of the new silver dollar design fresh off the press. They were struck with a higher relief than later silver dollars, and are often seen with beautiful one-sided or two-sided cameo proof-like (PL) and deep-proof-like (DMPL) strikes. They represent the some of the most appealing of the Morgan dollar series.
The striking of the new, untested design was fraught with many problems. Dies cracked under the pressure of striking, numerous die marriages exist, many different dies were hand engraved, mintages on many varieties were very small, designs were changed, and expedients were engaged to try to save costly dies and save time in order to meet a Congressionally mandated mintage of 2 million coins a month.
If you would love to own an 1893 S Morgan dollar, long considered to be the Key Date in the silver dollar series but couldn't afford the heavy price tag, then 8TF and 7/8 coins may be for you. Many of these Ultra Rare
die varieties are many times rarer than the 1893 S. Just look at the NGC and PCGS population report to compare. Yet, they can still be purchased at a fraction of the price. Better yet, you can still Cherrypick
these for common prices, often immediately increasing your asset value by many hundreds and thousands of dollars.
The genius of Leroy Van Allen is fully realized in this book. He does what no other numismatist did by peeling off the layers of how these silver dollars were produced 1878. This book, along with Van Allen's
Comprehensive Catalog and Complete Encyclopedia of Morgan & Peace Dollars
(Part 2), VAMworld.com, and the Top 100 Morgan Silver Dollar Varieties: The VAM Keys
, by Michael S. Fey, Ph.D. and Jeff Oxman are all you need to know to have more fun and become an expert Cherrypicker.
Happy hunting!
Michael Fey adds:
"This book really highlights the genius of Leroy Van Allen. It describes a tumultuous time in the history of the U.S. Mint when a new silver dollar type was launched under Congressional pressure to mint 2 million coins a month. He goes into incredible detail of how these coins were produced from patterns, then hubbed and rehubbed sometimes several times to give us the varieties, and Ultra Rarities we now know. I dare say that this reference, which is supported by numerous pictures and overlays is an incredible piece of work that, in ePub form, will be available inexpensively on their phone or computer for many generations to come!"
For more information, or to order, see:
Morgan Dollar 8 & 7 over 8 Tail Feather Story
A sample slab is a certified coin holder given away by a grading service as an example of its work. The 2nd edition of David Schwager's Sample Slabs catalog (pictured) was published in 2016, sold out and was reprinted in 2019. A third edition is being worked on by Burton Strauss. Here's some information about it. -Editor
First published in 2015, with a 2nd edition in 2016, the "Sample Slabs book was the first of it's kind.
Coverage includes Sample, Promotional, Club, Show, Luncheon, Novelty, and Young Numismatist Coin and Currency Holders. The second edition had 180 more listings and 300 more photos than the first edition, bringing the counts to 35 services, 760+ types and over 900 photos.
Future 3rd Edition As great as "the book" is, in 2022, it's a little long in the tooth. New samples are discovered almost every day. New companies are issuing samples. It's time for an update.
Given our assumptions of the number of new samples to be added, we expect will be splitting the third edition into two volumes:
By the time all of the new discoveries are included, each volume may be the size of the 1st edition of Sample Slabs book (445 pages) or even the 2nd edition (620 pages). Just from our personal collections, ANACS has grown from 79 types in the 1st edition, to 99 in the 2nd, and currently (updated: 2022-09-17) 165 types are in the database.
One of the recent developments in the slab world has been the growth of Production Slabs with various business names added to the label. Astute readers will notice we are clarifying the "Promotional" category to explicitly exclude these. To clarify what is in and out of the book, we have a short white paper available here.
New in the 3rd edition We will be better identifying the sources of samples using structured data to identify shows, clubs, and other issuers. We will be crediting the individual or site who reported the sample. And we will be making corrections to the 2nd edition text.
For issuers with multiple physical shells, (e.g. the ANACS SWH, curve-top, winged, and rounded bulk grading), the shell type will be identified.
Entries added or (substantially) revised will be identified by symbols: ?, ?, etc. Entries revised since they were first written are indicated by ?
International samples are being renumbered to eliminate substantial confusion - does C mean China or Canada? A second white paper (a chapter in the new book) is available here.
There will also be nine indexes to make it easier to use the printed (or .pdf) book:
Contributions Found something new? Want to contribute to the next edition of the Sample Slab book? You can email them to us at Discoveries@SampleSlabs.info. You may also download a Microsoft Excel template here, or a Google Sheets version here and email them to us.
Ordering Instructions on how to order the 3rd edition, release dates, etc. will be available shortly.
For more information, or to order (once published), see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
Newman Numismatic Portal Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report on a recent research discovery. Thanks. -Editor
Newman Portal Solves the Case of the Missing Gold Article
In the October 21, 2012 E-Sylum, Alaska dealer Dick Hanscom described a search for a long lost numismatic article that remained stubbornly lodged in his memory: I remember an article in Coin World or Numismatic News Weekly about a pressed disk made from placer gold. This would be in the years ownership of bullion was prohibited. Ownership of placer gold was legal, so this was a way to ‘fabricate' it into a more convenient form rather than gold dust. I have looked through Coin World from 1970 to 1975 (the years that I believe it would have been) but have not had the opportunity to look through Numismatic News Weekly.
Dick recently updated the Newman Portal collection of The Alaskan Token Collector and Polar Numismatist, contributing the years 2009-2023 to our online listing. An important file in this group is the 45-year index, covering the entire run of this publication since inception (1979). Dick mentioned to us his search for the article on gold placer disks, and we could not resist spending some time on the problem. Various search terms eventually pulled the needle out of the haystack, and we can now identify the article as Placer Gold ‘Disks' OKd by Treasury,
from the August 28, 1973 issue of Numismatic News Weekly.
The article summarizes a decision by the U.S. Treasury Department to permit the sale of coin-like objects formed by placer gold, as long as the placer gold was not melted or treated
and the objects were not marketed as coins or medals. Hence, the word disks
was used. Numismatic News Weekly noted The ruling followed an inquiry from Independence (Mo.) Coin and Mint, Co., which sought to market a ‘bonded ounce gold' of ‘pure natural placer gold about .840 fine, formed by pressure into a 28 mm disk, 5 mm thick.'
Now, can any E-Sylum readers find an image of a gold placer disk from the Independence Coin and Mint?
Image: Masthead of Numismatic News Weekly, August 28, 1973.
Nice work! Can anyone help with an image of an actual gold placer disk? The article included this artist's rendering, so be on the lookout. -Editor
Link to October 21, 2012 E-Sylum article on placer gold disks:
Link to The Alaskan Token Collector & Polar Numismatist on Newman Portal:
The David Lisot Video Library on the Newman Numismatic Portal can be found at:
We highlight one of his videos each week in The E-Sylum. Here's one from 2005 with Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan speaking about American Coin Collections at the American Numismatic Society. -Editor
American Coin Collections at the ANS
The American Numismatic Society is one of the oldest numismatic collector organizations in the world. Founded in 1858 the Society has some of the greatest collections of coins ever assembled. Hear the stories of the collectors who donated their numismatic holdings to this venerable institution from the ANS Executive Director, Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan. Speaker(s): Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan.
An excellent presentation, well worth watching. I was particularly interested to learn about Chief Pitalesharu's "Peace Medal," presented by the young ladies of Miss White's Seminary in Washington, D.C. -Editor
To watch the complete video, see:
American Coin Collections at the ANS
Newman Numismatic Portal Project Coordinator Len Augsburger forwarded this press release on a group of numismatic exhibits now on display at Washington University in St. Louis. -Editor
Washington University in St. Louis Hosts Numismatic Exhibits
Washington University's Olin Library announces seven numismatic exhibits that are now open to the public and will run through July 7, 2024. The library features such exhibits on a rotating basis, with recent installations covering the history of play money, World War II internment camp issues, and other subjects. In addition to exhibits, the library's numismatic mission includes the administration of the Newman Numismatic Portal, https://nnp.wustl.edu.
The exhibit Freedom Will Be Ours: Medals and Money in Black America, features a group of coins, medals, and tokens with varied connections to Black history. Loaned by John Kraljevich, the highlight of this group is an example of the Charleston Freedman Badge, issued by the city of Charleston, SC to free persons of color between 1783 and 1789. This piece is one of ten known and was recently discovered by a detectorist in the Charleston area.
Loaned by Wayne Homren, J. S. G. Boggs and the Meaning of Money explores the performance artist J. S. G. Boggs, who traded artistic representations of U.S. currency in exchange for goods and services. Boggs' work challenged the community, including law enforcement, with philosophical questions about the meaning and value of fiat money. In conjunction with this exhibit, Wayne Homren will speak on the life and work of J. S. G. Boggs on April 3, 2024, at Olin Library, room 142, at 5 P.M. This presentation is open to the public.
From the American Numismatic Association (ANA) in Colorado Springs, CO comes a group of Washington medals and tokens, primarily donated by Dwight Manley to the ANA and previously from the collection of William S. Baker, whose Medallic Portraits of Washington (1885) represents the first significant work focused on Washington-themed medals. This group views Washington through the lens of his military and political careers and his place in America's cultural identity. For this exhibit, Stuart and Maureen Levine loaned an example of the Washington Before Boston medal, representing the first medal commissioned by the Continental Congress, in 1776.
The John Max Wulfing Collection at Washington University, focused on ancient Greek and Roman coins, was donated to the university in 1928 and attracts scholarly interest from numismatists around the world. William Bubelis, Associate Professor of Classics, serves as Curator of the Wulfing Collection and has selected pieces that trace the evolution of coins from their origin in Lydia, c. 560-546 BCE, through the days of the Roman emperor Constantine I.
The display of Medals of American Independence accompanies two early copies of the Declaration of Independence already on exhibit at Olin Library, the Rhode Island Southwick broadside and the Rogers broadside from Massachusetts. Featuring pieces loaned by the Resolute Americana Collection, this display includes the Charles Cushing Wright Declaration medals, one of the finest works by an American engraver. The Libertas Americana medal, conceived by Benjamin Franklin, is additionally on exhibit and pairs with Franklin's printed Explication describing the medal, possibly the only copy in private hands.
The exhibit Eric P. Newman and Numismatics includes books and coins associated with the numismatic career of the St. Louis attorney, philanthropist, and collector Eric P. Newman (1906-2017, Washington University School of Law, ‘35). Lenders to this exhibit include Joel J. Orosz, Distinguished Professor of Philanthropic Studies Emeritus at Grand Valley State University, and Henry Warshaw, a member of the Washington University Board of Trustees. Among the items in this display is a copy of Matthias Sprengel's 1783 Historisch-genealogischer Calender, loaned by Stuart and Maureen Levine, which contains the earliest known depiction of the Continental Currency coin, a subject first explored by Eric P. Newman in 1952, in addition to the first illustration of the Libertas Americana medal.
Finally, the exhibit Digitization in Numismatics considers the various workflows of the Newman Numismatic Portal as it processes items in various media. The Newman Portal, managed by Olin Library within the department of Special Collections, Preservation, and Digital Strategies, was launched in December 2014 and includes 66,000 documents, representing over five million pages of numismatic content.
Looking for a getaway? Plan a trip to St. Louis and check out the exhibits. If you can be there April 3rd, come hear my talk - we'd love to see you there. -Editor
Craig Sholley and Harry Salyards submitted this reply to Bob Julian's notes last week on the fineness of the silver in early U.S. coinage and the exchange of U.S. silver dollars for Spanish dollars in the Caribbean. Thank you. -Editor
In response to RW Julian's comments re our brief note on Alexander Hamilton being right, we first wish
to note that we have seen no period document referencing the Bank of the United States
deposit Spanish dollars prior to 1805 or the agreement between Director Boudinot and the bank
president. Perhaps Mr. Julian could post links or photocopies of the documents to which he refers.
As to the Bank of the United States' rule
against depositing Spanish dollars, it must have been
several times prior to 1802. The very first deposit containing the notation Spanish dollars
(US Mint Records, Entry 113, available on NNP) was a mixed deposit of Spanish dollars and French
crowns on Oct. 6, 1800 amounting to $10,000.15.
According to the ‘Waste Books (Entry 38, also on NNP), the coins struck were delivered to the Bank of
the United States on Oct. 29, 1800 (the majority of the coins were obviously dollars since no half dollars
or quarters had been recently coined.) There are also a few other mixed deposits by the Bank of the
United States following the one noted. The Bank of the United States also made several deposits
specifically noted as Spanish dollars
in 1801 through 1805.
As far as Mr. Julian's calculation, estimates of the average weight of coins in a deposit can be tricky. Using Mr. Julian's example of the deposit of Jan 4, 1803, while his estimate of 415.72 does divide into the gross weight of the deposit to yield an approximately even number, so do other figures – such as 410.55 and 412.995. Thus, there is not much surety in such calculations alone. [For those who wish to have some fun with their own calculations, the gross weight of the deposit was 8660 troy ounces and 18 pennyweight or 8660.9 troy oz. 8660.9 x 480 grains per troy oz = 4,157,232 grains. Divide away.]
Mint documents provide clues as to as to the nature of Spanish dollars deposited at the mint. Section III
of the mint act
of Feb. 9, 1793 states that,
…all foreign gold and silver coins, (except Spanish milled
dollars, and parts of such dollars,) which shall be received in payment for monies due to the United
States, after the said time, when the coining of gold and silver coins shall begin at the mint of the United
States, shall, previously to their being issued in circulation, be coined anew…
The reason for excepting Spanish dollars was that they were both legal tender and the predominant coin circulating in the U.S. (both as dollars and cut coins). However, once they became excessively worn, they were no longer acceptable in commerce. Thus, it is far more likely that the Spanish dollars deposited at the mint were fairly worn rather than nearly new.
Nonetheless, regardless of which figures one uses, the amount of fine silver in those Spanish dollars was nowhere near 377 grains (our first main point) and that completely negates the proposition that U.S. dollars were traded in the West Indies for Spanish dollars supposedly containing far more silver and recoined at the mint at a profit (our second main point).
As far as the unrest in Spain and Mexico, the upset of the Spanish crown in Mexico meant that the Mexican mints no longer had to pay 20% to the Spanish crown for the minting privilege. As a result, Mexico had an even greater surfeit of silver coins than before and needed an outlet. One of those outlets was trade with the U.S. Supporting this view is the fact that private commercial banks, including the Bank of Pennsylvania, the Bank of North America, and several others, overtook the Bank of the United States in 1811 as major depositors of Mexican dollars (see Entry 113, Register of Silver Deposits on NNP).
Great discussion. Thanks, everyone. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
John Sallay submitted these notes and images on coin gift holders. Thanks! -Editor
In last week's E-Sylum, Bill Miller wondered about the age of the stamped brass coin gift holder in his collection, similar to one pictured in a January article by Victor Bozarth on the PCGS site.
Based on just the design and manufacturing style, Bill may be right that his coin gift holder dates from the mid-to-late nineteenth century. I believe, though, that these sorts of holders and perhaps even his specific holder were manufactured and used for gold coin gifts all the way into the early 1930s. And similar but less expensive cardboard cases were used for silver coin gifts for even a few more decades into the twentieth century.
Here are photos of a case similar to Bill's, made from the same dies, but with a slightly different hinge and clasp arrangement. It was given to my grandmother by her employer as a Christmas gift circa 1927-28, when she worked as a secretary for a company in Cleveland following her high school graduation, before she was married. The coin inside is a quarter eagle, but the depression in the plush velvet is sized for a half eagle, about 22mm. Maybe the higher-ups in the company were given the higher denomination coin that completely filled the hole.
I very much agree with Victor Bozarth about the importance of keeping coins, or at least medals anyway, in their original holders with as many of the associated documents as possible. I have scores, maybe a few hundred award medals where the original presentation case provides important information about the medalist, retailer, recipient, and/or historical circumstances surrounding the medal that otherwise would be lost. Andrew Wager gave a presentation at the UK Medallion Congress a few years ago on medal cases, and I wish more collectors appreciated the importance and value of cases, like him, Bill, and Victor (and me). It's an interesting topic even unto itself.
Amen, brother! Like all numismatic ephemera, original packaging can provide invaluable information not found anywhere else, and is a tangible connection to the people and events of the time. "It's not the complete package without the package." -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: FEBRUARY 11, 2024 : More on Coin Gift Holders
Art Kagin and the Good Old Days
Regarding last's week's video of a 2005 panel of luminaries trading stories of their early days in the hobby, master of ceremonies Ron Guth writes:
"I remember that presentation very well, especially Art's comment about adding a zero to a coin's value every ten years. I miss him...and those "good old days." It's hard to believe it's been almost 20 years since that video was made."
I think this every week, and need to say it more often - thank you, David Lisot, for your years of dedication to recording videos of numismatic events. These already are, and will continue to be, a great resource for future generations of numismatists. Thanks also to the Newman Numismatic Portal for acquiring and hosting this archive. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Pressing Older Bronze Pennies
Regarding elongated coins and pressed pennies, on our Flickr image archive, "RETRO_STU" writes:
"If going on holidays, I take along a handful of older bronze pennies in case I come across rolling machines. Don't like to use the modern copper-plated ones."
Think different! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
1940 Quarter Counterfeiter Michael Limatolo
Jim Haas writes:
"I enjoyed the counterfeiting piece because I recently came across an article, one of four, on the subject that piqued my curiosity. This a précis of what they contained.
"In June 1940, two NYPD detectives and Secret Service agent named Alexander Lieberman investigating activities of a ring they claim had flooded eastern states with more than $10,000 in counterfeit coins held a Greenwich Village, NY man, Michael Limatolo, 37, and his two step-daughters, Rae and Frances Carro (actually Cairo) on charges of manufacturing the coins. He had trained them to pass them in neighborhood stores. Limatalo was found tinkering with some molds, lathes and other equipment used in making the coins described as being unusually good and having a convincing ring.
His wife Angelina, who he had married in 1936 and unaware of his activities, called him a modern Fagan,
a reference to the Oliver Twist character who made kids steal for him. The story then disappeared, but the Atlanta Constitution published a photo of the haul. I wonder what transpired. Did he serve any time in jail or perhaps pay a fine with a few quarters he had lying around?
"According to information found on Ancestry.com, he stood 5'2, had arrived in 1920, was out of work in 1930, the Depression underway, and in addition to his counterfeiting enterprise, a fruit dealer in 1940. While he was arrested in June that year, he was able to register for WWII service on February 15, 1942. He must have liked living in the Village, as he was still living in the same apartment in 1950, but out of work. He died in 1988 and is buried in New Jersey."
Jim adds:
"The WWII registration card caused me to wonder how his having been arrested on what I perceived to be serious charges had no impact on his registration for WWII service on February 15, 1942. Was there no jail time or penalty handed down? Seems to me what he did was treated as a misdemeanor or maybe dismissed altogether. "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (the more things change, the more they stay the same). I used to teach French and have always appreciated the truth in this oft-quoted expression"
Thanks. Information on contemporary coin counterfeiters of any era can be hard to come by. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Christopher Baker and James Ricks of Atlas Numismatics have a question for our readers. -Editor
We were wondering if you or your readers might be able to assist us in searching for some information about a set of coins that we have been having some difficulty finding out about. We would be grateful if E-Sylum readers may have any details regarding: coin specifications, number of sets issued/mintages or examples of any original advertising literature showing when these were available for sale?
The coins are reproductions (modern restrikes) of classic French types issued circa 1972 by Monnaie de Paris and Numismatics International, a commercial operation which may have been based in Milan, Italy.
The coins are each hallmarked with three stamps: "1" and an "upside-down cornucopia" (gold and fineness) and a five-sided pentagon punch with geometric lines in the design (maker/assay mark?). These should confirm they were struck in 0.920 fine gold (jewelers note in use between c.1921-1997) however the pentagon punch could not yet be confirmed. In the case of the 10 Louis d'Or it was additionally stamped with an edition number matching a numbered certificate of authenticity with this coin.
A set of the five coins was housed in a fitted wooden case bearing the "NI" logo on the inside of the lid as well as a note of fineness "920/1000"
The set included each of these reproduction coins:
Thank you very much in advance for any help or assistance.
Can anyone help? -Editor
Tom Hoke submitted these notes on an interesting mislabeled record book from the New Orleans Mint. Thanks! Nice discovery. -Editor
One of the flaws in archiving history could be an error, or it could have been done on purpose.
If you want to research what happened at the New Orleans Mint while the mint was still under Federal Control before it was turned over to the state of Louisiana and subsequently to the Confederacy, as the Civil War got underway April 13, 1861, it is easy to learn the remaining records can be found in Ft. Worth, Texas at the National Archives and Records Administration in a large leather-bound book called the "Gold Book" because it contains the details for all jewelry and gold transactions for many years.
Written page by page by hand in a beautiful script style, the "Gold Book" provides an accurate and precise record of the yearly and monthly day by day exchanges of gold and jewelry for the New Orleans mint.
The index label on the cover of the book indicates the contents inside are for the period 1850-1860, and this is reflected on the internet in the main link to the National Archives, so anyone wanting to review what happened in the New Orleans mint just before the Civil War began bypasses this beautiful book because they are interested in 1861.
I visited the National Archives Records Administration in Ft. Worth, Texas looking for information in 1861, and I was disappointed to see the label showed the contents only to 1860.
I opened the thick book anyway. The first page showed exchanges for January, 1860. I turned to the second page and it showed exchanges continued in sequence, but the date, carefully written in was for January, 1861. The pages for January, 1861 followed, with all the exchanges in numerical order.
That made me curious. Why would someone create a first page with an incorrect date of 1860, then in a book containing every single hand-written detail which was flawless and beautifully presented, make such an obvious error which failed to show the "Gold Book" really covered January 1, 1861 up to January, 14, 1861?
So far, so good. Roger Burdette notes "This is a relatively common cataloging error made when the materials were collected (1930s) and consolidated at GSA in Washigntion, D.C. NNP has RG104 E-11 Box 40 Nov 18 1859 - Nov 22 1862 (New Orleans Mint)."
In 1994 Tom wrote "The New Orleans Mint Treasure," available on Amazon Kindle. This story prompted his visit to the archives. -Editor
Did anything happen in January, 1861 that was important? Looking at each page it was easy to realize tens of thousands of British Sovereigns were flooding into the bank in exchange for $20 United States gold double-eagle coins! Someone connected to the banking system which took credit in United States gold was sucking all the gold possible from the mint before the Civil War started.
Interestingly two individuals had worked together at the New Orleans mint on construction projects in 1858 to 1860. Those two friends, Beauregard and Duncan, were important in the Civil War. General Beauregard started the Civil War by firing on Ft. Sumpter, and General Duncan, a Superintendent of Public Works was an officer of the New Orleans mint who exchanged British sovereigns for almost all the gold in the mint, which he buried along Harbor Drive West of Waveland, Mississippi.
I have sent a correction for the labeling to the National Archives.
Yes, January, 1861 does matter!
I'll be curious to hear what readers know about the gold treasure story. -Editor
For more information, or to order Tom's book, see:
The New Orleans Mint Treasure
Some numismatic research questions can be resolved quickly. One of them played out this afternoon, when Central States Numismatic Society President Mitch Ernst forwarded to me and Newman Portal Project Coordinator Len Augsburger this message from website visitor Terry Crain, with the subject line "1964 copyrighted coin". -Editor
"I am a Beatles researcher and author (Beatles U.S. memorabilia, etc.). I have an odd but intriguing question:
"A copyright was issued on Nov 18, 1964, for a "Numismatic Bug. [Dimensional Beatle-like.]" It was copyrighted to a Bettye J. Klauss, who I believe was a member of the Evansville Numismatic Club at that time.
"I was wondering if any of your members had an image of this piece, or if an image exists in your archives. I am curious because it was listed as 'Beatle-like.'
"Any information or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!"
Len responded:
"A related page from the October 1963 Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine is attached. This content is not related to the music group but is rather a comedic send up of over-enthusiastic coin collectors.
"A related token seems to have been produced from this idea and was marketed in the January 1965 issue of Coins magazine (ad attached). The coin craze
sweeping the country at that time was intense, strong enough to support the sale of what we today consider to be a somewhat goofy promotional item.
"The copyright number is GU38095. The copyright office in Washington, DC can probably supply a copy of the application for a small fee. I'm guessing the application will describe the item in the ad, but you would have to get a copy to verify."
"That's IT! I have the copyright from The Library of Congress, and the copyright numbers match! Thank you so much for your info and research! This made my day!
"It is much appreciated!"
So now - who's got one of these Coin Bug items? And who was the manufacturer? -Editor
Terry adds:
"If anyone comes forward with an image of their own, I would love to see it.
"By the way, this research is for my newest book I'm working on..."Copyrighting The Beatles." I am listing all the Beatles and Beatles-related copyrights in The Library of Congress and telling stories about them.
"I seem to be drawn to wacky things, because my first book was about all of the weird and wacky licensed Beatles memorabilia items (dolls, games, jewelry, clothes, etc.) that were on the shelves of Woolworths and others from 1964-1966. This "bug coin" fits right in!"
To visit Terry's website, see:
So what numismatic Beatle items are out there - tokens, medals etc.? I'll bet there are some, with or without copyrights.
Wait - this just in - Pete Smith reports that one of the coin bug items recently sold on eBay. Poor photos, though. At least we know these do exist. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Vintage Universalis Numismatica Domestica Military Order Of The Cootie Lapel Pin
Pete also located this article from The Press Tribune, Roseville, California, for December 16. 1964. Thanks! -Editor
One of the things I love about The E-Sylum is how we can hear directly from experts in the field and people who were there in the room when numismatic history happened. These first-person accounts are invaluable, which is why headlines such as "I'm the WSJ's Tax Columnist. Here's How I Tackle My Own Taxes" draw interest from readers.
But to piggyback on this natural instinct, spammers and clickbait headline writers (or their robots) have glommed onto this by falsely claiming first-person authorship, such as in this breathless numismatic headline from The U.S. Sun: "I found ‘silver-looking' pennies in the reject slot of a Coinstar machine – turns out they're worth up to $108,000." -Editor
COIN expert Eric Miller revealed the value of silver pennies after someone found a handful of them in a Coinstar machine.
An anonymous Reddit user shared a photo of silver-looking pennies that they found in the reject slot of one of the coin-counting machines.
They asked if they were worth anything, and Miller had some good news for them.
On his TikTok (@thecoinchannel) he shared a video saying, "Oh man, this is an awesome find."
The coins weren't silver but rather steel pennies, which were minted in 1943 due to wartime shortages of copper.
"There are actually three very important ways steel pennies are valuable," Miller said.
The finder of the coins was some random unnamed Reddit poster, not the author of this piece. And of course, none of the coins *IS* worth $108,000 - the other slimy clickbait part of this is the weaselly "they're worth up to..." phrase. Sure, maybe if the coin is an authentic rarity, third-party graded, MS-70 with stars, pluses and CAC-stickers galore, has a famous pedigree and sells in a top of the market bidding frenzy. Yeah, and with my Publisher's Clearinghouse entry, I "may already be a millionaire." These actual, common well-circulated pieces? Not so much.
Mind you, I'll repeat what I've written before, that these Sun pieces actually present decent numismatic information, and do give the general public an idea of what to look for when searching coins. It's the presentation and headlines that make my skin crawl. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
SILVER LINING I found ‘silver-looking' pennies in the reject slot of a Coinstar machine – turns out they're worth up to $108,000
To read a REAL article about a REAL person who REALLY FOUND a valuable coin in a CoinStar reject slot, see:
Then there are the fact-free robot-generated bullshit articles on sketchy content-farm sites that pop up because they have a few keywords in common with other webpages you've visited, like the "Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $49 Million USD." -Editor
To read the complete articles, see:
Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $49 Million USD: 9 More worth over $799,999 Gems
Eight Rare Dimes And rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $82 Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation
Here's another entry from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Pebbled Surface. A background texture of raised dots or tiny hemispheres, each of which is called a BOSS. This form of texture can be made by modeling or by the use of the dapple tool in the negative model or in the die, or by a puncheon with an incuse cupped hemisphere. The Japanese developed this surface to a high degree for tsubas, they called this texture "fish roe surface" (nanako), where the bosses were as small as one-hundredth of an inch diameter. A pebbled surface is the opposite of dappled surface (where the dots are sunken indentations). See dapple tool, dapple surface.
To read the complete entry on the Newman Numismatic Portal, see:
Pebbled Surface
E-Sylum Feature Writer and American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this article on numismatic author Del Romines. Thanks! -Editor
When I interviewed Del Romines, he estimated that his collection in 1990 included about a half-million coins and he continued collecting. Would that be the largest American coin collection?
Romines was born in Slick Rock, Kentucky, on November 8, 1935. He was the son of Carlos Winston Romines (1909-1993), a farmer, and Eula Mae Carter (1907-1991).
In 1944, he found a small magnifying glass in a box of Cracker Jacks and began to study coins in detail. In 1948, he discovered the 1943/2 Jefferson nickel but had difficulty getting worn pieces authenticated. The variety was not confirmed until 1971 when a high-grade specimen was found.
Romines served during the Korean Conflict before attending business college from 1955 to 1957. In 1957 he returned to active duty in the military.
In 1962, he discovered the 1942/1-D Mercury Dime. Then his numismatic study was interrupted by the Vietnam War 1967 to 1970. Romines served 27 months in Vietnam and flew more than 400 missions as an aerial observer. He received an Air Medal with 17 Oak Leaf clusters.
In 1970, he was an ROTC instructor at Culver Military Academy in Indiana. He was married to Joyce Ann Smith on November 24, 1971. They had a daughter, three sons and a step-son.
He left military service in 1971 and worked as a supervisor with Phillip Morris Industries until 1975. Then he worked as a metal fabrication instructor for a branch of the U. S. government 1975 to 1989. He retired February 14, 1989.
He was named the ANA Outstanding Adult Advisor in 1981. He was named a Numismatic News Numismatic Ambassador in 1988. In 1994 he was inducted into the CONECA Hall of Fame.
Romines was a specialist in the minting process and has discovered thousands of die varieties. He served on the board of directors of CONECA in 1983 and as an authenticator for die varieties.
Romines was also an expert on hobo nickels and wrote the book, Hobo Nickels, Prisoner
Nickels, Shop Tokens, Modern Engravings published in 1982. An updated version was published
in 1996 as The Hobo Nickel by Joyce Ann Romines, wife of Del.
He produced crude dies for exonumia including his personal Hobo Token
in December 1981.
He produced a token in 1982 to promote sale of his book. In 1983 he produced a four-piece set of
1 5/16 medals in copper, nickel, brass and aluminum for the error coin Museum and a
rectangular piece 2 x 1.5 inches struck in copper. In 1984, he produced a 20 th anniversary medal
for the Metropolitan Coin Club of Atlanta. His pieces are easily recognized for their crude die
work but have a certain charm because of it.
In 1991 he contributed a four-part series of articles to The Numismatist defining five dies states that indicate the extent of die wear while dies are in use.
By 1992 he had identified 54 different dies used to produce doubled die 1946 Roosevelt dimes.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here by beginning collectors who search for double die
coins. Since this is not a Red Book
variety the distinction is insignificant for most collectors
and there is no premium added to the value.
His collection included die varieties, die states, die breaks, doubled dies, repunched mintmarks and errors. Much of what he found are minor varieties that would be ignored by most collectors. Age and poor health caused him to give up his study. He sold his coins to two dealers and moved to Louisville, Kentucky in 2001.
He was ill for several years before his death in Louisville on October 1. 2013. I didn't see a death
notice in The Numismatist Coin World or The E-Sylum. I found his obituary on the web while
doing research on large coin collections.
To read the full obituary, see:
Delma Kenneth "Ken" Romines
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Pete Smith's question about the largest collection(s) in the U.S. prompted these responses from readers. Bern Nagengast submitted these notes on Jim Johnson and his "poor man's Eliasberg collection." Thanks! -Editor
Here's a story about what might be called a poor man's Eliasberg collection. The late James G Johnson Jr. (1909-1992), who readers may remember as author of Coin World's
Fair to Very Fine
and Collectors Clearinghouse
columns, assembled one of the most complete US coin collections before he passed away. Jim joined Coin World as associate editor in 1960, retiring in 1974. He started collecting coins in the late 1940's and at some point decided to assemble a collection of every regular issue circulation coin listed in the Redbook
, starting in 1793 (no varieties or proofs).
Jim explained that the only way to make this affordable was to restrict it to the lowest collectible grade and limit it to half cents through silver dollars. By the time he passed away he had completed the collection missing only three coins – 1823 quarter and 1796 and 1797 half dollars. He had given up on those three because they had gotten too expensive in any grade for me to afford them
. Keep in mind that this was done on his modest salary while raising a family.
Jim at one time owned a circulated 1894S dime and did extensive research on that issue. Jim displayed some of his collection at a meeting of the Shelby County Ohio Coin Club in the 1980's and was asked about the 1894-S dime. Jim's reply – I sold it because it became too valuable to own
Much of his modern coin collection portion was assembled from searching rolls of coins, including Morgan and Peace Dollars. For many years he would cash his paycheck in silver dollars and was able to eventually find every date and mint at face value, especially after the massive Treasury releases of the 1960's. Jim was very private about his collection, but was known for his extensive numismatic knowledge and his willingness to share it.
Bern supplied Johnson's photo and this image of his circulated 1894-S, known as "the ice cream cone dime." Thanks. -Editor
In a 2017 E-Sylum article, Tom DeLorey wrote:
"James G. Johnson was the founding Editor of Coin World's Collectors Clearinghouse page in 1960. I had corresponded with the department for many years before joining it in 1974, and had visited it several times and knew both Johnson and his Assistant Editor, Ed Fleischmann.
"Johnson was known in the hobby for having assembled a complete set of regular issue non-gold U.S. coins in circulated condition, including a well-worn 1894-S dime! He did not care about condition, partly because he had collected for many years on a teacher's salary before hearing loss had forced him to retire from that profession and offer his numismatic services to CW. He did not care how bad a coin was, so long as he had the date and mint mark represented.
"Fast forward to an ANA convention in Denver, where I was working for Harlan Berk. A gentleman came up to the table with an 1802 half dime that was almost slick from wear, but which had become bent a bit in circulation in just the right way that the date was clearly preserved. After looking at it I told the gentleman that the coin was not for us, but that I had once worked with a gentleman whose collection it would have been perfect for.
"After describing the collection I gave the collector's name, James G. Johnson. Startled, the man burst out "That was my father!" We laughed and shook hands and spent a while reminiscing about Jim!"
Bern adds:
"I had heard that Jim's son had been slowly disbursing the collection after his mom passed away, and Tom's comment does point to that. I always wondered what happened to the collection. Incidentally I moved to Sidney in 1972 and became acquainted with Margo Russell, Jim Johnson, Ed Fleischman, Marilyn Tiernan, Russ Rulau, Courtney Coffing and the rest of the Coin World staff. And later Tom Delorey and Dave Alexander. And Leroy VanAllen who was not part of the CW staff. (I run in to him periodically at the Sidney Post Office!) I greatly admired all of them for their numismatic expertise and particularly for their generosity in sharing their knowledge."
Pete Smith himself adds:
"E-Sylum reader Franklin Noel called my attention to two items on the websites of grading services.
NGC certified more than 7,500 coins, tokens and medals from over 100
nations from the remarkable collection of Eric P. Newman, a renowned American numismatist. It
comprises some of the greatest rarities in all of numismatics, including a 1792 Washington
President Pattern gold eagle. (www.ngccoin.com)
"August 17, 2022: Professional Coin Grading Service (www.PCGS.com) has been chosen by
Stack's Bowers Galleries to grade the Sydney F. Martin Collection, a cabinet of more than
15,000 rare coins spanning four centuries. The collection consists of many rare and seldom-seen
treasures owned by the late Sydney F. Martin, a celebrated collector and author who wrote five
books on early American coins.
"These represent the modern era where entire collections are certified prior to auction. The Martin collection had twice as many coins certified as the Newman collection."
George Cuhaj writes:
"Pete Smith's question got me thinking, Edward T. Newell of ANS fame, upon his death transferred some 87,000+ mostly Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic coins into their collection (1944.100 is the donation prefix). But throughout his lifetime, donated 20,000 more.
"Archer M. Huntington also of ANS fame had his collection of some 37,000+ coins gifted to the Hispanic Society of America, which loaned it to the ANS while in residence at the Audubon Terrace complex. now partially dispersed."
Thanks, everyone! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
An Encounter With an 1802 Half Dime
Here's a press release with results of CNG's Triton XXVII sale from last month's New York International Numismatic Convention. -Editor
A rare gold coin struck by the last independent Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt sold for a staggering $245,000 as strong demand for rare and important ancient, world and British coins drove prices in Classical Numismatic Group's Triton XXVII Auction, held live in New York City and online January 9-10, 2024, to double the $5.5 million presale estimate, reaching a total of $11.1 million for the 1300-lot offering.
Two follow-up internet auctions, Triton XXVII Sessions 5 and 6, held January 17-18, also better than doubled their presale estimates to bring the total, bringing the total two-week haul to $12.5 million.
The overall results point to continued strength in the market for top-quality ancient Greek, Roman,
Byzantine, World and English coins, said David Michaels, CNG's director of consignments and shows. We are
in the midst of a true bull market for historical numismatic rarities, and it shows no sign of abating,
he noted.
The Egyptian gold stater, lot 366, was struck by Nektanebo II, Pharaoh from 361 to 343 BC, had
stamped on its surfaces the hieroglyphic symbols of a horse prancing right and a pectoral necklace draped
around a human heart, translated as good gold
in the ancient Egyptian language. The rare coin is the only
gold piece struck by the Pharaonic state during a brief revival of native rule before it was reconquered by the
Persian Empire.
Many other ancient Greek coins also far exceeded their presale estimates, including lot 119, a silver
stater of Abdera depicting an artistic rendering of the weary Herakles,
which reached $171,500; lot 74, a
beautiful gold stater of Syracuse in Sicily pedigreed to the famous Garrett Collection, which attained $122,500;
and lot 83, a large silver oktadrachm of the Syracusan king Hieron II, which brought $91,850 after spirited
bidding. All prices quoted include the 22.5% buyer's premium.
Ancient Roman coins made another strong showing, including lot 719, a Judaea Capta
type gold
aureus of the Emperor Vespasian, which reached a stratospheric $159,250; lot 818, a dynastic gold aureus of
the Roman Emperor Caracalla depicting his parents Septimius Severus and Julia Domna on the reverse, which
brought $79,625; and lot 476, a beautiful silver cistophorus of Augustus Caesar depicting the emperor's signet
ring seal, a winged sphinx, on the reverse, which achieved $67,375.
World coins also showed continued strength, highlighted by a trio of coins struck by the Mughal
Emperor Jahangir, who ruled India 1605-1627. These included lot 1139, a gold Zodiac
mohur depicting the
astrological sign Gemini the twins, which brought $91,875; lot 1137, a second Zodiacal issue showing Taurus
the Bull, which achieved $70,437; and lot 1136, a Bacchanal
issue depicting the emperor drinking from a
wine cup, which reached $61,250. Outstanding British coin results included lot 1285, a pristine gold Noble of
Edward III, which brought $42,875, and lot 1305, a gold 5 guineas of Charles II dated 1679, which reached
These results bode extremely well for CNG's next Feature Auction, CNG 126, scheduled for May 28-29,
2024, Michaels said. If you would like to see your coins showcased in this world-class auction, please get in
touch with us right away, as the deadline is February 15,
he added.
Classical Numismatic Group LLC is the foremost U.S. numismatic firm dealing in Ancient, World and British coinage. For more information about consigning to CNG Feature Auction 127, or to receive a printed catalog of the sale, write to CNG@cngcoins.com or call (717) 390-9194.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Numismagram's Jeremy Bostwick sent along these four medals from his most recent upload of new material to his site. For all of the new items, please visit https://www.numismagram.com/inventory. -Editor
102747 | UNITED STATES & GERMANY. Christopher Columbus/Columbian Expo Souvenir bronze Medal. Issued 1893 for the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America (50mm, 42.14 g, 12h). By Mayer & Wilhelm in Stuttgart. CHRISTOPHER COLOMBUS / BORN 1456 DIED 1506, half-length bust of Columbus facing slightly left, holding charts; all within wreath / SOUVENIR WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO, U.S.A. 1892-1893, two female allegories (Italia and America) to right, one seated and one standing, pointing at a distance to left over the expo ground; Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria on horizon to left with rising sun; above, crowned coat-of-arms of Italy with griffins as supporters; in two lines in exergue, 1492–1892 / IV. CENTENNIAL. Edge: Plain. Eglit 55; Rulau B6A; cf. Bernd Kaiser V, 128 (white metal). Gem Mint State. Rich brown surfaces, with great brilliance in the fields. $275.
During the lead-up to the quadricentennial of Columbus's initial contact with the New World, numerous medals were designed and struck, both in the United States—in conjunction with the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago—and abroad, sometimes for this event or for similar others.
To read the complete item description, see:
102747 | UNITED STATES & GERMANY. Columbian Expo Souvenir Bronze Medal.
102712 | UNITED STATES & BRAZIL. Theodore Roosevelt & Rodrigues Alves bronze Medal. Issued 1906. Commemorating the 3rd International American Conference (45mm, 41.54 g, 12h). By E. E. Lindauer for Agry in Paris. PRES THEOD ROOSEVELT / U S AMERICA / 1906 PRES RODRIGUES ALVES / E U BRAZIL, jugate busts of Roosevelt and Alves each facing slightly left // TERCEIRA / CONFERENCIA / INTERNACIONAL / AMERICANA / RIO DE JANEIRO / BRAZIL / 1906 in seven lines. Edge: Plain. Fuld RO.1906.2 var. (silver). Choice Mint State. Olive-brown matte surfaces. Includes original roundelle of issue. A scarce Latin American-related issue bearing the portrait of Teddy Roosevelt. $195.
Building upon the progress with Mexico, which came from the 2nd International American Conference, the 3rd took place in Rio de Janeiro and served to further strengthen ties between the United States and her southern neighbors in the hemisphere. On this French-produced medal, Roosevelt is presented similarly to how he was depicted on a 1902 silver medal featuring him along with Prince Heinrich of Prussia.
To read the complete item description, see:
102712 | UNITED STATES & BRAZIL. Roosevelt & Alves bronze Medal.
102665 | SWEDEN. Carolus Linnæus (Carl von Linné) bronze award Medal. Issued 1907 as a prize medal for the Swedish Academy [unawarded] (66mm, 134.72 g, 12h). By E. Lindberg. CAROLUS • LINNÆUS • NAT • MDCCVII • OB • MDCCLXXVIII around medallion containing bust right; floral branches below and around, with radiant royal Swedish arms to left and doves to right; in four lines in exergue, MEMORIAM • BISÆCULAREM / PIE • CELEBRANS / R • ACAD • SCIENT • SUEC • / MCMVII // E • TENEBRIS • TANTIS • TAM • CLARUM • EXTOLLERE • LUMEN • QUI • PRIMUS • POTUIT, serene wooded scene with Linnæus seated right, in act of contemplation; rising sun in background; below. small plaque left blank for engraving. Edge: Plain. Ehrensvärd 67. Choice Mint State. Olive-brown surfaces. $195.
The father of modern taxonomy, Carl von Linné was a Swedish biologist and physician who formalised binomial nomenclature—essentially the modern system of naming organisms. The Swedish Academy thus commissioned this medal from the hand of Erik Lindberg to be used as a prize medal for the academy.
To read the complete item description, see:
102665 | SWEDEN. Carolus Linnæus (Carl von Linné) bronze award Medal.
102667 | SWEDEN. Jakob Adlerbeth silver Medal. Issued 1927. Commemorating the life of the archaeologist (45mm, 47.13 g, 12h). By E. Lindberg. JAC • ADLERBETH • NAT • MDCCLXXXV • OB • MDCCCXLIV, bust right // Charioteer, holding thunderstruck hammer, driving biga of rams left; in foreground, runestone upon which rests a lyre; in two lines in exergue, FIDE • NEPOTUM / GOTHIA • REDUX. Edge: SILVER 1927. Mintage: 150. Ehrensvärd 279. Choice Mint State. Deep gray surfaces, with a charming matte nature. $195.
Son of the famous writer and politician, Gudmund Jöran Adlerbeth, Jakob Adlerbeth became a prominent archaeologist and founder of the Götiska förbundet (Gothic covenant), a literary society promoting Nordic romanticism.
To read the complete item description, see:
102667 | SWEDEN. Jakob Adlerbeth silver Medal.
Steve Davis of Numismatic Auctions LLC is holding Sale 68 this month. Here are some selections. -Editor
Lot 1: US 1787 Massachusetts 1/2 Cent & Cent Evanson Copy Pair. Lustrous mostly Red Brilliant Unc, cpl tiny spots/fingermarks. 2 coins.
Nice copies. Can anyone tell us more about Evanson? -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 67: US 1913 T-2 Buffalo Nickel. Rainbow Toned Choice Unc in Blevins & Bodway/Superior Galleries Custom Capital holder, Ex: Superior Galleries 1988. Neat example!
Impressive custom holder - interesting collectible in itself. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 124: US 1880-S Morgan Dollar 5-10% Off-Center Error. Appearance of 10% off-center strike to the eye, yet would likely certify as a 5% to 7% off-center at PCGS. Original toned iridescent pale gold and gunmetal superb Gem Unc, technically pristine and virtually mark free, no doubt among if not the finest known. Rare error and grade. Set aside by a Federal Reserve employee a generation or more ago. A rare opportunity to buy the most exquisite of toned Morgan Dollar error coins! Nice trophy coin for the Morgan Dollar specialist.
Steve adds:
"It came in from an estate of a Federal Reserve staffer of the 1930s-1950s era, purchased out of the till
at face value as they say, while on the job scanning for coins for his collection according to the family. I spoke with retired longtime expert Fred Weinberg on this piece and he believes it to be one of the finest toned examples he is familiar with on the date and mint. It is a stunning coin, what a perfect cheek! It is a fresh find to the market and has never been submitted by anyone for grading, it came in good company with 1879-CC, 1889-CC, 1893-CC, 1893-S examples, even a handsome 1895-O and a beautiful 1916-D Mercury Dime, all bought at face over the years while this collector worked at the Federal Reserve.
"Not only is this a great coin, but the provenance and story of this piece just makes it even better!"
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 416: US 1967 Federal Land Banks System Large Bronze Medal Rarity. D1967-2a. Olive to golden-brown EF with a few scattered darker spots, primarily on the obverse. This piece is desirable as it has not been mounted as most were. Trace of vinyl haze, yet sharply defined and very presentable. From the Dan Freeland National Commemorative Medal Collection. ($300-500)
Quite plain, yet interesting relief. I hadn't seen this one before. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 441: US Alaska, Fort Davis Post Exchange $1.00 Good For Token, ND(c.1900-1921). Aluminum, Square, 25mm. Unlisted in Benice, this being a new discovery and unique. Features ten "H" counterstamps for Company H, 10th Infantry Regiment which was stationed there in 1906. Virtually EF from a standpoint of wear and original surfaces. The highest known denomination in the series. An outstanding Gold Rush Era Alaskan Token from the Nome locale. Sure to create some excitement in the collector market! ($1500-2000)
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 523: Canada Pre-Confederation Magdalen Islands Fisheries Penny Token 1815. Br-520, KM-Tn1, LC-1, Smooth medium brown Fine-VF.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 822: Chinese & Regional Issue Massive Lifetime Specialized Currency Collection. Includes a vast array of Imperial to WWII, Japanese Puppet States, ROC, PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and more. A wide range of mostly different types, banks, issuers, denominations and varieties nearly all attributed and carefully assembled over a 40-50 year period by a U.S. Military Veteran through his career of prolific travels overseas. Features highlights such as a rare Kwangtung Currency Bureau 1 Dollar/Dragon Dollar Note, c. 1905, P-S2388, Fine appearance with nice color, some thins, seps and old repairs but still very presentable, along with a huge number of other notes both scarce and common types with depth in Pick sub-varieties, along with a handful of moderns and a few novelty/fantasy notes. Avg circ to Gem CU, some scattered examples with impairments, tape/repairs, notation, stains, etc. In person inspection highly recommended. Housed in two large binder albums and one People's Bank of China Fifth Set RBM in display book. An outstanding opportunity for the specialist. Over 650 notes! ($2000-4000)
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 1059: Haiti 2 Centimes, 1881. KM-43. Golden Red to RB Choice to Gem Unc, a slight blush of toning obverse, an almost Specimen-like appearance and possibly Specimen or struck with Proof dies as elements of mirrored fields and a square edge present themselves. Rare grade in either case. ($150-200)
To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 1325: Philippines c/m F.7.o ND(1832-34) – On Peru(Lima) 8 Reales, 1833-MM. KM-83. Original toned VF. ($200-300)
To read the complete lot description, see:
For more information, or to bid, see:
Sale 68 Session 1 Lots 1-535 United States & Canada Coinage, Paper Money & Exonumia
Sale 68 Session 2 Lots 536-1054 World Gold, Ancients & Albania through Great Britain Includes China
Sale 68 Session 3 Lots 1055-1559 Greece to Zanzibar, Mexico, World Paper, Exonumia & Large Lots
Sovereign Rarities' latest auction sale closes February 21st. Here's the announcement. -Editor
Sovereign Rarities is pleased to present our latest auction offering, and first auction of 2024, Auction XII.
The auction commences with a varied group of ancient coins, including issues from Greece, Rome,
and Baktria. Of particular note is the Leo I gold Solidus from Constantinople, which is in lustrous
Extremely Fine condition, estimated at £480-800 (lot 12). We are also pleased to offer a wide range
of Roman Imperial coins, one of which is a popular issue of Domitian featuring a design which recalls
the famous legend of Romulus and Remus and the She-Wolf that cared for them in their infancy. The
coin is estimated at £180-300 and is a Very Fine issue of this rare and popular coin (lot 8). The mixed
Roman Imperial coin lots feature between 10 and 15 coins per lot and are sure to be popular among
collectors given their wide scope and different designs (lots 13-19).
The British section commences with a very attractive Durotriges, Cranbourne Chase silver Stater, circa 58 BC - AD 43. The coin is About Extremely Fine and is a stunning example of early British coinage, estimated at £120-180 (lot 29). Progressing chronologically we come to a star item of the auction – the fantastic Edward VI Sovereign of the Third Period. The obverse shows the young king holding orb and sword, while the reverse shows the quartered shield, supported by a lion and dragon to either side. It is estimated at £10,000-15,000 and is a very pleasing example with attractive toning (lot 31).
Continuing to the Milled British coins, we are pleased to present a pure silver plain edge proof ‘Gothic' crown of 1847, with N/U in UNITA. This stunning example of what has become the quintessential British coin is certified and graded by NGC as Proof 63 Ultra Cameo. Designed by William Wyon, the master craftsman behind other British iconic coins such as the Una and the Lion Five Pounds, the piece is as detailed and expertly executed as one would expect. It is estimated at £20,000-24,000 and displays beautiful toning in a spectrum of rainbow colours (lot 56).
We are pleased to offer a superb run of gold proof five pounds, all certified and graded by NGC. The first of which is the George VI 1937 Coronation Five Pounds, graded Proof 63 Cameo, estimated £7,000-7,500 (lot 80). The issues of Elizabeth II commence with 1980 and run almost completely until 2018, all of which are in Proof 70 Ultra Cameo grade (lots 82-109). There are a further two popular issues in Proof 69 Ultra Cameo grade dated 2017 and 2018 (lots 110 & 111). In the modern section we are also pleased to offer examples of the ever popular 1989 one year type design, in the form of a gold proof Two pounds and a gold proof 3-Coin Set (lots 114 & 115).
The World Section features many interesting and rare coins. From Austria, we are pleased to present a gold proof 100 Corona of 1908. Issued to celebrate the 60 th Anniversary of Franz Joseph's reign, it is a popular and visually pleasing design, estimated £3,000-4,000 (lot 219). The auction also features a good group of Iranian gold coins of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah, as well as a stunning Mother's Day Medal commemorating Empress Farah I (lots 268-275). From Italy we are pleased to offer an example of the very rare gold Fiorino D'oro, estimated at £7,500-11,000 (lot 276).
The auction also features a good selection of medals, including an issue from 1821 commemorating the visit to Ireland and Orange Association silver medal by Mossop, estimated £2,000-2,500 (lot 307).
The auction will take place on 21 st February, with the live auction commencing at 10:30am GMT. The auction is live now for pre-bidding on the Sovereign Rarities website, as well as online platforms SixBid, NumisBids and Numis24. Please contact info@sovr.co.uk for any enquiries.
For more information, see:
The Künker Spring Auction Sales 402-407 are now online. Here's a preview of catalog 402 featuring Coins from the Ancient World, including the first part of the Dr. Kaya Sayar's Collection (Greek Coins from Asia Minor). -Editor
Lycia, Pamphylia and Cilicia: The Sayar Collection
One of the finest collections of Greek coins from Asia Minor will be auctioned off by Künker. On sale is the first part of the Dr. Kaya Sayar Collection, including more than 500 lots with coins from Lycia, Pamphylia and Cilicia. This highlight is the prelude to the general auction of coins from the ancient world.
Collecting is a passion – and you can most definitely feel this passion when browsing through catalog 402. It presents the first part of the Dr. Kaya Sayar Collection, which will be offered on 14 and 15 March 2024 at Künker in Osnabrück.
The collection grew for more than 30 years. Its composer – Dr. Kaya Sayar – is one of those wonderful people who live their lives as cosmopolitans while also cherishing their roots in two home countries. Born in Istanbul, the structural engineer obtained his doctorate in Hannover (Germany), where he met many numismatic friends at the local coin club. While he considers Hannover his home town, he also loves Turkey, the country he was born in and where he spent his childhood, his youth and countless wonderful moments of relaxation. Dr. Sayar is an amateur, a lover of numismatics in the truest sense of the word. Professionally speaking, he engineered important buildings across the globe. At this point, we will limit our list to the breathtaking Barquisimeto Cathedral in Venezuela, the Mertim Tower, which was the tallest building in Turkey until 2000 at a height of 580 feet, and the extravagant water tower of the Saudi Arabian city of Medina.
As a collector, Dr. Kaya Sayar was particularly interested in the Lycian landscape. With its high mountains and abundant rivers, the region exerts a unique fascination on every tourist who visits it. The extraordinary quality of the Sayar Collection is best illustrated by the fact that Wilhelm Müseler used it time and again while authoring his most recent reference work on Lycia.
The coins of Lycia and those of the neighboring provinces of Pamphylia and Cilicia will come under the hammer at Künker's Spring Auction Sales 2024. Later in the year, they will be followed by the Anatolian coins of the Sayar Collection.
Lycia, Pamphylia, Cilicia
As numismatists, we tend to forget that the term Greeks
refers to a conglomerate of many different peoples, who would not have considered themselves to be Greek. One of these peoples are the Lycians, who lived in the hinterland of the southern coast of today's Turkey. They developed their own script and distinct political structures. Local dynasts ruled over the neighboring territories when the Persians brought the fragmented region under their control around 540 BC.
Probably inspired by the Greek city of Phaselis, many Lycian dynasts issued their own coins, whose archaic charm appeals to collectors all over the world.
The indigenous language was also preserved in Pamphylia, although Greek settlers found a new home in the fertile alluvial plain. The cultures mingled, as is evidenced by deities such as Artemis
of Perge. Despite the Greek name, the goddess' appearance is still true to how she had been depicted before the Greeks arrived.
And Cilicia, which was conquered by the Macedonian army in 333 BC at the Battle of Issus, is a region where many cultures and influences came together. This is also reflected by its coinage. Cilician pieces depict many motifs that seem familiar to us, and whose details reflect the influence of the Near East.
This preview presents some selected pieces that illustrate the distinct character of south Turkish coinage.
Attention should be drawn to the fact that Dr. Sayar exclusively bought his pieces at renowned auctions, which is why his collection contains many pieces of excellent provenance. You will repeatedly come across the names of Hans von Aulock, Theo Reuter and Edoardo Levante.
No. 1: Pre- and proto-dynastic issues. Unknown dynast. Stater, around 500, unknown mint. SNG von Aulock 4041 (this specimen). Rare. Splendid patina. About extremely fine / Extremely fine. Estimate: 500 euros
No. 10: Pre- and proto-dynastic issues. Unknown dynast. Stater, 500-480, unknown mint. SNG von Aulock 4054 (this specimen). Fully centered, showing the entire motif. Beautiful patina. Very fine +. Estimate: 300 euros
No. 32: Ekuwemi. Stater, 480-460, unknown mint. Very rare. Splendid patina. Very fine +. Estimate: 1,000 euros
No. 66: Kuprilli. Stater, 470-440, Aperlai / Apollonia or Zagaba. Extremely rare. Very fine. Estimate: 750 euros
No. 95: Khinakha. Stater, 470-440, Kandyba. Probably unique. Very fine. Estimate: 2,500 euros
No. 140: Kheriga. Stater, 440-430, Phellus. Very rare. Very fine. Estimate: 2,000 euros
No. 144: Kherei. Diobol, 430-410, unknown mint (Kandyba?). Very rare. Fine toning. Very fine +. Estimate: 150 euros
No. 164: Kherei. Stater, 430-410, Telmessus. Rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 1,250 euros
No. 208: Aruwatijesi. Stater, 390-370, unknown mint (Zagaba?). SNG von Aulock 4204 (this specimen). Splendid patina. Very fine +. Estimate: 1,500 euros
No. 247: Artumpara. Stater, around 370, unknown mint (Xanthos?). Extremely rare. Very fine. Estimate: 1,500 euros
No. 267: Phaselis. Stater, 167-130. Fine toning. About extremely fine. Estimate: 1,250 euros
No. 359: Aspendos. Drachm, 420-360. Rare. Fine toning. Very fine to extremely fine. Estimate: 750 euros
No. 489: Tarsus. Mazaios, 361-334. Stater. Very rare. About extremely fine. Estimate: 1,000 euros
Ancient Coins from Various Estates
The second part of the sale contains about 500 lots with ancient coins from various estates. Whether you collect Celtic, Greek, Roman or Byzantine issues, whether you prefer gold, silver or bronze, and whether you focus on quality, rarity, historical importance or provenance: you will most certainly discover numerous interesting lots. We present a few examples.
Please note that this preview focuses on particularly expensive specimens. However, estimates start as low as at 50 euros. Many lots have starting prices in the low three-digit range.
No. 525: Parisii. Stater, around 60 BC. Very rare. Very fine +. Estimate: 15,000 euros
No. 574: Messana / Sicily. Tetradrachm, 425-421. From Hess-Leu auction 49 (1971), No. 52. Extremely fine. Estimate: 5,000 euros
No. 577: Syracuse / Sicily. Tetradrachm, 510-490. From Sir Arthur John Evans, R. Jameson and Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection. Very rare. Splendid patina. Very fine +. Estimate: 25,000 euros
No. 649: Eretria / Euboea. Stater, 500-465. From the Warren Collection and the Collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Very rare. Fine toning. Very fine +. Estimate: 3,000 euros
No. 669: Knossos / Crete. Stater, 330-300. Duplicate of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Very rare. Splendid patina. Very fine +. Estimate: 3,000 euros
No. 677: Paros / Cyclades. Drachm, around 490-480. Rare. Extremely fine. Estimate: 6,000 euros
No. 800: Marcus Antonius and Octavianus. Aureus, 41 BC, Ephesus. Purchased on 6 July 1963 at S. Boutin, Paris. Very rare. About extremely fine. Estimate: 40,000 euros
No. 860: Vespasian, 69-79. Sestertius, 71, Rome. From Vinchon auction 1976, No. 46. Very rare, especially in this quality. Extremely fine. Estimate: 40,000 euros
No. 879: Domitian, 81-96, and Domitia. Aureus, 82-83, Rome. From the Jameson Collection. Very rare. Very fine. Estimate: 25,000 euros
No. 890: Aelius. Aureus, 137, Rome. Rare in this quality. Extremely fine. Estimate: 40,000 euros
No. 937: Gordian III, 238-244. Medallion, Daldis (Lydia). Rv. Perseus walking to the left towards three sleeping Gorgons, behind a palm tree and Hypnos, in the foreground Pegasos to the left looking back and a temple of Apollo with four columns. Very rare. About extremely fine. Estimate: 15,000 euros
No. 943: Trajan Decius, 249-251. Double sestertius, Rome. From Grabow list (1954), No. 233 and the Salton Collection. Showpiece of the finest style and most beautiful quality. Rare. Brown patina, slight double strike on the reverse. Extremely fine. Estimate: 20,000 euros
No. 1041: Irene, 797-802. Solidus, Syracuse. Rare. Extremely fine to FDC. Estimate: 10,000 euros
Auction 402 kicks off Künker's Spring Auction Sales in Osnabrück on 14 and 15 March. Five more catalogs follow. Auction 403 contains a special collection with coins and medals of popes, auction 404 the second part of the Prof. Dr. Eckhart Pick Collection of Mainz coins and medals, auction 405 an extensive collection of Regensburg issues, auction 406 the general catalog of coins and medals from medieval and modern times with a special collection on Löwenstein-Wertheim, and auction 407 contains a special collection with coins of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph from the estate of the internationally renowned numismatist Heinz Tursky.
To order a catalog contact Künker, Nobbenburger Straße 4a, 49076 Osnabrück; phone: +49 541 / 962020; fax: +49 541 / 9620222; or via e-mail: service@kuenker.de. You can access the auction catalogs online at www.kuenker.de. If you want to submit your bid from your computer at home, please remember to register for this service in good time.
Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor
Gordian III Pentassarion of Nicopolis
Gordian III Æ Pentassarion of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. AD 238-244. Sabinius Modestus, legatus Augusti. A?T K M ANT GO??IANOC A?G, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ?? CAB MO??CTO? NIKO?O??ITON ??OC ICT?ON, arched open gateway within crenellated wall flanked by round towers. RPC VII.2 1263; Varbanov 4181. 11.82g, 27mm, 2h.
Extremely Fine; in an excellent state of preservation. Rare.
A nice architectural piece. From the upcoming Roma Numismatics sale. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
Gordian III Æ Pentassarion of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior
1929 ABNCO Specimen 10 Dollar Note
10 Dollar Note (1929) issued by the American Bank Note Company of New York
Not a particularly beautiful note, but U.S. paper money was fairly bland in that era. Interesting piece. -Editor
To read the complete lot description, see:
United States. - 10 Units - Specimen - Series of 1929
Jewish Bath in Speyer Medal
Following the first silver medal minted in 1999, a second Rhine Gold medal now deals with the Jewish bath in Speyer.
It shows a different view of the ritual immersion bath, the Mikveh, and above all visualizes the depth of the shaft dug twelve metres below the earth's surface. Only here could the level of the indispensable, pure groundwater be reached.
As a 1/8 ounce, the medal is minted in the smallest denomination of the ounce series.
This one caught my eye because of the depiction of the architecture. Interesting history. From Victor Huster Art Medal Production in Baden-Baden Germany. -Editor
To read the complete item description, see:
Mike Markowitz published a CoinWeek article featuring "10 Beautiful Women on Ancient Coins." Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
ANCIENT GREEKS AND Romans regarded their deities as having perfect human forms. Their gods were (mostly) divinely handsome, and their goddesses were supernaturally beautiful. When ancient coin engravers began to represent real men and women, they naturally followed the conventions of beauty long established by sculptors working in three dimensions and painters working in two.
What makes a face beautiful? This is a subject that has been intensively studied by social psychologists, as well as plastic surgeons. In general, Greco-Roman standards of beauty were much the same as those prevailing in our own time in the West, with the possible exception that ancients favored plumper cheeks–an indication of high status, in a world where only the elite were well fed.
Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the following is offered as a highly personal selection of beautiful women on ancient coins.
Lucilla. Augusta, AD 164-182. AV Aureus (18mm, 6.07 g, 12h). Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, AD 161-162. LVCILL?E ?VG ?N TONINI ?VG F, draped bust right, hair waved and knotted low at back in chignon / VOT?/ PVBLI/C? •/ • in three lines within laurel wreath. Image: CNG.
Born about the year 149, Lucilla was the daughter of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and his remarkably fertile spouse, Faustina the Younger[10], who bore 14 children in 30 years of marriage. Lucilla's father was the Emperor Antoninus Pius (ruled 138-161 CE). Her charming portrait with a faint smile (unusual in Roman imperial portraiture) appears on a gold aureus dated to the first year of her husband's reign.
Aureus 202-205 (?), AV 7.28 g. PLAVTILLA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r. Rev. VENVS – VICTRIX Venus standing l., holding apple and palm branch and resting l. elbow on shield; to her r., Cupid standing l., holding helmet. Image: Numismatica Ars Classica.
Born about the year 185 CE to a distinguished elite family (the gens Fulvia), Plautilla married Emperor Caracalla in April 202. The marriage was not a happy one. When Plautilla's father, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, was executed in 205, Plautilla and her brother were exiled, treated harshly, and eventually strangled on orders of the demented emperor. Coins bearing Plautilla's portrait were mostly issued during the reign of her father-in-law Septimius Severus. A gold aureus in Plautilla's name bears an image of Venus and Cupid on the reverse.
The value of any ancient coin depends strongly on eye appeal
– a quality that is difficult to define but that collectors know when they see it. In making a judgment about the beauty of long dead or even imaginary women depicted on ancient coins, what we are really evaluating is not so much the features of a face but rather the skill of the engraver in creating, on the surface of a small metal disc, a pleasing representation of a person.
To read the complete article, see:
Not Just a Pretty Face: 10 Beautiful Women on Ancient Coins
Local currencies continue to pop up around the globe. Found via the Coin of Note Newsletter #14 (coinofnote.com is an article from The Japan Times about initiatives in that country. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
When not surfing or studying, he works part-time as a barista at a coffee stand in CO Blue Center, a beachside complex that also houses a sauna, an ecologically oriented library and information clearinghouse, a marine agri-tech company and spaces for art exhibitions, satellite offices and co-working. Hamamura lauds CO Blue for its flexible working conditions, but he was also drawn to the center by its eco-friendly ethos of addressing problems such as ocean plastics, deforestation and the looming food crisis.
One initiative that particularly excites him is Re:COIN, a program that upcycles plastic beach trash into coins,
which can then be redeemed at nearby businesses. The more beach trash you bring to CO Blue, the more coins you can get in return.
The myahk,
a community currency implemented on Okinawa Prefecture's Miyako Island in 2018, is intimately tied to local efforts for environmental preservation.
Known in Japanese as chi'iki tsuka (local or community currencies), numerous initiatives of this kind have been implemented across the country in recent decades, and CO Blue's version embodies the spirit of these earlier ventures upon whose shoulders it sits.
Local currencies circulate community resources by strengthening healthy relationships among people and with the surrounding nature,
Sawyer says, adding that such currencies need not be antithetical to the central economy. But since people might not understand money and how it works, it feels empowering to create a local currency wherein resources are cycled to go where the needs are. That is what a truly healthy economy does.
Japan's first community currency appeared in 1973, when Teruko Mizushima established the Volunteer Labor Bank in Osaka. Mizushima envisioned community members helping one another through service, with the VLB's unit of exchange being the number of hours spent engaged in labor. This spawned numerous other systems that in turn paved the way for the Sawayaka Welfare Foundation's fureai kippu (literally, human connection tickets
) in 1995, issued primarily in exchange for elderly, disabled and child care work, whereby credits were either kept for one's own use or transferred to others in need.
To read the complete article, see:
Japanese communities are creating currencies to educate and empower citizens
John Dale Beety writes:
"This week, I published another article of possible interest to readers. It's for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA), and it's about creating currencies for short stories, novels, and the like.
"The numismatic content should be mostly familiar to E-Sylum readers, but the examples of currencies in fiction may be of interest and supplement a few reading / watching / playing lists."
Thank you - great topic! Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
What do your characters spend? Currency, the forms of money used in a setting, can add rich and suggestive detail to your worldbuilding. Here are eight key questions to answer when creating fictional currency.
Does Your Setting Need Currency?
Not necessarily! The word money
shows up only twice in Andy Weir's The Martian. Currency is irrelevant to the protagonist's lonely struggles.
Because currency is a technology, your setting may not have developed it, using barter instead. Alternatively, post-scarcity societies can render currency obsolete.
Who Issues It?
While governments usually make and issue currency, other options exist.
Individuals and businesses make private currency, often to fulfill needs governments fail to meet. Religious bodies have issued currency for tithing and other practices. Magic: The Gathering's Orzhov Syndicate combines these phenomena: their alms-coins function like company scrip.
Other currencies aren't issued by central authorities, but are based on consistent rulesets, such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Who Trusts It?
A currency's issuer says it is worth a certain amount. Do others believe that?
Many early coins were commodity money, assuring users that they contained a specific amount of a precious metal, such as the equivalent of 8.1 grams in a gold croeseid of Lydia. Merchants sometimes tested coins and stamped their own approval on them.
Later developments in currency require more trust. Representative money, not worth anything itself but redeemable for something valuable, arose in China a millennium ago. More recently, fiat currencies rely solely on their issuer's reputation.
People spend currency they distrust and hoard currency they do trust, as described by Gresham's Law. Loss of trust can lead to hyperinflation, ruining a currency's value in days or even hours. In Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, trillion-dollar United States notes are near-worthless. This may seem exaggerated, but real-world hyperinflation once reached the quintillions in Hungary.
To read the complete article, see:
How to Make Your Next SFF Work's Currency
I prefer the jingling of trillion-dollar coins in my pocket. I'm sure readers can supply other examples of money in science fiction, but here's one from Star Trek - the Ferengi's favorite currency, gold pressed latinum. -Editor
As Star Trek would have it, life is so rosy in the future that folks don't have any need for money. (Don't ask us how they get stuff — it's one of Star Trek's fuzzier areas.) The Ferengi, on the other hand, love money — or rather, latinum, a highly precious liquid metal. It's generally referred to as gold-pressed latinum, because it comes inside gold ingots, in denominations of slips, strips, bars, and bricks.
To read the complete article, see:
Star Trek 101: Latinum
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest. -Editor
David Pickup passed along two articles about the Isle of Man's decision to phase out small copper coins. Thank you. -Editor
The Isle of Man is planning to phase out 1p and 2p coins with cash rounding despite kick back from the Manx people over concerns about inflation.
The Isle of Man stopped minting Manx pennies - which are part of their own currency and equal in value to the UK penny - in 2016 because the cost of making them was more than their value.
Last year, a consultation on whether 1p, 2p and 5p coins should be scrapped altogether was held but almost half of respondents came out against it - so the plan was shelved.
To read the complete articles, see:
The British island trying to kill off 'pointless' 1p and 2p coins: Isle of Man reveals plans to phase out coppers by rounding up prices despite fears the plan will cause inflation - after not minting new pennies for eight years
The Isle of Man's big move to phase out little coins
On his The Rational Optimist blog, Frank Robinson writes about a new book on cryptocurrency mania. -Editor
Number Go Up — Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall — is a 2023 book by the aptly named Zeke Faux, an investigative journalist. The cover image is a coin with Sam Bankman-Fried's portrait and the words
Nihil Valet
(Latin for worth nothing
To read the complete article, see:
Number Go Up
— The Cryptocurrency Phantasmagoria
The National Bank of Ukraine issued a commemorative Valentine's Day coin "dedicated to the Defense Forces." -Editor
A new commemorative Love
coin, with a denomination of 5 UAH, has been put into circulation to commemorate Valentine's Day, the press service of the NBU reported.
"The National Bank is putting the commemorative coin ‘Love' into circulation today, on Feb. 14. The coin is made of nickel silver and has a denomination of 5 UAH," the message said.
The coin's obverse features a stylized rose in the form of heart. Its petals are the words "love" written in the most common languages of the world.
The reverse is adorned with a heart.
To read the complete article, see:
The National Bank introduced a commemorative coin in honor of Valentine's Day - photo
Even monkeys want a little cash once in a while. Found via News & Notes from the Society of Paper Money Collectors (Volume IX, Number 35, February 13, 2024) -Editor
It's not even the Year of the Monkey, but that didn't stop this macaque from trying its luck to get its hands on some money. The male macaque was caught on camera tinkering with a POSB automated teller machine (ATM) at Beauty World Centre last month.
In a video posted on Singapore Incidents Facebook page on 9 January by user Abby Hew, the monkey was seen attempting to press the buttons on the ATM. Hew said in her post that the incident happened the day before.
Following the incident, POSB arranged for an additional cleaning session for the affected ATM.
According to The Straits Times, NParks' had received 90 cases of feedback about long-tailed macaques in the vicinity of Beauty World MRT, where the species can be found in the nearby Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
To read the complete article, see:
'Aggressive' wild macaque caught on video playing with ATM at Beauty World, group of monkeys affecting nearby shops
In the never-saw-a-coin-do-THAT department, here's a levitating UFO coin from the Mint of Poland. -Editor
The Mint of Poland introduces UFO MP-1766, the world's first levitating coin, honoring its 1766 founding year with legal tender in Cameroonian francs. This innovative, glow-in-the-dark silver coin pushes the boundaries of numismatics and demonstrates the power of human imagination.
In a remarkable fusion of art, science, and currency, the Mint of Poland, or Mennica Polska, has unveiled the world's first "flying coin," christened UFO MP-1766. This innovative piece, a testament to the mint's ingenuity, pays homage to its founding year, 1766, and the science-fiction aesthetics of a spaceship.
The UFO MP-1766 is not just a coin; it's a technological marvel. Crafted from seven ounces of silver, this coin defies gravity, hovering above a magnetic base, thanks to an integrated motor. Adding to its allure, the coin boasts glow-in-the-dark properties, achieved through the use of fluorescent paint.
Despite its otherworldly appearance, the UFO MP-1766 is more than a collector's item. It is legal tender, bearing a value of 1,766 Cameroonian francs, a nod to the mint's founding year. While this equates to approximately 11.70 Polish zloty or €2.69, the coin's actual worth far exceeds its face value.
The UFO MP-1766 was recently unveiled at the Technical Forum in Berlin, as part of the World Money Fair 2024. The international premiere of the coin sparked immense interest among experts and fair participants, cementing the Mint of Poland's reputation as a pioneer in the field.
As a private entity, the Mint of Poland holds the exclusive right to manufacture coins and investment products in Poland. It is also the sole producer of commemorative coins for the National Bank of Poland. Known for its unique creations, the mint has previously produced the world's first spatial coin and a cylindrical coin.
The UFO MP-1766 is expected to enter the market this spring, offering collectors and enthusiasts a chance to own a piece of history. This levitating coin not only pushes the boundaries of what a coin can be but also reflects the relentless human pursuit of innovation and the boundless possibilities of imagination.
Magnets! Fluorescent Paint! Mind-blowing technology of the future! Dick Hanscom passed along a Daily Mail article on the coin, with the subject line "when will this madness end?" -Editor
'We set the UFO in motion thanks to the engine hidden inside it.
'The electromagnetic field generated between the special stand and the mentioned engine creates a kind of tunnel in which our spaceship floats in the air.'
I don't have a problem with novelty coins. Experiment away, and maybe one of the gimmicks will turn out to have lasting value. I did like, for example, the Royal Canadian Mint's 2014 Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel Ghost Bride changing portrait coin made with lenticular technology. I'm still waiting for the special-issue U.S. Mint quarter where George Washington farts and spits out his wooden teeth. -Editor
To read the complete articles see:
World's First Levitating Coin, UFO MP-1766, Unveiled by the Mint of Poland
The coin that can LEVITATE and glow in the dark... and it's legal tender! Currency generates magnetic field due to in-built ENGINE
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: